In what ampoules are epin extra produced. Instructions for the use of epin extra for seedlings and vegetable crops after planting in the ground

Quite often, recommendations for plant care contain information on the use of immunomodulators (phytohormones). They are artificially synthesized phytohormones and growth regulators. The drugs do not act on pests and diseases that damage plants, but help to increase immunity, improve rooting. Treated seeds germinate better and faster. Manufacturers present big choice similar funds. Consider what the drug Epin is and its instructions for use specifically for indoor plants, composition, action and precautions.

Although in demand both on garden plotsand among fans of indoor floriculture.


The preparation is based on a concentrated mass of epibrassinolide substance, created by the latest technology... It is completely synthetic, but does not pose a threat to plants.

Pure Epin is an alcoholic solution of this substance, its concentration is 0.25 g / l. Since massive counterfeits were identified, production was suspended.

In 2003, Epin-extra appeared on the country's market - worthy replacement the previous one. It contains a synthetic substitute highest quality... The concentration of epibrassinolide in solution is much lower. In addition to the active substance, the composition contains ammonia and shampoo for improved leaf adhesion, making it more convenient to use. The production of the active substance of this drug is carried out using microbiological technology. Each package contains instructions that allow you to use the drug correctly.

In stores you can find a remedy absolutely similar to Epin - "Epin-maxi". The concentration of its active ingredient epibrassinolide is 0.025 g / l. This makes it easy to obtain a highly effective working solution. The product is sold in concentrated form in ampoules. You can buy it in specialized stores.

Working solution

To prepare a working solution of epin extra, the instructions for use indicate the exact proportions for the solution. According to the instructions, it is necessary to dilute 1 ampoule of epin in 5 liters of water. To prepare a solution of a smaller volume, you can use a syringe to determine the required amount of the drug. It is worth considering that the ampoule contains 40 drops of the substance, which will make it easy to calculate the required proportion.

The concentration of the solution depends on the purpose of its use. To soak the bulbs, 1 ampoule of the substance is used for two liters of water, which can also be used for cuttings and for forcing bulbs. For seed treatment, an ampoule will need 1 liter of water.

Soil in flower pots cannot be completely neutral, therefore it is more efficient to spray with epin. Watering can lead to chemical reaction soil with substance. To prepare a solution for indoor plants, 5 liters of water are required per ampoule. The proportion can be reduced.

Even after partial processing, the product is well absorbed.

Features of using epin for indoor flowers

For use, you should take a solution prepared strictly according to the instructions. Even with a slight overdose, it can negatively affect plant development. A properly diluted substance is practically not dangerous to humans and belongs to the III-B hazard class. The prepared solution should be placed for storage in dark place... The term of use is no more than 48 hours.

Drug action

Although the tool is used for garden plants, with its help, it is possible to process those that grow in the house as a growth regulator, anti-stress adaptogen and stimulant immune system.

It is responsible for the biochemical processes that actively occur in their vegetative mass, fights against early aging, diseases, and protects against the influence of negative conditions. That is, it performs the functions of an immunostimulant and an adaptogen. Of course, if the plant is completely affected by the disease, it cannot be restored. But for less difficult problems the tool will cope without difficulty. Epin has a persistent alcohol smell. It has good foaming properties.

Due to instant assimilation, the effectiveness of the drug increases. And for two weeks he takes part in the synthesis of plants. For this reason, reprocessing ahead of time meaningless.

The drug works as follows:

  • An indoor plant purchased in a store is going through a period of adaptation at home due to a change in growing conditions. It is not recommended to transplant it for 3 weeks. Potted flower being long time on the windowsill can get stressed. Drafts, pests, poor lighting and other factors worsen his condition. To help plants recover faster, an immunostimulant is often used.
  • Preparing them for winter rest, treatment with an epin solution should be carried out. The same procedure is required at the end of winter.
  • When transplanted, they need support to accelerate their establishment, growth and development.

Depending on the purpose of application, the number of sprays for indoor plants should be:

  • For prevention, spraying is carried out once every 30 days.
  • In case of stressful situations, the treatment is carried out 3-4 times every 30 days, and until they are completely healthy.
  • To stimulate growth, spraying is carried out in March-April three times, the same number of procedures is carried out in July-August and October.

