Is Valkyrie a mythical character? Who are the Valkyries, and what were these warrior maidens like? How the Valkyrie was applied. Scandinavian myths and Valkyries

A spirit in female form, helping the souls of fallen warriors find their place in the afterlife, taking the form of a swan, a winged maiden on a white horse, or a wolf. This information is given by Scandinavian mythology in the heroic “Elder Edda”. The Valkyries, who are the daughters of Odin, have always had a security function. In ancient Scandinavia, maidens, shining with the brilliance of their armor, guarded the souls of those killed on the battlefield and directed them to the path of Rule. They carried souls, accompanying the flight into immortality with lingering and mournful songs.

Nowadays, Valkyrie, in the form of an amulet, guards and protects warriors; this amulet, carrying masculine energy, bestows courage, fortitude and the opportunity to leave the world of Reveal with honor, and also gives victory in battle and the achievement of one’s goals.

The question arises, how is the warrior maiden from Scandinavian legends connected with our Slavic worldview, how did the Valkyrie amulet come to us? Scandinavians and Slavs, do they have anything in common? To understand these questions, you need to delve into the history and mythology of the Scandinavian and Slavic peoples.

The ancient Scandinavians and Germans, together with other tribes, formed a single community of Slavic tribes, where beliefs, customs, rituals, symbols and legends were, if not the same, then similar. Drawing parallels between the Valkyries, the goddesses of the Baltic Slavs, and the Western Slavic goddesses known to us, we can notice that both are endowed with the ability to turn into swans and all of them are endowed magical power. Let's remember the Swan Princess from Russian fairy tales or her opposite - evil spirit A goggle that brings love fever that drains the soul.

The Valkyries, turning into swans, carried the souls of the dead warriors to Valhalla and sang funeral songs to them, the Swan Princess helped them survive fairy tale hero and win both in this world and in the next. In the most ancient myths, warlike maidens either descended from elves, or were daughters of Scandinavian princes, endowed with mystical powers and the ability to turn into birds. With the adoption of Christianity, the image of the Heroic Virgin loses its mystical meaning, along with it the ability to turn into a bird. During Christian times, Valkyries were simply maidens, flying on swans and picking up the dead on the battlefield.

In our time, the symbol of Valkyrie has crossed the border of the traditional image of the northern Virgin Heroine, accompanying the souls of dead knights to Valhalla, to the hall of the goddess Freya, to rest after difficult feats of arms. The Valkyrie is no longer just “picking up the dead,” it is a symbol of an honorable death, even rather a symbol of posthumous glory and military honors.

Valkyrie symbol among the ancient Slavs

The Slavs have the Valkyrie symbol, which consists of four repeating runes Ga, denoting movement, and repeating runes P, symbolizing completion life cycle a person, that is, his death, was especially revered by the priests. Runes enclosed in a circle, also symbolizing the endless cycle of rebirth and renewal, were used by priests to help the Knights in the afterlife.

The Valkyrie symbol protected the Vedas and Vedic knowledge, preventing unworthy people with evil intentions from accessing them; it sealed especially important scrolls.

The Valkyrie, as an esoteric emblem symbolizing the protection of true knowledge, accompanied the Slavs for thousands of years and for thousands of years helped them leave and return. The Valkyrie, carrying not only the energy of death, but also the fiery energy of rebirth to a new life, was embroidered on clothes, applied to ceramics, carved out of wood or minted on weapons.

This symbol was also made in the form of amulets made of metals:

  • Yellow;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • bronze

The tradition of making amulets worn on the chest has been revived in our time along with the revival Slavic culture and Vedic religion among young and middle-aged people. A Valkyrie made of gold or silver can be ordered from workshops where craftsmen work who make amulets and other items decorated with security symbols.

Valkyrie in modern Slavic tradition

Valkyrie is one of the strongest and most ancient amulets, intended for people whose activities pose a risk to life or health. These are not only warriors, but also athletes involved in extreme sports, as well as travelers, firefighters, military doctors, fishermen, and hunters. This list also includes priests, keepers of knowledge who oversee the life of the Slavic Aryan communities. The protective symbol is used by priests to seal Vedic texts containing sacred knowledge.

The Valkyrie breast symbol can be used not only by men, but by women caught in difficult situation and those in need of developing masculine qualities, it will also be useful for gaining vitality and self-confidence. Women can wear a pendant symbol, but a Valkyrie embroidered on clothing, especially in the area of ​​the collar, sleeves, and belt, also looks good. These places are especially vulnerable and need protection, that is, the embroidered Valkyrie works if everyone is protected by it open spaces plus lower back.

