Outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic: Outline of a lesson-conversation on speech development in a senior group on the topic “My favorite toy. The importance of conversations for the development of children's speech

Summary of GCD for children of the senior group

Educational area: "Cognition"

Speech development lesson

Topic: Conversation “About polite words and polite actions”

Target: teach children to speak coherently from experience and observations about polite actions.

Software tasks:

Educational: strengthen politeness skills;

Educational: develop intonation expressiveness of speech;

Educational: cultivate a sense of respect for people and goodwill.

Location: group room in preschool kindergarten No. 5.

Preliminary work:

The works were read: “Just an Old Lady” and “The Magic Word” by Oseeva, “This is Us” by Kardashova, looking at the colorful illustrations for these works with the children.

V Everyday life observed the actions of children, about which individual conversations were held, in which the children were encouraged for polite actions.

We watched a series of cartoons about polite actions “Uncle Styopa” by S. Mikhalkov, “What is good and what is bad” by V. Mayakovsky and the fairy tale “Twelve Months”.

Vocabulary work: activate words in children’s speech (politeness, thank you, please, hello, goodbye).

Progress of activities:

Children are in a group room at a preschool educational institution.

Educator: Today guys, we will talk about polite actions. We read stories, poems, watched cartoons. And today we will remember these words and actions.

Educator: What polite words do you know?

Children: Hello, goodbye, thank you, please.

Educator: In what cases are these words spoken?

Children: After meals, for assistance provided, at meetings, at requests, saying goodbye.

Educator: How should these words be said?

Educator: Which story talks about a polite, magic word?

Children: In the story "The Magic Word".

Educator: What was the boy like before he met the old man? What has he become? How did his family begin to treat him?

Children answer with complete answers. The teacher encourages children for correct answers and attracts those who are inactive.

Finger gymnastics “Polite words”.

(Children repeat the words and movements after the adult, stretch their arms forward with their palms up, clench their fingers into fists and unclench them)

Summary of a lesson-conversation on speech development in the senior group on the topic “My favorite toy”

Type of lesson: Communicative.

Target: Teach children to write stories on a theme from personal experience. practice the formation of words - antonyms.



* Continue teaching children how to write a descriptive story.


* Improve the ability to write a story.

* Development of coherent speech.

* Development of a moderate speech rate.


* Cultivate interest in the activity.

* Cultivate a positive response to the lesson.


Demo material:Cards with images of toys on the board. a toy made of hard material - a car, a toy made of soft material - Pinocchio.




Guys, come to me and stand in a circle.

All of us in the group are like family,

Everyone is happy - both you and me.

We love being together very much

Speak kind words to everyone.


Let's hold hands, look into each other's eyes, and give good words and a smile. After all, it is with a smile that pleasant communication begins and your mood improves. (Children stand in a circle and hold hands.) Now let's sit down on the chairs for our further conversation. Guys, now please look at the board. I have prepared pictures with images for you. Name these items (The teacher addresses each child).

Children answer the names of objects in the pictures (toys).


Guys, how can you call all these items in one word?

Children's answers.


That's right guys, well done. These are all toys. Today we will talk about toys. Do you like receiving toys as gifts? Guys, do you know in which store you can see a lot of toys? (Children's answers). Do you have any favorite toys at home? (Children's answers). Guys, who wants to talk about their favorite toy so that without seeing it, we can clearly imagine this toy (the child comes out and imagines his toy in the story).

After each story, the teacher asks if the children have a question for the storyteller, if they want to know anything else about the storyteller’s toy. If the children have no questions, then the teacher asks the questions himself. The teacher makes sure that the introductory phrases of the stories are not stereotypical.


Well done boys. You talked very interestingly about your toys, and now let's rest a little. Let's get up from our chairs and sit in any place convenient for you, but not far from me. The eyes look at me, the ears listen carefully, and we repeat the movements after me.


The wind is blowing from above. (Raise our hands up).

Plants herbs and flowers. (Tilts to the sides)

Right - left, left - right.

Now let's get together

Let's all jump on the spot. (Jumping).

Higher! Higher! Have fun!

Like this. Like this.

Let's move on one step at a time. (Walking in place).

So the game is over.

It's time for us to get busy. (Children sit on their chairs).


Well, guys, have a rest. And now we will conduct an interesting exercise called “Prompt the word.” What does this mean? I will tell you words, and you say a word that is opposite to mine in meaning.


Guys, does everyone understand the rules of the game? Well then let's get started.

* Close - Far

* Cheerful - Sad

* Sunny - Cloudy

* Much - Little

* Be silent - Speak

* Day Night

* Wide narrow

* Damp - Dry

* Rest - Work



Well done boys. You correctly understood the meaning of the word - opposite. So, what did we talk about today? (Children's answers). Right. Today they told us about their favorite toys (we list the children performing). Also, you and I learned what words that have opposite meanings are. Do you think we coped with the stories? (Children's answers). Well guys, I thank you for the wonderful stories. In the next lesson we will draw our favorite toys. This concludes our conversation with you.


Unprepared conversation as a method of developing dialogical speech

1. Conversational speech.

2. Conversations.

3. Formation of colloquial speech in conversation.

3.1. The meaning of conversations and their topics.

3.2. Constructing a conversation.

3.3. Teaching techniques.

4. Teaching preschoolers dialogical speech.

4.1. Unprepared conversation (conversation) - as a method of developing dialogical speech.

4.2. Methods and techniques for teaching dialogic speech in special classes.

4.3. Prepared conversation

4.4. Constructing a conversation.


6. APPENDIX 1 - 6.


Colloquial speech - This is the oral form of the existence of language. Distinctive features oral speech can be entirely attributed to the conversational style. However, the concept of “colloquial speech” is broader than the concept of “conversational style”. They cannot be mixed. Although the conversational style is mainly realized in the oral form of communication, some genres of other styles are also realized in oral speech, for example: report, lecture, report, etc.

Conversational speech functions only in the private sphere of communication, in everyday life, friendship, family, etc. In the field of mass communication, colloquial speech is not applicable. However, this does not mean that the colloquial style is limited to everyday topics. Conversational speech can also touch on other topics: for example, a conversation with family or a conversation between people in informal relationships about art, science, politics, sports, etc., a conversation between friends at work related to the speaker’s profession, conversations in public institutions, such as clinics, schools, etc.

In the sphere of everyday communication it operates colloquial style .

The main features of everyday conversational style:

  1. Relaxed and informal nature of communication ;
  2. Reliance on extra-linguistic situation , i.e. the immediate context of speech in which communication takes place. For example: Woman (before leaving home): What should I wear?(about the coat) Is this what it is? Or that?(about the jacket) Won't I freeze?

Listening to these statements and not knowing the specific situation, it is impossible to guess what they are talking about. Thus, in colloquial speech, the extra-linguistic situation becomes an integral part of communication.

  1. Lexical variety : general book vocabulary, terms, foreign borrowings, and words of high stylistic coloring, and even some facts of vernacular, dialects and jargons.

This is explained, firstly, by the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to everyday topics, everyday remarks, and secondly, by the implementation of colloquial speech in two tones - serious and comic, and in the latter case it is possible to use a variety of elements.


Conversation and conversation are essentially two almost identical manifestations of the same process: verbal communication between people. But we, highlighting conversations as one of the most valuable methods for developing children’s speech, mean by them organized, planned classes, the purpose of which is to deepen, clarify and systematize children’s ideas and knowledge through words.

The conversation reveals how great the need for children to express their thoughts is, how their tongue is loosened, since the topic of the conversation corresponds to their interests and psyche.

Free, relaxed conversation, warmed with interest, meaningful by the value and significance of its content, is one of the most powerful factors in the development of children's speech. At what age can you start talking to children? Yes, this is quite possible with three- and four-year-old children, if they speak the language appropriate for their age.

With such young children, conversations should, if possible, be conducted individually, in the presence of the subject or phenomenon that caused the conversation. The child has this early age memory manifests itself in the form of recognition, i.e. in the form of perception. He perceives a thing as familiar and very rarely remembers what is missing before his eyes. He can only be attentive to what is in his field of vision. His thinking is predominantly spontaneous. He understands and establishes mental connections between visually perceived elements.

If the topic of the conversation is objects and natural phenomena, then it can lead to a complete description, comparison, and clarification of the meaning of this or that object or phenomenon. If the conversation arose about a social, social, ethical phenomenon observed by children personally or brought forward by reading or a story, then it will lead to a description of the phenomenon, person, and will highlight the children’s individual attitude towards them.

The same phenomenon can spark multiple topics of conversation. During a walk in the spring, the children found a dead swallow with a broken head. You can have conversations with them on the following topics:

1. “Find out the reasons for the death of the swallow.”

a) the kite pecked (a fight in nature, about birds of prey),

b) the boy killed with a stone (ethical issue).

2. “On the migration of birds.”

3. “About warm countries.”

4. “The Life and Morals of Swallows.”

Of course, one or two topics will be used, depending on the children’s prevailing interests.

