Tests for temperament and other aspects of personality. Temperament type test! How easy it is to make you angry

How often when communicating with people we are struck by the difference between us. Perception, speed of decision-making, or even just speed of movement are completely different. Sometimes such a difference touches, sometimes it irritates, and now we say in our hearts that we are completely different in temperament. But what does this really mean and is it possible to change your temperament to the ideal? We propose to understand the types of human temperaments and determine their pros and cons, and also, if you wish, take a test and find out what kind of temperament you have.

Temperament - what is it?

What is temperament? Temperament refers to the innate characteristics of a person that determine the dynamics of his mental processes. It is temperament that determines a person’s reactions to external circumstances. It largely shapes a person’s character, his individuality and is a kind of connecting link between the body and cognitive processes. There are four simple type temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.

The term “temperament” itself was introduced by the ancient physician Claudius Galen and comes from the Latin word “temperans”, which means moderate. The word temperament itself can be translated as “the proper ratio of parts.” Hippocrates believed that the type of temperament is determined by the predominance of one of the fluids in the body. If blood predominates in the body, then the person will be mobile, that is, have a sanguine temperament, yellow bile will make the person impulsive and hot - choleric, black bile - sad and fearful, that is, melancholic, and the predominance of lymph will give the person calm and slowness, making him phlegmatic. It should also be noted that temperaments are very rare in their pure form; usually they are present in different proportions in each person. You should also not equate character and temperament. The latter only characterizes the type nervous system, its properties are associated with the structure of the body and even metabolism. But it is in no way connected with the individual’s views, beliefs, tastes and does not determine the individual’s capabilities.

Brief characteristics of temperaments

People of this type easily adapt to new surroundings and quickly respond to what attracts their attention. They control their emotions well and willingly take on new things. Representatives of this type of temperament are subject to frequent mood changes, but their characteristic state is a state of cheerfulness.

Is it possible to determine that a particular person is sanguine? Yes, there are traits inherent only to them, by which you can always distinguish sanguine people from the society around you. As a rule, people with this type of temperament have a smooth and confident gait, their movements are light and fast. Sanguine people are easily distinguished by their good posture and expressive gestures. Facial expressions and gestures are rich and natural, and speech is loud and clear.

One of the disadvantages of sanguine temperament is that people of this type are quickly distracted from business or emotions if external stimuli for a long time don't change. As soon as the novelty of sensations wears off, sanguine people become lethargic and indifferent.

If your colleague or subordinate is sanguine, then remember that his decisions are often rash. His activity is most effective when he is busy with new interesting projects keeping him in suspense. Do not forget that the duality of this temperament requires control over the progress of work.

Cholerics are easily excitable and unbalanced; it is difficult to switch their attention. They are very mobile, even to the point of excessiveness, their feelings are strong and manifest themselves vividly. They take on new tasks with great ardor and devote themselves completely to them, but at the same time, an inadequate assessment of their strengths leads to a sharp decline in activity. The disadvantages of this type of temperament lie precisely in imbalance, which causes outbreaks of harshness, irritability, and exhaustion of strength.

Cholerics also have characteristic features: people of this type have hasty, often confused speech, bright and expressive facial expressions. Choleric people find it difficult to sit in one place, they often jump up or change positions, and gesticulate a lot and sharply. There is something defiant in their uneven gait.

They are passive, unstable, easily vulnerable and react little to external influences. Most often, melancholic people are self-absorbed; they prefer a calm, familiar environment. The undoubted advantages of this type of temperament are the depth and constancy of their feelings.

People of this type of temperament have a restrained, although fast, gait. They are immersed in their thoughts, so they may become thoughtful and slow down. Their gestures are stingy, but sharp due to the awkwardness they experience in society strangers. Speech is slow, often hesitating, and its speed is uneven.

Please note that if you are able to organize a calm time for your melancholic employee workplace, then its performance will amaze you. With support and a measured rhythm of work, they are capable of working miracles, but will painfully experience any difficult psychological situation. Sensitive melancholic people are very receptive and observant, which makes them indispensable in working with staff.

