Antique frames for windows in a wooden house. Stencils for window trim. How to make carved platbands? Sampling through holes

Decorating windows with platbands is an ancient practice. Wood carving - at one time, was one of the most popular professions, and now has moved into the category of applied art.

Our ancestors believed that devilry can enter the house through window and door openings. Therefore, the platband served not only decorative element, but also a talisman, and each applied ornament and pattern on the carved frame carried a specific message. Moreover, each region had its own traditions.

DIY carved wooden frames for windows

The meaning of carved elements on platbands is interesting

  • Wings emphasize strength.
  • The bird is an element that unites all times.
  • The sun represents life and energy (usually located on the kokoshnik).
  • The snake symbolizes wisdom and fertility.
  • The cross demonstrates the owners’ desire for harmony between the material and spiritual.
  • Vegetation shows a sense of unity with nature.
  • Earrings testify to the hospitality of the owners of the house.

Symbols on carved window frames

Wooden frames are rarely found in cities with multi-story buildings. But in private construction today they are again in demand, making modern houses more stylish and unique. They emphasize the desire of many to revive traditions in decoration.

Today, window casings perform a completely different function and are made not only from wood. Platbands made of metal, plastic (PVC), plywood, laminated MDF are common. As for the latter, frames made of MDF or plywood are not intended for external framing of windows, only for internal decoration of door and window openings.

It should be noted that the correct name of the external decorative frame windows - cashing. The platband is installed indoors.

Carved elements wooden platbands on the windows


  • decoration of window openings. For example, a platband can visually lengthen a low house, or expand a narrow one;
  • the opportunity to express your individuality or give your home the style of a certain era or region;
  • emphasize the style of the house and allow you to combine all the buildings on the site into a single architectural ensemble;
  • protecting the gaps between the window and the wall from dust and moisture;
  • reduction of heat loss at the junction of the window frame and the wall;
  • reducing the level of external noise;
  • sometimes they are the only ones possible option registration For example, window trims wooden house or log house, can only be made of wood. Otherwise, all the flavor of such a structure will be lost.


Wooden, especially carved platband has a number of disadvantages, or rather features:

  • dependence on atmospheric influences. Frequent temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet radiation, all these factors cause damage to the casing;
  • dependence on quality processing. Right choice species, careful impregnation of wood, timely replacement of parts, and painting, all this can extend the service life of the product. Otherwise, the wooden frame will soon become unusable;
  • difficulty in combining with modern plastic windows. Wooden frames are not always suitable for plastic windows.

Plastic windows with wooden frames Quite often there are plastic windows framed with wooden frames, as shown in the photo above. A somewhat unfortunate and controversial decision. In such cases, you either need to install wooden double glazed windows(or windows laminated to look like wood), or paint the trim in White color.

A more harmonious finish is in the photo below.

Plastic windows with carved wooden frames

Types and types of window platbands

The production of window casings depends on the type and method of installation of the casing.

There are simple window trims - flat and standard. More beautiful ones are made using special equipment. The most beautiful window frames are, of course, carved ones.

The manufacturing method and cost of the platband are influenced by the method of their installation:

  • telescopic. Changes in framing to a greater extent doorways. Special L-shaped protrusions of such a casing fit into the grooves of the box. This connection is more complex, but beautiful;
  • invoices. Attached to the window frame using nails or special glue.

It is worth noting that platbands come in a wide variety and are often complemented by shutters.

Types of wooden carved platbands

How to make window trim - choosing material

1. Wood species

To make the casing, it is better to use wood such as beech, oak, birch, linden, alder, pine, walnut or even fruit trees.

The choice of breed will be influenced by the intended method of making the casing.

  • Hardwood frames (beech, oak, ash) are very reliable, but this material is very hard. It takes a lot of effort and time to carve a pattern on them.
  • Platbands made of soft-leaved species (linden, alder, aspen). Soft wood material, working with it is a pleasure. But if they are not processed correctly, they absorb moisture and quickly become unusable.
  • The best option is deciduous wood (birch) or coniferous species(pine). Hard enough to be used outdoors, they allow you to make clean cuts.
  • Cherry or apple tree is used to make small decorations that are superimposed on the main pattern.

2. Patterns for window trim - drawings and templates

If it is expected decorative decoration carving, you need to decide on the pattern. Depending on your skills, you can choose a light or very complex ornament for the platbands. Below are some drawings of carved window frames. Templates can be copied in whole or in part, bringing something of your own into the pattern.

Carved platband patternThis pattern is implemented on the window casing

Patterns for window trimsPatterns for window trims-2

Window trim templates

Window trim templatesWindow trim templates – 2

Sketches with interesting ornaments and patterns are placed on a separate page, by going to which you can
download free templates of carved window frames.
It also describes how to make stencils for making templates with your own hands.

It is desirable that all windows be decorated with the same frames with the same carvings. Therefore, when choosing a pattern, keep in mind that it will need to be repeated several times. It shouldn't be too pretentious. Especially if you are a beginner. It's better if your pattern contains round holes(they are easy to drill) and large elements. It is worth noting that small elements are not only difficult to manufacture, but also deteriorate faster than others. Therefore, they will require periodic replacement.

Another important point- this is the mandatory presence of a slope at the top of the casing. Otherwise, snow will accumulate on the surface of the tree, which will inevitably lead to its destruction. A slope of a few degrees is easy to do; it will drain water downwards.

3. Tool

  • hacksaw;
  • knives;
  • chisels of several types (clukars, corners, flat, curved, semicircular, caesars);
  • sanding paper;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • milling machine (if available)

4. Patterns for platbands - stencils and sketches

Carved frames - sketches To ensure that the pattern is the same on all windows, it is recommended to make a sketch or stencil.

