Tips for right-handers: how to effectively develop your left hand? Which hand should you write with, and why do it if you have a computer?

The vast majority of people are more proficient in one of their hands: right-handers - those for whom the right hand is dominant, and - those who are better at using the left (approximately 10 - 15% of the population). And very few people - ambidextrous people - are equally good with both their right and left hands. Ambidexterity is an innate property. However, if desired, during training a person can learn to use both hands to the same extent.

In some cases, for one reason or another, a right-handed person may have a desire or even a need (after all, there are some professions where having both hands gives many advantages, for example, surgeons) to learn to write with his left hand.

A few little tips will help speed up and make this process easier.

Let's start with the fact that when writing letters with your left hand the main problem thing is writing hand obscures the written text. Therefore, it is very important to position the paper correctly. The sheet should not lie on the right side, but on the left, and the upper left corner should be slightly higher. With this placement of the paper, the written text will be visible.

Now let's talk about how to hold the pen. Left-handed people, as a rule, hold the pen not close to the tip, but 4 centimeters higher and almost at a right angle. In this case, the view increases. Naturally, it plays a big role correct lighting– the light source should be on the right.

Before you start practicing, be prepared for the fact that not everything can work out quickly and well. We must be patient and... lined notebooks or copybooks (remember childhood).

At first, it is important not to rush, but to ensure that the letters are legible, even and large. In this case, the muscles remember the movements better - the muscle memory mechanism is triggered. For the same reason, it is very important to practice not just once in a while (for example, not once a week), but every day, even if only for a few minutes.

You can write anything. The main thing is that the learning process itself brings pleasure. And for this it is better to write texts with a meaning that is pleasant to you. Well, if you write affirmations, the effect of the classes will be double!

Drawing with your left hand will help speed up and facilitate the learning process. And in order to strengthen the muscles of your left hand and develop its fine motor skills, try to perform more everyday actions with your left hand

And finally, I would like to add that a person who can use both hands equally has better coordination of movements. And also.
And who knows, maybe by learning to write with your left hand, you will discover new abilities and talents.

Maybe you know or have heard out of the corner of your ear that right hemisphere the human brain is responsible for the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls right side. For example, the right hemisphere receives most of the information from the left eye or ear, from the left arm or leg. It follows that physical development each side of the human body leads to the development of the hemisphere that is responsible for it. Thus, the right side of the brain is more developed in people, while the left side is more developed in right-handed people.

Now briefly about what the right and left parts of the human brain are responsible for.

The left hemisphere is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, language and mathematical abilities, it remembers numbers, mathematical symbols, names, dates, facts, controls the movements of the right half of the body. The left hemisphere perceives information literally and processes it step by step, observing the order.

Unlike the left, the main specialization of the right hemisphere is intuition. It specializes in processing nonverbal information, that is, information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which perceives the literal meaning of words, the right hemisphere understands metaphors, figurative sense words With the help of the right hemisphere, a person dreams and fantasizes. It is responsible for mysticism and religiosity, for musical abilities and fine arts. Thanks to the right hemisphere, a person can navigate the terrain. The right hemisphere is more associated with emotions. It is capable of processing a lot of different information in parallel, considering the problem as a whole, without breaking it into parts.

How can you check which hemisphere is better developed?

Look at the picture.

If you have the feeling that the girl is spinning clockwise, it means that your left hemisphere is more active at the moment. If, in your opinion, it rotates counterclockwise, then your right hemisphere is active. By the way, if you try to look at the picture with a defocused gaze, you can “make” the girl rotate in the other direction.

A person who writes equally well with both right and left hands has both halves gray matter equally well developed. Synchronizing the work of both hemispheres of the brain is an excellent way for a right-handed person to develop creative abilities and intuition. A person who has learned to write with his left hand can discover talents that were previously unknown to him. In addition, both hands contribute to the development of motor coordination

If you are right-handed, then you have probably tried to write with your left hand at least once. Is it possible to learn this? And how to do this?