Such people are persistent and stubborn, they walk smoothly and calmly. life path. These are reliable people who are difficult to piss off. They are stingy with emotions, detailed to the point of being boring, and reliable like no one else. The disadvantages are that phlegmatic people react very poorly to external stimuli, are slow to change their minds, get along with people, and are not resourceful.

Phlegmatic people move heavily and deliberately, their gait is often lazy and unhurried. While sitting, they can maintain the same position for a long time. Gesticulation and facial expressions are stingy; it is impossible to read anything from their face. Speech is leisurely, they are taciturn, and do not like idle chatter.

In difficult situations, your most reliable employee will be a phlegmatic person. A person of this type will not argue; in any discussion, he will limit himself to summing up the results, and will skillfully take into account the opinions of each side. These are reliable and efficient workers who do not need to be controlled. But under no circumstances should you entrust a person of this type of temperament with work that requires initiative.

How to determine your temperament?

As mentioned above, pure temperaments are very rare. There are not only mixed types temperaments, but also intermediate, transitional. To determine the type of temperament, many methods and tests have been developed.

Below is a test that will allow you to determine percentage each type of temperament in your temperament structure and highlight your main type.

Put a plus if you agree with the statement and a minus if you don’t. So,

  1. You are restless.
  2. Hot-tempered and impulsive.
  3. Most often they are impatient.
  4. Initiative and decisive.
  5. Tenacious, even stubborn.
  6. You quickly navigate disputes and are resourceful.
  7. The rhythm of your activity is uneven and spasmodic.
  8. Love to take risks.
  9. You forgive offenses easily.
  10. Your speech is fast and passionate.
  11. You often suffer from your imbalance.
  12. Don't tolerate shortcomings.
  13. You are attracted to everything new.
  14. Your mood changes frequently.
  15. You are a cheerful and cheerful person.
  16. Energy is in full swing, you are always collected.
  17. You often abandon what you started halfway.
  18. You don’t always adequately assess your strengths.
  19. Your interests and hobbies change frequently.
  20. You easily get used to changed plans and new circumstances.
  21. It is not difficult for you to be distracted from your own affairs; you quickly deal with someone else’s problem.
  22. Careful attention to detail and painstaking work are not for you.
  23. You are responsive and love communication.
  24. Your speech is clear and loud.
  25. You do not panic even in difficult situations, you have excellent self-control.
  26. You fall asleep easily and wake up quickly.
  27. It is difficult for you to concentrate and make an informed decision.
  28. You are distracted and inattentive.
  29. You are a reserved and cold-blooded person.
  30. You are consistent in your words and deeds.
  31. You are careful and reasonable.
  32. You are self-possessed and know how to wait.
  33. Taciturn, do not like empty chatter.
  34. Your speech is measured and calm.
  35. You distribute your strength wisely and never give your all.
  36. You have a clear daily routine, you plan your work activities.
  37. You calmly accept criticism and are indifferent to reproach.
  38. It is difficult for you to switch to another activity on the spot.
  39. You have smooth, good relationships with other people.
  40. Neat, pedantic in detail.
  41. It is difficult for you to adapt to a new environment and changed plans.
  42. You don't like to move a lot and are slow.
  43. You are a shy person.
  44. The new environment makes you confused.
  45. You are unsure of yourself. in your own strength.
  46. Loneliness does not bother you.
  47. Failures and troubles unsettle you for a long time.
  48. During difficult periods in life, you withdraw into yourself.
  49. You are not very resilient and get tired quickly.
  50. Your speech is quiet, sometimes slurred.
  51. You automatically adopt the character traits of your interlocutor and his manner of speaking.
  52. Sentimental and impressionable.
  53. You are a perfectionist, you have high demands on yourself and the world around you.
  54. You are characterized by some suspiciousness and suspicion.
  55. You are easily offended.
  56. You are pleased when others empathize with you.

Now let's look at the test results. The test has 4 groups of questions, each group contains 14 statements. The first 14 (from the first to the fourteenth statement) describe the choleric temperament. The second group, from the 15th to the 28th statement, describes a sanguine person. The third group, from 29 to 42 – phlegmatic type of temperament. And the last group, from 43 to 56, the statement describes the melancholic temperament.