Carved platbands - location of the pattern on the workpiece You need to place the drawing on the workpiece correctly. The elements must be located along the grain of the wood. This will prevent the threads from cracking.

Areas of the pattern where slits need to be made can be marked with color.

5. Making carved window frames

There are two ways to make wood carving:

  • slotted wood carving. The pattern is cut through the entire frame and, like lace, beautifully and elegantly frames the window opening.

Carved frames - slotted wood carving

  • applied wood carving. This method is much the easier it is that the work uses a thinner workpiece, which is easier to work with. With the overlay method, individual thread elements are created, which are then put together on a solid board. In this way, you can refine simple window trims.

Carved platbands - applied wood carving

The beauty of openwork window trim lies in the use of contrast. More often there is a lighter carved element on a dark background.

Do-it-yourself wooden window frames - instructions

  • measurements are taken from the window;
  • All work is performed on dry lumber. The height and width of the board depends on your preferences, but the thickness should be at least 30 mm for slotted threads and at least 10 mm for overhead threads;
  • blanks are cut;
  • from the inside of the clypeus, to a depth of 1-2 mm. wood is selected. Edges are left along the edges. This approach will ensure a tighter fit of the platband to the frame;
  • The pattern applied according to the template is cut out. In this case, holes can be drilled with drills of different diameters, and the slots can be made with a jigsaw. The insertion point for the jigsaw is indicated by a drilled hole. This will make the cut more beautiful;
  • slots and holes are processed with sanding paper. If there are blind holes in the pattern, then wood dust must be removed from them. This is done using a vacuum cleaner.

Master class on making carved window frames - templateMaster class on making carved window frames - markingsMaster class on making carved window frames - cutting out the patternMaster class on making carved window frames - polishing

6. Fastening carved elements

Parts made with applied threads are attached to the wide base of the casing using nails. It is advisable that the nails be without heads. A more reliable connection can be ensured by applying glue to the pattern from the wrong side. Craftsmen advise not to use self-tapping screws for connections, so as not to damage the connection point.

7. Installation of platbands on windows

It is not enough to create a beautiful product. You also need to know how to install platbands on windows correctly.

Correct installation of platbands on windows is the key to their long-term operation and aesthetic appearance. The following methods can be used for fastening:

  • dull thorn. Such spikes are installed in the platband, and holes for them are drilled in the frame. A little glue is applied to the tenon and inserted into the groove. This fastening is the most complex, but it protects the installation site from moisture and does not damage appearance products;
  • through tenon. A simpler and less reliable way. This system of spikes provides fastening. But, the spike needs to be installed where it will be least noticeable and additionally protected from moisture.

The listed methods are used if platbands are installed on wooden windows.

If it is necessary to install platbands on plastic windows, special glue (liquid nails) is used. This method will ensure that the integrity of the frame is not compromised.

8. Protective treatment of wooden trims

In order for the carved frame to please you for as long as possible, you need to take care of its processing. To do this, the wood is primed, varnished or painted.

Protective treatment of wooden platbands

Bottom line

The desire to follow the traditions of our ancestors is commendable. The revival of carved art could not come at a better time in the conditions of modern urbanization. The special flavor of Russian carving will not lose its relevance. With some effort, you can make carved wooden frames with your own hands. Yes, the work is difficult and painstaking, but it is worth it. Plus, you can save a decent amount, because... if you order the production of a set of carved frames for one window in a workshop, it will cost 5-15 thousand rubles.

Carved wooden frames for windows - photos with examples

Carved wooden frames for windows – 1Carved wooden frames for windows – 2Carved wooden frames for windows – 3Carved wooden frames for windows – 4Carved wooden frames for windows – 5Carved wooden frames for windows – 6

Tags: Windows Wood Platbands

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The platband is a decoration and functional part of a window on the facade of a building. This tradition has been going on for a long time and does not lose its relevance today. You can make beautiful window frames in wooden house on one's own. Moreover, many products are made not only from wood, but also from other materials. Creating such elements requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as suitable tools.

The extraordinary color and style make the carved platbands a real decoration of the building

Currently, the installation of platbands on windows in a wooden house is again in demand. The photos below allow you to see best examples. This element emphasizes the desire to revive traditional decor.

The advantages of this element include the following:

  • performs a decorative function and helps to visually expand or stretch the building;
  • complements the overall style of the architectural solution;
  • protecting the space between the window opening and the wall surface from moisture and dust;
  • reduction of heat loss and noise levels;
  • emphasizes the individuality of the building and the style of the era you like.

This design also has some disadvantages:

  • wood requires certain treatment to prevent high humidity and swelling;
  • the need for constant processing and regular care;
  • not compatible with metal-plastic windows.
Helpful information! When combining wood with metal-plastic, they must be made in the same color scheme.

DIY carved window trim templates

There are various platbands for windows in a wooden house. Their varieties often depend on the method of attachment to the window.

Based on the type of fastener, two types can be distinguished:

  • telescopic products have L-shaped protrusions that coincide with the grooves of the window frame;
  • Overlays are installed on the window frame using construction adhesive or nails and screws.

The original solution is the installation of carved platbands. At the same time, on the Internet you can find a lot of templates for carved window frames. Such structures can be made with your own hands only with the help of special equipment.

You can consider the following types of materials to create such structures:

  • wood is considered a traditional material;

  • plastic models are resistant to temperature changes and ultraviolet rays;

  • MDF is made from wood waste, therefore it is more environmentally friendly than plastic products;

  • polyurethane varieties are characterized by practicality.