Valkyrie, located in work area at home or in the office, will help a woman achieve financial independence and make a career, using such masculine qualities as perseverance, independence, the ability to achieve her goal, and criticality. But married women and for young girls who want to be loved, it is better to take off Valkyrie at home in order to remain sweet and desirable and not offend men with excessive manifestations of independence and toughness, which are unacceptable in the family. At home, a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, wife and mother, so the armor must be put away in a safe place.

Boys can give amulet Valkyrie from the age of twelve, when the period of growing up and realizing oneself as an independent person who desires achievements and victories begins. The chest amulet is worn with the design facing towards you; this warning applies to everyone - men, boys and representatives of the fair half of humanity, since it only works in this position. For growing girls it is better to choose another amulet, carrying feminine energy.

Valkyrie is a Slavic amulet with Scandinavian roots, which belongs to the solar symbols. This means that it represents the eternal movement of the Sun, life and development. In addition to this, the amulet has other meanings, which will be discussed today.

Valkyrie is a sacred symbol with powerful energy. As already mentioned, it has Scandinavian roots. Initially it was used only by the Vikings. Later it was borrowed by other nations.

Valkyrie is a maiden who marked the bravest warriors on the battlefield who fought the enemy without sparing their lives. She connected two worlds - the world of the living and the world of the dead.

If the warriors died, then it was she who helped them to be transported to heaven - to paradise, in order to grant them eternal peace there. However, only the bravest and most worthy were awarded such an honor. It is no coincidence that her name, according to one of the Scandinavian dialects, is translated as “she who takes away the dead.”

The Valkyrie was depicted as a maiden with snow-white swan wings. It was thanks to them that she was able to carry away fallen warriors from the battlefield. Ascending to heaven, Valkyrie sang a song, and this was the last thing the dying warrior heard. This tune was called the swan song.

There is another legend about the Valkyries. According to her, Valkyries are two daughters of the same king. They gained fame all over the world thanks to their courage and daring character. It was believed that they were with the soldiers on the battlefield. One of the sisters helped the souls of dead soldiers ascend to heaven. Another sister helped them during the battle. She could cast fog on the enemy, thereby worsening his visibility.

Valkyrie is a maiden who is symbolized with war. More specifically, it is associated with the courage, valor and honor of a true warrior. In honor of the maiden, Valkyrie was created - a rune that warriors used to protect health and life in battle.

The meaning of the amulet

The Valkyrie amulet has the following meaning: nobility, honor, wisdom and justice. These are the qualities that every warrior, as well as every person, should have.

Another meaning of the amulet is the connection between a person and the Universe. Such an amulet personifies the four flows of time - past, present, future and infinity, i.e. death. He “says” that human existence does not end there. Death is just the next stage of existence, so you shouldn’t be afraid of it. However, what awaits a person beyond the line depends on him.

The Slavic amulet Valkyrie grants protection to the earth and the god Rod - the god of all things both on earth and in other worlds. It helps smooth out the destructive energy of war. Thanks to him you can find mutual language with the enemy, without bringing the conflict to an armed clash. In addition, this amulet gives peace of mind and confidence in own strength, desire to win, endurance and wisdom.

The Valkyrie amulet helps you achieve your goals. It gives a person powerful energy, which allows him to overcome all obstacles that stand in his way, like a warrior moving towards his victory.

In addition, the amulet opens the way to true knowledge and helps a person develop spiritually. In addition, it helps to find like-minded people who will follow the path of the owner of the talisman.

The amulet is able to protect a person from evil forces. It creates a shield that protects the owner from damage, the evil eye, bad rumors, diseases and troubles. This amulet provides protection not only to the owner, but also to his family and home. Therefore, almost every Slav revered the amulet, and many used it for its intended purpose.

How and who to wear the Valkyrie amulet

This amulet can be worn as jewelry. The most popular pendant is the one with the image of the Valkyrie amulet. It is recommended to choose a talisman made of gold or silver, since such metals strengthen it magical properties. The amulet can also be made of wood. In this suitable for this case wood such as poplar, oak or cedar.

The Valkyrie sign can be embroidered on clothing. These can be everyday items and military equipment.

This sign can be applied directly to the weapon. Then it will protect the owner during battle and give him self-confidence and strength. In addition, such a weapon will allow the warrior to make accurate blows and give him courage.