If in any of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament is dominant for you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed to a significant extent in you. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the traits of this type of temperament are weakly expressed.

As you have seen, there is no clear ideal among temperament types. And it cannot be changed, because... This is not a character trait, but just a feature of the body’s reactions. But, having learned more about each type of temperament, having determined what type of temperament you have, it will be easier for you to build your relationships with people. We can only hope that now your colleagues and loved ones will become clearer to you.

What makes you and I so different from each other? Why are we different?

A person’s behavior and fate are influenced by his upbringing, development, tastes, and also by such important parameter like temperament.

What is temperament, how and why is it determined? These are special innate qualities that do not change throughout life and create the general behavioral background of a person.

Temperament does not affect tastes, preferences, life goals. It rather determines reactions to any external or internal events, as well as the type of behavior.

For example, a person is standing near the road in rainy weather, and a passing car pours water on him. One will begin to swear in the worst words, cursing the driver. Another will be upset, but will not show it - rather, he will harbor a grudge deep inside.

The third will not pay any attention to the incident, and the fourth will only laugh at this curiosity. This behavior directly depends on the type of temperament.

Determining the type of temperament is very important, because this will allow you to better understand yourself, make meaningful decisions in life situations, and treat your life consciously.

The test will not let you make mistakes!

Before determining your own type, it is worth understanding what they are and what their features are. There are only four of them: melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic and sanguine.


This is a deeply vulnerable person, prone to experiencing problems inside, destroying himself. Such a problem as “they don’t like me”, “they don’t understand me” - this is about him.

A melancholic person is an absolute introvert, it is difficult for him to be the center of attention, he often changes his mood and is prone to depression. Main qualities:

  • Closedness.
  • Vulnerability.
  • Reasonableness.
  • Mistrust.
  • Pessimism.

This does not mean that a melancholic person is a gloomy snob, but he is more prone than others to quiet, depressive states, cannot bring aggression out, and keeps everything to himself.

Phlegmatic person

It is well known that a person is phlegmatic - quite peaceful, friendly and positive, but he never shows strong emotions.

This is a reliable and calm person. Its qualities:

  • Reasonableness.
  • Hardness.
  • Calm.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Inertia.
  • Kindness.

This good qualities, which, perhaps, just lacks a little emotionality. Such a person will never exclaim: “I love you!” - rather, he will show it in action or whisper in his ear.


This is an aggressor and at the same time a big entertainer. A choleric person is an active, nervous person; he cannot sit in one place.

Whether he becomes a screen star or a serial killer depends on his upbringing and fate, but he will never remain in the shadows. A person such as choleric has the following qualities:

  • Impermanence.
  • Nervousness.
  • Activity.
  • Emotionality.
  • Impulsiveness.


This is a “live”, a positive and cheerful nature. Luck smiles on him, those around him love him, and troubles pass him by.

And he solves problems easily and playfully. The most striking signs of a sanguine person:

  • Cheerful disposition.
  • Carefree.
  • Sociability.
  • Optimism.
  • Kindness.

Test: determine your type

Simple and quick test on temperament will allow you to determine your type online. To do this, select only one answer for each question proposed, and write down the selected letter under the corresponding question number.

As a result, one or another letter will be repeated more often. Using it you will determine your predominant type of temperament.

So, let's start the test to see what type of temperament you have.

1. Your strengths:

A) Rationality.

B) Balance.

B) Activity.

D) Positivity.

2. Your shortcomings:

A) Indecisiveness.

B) Passivity.

B) Impermanence.

D) Frivolity.

3. What mood are you in most often?

A) In pessimistic.

B) Calm.

C) Restless, changeable.

D) Good.

4. How sociable are you?

A) Uncommunicative.

B) Uncommunicative.

B) Moderately sociable.

D) Very sociable.

Find out the results:

A - . Your prevailing temperament type suggests that you find it difficult to enjoy life and solve problems. You often get stuck in unfavorable situations and can relive them for years.

You are advised to choose a field of activity where there is a minimum of negativity and a maximum of good - working with animals or flowers, and not in the police, for example. You are shown creativity and any creative activity.