How to choose the right wood?

Wooden frames are popular. At the same time, the performance of the product depends on the type of wood chosen.

The following options are worth considering:

  • Ash, beech and oak are hardwood varieties. They are durable, but difficult to cut patterns on;
  • It is much easier to process soft hardwoods - linden, aspen and alder. You can even carve patterns on their surface by hand. Such surfaces must be carefully treated with special compounds;
  • It is recommended to create small elements from cherry and apple trees that can be attached to the base;
  • characterized by ease of processing and good operational properties pine and birch.
Helpful information! Different combinations of wood types can be used. In this case, special protective impregnations should be used.

Secrets of making templates for window frames with your own hands: stencils and design

You can find various window trim templates on the Internet. You can print stencils with your own hands. The chosen ornament must be combined with the overall style. However, you should not mix geometric and floral patterns.

When making platbands, it is worth considering the following points:

  • the color palette of walls and decorative items should be combined;
  • It is important to choose the right size. Products should not be too small or wide;
  • need to be selected quality option coverings. In this case, they are used special paints and varnishes;
  • a template is required to create external carved elements.
Helpful information! The design must be placed correctly on the workpiece. The parts should be located along the grain of the wood.

Platbands for windows in a wooden house: stages of production

Before you start creating window decor, you can select carved frames for windows in a wooden house based on the photo. A template is first made, which must be the same for the design of all window openings.

There are two main ways to create patterns:

  • applied thread is distinguished by individual pattern elements that are attached to one base;

  • with slotted carving, a through ornament is created that looks like lace made of wood.

For any manufacturing method, they must be used. You will also need special tools: a hacksaw for wood, a set of knives and chisels, and a drill. Window trims are made in a wooden house from prepared materials. The product creation process includes several stages:

  • accurate measurements are taken;
  • The selected wood must be dry. The width of the boards depends on the dimensions of the window opening. The thickness of the material must be at least 30 mm when making slotted threads and at least 10 mm when making overhead threads;

  • the resulting holes are rubbed with sanding paper;

  • the prepared parts are attached to the base. In this case it is used adhesive composition or special nails.
Helpful information! When installing platbands, you cannot use self-tapping screws, as such fasteners cause cracking.

Installation features

The finished casing is mounted to the window opening in the following ways:

  • installation on a blind tenon. Such parts are installed on inside. Special holes are created in the frame for them. Glue is applied to the tenon and it is inserted into the groove. Such fasteners protect the platbands from dust and moisture;

  • a through tenon is used. In this case, the joint must be carefully treated with varnish.

Similar techniques are used if the window is wooden. For installation on metal-plastic, special liquid glue is used.

What kind of care is needed?

Carved products are primed, varnished or painted. Such treatments are carried out every few years. This will extend the life of the products and also maintain their attractive appearance.If products made of plastic or metal are installed, they do not require special care. It is important to protect products from corrosion and occasionally renew the paint.

Making beautiful platbands with thematic patterns with your own hands will allow you to decorate window openings in an original and unusual way and add a special twist to the intended architectural style.

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For the production of window frames, natural and artificial materials. Traditionally, carved elements were made from weather-resistant wood. Characteristics of the properties of individual rocks will help determine the most suitable look:

  • Larch is minimally susceptible to rotting processes, but is not suitable for the production of carved frames due to its fragility.
  • Aspen, alder and linden are the most convenient species for creating openwork decor on windows. However, malleable and softwood carved platbands require special processing due to their ability to absorb moisture well.
  • Window frames made of oak, ash or beech are characterized by resistance to negative atmospheric influences, but the processing of carved elements is burdened with difficulties, overcoming which you will get a durable decor.
  • Good choice birch or pine wood will become, allowing you to make neat carved decor. At the same time, the platbands are strong enough for external use.
  • Small carved window decorations that are fixed to the main elements can be made from cherry or apple trees.

Advice ! Regularly updating the coating of wooden frames with waterproof paint or varnish will ensure their long service life.

What other materials are used in the production of window trims and what their features are, we will consider below:

  • Laminated MDF allows you to accurately imitate the color of any type of wood, but is intended exclusively for indoor use.
  • Plastic windows are harmoniously combined with platbands made of a similar material (PVC), which is not subject to rotting and has a wide color palette that is resistant to impact. solar radiation. The color of the trim is selected taking into account the finishing of the house to match or contrast with the facade.
  • For windows round shape Products made of polyurethane, characterized by ease and ease of care, are ideal.
  • Metal strips are attached to protect the assembly seam, connecting them into a single unit with the profile box.

There are two main ways to install platbands:

  • The invoice is the most common method when decorating windows. For fixation, special glue or nails are used.
  • The telescopic method involves an L-shaped form of manufacturing the platband, which allows you to secure the product by entering into the grooves of the box. Most often used for finishing doorways. Its characteristic difference is the absence of traces of fasteners.

Patterns and types of threads

The carved shapes of the platbands give the window individuality, but to make them, you will definitely need templates. Having wood carving skills allows you to choose a complex ornament. If the ability to work with wood is not enough, it is better to find a light pattern for window trim. We suggest studying:

  • options for single element templates and their general form;
  • top, bottom and side decoration details.

You can copy them completely or add your own details to the pattern. The carved frame design you like or a fragment of it needs to be enlarged to a scale taking into account the size of your window. Fiberboard is used to make carved templates, thick cardboard or paper. It is advisable to decorate windows with platbands with the same carvings. Please note that making small carved elements is much more difficult, and they deteriorate faster than others. In this case, partial replacement of the frame will be required.