Is it possible for a right-handed person to learn to write with his left hand?

It is worth noting that left-handedness is not a diagnosis or a deviation, but a certain feature of the brain. Left-handers have a much better developed right hemisphere, while right-handers have a much better developed left hemisphere. But is it possible to change how the brain works? Quite, because this organ is, in general, unique, and if you develop it, you can open up more and more new possibilities. In addition, if you try, you can learn a lot, including writing. working hand, which for right-handers is the left.

Why is this necessary?

Why is it worth learning to write with your left hand? First of all, for diversified development. If both hemispheres of the brain work, then you can optimize your mental activity and become more successful in all areas of your life. By the way, left-handers who were retrained in childhood become more successful and educated, as statistics show.

To understand why you need to learn to write with your left hand, it’s worth understanding the essence of how the brain works. The left hemisphere, which is more developed in right-handed people, is responsible for the right half of the body. But it also provides logical thinking, analytic skills, solution mathematical problems, memorizing letters and numbers, language abilities, in general, everything that is usually used in work and in learning.

The right hemisphere, responsible for the left side of the body, is associated with creativity, intuition, imaginative perception and thinking, and processing of non-verbal information. Of course, you can do without all this, but modern world Such qualities are especially valued, as they allow you to stand out and search for non-standard methods problem solution.

And another nice bonus that you will get by learning to write with your left hand is versatility. When the right hand is damaged, many literally “fall out” of life. They are unable to perform daily and professional duties, and some become practically helpless. You can do everything with your left hand, and without effort and with high quality.

How to study?

So, how to learn to write with your left hand? Here are some useful tips:

  1. First you need to prepare left hand To active work. To do this, perform simple everyday tasks with it, for example, holding cutlery, combing your hair, fastening buttons, washing dishes, wiping dust, and so on.
  2. Now you can move directly to the letter, or rather to preparing for it. First of all, you should choose the tool that is most convenient for you. At first, it is best to use a simple pencil, which will allow you to control the pressure and not worry about ink stains and stains. Plus, it doesn't slip on the paper, so you'll prevent unwanted movements. Then when you first notice positive results, you can start using the pen. It is advisable to choose a high-quality ballpoint, since the gel one is difficult to feel with your fingers and often leaves blots, and writing with a low-quality one is inconvenient and sometimes difficult.
  3. Now you need to position the notebook correctly. The left corner should be higher than the right so that your hands are positioned correctly on the table and do not get tired, and you are as comfortable as possible. But the angle of inclination should be no more than 40-45 degrees.
  4. Next, you should take the handle comfortably. Place it in your left hand the same way you would place it in your right. But many left-handers place their fingers slightly higher than right-handers, and this will probably seem more to you as well. suitable option. Do not squeeze the object too hard to avoid straining your fingers. Try moving the handle, all movements should be easy and comfortable for you.
  5. Then you can try drawing with your left hand. This activity will allow you to get used to it and ensure preparation, and will also bring a lot of fun and make you laugh, not only for you, but also for everyone in your household.
  6. Next, choose paper to write on. It is advisable to start writing in a lined or checkered notebook so that you can avoid going beyond the lines.
  7. And finally, the letter itself. It's worth starting from the very basics. Imagine that you are in first grade. First try drawing lines and squiggles, then more complex elements. Then start writing uppercase lowercase and capital letters alphabet. By the way, it is best to start with large ones in order to remember all the movements of the hand and strengthen the so-called muscle memory. Then gradually reduce the size of the letters, bringing it to normal.
  8. Just write. You can rewrite famous works of classics, articles from magazines, recipes, and so on. You can also start leading Personal diary, write down funny incidents, quotes or phrases you like. In general, you can write whatever you want.