Epin - ecologically pure substance, and can be used in combination with other drugs. For example, by spraying a solution of a substance, you can add the necessary fertilizers.

To achieve a positive effect, you must follow some rules.

Important! It should be warned that some factors affect its quality condition. An alkaline environment can lead to its degradation. For this reason, boiled water is required during the preparation of the solution. Sometimes a small dose of vinegar or a few grains is added boric acid to acidify it. Ultraviolet light also negatively affects the effect of the biostimulant, therefore, treatment is recommended in the morning or evening time.


Some of its advantages are worth highlighting:

  • The percentage of seed germination increases, the forces for germination are enhanced;
  • Saplings take root successfully;
  • Young and adult plants successfully overcome unfavorable factors: insufficient lighting, severe temperature changes, drought, excessive watering, damage from pests and diseases;
  • Neutralized in the soil harmful effects nitrates, pesticides, radionuclides.
  • Increases resistance to disease;
  • Plants are actively rejuvenating.

Important! Epin is considered a natural substance and is completely non-toxic and combines well with many fungicides and insecticides.

Precautions to be taken

Treatment with a solution of the drug occurs when using means that protect the human body:

  • Smoking, drinking and eating during processing is prohibited.
  • After completing the work carried out, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth.
  • For storage, use a cool dry room with a temperature of 14⁰– 23⁰. Food and medicine should be kept separate from the drug.
  • It is located in places where there is no access to children and animals.
  • Fire is dangerous for the drug.

When using processing substances, it is not allowed to mix epin with drugs of another type.

Flower lovers often use a remedy such as Epin for indoor plants, the use of which will not destroy specific pests, will not cure diseases.

He has his own important work - to increase the immunity of plants. Thanks to this, the plantings take root faster, the seeds sprout amicably, the ovaries become larger, and the flowers become lush and bright.

Consider the features and instructions for using Epin, its effectiveness for indoor flowers.

What is Epin

Epin has long been popular among flower growers and gardeners. There is an explanation for this. The preparation contains epibrassinolide, a kind of phytohormone, which is produced by the plants themselves.

This drug is an artificial analogue of a natural growth stimulant.

Due to its adaptogenic properties, it acts as a medicine - protects plantings in stressful situations, helps to survive in conditions unfavorable for growth, development, conditions:

  • with temperature drops;
  • when a lump of earth dries out or waterlogged;
  • when transplanting.

It has a beneficial effect not only on seeds, but also on adult seedlings. The use of a stimulant in the garden increases the yield of tomatoes, carrots, onions and other vegetables, accelerates the ripening of fruits.

Take a note: it makes no sense to use Epin in an alkaline environment, since the drug is simply inactive. This applies to the soil, therefore, the prepared solution is not watered, but sprayed.

Epin is a domestic drug adapted for russian conditions... Available in ampoules of 1000 ml, 50 ml, 2 ml and very minimal 1 ml.

For plants

In fact, the fertilizer was produced for garden and horticultural crops.

But it is actively used as a growth regulator, an anti-stress adaptogen, and an immune system stimulator when growing indoor flowers.

When is it desirable to use a biostimulant:

  • stressful situations associated with transplantation, hypothermia, moving, drafts;
  • preparing plants for winter sleep or coming out of dormancy;
  • adaptation to new conditions;
  • accelerate the growth, development of plants.

How many times do you need to process indoor flowers?

Processing is carried out depending on the goals:

  • as prophylactic agent - spray the leaf surface every month;
  • in stressful situations, spraying is carried out once every 7-10 days, until the flower returns to normal;
  • as a quality growth stimulator - after 7 days in March-April, July-August, October.

The results of Epin's impact:

  • accelerates the germination of seeds, the survival rate of seedlings by strengthening the root system;
  • helps to quickly cope with diseases;
  • rejuvenates flowers, as lateral shoots appear;
  • removes heavy metals, nitrates, radionuclides.

For seeds

Epin works well on indoor plant seeds. The seeds treated in this way give friendly, healthy shoots after planting.