G - . You are lucky: sanguine people are considered the happiest. Direct your potential in a good and correct direction: help people, give them positivity and the belief that life is wonderful.

Whatever you do in life, you can make the world around you brighter and brighter. And how can one not use such talent!

Please note that there are practically no “pure” temperaments. Observe yourself, try to understand what type of temperament prevails in you and how to live in perfect harmony with yourself.

If you are interested in learning more

There are much longer and more complex tests that will also help determine the type of temperament of any person. One of the most popular is a test to determine temperament, a psychiatrist who first created a classification of types.

This test consists of many questions and contributes quite precise definition type of human temperament. You can take Eysenck's psychological test online completely free of charge; all you have to do is find it on the Internet, it is in the public domain.

However, the Eysenck test online gives a one-sided answer, that is, it determines one, main type of temperament. As a rule, one predominates in a person psychological type, and some second one approaches it in percentage terms.

The temperament test, or online Eysenck test, allows you to determine the type of temperament, but does not explain in detail what this classification is based on. But it’s better to know the main theoretical principles before determining the type - this will allow you to better understand your own psychology.

This means acting correctly in various life situations, choosing a suitable field of activity and social circle, living in a natural, natural rhythm that will correspond to the type of temperament.
Author: Vasilina Serova


Working on the theory of temperaments, Hippocrates came to the conclusion that the characteristics of the human psyche depend on the content of four fluids in the body: yellow and black bile, blood and phlegm. Galen continued to develop the doctrine of temperaments and developed four main types: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

A sanguine person (from Latin sanguis - blood) is someone who reacts vividly to everything around him. He is easy-going, loves communication, has a good sense of humor and often becomes the life of the party. You rarely see a sanguine person in bad mood. You are sanguine if you are dependent on new impressions, positive emotions. You are easily angered, but also quickly calmed down. Your friends call you an optimist, because even in difficult situation you do not lose your calmness and positive attitude. An indirect sign can be considered facial wrinkles in the mouth area, because they appear in those people who smile often.

Phlegmatic (from the Greek phlegma - phlegm) is a calm and slow person. It’s difficult to piss him off, which is why people say about him “like a tank.” The phlegmatic person tries to avoid conflicts and remains serious in any situation. Changes in life are difficult for such people; they need time to adapt. You are phlegmatic if you are modest by nature and do not like to be the center of attention. When making a decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons and think carefully. You remain calm when forced to wait and plan your affairs carefully. A phlegmatic person is distinguished by uniform speech without vivid emotions and facial expressions; he does not like empty chatter.

Choleric (from the Greek chole - bile) is the most nervous of temperaments. Such a person easily loses his temper, has difficulty accepting criticism, and loves to be the first in everything. Choleric people have a high reaction rate, so they are often irritated by slow people. You are choleric if you strive to do everything your own way and do not like to obey others. You are constantly raging with emotions that are difficult to keep under control. You will not remain silent if you don’t like something, and it doesn’t matter that your opinion may provoke a conflict.

Melancholic (from the Greek melas chole - black bile) - vulnerable and. Often he has a delicate taste and a developed imagination, so he gravitates towards creative activities. A melancholic person often has low self-esteem, has difficulty getting along with people and likes not to be touched by anyone. If you are melancholic, you are a shy, insecure and sentimental person. You are easily offended. Do you often doubt own strength, speak in a quiet voice and love empathy. If trouble or failure occurs in business, it unsettles you for a long time.

Video on the topic


  • How to determine your temperament type

How to independently determine your temperament type without a psychologist

Since ancient times, 4 types of human temperament have been distinguished. These types of temperament are known as: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.

A sanguine person is a lively and sociable person who knows how to control himself well and easily experiences difficult situations.

A choleric person is an impetuous person who does everything passionately, impulsively, explosively, but is ready to quickly move away from strong emotions.

A melancholic person is vulnerable, tends to deeply and painfully experience many events in his life, is a dreamer, loves creativity and improvisation.

A phlegmatic person is a person with imperturbable calm, a little slow, and not inclined to express all his experiences.

Probably, many have already determined the type of their temperament by checking their behavior with the description. However, there are more accurate psychological methods, which can be used by anyone who wants to learn something new and interesting about themselves.