Useful tips to help right-handed people learn to write with their left hand easier and faster:

  • The older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to change his habits and learn new skills and abilities. Everything comes much easier to young people, so it’s worth starting as early as possible. And it will be especially easy for a child to learn, so if you want your offspring to develop diversified, then periodically ask him to write and perform other actions with his left hand.
  • You have to practice every day, otherwise you won't succeed. It is enough to allocate at least 15-20 minutes a day, this will be quite enough.
  • You should not start studying in bad mood, you will not achieve success if you are nervous and angry.
  • Be patient and don't wait quick results. Are you used to writing with your left hand and have done so? for a long time, so it will be difficult to rebuild. At first, the letters may turn out clumsy and uneven, and this is normal. By honing your skills, you will gradually improve your results.
  • Once you've learned how to write beautifully in a lined notebook, switch to regular blank paper to hone your skills. Don't forget to pay attention to the placement of the lines. All letters and words must be on the same line.
  • Having learned to write with your left hand, actively use this skill in Everyday life. But don’t forget about your right hand, otherwise you will forget how to use it or feel clumsy.
  • To entertain yourself and give yourself a real workout for both hands, try practicing the so-called mirror writing that Leonardo Da Vinci loved so much.
  • To hone your skills, develop dexterity in your left hand. For example, you can throw and catch some objects with it.
  • Try learning to juggle, it's great for developing both hands and coordination.
  • Don't overexert your hand, let it rest.

Good luck with your studies!

This question is very often asked by people who strive to constantly improve themselves and learn something new for themselves. People with a working left hand make up about 15% of the total population of our planet. In Russia, the number of left-handers is approximately equal to 17 million people.

The number of left-handers is constantly increasing, due to the fact that they have stopped retraining them in right hand. But people with a working right hand are still the majority, while some of them want to master writing with their left hand. Some want to develop such a skill simply out of interest, others know that this way you can develop the right hemisphere of the brain and, of course, thinking, good memory and others, others think that this skill can be useful to them in everyday life.

Is it possible for a right-handed person to learn to write with his left hand?

Interesting! There are thousands of people who, for one reason or another, have made it their goal to learn to write with their left hand while being right-handed. They confirm that everything is possible if you systematically follow some simple rules.

Why should a right-handed person write with his left hand?

Someone may have a question - why do this at all in our age of computers? The answer is that handwriting has a lot of advantages, and you can become ambidextrous for the following reasons:

  • getting rid of a state of stagnation;
  • treatment of depression and other problems psychological nature;
  • development of creative thinking;
  • powerful memory training;
  • inability to write with the right hand (for example, injury).

The point is not why you want to learn to write with your left hand. The most important thing is to master this skill. All this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. First, you should observe how a naturally left-handed person writes. Worth paying Special attention the fact that the hand of such a person, most often, in the process of writing, will bend quite strongly at the wrist.

For reference! The thing is that right-handed people see what they write well. But for left-handed people the situation is more complicated. Since childhood, they could not be taught to write in a way that would be comfortable for them, and therefore they are sophisticated in every way.

But you can follow some tips.

An effective technique for learning to write with your left hand

Paper position. It is worth paying attention to how the paper is placed on the table. Try to imagine that it is crossed by a center line, which divides it into two parts according to the position in which you are. This line should also divide your body into equal halves. For writing with your left hand, the part located on your left side will be intended.

The upper left corner of the paper should be higher than the right. This will prevent your arm from getting too tired. Also, everything you write will be in your field of vision. This will make writing easier for you.

Writing paper. You will need to purchase notebooks for elementary school students. Because you will need to try to make straight stitches.

Writing instrument. It is important to hold the writing object (pencil, pen, etc.) correctly. With your left hand you need to take the pen a little higher than with your right hand, at a distance of about 3 cm from the sheet of paper. While studying, you should not strain your fingers and arms too much, because this way your strength will soon run out and writing will become very difficult.

Letter size. In the first weeks of training, you should write in large letters, this will help you develop muscle memory.

