Outstanding personalities of Russia: list. Outstanding personalities in the history of Russia. The most famous people in the world

Who are the most famous people Russia? Who are the younger generation and adults oriented towards? Who do they know more today - heroes of the past or contemporaries? Let's try to figure it out.

Famous people

The list of "Famous People of Russia" includes a variety of characters. These are politicians, writers, artists and musicians. Recently, a rating of the most popular Russian personalities was compiled based on search queries on the Internet.

Ranking leader

For most readers, it will come as no surprise that the current president, Vladimir Putin, has become the most famous person in Russia.

Born from St. Petersburg. During the Soviet Union he served on the Committee state security, in particular, he worked in the GDR.

The names of famous people in Russia are well known to everyone. In the case of Putin, this is confirmed by the presidential elections. He has already won this race three times, receiving the support of at least 60 percent of voters who came to the polls.

Prior to the post of head of state, Putin served as head of the Federal Security Service, and then for six months was the country's prime minister. Before the New Year 2000, Putin replaced the retired Boris Yeltsin. Prior to the elections, he served as the interim president of the Russian Federation.

Putin is now in power for the third time. Little is known about his personal life. He divorced his wife. He has two daughters, whose personalities and whereabouts are not advertised.

At the post of prime minister

The second most popular person turned out to be the current prime minister, ex-president of Russia Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. He also rightfully entered the list of "Famous People of the Country of Russia".

At the beginning of 2000, he was at the head of the board of directors of one of the largest Russian companies- Gazprom. In 2008 he won the presidential elections in Russia.

Most of his activities were remembered for intensifying the fight against corruption, softer politics in the international arena, and the head of state's passion for modern technologies. It was during his era that the words "innovation" and "gadgets" came into use among Russians.

In 2012, he was replaced in this post by Vladimir Putin, and Medvedev became prime minister and headed political party"United Russia". He remains in these positions at the present time. In particular, he oversees the implementation of the largest national projects in the country.

Despite a more restrained foreign policy, it was during his presidency that an armed conflict took place in Abkhazia between the Russian and Georgian armies. Many have dubbed it the Five Day War.

Russian epic novel

Not only our contemporaries were included in the list of "Famous People of Russia". The dead are also present in it. For example, the writer Leo Tolstoy. He is one of the largest and most popular prose writers and thinkers of the 19th century. And not only in Russia, but all over the world. His novels are read in different parts of the world.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that during his lifetime he was recognized as the greatest of Russian writers. Tolstoy rightfully bears the title "famous person of Russia". Almost all of his novels are still being reprinted in English.

He is considered one of the founders of a new stage in world realism. He had a strong influence on humanists around the world, as well as on the development of realistic traditions.

His novels and stories have been repeatedly filmed by the most famous directors. For example, quite recently in the United States, another mini-series based on his epic "War and Peace" was released.

The first president of Russia

The list of "Famous People of Russia" always includes the first president, Boris Yeltsin. He came to power in 1991 as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Native Sverdlovsk region, during perestroika was the personification of the democratic trends that were so popular at that time in the country. In 1991 he was elected the first and only president of the RSFSR.

It is with his name that the changes that have taken place in the country are associated. First of all, this is publicity, the transition from a planned to a market economy.

Many have a lot of complaints about his policy. He is accused of the collapse of the USSR, the war in Chechnya, the unstable economic situation in the country, the rampant banditry and crime. At the same time, experts note that only under Yeltsin did actually independent funds work. mass media, there was the concept of "private property" and the ability to conduct business.


People creative professions as popular as politicians. Therefore, it is not surprising that the singer Alla Pugacheva was included in the list of "Famous People of Russia of the 21st Century". Even though her career began long before the new millennium.

At one time, she was the most popular performer on the national stage. Pugacheva's repertoire includes half a thousand songs. Moreover, they were translated into dozens of world languages, they are sung by pop singers in different countries the world.

Pugacheva's records and albums, in addition to the USSR and Russia, were also published in Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and even Japan and South Korea... The total circulation of all discs has exceeded a quarter of a billion pieces.