Warning ! Be sure to take into account the slope at the top of the carved platband. This will prevent snow accumulation and ensure timely drainage of water.

The upper part of the window casing is called a kokoshnik, the lower part is called a towel. Most widespread The carved frames were decorated with outlines of plants, images of animals and geometric shapes.

The key details of the drawing for any window casing are:

  • bottom strip or window sill;
  • vertical rail;
  • top bar.

The pattern can also contain all kinds of hangers, flowerpots or a tiara. Detailed description The names of carved decorative elements are presented in the diagram below:

If your windows have different size, experts advise making a drawing with an intermediate repeat repeating required amount once. For rapport, you can choose one or two elements that are repeated alternately. An example of such a scheme is shown in the photo below:

There are several ways to make carved wooden frames for windows:

  • Carved platbands are characterized by the greatest decorativeness and delicacy. The product is made of light-colored wood or is subsequently coated with white paint. This window design is more dark wall looks sophisticated and elegant, vaguely reminiscent of Vologda lace.
  • With overlay carving, separately cut parts are fixed to a continuous board by gluing or nailing. This technique allows you to design a window with a simple platband. Protruding elements are often coated with contrasting paint.

Sometimes both types of carving are combined.

Manufacturing process

Having decided on the pattern, material, type of carving and method of fastening the trim, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of carved frames for the windows.

Important ! The drawing on the workpiece needs correct placement. The placement of elements along the fibers of wooden blanks will prevent cracking of the thread.

It is better to mark the places in the pattern where slits need to be made with color. The work on making platbands consists of the following stages:

  • Taking measurements from the window.
  • For slotted carving, boards with minimum thickness 30 mm, the overhead method allows the use of wood with a thickness of 10 mm. All work is carried out with dry lumber.
  • Blanks are cut out.
  • To ensure a tight fit of the carved frame from the inside, the wood is selected to a shallow depth (1-2 mm).
  • The pattern applied using the template is cut out. Drills of various diameters are used to form holes; a jigsaw will be needed to make the slots. To create a beautiful cut, the jigsaw insertion point is marked with a drilled hole.
  • All carved elements of the window casing are cleaned with sanding paper. From not through holes wood dust is removed using a vacuum cleaner.

Overlay thread involves fastening finished elements to a wide casing using nails with their heads removed. The strength of the connection will be strengthened by applying glue to the underside of the casing. It is not recommended to use self-tapping screws due to the risk of damaging the carved section of the connection.

Carved platbands are installed on wooden windows using blind or through tenons. The first option is distinguished by a reliable connection and a complex installation process. The second method is simpler, but less reliable. Installation of carved elements on a plastic window is carried out using liquid nails.

Preliminary protective treatment of carved frames and regular preventive maintenance will ensure long-term preservation of the attractive appearance of the window.

Beautiful things are the weakness of every person, and if they are made with your own hands, pride in yourself overwhelms your feelings. Wood carving can be classified as such creativity. How original and unique your house looks with carved platbands, where the owner put a piece of his soul into the work.

What is a platband? It looks like decorative overlay and is mounted on the outside of the window and is a decoration where a decorative technique is used.

It can be:

  1. Plants that demonstrate unity with nature.
  2. The sun located on the kokoshnik, personifying energy and life.
  3. Earrings indicating the hospitality of the owner of the house.
  4. A cross symbolizing harmony between the spiritual and material world.
  5. A bird that speaks of the union of all times.
  6. A snake representing fertility and wisdom.
  7. Wings confirming strength and power.

Platbands vary in style, material, and shape. They are the completion of construction, where the individuality and style of the home are emphasized. And at the same time, they perfectly mask all the imperfections of the opening (cracks).

Application area

Widespread use of framing around various openings has found itself in doors and windows. The location of the planks can be either on the outside of the street or inside the room.

Basically, the same type of platbands are installed, but the threads may differ. And at the same time maintaining the general theme. For example, in a children's room, the bar will have a bunny. Flowers are carved around it. Then the teddy bear in the kitchen should also be framed with the same flowers.

Now the brand is considered to be plastic double-glazed windows. Some people manage to put a wooden plank on them. In this case, you need to paint it white or choose a double-glazed window made of wood.

Planks around window opening perform some functions:

  1. They unite all the buildings in the yard into a single style.
  2. Reduce heat loss.
  3. Protect from dust and litter, moisture, draft.
  4. Increases sound insulation.
  5. I emphasize the uniqueness of the residential building.
  6. An opportunity to express the traditions of a region, family, country.
  7. The ability to visually stretch and expand the house.
  8. They add completeness to the construction.
  9. Cover the assembly seams.

In the days of our ancestors, house owners firmly believed that window trims were not only beautiful and original look, but also provided protection from the evil eye and evil spirits. Therefore, we paid close attention to their production and tried to make them only in a unique form.


The product can be a colorful, luxurious carving or have modest shapes. The lower part is called the “towel”, the upper part is called the “kokoshnik”.

If we consider the platbands by material, they can be from:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • foam and polyurethane;

By form:

  • teardrop-shaped;
  • curly;
  • semicircular;
  • flat;

Before you start work, you should stock up on templates or stencils for carved platbands; without their help it is impossible to achieve excellent result. And only a master who has been working on wood carving for many years can perform his work without them.

Today you can get stencils freely - in stores, magazines, and the Internet.

You can apply any design on them that the customer or craftsman desires. Plant outlines, animal figures, and patterns of geometric lines and shapes are very popular.

The style of the product can be different, and here the most unusual fantasies of the performer are realized.

