Class hour "Let's talk about tolerance." The concept of tolerance in simple words

Among the most repeated, by the way and inopportunely, passwords of our time is the notorious "tolerance", or, in Russian, "tolerance". In the past, this word was used either in combination with the word "house", or in a transformed form, with a meaning clarifying this concept, in the context of the topic. legal status religious minorities - "tolerance". Obviously, in a state where, as in modern Russian Federation, France or the United States, there is no dominant or state religion, which guarantees freedom of religion and equality of citizens regardless of their religious affiliation, the concept of "toleration" loses its relevance. The latest semantic evolution of the word "tolerance" has expanded its semantic field, bringing it closer to the fashionable neologism "political correctness" and placing it in the field of relationships between races, ethnic groups, cultures, civilizations. Adherence to the principle of tolerance and political correctness has become a kind of pass to "decent society", like a tuxedo or tie.

Racial or national tolerance hides latent racism

Meanwhile, the use of this peculiar term in relation to the relationship between people belonging to different races reveals a latent racist in a person who declares his tolerance. To clarify this conclusion, which may seem absurd, it is enough to give an example of religious tolerance in a state where there is a state religion. Tolerance in this case is a civilized attitude towards religious minorities on the part of the state and persons belonging to the dominant or state religion, which does not call into question the status priority of the dominant religion. Or another everyday analogy that illustrates the paradox associated with the use of the word “tolerance”: they say that passionate American feminist ladies, filled with a sense of gender dignity, react very violently to the attempts of helpful gentlemen, trying to help them down a steep staircase or transfer excessive a heavy bag, suspecting a gender racist in a gallant counter, in any case interpreting such helpfulness as a malicious humiliation and insult. In a similar way, people belonging to races that in the past era were designated as “colored” and considered inferior in the West often react to tolerance and political correctness towards them from the side of “pale-faced” Europeans or Americans in our time.

Tolerance in relations with people of different races, ethnic groups and cultures in Russia, in the traditions of our people is inappropriate because so characteristic of the self-esteem of Western Europeans or North Americans - for the sake of greater political correctness, let's say: in the recent past - the consciousness of the superiority of the white race over the colored races in Russia did not take root, and if it manifested itself in other cases in the form of excesses, then it definitely refers to marginal phenomena, alien to the worldview of Russian people, and this observation applies to all periods of our history. There are various reasons for this circumstance, but the main one is that the gospel teaching about universal human brotherhood, as well as that in Christ “there is no Greek, no Jew, no circumcision, no uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free ”(Col. 3: 11), was accepted by our ancestors with all sincerity and assimilated deeply, so much so that even among people who have lost Orthodox faith, but grown up in an environment whose ethos is saturated Christian tradition, and at that time, when at the level of official ideology Christianity and any religion in general were discredited and rejected, a lively feeling of equality of people of different races and nationalities was preserved. Therefore, arguments about tolerance towards racial and national minorities are losing ground in our country as unnecessary. Against this background, hooligan or outright criminal antics of skinheads are perceived as a microscopic phenomenon in scale, completely caricatured, absolutely alien to tradition and foreign, imitative, which is already evident from their self-name, for which there was no acceptable word in Russian. In Russian society, they have no support, and therefore do not deserve serious discussion outside the framework of social psychotherapy. The media noise about their odious antics is therefore counterproductive.

Russia, as well as other countries Orthodox tradition, insofar as they are not infected with bacilli borrowed on the side of racism, xenophobia and chauvinism, is radically different in this from the West, which so recently, in its relations with the rest of the world, was thoroughly saturated with the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the Sahib over the natives, in a more philanthropic version - with the consciousness of the "burden of responsibility white man." In disguised form, is it not the same “burden” that pushes one of the superpowers of our day to impose its values ​​on peoples who have not yet completely forgotten about the civilizing exploits of the Sahibs of a bygone era, although at the level of public rhetoric no one is now seriously trying to act as an apologist? odious racism?

The moral values ​​imposed on the world by modern civilizers include "tolerance" in a new and completely original interpretation. When in our time opponents are reproached for lack of tolerance, then the norm is no longer basically tolerance towards racial, national or religious minorities, but towards minorities of a different kind, towards those who choose a way of life that in the past seemed vicious and scandalous, in other words, it is about tolerance towards sin.

But a Christian, in his conscience, cannot fulfill such a requirement, because he seriously accepts the warning of the Apostle Paul: “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malakis, nor sodomists, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor predators shall inherit the Kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10). The apostle teaches Christians not tolerance, but just the opposite - intolerance towards sin. At the same time, we are called to discover it, first of all, in relation to ourselves, for the Lord calls us: “Do not judge, so that you will not be judged ... And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not feel the beam in your eye?” (Matthew 7:1, 3). But this call not to look for knots in the eyes of others, while having a beam in one's own eye, does not imply complete blindness regarding the obvious sins of our brothers. The Lord told His disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and reprove him between you and him alone: ​​if he listens to you, then you have gained your brother; but if he does not listen, take one or two more with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the mouth of two or three witnesses. If he does not listen to them, tell the church; and if he does not listen to the Church, then let him be to you, like a pagan and a publican” (Matt. 18: 15-17), in other words, an incorrigible sinner is subject to excommunication from the Church.

It is only important that, when we denounce an obvious sinner, we do it without Pharisees’ arrogance, with humility, recognizing our own sinfulness, and with love for our neighbor, with a sincere hope for his repentance and a change in life. The apostle, who enumerated the sins that bar those who adhere to them from entering the Kingdom of Heaven, then adds in his Epistle to the Corinthian Christians: “Such were some of you; but they were washed, but they were sanctified, but they were justified by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Does everything that has been said mean that intolerance, intolerance to sin commanded by the Lord, refers to the area of ​​self-reproach and repentance, to interpersonal relations, affects exclusively the life within the church and does not contain a socially significant, political and legal aspect? Such an assumption is incorrect. Christians are not escapists or anarchists. Even during times of persecution of the Church in the Roman Empire, they recognized themselves as its faithful citizens, which is remarkably expressed, for example, in the "Apology" of St. Justin the Philosopher, addressed to Emperor Antoninus Pius. Christians did not consider it shameful and incompatible with their faith to serve in the legions of pagan Rome. The Orthodox Church venerates in the host the saints who were killed for their faith in the Savior during the purge of the army from Christian soldiers, military leaders and generals, such as the great martyrs George the Victorious, Demetrius of Thessalonica, Theodore Stratilat. The participation of Christians in state affairs and concerns became incomparably more significant after Saint Constantine granted Christians freedom of religion.

When Christians made up the majority of citizens, the legislation of the Roman state - the famous Roman law - underwent a significant transformation under the influence of the Gospel teaching, under the influence of Christian moral norms. In particular, in criminal law, in a different way than before, a line was drawn between those vices that are not subject to punitive sanctions and criminally punishable manifestations of human sinfulness. This line was drawn and corrected by Christians not as individuals or children of the church, but as citizens or also as officials called to participate in the preparation of legislative acts, or when pious Christians became bearers of supreme power, emperors, they issued laws, guided by their Christian conscience. Similar lessons can be drawn from the history of the Russian state in its relationship with the Church, from the history of Russian law based on Christian moral values.

Obviously, it is not private societies but the state that decides where the line lies between unpunished sins and criminal acts. But for us Christians, it is by no means a matter of indifference what kind of decisions are made in this case. In any case, Orthodox Christians, faithful to the Gospel teaching in its entirety, are called upon in their civil life to be on the side of morally protective political forces and parties, and not those that preach tolerance for sin or completely cross out the very concept of sin, that is, in essence affairs tend to deny the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, when making this or that political choice, a Christian puts at the forefront the position of those elected on issues of public morality, his intention, through his participation in legislative, administrative or judicial activities, to contribute to the protection or destruction of fundamental moral norms, to strengthen or undermine social foundations. It is clear that the stated intentions should be judged not only by words, but mainly by deeds. A special responsibility before God for counteracting obvious evil lies with those Orthodox Christians who are participants in the legislative process or who have powerful managerial powers.

"Don't you want to be tolerant?" - my friend asked me with horror, in response to my sharp (alas, as usual) remark. And ... I was confused.

Agree, to admit that in modern reality there is no thing that claims to be the role of a “new sociocultural paradigm”, which is so actively planted in our heads (however, judging by the answers of the students of the Yakutsk state university, not very successful) - this is somehow indecent. But to say: “I am tolerant”… Oh no! To my taste, it just sounds idiotic. Maybe partly because most of us (like students) have a very vague idea of ​​the meaning of this word, and a minority are so divergent in definitions that they demonstrate complete intolerance towards each other.

Everything would be fine - how many new words are included in speech today - but tolerance (as opposed to diversification, for example) is required of us! In addition, folklore creativity has already managed to respond to this phenomenon with the words “tolerant”, “tolerantization”, etc., which means that the term is accepted by the mass consciousness, although, apparently, to a sufficient extent unconsciously.