The name of Alla Pugacheva is well known not only in Russia, but also in the countries of Eastern and Northern Europe... In our country, she was invariably recognized as the most popular singer from the mid-70s to the 90s. And now it does not lose its fame. Even regardless of age. She is already 67 years old.

Pugacheva's touring activities officially ceased in 2010, when she turned 60. At the same time, she continues to appear in public and carry out creative activities. Pugacheva regularly participates in various talk shows as a guest star, expert or jury member.

She is married to the famous parody master Maxim Galkin. She has two daughters, a son and already three grandchildren.

Voice of the era

The list of "Famous People of Russia" would be incomplete without Vladimir Vysotsky. This famous poet and musician died almost 40 years ago, but his songs are still heard by those who caught him alive and went to his concerts, and those who were born years after his death.

Vysotsky is a unique poet who managed to write lyrics for all walks of life, without exception. He sang about criminals, and about front-line soldiers, and about scientists, and about peasants. Everyone felt that the author knows the most important thing about his life and profession. Many were deeply convinced that without being a front-line soldier or a criminal, such texts could not be written. But Vysotsky was not only a poet, but also a wonderful actor who played in such famous films as "Vertical", "Dangerous Tours", "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed."

He performed his songs on stage with an ordinary seven-string guitar. And he was also one of the key actors of the Taganka Theater. Has appeared in more than 20 performances, including the role of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

According to the results of a poll by VTsIOM, in the list of idols of the last century, he lost to only one person.

First man in space

The Russians named Yuri Gagarin the idol of the 20th century. The first inhabitant of planet Earth to go into space. Gagarin, born shortly before the Great Patriotic War in a small village in the Smolensk region, from childhood dreamed of the sky. He dreamed of becoming a pilot, so he went to study in Saratov.

Soon after, he got into an experimental training program for the first manned flight into space. Of course, several people were preparing, who of them would fly, it was not known until the very last moment. The lucky ticket fell to Yuri Gagarin.

It took off on the Vostok rocket on April 12, 1961, opening the space age for mankind. His flight lasted 108 minutes. After that, he successfully landed near the town of Engels in the Saratov region.

Gagarin instantly became a world celebrity. He was invited abroad, he visited at least 30 states, dined with the Queen of Great Britain.

True, he was no longer destined to fly into space. But he remained in aviation, testing new aircraft. He died tragically in 1968 while performing training flights on a MiG aircraft. His death became nationwide mourning throughout the country.

The sun of Russian poetry

Talking about the most famous Russian people, one should not forget about poet XIX century Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. There is no person in Russia who does not know at least a few of his poems. Pushkin's poetry is held at school and university, but we can say with confidence that it has not yet been possible to study him thoroughly. There are so many hidden meanings and signs in his poems.

Pushkin - the founder of the Russian literary language... Brought up on French literature and the fairy tales of his nanny Arina Rodionovna, he managed to create the best poetry, which the Russian language is still proud of.

Many great reformer rulers, military leaders, scientists and even philosophers can claim to be called the greatest people in human history. But it is difficult to consider the achievements of a person in isolation from the era. The Renaissance and Enlightenment eras, as well as the scientific revolution of the 20th century, changed the face of the world, but these breakthroughs in human history were associated with the activities of many prominent people.

Achievements of some talented people did not survive them themselves. Many have reached heights in conjunction with others, and their merits are not shared. Let's try to highlight several personalities in world history, whose actions and ideas influenced the further course of the historical process. The consequences of their actions are felt even now.

At the origins of European science: Aristotle

Aristotle is a rare example of a student who surpassed his ingenious mentor. He did not hesitate to criticize the views of the teacher, and his saying dedicated to this went down in history. Plato was a genius philosopher, but his views concerned issues of philosophy, ethics and political science. Aristotle went further.

A native of the insignificant city of Stagira came to Athens, where he created his own philosophical school. Many philosophers and even famous politicians were her pupils, but none of them made a contribution to history comparable to the founder.