In no case should the conversation pursue the goal of verbally planting knowledge in the heads of children. Its goal is to systematize and consolidate in living words the knowledge acquired through experience, directly related to the perceptions of children and their living impressions.

Topics for conversations can be extremely varied: they are suggested by life at home, kindergarten, live communication with children in everyday life.

When conducting conversations on socio-political topics, we must be guided by the scope of children’s interests, the degree of their general development, lead them with the enthusiasm necessary to maintain their emotional mood. It is better not to conduct them at all than to conduct them dryly, formally, without taking into account the interests and understanding of the children, and thereby extinguish their interest both in the conversations themselves and in the questions that they put forward.

Topics to look out for include conversations around ethics and culture. Life provides enough reasons for conversations on these topics. It is necessary to explain to children that they must give way to the old, the weak, and provide help to those in need. We need to draw the attention of children to these facts, talk to them about it, not missing an opportunity to emphasize what deserves praise and approval. We must teach children, when entering a house, to take off their hats, say hello, say goodbye, sit decently, not fall apart, keep everything clean and tidy, etc., etc. Education is, of course, led by example, but the living word that characterizes this or that phenomenon also plays a great role.

What enormous educational value can lively conversations based on genuine phenomena of life have in this sense! The greatest number of topics for conversation are, of course, provided by the reality that children directly perceive today, but from the moment when sensory impressions begin to act, the function of memory is also established. Bühler notes that in the third year the power of memory grows very quickly and covers intervals of several months. Every function and every strength requires exercise. Many of our experiences and impressions grow into the grass of oblivion because we do not revive them by remembering them. It is necessary to awaken in children’s memory episodes and phenomena from their experienced and conscious past. By doing this we protect them from oblivion and expand the opportunity for practicing speech by manipulating animated images. Children 3-4 years old during long winter people forget about many summer phenomena. Talk to them at the end of winter about flies, butterflies, earthworms, thunderstorms, rivers, etc., and you will be convinced that the corresponding images are not preserved in their memory and consciousness, although they saw and observed all this. But start with them to remember the characteristic and vivid episodes of the last summer, about the objects and phenomena associated with this, show them the corresponding pictures, and you will be convinced that the once alive, but seemingly extinct images will begin to come to life and be reflected in words.

On a cold, dark winter day, when a blizzard is raging and the windows are covered with snow, we remember the warmest, sunny, hot summer day, about being naked on outdoors, about swimming, about walks in the forest, in the field, about fluttering butterflies, about flowers... We hang summer pictures on the wall for a day or two. Many things that seemed thoroughly forgotten are resurrected in the children’s memory, images awakened by recollection are combined in a picture, experienced moods come to life, and children are eager to talk about what happened and what is so contrasting to the present. In the summer we remember winter with its cold, snow, mischief. When preparing for the holiday, it is good to remember how and with what we celebrated this holiday last year; Having moved to the dacha with the children, remember the dacha last year.

It is difficult to predetermine what we will remember; first of all, of course, the most vivid, convincing, and the power of this is etched deeper into the memory.

In order for conversations to be lively and achieve the greatest possible results (in the sense of developing children’s thinking ability and their speech), we must strive to extract the children’s independent thoughts, their personal attitude to the subject. The ability to ask is not an easy task, but it is even more difficult to accustom children to free speech, to questioning within the limits of the material that the conversation covers. Children's attempts to understand and illuminate this material through personal initiative, personal questions, and searches should be encouraged in every possible way.

The teacher must stay aloof and not overwhelm with his authority: his role is mainly that of a conductor. He must follow the course of the conversation, guide it with skillful techniques, and not allow it to deviate to the side, which is not easy even with adult interlocutors; there is nothing to say about children. A child's thought is difficult to control; it runs from one associative link to another with the ease of a ball rolling down an inclined plane.

“Blessed is he who firmly rules with his words and keeps his thoughts on a leash,” said Pushkin. Keeping thoughts on a leash is a difficult art, which is why it should be instilled in people from an early age. The child must learn to understand that in conversation and in conversation we should not shy away from the main thing, from what is the main topic; that there must be order in the presentation of our thoughts; that, succumbing to our associations, we can wander into unknown places and forget what we started talking about.

Methodological techniques for leading a conversation are as follows:

1. Do not let children move away from the main topic.

2. Steadily lead to final conclusions.

3. Do not interrupt children unless absolutely necessary. Refer comments and amendments to the end.

4. Don't require complete answers. The conversation should be conducted naturally and at ease. A short answer, since it is logically and grammatically correct, can be more convincing than a common one.

5. Do not overuse questions. Do without them, if possible, achieve the same song through brief instructions and reminders.

6. Encourage children to ask questions. We know that at a certain age children are bombarded with questions: What is this? Why? For what? When? etc. This is a kind of manifestation child development, which requires special attention in the sense of understanding what and how to respond to children, should be used in the interests of children’s speech development.

7. Involve all children in evaluating the thoughts expressed and their verbal presentation.

8. Encourage competition in the desire to speak clearly and elegantly.

9. Conversations are conducted individually and collectively. Starting from middle preschool age in kindergarten, collective conversations predominate; the place allocated to them is consistently expanding, and their content is becoming more complex.

10. The conversation, determined by the content of pedagogical work, is included in the ten-day plan.


The meaning of conversations and their topics.

Conversation as a teaching method is a purposeful, pre-prepared conversation between a teacher and a group of children. certain to that. In kindergarten, reproducing and generalizing conversations are used. In both cases, these are final lessons in which the children’s existing knowledge is systematized and previously accumulated facts are analyzed.

It is known that conversation is an active method of mental education. The question-and-answer nature of communication encourages the child to reproduce not random, but the most significant, essential facts, to compare, reason, and generalize. In unity with mental activity in conversation, speech is formed: coherent logical statements, value judgments, figurative expressions. Such program requirements are reinforced as the ability to answer briefly and broadly, accurately following the content of the question, listen carefully to others, supplement and correct the answers of comrades, and ask questions yourself.

Conversation is an effective method of activating the vocabulary, since the teacher encourages the child to look for the most accurate, successful words for the answer. However a necessary condition This requires the correct ratio of speech activity between the teacher and children. It is desirable that the teacher’s speech reactions account for only 1/4 - 1/3 of all statements, and the rest falls on the children.

Conversations also have educational value. The ideological and moral charge is carried by the correctly chosen content of the conversation (What is our city famous for? Why can’t we talk loudly on a bus or tram? How can we please our kids?). Educates and organizational form conversations - children’s interest in each other increases, curiosity, sociability develop, as well as qualities such as endurance, tact, etc. Many conversation topics provide an opportunity to influence children’s behavior and actions.

Conversation as a teaching method is practiced mainly in the senior and preparatory groups (we can also recommend the experience of V.V. Gerbova, who substantiated the usefulness and accessibility of several general lessons for children in the middle group - conversations about the seasons).

* Topics of conversations are planned in accordance with the program of familiarization with the environment.

The methodological literature widely covers conversations of an everyday or social nature, as well as natural history (“About our kindergarten”, “About the work of adults”, “About wintering birds”, etc.). It is important that children have enough impressions, living experience on the proposed topic, so that the accumulated material awakens positive emotional memories. Naturally, in the first months of the school year, topics are planned that require less special preliminary preparation of children (“About the family”, “What we do to be healthy”, “Our duties”).

It is useful for a teacher-methodologist to remind teachers that a conversation is like verbal method, should be distinguished from those methods in which the main activity of children is visual perception accompanied by words (examining pictures or natural objects). In addition, the teacher may (taking into account the children’s speech skills) prefer a more complex method of consolidating knowledge than conversation - telling children from memory (for example, it is appropriate for such topics as “About mothers”, “About the holiday”). Particular tact should be taken when choosing a method when consolidating knowledge of a socio-political nature in preschoolers, where the teacher’s story-narration, memories of read works of art, and showing paintings are preferable.

By analyzing annual calendar plans, a teacher-methodologist can help teachers draw up promising lists of conversations for the school year (at the rate of 1-2 per month), taking into account local conditions, seasonal features.

Constructing a Conversation

In each conversation there are quite clearly structural components, as the beginning, main part, ending.

Starting a conversation. Its purpose is to evoke and revive in children’s memory previously received impressions, if possible imaginative and emotional. This can be done in various ways: using a reminder question, asking a riddle, reading an excerpt from a poem, showing a painting, photograph, or object. At the beginning of the conversation, it is also advisable to formulate the topic (goal) of the upcoming conversation, justify its importance, and explain to the children the reasons for its choice.

For example, a conversation “About your group” can start like this: “We have children who have been going to kindergarten for a long time, here is Seryozha, Natasha has been in kindergarten for three years. And some children have recently come to us; they do not yet know our rules. Now we’ll talk about what order we have in the group room, so that these children also know.” The teacher’s task is to arouse in children interest in the upcoming conversation and a desire to take part in it.

The main part of the conversation can be divided into micro-topics or stages. Each stage corresponds to a significant, complete section of the topic, i.e. The topic is analyzed at key points. First, the most significant difficult material is identified. When preparing a conversation, the teacher needs to outline its stages, i.e. highlight the essential components of the concept that will be analyzed with children.