How to do it?

Stencils made in Photoshop

Stencils are made in different ways:

  1. Using a graphic editor. The desired image is found and processed in Photoshop. Every computer has the Paint application, it is used for editing, coloring and drawing. By visiting this page, you can develop personal images, from simple to complex projects. It is possible to add text and various elements to existing picture files.
  2. Photocopies. A drawing that you really like is selected and, when copied, it is immediately enlarged to the desired size. The second option is to scan and print the sample on a printer.
  3. Manually. The technology used here is scaling (copying) and by cells (linear scaling).

Making threads

We make a template from cardboard, the size should be natural. A personal template is made for all elements of the design.

Now, you need to lay it on the board and trace the outline with a pencil.

We mark the locations for the holes. Let's say you need to cut out a piece of paper. First, a hole is drilled, then a leaf is drawn out with a jigsaw. Following the holes, we make all the internal patterns, then move on to the external ornament.

There is a copying method for drawing. Here we use carbon paper. We trace the drawing through it onto the board and get a pattern on the wood.

Required tools:

  • sandpaper of various numbers;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • set of chisels;


  1. We make the pattern the same on all windows. To do this, we use a stencil or sketch.
  2. We place the pattern on the workpiece correctly, where we place all the elements not across the fibers, but along them. This will prevent the thread from cracking.
  3. We paint over the slotted areas with a pencil.

Wood carving is done in two ways:

  1. Invoice. In this option we use a thinner workpiece, then the work is simplified. Here we make individual elements, which we will then put together on a single board.
  2. Proreznaya. In this case, we make a slit through it, and the result will be a kind of lace that frames the window elegantly and beautifully.

Installation of platbands

Creating a beautiful product is one thing. But attaching it to the window correctly is another matter.

Aesthetic appearance and long service life closely depend on the quality of installation of the platbands.

There are two methods of mounting on wooden windows:

  1. Through tenon. The method is simple and not very reliable. Spikes should be installed in places where they will not be visible. Here it turns out additional protection from moisture.
  2. Dull thorn. The tenon goes into the casing. Whereas a hole for it is drilled in the frame. You need to lubricate the tenon with glue and insert it into the groove. Fastening is considered complex, but it is more reliable than with the first method.

Mounting to a plastic window is done liquid nails, in order to avoid compromising the integrity of the structure.

Step by step guide:

  1. We take measurements from the window.
  2. We choose a type of wood and dry it well. The choice of width and height does not play a big role for carved platbands, the main thing is that the thickness is 3 cm. This is the case if the carving will be slotted, for an invoice - 1 cm.
  3. We sand the wood with sandpaper, starting with coarse-grain sandpaper, and finally with scratch paper.
  4. Cut out the stencils.
  5. Take a simple pencil and apply a drawing or pattern on the front side wooden surface. We paint over the through slots.
  6. Let's start cutting out the pattern. Let's start right away with the through holes. Where the jigsaw will enter, it is advisable to use a drill for a more accurate cut.
  7. We carefully sand the holes with sandpaper.
  8. To remove dust from blind holes, use a vacuum cleaner.
  9. When using elements of applied threads, we attach them to nails without heads. Moreover, to be on the safe side, let’s apply glue along the back side.
  10. Now take a damp rag and wipe the pattern until the area is completely dust free.
  11. We will consider the finishing operation to be stain, with which we will tint the casing or immediately coat it with varnish.

  1. If you are just starting to work on a stencil on a platband design, you should choose a simpler design with large shapes. The smaller the drawing, the more complex it is. It is good to try elements of the design from through holes.
  2. Open elements are cut out with a jigsaw.
  3. Beech, larch and oak are expensive and difficult to process, but they have a long service life.
  4. The easiest material to process is linden.
  5. The material most often used is pine.

Beautiful things are the weakness of every person, and if they are made with your own hands, pride in yourself overwhelms your feelings. Wood carving can be classified as such creativity. How original and unique your house looks with carved platbands, where the owner put a piece of his soul into the work.

What is a platband? It has the appearance of a decorative overlay and is mounted on the outside of the window and is a decoration where a decorative technique is used.

It can be:

  1. Plants that demonstrate unity with nature.
  2. The sun located on the kokoshnik, personifying energy and life.
  3. Earrings indicating the hospitality of the owner of the house.
  4. A cross symbolizing harmony between the spiritual and material world.
  5. A bird that speaks of the union of all times.
  6. A snake representing fertility and wisdom.
  7. Wings confirming strength and power.

Platbands vary in style, material, and shape. They are the completion of construction, where the individuality and style of the home are emphasized. And at the same time, they perfectly mask all the imperfections of the opening (cracks).

Application area

Widespread use of framing around various openings has found itself in doors and windows. The location of the planks can be either on the outside of the street or inside the room.

Basically, the same type of platbands are installed, but the threads may differ. And at the same time maintaining the general theme. For example, in a children's room, the bar will have a bunny. Flowers are carved around it. Then the teddy bear in the kitchen should also be framed with the same flowers.

Now the brand is considered to be plastic double-glazed windows. Some people manage to put a wooden plank on them. In this case, you need to paint it white or choose a double-glazed window made of wood.

The strips around the window opening perform several functions:

  1. They unite all the buildings in the yard into a single style.
  2. Reduce heat loss.
  3. Protect from dust and litter, moisture, draft.
  4. Increases sound insulation.
  5. I emphasize the uniqueness of the residential building.
  6. An opportunity to express the traditions of a region, family, country.
  7. The ability to visually stretch and expand the house.
  8. They add completeness to the construction.
  9. Cover the assembly seams.

