How to inflate balloons with helium without equipment. How to inflate balloons without helium to fly? Baking soda and vinegar balloon

On holidays, balloons inflated with helium are often in demand. Usually, they are bought ready-made (inflated) and brought to the holiday. Or, they invite specialists who come and inflate the balloons on the spot. However, it is not always convenient, and, most importantly, it is not very cheap. In order to significantly save money and not depend on strangers, you can cheat Balloons helium on its own. It is quite possible.

In order to inflate the balloons with helium, you will need a helium balloon, balloons and braid, which is needed to tie the balloons.

Helium cylinders

Almost all companies that offer balloons in bulk and small wholesale (and they are in each large city), offer helium cylinders for rent, i.e. for rent. The practice is as follows: the buyer pays for the gas stored in the cylinder, pays a deposit for the cost of the gas cylinder (it is equal to the cost of the cylinder itself) and takes the cylinder with him. Then, after use, the buyer returns the cylinder, takes back the deposit, from which the rental cost is deducted. For a couple of days, rent is quite inexpensive.

Large cylinders (40 l) and small (10 l) have become widespread. If we talk about normal balloons, 12 "in size, which inflate to a diameter of 28 - 30 cm, then about 400 pieces can be inflated from a large balloon, and about 100 pieces from a small one. For a home party or wedding, 100 large ones. helium balloons there is more than enough. Therefore, citizens are renting just such cylinders. Moreover, small cylinders are light (13 - 16 kg) and can be transported without problems in any passenger car.

Read more about cylinders, about their labeling, about the rules of safe handling with them, and about how to move and transport them, you can read in this article.


In the same place where they give a balloon for rent, you can buy latex balloons, in packs of 100, 50 and 25 pieces. You can choose both just multi-colored balls (assorted by color), and balls with a thematic pattern.

If there is a choice, it is recommended to buy balloons manufactured by Sempertex (Colombia) for outdoor use, and Latex Occidentl (Mexico) is recommended for indoor use. These balls are round and pleasant to work with.

It is not recommended to buy balls at retail by the piece, especially those balls that are sold in non-specialized places. As a rule, Chinese-made products are sold there, which are of unpredictable quality.

The main thing to remember is that from one 10 liter balloon, you can inflate about a hundred large latex balloons.


To tie inflated balloons, use a narrow decorative polypropylene tape (width 5 mm), which is sold in reels of 250 m (metallized) and 500 m (regular). For adult holidays, the standard end of the tape has a length of 1.5 m. children's parties, use longer ends of the braid, 2 - 2.5 m long (depending on the height of the ceilings). In any case, if you use a 10 l bottle, one reel of braid will be enough for all the balls. The braid is cut with ordinary scissors as the balloons are inflated.

Inflating balloons with helium

The process of inflating and tying is shown in detail in the video instruction:

Let's note a few important points:

  • The position of the balloon should be such that the person is on the opposite side of the balloon. The direction of the gas stream coming out of the cylinder must not be directed towards either people or pets. The fact is that when a balloon bursts, most of the latex scraps fly towards the inflated gar.
  • A latex balloon consists of a neck and a balloon. The neck is used to tie the balloon, and the balloon is used to inflate with gas. As soon as the balloon begins to be fully inflated and the gas supply continues, the neck of the balloon begins to inflate. A ball whose neck is already inflated is considered to be inflated. In professional terms, when the balloon begins to "grow a leg" (inflation of the neck of the balloon becomes noticeable), then the balloon must be stopped to inflate the balloon. The overturned ball (a ball with a leg) is not only ugly, but it also has very thin walls, and therefore bursts.
  • The lifespan of balloons inflated with helium (we are talking about balloons with a known quality: Colombian, Mexican) is 8 - 10 hours. After that, they begin to noticeably decrease in size, and then fall to the floor. This should be taken into account when planning your holiday. There are ways to increase the lifetime of helium balloons, but more about that, sometime next time.

All the best and great holidays!

Balloons bring joy to both adults and children. They are able to cheer up the gloomiest person in the world. This is a wonderful bright gift that will be remembered for a long time. And of course it is best decoration any holiday - wedding, birthday, corporate party and others important events... If you decide to give colorful balloons, decorate a room with them or arrange a "ball" surprise, then you are doing everything right!

From our material you will learn how to properly inflate a balloon with helium at home, where you can take helium for balloons or how to replace it.

How to inflate a balloon without helium?