Effective exercises for the left hand

If you, being a right-hander, try to write a few lines with your left hand right now, you will most likely feel weak and insecure in it. To strengthen the muscles of the left hand and make it equal to the right, you must perform the following exercises:

  1. Art therapists from the USA advise starting with drawing a symmetrical picture with both hands at the same time.
  2. Then just draw the same thing with each hand in turn, not synchronously.
  3. Simultaneously use your right and left hand, but in different directions.
  4. Try to repeat with your left hand the drawing made with your right.
  5. Use your left hand as often as possible in daily household chores - combing, brushing teeth, eating.
  6. To use visual memory, write “Right” and “Left” on each hand, respectively. When you start doing something, you will immediately remember that you need to use your left hand. You can also stick the word “Left” on household items like a comb.

All of the listed exercises will develop a habit and force the brain to switch. And to increase muscle strength, they are suitable physical exercise. You can throw a small ball and catch it with your left hand, play badminton or tennis with it, or lift weights. An excellent exercise for developing manual dexterity is juggling. From sports best results will bring swimming. And, of course, various musical instruments will be a great help in developing ambidexterity.

Motivation. The most important component of any success is motivation. Decide why you need left-handed writing skills. After all, if you want to study only for the sake of the writing process, then you may not succeed.

Systematicity. To achieve success in writing with your left hand (or anything at all), regular practice is necessary. You shouldn’t sit for 4-5 hours once a week over a sheet of paper, trying to write letters with your left hand; it’s better to practice for 15-20 minutes every day. This way you won’t get tired, your handwriting will improve, and the result will be more noticeable.

Timely rest. If during training you suddenly feel pain in your hands and aching fingers, then take a short break and give yourself a rest. Don't overexert yourself, otherwise you'll simply lose interest in your classes.

Practice. To achieve any results, practice is necessary, which will take place regularly and constantly. At any convenient moment, you should try to write with your left hand. But if you need to sign something important document, then you should abandon this idea and sign with your working hand. With your left hand, you can, for example, fill out your personal diary. It is also worth paying attention to general development left hand. Try using your left hand to wipe dust or brush your teeth. You should also learn to draw with this hand.

If you set a goal and follow it persistently, you can achieve a lot. Result - good letter both right and left hand.

Video: how to quickly learn to write with your left hand

To quickly master the use of your left hand, you can watch the following videos:

In this article you will learn how to learn to write with your left hand. Why do you need to ask this?

You probably know or have heard out of the corner of your ear that the left hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for the right side of the body, and vice versa, the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. For example, the left hemisphere receives most of the information from the right arm and leg, right eye and ear. Therefore, it is completely natural that the development of the actions of one of the parties leads to the development of the hemisphere responsible for it. Therefore, a right-handed person has a more developed left side of the brain, while a left-handed person has a more developed right side.

Now briefly about what the left and right parts of the human brain are responsible for. The left hemisphere, which until recently was considered predominant by many doctors, “specializes” in logical thinking. In essence, it dominates and prevails only in the performance of the following functions:

The left hemisphere is responsible for analytical thinking, logic and analysis (verbalizes conclusions and identifies cause-and-effect relationships). It is also responsible for verbal information, controls speech and language abilities of a person. It is thanks to the left side of the brain that we remember different names and dates, mathematical symbols and just numbers, facts and events, as well as their order.

Unlike the left, the right hemisphere studies the problem (object, event) entirely and with different sides, often without even using analysis. Home page here the role is given to intuition. Left-handed people have better imagination Creative skills, they are better oriented in space. In addition, the convolutions of the right side of the brain are responsible for a sense of humor, the ability to dream and fantasize.

Why should a right-handed person write with his left hand?

To develop abilities more inherent to left-handers and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain with one of real ways This is achieved precisely by acquiring the ability for a right-handed person to write with his left hand.

A person who writes with both the right and left hand has equally well developed both halves of the gray matter. And if you want to develop your creative abilities, develop intuition, then you should definitely learn to write with your left hand.