If we consider the platbands by material, they can be from:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • foam and polyurethane;

By form:

Before starting work, it is worth stocking up on templates or stencils for carved platbands; without their help it is impossible to achieve an excellent result. And only a master who has been working on wood carving for many years can perform his work without them.

Today you can get stencils freely - in stores, magazines, and the Internet.

You can apply any design on them that the customer or craftsman desires. Plant outlines, animal figures, and patterns of geometric lines and shapes are very popular.

The style of the product can be different, and here the most unusual fantasies of the performer are realized.

How to do it?

Stencils are made in different ways:

  1. Using a graphic editor. The desired image is found and processed in Photoshop. Every computer has the Paint application, it is used for editing, coloring and drawing. By visiting this page, you can develop personal images, from simple to complex projects. It is possible to add text and various elements to existing picture files.
  2. Photocopies. A drawing that you really like is selected and, when copied, it is immediately enlarged to the desired size. The second option is to scan and print the sample on a printer.
  3. Manually. The technology used here is scaling (copying) and by cells (linear scaling).

Making threads

We make a template from cardboard, the size should be natural. A personal template is made for all elements of the design.

Now, you need to lay it on the board and trace the outline with a pencil.

We mark the locations for the holes. Let's say you need to cut out a piece of paper. First, a hole is drilled, then a leaf is drawn out with a jigsaw. Following the holes, we make all the internal patterns, then move on to the external ornament.

There is a copying method for drawing. Here we use carbon paper. We trace the drawing through it onto the board and get a pattern on the wood.

Required tools:

  • sandpaper of various numbers;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • set of chisels;


  1. We make the pattern the same on all windows. To do this, we use a stencil or sketch.
  2. We place the pattern on the workpiece correctly, where we place all the elements not across the fibers, but along them. This will prevent the thread from cracking.
  3. We paint over the slotted areas with a pencil.

Wood carving is done in two ways:

  1. Invoice. In this option we use a thinner workpiece, then the work is simplified. Here we make individual elements, which we will then put together on a single board.
  2. Proreznaya. In this case, we make a slit through it, and the result will be a kind of lace that frames the window elegantly and beautifully.

Installation of platbands

Creating a beautiful product is one thing. But attaching it to the window correctly is another matter.

Aesthetic appearance and long service life closely depend on the quality of installation of the platbands.

There are two methods of mounting on wooden windows:

  1. Through tenon. The method is simple and not very reliable. Spikes should be installed in places where they will not be visible. This provides additional protection from moisture.
  2. Dull thorn. The tenon goes into the casing. Whereas a hole for it is drilled in the frame. You need to lubricate the tenon with glue and insert it into the groove. Fastening is considered complex, but it is more reliable than with the first method.

Step by step guide:

  1. We take measurements from the window.
  2. We choose a type of wood and dry it well. The choice of width and height does not play a big role for carved platbands, the main thing is that the thickness is 3 cm. This is the case if the carving will be slotted, for an invoice - 1 cm.
  3. We sand the wood with sandpaper, starting with coarse-grain sandpaper, and finally with scratch paper.
  4. Cut out the stencils.
  5. Take a simple pencil and apply a drawing or pattern to the front side of the wooden surface. We paint over the through slots.
  6. Let's start cutting out the pattern. Let's start right away with the through holes. Where the jigsaw will enter, it is advisable to use a drill for a more accurate cut.
  7. We carefully sand the holes with sandpaper.
  8. To remove dust from blind holes, use a vacuum cleaner.
  9. When using elements of applied threads, we attach them to nails without heads. Moreover, to be on the safe side, let’s apply glue along the back side.
  10. Now take a damp rag and wipe the pattern until the area is completely dust free.
  11. We will consider the finishing operation to be stain, with which we will tint the casing or immediately coat it with varnish.

  1. If you are just starting to work on a stencil on a platband design, you should choose a simpler design with large shapes. The smaller the drawing, the more complex it is. It is good to try elements of the design from through holes.
  2. Open elements are cut out with a jigsaw.
  3. Beech, larch and oak are expensive and difficult to process, but they have a long service life.
  4. The easiest material to process is linden.
  5. The material most often used is pine.

Stencils and ornaments for window frames

Carved platbands framing window openings organically fit into the architectural styles of wooden cottages. They emphasize the originality of log houses, frame buildings, and timber houses. Light patterns, ornate patterns, and interesting designs add originality to the elements of façade decor. They are applied to the surface of the wood using convenient stencils.

Functions of window frames

Keeping traditions alive wooden architecture, carved details enrich the noble appearance of the estate and add expressiveness to simple buildings. They save home warmth and comfort, they delight when viewed from the outside. Window trim stencils, selected in accordance with the preferences of the home’s inhabitants, help create a harmonious appearance of a new home and enliven the façade of an old building.

When used on shutter windows, decorative trims can serve as a frame. Playing a decisive role in the design of window openings, they solve a number of important problems:

  • reduction of heat loss by eliminating “cold bridges” along the perimeter of the window frame;
  • reducing noise levels in rooms;
  • reducing the amount of moisture and dust particles penetrating from the street;
  • giving facades uniqueness and style orientation;
  • creation of a single architectural ensemble of residential and commercial objects on the development site.

Regardless of the shape, size, appearance, wooden platbands must be strong enough and meet operational requirements. Manufacturing using stencils with calculated geometric parameters allows them to be securely attached to the walls. It provides resistance to wind loads and temperature fluctuations. To increase service life, effective protective coatings are used.