Here is an example of the structure of the main part of the conversation “About health” in the senior group:

During each stage, the teacher uses a set of various techniques, strives to summarize the children’s statements with a final phrase and make the transition to the next micro-topic.

It is advisable to ensure that the emotional nature of the conversation is not only maintained throughout its entire duration, but also increases towards the end. This helps children focus on the topic of conversation and not be distracted from it.

The end of the conversation is short in time and leads to a synthesis of the topic. This part of the conversation can be the most emotional, practically effective: looking at handouts, doing game exercises, reading literary text, singing. A good option endings - wishes to the children for their further observations.

Teaching Techniques

As a rule, a whole range of teaching techniques is used in a conversation. This is explained by the variety of educational tasks solved with the help of this method. One group of specific techniques ensures the functioning of children's thoughts and helps to build detailed judgments; the other makes it easier to find the exact word, remember it, etc. But, since conversation is a method of systematizing children's experience, the question is rightfully considered the leading technique. It is the question that poses a mental-speech task; it is addressed to existing knowledge.

The leading role in the conversation is played by questions of a searching and problematic nature, requiring inferences about the connections between objects: why? For what? Because of which? How are they similar? How to find out? How? For what? Questions that stimulate generalization are also important: what amenities have been created for city residents on our street? Which guys can you say are friends? How can you now explain that a whole team of adults and employees works in the kindergarten? Less space is occupied by reproductive (stating) questions that are simpler in content: what? Where? How many? What is the name of? Which? And so on. As a rule, in each completed part (microtopic) of a conversation, questions are arranged in the following approximate sequence: first, reproductive ones, in order to revive the children’s experience, then a few, but quite complex search questions to comprehend new material, and finally 1-2 generalizing ones.

The teacher needs to remember the correct method of asking questions. A clear, specific question is pronounced slowly: with the help of logical stress, semantic accents are placed: how do people know where stops tram? Why the metro train can go very fast fast? Children should be taught to accept the question the first time. In order for the child to “formulate his thought” and prepare for an answer, the teacher pauses. Sometimes he invites one of the children to reproduce the question (“Repeat which question you will answer now”). Possible instructions: “Answer briefly; answer in detail (but not with a complete answer)” or additions: “Who can answer shorter (more precisely, more beautifully) than your friend?”

To elicit a detailed answer, the teacher offers children a task consisting of two or three questions, or an answer plan. For example, during a conversation about health, the teacher says to the child: “Explain to Alyosha (the doll) how to Right to wash hands. What you need at first what to do Then And For what do they do that?

To solve other problems - expanding and clarifying the knowledge of preschoolers, activating memory and emotions - the following techniques are used: explanation and story by the teacher, reading works of art (or passages), including proverbs, riddles, showing visual material, game techniques (short-term word games or exercises, attracting a game character or creating a game situation, for example, receiving a “letter” or “parcel” from another kindergarten, etc.).

It should be recalled about the correct use of visual material. As already mentioned, it can be demonstrated in any structural part of the conversation and for different purposes: to better assimilate new things, to clarify existing ideas, to revive attention, etc. But the demonstration of an object during a conversation is relatively short-lived, so even before the lesson, the teacher must think through where to store this visual material, how to quickly get it, demonstrate it and put it away again.

A difficult methodological issue is the activation of each child during the conversation. This problem is covered in sufficient detail in the pedagogical literature. Possible various options: preliminary preparation of some children (individual conversation with the child, his parents, an assignment to observe, check, do something), differentiation of questions and tasks in the conversation, correct, leisurely pace of conversation, correct technique asking questions to a group of children.

Let's give approximate diagram conversations on the topic “About our food” in the senior group, during which a variety of techniques are used.

I. Starting a conversation.

Educator. Children, what did you eat for breakfast today? What about other days? Why are they preparing different dishes for us? Today we will talk about what we eat and drink, because it is so important for our health.

II. Main part.

1. First courses.

Educator. Remember how lunch differs from breakfast and dinner. Explain why the first and second courses require different plates and cutlery. What is always different about the first course? Yes, it is always liquid, with broth. I will remind you of one humorous poem about how the hostess prepared the first course (an excerpt from the poem “Vegetables” by Y. Tuvim).

2. Second courses.

Educator. Remember (to yourself) more main courses. What products do you think are almost always found in second courses? Yes, meat or fish. How can we explain this? (The second course is very filling). They are often served with a side dish - an addition of vegetables or cereals, pasta. What is the side dish for? Imagine serving hot sausages with pasta and a slice of cucumber for the main course. Get ready to tell what cutlery you will need how you will use it - you can show this as if the device is already in your hands (calls one child to your table for a detailed answer).

Physical education minute.

3. Third courses - drinks.

Educator. What do you call the dishes that are served at the end of lunch? What are they always like? (Sweet, the most delicious). What would happen if they were given at the very beginning of lunch?

Educator. At the end of lunch, breakfast or dinner it is often served beverages- liquid, sweet dishes. Listen to what other words this word “drinks” (drink, get drunk) is similar to. Now I will tell you the name of the drink, and you answer which one is more pleasant to drink - hot or cold, for example:

Compote is cold.

Milk - ?

Now remember lunches in general - in kindergarten, at home - and decide whether it can be said that lunch is the most satisfying compared to breakfast, afternoon tea, and dinner. If yes, then why, if not - why?

4. Products - dishes.

Educator. We remembered many different delicious dishes, they can be called “food” in another way; what is prepared to eat is eaten. Together with me, quietly say these difficult words: different dishes, food, a lot food.

What are the dishes made from? Now I will show you something in jars, and you will explain whether it is food or food (buckwheat and rice).

Our Vitya wants to become a sailor. Today, each of you is a cook on a ship and must prepare a hearty, tasty porridge.

Be ready to select from this tray the products needed for the porridge and explain what they are for (answer from one child at the table).

III. End of the conversation.

Educator. We talked to you about food, food. When you get home, ask what your family's favorite dish is and find out how it is prepared. And tomorrow you will tell us about it.

The nature of the conversation should be relaxed, natural, in which not only children’s choral remarks, lively reactions, and laughter are allowed, but serious efforts of their thoughts should also be visible.

When working with teachers, the teacher-methodologist must show them the complexity of the conversation method and convince them of the need for deep preliminary preparation for these classes. The teacher will be helped by detailed notes of conversations compiled by him himself, where all the basic teaching techniques will be formulated: questions, explanations, conclusions. Skillful use of notes in class will help you conduct a conversation confidently and logically.

The methodology for developing children's spoken language is dominated by recommendations for teaching the child to perceive adult questions and answer them. Research is also emerging on the other side of this problem - teaching children interrogative forms of speech. Questions are an indicator of a child’s intellectual development. Conducting a dialogue is the ability to ask a meaningful question in a timely manner in the correct, understandable form of speech. To actively teach this skill, special classes of a new type are conducted - games or “learning situations”. The problem-search nature of these activities confronts the child with the need to ask questions to the teacher and friends. The teacher gives the children examples of interrogative sentence construction.

In the studies of E.P. Korotkova, N.I. Kapustina asked preschoolers to construct questions based on comparisons of pictures. For example, you had to look at two pictures - about a white bear and about a brown one, tell about the brown bear and end with a question about the white one.

“Listen to what I want to ask,” says the teacher. “The brown bear brought the cubs to the river in order to bathe them, but why did the polar bear bring her cubs to the ice hole?” The children constructed similar complex statements. The teacher gave the task to ask about what is not depicted (How does a mother bear take care of her cubs? Why are polar bears not cold in the ice?).

The teacher answers difficult questions himself, helps to find the answer by reading an excerpt from the story, and encourages both detailed answers and good questions. Teaching question-and-answer forms of speech should be organized in other classes, as well as in conversations, encouraging children to ask their friends and the teacher with questions.

Children's mastery of the question form of speech (the ability to find content for a question and formulate it, the desire and ability to speak with questions) can also be carried out in didactic games.

For older children E.P. Korotkova developed the game “If you want to know, ask a question”1. Children are offered several household items that they rarely encounter (a grater, a knife for cleaning fish, etc.). For each question (according to the teacher’s preliminary model) about these things, the child receives a chip. Questions about the properties and details of objects are especially encouraged. At the end of the game, an adult answers difficult questions, and the winner is determined using chips.


Unprepared conversation (conversation) - as a method of developing dialogical speech

Dialogue - conversation, conversation - is the main form of verbal communication of a child with adults and his peers.

Speech training in kindergarten takes place in two forms: 1) in free speech communication, 2) in special classes. Dialogue occurs primarily in free verbal communication and is the basis for the natural development of pronunciation and grammatical skills, enriching children’s vocabulary, and the basis for acquiring coherent speech skills. Dialogue is also taught in special classes, but such classes usually happen 1-2 times a month; in free communication, the child enters into dialogue with the teacher or with other children throughout the entire time of his stay in kindergarten. Returning home, he continues the dialogue with his family.