In general, I wanted to remove this many-sided word from my ears and carefully study the “composition of raw materials”.

Where did it come from ... tolerance

8 And now you lay aside everything: anger, rage, malice, slander, foul language of your mouth; 9 Tell no lie to one another, putting off the old man with his deeds 10 and putting on the new man, who is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him who created him, 11 where there is no Greek, no Jew, no circumcision, no uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free but Christ is all and in all.
The Epistle to the Colossians of the Holy Apostle Paul. Ch. 3

We will not go into the detailed history of this product of civilization. Some lead it from ancient times. Others refer to the period of the Roman Republic. (Then religious repressions were recorded only once - against the cult of Bacchus, in the modern terminology of a typical totalitarian sect that practiced not only debauchery involving minors, but also human sacrifices. Moreover, after the execution or expulsion of seven thousand proven murderers, cannibals and poisoners, the cult of Bacchus was only partially limited. Was it not this excessive tolerance that led to the fall of the republic?)

Still others pay attention to the fact that it was Christianity that had won in the Roman Empire that began to appeal to tolerance, and this, they say, led to the success of the adoption of Christianity by the “barbarian” peoples. Still others believe that this category was formulated as a kind of understanding of the results Thirty Years' War(1618 - 1648), in which the warring religious denominations completely exterminated each other.

And everyone recognizes that a significant contribution to the legalization of tolerance was made by the humanists of the Renaissance and Reformation. She took her completed form from the figures of the Enlightenment in France. The subsequent history is seen as more or less successful dissemination of the ideology of tolerance.

in Russia up to late XVIII century, the Latin word tolerantia was translated as "patience." Later, the word "tolerance" began to be used, implying (according to Dahl) an element of indulgence and a negative assessment of a phenomenon or property of a person that is tolerated out of necessity or out of grace. Since the middle of the 19th century, liberal writers, revolutionary democrats and populists began to use widely (in a positive sense) the words "tolerance" and "tolerate". For the Slavophiles, these words sounded like curses, and they tried to expel them from the Russian language.

This work, although on a different ideological platform, was successfully continued by the Bolsheviks. From the lexicon of the country of the Soviets, tolerance has been disappearing since the mid-30s, remaining, at best, the property of dictionaries. foreign words, marked "obsolete." or "book".

By the beginning of the 90s of the last century, tolerance returned from “exile” and rather quickly began to turn into “a kind of ethical doctrine, claiming a central place in the “axis of coordinates” of the 21st century.”

Attempt to define

People! Be patient, respect “strangers”, not your own cultures, and life will become easier and calmer. Three "T" - Patience, Tolerance, Tolerance - this is the formula of intercultural communication.
S.G. Ter-Minasova. "Language and Intercultural Communication"

Upon closer inspection of tolerance labels, it turns out that the ingredients on them are very different. Until now, attempts to give a universal scientific definition in domestic and foreign psychology, ethics, politics, theology, philosophy, medicine, etc. were not successful.

In short, dictionaries define tolerance, firstly, as tolerance, indulgence towards someone or something, as "the ability to recognize or practical recognition and respect for the beliefs and actions of other people." Secondly (biological or medical interpretation), as a complete or partial absence of immunological reactivity, that is, the loss (or decrease) of the body's ability to produce antibodies in response to antigenic irritation. Here we are talking about the loss of the ability to resist negative influences.

Since tolerance arose and developed precisely as a compensatory mechanism for mitigating contradictions between hard-to-reconcile (or irreconcilable) ideological and worldview positions, its main meaning, according to Doctor of Philosophy, Professor L.V. Skvortsov, is socio-technological. Therefore, if there are no contradictions, there is no need for tolerance.

But the contradictions in the world have not disappeared and are apparently growing. Does this mean that tolerance as a means to establish civil peace is good by definition?

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A.V. Kosharny (BelSU), who studies the socio-psychological aspects of tolerance, writes: “Manifesting outwardly as tolerant, the behavior of an individual can in fact be associated with conformity, social cowardice, lack of initiative, indifference or even neglect of an interaction partner . With improper formation of tolerance, individuality, an active life position, the desire for self-expression and self-realization can be suppressed ... Tolerance can be external, only demonstrated, and internal, associated with high level emotional arousal."

The authoritative philosopher, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Lektorsky gives four possible models of tolerance: 1) as indifference, containing the existence of opinions, the truth of which cannot be proven; 2) as the impossibility of mutual understanding, which limits the ability to interact; 3) as condescension, implying the superiority in the mind of a person of one's own culture, possible patience, but also contempt for another; 4) as an extension of one's own experience and a critical dialogue that allows one to respect someone else's position and at the same time change one's own as a result of a critical dialogue.

Of course, when in 1994 the regional scientific-practical conference “Tolerance as a way of survival of peoples in the conditions of the North” was held in Yakutsk, the participants tried to interpret this concept in a positive sense. And a year later, when the UNESCO General Conference adopted the “Declaration of Principles on Tolerance”, which determined that this term “means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality, ... this is harmony in diversity, it is a virtue that makes it possible to achieve peace and contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by the culture of peace…”, I believe that the authors had the best intentions.

Only, unfortunately, "tolerance" cannot be declared as a "truce". But, it turns out, it is possible to declare “zero tolerance”. This is exactly what the Estonian authorities did when public protests began over the demolition of the monument to the liberator soldier in Tallinn. What kind of virtue is this, which is so easy to juggle?

Maybe Baldur Nazarov is right, who believes that “we are simply trying, roughly speaking, to “pump” a manner of behavior convenient for politicians as a basic moral value”?

Simulacrum as a club of the "golden billion"

In itself, the desire for tolerance is not yet tolerance itself, just as the desire for happiness is not identical with happiness itself.
O.Ya.Bondarenko. "Anatomy of Tolerance"

In our era, dear readers, such semantic constructions have appeared that scientists have dubbed the funny word "simulacrum" (from Latin simulare - to pretend). These professionally designed attractive virtual objects pretend to be something that doesn't really exist. With their help, reality is replaced by a pseudo-reality that distorts it and they carry out total manipulation of the mass consciousness.

A well-known scientist and publicist, professor of Moscow State University A.S. Panarin wrote: “The new intellectual elite, who have gone through the school of psychoanalysis and learned to work with “complexes”, consider it a matter of professional honor to create such a dense system of simulacra, so impenetrable to evidence of real experience, that immersed it will receive the possibility of a complete and final “shutdown”. Here we come close to the question of the nature of modern class exploitation. People who own the technologies for the production of "sensually complete" ... simulacra can act as a caste of counterfeiters: in exchange for our labor efforts or our natural resources they will offer us "brilliant appearances".

Simulacra have a claim to indisputability. “Doubt about the content of such constructions, their obviousness and indisputability is considered as evidence of the inferiority and asociality of the subject of cognition, with all the ensuing negative consequences, the most typical of which is information and communication outcast,” writes Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V.P. Babintsev (Belgorod). – Recently, it has been increasingly brought to direct political and administrative sanctions, which makes us talk about the phenomenon of a new totalitarianism based on the control of the world elite (“golden billion”) over electronic means mass media».

Many researchers consider tolerance to be such a typical simulacrum. Since there are an extraordinary number of interpretations of it, it is always possible to point critics to the wrong interpretation.

Especially dangerous is the "meaningful blurring" of simulacra, affecting not only socio-political, but also moral and ethical problems. “In relation to the latter,” Babintsev believes, “public thought, primarily belonging to the Russian (basically Russian, Orthodox Christian) culture, has always strived for certainty, in which, in accordance with the gospel principle, “yes” is “ yes" and "no" is "no". Everything else is from the evil one. And already in this regard, doubts arise to what extent the concept of tolerance is organic to the values ​​and meanings of the national tradition, in which the emphasis was on the ideas of justice, mercy and love ... "

There is another trick. At first glance, the requirement of tolerance is addressed to everyone (or almost everyone), but in reality, it is most often proposed to be tolerant in relation to specific social phenomena and groups of people. Tolerance is initially based on double standards.

Paying attention to the social background of the popularization of the idea of ​​tolerance in Russia (perestroika, the destruction of a great power, the robbery of the majority of the population, the aggravation of social, including interethnic contradictions), the philosopher states: “Objectively, the idea of ​​tolerance in this context has a pronounced compensatory-manipulative function. Its approval is intended to minimize confrontational moods and reconcile social antagonists.”

Unfortunately, practice not only confirms the theoretical calculations of the scientist, but also complements.

Tolerance teachers

Your beliefs are alien to me, but for your right to defend them, I am ready to sacrifice my life.
François-Marie Voltaire

Unlike Voltaire, many of today's apologists for tolerance prefer to sacrifice other people's lives - in Serbia, Iraq, Palestine ... Yes, and here in Russia.