Aristotle created the doctrine of the origins of existence. He introduced the principle of development into world philosophy, created a system of philosophical categories and levels of existence. Stagirite was the founder of logic as a science. He studied ethics and developed a doctrine of virtues. In the field of cosmology, he defended the idea of ​​a spherical earth.

In the essay "State" Aristotle studied the strong and weak sides different forms government and put forward his own, realistic, idea of ​​the state. His work on the history of the Athenian government is an example of a historical work.

In addition, a scientist from Athens wrote works in all areas of knowledge available then - biology, zoology, poetics (where he studied theatrical art). The works of Aristotle were studied by the philosophers of the Middle Ages in Europe and the Muslim world. It can with good reason be placed at the origins of modern science.

Alexander the Great: creating a new world

There have been many generals in world history, whose victories were counted in dozens. Alexander defeated the army in several battles largest empire, took the most fortified cities of that time and reached the Punjab. The empire he created collapsed within a few decades after his death, but new states appeared on its fragments.

The king of Macedonia was obsessed with the idea of ​​uniting the West and the East under his rule. The idea was partly successful. After his campaigns, the Mediterranean became a different world. The Greeks had served the Eastern rulers before. But now the heart of the Greek civilization began to beat in Asia and Egypt. The Alexandria Museum became the greatest center of intellectual life - philosophers, scientists and poets of the entire Mediterranean lived here. The library contains the most important scientific works. Here on Greek language translated Old Testament... Pergamum, whose library also became a scientific center, did not lag behind him.

Hellenism brought about revitalization and changes in the literature, sculpture and architecture of the Hellenes. New traditions and ideas have emerged associated with Eastern influences. Later, the Roman Republic will also join this world, whose culture will be formed under the influence of the Hellenistic.

Alexander was not directly involved in most of the processes. But it was his conquests that created a world in which the appearance of the Alexandria Museum and the Pergamon Library was possible.

Prophet Muhammad: Creation of a New Religion

Mohammed and the religion of Islam can be treated in different ways. For many centuries, Arab tribes roamed the vastness of Arabia. They were vassals or allies powerful empires... The nomads waged bloody wars among themselves, composed original and complex poems, and worshiped many gods.

In the first half of the 7th century, Muhammad began to preach in Mecca. He managed to overcome the enmity of his fellow tribesmen and gather a group of supporters. With them, he went to Medina, but after a series of battles he defeated the enemies and achieved the unification of the two cities under his authority.

Muhammad's enemies took him religious teaching and became his associates. The creed of Islam assumed expansion - after the death of the Prophet, the Arab armies left Arabia. The Arabs, led by the teachings of Muhammad, destroyed the Sassanian Empire and conquered vast Byzantine territories. They did not stop there and subjugated the territories of Spain, Central Asia and the islands of the Mediterranean.

Now Islam is professed by about 1.5 billion inhabitants of the planet. It is the state religion of 28 countries, and communities of the Prophet's followers are located in 122 states. This is proof of the influence of the Prophet Muhammad on history, whose actions changed the lives of not only his fellow tribesmen, but also many distant peoples.

Charlemagne: at the origins of modern Europe

After the slow decline of the Roman Empire in the west, Europe plunged into the darkness of the Early Middle Ages. The population decreased: some regions were depopulated. Several epidemics and destructive wars swept across Europe.

Even in these conditions, the legacies of Roman civilization and science were not forgotten. But the epochs of the V - VIII centuries stand out as difficult and dark times. In 768, Charles became king of the Frankish kingdom, who went down in history under the nickname the Great. He was a decisive sovereign who fought a lot with his neighbors and pushed the borders of the Frankish kingdom, and in 800 he was crowned emperor.

His empire included part of eastern Spain, Italy to Rome, the territory of modern Germany. Avars and numerous Slavic peoples: Moravians, Czechs, encouraged, Serbs.

The emperor became famous not only for victorious wars. He attracted educated people to his court and built schools. The Academy was organized, whose members were the smartest people of his era - the monk Alcuin, the historian Pavel the Deacon, the biographer of Einhard. The disciple of Alcuin was the author of one of the medieval encyclopedias Raban Mavr.