The Valkyrie sign can be applied directly to the body in the form of a tattoo. Such a talisman will protect and bestow wisdom and strength until the end of life. This sign can be applied to the walls of the house, then the amulet will protect the home from misfortunes, people with evil intentions and will provide protection to all inhabitants of the house.

Traditionally, men whose activities are related to military affairs can wear this amulet. In addition, it is recommended for people to use it dangerous professions. These include police officers, firefighters, etc. This amulet was used by priests to carry out their rituals. Even today it is worn by people who have magical abilities, since the talisman increases them.

The amulet can be worn by people whose work involves risk. Valkyrie can also be used by people who need endurance, focus on results, strength and endurance. Teenagers are also recommended to wear this amulet. He will help you choose the right path and achieve your goals. For women, the amulet will give patience and restraint, and give prudence, which will not allow them to commit rash acts.

Who definitely should not use this amulet is evil people. The fact is that in this case the amulet can destroy a person’s aura, which will lead to very disastrous consequences.

The Valkyrie amulet is a powerful talisman that has magical powers. This force can be not only creative, but also destructive. Therefore, it can only be worn by a person with pure thoughts, strong family ties and a clear conscience. Only under these conditions will the amulet give the owner protection and help.

The Slavic symbol Valkyrie contains another element of symbolism - a sign (swastika). The literal ancient meaning of this word is “perpetual motion.” It also contains elements of the sun symbol - the sign is located in a circle, with “rays” emanating from it. If we interpret its meaning exactly, then the Valkyrie amulet is the eternal movement of the sun, life, continuous development and renewal.

Valkyrie, collecting the souls of fallen warriors.

The Valkyrie symbol begins its history from the times of the ancient Slavs, although it was first used in the rituals of the Scandinavian peoples. It belongs to the military culture. If you go deeper into Scandinavian mythology, Valkyries are represented as warrior maidens who served Odin, the god of war and at the same time the supreme god of all Scandinavian deities. According to legend, Valkyries collected the souls of fallen warriors during battle. They also determined the winners, so all the warriors tried to earn her favor.

In one of the Scandinavian dialects, the name of the warrior “Valkyrie” is translated as “the one who takes the fallen.”

In Slavic mythology, warrior maidens did not take root very well. Our ancestors led a calmer lifestyle, tried to live without civil strife, engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and the development of the family tree. It is believed that the Valkyrie symbol was borrowed from the Scandinavian faith. Whether it had exactly that name, or the Slavs called it differently is unknown. However, the sign was used as a talisman to protect family and possessions from the evil eye, natural disasters and enemy attacks. Warriors also applied this sign to their weapons and armor, along with other amulets.

The Slavic Valkyrie was depicted on natural materials - clay, stone, wood. In ancient times, the Slavs attached special importance to amulets. They were made with their own hands. Objects with the sign already applied were placed along the border of the lands, in the house, so that the warrior maiden would take everything negative to the side and protect it from destruction due to wars or natural disasters.

The meaning and properties of the amulet

The Valkyrie amulet will help strengthen physical and spiritual strength.

In the past, the meaning of the Valkyrie amulet came down more to military qualities - nobility, a sense of justice, honor and wisdom. A good warrior was distinguished by almost insane courage, spiritual and physical stamina. If these qualities were weakened in a person, he wore the Valkyrie sign on himself in order to develop and strengthen them.

Valkyrie protected its owner, softening negative energy during war. The sign gave the tired warrior faith that in the end he would definitely return to his family, and life would again become smooth and measured.

The Valkyrie sign, in addition to its protective properties, still remains a rather aggressive magical symbol, so its use should be moderate and meaningful.

Nowadays, the meaning of the Valkyrie symbol is rather protective. The amulet helps to develop strong character and confidence in achieving goals. This can also be spiritual, moral protection of the family and home from various worldly problems that await on the way to achieving the goal. The amulet also saves you from unnecessary thoughts and laziness.

Who is the Valkyrie amulet suitable for?

Valkyrie amulet in the form of embroidery.

In ancient times, it was customary to wear a sign with magical powers among warriors to strengthen the spirit during battles and to attract the patronage of the goddess. The Valkyrie symbol was embossed on the surface of pendants or the hands of mothers and wives were embroidered on the shirts of men. He was also depicted on military uniforms and weapons - it was believed that the Valkyries would point the sword at in the right direction and help the arrows reach their goal.