Evgeny Romanov from Chelyabinsk posted on the Internet an article “The Virus of Tolerance”, in which he accused its ideologists of taking the lives of those people who could be born, but ... “The 21st century had barely begun, they began to treat all children living in Chelyabinsk with “sex education” , - writes E. Romanov. Guidelines and instructions, books with shameless rhymes, lessons with rubber products, orders of the regional and city departments of education, which are enthusiastically picked up in districts and schools ... An exhibition has begun, where children are forced to have sex in a playful way, and with several partners at once … Those who try to refuse this kind of “pedagogical services” are immediately pointed to intolerance and lack of tolerance.”

In 2003, US Ambassador to Russia A. Vershbow announced the establishment of monetary grants for tolerance education programs, it was about tolerance towards sects that appeared in abundance in our country. As if by order, the official press in many regions began to work in the minds of citizens with articles about the benefits of tolerance.

“From that moment on, the official opinion of the city and regional administration establishes the priority of Mormons, Jehovists, Novaya Zhizn and many other sects over Orthodoxy and Islam,” Romanov states. “Weak attempts by adherents of traditional religions to point out the injustice of such a situation were easily repelled by accusations of intolerance, hypocrisy and obscurantism.”

Alas, the officials paid by the American "philanthropists" provided support to all kinds of religious associations here in Yakutia. Recall that it was at that time that a solid building of the New Apostolic Church grew up in the capital, Yakutsk University was occupied by the Moonies, and republican television broadcast the sermons of visiting pastors.

But even today “Jehovists”, Hare Krishnas and others persistently climb into our homes; and today there are totalitarian-destructive sects operating in the republic, which are described in this issue. But with what fierce criticism some newspapers fell upon the Department for Nationalities and Federative Relations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Yakut diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, when in October 2006 they held a conference "Fundamentals of Spiritual Security of the Far Eastern Region"!

Although, as shown by a study of the media themselves, conducted by the Independent Institute of Communication Science, about 40% of all publications contain "clearly expressed signs of intolerant intention." main reason Experts see the aggression of journalists in the absence of "clear ethical and professional guidelines, skills in covering racial, ethnic and religious relations." Perhaps that is why, when the question arose at the last Christmas readings in Yakutsk at a “round table” with representatives of the local media: “Should the press talk about moral values?”, There was a rebuff: “We must inform, but not impose these things.”

It is clear that morality (as opposed to immorality) cannot be imposed. But where is the line that runs between information and preaching? Is the fact that a temple was consecrated in the city of N a message? And the fact that Christ is risen is information or not? Is it news that the Orthodox are celebrating another holiday with such and such signs and traditions? And what is the commandments of God, is, and a person will perish if he lives contrary to the will and plan of the Savior about him - is this an attack on tolerance?

New "opium for the people"

I think that if the dormant beast in man could be stopped by the threat, anyway, of jail or the afterlife, the highest emblem of humanity would be a circus tamer with a whip, and not a self-sacrificing preacher. But the fact of the matter is that for centuries man has been lifted above the animals and carried up not by a stick, but by music: the irresistibility of unarmed Truth, the attractiveness of its example.
Boris Pasternak. "Doctor Zhivago"

All these facts confirm the idea expressed by scientists that today the ideological movement of tolerance is acquiring a religious – or rather, quasi-religious – flavor.

Reproaches for a lack of tolerance are heard mainly against religions. And partly this is true. After all, any religion claims to possess the absolute Truth, which gives meaning to life and determines moral laws. Therefore, any religion - by its very nature - limits tolerance for dissent. “It is truly touching,” writes S.D. Lebedev, associate professor of the socio-psychological faculty of BelSU, “when secular humanists vied with each other to criticize religious culture and worldview for a lack of tolerance for other religions or for atheism, without thinking at all about the attitude to tolerance they are at this moment themselves.

The main conceptual "mechanism" of secular tolerance is the recognition of the relativity of any ideals. For one, homosexuality is a normal phenomenon, the other sees nothing wrong with the legal permission of soft drugs, the third - in the legalization of brothels. You can mock at other people's shrines, justifying this artistic search, you can distort history, because there is nothing sacred. A person has the right to profess Wahhabism, Leninism, Satanism… All religions are equally needed (or not needed). And if you do not believe in this, but, for example, in Christ, then you are a marginal. No absolute truths! – and only this is absolute. Everyone has their own truth ... And try to argue! So tolerance turns into an idol.

The "religion of tolerance," Lebedev warns, is a phenomenon no less disturbing than religious fundamentalism, since it also excludes from the category of "tolerant" all those who do not share it... Tolerance very easily turns into "total tolerance."

It turns out that not only religions can come into conflict with the values, norms and stereotypes of a secular society. But secular culture is also capable of infringing on religious cultures, forcing them to deviate from vital canons and norms. “Moreover, today this is done not under the flag of militant atheism or skepticism, but precisely under the flag of tolerance. Here, in our opinion, it is appropriate, following J. Martinez-Torron, to talk about anti-religious fundamentalism,” writes Lebedev.

One of the leading modern thinkers, S.G. Kara-Murza, gives a vivid example of such a dictatorship of tolerance - the sensational publication in the USA of the "politically correct Bible". As a result of radical "tolerance" from the Bible, "traces of anything that could irritate any social group" were "cleaned out." So, for example, an indication is thrown out that Christ was crucified by the Jews. What a trifle! Do not irritate the financial magnates because of her. In order not to offend the feminists, they cleaned up the Sabaoth profile - now he is not God the Father, but “God the Father Mother”. "Our Father!" is cancelled. Even the word Lord as a synonym for God has been eliminated – long live democracy, no masters!”

But do not rush to laugh at the Americans who are crazy about political correctness. I don’t know what motives moved the deeply respected (really) professor of the philological faculty of YSU N.G. Samsonov, however, speaking of the role of Saints Cyril and Methodius in the celebrations of the day Slavic writing and culture, he never uttered the words "Gospel", "Christianity", "worship", etc. As if he forgot that the goal of the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers was not at all to create writing as such. They wanted to convey Slavic peoples The Word of God, for which many suffered both from pagans and from Catholic bishops. In essence, both Russian and Yakut literature is a by-product of Christian preaching, Orthodox missionary work. “By their fruits you will know them,” remember even those who have never read Holy Scripture. And you just need to realize that if the lateral branch of Orthodoxy has produced such great literature, then what kind of fruit does the main vine bear!

Alas, the Russian Institute of Tolerance created (with the support of the Soros Foundation) is an example of manipulation of mass consciousness. Imagine, in the conditions of the competition “Expedition of Tolerance” announced by him on about. Solovki, designed to “interest and actively involve young people in socially oriented projects, increase their awareness in the field of democratic reforms, in particular, in relation to the spread of values ​​of tolerance ... and work to preserve historical memory”, I did not find a single (amnesia?!) mentions of the words "Orthodox", "priest", "monk", etc. About the archipelago, famous for its monastery (founded back in the 15th century), and which in the 20th century became the Golgotha ​​of the Orthodox priesthood, the burial place of thousands of new martyrs, it is said: “A monument of a unique spiritual opposition to totalitarianism.”

“Do not be afraid of the Solovki,” Mikhail Nesterov once said. “Christ is close there.” What are the current fighters for tolerance so afraid of? And as if in an atmosphere of such "freedom" not to suffocate - neither to ourselves, nor to historical truth.


I often and with pleasure oppose myself to the cult that has developed in the West today - the cult of tolerance. The formula that “everything must be treated with tolerance” seems to me insufficient. After all, tolerance is only the first step. And if I cannot find values ​​in another culture that I would love, then a tolerant attitude is nothing more than self-restraint ... Tolerance is impossible without love.
Krzysztof Zanussi. From an interview with the magazine "Foma"

I'm not sure whether one can unequivocally agree with E. Romanov, who claims that “tolerance teaches and makes a person become immoral. The indifference that is instilled in us in the form of tolerance is a rejection of humanity, a rejection of goodness in favor of evil. For between good and evil there is no compromise space where the simultaneous presence of both is possible ... ”But, it’s true, in all ages, for Orthodox Russians, indifference and indifference to someone else’s grief, someone else’s fate was considered a sin.

If respect for another culture, someone else's opinion, law should be based on the fact that there are no absolute truths, and your culture, opinion, law are as relative as all others, then on such a foundation, I agree with Baldur Nazarov, it is difficult to build what -or, except for neurosis: “Why are we talking about the education of tolerance, and not talking about the education of a person who is able to love both himself and the world around him? A world consisting of people, things and phenomena - different, but equally waiting and deserving of love.

Candidate historical sciences K.V. Kozlov (BelSU) writes: “For more than two thousand years, Christianity has been showing humanity a model of relationships based on patience as necessary condition salvation. The restoration of the current system of Orthodox religious education is the basis for overcoming possible forms of intolerance and social tension in society.”