For this, a solution is prepared: 4 drops are diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. The seeds are soaked for 18-20 hours.

You can also soak the seeds of garden crops.

For example, celery, beets, carrots (seeds) are kept for a day. To dissolve in 100 ml, 3 drops of fertilizer are required.

Note: Epin is used not only for spraying, stimulating the growth of the root system, enhancing the immunity of seedlings, adult plants, but also for pre-sowing seed preparation.

The price of the drug and where to buy

It is clear that our readers, having learned about unique properties domestic biostimulant, they will want to know where it can be purchased and what is the cost.

Today, such fertilizer is sold by specialized stores offering a large selection of seeds, seedlings and planting material of indoor, garden, garden plants.

In addition, you can purchase Epin online.

The price of the drug, produced in convenient ampoules (1 ml), is low. Usually varies between 18-38 rubles. It depends on the supplier and the region of residence of the citizens.

How to breed correctly

Epin is packaged in 1 ml ampoules. Naturally, for working with houseplants of this amount for one treatment, it is too much if there are few flowers.

You need to spray the whole plant from bottom to top: assimilation goes through the aerial part.

Dosage of the drug (indicated for a 1 ml ampoule):

  • to soak the bulbs (for a day), prepare a concentrated solution, while 2 liters of water will require a fourth part of the ampoule;
  • to spray the plant, add 7 drops of the contents of the ampoule to 200 ml of water;
  • to awaken plants that sleep in winter, as well as in the flowering phase, the ampoule is diluted in 5 liters of water;
  • before diving, the cuttings must be soaked for 24 hours;
  • to save plants from stress, a solution of 7 drops per one liter of water is prepared;
  • if you need to destroy aphids, then the plant is sprayed with the following composition: 7 drops of Epin are added to 100 ml.

Do you know that: when preparing a solution, water is boiled and cooled. In addition to Epin, a few drops of table vinegar are poured into it.

Since the solution quickly loses its properties, it is prepared in small quantities. It can be kept in the dark, but no more than 48 hours.

It is better to process plants in the evening or early in the morning, because in the sun it quickly loses its qualities, it is less digestible.

Application features and results

The drug showed itself on a good side not only on indoor plants, but also on the inhabitants of the garden, vegetable garden.

Not harmful to the environment, insects, animals and humans.

Epin is truly a unique grower with good results.

This is proven by the example of the Main Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences, they used the drug for gladioli and tulips. Plants outstripped those samples that were not processed. Experiments were also carried out with phloxes, gelenium.

The result pleases gardeners and gardeners, who, after processing plantings and plantings, received a rich harvest, and the fruits ripened two weeks earlier.

Safety measures when working with the drug

Epin is non-toxic, but the presence of vinegar requires caution.

Safety regulations:

  • use protective equipment: rubber gloves, cover your nose and mouth with a gauze bandage;
  • it is forbidden to eat, smoke;
  • after finishing the treatment, thoroughly wash your hands, face, any open areas skin with detergent... Rinse your mouth;
  • do not leave the drug in front of an open fire. Do not store in the light, next to food;
  • use a special container for breeding;
  • clean in places out of reach of children and animals.

Note: when working with Epin, do not forget about maintaining your health. To protect the respiratory system, use disposable masks, and gloves for hands.

Many summer residents use the epin extra growth stimulator when growing seedlings. Its use over the years has proven to be effective and has impressive properties. After its application, the plants become strong, grow well and give an excellent harvest in the future. When buying the drug epin extra, instructions for use are attached to it.

Characteristics of the drug

In general, epin extra is a drug that is an analogue of natural plant biostimulants. It has a good anti-stress effect. Epin extra entering the plant promotes the activation of immune processes, developing their resistance to various adverse natural phenomena, such as droughts, showers, frosts, sudden temperature fluctuations, and so on.

It has been proven that plants that have been treated with Epin Extra have more high yield, by about 15-20%, compared to untreated plants. In addition, in the former, the ripening of the fruits took place in a shorter time.