Of course, helium balloons look spectacular. But let's consider another option. So, you have stocked up on the necessary balloons, and all that remains is to inflate them. If you just want to get many, many balloons, so that you can later collect any composition from them, decorate the walls or create an artistic "mess" in the room, then you can do without helium.

Everyone knows how to inflate balloons at home. This can be done using your own lungs. But this method is only suitable if you need a small number of balls. Otherwise, it will take several hours to inflate them, and you will have to involve several people in this activity.

When inflating a balloon, do not forget about simple rules.

  • It is impossible to pump the shell with air to the point of failure - the balloon will burst in a couple of minutes.
  • A foil balloon, especially a curly balloon, should be inflated slowly using a cocktail tube.
  • Tie the end gently with thick thread or braid.

How to quickly inflate balloons at home?

This activity is not very exciting, so many people, of course, want to learn how to inflate balloons quickly at home, especially if you need a lot of them. What is needed for this?

  • Manual mechanical pump
  • A fairly simple device suitable for inflating both latex and foil balloons. A few movements, and in your hands you will have a wonderful beautiful balloon filled with air. If you are in a big hurry, you can use electric pump for example from inflatable mattress or a bed, as long as it has a suitable attachment.
  • Chemical reaction
  • Instead of air, the balls can be filled with carbon dioxide. How do I get it? The good old will help baking soda and table vinegar, which can be found in any kitchen. Pour into plastic bottle 9% vinegar. Pour soda into the shell of the ball through the funnel, and quickly and carefully pull the ring over the neck. Now straighten the ball while pouring the baking soda from it into the bottle. When the balloon is full of carbon dioxide, tie it up. One ball needs 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 150 ml of vinegar.

If you need a lot of balls, and you want them to fly, then you can do it yourself. You only need to stock up enough shells and find out where to get helium for the balloons.

How to inflate balloons with helium at home?

First of all, you need to purchase a cylinder with this light gas. When choosing a volume, be guided by the number of balloons that you want to inflate. Of course, for the sake of 10-15 birthday balloons, making such an expensive purchase is not worth it for three reasons:

  • A heavy bulky cylinder needs to be stored somewhere.
  • You will have to pay extra for delivery and lifting to the floor.
  • In order to cope with the balloon, you need a certain skill.

If you do decide to buy helium in a cylinder, take care also to prolong the flight of the balloons. For this, the shells are processed from the inside. special means in the form of a thick gel. Where can I get such a gel for balls? It can be purchased at a store that sells party accessories.

How helium balloons are inflated, except for helium, we will describe below. Believe me, there are proven ways to do without helium at all, which give good results.

How to make a gel balloon at home?

Gel balloons are great because they fly. They can decorate a room in an original way or arrange a grandiose launch into the sky and thereby arrange an unforgettable surprise for a loved one.

Few people know how to inflate a balloon at home so that it can fly and do without helium. We will be happy to share a secret with you.

As you know, gel balls can fly because helium is much lighter than air. Therefore, we need to produce the same light gas, for example, hydrogen. After all, it can be obtained by a simple chemical reaction.

  • Pour a glass of room temperature water into a plastic bottle.
  • Dip a few lumps in there aluminum foil and 3 teaspoons of caustic soda.
  • Place a ball on the neck and shake the bottle gently. As a result of the reaction, hydrogen will be released and fill the shell.

Unfortunately, this method has a serious disadvantage: hydrogen is explosive, and the slightest spark can lead to a severe fire. Be careful, and most importantly, be extremely careful!

Where to get helium for balloons?

So, after you have learned how to fill balloons with helium yourself, you are probably already in search of a site where you can buy caustic soda or a gas cylinder. But wonder if the party is worth the hassle?

It is much easier to purchase ready-made air compositions in specialized companies, where you can order excellent helium latex and foil balloons of any color, shape and size.

Balloons are a wonderful decoration that will make your holiday truly bright, fun and unforgettable, you can be sure!

Based on materials from

You will need

  • - a cylinder with compressed helium (volume 10 liters or 40 liters);
  • - 12 "latex balloons;
  • - a braid for tying inflated balloons- decorative polypropylene tape 5 mm wide;
  • - scissors for cutting the braid.


We install the helium gas cylinder correctly and safely. When inflating balloons with helium, the balloon must be installed in a way that prevents it from falling, overturning and any movement. Large cylinders (40 l) are placed in a standing position. Small cylinders (10 L) can be placed horizontally, provided they are securely fixed on a table or on the floor.