Teaching children dialogic, or conversational, speech usually takes place in the form of conversation (conversation), i.e. exchanges between an adult and a child or between children themselves.

It is known that in school pedagogy, conversation in the terminological sense of the word is one of the methods of transmitting theoretical knowledge in any subject - natural history, history, spelling, etc. The fact that in the process of conversation the ability to talk also develops, i.e. the ability to conduct a dialogue develops, and, consequently, speech is enriched with appropriate syntactic forms, as well as vocabulary that reflects this area in fact, is not taken into account. In other words, at school, conversation as a speech act is not an end in itself, but a means of transmitting knowledge; the enrichment of children's speech during the conversation is perceived simply as an additional positive phenomenon.

In a preschool institution, a conversation is conducted specifically for the development of children’s speech.

But since speech necessarily reflects and encodes the phenomena of reality, conversation in a preschool institution, as in school, provides knowledge. The content of the conversations is determined by the “Education Program in Kindergarten”. Conversations are conducted: 1) about the child himself (“Where is Vitya’s nose? Show me your nose.” - “That’s where our nose is!”); 2) about the family (first: “Who do you love?” - “Dad!”; “Show me how much you love dad?” - “That’s how hard”; a little later: “Who is your dad?” - “My dad works on a car) . I will be like my dad”; ​​even later: “What will you be when you grow up?” - “I will work on an excavator, like my dad works well, his portrait is on the Honor Board!”); 3) about the work of adults in kindergarten (cook, janitor, nanny, etc.); 4) about household and labor items (furniture, dishes, clothing, household tools, means of transportation, etc.); 5) about nature in different times years (inanimate and living - plants, animals, wild and domestic); 6) about public life: about famous people, about heroes of labor, about heroes who performed military exploits in defense of the Motherland.

We will call a conversation between a teacher and children that occurs in free verbal communication an unprepared conversation in order to distinguish it from a conversation as a special activity for which children are prepared in advance, and, therefore, is a prepared conversation.

An unprepared conversation, for example, while washing, at breakfast, when getting ready for a walk, on a walk, while playing or working, etc., unprepared in the true sense of the word is only for children (they don’t know what’s going on with them will say what gets their attention); the teacher must be prepared for any type of communication with children by the very fact that he receives professional education, the most important component of which is the ability to speak with children in such a way as to teach them their native language with your speech. He must have a good command of the spoken syntax of his native language and its intonations; if this is not the case, then the question of his professional unsuitability arises. Thus, for a conversation that arises spontaneously due to the need for verbal communication, the teacher does not specifically prepare the grammatical form of his speech and its sound (phonology), trusting his linguistic instinct, but he must prepare the topic of each conversation.

The teacher writes the topic of the conversation in his diary (work plan for the day) in one word or phrase. For example, the “Kindergarten Education Program” recommends holding conversations with children of the third year of life on the general topic “Clothing”, and in the teacher’s diary there may be “Hat” or “Coat”, etc.; for conversations with children of the fifth year of life, the "Program..." recommends, for example, the topic "The work of a cook", and the teacher of this group writes in his diary "Shchi", "Carrot cutlets", etc.; for conversations with children of the seventh year of life, the “Program...” offers the topic “Work in nature”, and in the diary - “Raking leaves”, “Feeding the birds”, “Planting tomatoes”, etc. Consequently, in speech terms, each topic of an unprepared conversation is indicated by a certain lexical dominant: “hat”, “cabbage soup”, “ vegetable seedlings" etc. The teacher is required to know what to talk about with the children, and then other words associated with the dominant word will come by themselves during the conversation.

During the conversation, the teacher almost never corrects the children’s phonetic errors: this is done deliberately so as not to confuse the child or exclude him from the conversation.

Methods and techniques for teaching dialogic speech in special classes

Special classes on the development of dialogic coherent speech are conducted using the conversation method and the imitation method. These methods are most often implemented:

1) techniques of prepared conversation (conversation),

2) techniques of theatricalization (imitation and retelling).

Prepared conversation

A prepared conversation has tasks: firstly, direct - to teach children to talk, i.e. listen to the interlocutor, do not interrupt his speech, restrain himself, waiting for the right time to insert a remark, try to speak clearly for the interlocutor; secondly, the accompanying task is to practice pronunciation and grammatical skills; clarify the meaning of words known to children.

The conversation is called prepared because before the lesson (several days before the lesson), the teacher puts the children in situations where their attention is drawn to those phenomena from the world around them that will be the topic of the upcoming conversation, i.e. the factual material of the conversation should already be familiar to the children.

The best preparation method is to first conduct a free, unprepared conversation on the same or a similar topic.

I) suggest some syntactic structures of complex sentences or sentences with homogeneous members that children have poorly mastered;

2) suggest the intonation of semantic passages of a sentence that children have not yet learned (for example, warning intonation - colon and enumerative intonation);

3) suggest the formation of cognate words: liquidliquid, fruit - fruity, scatter - crumbly, loose, vegetables - vegetable, meat - meat, milk - dairy etc.;

4) suggest the formation of non-conjugated forms of the verb: pour - poured, pouredpoured, put - put, crushed - crushed.

A condition for the effectiveness of a conversation-lesson is the preliminary familiarization of children with the objects and phenomena that will be discussed. Preparation consists of drawing the children’s attention to these objects and phenomena, naming them in words, letting them examine them, and recognizing their signs. During a conversation, when the skills of using new words and their grammatical forms in speech are consolidated, the logical relations of reality are comprehended, i.e. Children's thinking develops.

Constructing a conversation:

1) introduction (beginning),

2) development of the topic of conversation,

3) ending.

The introduction aims to attract children's attention to the topic of conversation. For example, the following phrases can serve as an introduction to a conversation: “I often think about how the fish feel...”; “Today I had to take a bus instead of a tram, and I thought, do my children know what types of transport can be used to get around?..”; “Children, who knows that this is in my hands?..” The introduction can also be a riddle proposed by the teacher about the subject about which she will lead a conversation with the children. You can start a conversation by reading poetry on a relevant topic or looking at a picture.

The development of the topic of conversation should be purposeful, the teacher should try to prevent the children from being distracted from this topic, although sometimes you can retreat from it in order to find out some side facts, but you must definitely return to the main subject of the conversation. To do this, the teacher, in preparation, outlines a conversation plan in advance. For example, a plan for developing a conversation on the topic “Types of transport” with children of the sixth or seventh year of life could be like this:

1. People need to move around the earth (to work, to visit grandma, on public affairs, etc.).

2. They can walk, but it is too slow.

3. Vehicles speed up the movement of people:

Animals: horses, deer, dogs, camels, elephants;

a) by land - trams, trolleybuses, buses, cars, trains;

b) by water - boats, boats, steamships, hydrofoils;

c) by air - planes, helicopters, and there were airships;

d) in outer space - rockets, spaceships.

4. When is it best to travel on foot? (tourists, geologists, geographers and other scientists walk to get a better look at the earth, admire it, get the joy of meeting nature or learn more about it, explore nature in order to put it at the service of people and not destroy it senselessly).

Having such a plan, the teacher, no matter how distracted the children become, can always return them to the topic by posing the next question of his plan when he considers that the previous question has been exhausted.

We remind you that the peculiarity of children’s thinking is such that they easily forget the topic of the conversation and are distracted by any reason. And what younger child, the more easily he is distracted: he more easily forgets what he just talked about and moves on to another topic. The conversation activity is designed to develop in children the ability to think logically and to bring the topic started to completion.

The conversation can also end with a riddle, poetry, the teacher showing and commenting on the corresponding picture, but more often it ends with the teacher’s logical conclusion about what the children should learn morally, how they should act in connection with what they learned from the conversation. At the same time, the teacher, in his conclusion, tries to use those words, word forms and syntactic structures that he should have taught the children during the conversation.

Mandatory participation of children in the conversation. The conversation should be organized so that all children take part in it. If a child only listens to the teacher’s conversation with other children, and does not give any feedback, then such a child does not practice “talking”, and his participation in the conversation is only an appearance. Therefore, the conversation should be carried out with a limited number of children - 4-8 people. A teacher who has 25-30 children in a group is required to conduct a lesson-conversation with three to four subgroups. To accommodate time, you can shorten the duration of conversations with each subgroup, but still make sure that each child practices speaking, not just listening.

Experienced educators, realizing that with a large number of children in a group, they are not able to provide everyone with the necessary time for sufficient training, involve parents in helping them, instructing them in detail on how to conduct a prepared conversation with the child.

Parents, without exception, can cope with this task, since everyone speaks spoken language.


  1. Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2002.
  2. Borodich A.M. Methods of children's speech development: Textbook. manual for pedagogical students. Institute for Specials " Preschool pedagogy and psychology" - M., 1981.
  3. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. - M., 1984.
  4. Tikheyeva E.I. Speech development in children (early and preschool age). - M., 1967.
  5. Fedorenko L.P. and others. Methods of speech development for preschool children. A manual for students of preschool pedagogical schools. - M., 1977.
  6. Khvattsev M.E. Prevention and elimination of speech deficiencies: A manual for speech therapists, students of pedagogical universities and parents. - St. Petersburg: KARO, Delta+, 2004.