One of the ways to determine your temperament type is the Eysenck test. It consists of two scales aimed at identifying such personality characteristics as extraversion, introversion and neuroticism.

Extraversion is a person’s orientation towards the outside world. Such people are more sociable, active, like to control and organize a lot.
Introverts tend to analyze themselves and pay the greatest attention to their inner experiences.
Neuroticism is a trait characterized by instability in emotions, and sometimes a tendency to nervous experiences.

How to determine your temperament type using the Eysenck test?
It's quite simple.

1. Find an Eysenck test on the Internet with instructions and interpretation.

2. Answer all his questions with “Yes” or “No.”

3. If the program does not process the answers automatically, you will have to perform simple calculations.
Find the key to this test.
For example, let’s take the first scale “Extroversion - Introversion”. The key will contain questions that help determine these qualities.

You need to count how many of your answers match those written in the key. The minimum is 0, the maximum is 24. Scores from 0 to 12 correspond to introversion (the lower the score, the more pronounced the introversion). Scores from 13 to 24 indicate extraversion (the higher the score, the more pronounced the extraversion).

4. At this stage, you can already determine your temperament type.

If you have less than 12 points on the “neuroticism” scale and less than 12 points on the “extroversion-introversion” scale, your temperament type is Phlegmatic.

If you have less than 12 points on the neuroticism scale and more than 12 points on the extraversion-introversion scale, you are Sanguine.

If you have more than 12 points on the neuroticism scale and less than 12 points on the extraversion-introversion scale, you are Melancholic.

If you have more than 12 points on the neuroticism scale and more than 12 points on the extraversion-introversion scale, you are a Choleric.

In 70% of cases, after passing the test, a person receives the expected result; he has the type of temperament that he expected. In other cases, you can learn something new about yourself.

Psychologists distinguish 4 types of temperament: sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic and choleric. Depending on which of them dominates, a person has certain character traits. After reading this article, you can easily determine the type of temperament from the description of your personal qualities. If you want to get a more accurate result, you can take tests created for this purpose. We will talk about them a little later.


Looking for an answer to the question “How to determine a person’s temperament?” deals with such a science as psychology. At the origins of the doctrine of temperament is Hippocrates, who lived during the Ancient Greece. He believed that vital juices (blood, yellow and black bile, as well as phlegm) in certain proportions determine personal characteristics.

This idea was developed by the Roman Claudius Galen, who in his treatise gave a name to each of the 4 types of temperament. The word "choleric" is derived from the stem "bile" in Greek. The terms “sanguine”, “phlegmatic”, “melancholic” are translated as “blood”, “phlegm” and “black bile”, respectively.

Currently, the type of temperament is not usually identified with “vital juices”. Personality characteristics depend on the functioning of the nervous system. This theory was proposed by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the type of temperament is inherited and is influenced by the social environment, upbringing, and the individual’s ability to self-control.

Currently, there are a large number of books on how to determine the type of temperament. In addition to literature, you can take tests on the Internet or sign up for a consultation with a professional. However, you should not expect the result to be one hundred percent. The fact is that having only one type of temperament is impossible. Each individual has characteristics of all four types, just some of them are more pronounced.


A person with a choleric type of temperament does not know how to control himself. Such people are often unrestrained and hot-tempered. Despite their unbridled temperament, they are easy-going and quickly calm down after the manifestation of violent emotions. They say about them: “It flared up like a match!” Indeed, these people get turned on immediately, but just as suddenly stop the outburst of emotions. Choleric people deeply experience both happy and sad moments. The reaction to current events is not long in coming; one might say, it is instantaneous.

All experiences are vivid, intense and fleeting. To understand whether you are choleric, observe your behavior. Exploring the depths of your personality will help you answer the question: “How to determine your temperament?” Cholerics are characterized by rapid changes of feelings and emotions. This can be seen in their facial expressions, facial expressions and gestures. Heat and passion, however, do not mean that the emotions of choleric people are superficial. All experiences come from the depths of the soul, it’s just that people with this type of temperament quickly switch from one event to another.