And in the teaching environment, the thesis is persistently introduced: "Education in the spirit of tolerance should be considered as an urgent imperative."

Maybe we should not reinvent the wheel and come up with lessons of tolerance? After all, we all - atheists, Buddhists, and Baptists - live in a culture whose fruits are known. A multi-tribal state has developed over a vast territory, in which for more than a thousand years, not without difficulties, but still different peoples coexisted. Under the shelter of this civilization, and often thanks to it, they were able to preserve their beliefs, traditions, their cultures. Because the basis of this civilization was the Orthodox confession of Christ, the God of Love. Everything that we love and appreciate so much, that we are so proud of - literature, music, art, architecture - and everything that creates the originality of the national character - openness, sincerity, mercy, the need for empathy - everything has its roots in the culture, the foundation of which is Orthodoxy. It is possible not to profess this faith, but how not to love its fruits?

However, try to hint at the introduction of the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" in schools... You will immediately be accused of lack of tolerance. Our liberal public will immediately fall into hysterics, as if children are being asked to teach promiscuity (this is just possible). Well, you can’t tell schoolchildren about the culture, thanks to which Russia has become a motherland to people of different races, nationalities, and faiths! Taboo.

What is the way out? Do not succumb to attempts to manipulate our consciousness, will, faith (when someone requires us to show tolerance, we must at least ask what is meant by this). And to keep the foundations of native culture, in spite of everything, at the heart of all the same - Orthodox.

We thank the staff of the Yakut Orthodox newspaper Logos and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Irina Dmitrieva for the publication.

Not all people use the concept of tolerance in their lives. What it is? These are the norms of behavior accepted in the social environment, which are expressed in people's tolerance for each other, religions, customs and feelings. It can be said that The basis of tolerance is considered to be the right to express thoughts and every person. These are human feelings, which are expressed in a positive attitude of people to something, but not to violations of moral and universal principles. This word has recently come into use, let's try to understand this concept in more detail.

peony flower

Tolerance includes such human qualities as:

  • Compassion and tolerance;
  • Forgiveness and mercy;
  • Perception of the neighbor with all his shortcomings;
  • Respect for the rights and freedoms of people;
  • Willingness to cooperate;
  • Maintaining a spirit of partnership and parity among people.

In 1995, the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance was adopted.

According to this document, tolerance is:

  • Patience;
  • Lack of aggression;
  • Philosophical worldview and the ability to philosophically evaluate the life positions and manifestations of the character of other people.

Depending on the sphere of manifestation, tolerance is divided into the following categories:

  • political;
  • Pedagogical;
  • Medical;
  • Scientific;
  • Administrative, etc.

Types and types of tolerance in modern society

The concept of tolerance is not just a Wikipedia definition. Exist different definitions, as well as dividing tolerance into species, types, subspecies and subtypes. Psychologists divide tolerance into four types, which are based on interpersonal communication of people:

  1. natural (natural). This type of tolerance is characterized by the fact that the child cannot oppose his own "I" to the world around him. He doesn't have much experience for that. Children's consciousness is driven by forgiveness, trust. It is these qualities that allow a small person to adapt to the conditions of existence. However, these character traits make the baby suppress desires and manifestations of will.

People with different skin colors can be tolerant of each other

  1. moral tolerance. This kind of tolerance is typical for self-sufficient and wise people who know how to psychological protection organism. The main manifestation of this attitude is the manifestation of tolerance towards others. Inside, the passions of indignation may rage and negative energy accumulate, but outwardly the person is extremely calm.
  1. moral tolerance. It will be surprising to many people that two paragraphs with synonymous subheadings go in a row. But there is a significant difference between moral and moral tolerance. Moral tolerance is different in that it determines the degree of trust in a person. This type is typical for people who try to accept the thoughts, values, stereotypes, life principles of another person. It is easy for such people to carry conflict situations and resist stress.
  1. ethnic tolerance. Causes long-suffering and lack of condemnation to a foreign culture, customs and way of life.

A person endowed with ethnic tolerance is able to live for a long time in an environment that is unusual, and sometimes even unpleasant for him, a foreign culture and traditions.

Main types of tolerance consist of four subspecies:

  1. The attitude of a person to the situation and the people taking part in it. Subdivided situational tolerance to the following levels:
  • Low level characteristic of a person’s negative attitude to the world and the surrounding reality (“they annoy me”);
  • On middle level a person expresses tolerance for interlocutors (“I like to communicate with them, and I understand them perfectly”);
  • Highest level characterized by the complete acceptance of a person by a person (“I feel comfortable and good with them”).
  1. The position of a person in relation to other people, based on political, ethnic and national characteristics. This type of tolerance is called typological.
  2. Another subtype of tolerance - professional. This is the reaction of people to the environment in which they are forced to stay for a large amount of time - employees, colleagues, colleagues.
  3. Collective tolerance (general) consists of the signs that a person shows as a result of the previous three observations. Their systematization gives a general picture of the level of tolerance of the individual.

Many people are intolerant of men and women with tattoos.

Examples of tolerance from life

The most obvious manifestations of tolerance in life, as a rule, are associated with religion: you can meet a Christian who talks with a Muslim, and both of them are tolerant towards each other, listen to each other's position and opinion. Also, an example of tolerance can be a conversation between people of different political views. It is important that l people do not try to impose their point of view but have the power to recognize that the other person may not share your political beliefs.

Often people are intolerant of appearance people who dress or look very different from you. For example, you don’t like tattoos and as soon as you see a girl with a tattoo, your attitude towards her immediately deteriorates, or you don’t want to communicate with her at all.

It will be absolutely intolerant to express your position as the only true one, to hint in every possible way that the person is wrong, that all his arguments seem stupid or insignificant to you. In this situation, you can safely call yourself an intolerant person.

Tolerance and intolerance

In an effort to become tolerant, a person does not think about the fact that his manifestations of tolerance sometimes have the character of violence against himself. That is, he does not have moral tolerance, which is due to acceptance and forgiveness. This process takes place at the level of moral tolerance, which suppresses the internal rejection of any processes.

Tolerance and intolerance are manifested in all spheres of human relationships: professional, interethnic, interreligious and others.

How to understand that a person is tolerant? As a rule, the following signs of tolerance and tolerant personality are distinguished:

  1. Humor. The ability to laugh at one's own shortcomings is the main difference between a tolerant person. He adequately responds to criticism and jokes addressed to him.
  1. Self-realization.

A tolerant person is aimed at self-improvement and the implementation of his plans.

He is inquisitive, open with people and selflessly comes at the first call for help. An intolerant individual does not know how to empathize and does not show compassion for people. He cannot self-determine, and does not strive for self-improvement.

  1. Self-esteem. Tolerance is the ability of a person to adequately evaluate himself and others. He clearly knows and strives to eradicate them. Tolerance implies the harmony of people with the world and within themselves. An intolerant person is accustomed to blaming others for his troubles. He transfers all the blame to those around him, to the circumstances. At the same time, intolerant people exalt their own achievements and stick out their virtues, which, perhaps, do not exist at all.
  1. Security. With all the problems of modern reality (rampant crime, terrorism, etc.), a tolerant person feels protected in society. However, intolerant people see everything that happens around them as a real threat to their own security.
  1. Responsibility. Tolerant people are not afraid of responsibility. In everything that happens around, they are looking for the true causes and meaning. It is not difficult for them to take on certain obligations, and bear for their misdeeds and others.

Conchita Wurst, aka Thomas Neuwirth, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen

  1. Democracy. Tolerant people will never convince you that they are right. They will definitely listen to your point of view, but will remain with their own. Intolerant people are dictators in their psychological attitude. They need to know that everyone around them is subject to their concepts and aspirations.

Tolerance in the modern world

Tolerance for our state and its citizens is something new that has come to us since the time of "Perestroika" and the formation of a new state. In the Soviet Union, tolerance was considered, if not a manifestation of weakness, then a betrayal of the political views promoted by the state. In a communist society, differences of opinion, religious views and preferences were not allowed. The perverted concept of tolerance was recognized only in the call for equality and brotherhood of all peoples and strata of society. Which, however, was sheer propaganda, and had no real basis.

At the present time, people in our country and around the world are increasingly asking themselves the question: “How to become a tolerant person?” And many confuse tolerance with forgiveness in Christianity. However, this concept is far from a Christian call for a patient and stoic desire to "bear your cross" or "turn your cheek for a second blow." The Orthodox Fathers categorically reject tolerance as a science and in every possible way prevent its teaching in schools and universities. They believe that the acceptance and understanding of any point of view destroys the moral foundations of a person who were brought up in him from childhood.