With children three years old. Unprepared conversation while getting dressed for a walk.

Educator. It's autumn. We need to wear our hats well. Shurik, your hat has such a beautiful pompom! Who knitted you such a great hat?

Shurik. Grandma. She... threads... and...

Educator. The hat was knitted by my grandmother from woolen threads. A wonderful hat came out! Yes, Shurik?

Shurik(trying to say correctly, but not yet pronouncing all the words). Lovely hat. Grandma knitted it from woolen threads.

Educator. And for you, Nadya, who knitted such a bright blue hat? What beautiful ribbons!

Nadia. Mom bought it... at the store.

The teacher asks similar questions to all the children whom he helps to put on hats: for each he notes the color, some detail (pompom, cone, pattern, ribbons, etc.). Children answer and add something of their own.

Educator. Shurik, pull your hat over your ears! The hat should protect your ears from the wind. Did you pull it? Are you warm?

Shurik. Pulled it. Warm.

Same question in various forms The teacher also asks other children.

During the walk, the teacher chooses a moment to again fix the children’s attention on the hat. Possible questions:

- Do you feel how fresh it is outside?

- What time of year is it now? Autumn?

— Was it warmer in summer? Do you remember how hot the sun was in the summer when we went to the river at the dacha?

— Do children wear Panama hats in the summer?

“You can’t go out in panama hats now!” Cold! Now knitted hats You need to put it on, otherwise your ears will get cold. It won't take long to get sick!

With children of five years old. Unprepared conversation during a visit to the kindergarten kitchen.

Educator. Children! Who remembers the riddle about vegetables?

Nina. A red maiden sits in a dark dungeon, and a green braid is on the street.

Educator. You have a good memory, Ninochka. Tolya, do you remember the answer?

Tolya. I remember carrots.

Educator. Fine! Borya, please go to the kitchen and ask the cook, Irina Semyonovna, if she will cook something from carrots for lunch today. Children, how should Borya ask Irina Semyonovna?

Sasha. Irina Semyonovna, will we have some carrots for lunch?

Vasya. Irina Semyonovna, are you cooking anything from carrots today?

Senya. Irina Semyonovna, please tell me, do you cook carrots?

Vova. Irina Semyonovna, please prepare carrots today!

Valya. Irina Semyonovna, what... please...

Educator. First we need to apologize to Irina Semyonovna that we are bothering her, and only then ask the question. Ask now, Lucy. (The child with the most developed speech is called.)

Lucy. Irina Semyonovna, excuse me, please, are you preparing any carrots for lunch today?

Educator. So good. Valya (the child who is worse at asking questions than others), repeat. Now, Borya, go to Irina Semyonovna.

The cook, of course, must be warned in advance about such a visit; his answer is: “Today I’m preparing carrot cutlets for your second course.”

With children six years old.

Unprepared conversation while planting tomato seedlings in paper pots on the beds. On each pot is written the name of the child - the owner of the pot.

Educator. Children, have you all brought your pots of seedlings?

Children. All!

Educator. How will we know whose plant is when we bury the pots in the soil?

Nina. You can bury the pots not all the way to the edge so that the name is visible.

Peter. We can stick long sticks into the pots and write our names on the sticks.

Educator. Here are two suggestions: Nina advises not to bury the entire pots, leaving the inscription visible, and Petya suggests making long sticks, writing the names of their owners on them again and sticking them into the pots or next to the pot so as not to damage the roots of the seedlings. Let's discuss both of these proposals. Which one is better? What do you think, Galya?

Galya. Let's not dig in until the end.

Educator. And what will happen to our inscriptions when we, having planted the pots in the garden bed, water it? Vova?

Vova. The inscriptions will be covered with dirt and will not be visible.

Educator. That's right, Vova.

Peter. I came up with a better idea than Nina!

Educator. To say this while praising oneself is immodest. Let others speak.

Tolya. Petya had a good idea.

Educator. Why?

Tolya. Because high sticks...

Educator. On high pegs...

Tolya. ...The inscriptions will be clearly visible on the high pegs...

Educator. ... and you can water the plants without fear that the inscriptions will be erased. Tell me, Tolya, this whole phrase.

Tolya. The inscriptions will be clearly visible on the high pegs, and it will be possible to water the tomatoes... plants...

Educator. ... without fear...

Tolya. ... without fear that the inscription will be erased.

Educator. Great. Now let Vova and Galya go to the carpenter Semyon Vladimirovich and ask if he has such long pegs. We need 25 pieces. By the way, these pegs will be useful to our plants when they grow up. But you will see this in the summer. How will you explain to Semyon Vladimirovich why we need pegs?

Each child offers his own version of a conversation with the carpenter. The teacher chooses the shortest and clearest one and recommends that the kids explain their request to the carpenter in exactly this way.

The teacher returns to the conversation about plants, their growth, pegs and the like, adding new words along the way, repeatedly during the spring, summer and autumn, when the children observe the growth of their plants.

Analyzing the teacher’s speech in the above three fragments of conversations that arose in free communication with children of different ages, one can notice that he is actively working, first of all, to enrich the children’s vocabulary - helping to understand the meaning of words known to children; By encouraging children to repeat the syntactic structures of phrases used by the teacher, he thereby practices grammatical skills with them. During the conversation, the teacher almost never corrects the children’s phonetic errors: this is done deliberately so as not to confuse the child or exclude him from the conversation.

With children of five years old. Conversation on the topic “The cook works.”

Lesson with a didactic doll. On the table there is a cook doll, a toy stove with a set of kitchen utensils, and a table with “food”.

Educator. Children, a new cook, Mitya, has come to us. He just graduated from culinary school, he has no work experience yet, and he is very afraid that his food will turn out tasteless and no one will want to eat anything. He needs your help. I will do everything and speak for Mitya the cook, and you correct me if I’m wrong, and if you’re wrong, Mitya will correct you.

Mitya (teacher). What should I cook with vegetables for main course?

Vitya. Carrot cutlets... Mitya, fry the carrot cutlets.

Mitya. Fine. Now I will prepare all the ingredients for carrot cutlets: I will take meat... Meat? (The teacher asks again to draw the children’s attention to Mitya’s mistakes, or highlights them with intonation.)

Nina. No need for meat, Mitya.

Mitya. Why? Isn't meat a food product?

Nina. Meat is a food product, but you are preparing carrot cutlets, which means you need carrots.

Mitya. Yes of course. Thank you, Ninochka! So I take a carrot and put it in a frying pan... Why are you laughing? Galya, why are they laughing?

Galya. Mitya, first you need to make minced carrots.

Mitya. Ah, that's right! You need to make minced meat, chop the carrots. Now I’ll put it through a vegetable grinder, or you can grate it, then I’ll pour semolina into the carrots and beat in an egg. Did I say something wrong? What, Vova?

Vova. The cereal is sprinkled, not poured. (If Vova cannot correct, Mitya himself remembers how to say it correctly.)

Mitya. Now I will make cutlets, now I will roll them in flour. Are they sprinkling or pouring flour, Lyuba?

Lyuba. Flour is poured.

Mitya. Now I’ll pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry. Right? Or maybe I said something wrong, Tanya?

Tanya. Mitya, vegetable oil is poured, not poured. Everything liquid is poured, everything loose is poured, everything solid is put in. (Tanya can be prepared in advance for this line.)

Mitya. Yes, yes, Tanya, now I remember: water, sour cream, butter and other liquids - poured, poured; cereals, salt, granulated sugar, flour - sprinkled, poured; meat, vegetables, butter - put in a saucepan, in a frying pan. So that I don’t forget again, you, Lucy, please repeat for me: what can you pour?

Lucy. Any liquid: water, sunflower oil, sour cream, milk.

Mitya. Okay, Lucy. What can you sprinkle, Tolya?

Tolya. Sprinkle cereal, flour, salt, granulated sugar.

Mitya. Do they also pour in pieces of refined sugar?

Tolya. No, refined sugar is added, not poured.

During the conversation, the teacher can:

1) suggest some syntactic constructions of complex sentences or sentences with homogeneous members that children have poorly mastered;

2) suggest the intonation of semantic passages of a sentence that children have not yet learned (for example, warning intonation - colon and enumerative intonation);

3) suggest the formation of cognate words: liquid - liquid, fruit - fruity, scatter - crumbly, loose, vegetables - vegetable, meat - meat, milk - milk, etc.;

4) suggest the formation of non-conjugated forms of the verb: pour - poured, pour - poured, put - put, grind - crushed.

So, in the process of the conversation described above, the children enriched their speech with new words ( nouns high degree generalizations: products, liquid, etc., with verbs and their inconjugated forms: pour - poured, etc.), new grammatical forms, improved their pronunciation skills.

With children six years old. Conversation on the topic

“We planted tomatoes.”

The conversation is structured as a memory of how yesterday ( or shortly before) planted seedlings in paper pots in the ground.

Educator. Children, let's discuss how we can better care for our tomatoes in order to reap a good harvest.