Age characteristics

Cholerics at any age are characterized by impatience and harshness in communication, energetic gestures and facial expressions, and a fast pace of work. In childhood, guys with this type of temperament are the ringleaders in big companies, they easily encourage their peers to participate in various adventures. During puberty, teenagers become extremely active, they can get into fights, be rude to teachers and even disrupt classes! In adulthood, choleric people often notice a dislike for monotonous work. They take on a new task with enthusiasm, but they “cool down” very quickly, finish the activity they started hastily, and work carelessly.


To understand how to determine your temperament, you need to get acquainted with each of the four varieties. Melancholic people are characterized by unbalanced character. They deeply experience any events that happen to them, but do not give free rein to their emotions. Outwardly, they seem withdrawn and unemotional. Such people have inexpressive, monotonous, restrained facial expressions. They don't gesticulate too much.

The voice of melancholic people is quiet and inexpressive. These people are characterized by anxiety, vulnerability and sensitivity. They are wary of new activities, afraid of difficulties and avoid any unforeseen situations. Melancholic people prefer activities that can be performed without experiencing mental stress.

And emotions are very monotonous and stable. At first glance, these people seem too sad and gloomy, withdrawn and uncommunicative. They are very vulnerable, which is why they react painfully to failures and criticism. Any life difficulties cause them depression. Melancholic people are characterized by indecision and lack of strength; they are pessimistic about everything. They show disinterest in work. Melancholic people are treated as ephemeral creatures, unadapted to life and flying in the clouds.

Age characteristics

Children of a certain temperament type behave differently. Melancholic children are calm and withdrawn, they are easily influenced by others. In the team they are offended, teased and called names. They cannot resist injustice, do not know how to defend their rights, which is why they often become the object of ridicule.

In adolescence, melancholic people have difficulty adapting to new groups. They can become a “punching bag” for stronger guys. Teenagers are timid, shy, sometimes tearful and indecisive. In adulthood, these character traits are preserved.


People with a sanguine type of temperament are balanced, quickly react to events that happen to them, but at the same time their emotions are quite moderate. Mental processes weakly intense, they are characterized by constant change. New emotional states appear quickly, their depth is uncharacteristic.

To do this you need to take care of yourself. For example, if you notice that you have expressive and rich facial expressions, active gestures, then most likely you are sanguine. Such people are very active and cheerful. They are impressionable and react to all external stimuli. Sanguine people practically do not delve into their experiences, as they are captivated by the world around them.

People with this type of temperament are quick-witted; their sharp mind allows them to easily solve all kinds of problems if they do not require much work and perseverance. Sanguine people have a positive attitude towards changing activities and quickly “light up” with new ideas. However, they leave what they started with the same speed when they find something more interesting to do. Very often they make decisions hastily.

Sanguine people are sociable, they make contact with any people. Relationships with them are very superficial, because owners of this type of temperament do not become attached to others and easily part with friends and acquaintances. Sorrows and joys, grievances and reconciliations are quickly forgotten by sanguine people. These people's facial expressions and gestures are very expressive, and their speech is fast.

Age characteristics

Sanguine people are able to work for a long time without feeling tired. They tend to choose a variety of activities and feel uncomfortable doing monotonous work. From childhood, sanguine people show a penchant for leadership. They are able to take responsibility. They are constantly looking for ways to be in the spotlight. Often people with a sanguine type of temperament make promises and do not keep them, admit their guilt and apologize, but continue to live as before.

Phlegmatic person

Personality characteristics are manifested not only in mental activity person. You can also determine the type of person’s temperament by movements. Phlegmatic people, for example, are not very active. Their gestures are slow and sometimes sluggish. People with this type of temperament are not characterized by increased feelings. Their feelings change infrequently and slowly. Phlegmatic people are very calm and calm, so it is difficult to anger them and force them into conflict with anyone. These people are very rarely seen agitated or disorganized.

Gestures and facial expressions are monotonous. Speech seems lifeless because it is not accompanied by body movements. Phlegmatic people think about their decisions first, but if they want to do something, they will confidently move towards their goal. They do not like change, so it is necessary to warn them about innovations in advance.