In schools organized in the empire of Charlemagne, children of nobles and clerics studied. They studied the seven liberal arts, the canon of which was formed earlier. "Carolingian minuscule", the way of writing letters that became the basis modern alphabet the majority Western countries... At the court of Charles, admiration for Roman literature reigned, and copies of works were made in Latin.

After the death of Charlemagne, his empire collapsed. The division of the empire into three states, formalized in 843, laid the foundations of modern Italy, Germany and France.

Ideology That Changed History: Karl Marx

One of the greatest (according to many) thinkers of the 19th century is Karl Marx. He was born in Prussia, but spent most of his life in Great Britain and died in London. The ideas and works developed by him determined the course of the history of the next century.

The formation of Marx as a thinker was under the influence of Hegel's philosophy. Marx criticized his predecessor, but based on his dialectical method, he formed his concept of dialectical materialism. He introduced his own materialistic understanding of the course of the historical process, which continues to be used in modern science.

Finally, Marx created Capital, in which he examined the contradictions of contemporary capitalist society. He showed the essence of conflicts between capitalists and workers, as well as within these classes. He substantiated the inevitability of the replacement of capitalism by socialism.

Marx's ideas influenced all leftist thinkers of the 20th century. The practical application of these ideas was made by the builders of the USSR and other socialist states. In the 21st century, socialist states continue to exist, and the supporters of this ideology believe in the ultimate victory of socialism. At the base of this historical process were the ideas of Karl Marx.

The greatest people in the history of mankind are individuals who, alone or with the participation of fellow performers, changed the course of history or directed it in the right direction. This influence manifested itself in different ways - the development of science, the creation of a new religion or ideology, a change political map the world, which has created new conditions for the development of civilization. The result of the activities of these individuals was able to fully manifest itself years and decades after their death.

Our century has come quite recently, and therefore we cannot yet say who the outstanding personalities of Russia of the 21st century are. However, an analysis of the past will give us the opportunity to understand what truly great we can expect from Slavic blood. After all, as you know, who knows the past, knows the future.

Sergey Yesenin

A contemporary of Mayakovsky and his complete opposite as an author. A subtle and sincere lyricist, who at the same time managed to remain an eternal bully and a teenager. He raised the topic of the struggle of the individual with the environment, love for nature and, of course, for women.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Bard, author of many songs and poems. The greatest poet His hoarse voice seemed to let his voice down under the legacy left to him by all the outstanding personalities of Russia in the 20th century. He raised the themes of the internal and external struggle of a person, his place in society and in the world in general. A subtle satirist.

Bulat Okudzhava

Also a poet who independently performed his poems in the form of songs. Touching and honest, he wrote poetry filled with some kind of cosmic reverie. He often used metaphors, creating deep images with the help of them. His songs had a parable form, which was once even (good-naturedly) parodied by Vysotsky.


Lev Kuleshov

Thanks to him, the outstanding personalities of Rossiistal appeared in the cinema. The discoverer of the "Kuleshov effect" - "two frames that are independent in meaning, glued together, create a new meaning." In fact, the founder of the montage story.

The first person who used color in cinema in Russia was a red flag in the same "Battleship Potemkin".

Mikhail Romm

Director of documentary ("Ordinary Fascism") and fiction ("Nine Days of One Year") films. One of the most important film theorists of the mid-20th century. VGIK teacher and author of many scientific works.

Andrey Tarkovsky

A man who manages to shoot a true art house in the USSR. His tapes are filled with personal meanings, full of metaphors and subtle hints. He shot "Solaris" and "Stalker", most often making his works like such allegorical parables.


Andrey Rublev

Contemporary outstanding personalities of Russia among artists would have been impossible without the person who laid the foundation of Russian painting.

Each of his paintings is like a photograph taken during the culmination of the event that he was trying to capture. His paintings are infinitely alive and may not always reveal their true meaning at first glance. The main thing in Repin is the emotions of the characters and the details.