We can list several examples of the dual interpretation of manifestations of tolerance in society:

  1. The youth. Let's consider a vivid example of the manifestation of the denial of tolerance - skinhead groups. They believe that tolerance for foreign culture, beliefs and attitudes leads to the oppression of the Slavic race. How to explain to a child what tolerance is? First of all, by example. Do not be afraid to discuss sensitive topics in the family regarding any kind of tolerance. Tolerance for children, especially small ones, can be complex concept, but over the years, the seeds you have sown will make themselves felt, and your child will become a truly tolerant person.
  1. Family. In some countries, where a tolerant position towards people has been promoted for a long time, there are some excesses in concepts. For example, in England it is forbidden to use the words "husband" and "wife" in the document flow. Thus, the authorities of the state try not to offend the feelings of sexual minorities entering into a marriage union. However, this is also not the limit, in the future it is planned to ban the words "mother" and "father", with the same purpose. European society condemns the denial of Russians in relation to same-sex partners who want to adopt children.

  1. Policy. In political life there is a very thin line between tolerance and servility. Politicians receive appropriate training and skills to help them manipulate the public and the opinion of the majority of people. Take the same ban on teenage homosexuality, adopted at the legislative level in Russia. In tolerant Europe, this caused a storm of condemnation and accusations of intolerance of the Russian rulers.

Today we see that the Russian public is outraged by the manifestation of fascism and extremism in the territory of the former Russian state- Ukraine.


From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Manifestations of tolerance for non-traditional views on life and the concepts of the minority must be justified by logic and common sense;
  • It is necessary to consider the adoption of certain positions guided by the laws and traditions adopted in society;
  • It is necessary to clearly know and be aware of the limits of tolerance;
  • Tolerance should not develop into permissiveness and violation of true values.

It is necessary to respect and understand the meaning of life, the positions and aspirations of other people, which must correspond to such concepts as "morality", "morality" and "democracy". A tolerant person is not one who is endowed with one positive quality, it is an individual who possesses all of them in full. He will never go into conflict, even justified by certain circumstances, it is impossible to call him to condemn or sharply reject other people's ideals and aspirations. However truly tolerant people must have high moral principles. In order for our society to become tolerant, it is necessary to educate and instill in young people tolerance based on the standards of morality and morality.



Event progress

1.Organizing time

On the tables there are suns of different colors, but they do not have enough rays. Students take one ray and sit at the table where the sun is the same color as the ray.

You are divided into 4 teams. Smile to each other, give me your smiles! Thank you! A smile is always conducive to communication.

1. Greeting (slide number 1)


Game "Let's greet each other»

    fold your hands (as in "prayer") at chest level and bow (Japan);

    rub noses (New Zealand);

    shake hands, standing at a great distance from each other (UK);

    hug each other tightly and kiss each other three times on the cheeks (Russia);

    show tongue (Tibet);

    very firmly shake hands, standing close to each other (Germany).

We are pleased to welcome all of you to our event. Our meeting is dedicated to learning to live together, accepting each other as we are, learning to understand each other.

Let's get to know each other ... .. (introduce the organizers, assistants), and in groups the guys get to know each other by doing acquaintance exercises.

Exercise: Name and epithet.

Purpose: the opportunity to learn the names of the participants and at the same time advertise themselves.

The group sits in a circle. One of the participants introduces himself to the rest and selects some kind of epithet in relation to himself. This adjective should begin with the same letter as the name, positively characterize the person and, if possible, contain exaggeration, for example: “Magnetic Magda, brilliant Gennady, violent Boris”, etc. The second speaker first repeats the name and epithet of the previous participant, then adds his own combination. The third repeats both options and then introduces himself. This goes on and on in a circle.

2. Parable "Good family" (slide number 2)

School is family. And I would like peace, respect and mutual understanding to reign in our family. What is needed for this. Listen to the parable and you will understand everything.

“There was a family in the world. She was not easy. There were over 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. So they lived with the whole family and the whole village. You say: so what, you never know big families in the world. But the fact is that this family was special - peace and harmony reigned in this family. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife. The rumor about this family reached the ruler of the state himself. And he decided to check if people are telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was cleanliness, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such a harmony, so I came to the head of the family: tell us, they say, how you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time, apparently, he was not very strong in writing. Then he handed the sheet to Vladyka. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man's scribbles. Dismantled with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper: ...»

slide number 3 task)

Exercise 1.

Each group responds by commenting on their answer.

Animation check job




And at the end of the sheet: 100 times love, 100 times forgiveness, 100 times patience. Vladyka read it, scratched behind his ear and asked: “Is that all?” “Yes,” the old man replied, “this is the basis of the life of any good family. And the world too."

Do you agree with what the head of the family wrote on a piece of paper?

What conclusion did you draw for yourself?

3. What is tolerance?

All these concepts can be combined in one word.

(slide number 4) "Guess the puzzle"

(slide number 5) Rebus

Task 2. The time to complete the task is 2 minutes.

Animation check job. On click, the word comes out TOLERANCE

Of course, not everyone may be familiar with this word. And, at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible, but in the modern world where you have to live, you will hear it more than once. In life, a person communicates with representatives of various nationalities, cultures, confessions, social strata, so it is important to learn to respect the cultural values ​​of both one's own people and representatives of another culture, religion.

4. History of origin understanding of tolerance (slides No. 6,7).

So, what is “tolerance”? Let's look into the past.

On the edge XVIII-XIX centuries in France lived Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince of Benevent . He distinguished himself by the fact that under different governments (and under the revolutionary, and under Napoleon, and under King Louis XVII) he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a talented person in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, seek solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time, maintain their own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey the circumstances.

The concept of “tolerance” is connected with the name of this person.

(slide number 8)

What does the word tolerance mean?

In different languages, this word sounds differently, but its meaning is the same (French, English, Chinese and other translations of the word). And how are youthink what word is the key to the concept of tolerance?

- Of course, the word is tolerance.

(slide number 9 exercise)

Compose a syncwine for the word TOLERANCE .

Task 3. The time to complete the task is 5 minutes.

5. Holiday of Tolerance - November 16 (slide No. 10 task)

When is Tolerance Day celebrated?

Task 4 . Time to complete the task up to 1 minute.


(slide no. 11)

On November 16, residents of many countries around the world celebrate International Day for Tolerance or Tolerance Day. This holiday was established in 1996 by the decision of the UN General Assembly. On November 16, 1995, in Paris, the participants of the twenty-eighth UNESCO conference, and these are 185 countries, adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance.

In order to be more tolerant towards people of other nationalities, you need to know a lot about the characteristics of different cultures, read a lot, be interested.

Every country in the world has its own traditions and symbols. Now we will check what you know about it.

(slide number 12 task)

"What would that mean?"

Task 5.The time to complete the task is 4 minutes.

This bird among the Chinese means longevity, happy and peaceful old age, among Christians it symbolizes chastity, purity. He personified filial piety among the Egyptians and Romans. It also symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, and therefore is an Annunciation bird. Settled on the roof of the house, symbolizes peace and prosperity ( stork).

This bird has become a symbol of peace. In Christianity, it was considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, this bird, released by Noah, brought him an olive branch as a symbol of the reconciliation of the elements. It is considered a sign of forgiveness of people. In the Middle Ages, it was an indispensable attribute of the Annunciation, Baptism, Trinity ( pigeon).

It is a symbol of the wisdom of the senses; among the Aztecs - the center of man, religion and love, among the Jews - the Temple of God, among the Celts - nobility and compassion. Flaming - means religious zeal, pierced by an arrow - repentance (the emblem of St. Augustine) or unrequited love ( heart).

This is an atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon, usually observed after or before rain. It looks like a circle made up of the colors of the spectrum. IN Scandinavian mythology this is a bridge connecting Midgard - the world of people and Asgard - the world of the gods. In ancient Indian - the bow of the god of thunder and lightning Indra. According to Slavic and Indian beliefs, she, like a snake, drinks water from lakes, rivers and seas, which later rains ( rainbow).


(slide number 13)

By completing the following task, you will collect an image of a symbol of tolerance.

(slide number 14 task)

Assemble the puzzle (pictures for puzzles in the presentation slide number 14)

Task 6. The time to complete the task is 3 minutes.


Animation check job. Emblem images pop up on click

We see that the visual expression of tolerance is the rainbow spectrum, symbolizing the variety of colors and shades, the originality of all the people of the world.

Each color of tolerance is the qualities that a truly tolerant person should show.

Task 7.Choose five words - qualities suitable for a person with a tolerant attitude.

The time to complete the task is 2 minutes.


Each group reads the words-qualities, starting with the phrase:

To be tolerant means to be…..

(slide number 15 task)

people for years observed human behavior. And as a storehouse of wisdom, they expressed the main idea in proverbs and sayings.

Restore the missing word in proverbs

Task 8. Time to complete the task 3 minutes.

(slide number 18) Animation check job. Proverbs come out with a click.