The drug is used not only for growing crops, but for processing seedlings before planting in the ground and for sowing material. Epin extra has the following properties:

  • after application, the germination of seeds, corms and bulbs is accelerated;
  • helps the rooting of cuttings and seedlings;
  • stimulates the root system to develop;
  • increases the capabilities of the immune system of plants, making them more resistant to adverse environmental conditions;
  • in old plants, it promotes the growth of new shoots, thereby rejuvenating them.

The preparation contains the substance epinbrassinolide. It can be synthesized thanks to nanotechnology, and it is this substance that has a beneficial effect on plants and activates their immunity and many biological processes.

Instructions for use

Despite the fact that epin extra has such positive influence on plants, its use should be strictly dosed and in accordance with the instructions.

Epin treatments should be carried out exclusively in a protective mask and rubber gloves, and after completion of work, without fail, thoroughly wash your hands and rinse your mouth. Store the product out of the reach of children and animals to avoid poisoning. Also, do not keep it near food.

With Epin you will not harm insects and plants, do not pollute environment... The drug is released in ampoules of 0.25 mg, which is about 40 drops.

When mixed with water, the resulting solution should be used within 24 hours. But it is better to prepare the solution just before use. One ampoule is used for 5 liters of water. Epin treatment is carried out on various crops and seeds, but each has its own dosage.

Treatment of seeds, cuttings, bulbs and tubers

  1. Seeds vegetable crops, tomatoes, cucumbers and others, are soaked in water for 18-20 hours, observing the proportion of 1-2 drops per 100 ml of water. The water temperature should be at least 20 degrees.
  2. Flower seeds are soaked for the same time as vegetable crops, but the dosage is increased to 4 drops per 100 ml of water.
  3. The bulbs should be kept in the Epin solution for an extra day, and diluted with 1 ml of the drug in 2 liters of water.
  4. For good rooting of cuttings, they are dipped in a solution for 12 hours. The dosage for the solution is the same as for the bulbs.
  5. Potato tubers can also be treated with epin before planting. To do this, prepare a solution in the following dosage - for 50 kg of tubers, it is necessary to dilute 1 ml of the drug in 250 ml of water. This solution should be sprayed with potato seeds. After processing, you can plant crops in the ground.

Application of Epin extra as fertilizer

Each plant has its own developmental phase in which it is advisable to do the treatment with epin.

  1. Potatoes and tomato seedlings are processed during the budding and flowering period.
  2. Root crops - after germination.
  3. Seedlings of peppers during budding and flowering.
  4. Cucumbers in the phase of 2-3 true leaves and the beginning of budding.
  5. Fruit trees and berry bushes processed in the budding phase, and then every 20 days.

In adverse weather conditions

Cold snaps, cold ground, drought, or rainstorms are known to greatly weaken and stress plants. At the same time, crops are more likely to be susceptible to diseases, pests, they stop growing.

All these factors significantly reduce yields. Therefore, when signs of illness and stress appear, treatment with epin is needed. Plants are sprayed at intervals of ten days. Such treatments are carried out until the plant recovers and starts to grow.

Plant treatments are carried out in the morning or evening. All damaged and dry leaves and shoots are preliminarily removed. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5 liters of water per 1 ml of the drug. After epin extra, they can be planted immediately in the ground.

If you soak pepper seeds before planting, the germination of the seed will significantly accelerate. This is an important step in the process of growing a healthy and strong plant, which in the future will be able to please the owners with an excellent harvest.

Ways to soak pepper seeds before planting

Preparing pepper seeds for planting begins with careful selection:

  1. Purchased or collected seeds are laid out on paper.
  2. Too small and very large are rejected, leaving medium, full (not hollow).

Further, pepper seeds are soaked and germinated in order to disinfect them, to prevent the future bush from affecting diseases. Such preparation of seeds favors softening of their film, acceleration of the process of germination and germination. For disinfection and growth stimulation use different compositions, each of which will help to benefit the young plant.

Soaking pepper seeds before planting in Epin

Growth stimulator for soaking pepper seeds before planting - perfect solution... The solution helps plants to adapt to fluctuations in humidity, temperature, illumination, increases resistance to lack of light, hypothermia, overheating, waterlogging, drought. Soaking pepper seeds before planting in Epin's solution accelerates their germination and stimulates growth. But the most important thing is that the preparation with biologically active substances reduces the sensitivity of crops to unfavorable conditions, increases their resistance to ailments.