Preparing the braid. For tying helium balloons, as a rule, pieces of tape 1.5 m long are used. Cut the required number of ends of the tape (according to the number of balloons) with scissors. For children's parties, the ends of the braid are made longer: 2.0-2.5 m - so that children can get them. The main thing is that all ends of the braid are of equal length.

We take a safe position relative to the balloon. The person inflating the balloons with helium should be behind the balloon and on the side opposite to the direction of the gas stream coming out of the balloon. If the balloon bursts, this position is as safe as possible for a person.

Putting the ball on the cylinder valve. The neck of the ball is stretched with the fingers and pulled over the threaded part of the cylinder valve.

Inflating the balloon. The valve flywheel smoothly rotates in the direction opposite to the clockwise rotation - it opens and the gas begins to flow into the ball. In this case, with the fingers of the other hand, the neck of the ball is pressed against the threaded part of the valve. After the balloon is fully inflated, the valve rotates to reverse side- closes.

Control of the size of the balloon being inflated. A latex balloon consists of a balloon and a neck. The balloon is used for inflating and the neck for tying. Therefore, after the balloon is completely inflated, the balloon should be stopped inflating. A sign that the balloon is fully inflated is that the neck of the balloon is beginning to inflate. If the inflation is not stopped, the neck of the balloon will begin to inflate, in other words: "the balloon will begin to grow a leg." It is unacceptable.

Tying inflated balloon... The inflated balloon is removed from the balloon by rolling the neck off the valve. Do not simply pull the neck off the valve, as this could damage the ball material. The process of tying the neck of the ball along with the braid is shown in detail in the video.

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Helium balloons it is recommended to inflate directly at the place of their use. During their transportation or transportation, the balls are necessarily damaged, which either lead to the fact that the balls burst, or to the fact that their life time is reduced.

Helpful advice

To save helium, it is recommended that all balloons be inflated with air before inflating them with helium. This will identify defective balloons and save up to 15% helium. You can inflate the balloons with air using a hand pump or an electric compressor.
To increase the life of helium balloons, it is recommended to pre-treat them with Hi-Float. This will increase the pot life from 6-8 hours to 2-3 weeks.


  • Is it possible to inflate a balloon with helium at home

Norman Lockyer is the scientist who discovered helium in the world. After all, it was he who, in 1868, studying the emitted light of atoms in the prominences of the Sun, noticed a number of unknown spectral lines. Numerous attempts to obtain such lines in laboratory conditions did not bring success, from which Lockyer concluded that he had discovered new item, which he called helium, from the Greek. helios - Sun. Helium was first isolated on Earth in 1895 by William Ramsay from the radioactive mineral cleveite.


Half of all is located in earth crust, especially in a granite shell. So, if you need helium, go to the mine, closer to the granite beds, take steam with you and pump it out of the free accumulation of natural gases, or from the gases of uranium springs. The method of obtaining helium is impossible, even if you buy special equipment, the necessary elements, catalysts and special ones, you will still not be successful. None of the school textbooks and manuals tell you how to get helium on your own. For this, there are special processing and production plants.

Into helium from helium-containing gases. Helium can be separated from other gases by the deepest cooling method, given that all other gases liquefy faster than helium, because he has the most low temperature transformation into a liquid -269 ° C. So, take a natural gas cylinder and a pulsating apparatus (a special chamber for cooling and gas). Now fill the semi-closed containers alternately with gas supplied from the nozzles. Heating the gas, the generated heat passes into the cooling one, releasing the formed gas from the closed ones into the cooling medium, and so again and again, until the gas cools down to a certain temperature, and until all other gases are removed from the chambers and only helium remains.

Liquid helium can be made in the same way. It is obtained at a critical temperature of 5.2 K. It should be noted that liquid helium is the only liquid that will not freeze at normal temperatures, that is, at the lowest temperature it will not solidify, but when the pressure changes, for example, at 25 atmospheres, can change his state of aggregation.

Helium- an inert monoatomic gas that is colorless, tasteless and odorless. One of the most abundant elements in the Universe, second only to hydrogen. Helium mined from natural gas the process of low-temperature separation - the so-called fractional distillation.