Nina. My grandmother in the village (I visited last year) had big, big tomatoes.

Tolya. And we have even more...

Educator. Tolya, it’s not nice to boast, it’s impolite. But tell us, what do you think is better to water tomatoes from - watering cans or mugs? (The question is addressed to Tolya to give the boy the opportunity to quickly recover from embarrassment after the remark he received.)

Tolya. From watering cans.

Educator. Why? Do you know, Vitya?

Vitya. Water pours out of the watering can like rain and...

Educator. ... and falls onto the soil around the plant gently, without making deep holes. (Vitya repeats the end of the teacher’s phrase and thereby learns to construct sentences with participial phrases.)

1. How will children find out where whose plant is planted in order to take care of their own bush?

2. Why do plants need care?

3. What should the care of a cultivated plant consist of:

a) why does the plant need moisture (water)?

b) why does the plant need food?

c) why does the plant need sunlight?

4. What are weeds and why are they harmful to cultivated plants? At the end of the conversation, the teacher can read to the children poems he has prepared in advance about tomatoes or about vegetables in general.

We have given sample conversation sessions with children of different age groups to show that the methodology of work in all these groups is generally similar: while learning to speak, children simultaneously enrich their vocabulary, improve grammatical and phonetic skills; the only difference is in the content of the lessons: it becomes more complex as the children grow up and more abstract vocabulary and more complex grammatical forms become available to them.

A condition for the effectiveness of such a lesson-conversation is the preliminary familiarization of children with the objects and phenomena that will be discussed. Preparation consists of drawing the children’s attention to these objects and phenomena, naming them in words, letting them examine them, and recognizing their signs. During a conversation, when the skills of using new words and their grammatical forms in speech are consolidated, the logical relations of reality are comprehended, i.e. Children's thinking develops.


Conversation about bread

Target : clarify children’s ideas about the path grain takes to become bread; teach to take care of bread and treat the people who grow it with respect.

Preliminary work . A few days before the lesson, the teacher organizes a conversation between the kindergarten caretaker and a subgroup of children on the topic of how much bread is brought to the preschool institution every day. Children watch the unloading of bread, try to count bricks of black bread and loaves of white bread.

Another subgroup together with an adult ( methodologist, teacher, nanny) takes a walk to the nearest store in order to find out how much bread is sold daily to the population of the microdistrict.

Then the students tell each other and the teacher about what they have learned.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher asks the children how much bread is delivered to the kindergarten every day, how much of it goes to the store, how much bread needs to be baked to feed the people of their hometown (village), why so much bread is needed.

“So I said, ‘bread needs to be baked,’” the teacher continues the conversation. “Yes, bread is baked in bakeries, in bakeries.” What is bread made from? They bake from flour, adding yeast, sugar, salt and other products. But the main product is flour. Bread comes in black and white. (Shows.) How do you get bread that is so different in appearance and taste? That's right, it is baked from different flours. White bread is made from wheat, black bread is made from rye. Where do wheat and rye flour come from? From wheat and rye.

The teacher shows the children ears of rye and wheat (you can place pictures of ears of corn on a flannelgraph, and pictures of bags of flour next to them).

“Look,” says the teacher, “these are wheat grains, but here is wheat flour.” Is there a difference between them? This means that in order to obtain flour, the grains must be ground. And even earlier - get them from the prickly spikelets - thresh the spikelets. Repeat what to do.
Look at this picture: here they are walking through a grain field - so they say: grain field - combines. They cut rye or wheat and thresh it at the same time. The grain enters the bunker. When the bunker is filled with grain, a truck arrives and the grain is poured into its body using a special device.

The combine continues to work, and the machines with grain go to the receiving points. There the grain is weighed, its quality is determined, and it is decided where to send this grain next. And you can send it to a mill or an elevator. Elevators are special structures for long-term storage grains Grain can be stored in elevators for several years until it is needed and the time comes to replace it with grain from a new harvest. Do you understand what an elevator is? Have you forgotten where the cars take the grain from the fields?

From the grain that arrives at the mills, flour is ground. It is sent to bakeries and stores. Bakeries bake bread for sale to the public. Anyone who wants to bake pies, pancakes, buns and other delicious products buys flour in the store.

“If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove,” says a Russian folk proverb. (Repeats the proverb.) Have you guessed what we are talking about? That's right, if you want rolls, work hard!

Now let’s trace the path of bread to our table from the very beginning.

In the spring, having plowed the fields, the grain growers - remember, children, this word - sow them with wheat and rye. Ears grow from the grain, and new grains ripen in them. And then powerful machines - combines - enter the fields. Combines cut and thresh wheat (rye), load it into the backs of cars, and the cars are sent to receiving points. From receiving points, grain is supplied to mills and elevators. From the mills it goes to bakeries. There they bake fragrant loaves and loaves of wheat and rye bread.

Here lies the loaf

On my desk.

Black bread on the table -

There is nothing tastier on earth!

(Ya. Dyagutite. Loaf)

So, today, dear children, you found out whether the path of bread to our table is easy. Do you think it's easy?

To ensure that our table always has fresh, fragrant bread with a crispy crust, people work, a lot of people. Grain growers sow fields with grain, grow bread and thresh it. Drivers deliver grain from the fields to elevators and mills, flour millers grind it, and bakers bake bread.

You children live in the Soviet Union Socialist Republics- a rich and strong country. Your family can buy as much bread as they need. However, you must take care of the bread, do not leave uneaten pieces, do not throw them away. When you eat bread, remember how much human labor is put into every loaf of rye bread, into every loaf of wheat.

In conclusion, the teacher once again reads an excerpt from the poem by J. Dyagutyte.


Conversation on the topic “Road Rules”

Target : find out what children know about where and how to cross the street; clarify their ideas about traffic rules, convince them of the need to comply with them; help me remember a new rhyme.

Progress of the lesson.

Children are seated in a semicircle, in the center of which on the children's table (it is below the teacher's table) there is a model of a city street with a traffic light, a zebra crossing, cars (toys), a sidewalk and a matryoshka pedestrian.

The teacher addresses the children:

- Children, what do you see on the table? That's right, a city street. More precisely, a street layout. You already know that pedestrians are required to follow traffic rules. I said pedestrians. What does this word mean? What other words is it formed from? What are pedestrians required to do? Yes, they are required to follow traffic rules. Are there such rules? Name them.

After listening to the children’s answers, the teacher calls the child to the table and gives him a whistle. He invites another 6-8 people to the table - these are drivers. They will drive their cars towards each other. (All children should stand at the table facing the audience.)

The matryoshka approaches the crossing and stops in front of the traffic light. The red light is on (for pedestrians). Cars are driving slowly. Matryoshka begins to cross the street, the policeman whistles.

- Stop! - says the teacher, offering to leave the cars and the matryoshka dolls where they are. “Let’s figure out why the policeman was whistling, is he right?” (All participants in the staged scene return to their places.)

The judgments of three or four children are heard. They explain that the nesting doll went to a red traffic light, but this cannot be done - traffic is moving, you can get hit by a car, you can cause an accident on the road.

“You shouldn’t cross the street at a red light even when there are no cars on the road,” the teacher clarifies. And he shows how suddenly a car that was standing near the sidewalk drove off, and how the nesting doll almost got into trouble again.

- Explain this to the matryoshka important rule“, the teacher advises. “Tell her this: remember, never cross the street at a red traffic light.” Don't walk even when there are no cars on the street.

The rule is repeated first by all the children in chorus, then by 2-3 children individually.

The teacher calls the policeman and drivers to the table (these are other children). They help to act out the following scene: the nesting doll, having waited for the green traffic light, begins to cross the street. When she is in the middle of the roadway, the yellow light turns on.

- What to do? - asks the teacher. Listens to children's advice. Among them there is a suggestion to quickly cross the street.

- Let's try to run across! - the teacher agrees.

Matryoshka is running. The red light comes on, cars are driving, the doll is trying to maneuver between them. One car slows down, a second one runs into it, and the policeman whistles.

The teacher lets the children go to their places and asks them to explain what happened on the roadway and why. Formulates a rule that children repeat all together and one at a time: if you don’t have time to cross the street, stop in the middle of it and wait for the green traffic light.

The drivers and the policeman return to their “workplaces,” and the nesting doll once again crosses the street, waiting in the middle for the flow of cars.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the street that they built from a large “Builder” under her guidance (or independently - according to the drawing) before class (a street with sidewalks, a zebra crossing, traffic lights). Offers those who want to play street traffic both on the table and on the floor. But first he advises choosing two police officers-regulators. “This is a very responsible and difficult job,” the teacher emphasizes. As a rule, there are a lot of people interested, so the teacher recommends using a rhyme (the children know the first part of the rhyme):

One two three four five!

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

He shoots straight at the bunny.

Bang Bang! Missed.

The gray bunny ran away.

The teacher recites the rhyme, then the children repeat the last 2 lines 2-3 times, memorizing them. Then the first part is recited by everyone quietly, clearly pronouncing the words, and the last 2 lines are recited by one child. The one on whom the word ran away becomes a policeman-regulator. The lesson ends with children playing independently.