We check in the following order:

1-group of red emoticons;

For dear friend GATES wide open.

Clothes are good new, and a friend - OLD.

A man without friends is like a falcon WITHOUT WINGS.

2- group of yellow emoticons;

Only the strong ARE ABLE forgive.

Better DO NOT FIGHT than to ask for forgiveness.

Strongest of all VICTORIES- forgiveness.

3- group of green emoticons;

kind word CURES, evil cripples.

DO good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.

Good brotherhood is better WEALTH.

4 - a group of blue emoticons.

Where LAD, there is a treasure.

IN ACCORDING herd and the wolf is not terrible.

FRIENDLY to stand for peace - there will be no war.

We live in one big house- Russia. In our country, people of different nationalities are friends with each other.

Now we will make a short trip to different countries.

Attention! Quiz.

"Such different peoples"

It is in this country that a Christmas tree with a star on top, Olivier salad and Irony

fate” on TV have long become common attributes of the New Year. (RUSSIA)

In this country for New Year It is customary to get rid of everything old and boring. His

they just throw them out the windows into the street. (ITALY)

In this country, at the first stroke of the clock, the owners of the house must open

back door and let out old year. And with the twelfth - open the front and

let in a new year. (ENGLAND)

The inhabitants of this country fill all the dishes with water on New Year's Eve.

at hand, and at the festive midnight they throw it out in unison - right out the windows.

Thus, they wish the New Year a bright path. (CUBA)

"National dishes on our table"

A dish of Ukrainian cuisine. A kind of small pies made of unleavened dough stuffed with cottage cheese, berries. And sometimes with potatoes and cabbage. (VARENIKI)

This dish of Russian cuisine is a symbol of the sun. Prepared from batter, which is poured into a hot frying pan. (PANCAKES)

Dish caucasian cuisine. Pieces of meat fried on metal or wooden sticks. (SHASHLIK)

Dish of Armenian cuisine. Wheat bread in the form of thin large cakes.

"Puzzles". Puzzles different peoples teach to be attentive, observant, make you think, reflect.

Kazakh - "50 naughty lay on my palm, let go of one - a fire will immediately break out." (MATCHES)

Tatar - “The old man is a man, he doesn’t order to stand on the street, he pulls home by the nose” (FROST).

Russian - "He lay down across the river, he helped me to run." (BRIDGE)

Udmurt - "A black cow will come and knock everyone down." (NIGHT)

(slide no. 22)

Summarizing. Presentation of diplomas.

And I would like to end our meeting with these words:

Only in this salvation

Salvation in one

Treat each other with kindness and warmth.

Learn to live freely, with dignity, but at the same time to others

Don't be indifferent.

All the best to you, happiness, success!

(slide no. 23)

Thanks for playing!

What is tolerance?

(instead of preface)

Interest in tolerance as one of the aspects of the human psyche and social life appeared relatively recently.

The term "tolerance" originated in the last millennium. The modern concept of tolerance is largely associated with the activities of the philosophers of the 16th-17th centuries, who rebelled against the "tolerance of intolerance" and violent religious clashes. Voltaire was a consistent critic of fanaticism and a defender of tolerance. The English philosopher D. Locke first raised the issue of the need to educate tolerance in "Essays on Tolerance" in 1667 and in "Letters on Tolerance" in 1685.

The most important result of the activity of the philosophers of that time was the recognition of tolerance as a common value and a component of peace and understanding between religions, peoples and other social groups.

The complexity of understanding the concept of "tolerance" lies in its different meaning in different languages. It depends on the historical experience of peoples.

Recently, the concept of "tolerance" has become an international term. It has content based on general meaning given word in any language of the Earth.

So, tolerance (from Latin tolerantia - persistent, tolerant, tolerant of deviations) is a personality trait of a person, a tolerant attitude towards other people's opinions, religion, behavior, respect for the dignity and rights of other people; the ability to put yourself in the place of another person. It is respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.

The UNESCO General Conference declared 1995 the Year of Tolerance and adopted the Declaration of the Principles of Tolerance, and November 16 was named the International Day of Tolerance.

Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of a person.

Tolerant attitudes imply an active life position.

Tolerance is not a concession or indulgence, but, above all, an active attitude, which is formed on the basis of the recognition of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Tolerance is the protection of human rights, regardless of gender, ethnicity or race, religious views.

December 10, 1948 The UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Since that day, most of the world's states have lived by the principles of this declaration and annually celebrate December 10 as International Human Rights Day. The articles of the declaration are based on the principles of freedom, equality, responsibility, tolerance, solidarity, identity, peace, security...

Human rights cannot be bought, earned, won, or inherited. Every person has them from birth.

Human rights are the “natural rights” of every human being.

Human rights do not depend on his race, sex, national or social origin.

All people are born free and equal in their rights.

Look around. You are surrounded by people just like you.

They have the same rights as you. They may have a different color of skin, eyes, hair, they may speak a different language for you, they may lead a different way of life than yours...

But remember that we all live on the same planet, in the same world, and we must respect the one who lives next to us.

Communicating with other people, we must learn to understand each and accept him for who he is, to see the best qualities in him. We will be tolerant of each other, and together we will be able to overcome any difficulties and problems that arise in our lives.



"I, you, he, she - together a friendly country, together - Friendly family, in the word "we" - a hundred thousand "I"! - the once very popular song in our country begins so optimistically and life-affirmingly. Further, if you remember, the song contains a description of “big-eyed, mischievous, black, white and colored, red-haired and cheerful”, who, despite the difference in external data, interests and hobbies, views and beliefs, got along quite well in one country. But this is how it is sung in the song, but in life everything is much more complicated. It is not so easy to be united by one "ensemble" of relations, entering into such social education like "country", "city", "family", "school", "class".

Living in peace and harmony presupposes that everyone has such human qualities as mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, benevolence, restraint, compliance, sociability, tolerance ... Separately, I would like to emphasize the importance of developing in a person from childhood such a quality as tolerance.

Unfortunately, the spirit of intolerance, hostility to another culture, way of life, beliefs, beliefs, habits has always existed and continues to exist in our time both in society as a whole and in its individual institutions. The school is no exception. It should be noted that the subject of intolerance at school can be both the national, religious, ethnic, social, gender identity of the child, as well as the features of his appearance, interests, hobbies, habits.

Many years of experience in school as a psychologist convinces me that one of the most common causes appeals of class teachers for help to a psychologist is a problem interpersonal relationships in the classroom, often based on intolerance. The situation in the country, in society in general and in education in particular, suggests the need for special work to build tolerance in the school environment.

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.

To show tolerance means to recognize that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world, while maintaining their individuality. Tolerance - global problem, and the most effective way of its formation in the younger generation is education. Education in the spirit of tolerance contributes to the formation of young people's skills of independent thinking, critical reflection and the development of judgments based on moral values.

Pedagogical practice has accumulated a lot of methods, forms and techniques of work on the education of tolerance among schoolchildren related to the organization of children's activities in the classroom, the use of works of fiction and films, the organization of dialogue forms of work (discussions, disputes, debates). The techniques and exercises proposed below will replenish the treasury of educational resources of the class teacher and will contribute to the establishment of a benevolent atmosphere in the class team.

1. Reception "Detection of contradictions"

On the flag and coat of arms of South Korea there is a symbolic sign - a monad, which embodies the ancient Eastern theory about two forces: "Yin" (dark, earthly, passive, female) and "Yang" (light, heavenly, active, male). The whole universe rests on the interaction, cooperation and struggle of these two principles, which constitute the unity of chaos. The meanings that open up when comprehending the monad make it possible to use this sign, more than any other, to form a tolerant consciousness of students.

In the world there is no strength without weakness, south without north, top without bottom, heat without cold, day without night, life without death, man without woman... The teacher can ask the child to continue this series.

In a person, as a part of this boundless world, good and evil, activity and passivity, truth and falsehood, freedom and dependence, wisdom and stupidity also coexist ... Once again, this series can be completed by a child. When listing pairs of antonyms, the teacher should visually refer to a pre-drawn monad model.

Exercise "Table of Antipodes"

The teacher asks the child to divide the page in half and write positive and negative traits of his personality. Then there is a discussion of the table, then the same can be done in relation to the child, to whom he shows intolerance (provided that this is an individual conversation).

2. Reception "Correction of positions"

The streamlined shape of the monad and the color pattern inside it speak of a tendency to change, instability, reversibility of everything that happens. There are many examples: today I love, and tomorrow I hate; at school I am passive, but on the street I am active; yesterday I was healthy, and today I am sick; last year I liked math, and this year I liked biology; I am kind with a friend, but with a traitor... The teacher invites the child to give examples from his own life when unexpected changes took place in it. Everything flows, everything changes. And in various life situations, both positive and negative qualities of a person are in demand.