G. Eysenck's EPI method

If you are interested in how to determine a person’s temperament type, then most likely you are familiar with G. Eysenck’s method. This test consists of 2 options with 57 questions each. To pass this test, you need to answer yes or no questions, and you need to be completely honest with yourself. There can be no wrong answers, because they are absolutely individual.

Questions are aimed at determining behavior and reactions to various situations. The results are revealed by several indicators, including stability and instability of the reaction (neuroticism), introversion and extraversion.

Test by A. Belov

One of the most popular tests for determining temperament is A. Belov’s test. It consists of 40 questions divided into 2 blocks. The structure of the test is similar to G. Isaac’s method. The subject is presented with a series of statements to which he must answer “Yes” or “No.” The results show the percentage of temperament types. Two of them are usually dominant.

Professional techniques

How to determine your temperament? To do this, you can contact a professional. Psychologists use several methods, including “Temperament and Sociotypes”, as well as the “Pavlovian Questionnaire”. The first technique is aimed at determining the combination of behavior in society with the type of temperament. The “Pavlovian Questionnaire” allows you to identify the stability of the nervous system and the strength of the processes of inhibition and excitation.

How to determine a child's temperament?

You don't need to take many tests to figure out what type of temperament your child has. It is enough to observe a boy or girl and analyze the children’s attitude towards daily activities.

  • Cholerics, as a rule, have increased excitability. In the game, they strive for leadership and are distinguished by mobility and activity. Very quickly they get bored with monotonous activities. Such children prefer football, basketball and dancing. They may unknowingly offend people around them, so it is necessary to be patient in raising them.
  • Sanguine people are very friendly and active, they easily switch to other activities and quickly forget about grievances. These kids love team games, such as football and volleyball. Guys can be absent-minded and frivolous, but with proper upbringing you can get rid of these character traits.
  • Phlegmatic people are silent and slow. These children want to have their own space. They show no interest in various games, because they like to sleep and are not very imaginative. They enjoy drawing, music and embroidery.

  • Determine your child's temperament type by describing his personality traits before he goes to school, otherwise difficulties may arise. For example, phlegmatic people get tired quickly; they switch from one type of activity to another for a long time. These children are very touchy and a little cowardly, so at first it may be difficult for them to get used to the new team. Quiet activities such as reading and drawing are best for them.

This online Hans Eysenck test for temperament type also measures two personality parameters:
Extraversion/Introversion and Neuroticism/Stability, which give great variety in manifestation individual characteristics. The test includes 57 non-repetitive questions with “Yes-No” answer options. The test includes a lie scale that detects distortions in responses. The test measurement objects are Extraversion-Introversion and Neuroticism-Stability.

When filling online test Eysenck's temperament you get three scales:
  1. “Lie scale” - includes a maximum of 9 points. Measures how socially desirable your responses are. Those who score 5 or more on this scale may be trying to avoid honest answers out of a desire to be socially acceptable.
  2. The Extraversion scale has a maximum of 24 points and measures the degree to which you are extraverted.
  3. The Neuroticism scale includes a maximum of 24 points and changes the degree of your.

To interpret the scores, the E and N scales are plotted on a chart from which you can read your personality characteristics. The closer you are outside the circle, the brighter your personality traits. Please note that this online test is a very simplified scale. Therefore, if it turns out that the test showed something completely different from what you thought, then you are most likely right, and the test is wrong.


These are questions concerning the way of behaving, reacting and feeling. Each question has two answer options - Yes or No. Try to determine if yours is closer common reaction to Yes or to No. Answer quickly, do not spend too much time on each question, the first spontaneous reaction in the answer is usually the most accurate. It will take you no more than a few minutes to complete the test. Make sure you don't miss any of the 57 questions on the Eysenck Temperament Test. Start now, fill out quickly and try not to miss out! There are no right or wrong answers and this is not a test of intelligence or ability, just a test of how you behave.

Theoretical basis

G. Eysenck, having analyzed the materials of a survey of 700 neurotic soldiers, came to the conclusion that the entire set of traits that describe a person can be represented through 2 main factors: extraversion (introversion) and neuroticism.