Conversation on the topic “Wild Animals”

Target : help children remember the signs that characterize wild animals; consolidate new information using pictures about animals; Encourage children to ask questions while practicing verbal communication skills.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher demonstrates story paintings with images of wild animals. (You can use the album “Do you know these animals?” M., Art, 1974.) He asks what kind of animals they are, how they can be called differently (wild animals), why they are called “wild”. Names the characteristics that characterize all wild animals without exception: they live independently in certain climatic conditions, for example, the polar bear lives only in the North, lions - in the desert, etc.; their body structure, coloring, and behavior are well adapted to living conditions; They get used to captivity with difficulty and are always kept in cages.

Invites children to confirm the characteristics of wild animals using the example of hedgehogs and squirrels. Asks leading questions to help formulate conclusions:

- Where and how do these animals live?

— How did they adapt to living conditions?

Take a closer look at the coloring of these animals. (Hedgehogs and hedgehogs are gray-brown, almost blending in with the ground, grass, and fallen leaves. The squirrel is bright red, but is also not visible against the background of pine and spruce trunks. Moreover, in a moment of danger, it hides behind a tree trunk and looks out -for him.)

Consider the appearance of hedgehogs and squirrels, correlate it with their lifestyle. (Hedgehogs are nocturnal predators. They have short, strong legs. The nose is mobile, easily extended towards prey. They eat worms, beetles, snails, mice. Hedgehogs can easily be attacked by any animal, that’s why they have needles on their bodies, protection from enemies. Squirrels are tiny creatures with huge fluffy tails that help them “fly” from tree to tree. They have sharp claws on their legs, they can easily cling to the bark of trees, so the squirrel easily chews cones and nuts. On the ground, the squirrel is helpless. although he runs quite quickly. In any danger, he “flies up” into a tree with lightning speed.)

How do animals adapt to living conditions? (Hedgehogs hibernate in winter, so they become very fat by winter. The squirrel makes provisions for the winter. By frosty winter, it makes a nest low on a tree, and in front warm winter- high. Squirrels, even in captivity, stock up for winter.)

The teacher once again repeats the signs characteristic of wild animals. Asks if anyone wants to know anything more about hedgehogs and squirrels. He invites the children themselves to answer their comrades’ questions. (“And I, if necessary, will add to the answer.”) If there are several people willing, the one named by the child who asked the question answers (“Vova, please answer me”).

An interesting and difficult question is scored with a chip, and a meaningful answer is scored in the same way.


Conversation on the topic “Our mothers.” Reading to children the poem “Let’s Sit in Silence” by E. Blaginina

Target : help children understand how much time and effort housework takes from mothers; point out the need for help for mothers; cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders.

Progress of the lesson.

“What do you think is the best word in the world?” - the teacher addresses the children. Listens to answers, positively assessing words such as peace, Motherland. And he concludes: “The most best word in the world - mother!

The teacher invites the students to talk about their mothers (4-5 people listen). Then he joins the conversation:

— When talking about mothers, you all said that mothers are kind, affectionate, that they have skillful hands. What can these hands do? (Cooking, baking, washing, ironing, sewing, knitting, etc.)

See how much your mothers have to do! Despite the fact that mothers work, some in a factory, some in some institution, they still cope with many household chores. Is it difficult for mothers? What and how can you help them? How many of you constantly help with housework? (Listens, clarifies, summarizes the children’s answers.)

You are still small and some household chores are not yet up to you. But children are required to do a lot themselves: put away their things, toys, books, go for bread, water flowers, care for animals. We must try not to upset mom, please her with your attention and care as often as possible. Let's think together about how this can be done.

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to express their opinions, then continues:

“If you only knew how nice it is for a mother when her son or daughter asks how she’s feeling, whether she’s tired, or whether the bag in her hands is heavy.” And if the bag is heavy, they will help you carry it.

On a bus or tram, do not rush to take an empty seat. We must definitely invite mom to sit down and insist on this. When leaving the vehicle, try to give your mother your hand to make it easier for her to get out. And then she will be sure that a kind and attentive person is growing up in her family. And mother’s eyes will shine with joy.

There are many reasons to take care of your mother. Listen to this poem.

The teacher reads a poem by E. Blaginina. He wonders if any of the children have ever taken care of their mother in the same way as described in the poem.

In conclusion, the teacher asks what the children learned in today’s lesson and what conclusions they drew for themselves.

Educator: Arkhipova Nafisa Khamitovna State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 77 Combined type of Primorsky district St. Petersburg 2017

“Teach a child some five words unknown to him, he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but tie twenty of these

words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly” K.D. Ushinsky

Speech development is a very important section in all educational programs. The speech development program is developed taking into account the target psychological and pedagogical guidelines of the basic content preschool education. The development of spoken language is central to preparing a child for school.

Working on this task, the teacher thinks through the organization of the children’s speech environment through indirect ways of understanding the world. Reading books, looking at pictures, objects, observing objects of nature contribute to the most optimal communication between children and adults and peers, during which they learn to ask and answer questions, report their impressions, and learn lessons in the culture of communication. All types speech activity are the subject of daily attention and targeted training in kindergarten, namely:

  • Everyday communication
  • Direct educational activities on speech development

Much attention is paid to everyday communication, during which the teacher tries to give the child an example of correct speech, the ability to listen and express his thoughts

Topics of immediate educational activities are planned by the teacher in accordance with the kindergarten program and taking into account the level of development of the entire group of children as a whole, and individual characteristics each child individually.

An important place in the speech development of children belongs to conversation based on a picture - both subject and plot, familiar or unfamiliar.

Children have difficulty composing a story based on pictures.

When introducing children to pictures, it is necessary to know children's literature, be able to write a fascinating story, know the algorithm for describing a picture, and be able to pose questions correctly, logically and in a fun way for the child. To study the characteristics of the state of coherent monologue speech, a teaching method for composing a story from pictures is used.

Teachers use different types of work with pictures:

  • Consideration
  • Conversations
  • Compiling stories from pictures

In the implementation of program tasks for the speech development of children, conversation based on a picture contributes to:

  • strengthening children's skills in conducting individual and group conversations
  • replenishment, clarification and activation of vocabulary
  • development of memory and attention
  • improvement of verbal and logical thinking
  • formation of the phonetic side of speech
  • acquisition of the phonetic side of speech
  • acquiring the ability to establish relationships between objects
  • developing an understanding of the meaning and content of the picture
  • formation of explanatory and evidentiary speech
  • concretization of knowledge about surrounding objects
  • strengthening skills to navigate in space, etc.

During a conversation based on a picture, the teacher can systematically monitor the production of sounds and grammatical correctness children's speech, sound analysis and synthesis skills. The use of picture dialogues promotes not only speech, but also social emotional development child, the formation of his motivational sphere. Any method of speech development requires the mandatory use of visual and didactic material. Sets of pictures depicting procedures and processes familiar to the child (getting up, washing, cleaning, dressing) will be an excellent help for mastering verbs, adverbs, participles and gerunds. Ask the children to describe what they see in these pictures. A younger child will most likely answer in monosyllables, using only verbs. An older child will build more complex sentences, introducing parts of speech such as adverbs and adjectives. This will help them describe what they see in the picture in more detail.

During the initial examination of the picture, the teacher directs his attention to identifying the main objects, their properties, signs, and establishing connections between the depicted objects. When the picture is reused, a developmental conversation is held, which expands the possibilities of verbal communication between the child and the adult. This is a question-and-answer system of conversation, as a result of which the child develops the ability to listen to his interlocutor, speak out, and lead a discussion. The goal of developing children's dialogical speech during developmental conversations is dominant.

A creative approach to this type of verbal communication involves the use of different techniques:

  • intentional errors in the teacher’s statement about the depicted
  • statements by an adult directing the child to an evidence-based answer
  • comparison of objects shown in the picture
  • inclusion in speech different forms the same word.