Today, the symbol of warrior maidens can be used by representatives of various professions that imply danger to human life– firefighters, military, law enforcement. It does not matter who will wear the Slavic Valkyrie amulet - a man or a woman. The symbol equally helps strengthen the spirit, gives courage, protects against negative energy and unwanted events.

The Valkyrie amulet really helps its owner only if he knows about its meaning and believes in the magical power of the amulet.

According to some beliefs, a sign can influence representatives of different sexes differently, enhancing certain personal qualities of a person.

Help for women ancient goddess is expressed in attracting female wisdom and strength, patience and endurance, and promotes mutual understanding with representatives of the stronger sex.

For men, the sign primarily carries the meaning of physical and moral protection, and also enhances feelings of justice and honor.

How the Valkyrie sign is used today

The sign of the Valkyrie today is a talisman against the evil eye; it helps to renew the inner spirit, saturating it with such qualities as courage and perseverance.

Decoration with the Valkyrie sign will help you in your career achievements.

A symbol can become more than just unusual decoration, but also to strengthen the sense of intuition in its owner or owner, which will help achieve personal goals - for example, career growth. The sign in the form of a pendant or voluminous pendant should be kept close to the heart on the chest. Thus, you will attract the energy of the Sun to the vital organ and soul.

You can wear the amulet constantly. It is better to hide it from prying eyes - hide it behind the collar of your shirt. If the amulet is to be removed for some time, it must be hidden so that no one else touches it; it has no use for extraneous energy.

Some experts in Slavic symbolism get a Valkyrie tattoo in the hope of the continuous protection of the warrior maiden. But such a decision should be made only with full understanding of the meaning of the symbolism. After applying a tattoo, you may feel discomfort for some time until the sign merges with the person’s native energy.

If after prolonged contact with an ancient amulet a person feels aggression, it is necessary to temporarily put the amulet in a place invisible to prying eyes. After some time, having restored peace of mind, you can use the amulet again.

There are times when the Valkyrie amulet encounters strong negative energy. In this case, it becomes covered with a black tint, sometimes cracks even appear on the surface. In this case, the amulet loses its power and cannot be used in the future. Slavic traditions attached special importance to this: an item that has served its purpose must be buried deeper in the ground after sunset.

If the symbol is decorative element in the interior, it needs to be cleaned periodically, because it often has to come into contact with the energy of the guests. Among those who come there may be secret enemies, whose negative thoughts leave an imprint on the energy field of the amulet. Cleansing is as follows:

  1. You need to take a long, strong red thread, preferably made of natural material - cotton or wool.
  2. Braid the amulet in a circle before sunset and leave it overnight.
  3. At sunrise, remove the thread - the amulet will be cleared of negativity and charged overnight new strength. It is better to burn the thread outside.

If the amulet is temporarily lost, even within the house, it must be cleaned and then recharged.

In ancient times, people actively used amulets in Everyday life. Amulets had different purposes, but they were all designed to protect their wearer from everything bad. The Valkyrie amulet was considered one of the strongest. These days this symbol is no less popular.

Amulet Valkyrie - what is it

The Valkyrie amulet is perhaps one of the most famous and powerful sacred symbols belonging to the Slavs and representatives of the peoples of the north. It is still very popular today.

The Valkyrie amulet was considered one of the most powerful amulets

The meaning of the swastika and other mascot design elements

Valkyrie has a complex image in which the main word for the military culture of the ancient Slavs is encrypted - “protection”.

The design of the amulet looks angular and therefore aggressive. But this aggression was not that of an invader; on the contrary, it gave the warrior the strength to defend his native land, home and family. The basis of the Valkyrie is made up of intersecting squares inscribed in a solar circle. The widespread geometric symbol was perceived as a desire for orderliness and coordination of actions performed.

In the center there is a sign, which, as the Slavs believed, could protect against illnesses, the evil eye and damage. It resembles the Perunov symbols Color or Fern Flower. This sign also reveals the swastika (kolovrat), an ancient symbol of life, the Sun and prosperity.

The design of the Valkyrie guard is very complex

History of the amulet, its features

According to the legends of the northern Scandinavian and Germanic peoples, Valkyrie is the daughter of a king or supreme ruler. On a winged horse, she swept over the battlefield and, picking up the dead, carried them to Valhalla (Iriy among the Slavs) - a heavenly place or heavenly palace for chosen warriors.

Valkyrie herself could decide who would be the winner in the battle

Translated from Old Icelandic, Valkyrie meant “chooser of the slain.”