Kazimir Malevich

The great modernist, known as the author of the now household name "Black Square". He was busy looking for new forms and ways of expressing color in painting. His paintings are full of abstractions and geometric shapes, attempts to invent something new in their art. I tried to find "absolute peace" in the paintings.


Pyotr Tchaikovsky

One of the first Russian professional composers, Tchaikovsky made a true craft out of music (in the good sense of the word). He was a man who simply could not help but write music.

The extremely diverse topics raised in all possible genres make Pyotr Ilyich a composer capable of reaching out to the heart of every person. His most famous works are the ballets The Nutcracker and Swan Lake.

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

He believed that the main goal of music is to unite the listener with the true nature of the world, which can only be expressed in such a melodic form.

Dmitry Shostakovich

A composer with a difficult fate, who initially worked in the style of modernism and actively experimented in all genres. However, “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District” did not like Stalin personally, and then brutal repressions followed.

To save himself and his family, Shostakovich had to create in a purely "state" way. However, his music really proves that even a simple listener hears the subtext put by the composer. A lot of subtle moods and meanings that he put into symphonies No. 5 and No. 7, everyone understood then.


Mikhail Lomonosov

The first Russian encyclopedist, "man of all sciences." He brought Russian research to the level of Europe. He made many discoveries in almost every modern science for him.

As an academician and one of the most active personalities of his time, he was an icon for the Russian Enlightenment.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

The already legendary Russian chemist, who managed to create periodic system chemical elements, than significantly pushed the world science forward.

The existence of such a table clearly proves the harmony of nature and its clear system.

One of greatest discoveries in which, in fact, all modern natural science rests, belongs to him. He also worked in other sciences, where he also made various discoveries.

Ivan Pavlov

First Nobel laureate from Russia. Pavlov made the most important discovery in biology and physiology - it was he who found out the presence of reflexes in the body of living beings. And it was this Russian scientist who divided them into conditional and unconditional.

Pavlov devoted his whole life to this discovery, and even dying, he continued to dictate his feelings to his disciples - so that science could better know the state of death.


Ivan Poddubny

Legendary Russian wrestler, "hero of the XX century." In ten years, I have never lost. He became wrestling champion five times.

Garry Kasparov

Chess player with multiple awards, Chess Oscars and the title of world champion. He became famous for his extremely successful combination of various tactics and strategies and the ability to emerge from a seemingly completely failed game as a winner.

"Kasparov's openings" are now the names for unexpected and non-standard moves at the beginning of the game.

Lev Yashin

Soviet goalkeeper, famous for his absolute "impenetrability". Considered the best goalkeeper of the 20th century. He was repeatedly recognized as the best goalkeeper in the USSR. Winner of the Golden Ball.


As we can see, outstanding personalities in the history of Russia have become extremely significant for all of humanity. Chekhov can easily be called the best playwright in the world, and Mendeleev - the greatest chemist. All these people are important not only for Russia, but also for every area in which they became famous.

It remains to be hoped that the outstanding personalities of Russia in the 21st century will, just like their predecessors, mean something for the whole world, and not just for their homeland.

The Russian Federation is a great state, ranking first on the planet in terms of territory and size of national wealth. However, its main pride is made up of outstanding citizens who have left a noticeable mark on history. Our country has brought up a huge number of famous scientists, politicians, military leaders, athletes and art workers with a worldwide reputation. Their achievements allowed Russia to take one of the leading positions in the list of the planet's superpowers.


Who are they, outstanding citizens of Russia? Their list can be continued endlessly, because each period in the history of our Fatherland has its great people who became famous in different areas activities. Among the most prominent personalities who, to one degree or another, influenced the course of both Russian and world history, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
  2. Peter the Great.
  3. Alexander Suvorov.
  4. Mikhail Lomonosov.
  5. Dmitriy Mendeleev.
  6. Yuri Gagarin.
  7. Andrey Sakharov.