Exercise "Turn negatives into positives"

The class teacher again draws the child's attention to the compiled table of antipodes, where his negative qualities, and together they try to comprehend where and in what situation these qualities can be applied. For example, intolerance is acceptable in relation to theft, lies, violent coercion. The same work can be done with the qualities of a child in relation to whom manifestations of intolerance are observed.

3. Reception "Accent on the beam"

Again an appeal to the image of the monad. dark spot- on a light background and a light spot - on a dark one. Just as there is no ideal person in the life, so in the most notorious criminal there are sprouts of the positive. It is important to try to accept yourself and others, of course, as they are, while relying on the good, good that a person has. "I accept you and try to understand the reason for your actions."

Exercise "Pebble in the shoe"

Each person has his own weak point, his own problem, his own “pebble in the shoe”, which prevents him from moving freely in the right direction and makes itself felt at every step. The class teacher asks the child to find in himself what prevents him from living in peace with himself and with the people around him (search for a dark spot).

Exercise "Pearl in the Shell"

It is also natural that each person is the bearer of his inherent, individual positive qualities and virtues, which allow him to survive in any, even the most critical, situations. The teacher invites the child to find in himself what is his highest dignity (search for a bright spot).

4. Reception "Search for a tolerant position."

According to E. Bern, there are four life positions in relation to oneself and others:

I'm ok, you're ok. This is the position of a completely healthy person, symbolizing a decent life, the position of Heroes and Princes, Heroines and Princesses.

I'm OK, you're not OK. I am the Prince and you are the Frog. This is a position of superiority, arrogance, intolerance towards people whom a person considers unworthy of himself.

I'm not ok, you're ok. This is the position of a loser who has lost faith in himself, engages in self-abasement and self-blame.

I'm not ok, you're not ok. This is a position of hopelessness, despair, loss of life meaning.

Exercise "Transformation of a monad"

The class teacher asks to imagine the interaction of two people in the form of a monad. What happens to the monad pattern when a person takes a particular position in communication? The child, together with the teacher, tries to draw a monad for each of the four positions. Drawing analysis.

5. Reception "Breaking stereotypes"

In fact, the world we live in is not so simple as to be divided into black and white, and people - only into good and bad. The world around us is colorful and iridescent, and a person, as a part of it, is mysterious and multifaceted. And happy is the one who can find as many transitional colors, motives, openings in himself and others as possible. The richer and more colorful inner world person and the people around us, the more interesting it is to live.

Exercise "Ideal self-image"

The teacher asks the child to draw his multicolored monad, consisting of those qualities that he accepts in himself, without dividing them into black and white, good and bad, male and female. The same exercise can be done with the person at whom the child's intolerance was directed.

The described techniques can be used by the class teacher in an individual conversation with a child who is intolerant of something or someone. Some of them can also serve as material for carrying out class hour on the relevant topics, followed by the organization of group reflection. However, it should be noted that the practical application of these techniques requires the presence of a humane position of the class teacher in relation to children, a high degree of trust in relations with them, their unconditional acceptance and support. In conclusion, I would like to say that there are quite a lot of pedagogical methods for the formation of tolerance. Each pedagogical situation gives rise to new techniques, and each teacher uses those that correspond to his individual style.


Purpose: to acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance", with the main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality; develop the ability to adequately know oneself and other people.

^ Form of holding: "round table" with role-playing tasks and problematic questions.

Class hour progress

Good afternoon. I would like to start our meeting with a conversation about the eternal, about love.

^ Music sounds, a fairy tale is told.

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love. It was boring for her to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived for a hundred years:

Help me, grandfather, to choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all the life God has given me.

The magician thought and said:

Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew is still wet...

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the appointed place... She came and saw: there were five beautiful girls, one more beautiful than the other.

Take your pick, said the wizard. - one is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sorrow, the fifth is kindness.

They are all beautiful, said Love. I don't know who to choose...

Your truth, - the magician answered, - they are all good, and you will still meet them in your life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them. She will be your friend for the rest of your life.

Love came closer to the girls and looked into the eyes of each. Love thought.

And who would you choose? Why? (Music sounds and the continuation of the tale):

Love approached the girl named Kindness and held out her hand.

Why did Love choose kindness? (Answers).

Today our conversation is about tolerance. November 16 International Day for Tolerance. Not everyone, perhaps, is familiar with this word, and, at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning that it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. Modern man of culture- this is not only an educated person, but a person with a sense of self-respect and respected by others. Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, society as a whole.

What is tolerance? (Answers).

Let's sum it all up together. The word "tolerance" I depicted in the form of the sun. Let's draw your answers in the form of rays.

The term tolerance is explained as tolerance, desire and ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

Let's hear how the word tolerance is defined in different languages ​​around the world. Post prepared...

The definition of the word "tolerance" in different languages ​​of the globe sounds differently:

In Spanish, it means the ability to recognize ideas or opinions that are different from one's own;

In French, an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently from oneself;

In English - willingness to be tolerant, condescending;

In Chinese - allow, accept, be generous towards others;

In Arabic - manifestation, condescension, gentleness, mercy, compassion, favor, patience, disposition towards others;

In Russian - the ability to endure something or someone (to be self-possessed, enduring, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone).

Which of the definitions appeals to you the most? (Answers).

Why do you think b different countries definitions are different? (Answers).

But what unites these definitions? (Answers).

Why is tolerance so relevant today? (Answers).

In today's society, there is an active growth of extremism, aggressiveness, and the expansion of conflict zones. These social phenomena especially affect young people, who, due to age characteristics, are characterized by maximalism, the desire for simple and quick solutions to complex social problems.

In recent years, a catastrophic growth of various forms of antisocial behavior has been observed in the teenage and youth environment. Juvenile delinquency continues to increase. The number of anti-social youth organizations of a radical nature is growing, involving inexperienced youth in extremist groups.

Every person does different things in life. In some situations, he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens the other way around...


The young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. An ill-dressed elderly man was sitting on the curb. A battered bag lay beside him. He groaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I'll go to him, - said the girl.

Do not even think about it. It is dirty, you will catch an infection, - the young man replied, squeezing

Let go. You see, his leg is broken. Look, he's got blood on his pants.

What about us? He himself is to blame.

Let go of my hand, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I tell you: he himself is to blame for everything. You have to work, but he begs, steals, drinks. Why help him?

I'll come anyway. The girl pulled out her hand. -

I won't let you. You're my girlfriend and don't you dare talk to anyone. Let's get out of here." He tried to carry her away.

You know what, I... how can you? He's in pain! It hurts, you understand? No, you don't understand! the girl pushed the guy away and approached the man. The guy tried to hold her back again. She resolutely pulled her hand back.

What's wrong with you? she asked the man. - What's wrong with your leg.

I broke it... I'm bleeding. I don't know what to do and where is the hospital in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me take a look. Be patient. You need to call an ambulance.

Thank you lady, thank you...

Listen, - the girl turned to the young man who approached them, - do you have a mobile phone?

The guy was silent. The girl looked at him inquiringly and suddenly felt the disgust that emanated from his whole posture, look ... She got up and approached the guy.

Get out! Never call me again and don't come! I don't want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some homeless, alcoholic? Silly! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and dropped to her knees again. The guy walked away.

You have an open fracture, - she said - I'll go call a doctor. Be patient, - she quickly went to the telephone booth.

Young woman! - the man called out to her - Thank you! The girl turned around and smiled. You will definitely find happiness for yourself.

Why did the young man refuse to help?

What would you do in this case?

What do you usually do when you see that a person needs help?

How should we deal with people who beg?

Conclusion. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, whether it be a random fellow traveler, a vagabond or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

We see that there are bottom ways of personality development - tolerant and intolerant.


Now we will be divided into 2 groups. Group 1 will describe the main features inherent in a tolerant personality, group 2 features inherent in an intolerant personality.

^ Tolerant personality Intolerant personality

Respect for the opinions of others Misunderstanding

Benevolence Ignoring

Wanting to do something together Selfishness

Understanding and acceptance


Sensitivity, curiosity Expression of disdain



trust, humanism Indifference

Unmotivated aggressiveness

^ The intolerant path is characterized by a person's idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of education, a feeling of discomfort of existence in the reality surrounding him, a desire for power, a rejection of opposing views, traditions and customs.

^ The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in environment who understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a benevolent attitude towards other cultures, views, traditions.


There was only one king in the world

Rich and powerful.

He was always sad. And sometimes

It was darker than clouds.

He walked, slept, dined,

And he did not know happiness!

But always whine and grieve

The poor thing is tired.

The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!” -

And jumped off the throne boldly.

Yes, instantly destroy your inheritance

Not in royalty?

And so the king got into the carriage -

And drove for happiness.

The king looks out the window

The carriage rolls briskly.

Wait a minute, who's in the way?

girl in a tattered dress.

O almighty my king,

Give me at least a penny if you please.

Hey beggar, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off.