Traditional and original ornaments

The choice of design elements for window openings should be approached with an understanding of styles and design techniques. With their help, you can give the window an elegant or strict shape, make its outline more expressive, and achieve a delightful visual effect. Choosing stencils as templates for window trims life size, the buyer receives the most advantageous decor option. Convenient dimensions allow you to proceed directly to the manufacture of products.

The attitude towards wood as a material of art is traditional for the culture of Russian architecture. With the repetition of individual structural and decorative details, it provides for the creation of a unique architectural image. Carved platbands have long been considered not only a means of decoration, but also a kind of amulets for the home. Based on the study of surviving ancient buildings, unique images of symbols, animals, birds, and plants were recreated.

Samples of stencils for platbands were developed in different styles and for every taste. They help express certain traditions and personal preferences. The use of ready-made ornaments allows you to decorate buildings in accordance with ethnic and classical directions in art. Clear geometric patterns are more consistent modern trends in architecture.

Ornaments for slotted and applied platbands may contain a solid pattern or repeating elements of a general motif. To create a complete outline when marking parts, you need to take into account the dimensions of the window opening, the diagram and sequence of the patterns. High-quality stencils make it possible to accurately apply cutting lines to the workpiece and determine the boundaries of further processing of the material.

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Templates of carved window frames

The tradition of decorating windows with carved frames comes from old times. It was believed that decorating the window with fancy patterns not only protects the room from drafts and cold, but also serves as a kind of protective amulet from evil spirits or the evil eye.

A selection of templates for carved window frames

What pattern to choose for the platband

Homemade carved platbands are a type of decorative trim that frames windows or doors from the outside. This ensures that the gap above the frame is closed, and the appearance of the window and facade becomes complete and attractive. The openwork patterns with which our ancestors decorated not only platbands, but also other household items had a magical meaning.

It was believed that evil spirits could penetrate through the windows, and the frames, decorated with special symbols, protected the home and family from misfortunes and attracted good luck.

Ancient carved ornaments and drawings by masters of the past have reached our times and continue to be used in carved products as a beautiful decorative technique to add color to the house and interior. Here are some meanings of the symbols and patterns on the trim:

An example of a carved window casing with snakes

  • Bird. A symbol of the keeper of time, it was believed that birds were inhabited by the souls of the dead, and in order to protect themselves from harm through a deceased ancestor, images of birds were applied to the frames.
  • Wings. An ancient strong symbol. It was believed that a house whose windows were decorated with such platband was under special protection.
  • Plants and flowers. Platbands with plant and floral motifs signify unity with nature.
  • Even a beginner with carpentry skills can make carved window frames with his own hands. The main thing is to choose simple patterns for the first works. When making carved frames, you can apply the experience of previous generations and come up with a composition for window decoration using ready-made stencils and templates for wood carving.

    How to make a stencil for platband

    A stencil is a device for applying identical patterns and symbols to the desired surface. Before you start making the trim, you will need to get stencils and templates. Finding a sketch for a carved frame is not difficult - they can be downloaded for free and in a wide variety on the Internet, purchased in specialized stores or found in magazines.

    Finished stencils and templates can be made on paper, cardboard or wood fiber. They just need to be applied to the surface of the future casing and circled. You can make a stencil yourself in several ways:

    Here you can create an individual sketch for carved platbands. The complexity of the design will depend on the level of wood carving skill.

  • Make a photocopy or print out the ornament for the platband. The drawing you like is enlarged to the desired size when copied or printed. The resulting paper stencil can be transferred to wood.
  • If you don’t have a printer (and the desire to look for one), you can do the following. First, the desired scale of the pattern is selected on the computer, the paper is applied to the monitor and the translucent contours of the pattern are outlined with a marker or felt-tip pen without pressing hard on the screen. If the drawing does not fit completely on the screen, you need to move it and continue drawing the stencil.
  • Manually - scaling by cells. Using linear scaling, the drawing is copied cell by cell. In this case, you can change the proportion of the pattern. To increase the size, the cells are scaled up and the design is copied in larger cells than the source cells.

    Scaling the clypeus by cell

    Stencils and templates are the main assistants in creating carved platbands. In the drawing you need to take into account which pattern will be chosen for the various components of the platband.

    Carved platbands include the following main details:

    • top trim strip;
    • vertical platband slats or frame;
    • bottom strip or profiled window sill.

    These are just the basic elements; carved frames can include many more decorative details: a tiara, hangers, flowerpots, etc.

    Transferring the outline of the design to the workpiece

    After the sketch has been created, you need to make a stencil directly onto which all the elements of the design for the carved frames are transferred. You can transfer the contour to the workpiece in the following ways:

    Cutting the platband according to the template

    1. The most common method is when the design is cut out of thick paper or cardboard. The resulting templates are applied to the board and traced along the outline with a pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.
    2. The stencil can not be cut out, but transferred to future trim using carbon paper.
    3. You can press the outline of the sketch through the paper onto the wood with a pen (an inconspicuous mark remains). You can make the outline clearer without carbon paper by applying reverse side sheet of graphite with a soft pencil.

    The stencils should be placed on the workpiece along the grain of the wood: in the future, the thread of such a casing will not crack. For convenience, the places where the cuts will be made can be colored.

    Templates and stencils for carved frames are presented in large quantities - these include simple repeating patterns, images of animals, plants, and even entire paintings.

    When choosing a pattern for platbands, you should remember:

    1. Beginners should choose the lightest patterns with large elements that can be easily cut out. Paintings and fancy ornaments are not for those who are picking up a cutter for the first time.
    2. To make the carved trims neat and beautiful, you need to carefully transfer the design from the template and use only designs intended for the slotted carving technique.