Minin and Pozharsky

An outstanding citizen of Russia Kuzma Minin and his equally famous contemporary, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, went down in history as the liberators of the Russian lands from the Polish invaders. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Russian state began Time of Troubles... The crisis, which swept through many spheres of life, was aggravated by the presence of impostors on the capital's throne. In Moscow, Smolensk and a number of other cities full swing the Polish gentry ruled, and the western borders of the country were occupied by Swedish troops.

In order to drive out foreign invaders from Russian lands and liberate the country, the clergy called on the population to create a people's militia and liberate the capital from the Poles. The call was answered by the Novgorod zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin (Sukhoruk), who, although not of noble origin, was a real patriot of his homeland. Per a short time he managed to gather an army from the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod. Prince Dmitry Pozharsky from the Rurikovich family agreed to head it.

Gradually, residents of the surrounding cities, dissatisfied with the domination of the Polish gentry in Moscow, began to join the people's militia of Nizhny Novgorod. By the fall of 1612, the army of Minin and Pozharsky numbered about 10 thousand people. In early November 1612, the Nizhny Novgorod militia managed to expel the Poles from the capital and force them to sign the act of surrender. The successful conduct of the operation became possible thanks to the skillful actions of Minin and Pozharsky. In 1818, the memory of the heroic liberators of Moscow was immortalized by the sculptor I. Martos in the monument, which was installed on Red Square.

Peter the Great

The significance of the reign of Peter I, nicknamed for his services to the Great State, can hardly be overestimated. An outstanding citizen of Russia, Peter the First, was on the throne for 43 years, having come to power at the age of 17. He turned the country into greatest empire, founded the city of Petersburg on the Neva and transferred the capital from Moscow to it, conducted a number of successful military campaigns, due to which he significantly expanded the borders of the state. Peter the Great began trading with Europe, founded the Academy of Sciences, opened many educational institutions, introduced compulsory study foreign languages, forced representatives of the noble classes to wear secular attire.

The significance of the reign of Peter I for Russia

The sovereign's reforms strengthened the economy and science, and contributed to the development of the army and navy. His successful domestic and foreign policy became the basis for the further growth and development of the state. Voltaire praised the internal transformations of Russia in the times of Peter the Great. He wrote that the Russian people in half a century managed to achieve what other peoples could not achieve in 500 years of their existence.

A. V. Suvorov

The most outstanding citizen of Russia second half of XVIII century is, of course, great commander, Generalissimo of the Russian land and sea forces Alexander Suvorov. This talented military leader has fought over 60 major battles and has not been defeated in any of them. The army under the command of Suvorov managed to win even in those cases when the enemy's forces significantly outnumbered it. The commander took part in Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774 and 1787-1791, brilliantly commanded Russian troops during the storming of Prague in 1794, and in the last years of his life led the Italian and Swiss campaigns.

In battles, Suvorov used the tactics of warfare developed by him personally, which was significantly ahead of its time. He did not recognize the military drill and instilled in the soldiers love for the Fatherland, considering it a guarantee of victory in any battle. The legendary commander made sure that during military campaigns his army was provided with everything it needed. He heroically shared all the hardships with the soldiers, thanks to which he enjoyed great authority and respect with them. For his victories, Suvorov was awarded by all those existing in his time in Russian Empire high military awards. In addition, he was a holder of seven foreign orders.

M. V. Lomonosov

Outstanding citizens of Russia glorified their country not only in the art of government or the tactics of warfare. Mikhail Lomonosov belongs to the cohort of the greatest Russian scientists who have made a huge contribution to the development of world science. Born into a poor family and unable to get a decent education, he with early childhood possessed high intelligence and was drawn to knowledge. Lomonosov's desire for science was so strong that at the age of 19 he left his village, went on foot to Moscow and entered the Slavic-Greco-Roman Academy. This was followed by studies at the St. Petersburg University at the Academy of Sciences. To improve his knowledge of natural sciences, Mikhail was sent to Europe. At 34, the young scientist became an academician.

Lomonosov, without exaggeration, can be considered a universal person. He possessed brilliant knowledge of chemistry, physics, geography, astronomy, geology, metallurgy, history, and genealogy. In addition, the scientist was an excellent poet, writer and artist. Lomonosov made many discoveries in physics, chemistry and astronomy, became the founder of the science of glass. He owns the project for the creation of Moscow University, which was later named after him.