The nucleus of a helium atom consists of two protons and (usually) two neutrons, with two around it. A helium atom is smaller in size than a larger atom with one proton and an electron, since the greater force of the helium nucleus pulls the electrons closer. Although it is easier to assume that the electrons revolve around the nucleus in a circular manner, forming "", the place of the most likely location of electrons. Helium isotopes, containing 2 protons and 2 electrons, can contain from 1 to 4 neutrons.

First, cooling is performed by throttling, which takes place in several stages. During this process, helium is purified from carbon dioxide and other hydrocarbons. The result is a mixture of helium, hydrogen and neon. The resulting mixture is called "crude" helium. The helium content in the mixture is 70 to 90%.

Further, the final purification of helium is achieved by cooling the remaining mixture with nitrogen boiling under vacuum and subsequent adsorption of the existing impurities on active carbon in adsorbers, which are also cooled with nitrogen. Usually helium is obtained in two types: technical purity (helium content 99.80%), and high purity (helium content 99.985%).


Don't try to get helium at home. Helium production requires special industrial equipment and strict control receiving process.

Helpful advice

Helium is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable gas. It is used in meteorological balloons, in welding, in "artificial air" mixtures for deep-sea divers, in the manufacture of semiconductors, in the manufacture of lasers, and is also used in metallurgy and other industries.

Home conditions. As it turned out, not only is it possible, but also without special efforts and costs. So, what is needed for this.

DIY helium balloons: what you need

You probably have vinegar and soda in your kitchen, and even more so there is a bottle and a glass. Among kitchen utensils you can find a funnel, and in the refrigerator on one of the shelves there will most likely be a lemon, if not, buy everything that is missing. You will also need duct tape. It is advisable that it is not too wide or too narrow. One of the main ingredients is water. For the balloons themselves, you still have to leave the house and visit the store.

So, to make helium balloons, which will soon become a source of good mood for your loved ones, you need to have the following components:
- baking soda - 5 tablespoons;
- juice of half a lemon;
- vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
- Balloons;
- insulating tape;
- 1 glass of water;
- 1 small bottle;
- 1 funnel.

Making a helium balloon: sequence of actions

In order for everything to work out, follow all the steps and take your time. What should be done:

Use a funnel to pour a glass of water into a small bottle. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. In any convenient container (bowl, deep plate, small saucepan), stir lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Gently pour this mixture into the water in the bottle through the funnel. Then soda should be poured into the balloon itself. This can also be done with a funnel, after washing and wiping it. 3 tablespoons of soda will go to the first ball, in the future you can add a little less. Quickly pull the balloon over the neck of the bottle, so that there is no soda, then secure it tightly with electrical tape.

Ready! Now, when soda interacts with vinegar, gas is released, and as a result, the helium balloon is inflated. The last moment - tie the ball up and remove it from the neck of the bottle.

This method is great for difficult to inflate balloons, as well as for uncomplicated chemical experience for young experimenters.


  • gel balls at home
  • Video on how to make helium balloons at home

Colored balloons are always given good mood... However, helium balloons are an expensive pleasure, so the question of how to make a helium balloon at home is often relevant.

Helium is a non-toxic monatomic gas, which is the second number in periodic table Mendeleev. It is a colorless and odorless gas, much lighter than oxygen and carbon dioxide. Molecular mass helium has 4, while oxygen has 32, and carbon dioxide has 44. That's how light helium is! Therefore, the balls filled with this monatomic gas can fly, while the mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide makes the ball heavier, causing it to fall. The lighter the contents of the balloon, the more likely it will fly up.

Where can I get helium balloons

Helium is obtained by deep cooling of natural gases. Helium balloons are sold in circuses and specialty stores. To inflate such a balloon at home, purchase a special helium balloon. You can find out about the cost of a cylinder on the Internet. Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain helium by an experimental chemical method at home, so you will have to spend an impressive amount. But many others can be done with balls. interesting experiences, and at the same time gain new knowledge in chemistry.

Baking soda and vinegar balloon

A well-known chemical fact: the reaction of soda (NaHCO₃) and vinegar (CH₃COOH) is accompanied by abundant release of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide balloon, of course, will not fly due to its large atomic mass... But this experiment is very interesting, and desired solution can be prepared at home.

Carbon dioxide balls

Show this trick to children to instill in them a love of chemistry: by inflating a balloon with a bottle, they will show an interest in science, and perhaps the little fidgets will make discoveries in the future.