    Just as a real artist cannot begin to create a picture without a sketch, so a carving master cannot work without a template. Selecting and making a stencil is the first step in a rather complex and painstaking path to creating wood carvings.

    Making a stencil for window trim

    Platbands are a way of decorating window openings. However, in addition to decoration, they are an indispensable functional part, helping to close cracks, uneven bevels and other errors.

    In addition, they help retain heat indoors, prevent precipitation and dust from entering, and also reduce the level of street noise penetration.

    Pattern selection

    You can buy ready-made platbands (the simplest ones or unusual ones, which are prepared to order). Does not exist industrial production These parts are made to order by craftsmen in carpentry workshops. Or you can show all your imagination and with my own hands create unique and inimitable platbands. The most important thing is desire and great patience!

    Patterns that will decorate ready product, can also be found by referring to thematic sources on paper or located on the Internet. In addition, there are many companies and designers who are ready to handle the implementation of all the customer’s thoughts into a finished pattern.

    You can also create a drawing yourself. It is better to choose patterns that are not oversaturated with the smallest details. It is desirable that the general appearance of the image be easily understood at a sufficient distance. The drawings of the upper and lower parts should be made in the same stylistic direction.

    If you do not have sufficient experience in carpentry, it is better to give preference to patterns that do not require complex execution. Their topics can be very diverse - flora and fauna, elements of nature, sun signs, etc.

    Examples for cutting elements from wood

    Required materials and tools

    Platbands can be made from a variety of materials:

    • Wood (preferably);
    • Metal;
    • Plastic;
    • Styrofoam;
    • Polyurethane, etc.

    In addition, some tools will also be useful for the job, which you should stock up on in advance:

    • sheets of sandpaper of various numbers;
    • an electric jigsaw, with which you can create almost any pattern; a drill and a set of drills for it;
    • set of chisels;
    • knives of various designs.

    Sketch of platbands

    Having decided on the patterns that will be used, you need to start creating a sketch of the future platbands. When making a sketch, you need to draw all the elements, including:

    • a lower bar or belt that acts as a window sill;
    • frame or vertical slats;
    • top carved board.

    In addition to the required elements, all decorative components are also drawn - tiaras, flowerpots and others.

    Sketches of window frames

    Making a stencil

    A stencil will be created based on the finished sketches and patterns. There are several options for creating it (transferring the sketch to the material).

    Using a graphic editor, you can edit absolutely any carved image. First, you need to find it and process it using a special program - Photoshop. On any computer there is a standard application that allows you to edit, draw and color. This is where you have the opportunity to create your own images.

    If you have a photograph of a specific pattern, you can make a photocopy of it. After this, you need to set the necessary parameters and get ready-made template the desired design or life-size figure.

    You can also scan the image for later printing on your computer. Some people are willing to spend long time to create sketches. To begin with, the required ornament is drawn into equilateral rectangles, using scaling.

    In this way, you can get the most correct stencil of the platbands - even the proportions of the patterns can be changed with your own hands at your discretion.

    The next stage is transferring the template onto a wooden blank. This can be done using a regular lead pencil or ballpoint pen. It is also possible to prepare templates using carbon paper.

    The drawing is secured with push pins and does not move out. Next, from the resulting stencil, all the necessary elements are cut out.

    Manufacturing of platbands

    To make platbands with your own hands, you will need a solid wooden frame, which consists of several parts connected to each other. First of all, you need to select the right material.

    Beech, birch, walnut, oak and alder are the most commonly used wood species. Before carrying out the main work, the selected material can be treated with a water-repellent mixture, painted or can be varnished.

    • Taking all necessary measurements from window openings.
    • Then the lumber is prepared. The thickness of the board must match following sizes: not less than 30 mm if the slotted method is used, and not less than 10 mm for the applied method of applying the pattern. Dry boards need to be planed on all sides.
    • Next stage– cutting out blanks.
    • Then the patterns are cut out and drilling holes.
    • Then the holes made can be processed using sandpaper, use a vacuum cleaner to remove all accumulated dust and dirt.
    • If the overhead technique of applying patterns was used in production, then all the parts are fastened using nails without heads. You can also fix it with glue. But using self-tapping screws is strictly not recommended!

    Installation of platbands

    After completing the work on the manufacture of the platband, care must be taken to install it correctly.

    Fastening can be done in two ways:

    • dull thorn– in this case, all fasteners are in the platbands, and holes of appropriate size are prepared for them in the frame. The tenon must be treated with glue, then it is inserted into the groove. This allows you to keep the appearance as it is.
    • Through tenon– this method is easier to install, but in reliability it is significantly inferior to the first. Here the fasteners are mounted where it will not be easy to notice. And the place where the parts join is covered with some decorative element.

    The spike should fit tightly into the socket, but without using much effort. The spikes can also be fixed using dowels made from hardwood. Glue cannot perform its functions for a long time due to the aggressive influence of natural forces.

    It is always necessary to take into account the direction in which the windows open. If they open outward, the platband is placed 30 mm above the window sashes. In addition, there should be no obstacles to the full opening of the frame.

    Rules for making platbands

    If the source material is wood, then the width of the board should be 30-40 mm. In addition, sheets of metal, plastic and others can be used.

    The width of the material should be sufficient to hide the edges of the walls, as well as protect them from negative impact air humidity.

    By placing the carved elements along the wood fibers, cracking will be prevented. This is especially true when using coniferous wood. You should also remember that the openwork tips and bends have a much smaller thickness than the structure as a whole, which is why they are the most fragile.