The gods themselves allowed the glorious maidens to decide the outcome of the battle and choose the winners.

The Valkyrie amulet is a continuous cycle that symbolizes life from birth to death, and also means the inextricable connection of a person with the Universe and the four elements - Air, Fire, Earth and Water.

The Valkyrie endowed those who achieved spiritual enlightenment with four moral qualities - Nobility, Justice, Honor and Wisdom.

The Valkyrie amulet allows you to concentrate on your goal; it enhances the capabilities and strength of the wearer to achieve good deeds aimed at creation.

  • For warriors who came out to defend their native land, the amulet serves as a shield in which the energies of other protective forces of the Slavs merged together.
  • A person preparing to depart to another world is reminded that the human race is not interrupted, and this life is not the last.
  • It was used by priests to protect the Vedas - texts containing a description of the nature of all life on earth, the soul and God.
  • The ancient Slavs believed that if you put a sign on the wall of a house, it would create a protective barrier around it that would prevent enemies from getting close.
  • The symbol helps a person cope with apathy, depression, and relieves bad thoughts and uncertainty.
  • IN modern world For people involved in sports, it helps develop the qualities necessary for victories and gives energy.
  • Computer scientists use it to protect storage media from hacking.

Valkyrie: sun, runes, sword and wings

There are many options for the Valkyrie amulet, especially for tattoos.

The influence of the talisman on men, women and children

For some reason, the Valkyrie amulet is considered a male talisman intended for warriors and people whose profession involves risk (firefighters, rescuers, police officers). This is partly true, but not entirely. The symbol was often worn by women and children. For everyone, the protective sign had its own meaning.

Valkyrie is a good amulet against bad thoughts that often visit a person, and against the same actions.

What could a Valkyrie amulet be like?

In ancient times it was performed from natural materials- wood, clay and metal. Embroidered symbols were popular. As a protective sign, it was customary to use amulets that were worn on a chain or cord. Leather bracelets were popular. Warriors wore not one, but several protectors - engraving on weapons, embroidery on clothes and body talismans. The Drevlyans could wear a headband with the image of a Valkyrie.

In modern world widespread received an image on metal belt buckles, rings and flasks.

In ancient times, people wore a headband with the image of a talisman

Methods for making a Slavic amulet

The main rule is that the material from which the amulet is made must be combined with your temperament and character.

Both in ancient times and in the modern world, tattoos are very popular.

The amulet made with your own hands has the greatest capabilities and power. A personal amulet made by yourself is not allowed to be given to another person. The only exceptions are blood relatives For example, a mother can give an amulet to her son, a sister to her brother. It is strictly forbidden to sell it.

Making a talisman was considered a sacred matter. And it was necessary to begin it only of good will and with a pure soul.

The most simple option there was embroidery. Any item of clothing was suitable for it, and it was also applied to everyday items. We embroidered only with natural threads:

  • silk - maintains clarity of thinking and helps in situations related to career growth;
  • flax - has a calming effect;
  • wool - helps those who have been damaged or damaged by the evil eye.

Synthetics are a non-living material and do not carry any energy. Therefore, a talisman embroidered with such threads will be useless.

There were several more embroidery rules.

  1. They only took a new needle, and after work they buried it in a secluded place.
  2. When embroidering, we did not make knots; they negatively affect the protective effect.
  3. As a rule, only 2 colors were used: black and red.
  4. If it was intended for children, then the embroidery should have been done during the first quarter of the moon.

The wooden amulet was also easy to make. Wood was used to make body amulets and protective signs for the home. Nowadays, car amulets are very popular.

  1. You need to cut the wooden blank yourself, polish it and apply the design.
  2. For a body amulet you will need blanks from 30 to 45 mm, a talisman for a car or house - from 45 mm and more.
  3. Then, using a new cutter, cut out the desired pattern, carefully removing pieces of wood.

If you don’t want to carve, then the image of Valkyrie can be applied to a wooden blank using a stencil and paint or varnish. For those who practice wood burning, it will also not be difficult to make an amulet.

For those who engage in wood burning, it will not be difficult to make an amulet

The making of the amulet should begin on the full moon. If the work is delayed, then the amulet should be wrapped in cotton cloth and hidden away from prying eyes.

Another popular option for the Valkyrie amulet is a tattoo. As a tattoo, the symbol has the meaning of strength and belligerence. But before you apply it to your body, you need to choose an option that you will not regret. Leave the work to be done only by an experienced specialist.