D. I. Mendeleev

The world famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev is the pride of Russia. Born in Tobolsk in the family of a gymnasium director, he had no barriers to education. At the age of 21, young Mendeleev graduated with a gold medal from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute. A few months later, he defended his dissertation for the right to lecture and began teaching. At 23, Mendeleev was awarded a master's degree in chemistry. From this age, he began teaching at the Imperial University of St. Petersburg. At 31, he becomes a professor chemical technology, and after 2 years - professor of general chemistry.

Worldwide fame of the great chemist

In 1869, at the age of 35, Dmitry Mendeleev made a discovery that made him famous all over the world. This is the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. She became the basis for all modern chemistry. Attempts to systematize elements according to their properties and atomic weight were made before Mendeleev, but he was the first who managed to clearly formulate the regularity existing between them.

The periodic table is not the only achievement of the scientist. He wrote many fundamental works on chemistry and initiated the creation of the Chamber of Weights and Measures in St. Petersburg. D.I.Mendeleev was a cavalier of eight honorary orders Russian Empire and foreign countries. He was awarded a doctorate from the Turin Academy of Sciences, Oxford, Cambridge, Priston, Edinburgh and Göttingen universities. Mendeleev's scientific authority was so high that he was nominated three times for Nobel Prize... Unfortunately, other scientists have become laureates of this prestigious international award each time. but given fact does not diminish the merits of the renowned chemist to the Fatherland.

Yu.A. Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin is an outstanding citizen of Russia Soviet era... On April 12, 1961, on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, for the first time in the history of mankind, he flew into space. Having spent 108 minutes in Earth's orbit, the cosmonaut returned to the planet as a hero of an international scale. Even world movie stars could envy Gagarin's popularity. He made official visits to more than 30 foreign countries and traveled all over the USSR.

Outstanding citizen of Russia Yuri Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the highest distinctions of many countries. He was preparing for a new space flight, however, a plane crash in March 1968 in the Vladimir region tragically ended his life. Having lived only 34 years, Gagarin became one of the greatest people XX century. Streets and squares in all large cities Russia and the CIS countries, monuments to him have been erected in many foreign countries. In honor of the flight of Yuri Gagarin, April 12 all over the world celebrate the International Day of Cosmonautics.

A. D. Sakharov

In addition to Gagarin, there were many other outstanding citizens of Russia in the Soviet Union. The USSR became famous all over the world thanks to Academician Andrei Sakharov, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of physics. In 1949, together with Y. Khariton, he developed a project hydrogen bomb- the first Soviet thermonuclear weapon. In addition, Sakharov conducted a lot of research in magnetohydrodynamics, gravity, astrophysics, and plasma physics. In the mid-70s, he predicted the emergence of the Internet. In 1975 the academician was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In addition to science, Sakharov was engaged in active human rights activities, for which he fell out of favor with the Soviet leadership. In 1980 he was stripped of all titles and highest awards, after which he was deported from Moscow to Gorky. After the start of Perestroika, Sakharov was allowed to return to the capital. Last years his life he continued to study scientific activities and was also elected a deputy The Supreme Council... In 1989, the scientist worked on a draft of a new Soviet constitution that proclaimed the right of peoples to statehood, but his sudden death did not allow him to complete the work he had begun.

Outstanding citizens of Russia of the 21st century

Today, a huge number of people live in our country, glorifying it in politics, science, art and other fields of activity. The most famous scientists of our time are physicists Mikhail Allenov and Valery Rachkov, urbanist Denis Vizgalov, historian Vyacheslav Vorobyov, economist Nadezhda Kosareva, etc. The outstanding artists of the XXI century include artists Ilya Glazunova and Alena Azernaya, conductors and Valery Gergieva opera singers Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Anna Netrebko, actors Sergei Bezrukov and Konstantin Khabensky, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Timur Bekmambetov and others. Well, the most prominent politician in Russia today is considered its President - Vladimir Putin.