The content of the pictures often pushes the teacher to include small folklore forms in the conversation. (proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems) When talking with a child using a picture, his attention can be directed to searching for words that include a given sound. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher thinks through not only the amount of new information, new terms and concepts, but also educational didactic materials with the help of which children could repeat and comprehend the knowledge they have acquired. Reflection on acquired knowledge should be carried out both during independent activities and throughout the day. There are four types of reflection (from Latin reflexio - turning back)

  • Creative (children learn to fantasize and compose)
  • Event-based (children learn to analyze and convey their attitude to current events)
  • Personal (the goal is to promote self-knowledge of your spiritual world)
  • Conceptual (the teacher must promote a meaningful understanding and perception of a person’s spiritual reality)

A distinctive feature of reflection is that it harmoniously combines the informational, cognitive and emotional aspects, as well as the development of different types of speech activity. Conversations based on pictures include:

1. Development sound culture speech.

  • Practicing the correct pronunciation of the sounds of your native language, words and phrases.
  • Development of phonemic hearing (selection of words for a given sound, familiarization with rhyme)
  • Articulation development (onomatopoeia, articulatory gymnastics)
  • Training in intonation expressiveness of speech (pronunciation of words and sounds in a certain key)

2. Vocabulary work:

  • Introduction to generic words (furniture, dishes, fruits, vegetables, transport, animals, etc.)
  • Acquaintance with the professions of adults (cook, doctor, salesman, etc. - depending on the level of initial knowledge of children
  • Getting to know synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms - similar lexical meaning different sound; (walk, rush, plod, trudge)

Antonyms - opposite lexical meaning, different sound; (came - left, good - evil)

  • Compiling descriptive stories from pictures about objects, animals, etc. (eg: Pet name, description appearance, what to feed him, what benefits it brings, why I love him)
  • To consolidate coherent speech, compiling stories based on a picture from a series of plot paintings
  • Introduction to basic etiquette (welcoming guests, table manners, good manners)

3. Grammatical structure of speech:

  • Introduction to Conversation
  • Learning to answer questions and ask them independently
  • Familiarity with prepositions and the ability to use them correctly in speech
  • Word agreement in a sentence

4. Fiction:

  • Getting to know the works of Russian folklore
  • Learning poems, proverbs, sayings
  • Compiling and solving riddles
  • Introduction to classic works of children's literature (S. Marshak, A. S. Pushkin, K Chukovsky, A. Barto, etc.)
  • Dramatization and staging of works

The role of the teacher is to create situations of active speaking, communication, and mastering speech patterns. Considering the need to prepare a child for school, Special attention should be given to the development of phonemic hearing and correct sound pronunciation.

Parents of growing preschoolers must understand that no modern technique for speech development, will not replace the benefits of live human communication. After all, it is everyday communication at home, within the walls of a preschool educational institution or development circles is the key to the timely formation of speech skills.


  1. Speech development. Thematic planning classes V.Yu. Dyachenko Volgograd 2007
  2. Speech development of children 3-5 years old O.S. Ushakova Moscow 2011
  3. Notes of integrated classes by A.V. Aji Voronezh 2006

Summary of direct educational activities

on speech development in the senior group

"Conversation about Russian folk art"

Program content:

To give children an idea of ​​the variety of types of oral folk art;

Continue to introduce them to various genres of Russian folklore (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes, teasers, lullabies);

Stage the nursery rhyme “Shadow-shadow-shadow” using means of expression speech, facial expressions, gestures;

Develop lexicon children through new words;

To instill love and respect for folk art.

Progress of the lesson

Music sounds and children enter the hall.

The teacher meets the children and invites them to an exhibition where fairy tale characters are presented.

What fairy tales do these heroes live in? ( in Russian folk tales)

Once upon a time, grandmother Arina lived in a village. She has become quite old: she cannot work in the fields, and it is also difficult for her to look after livestock. He lies on the stove all day, inventing fairy tales. And in the evening the grandchildren will gather, and she will tell them fairy tales.

Her granddaughter Mashenka grew up, and she already had her own daughter, Katerina. Katya’s mother tells her grandmother’s fairy tales, and she herself comes up with something else to make the fairy tale more interesting.

And then Katyusha grew up, became quite an adult, married a kind young man, and had children of her own. She tells them mother’s and grandmother’s fairy tales, and even makes up ones herself to make it more interesting.

This is how fairy tales were passed down from grandmothers to children, from children to grandchildren, from grandchildren to great-grandchildren. That is why they are called folk. And the Russian people composed fairy tales - so they turned out to be Russians folk tales, so interesting that you and I really love listening to them.

Why are fairy tales called Russian folk tales? ( it was composed by the Russian people)

Folk tales have been written by people for many generations; at our exhibition there are books that were written specific person and they are called copyright, i.e. we know who wrote them ( fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky)

What types of Russian folk tales are there? (magical, about animals, everyday)

Children: There are fairy tales magical, they must contain miracles and magical objects.

Children: There are fairy tales about animals, in such fairy tales, animals can talk, visit each other and even study at school.

Children: Eat household fairy tales that describe life ordinary people: a poor man or a clever soldier.

Guys, I have cut-out pictures, I need to collect them and determine what kind of fairy tale it is, everyday, about animals or magical ( children's reasoning).

But the Russian people not only composed fairy tales, but also came up with riddles, which is why they are also referred to as “Russian folk.”

What riddles do you know?

1. A ball of fluff, 2. He makes friends with a fox,

Long ear, For others, terribly evil.

He jumps deftly, his teeth click and click.

Loves carrots (hare) Very scary …. (wolf)

3. Walks without a road in summer 4. Red-haired cheat

Near pine and birch trees. Deceives cleverly

And in winter he sleeps in a den, the mouse is afraid of her

Hides your nose from the frost (bear) And the bunny is naughty

At least she lives in the forest

Steals chickens from the village (fox)

5. Everyone goes around this place: 6. There will be no knocking on the door or window,
Here the earth is like dough, but when it rises, it wakes everyone up. (Sun)
There are sedges, hummocks, mosses -
No leg support. ( Swamp)

7. They beat me, stab me, cut me - 8. Three brothers
I endure everything, I cry with everything good. Let's go swimming.
(Earth) Two are swimming
The third one is lying on the shore.
We went out
On the third they hung (Yoke and buckets)

9. He bows, bows, when he comes home he will stretch out. ( Axe)

10. Small, round, but you can’t catch it by the tail (Clew)

Our group has:

Two Sonya -

They are beautiful

And, of course, there is Dasha -

She's like our doll.

There are also Tanya, Kolya, Masha,

Lera, Tasya and Ruslan,

Roma, Grisha and Bogdan,

Vika and Irina,

Let's not forget about Dima.

How many guys are there in the group?!

There is also Julia - a laughing girl,

Our Ksyusha is a cheerful person.

Calm and serious

We'll talk about Arseny,

There is a quiet and modest

Girl Yesenia.

There is also Yaroslav

Our smart, kind boy

We also have Alyonka

Very nice girl

Anya and Ekaterina

You are not replaceable by anyone!

Only Shark is missing,

She is small, in a cradle;

We don’t have Matryonka,

She is tiny - in a diaper.

There is no Arinka on the feather bed,

There is no Ivan, Fyodor.

You can’t count whoever is missing!

I love who is

Educator: This is a heartfelt poem called a nursery rhyme. Nursery rhymes have been composed for a long time in order to please someone, to pity someone, and to make someone laugh.

Let's play for fun.

Staging of the nursery rhyme “Shadow-shadow-sweat.”

Everyone leads a round dance, dances and sings:


There is a fence above the city,

We all went under the fence,

We bragged all day.

Fox: The fox boasted:

I am the beauty of the whole forest,

And fluffy and cunning,

I covered up all traces.

Wolf: Boasted Gray wolf:

I click and click my teeth,

But today I'm kind

I don't touch anyone.

Hare: Our little bunny boasted:

And I'm not a coward at all,

I am from the wolf and the fox

He ran away and was gone.

Goat: The goat boasted:

I walked around the garden

I weeded everyone's beds,

Yes, and she walked into the water.

Bug: Bug boasted -

I'm not at all mean

I look after the farm

I won't let strangers in!

Murka: Murka boasted -

Smoky skin.

I've been catching mice all night

I chase all the rats away.

Grandfather Egor: Grandfather Yegor boasted -

I have a cattle yard:

And the horse and the bull,

Chickens, geese, piglet.

Baba Varvara: Varvara boasted:

I will polish the samovars,

I'll bake pies

I will invite everyone to visit!

Together: Shadow-shadow-shadow,

There is a fence above the city,

We all went under the fence,

And we walked all day.

Educator: I know a funny tease:

Fedya - copper - tripe

Ate a cow and a bull

And fifteen little pigs

Only the tails are hanging.

This teaser is about a boy named Fedya. He eats a lot, they call him a glutton and they came up with such a funny tease.

What kind of teasers do you know? ( children's answer).

Educator: In ancient times, boys and girls often gathered in clearings, invented and played games, they were called Russian folk games. But first they began to be counted to choose the driver:

“Tara - bars, rastabars!

Varvara’s chickens are old!”

What counting rhymes do you know? ( children's answer).

And in Rus' they have always loved songs. All these songs were invented by the people. The songs were lullabies and round dances. Children especially love lullabies.

When you were little, your mothers would hold you tenderly and lovingly and sing soft lullabies to you.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I bless my Mashenka.

That at dawn it's dawn,

About the spring time,

The free birds are singing,

They build nests in the dark forest.

Nightingale, nightingale,

Don't make nests for yourself:

Come fly to our garden, -

Under the high tower,

Fly through the bushes,

Peck ripe berries

Warm your wings with the sun,

Sing a song to Masha.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I bless my Mashenka!

Guys, today we said that the Russian people invented ( fairy tales, nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes, etc.raznilka, lullabies). All this is called oral folk art. Oral - because nothing was written down, because They didn’t know how to write, but only retold it to each other. In the old days, it was not the mouth that spoke, but the mouth. And it turned out - oral. Folk - because they composed it, created it themselves. So it turned out - oral folk art.

Educator: As a reminder of our lesson today, I want to give you coloring pages of Russian folk tales.