Valkyrie Tattoos - gallery

The word “protection” is encrypted in the amulet The symbol has the meaning of strength and belligerence
A tattoo increases the wearer's strength to achieve good deeds. For women, an amulet tattoo helps strengthen fortitude and become more patient. For men, an amulet tattoo symbolizes success in any endeavor. Before applying the amulet to the body, you need to choose an option that you will not regret. A man with the Valkyrie amulet can count on meeting a worthy woman. Tattoos depicting the Valkyrie amulet are very popular. Amulet tattoos are designed to protect its wearer from everything bad.

Valkyrie is a very ancient amulet that came into the magical world from ancient Slavic tribes and northern peoples. This amulet combines many positive properties that will help a person become better and improve themselves. The Valkyrie amulet and its meaning is the topic of this article; you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about the symbol being described.

Historical information

In the mythology of the ancient Slavs, the Valkyrie is a maiden who chooses those warriors for whom the time has come to move to the world of their ancestors. It was on her that the outcome of the battle as a whole depended, as well as the fate of each individual warrior.

These warriors came into mythology to the Slavs from Northern European peoples. It was the Scandinavian Odin who served nine Valkyries, dressed in military uniform and armed with spears.

Their main goal was to deliver the killed warriors to the supreme court before Odin. Closely associated with the image of the Valkyries is the image of a swan that takes away a dead soldier. According to another theory, the Valkyries themselves possessed swan wings, which acted as a means of delivering warriors killed in battle to an eternal feast with Odin.

It was the Valkyrie's song (in other sources, the swan song) that was the last song that touched the hero's ears. It turns out that the peoples living in the territory Northern Europe, the Valkyrie embodied in the female image the heroic death of those killed in battle.

Because the image of the Valkyrie is closely associated with war, This amulet was popular among people in military professions. It was this amulet that filled the warriors with wisdom, nobility, and also ensured justice. The Valkyrie symbol was applied to items of clothing, weapons, and the skin of the body (even by ardent Christians, along with a pectoral cross).

It turns out that they believed in the Valkyries so strongly that even with the disappearance of paganism they could not get rid of it ancient symbol. Aggression of any kind - in war, in relationships, in the spiritual sphere - inevitably provokes conflicts and tragedies. And the Valkyrie will give a talisman to a person peace will attract peace and harmony into his life. And the amulet directs all the hard energy exclusively towards defense, and not for the purpose of attack.

The meaning of the Valkyrie amulet

Valkyrie is one of the many solar symbols, which was widely very popular among the Slavic peoples. But it has a much more complex pattern than other signs of this type:

  • in the center of the symbol there are squares intersecting each other, symbolizing orderliness and a clear direction of the actions performed
  • With inside Each square contains elements of a swastika, very reminiscent of the sign, popular due to its healing qualities. These symbols are identified with healing the soul through wisdom, saving from any misfortune, in particular from death.

Like any solar symbol, the Valkyrie was used to enrich a person solar energy, as well as for protection from evil forces. Therefore, the symbol contains not only the energy of the fighting spirit, but also wisdom, which is intertwined with prudence.

Talisman Valkyrie Excellent storage of information. If you put it on a storage medium, then you can be 100% sure that everything important materials will be in full value and safety. But due to the ability to eliminate negativity, it often happens that a person begins to forget his dreams. Therefore, if you want to have a dream, it is better to remove the amulet at night.

Important points about this amulet

  1. Amulet Valkyrie influences not only the fate of the individual. This is a symbol of the protection of the entire native land. Guided by ancient power This amulet gives people the opportunity to protect their family, their business, everything that is important and dear to them in life.
  2. Also a person who has Slavic amulet Valkyrie will always have authority in society, so it is recommended to be used for leaders.
  3. In addition, the symbol improves personal life. A man who wears the Valkyrie amulet can expect that he will soon meet a truly worthy representative of the fair sex. For women, this symbol helps improve their character.
  4. In general, the Valkyrie amulet is suitable for use by men and young men engaged in military affairs, defending their state.

This amulet is perfect for firefighters and rescuers. Of course, women are also not forbidden to wear this amulet. But it is acceptable for them only in cases where they have sufficient energy, persistent strong-willed qualities And a strong character. The symbol is worn either on a cord or on a silver chain.

It can be concluded that the Valkyrie symbol is capable of helping representatives of both sexes, but only enough strong personalities, capable of interacting with the energy of the talisman. For others it will be energetically heavy, and they themselves will decide to abandon it. In any case, you always have a chance to try and see for yourself.