The first of these factors is biopolar and represents a characteristic of a person’s individual psychological make-up, the extreme poles of which correspond to the personality’s orientation either to the world of external objects (extraversion) or to the subjective inner world(introversion). It is generally accepted that extroverts are characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, behavioral flexibility, great initiative (but little persistence) and high social adaptability. Introverts, on the contrary, are characterized by unsociability, isolation, social passivity (with sufficient persistence), a tendency to introspection and difficulties in social adaptation.

The second factor - neuroticism (or neuroticism) - describes a certain property-state that characterizes a person from the outside emotional stability, anxiety, level of self-esteem and possible autonomic disorders. This factor is also bipolar and forms a scale, at one pole of which there are people characterized by extreme stability, maturity and excellent adaptation, and at the other - an extremely nervous, unstable and poorly adapted type. Most people are located between these poles, closer to the middle (according to the normal distribution).

The intersection of these 2 bipolar characteristics allows us to obtain an unexpected and rather interesting result - a fairly clear classification of a person into one of the four types of temperament.

Interpretation of test results


  • over 19 - bright extrovert,
  • over 15 - extrovert
  • 12 - average value,
  • less than 9 - introvert,
  • less than 5 - deep introvert.


  • more than 19 - very high level neuroticism,
  • more than 14 - high level of neuroticism,
  • 9 - 13 - average value,
  • less than 7 - low level of neuroticism.


  • more than 4 - insincerity in answers, which also indicates some demonstrative behavior and orientation of the subject towards social approval,
  • less than 4 is normal.

Presentation of results by scales extraversion And neuroticism carried out using a coordinate system. The interpretation of the results obtained is carried out on the basis of the psychological characteristics of the individual corresponding to one or another square of the coordinate model, taking into account the degree of expression of individual psychological properties and the degree of reliability of the data obtained.

Drawing on data from higher physiology nervous activity, Eysenck hypothesizes that strong and weak types, according to Pavlov, are very close to extroverted and introverted personality types. The nature of introversion and extraversion is seen in the innate properties of the central nervous system, which ensure the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Thus, using survey data on the extraversion, introversion and neuroticism scales, we can derive temperament indicators personality according to Pavlov's classification, who described four classical types:

  1. sanguine(according to the basic properties of the central nervous system, it is characterized as strong, balanced, mobile),
  2. choleric(strong, unbalanced, mobile),
  3. phlegmatic person(strong, balanced, inert),
  4. melancholic(weak, unbalanced, inert).

Definitions of temperament types


"Clean" sanguine quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly gets along with people, and is sociable. Feelings arise and change easily, emotional experiences are usually shallow. Facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. He is somewhat restless, needs new impressions, does not sufficiently regulate his impulses, and does not know how to strictly adhere to the established routine, life, or work system. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out work that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, and creative activity, superficiality and inconstancy are developed.


Choleric characterized by increased excitability, actions are intermittent. This type of temperament is characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, and vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by a task, he tends to act with all his might and become more exhausted than he should. Having public interests, his temperament shows initiative, energy, and integrity. In the absence of spiritual life, choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, efficiency, lack of restraint, hot temper, and inability to self-control under emotional circumstances.

Phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic person characterized by a relatively low level of behavioral activity, new forms of which are developed slowly but are persistent. Possesses slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. A persistent and persistent “worker of life”, he rarely loses his temper, is not prone to emotions, having calculated his strengths, brings things to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, and does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy and doesn’t waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases a phlegmatic person may be characterized by “positive” traits - endurance, depth of thoughts, constancy, thoroughness, etc., in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to perform just habitual actions.


Melancholic. His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus; there is depth and stability of feelings with weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time. Strong influences often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in a melancholic person (give up). He is characterized by restraint and subdued motor skills and speech, shyness, timidity, and indecisiveness. IN normal conditions a melancholic person is a deep, meaningful person who can be a good worker and successfully cope with life’s tasks. Under unfavorable conditions, he can turn into a closed, fearful, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to difficult internal experiences such life circumstances who don't deserve it at all.


  • Personality questionnaire EPI (G. Eysenck method)/ Almanac psychological tests– M., 1995. P.217-224.