Aristotle (384-322 BC)

Aristotle is an ancient Greek scientist encyclopedist, philosopher and logician, the founder of classical (formal) logic. Considered one of the greatest geniuses in history and the most influential philosopher of antiquity. Made a huge contribution to the development of logic and natural sciences especially astronomy, physics and biology. Although many of him scientific theories were refuted, they significantly contributed to the search for new hypotheses to explain them.

Archimedes (287-212 BC)

Archimedes - ancient greek mathematician, inventor, astronomer, physicist and engineer. Generally considered the greatest mathematician of all time and one of the leading scientists classical period antiquity. Among his contributions to physics are the fundamental principles of hydrostatics, statics, and an explanation of the principle of action on a lever. He is credited with inventing innovative mechanisms, including siege engines and screw pump named after him. Archimedes also invented the spiral that bears his name, formulas for calculating the volumes of surfaces of revolution and an original system for expressing the very large numbers.

Galileo (1564-1642)

In eighth place in the ranking of the greatest scientists in the history of the world is Galileo - an Italian physicist, astronomer, mathematician and philosopher. He was called "the father of observational astronomy" and "the father of modern physics." Galileo was the first to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies. Thanks to this, he made a number of outstanding astronomical discoveries, such as the discovery of the four largest moons of Jupiter, sunspots, the rotation of the Sun, and also found that Venus changes phases. He also invented the first thermometer (without a scale) and a proportional compass.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

Michael Faraday - English physicist and chemist, primarily known for the discovery electromagnetic induction... Faraday also discovered chemical action current, diamagnetism, action magnetic field to light, the laws of electrolysis. He also invented the first, albeit primitive Electrical engine, and the first transformer. He introduced the terms cathode, anode, ion, electrolyte, diamagnetism, dielectric, paramagnetism, etc. In 1824 he discovered the chemical elements benzene and isobutylene. Some historians consider Michael Faraday to be the best experimenter in the history of science.

Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)

Thomas Alva Edison is an American inventor and businessman, founder of the prestigious scientific journal Science. He is considered one of the most prolific inventors of his time with a record number of patents granted in his name - 1,093 in the United States and 1,239 in other countries. Among his inventions is the creation in 1879 electric lamp incandescent, electricity distribution systems to consumers, phonograph, improvement of the telegraph, telephone, cinema equipment, etc.

Marie Curie (1867-1934)

Maria Sklodowska-Curie - French physicist and chemist, teacher, public figure, a pioneer in the field of radiology. The only female Nobel laureate in two different areas sciences - physics and chemistry. First female professor to teach at the Sorbonne University. Her achievements include the development of a theory of radioactivity, methods for separating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two new chemical elements, radium and polonium. Marie Curie is one of the inventors who died from their inventions.

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

Louis Pasteur is a French chemist and biologist, one of the founders of microbiology and immunology. He discovered the microbiological essence of fermentation and many human diseases. He initiated a new department of chemistry - stereochemistry. The most important achievement of Pasteur is considered to be work in bacteriology and virology, as a result of which the first vaccines against rabies and anthrax were created. His name is widely known thanks to the pasteurization technology he created and later named after him. All Pasteur's works became a vivid example of a combination of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry, anatomy and physics.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Isaac Newton is an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, historian, Bible researcher and alchemist. He is the discoverer of the laws of motion. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law universal gravitation, laid the foundations of classical mechanics, formulated the principle of conservation of momentum, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, built the first reflector telescope and developed the theory of color, formulated the empirical law of heat transfer, built the theory of the speed of sound, proclaimed the theory of the origin of stars and many other mathematical and physical theories. Newton was also the first to describe the phenomenon of tides mathematically.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

The second place in the list of the greatest scientists in the history of the world is occupied by Albert Einstein - a German physicist of Jewish origin, one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the twentieth century, the creator of the general and special theory of relativity, discovered the law of the relationship between mass and energy, as well as many other significant physical theories. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. Author of over 300 scientific papers in physics and 150 books and articles in the field of history, philosophy, journalism, etc.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)