Epin is sold in small packages that are stored in cold and dark. How to soak the seeds:

  1. The packaging removed from the refrigerator is warmed up in the hand, after which the sediment disappears in it and the composition becomes transparent.
  2. Shake the test tube and add 2 drops of the drug to ½ glass of water.
  3. Seeds previously disinfected in a manganese solution are poured with a biological composition.
  4. The processing period is 12-24 hours at a temperature of + 20-23 ° C, after Epin they are drained, and the seeds are dried and placed for germination.

Soaking pepper seeds in Zircon before planting

Echinacea biopreparation is a powerful growth stimulant with high root-forming activity and a pronounced increase in seed germination. It is kept in the light at room temperature... Zircon - competent soaking of pepper seeds before planting:

  1. The solution is diluted - 1 drop in 1.5 cups of water.
  2. Seeds previously disinfected in a manganese solution are poured with a stimulating composition.
  3. The processing period is 16-18 hours at a temperature of + 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C.
  4. Then the zircon is drained, the grains are dried and germinated.

Soaking pepper seeds in baking soda

Along with industrial growth promoters, natural nutritional mixtures can be used to soak pepper seeds before planting. Their advantages are obvious - no need to spend money on the purchase of drugs and once again process the seeds with chemistry. Baking soda also useful for soaking, it enriches seeds with minerals. So they are cleared of pathogens, such crops are almost a third more productive than untreated ones. How to soak pepper seeds in baking soda before planting:

  1. To obtain a mixture, 10 grams of soda is dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  2. The seeds are left in this composition for 12-24 hours.
  3. After that, the grains are thoroughly rinsed clean water, dried and germinated.

Soaking pepper seeds before planting in potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is often used to disinfect seeds at home. This treatment helps to get rid of bacteria and fungal spores, which can later damage the plant. Pepper from seeds that have undergone a similar treatment grows healthier. Disinfection is carried out immediately before planting or processing the seeds with growth stimulants.

Soaking pepper seeds in potassium permanganate before planting:

  1. Dissolve 1 g of potassium permanganate in 1 glass of water.
  2. Dip the seeds in the solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Carefully drain the potassium permanganate, covering the glass with a piece of gauze, scrupulously rinse the seeds in running water and dry.

Soaking pepper seeds in hydrogen peroxide

Pharmacy peroxide is an excellent oxidizing agent, it perfectly disinfects everything that is irrigated with it. Treatment seed material with such a preparation it disinfects, increases germination. How to soak pepper seeds in peroxide before planting:

  1. Make a solution - 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of peroxide in 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Spread the seeds of peppers on cheesecloth and cover with the composition for 24 hours.
  3. After processing, they must be thoroughly rinsed. running water, dry and germinate.

The best way to soak pepper seeds before planting

To achieve excellent germination of the seed, it is best to organize its disinfection and soaking before planting in several stages:

  1. Before germination, treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate in the above described way. It will help get rid of ailments and harmful microorganisms that accumulate in the grains.
  2. Next, you need to process the seeds with microelements. For this it is recommended to use wood ash... It contains about 30 nutrients.
  3. To obtain a mineral mixture, you need to take 20 grams of ash and dilute in 1 liter of water. This composition, stirring, must be insisted for about a day.
  4. After that, roll the pepper seeds into a gauze bag and hold in the composition for about 5 hours.
  5. Then remove, rinse with clean water and dry in a warm place.

After disinfection, undiluted aloe juice obtained from the leaves of a plant over 3 years old, which was kept in the refrigerator for a week before the procedure, can be used as a nutrient composition. The seeds are kept in it for 24 hours, then they are laid out for germination without washing the juice. For high-quality processing, before planting, you can soak pepper seeds in biostimulants from the store - Epin, Zircon, Humate.

How many days do pepper seeds germinate when soaked?