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

Karsta rushes at random

God knows which way.

Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,

Wounded, torn.

O my king, cried the soldier,

I am very glad to see you!

I humbly ask: arrange

You serve me

I stood up for you

I really fought like a hero

I won the battle.

Well, soldier, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness! -

The king said and drove away

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

Karst rushes at full speed,

The horse gallops, that there is a spirit.

Suddenly came out on the road from the mountains

A stooping old woman.

Forgive me my dear king

The old woman is lonely.

My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,

I went far in the morning.

A note from the forest I'm firewood -

Hard work.

I look around, barely alive:

Maybe someone will help...

Well, old woman, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness! -

The king said and drove away

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

Here the summer is over. Heat

Is replaced by bad weather.

The king hurries

It's time to go

A little more - and hurray!

I'll get my happiness!

And everything would end in disaster -

There are no doubts about it.

yes, the old man with the white beard

Stopped the carriage.

Crossing over, slowly

Solemn and strict

Said, "Lost soul,

King, fear God!

You are looking for happiness for yourself

You are traveling the world.

But only love your neighbor

You will find happiness.

Quickly listen to me:

Turn the horse back

Warm and feed the child

Hire a soldier as a watchman

Do it all, but first

Can you help the old lady?

Bring firewood to your house.

Cut and lay ... "-

There was a full moon here.

And she lit the way.

Hard way, way back.

The path to happiness is not going anywhere.

The king is still in the palace

Helps all people.

And happiness on his face

Like a clear day, shining!

^ How would you describe the behavior of the king at the beginning of the story?

Why do you think the king has changed?

Do such changes always occur in life?

What does this story teach us?

Conclusion. A person should strive to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself. The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.


Participants circle their hand on the sheet. It is proposed to write on the fingers good qualities, and on the palm of your hand - what you would like to change in yourself.


We talked a lot about tolerance, about a tolerant personality. Let's try to draw up the rules of tolerant communication and write them down on a poster.

1. Respect the interlocutor.

2. Try to understand what others are saying.

Z. Defend your opinion tactfully.

4. Look for the best arguments.

5. Be fair, ready to admit the rightness of the other.

6. Strive to consider the interests of others.

In the end, I would like to say that our class is a small family. And I would like kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in our family, there would be no quarrels or swearing. And what is needed for this?


There lived a family. She was not easy. There were over 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village, So they lived with the whole family and the whole village. You will say: so what, you never know big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife.

The rumor about this family reached the ruler of the country. And he decided to check if people are telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was cleanliness, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such a harmony, and came to the head of the family; tell us, they say, how you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time - apparently, he was not very strong in writing. Then he handed the sheet to Vladyka. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man's scribbles. Dismantled with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper: love, forgiveness, patience. And at the end of the sheet: a hundred times love, a hundred times forgiveness, a hundred times patience. Vladyka read it, scratched, as usual, behind his ear and asked:

Yes, - the old man answered, - this is the foundation of the life of any good family.

And the world too.


Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim underwater,

like fish, we lack only one thing:

learn to live on earth like people.

1^ . opening talk

Teacher: School graduate. What should he be like in order to adapt as quickly as possible to the conditions that he will find himself in after graduation? Adaptation of a person to new conditions, both in life and in professional activity is possible only in the presence of formed professional and social skills and personality traits. One of these qualities is tolerance.

In life, a person communicates with representatives of various nationalities, cultures, worlds, confessions, social strata, so it is important to learn to respect the cultural values ​​of both your own people and representatives of another culture, religion, to learn to find common ground. In addition, tolerance as a personality trait is considered necessary for successful adaptation to new unexpected conditions. People who do not have tolerance, being categorical, are incapable of the changes that life requires of us.

Tolerance is a relatively new product of culture, and therefore a late product of the human psyche, since the conditions of social reality are much more conducive to the formation of "intolerance" - a phenomenon that is opposite in content to tolerance. Awareness of the relevance of tolerance by an individual implies his long-term spiritual work on himself.

I encourage everyone to focus on the following questions:

1. Remember how you experienced resentment as a child?

2. What were you upset about?

3. Who showed you pity and compassion in difficult times?

4. What is patience?

5. What is tolerance?

6. What are their similarities?

7. How do you understand the expression "tolerance in communication"?

8. Is everything tolerable?

9. Where are the limits of tolerance?

10. "Understanding and accepting yourself" - how do you understand this expression?

So, we see that the term "tolerance" is voluminous and multifaceted.

1st student: In the "Declaration of Principles of Tolerance" by UNESCO, we will find the following wording: "Tolerance means respect, acceptance and understanding of the diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality"; “Tolerance is promoted by knowledge, openness, freedom of thought, conscience and belief; “Tolerance is not a tolerant attitude towards injustice (in the sense of internal resistance), not a rejection of one's convictions or concession to others, not condescension or indulgence, but an active attitude, recognition and respect for human rights and freedoms. The views of one person cannot be imposed on others: the freedom to hold one's beliefs and grant this right to others, the rejection of dogmas and absolute truths, the recognition of people's differences in appearance, social status, speech, behavior, values ​​and the right to live in the world, preserving their individuality , - these are the principles of tolerance. As a result, opportunities for reaching agreement between people are expanding due to the enrichment of one's own experience and the variability of communication with others who are different from us.

^ 2nd student: Tolerance is a realized readiness for conscious personal actions aimed at achieving humanistic relations between people and groups of people who have different worldviews, value orientations, behavioral stereotypes.

^ 3rd student: In the present and future, the human race is and will be divided into societies that we call states and which are separated by strictly defined borders and regimes, often opposed to each other. If not all states are multinational, then they are all multicultural. Whenever a state is formed, we can be sure that the differences have already revealed themselves and will soon declare themselves at the top of their voices.

Not a single society, as history and the events that are taking place in our days convincingly testifies, can yet be proud of the fact that it is tolerant. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we have to admit that the progress made by mankind in various fields has not led to mutual understanding between people. There is still a strong desire for uniformity, for absolute domination, for the destruction of independence, individuality. It manifests itself not only at the level of foreign and domestic policy of states, although it is in this area that its destructive consequences are most visible, but also in everyday interpersonal communication.

^ 4th student: No society is immune from intolerance, even if the laws and constitution of the country enshrined the principles of multiculturalism and freedom of opinion and expression, and also confirmed adherence to these values ​​as a way of life. And if in such a country cases of violence motivated by intolerance are not recorded on the same scale as in countries where mass destruction, brutal murders and refugee flows, unfortunately, have become a fact Everyday life However, even there they often encourage or at least tolerate less visible manifestations of intolerance and other forms of discrimination that do not attract much media attention, but remain very real for the people who suffer from them.

^ 5th student: Particularly strong impact on human consciousness is exerted by various forms of confrontation based on ethnicity, which is often realized directly through the media and which becomes most dramatic when a large number of people are subjected to physical violence. Although ethnic violence is as old as the world, it is clear that this is not the only reason for violence that occurs today. Other, no less old and no less painful causes of violence and abuse, based on gender, religion, sexual and age differences, as well as the presence of physical disabilities and incapacity, are still present in our environment and are still quite stable. In this case, intolerance is expressed in violent actions in stadiums during football matches or other sports competitions.

Teacher II: From this we can conclude that the situation as a whole is as follows: tolerance has become a key problem for the whole world; this problem is no less acute in countries that are considered stable and free, recognizing tolerance as an essential component of a free society and a stable state structure. Before spreading tolerance everywhere, it is necessary to develop a clear concept of tolerance.

^ 2. Game "Complete": "Being tolerant means..."

(All answers are written on the board.)

Teacher: We see that there are two ways of personality development - tolerant and intolerant. The intolerant path is characterized by the idea of ​​one's own exclusivity, a low level of upbringing, a predominance of a sense of discomfort of existence in the surrounding reality, a desire for power, material prosperity at any cost, a rejection of opposing views, traditions and customs, a low level of empathy.

The other path is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in the environment, understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a benevolent attitude towards other cultures, views, traditions, with a high level of empathy.

^ 3. Work in groups.

It is necessary to think over, depict and explain the emblem of tolerance (3-4 groups work).

4. Protecting your emblem.

Remember that the most important questions are not asked to people, but to oneself, but the answers to them should be sought together. Self-knowledge, self-management should become the constant concern of every young person. The ability to manage your emotional state requires special attention.

Learn through training to move away from your usual view and look at the problem and people impartially, develop a psychological view of an outside observer.

Get older, pay more and more attention to the emergence and overcoming of your age and professional stereotypes. Changing attitudes, thoughts and behaviors requires a lot of effort, inner work and activity.

Remember, if others do not share your points of view, this is not an indicator of their failure.

Be ironic about the importance of your person, smile more often.

Do not suffer from the fact that not everything is ordered, strictly, correctly in the surrounding reality and people, accept the surrounding