By learning to write with your left hand, you will be able to discover talents that were previously unknown to you. In addition, by developing the motor skills of both hands, we develop movement coordination.

Performing unusual actions with your left hand (for a left-handed person with your right hand) is one of the neurobics exercises, known to be a mental exercise.

But you never know what other advantages the ability for a right-handed person to write with his left hand promises:

  • Want to make an impression? Someone will definitely find this “cool.”
  • Do you like being in the minority? In Russia, the left hand is the “working hand” for only 17% of the population (by the way, previously left-handers were retrained starting from school, now this is recognized as harmful), and even fewer are those who can use both hands equally.
  • God forbid you break your right hand... sorry, bad example, albeit a viable one))), tfu, tfu, tfu.
  • If your future profession assumes that you will write a lot (I’m at a loss as to what this is highly paid profession such, because today most of the text is typed in on the keyboard), in order to prevent your right hand from withering away, you should still learn to write with your left.
  • ... and in general it’s interesting!

The first thing you should do before you start learning to write with your left hand is to decide on the purpose of this activity. I think the advantages that I described above should be enough for you. The main thing is to clearly understand this, otherwise you may not get the result. No goal, no result. I think everything is clear here.

To begin with, it is better for you to take a notebook with markings, in a box or in a line. This will make it easier to ensure that the stitches are straight.

Next you need to select a handle. This choice will be easier to make when you have a dozen different pens at hand and by selecting them during the learning process you will definitely find the right one. Don't think this is a small thing. After all, if you have a favorite instrument for the right hand, why not choose one for the left. Those who have had to write a lot will understand that a comfortable pen makes writing easier and less stressful.

Sit comfortably. Clear your desk of unnecessary items. If possible, make sure the light comes from the top right.

It is very important to correctly determine the inclination of the notebook, so your hands will not get tired quickly and there will be less stiffness in movement. It is clear that the usual tilt will not be comfortable for you. The upper left corner of the notebook (sheet) should be higher than the right. This will make the writing process much easier.

It is better to hold the pen in a way that is comfortable for you at the moment. In any case, during the learning process, the comfort of holding will constantly change.

Then the question arises: what exactly should I write? Write whatever you want. You can make a plan for tomorrow or describe in detail the idea that has arisen, or you can also do exercise for developing attention- recall the last lecture, meeting, etc. Of course, you can use the advice " How to write correctly with your left hand", which are given in articles devoted to this topic, namely - “To learn to write with your left hand, you need to write letter by letter in a row, just like in first grade.” You can start with this exercise, just don’t delay it. Otherwise, you will become so bored with the monotony that you will decide to quit this activity altogether.

Watch for evenness of writing, not speed, don’t rush.

Practice often. Whenever possible, try to write with your left hand rather than your right. This is not about signing a contract or writing a letter of resignation. In these cases, experiments are not appropriate. However, you may well fill out a diary or make a list of groceries for a trip to the store, write down the title of a book or phone number. Also pay attention to the general development of the left hand and its motor skills. Take a spoon at lunch or a toothbrush in your left hand, and try working on the computer without using your right hand. And if you are learning to write with your left hand, try drawing with it.

Learning to write with your left hand: nuances

At first, it is better to write the letters large, this way muscle memory will be developed much more effectively. And don’t be upset if after several attempts the handwriting is still crooked and the letters are “drunk.” You will definitely learn, the main thing is regular practice. Speaking of regularity.

It is better to devote a little time to this activity, but every day, than ten hours, but once a week. Otherwise, every time will be like the first time.

Take breaks. If while writing you realize that your hand is tired, rest. To prevent fatigue from setting in quickly, do not strain your hand and fingers while writing.

Now you know how to write correctly with your left hand, the tips in this article will help you eventually become confident in holding a pen in your left hand. You just need to practice regularly! Good luck!

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