What we need:

    acetic acid, which is in everyone's kitchen (there is different types vinegar, but almost any will do);

    baking soda;

    an empty bottle or flask with a volume of 1.5 liters;


This home trick is very easy to perform, even a child can do it. However, it is worth working in rubber gloves, since vinegar, especially strong, has an unpleasant effect on the skin: at best, a slight burn may occur. If this does happen, you need to know that treatment with soda or soap will neutralize acids. Therefore, all experiments with a dangerous chemical it is better for children to carry out by calling an adult for help.

So, we need to add soda to the ball (there are 2 teaspoons per ball), and pour half a glass of acetic acid into the bottle. Don't rush to add too much baking soda. We put the ball on the bottle: the soda from the ball will pour into it, and a violent reaction will begin with an intense release of CO₂. Therefore, the balloon will inflate. If the reaction is weak and the balloon does not inflate, add more vinegar and baking soda, but do not shake the solution. This method is convenient for those who find it difficult to inflate balloons.

What experience will make a balloon take off without helium

This method will show you how to make the balloon fly. Experience works, but keep in mind that this simple experiment is fire hazardous, so do it outdoors. Safety goggles, a gown, and gloves are also required.

For experience you will need:

    aluminium foil;

    water at room temperature;

  • pure sodium hydroxide;

    glass flask.

You may also need the help of a partner. You can find pure sodium hydroxide on the shelves of your hardware store. For example, the pipe cleaner "Mister Muscle" contains the substance necessary for the experiment in its pure form. Try other products with a similar composition.

To get started, take a foil and roll ten small balls out of it, which will go into the hole of the flask. Pour the pipe cleaner into a flask and fill with water. One sachet will require half a liter of water. Next, add all the balls that you made in time to the container with water and detergent. Do not shake the resulting solution, as a violent reaction will begin. The ball, of course, will inflate, but condensate will remain in it from the evaporation of gas, which will make it heavier. Therefore, the balloon will not fly up.

If the solution is not shaken, the reaction will be calm. You can also do this: wait an additional time so that the condensate inside the ball flows back into the flask. Therefore, in order for the experiment to work, care and patience are needed. The result will not be long in coming: your balloon will fly as good as a helium balloon!

Hydrogen ball

Thus, we get desired effect... The released substance from the resulting solution contains explosive hydrogen. Therefore, it is necessary not only to do the experiment on the street, but it is dangerous to keep the balloons themselves at home: if there is a spark nearby, hydrogen will explode. You can find out what experiments with hydrogen can be done at home. In the process of the experiment, you also need to be careful: if you add a lot of foil and funds or begin to shake the contents, you can burn yourself with the flask. Do not inhale escaping gas.

Balloons are able to decorate any holiday and create a unique atmosphere in the room.

Everything for registration children's party balloons can be found at

Equipment types

Aerodesign, this is how the creation of compositions from balloons is called, is gaining more and more popularity. Many firms offer their services for the decoration of premises for the celebration, the manufacture of bouquets and gift figures from balloons.

To inflate balloons today they use:

  • gas installations for filling balloons with helium. This gas is much lighter than air, so balloons inflated with it will tend upward. In some cases, the balloons are filled with a mixture of air and helium, this makes it possible to influence the properties of the inflated balloon. It should be remembered that only special balloons made of fine-pored material can be filled with helium;
  • there is special equipment for inflating balloons with a mixture of gases. But in this case, the process of filling the ball is significantly delayed. In some cases, it is better to first fill the balloon with helium, and then pump it up. hand pump to the required volume;
  • rune or electric pumps pump air into the ball. In this case, a special nozzle can be used, which will fill the ball with confetti. This is especially useful when making large surprise balls.

Often, when creating large arches from balloons, balloons inflated with both air and helium are used simultaneously. Helium balloons lift the structure up, while balloons serve as a kind of weighting and pull the arch down. As a result of such a neighborhood, you can get interesting and extraordinary compositions.

Rules for working with helium

To inflate balloons with helium, use a special gas equipment... Helium is under high pressure in the cylinder. And although helium is not a flammable gas, gas leakage is possible if the cylinder is sealed or other equipment malfunctions. The force with which the gas escapes can overturn the cylinder, which can lead to injury to people nearby.

Often in feature films, you can see how heroes inhale helium from a balloon and start talking in a funny voice. Before deciding to repeat this on your own, you should find out that helium is dangerous to humans. If large amounts of this gas enter the lungs, it can be fatal.

Subject to basic safety rules, working with the equipment for inflating balloons is not difficult.

How to inflate balloons correctly (video tutorials):