The process of germinating pepper seeds begins in late February or early March. After disinfection and soaking, the grains are placed on cheesecloth and covered with it on top. Seed material is placed in a closed plastic container with holes for ventilation, moistened with water (preferably thawed) and put in a warm place (with a temperature of at least + 24 ° C). Every day, while the seeds will sprout, the lid must be opened for a short time.

There is no exact answer to the question of how long pepper seeds germinate when soaked. This is a long process and you need to be patient. Different varieties peppers sprout in different terms, on average - from 7 to 15 days, but some species may need up to 20 days. As soon as the seeds sprout, they are transplanted into peat tablets or ordinary pots. It is much easier to care for peppers grown from soaked seeds - the plants are less sick and give a good harvest.

Seed soaking - an important stage on which the result of all subsequent works of the gardener and the gardener largely depends. When choosing a drug intended for these purposes, remember about Epin (on sale now you can often meet under the name "Epin-extra")!

What is soaking for?

Soaking solves three problems at once:

  • Seed germination test;
  • Acceleration of the germination process;
  • Protection of future seedlings from pests and diseases.

Soaking methods

There are several methods of soaking, the most common of which are:

  • The seeds are laid out on a flat surface between two pieces of damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag;
  • Foam sponges are immersed in the composition and squeezed out. The seeds are laid out between the sponges, the resulting "sandwich" is fixed with rubber bands and wrapped in PET film;
  • A small bucket holds a cloth-covered stand with seeds lying on it. A soaking composition is poured onto the bottom so that the ends of the fabric are immersed in it, and the seeds themselves are located above the liquid level. The bucket is tightly closed with a lid.

The latter method is the most convenient, since it does not require constant control of tissue moisture, as in the first case, and does not interfere with the flow fresh airas when using sponges.

For soaking, you can use both home and commercial products:

  • sodium humate, potassium permanganate, soda, tincture of chamomile, valerian, oak bark ...

A very popular seed soaking agent today is Epin.

In order to soak seeds in Epin, it is not necessary to lay them on a cloth or sponge. It is enough just to prepare the solution in a glass, according to the instructions, and dip the seeds into it. And so that you don't have to fish them out for a long time, planting material can be wrapped in gauze, tied with a thread and in this form dipped into the solution.

The solution remaining after soaking can be used to spray seedlings or water the soil. But it should only be remembered that ready solution stored for no more than 2 days.

How to soak seeds in Epin

Epin is a synthetic substance that is analogous to a natural stimulant that accelerates plant growth, activates its protective functions, and strengthens the immune system. Epin is able to increase yields by 15 - 20%, provided it is used correctly:

  • Careful adherence to dosage:
  • Shake well before use;
  • Store unused solution in a cool, dark place for no more than 48 hours.

Seeds should be soaked in "Epine-extra" immediately before sowing, after the seeds have passed all the other stages of processing: disinfection, heat treatment, pickling in potassium permanganate, etc.

Epin is used primarily for hard-growing seeds, since it has the ability to accelerate the emergence of seedlings. It is advisable to soak the seeds of the following crops in Epin:

  • tomatoes, peppers,
  • flower cultures,
  • celery, parsnip,
  • onion.

In Epin, you can soak vegetable and flower crops, potato tubers, flower bulbs, rhizomes, seedlings - any planting material.


According to the instructions for use on the package, the dosage for the preparation of the Epin aqueous solution should be as follows:

  • For vegetable seeds, 1 - 2 drops of Epin are dissolved in 100 ml of water (half a glass). At a temperature of 20 to 23 degrees, the seeds are soaked for 4 to 6 hours;
  • For seeds flower plants 4 drops of Epin are taken per 100 ml of water, and the soaking time is 8 - 10 hours at the same temperature (on average - 20 degrees);
  • For seeds with a hard skin, it is allowed to increase the soaking time up to 12 - 18 hours.

Instructions for use and dosages from drug manufacturers

Instruction # 1:

Instruction number 2:

Seedling care

You will also find Epin useful for the subsequent care of your plants. Use it to spray dived seedlings and root system will develop faster. Spraying with epin is also indicated for stressful weather conditions, as well as in cases where it is necessary to stimulate the formation of shoots in a plant or reduce the percentage of pesticides and nitrates in future fruits.