French windows in a private house and apartment - types, features, installation options. Height of the French window from the floor


French window - this is a kind of window that is almost the entire wall. It gives the landlord a panoramic view, and therefore it is also called panoramic .

If it is installed instead of the entrance to the balcony, then the balcony itself is not there. You can only put your foot on the ledge. Fortunately, the railings are always installed on it.

It would seem to whom such a balcony surrendered? It's not practical! Neither do the pantry, nor go out to smoke. Or, imperceptibly for those behind, give a sign to Romeo, who is waiting below - if you are Juliet ... But this is so beautiful window! Directly a window to Europe. And one more thing: French glazing of their home in our last years firmly entered into fashion. So it makes sense to learn more about him.

Installation rules for French glazing

Before ordering a window and choosing a contractor for this, ask yourself the question - what will happen to your house (especially high-rise buildings) if you disassemble a part of the wall from it? After all, this is exactly what will have to be done in order to install there panoramic window of your dreams.

If French glazing was installed after the house was built, it must be approved

Be aware - openings for French windows are planned, as a rule, during the construction of a house. If you have them in your home, you're in luck. More often than not, this is not. Therefore, it is necessary to determine which wall will have to be "injured"? If the carrier, then this is prohibited, and goodbye, dreams! If not, take care of the age of your home. If it has a wear rate of more than 80 percent - find out about it by calling your management company, - it is better to abandon this venture.

Then you need to think about approval. Highly important (residents of high-rise buildings, this especially concerns you!) obtain legal permission for this type of work... It is almost the same as for. So get ready to hit the doorstep or pay special offices for this (the latter, in general, will save your health).

And if all else fails, it makes sense to think about installing other types of windows.

French window design options

Why is the demand for French windows growing? Someone will answer: "Because of them a magnificent view." Sure, but that's only one reason. The second - the design of such windows is so diverse that you can easily pick up a French window that will suit your home.

Let's dream. For example, your room is cluttered with mahogany furniture. Order a panoramic window with a profile of the same material - it's real. Should the balcony have a wrought iron railings? You are welcome! French glazing can give you such an opportunity - as they say, any whim for your money. Well, almost any.

Mandatory attribute for the safety of French windows - railings

The designer will help you choose the shape of the window, various additional and fashionable details. For example, a pattern on the railings that are installed outside the window. Or he will offer you to install a carved arch above the window, the pattern of which you choose yourself. By the way, arches are especially fashionable now.

There are also limitationsthat you need to know about in order not to get screwed up. The size of such a window structure is usually no more than 10% of the total wall area. The window can be of any shape, even a triangle, even a circle, even a cylinder or a square. But the width of the French balcony, as a rule, should be at least half the width of the room. Only in this way will your window look dignified and bear the proud name "French".

The doors that are installed on the balcony are also different. For example, a portal balcony has movable sashes. Sometimes they fold in the form of an accordion or a book. This allows you to open almost the entire opening and enjoy the "live" landscape. Of course, you can install traditional inward-opening doors as well, if that's more convenient for you.

Types of French windows

There are several ways to install French glazing. Depending on this, they distinguish different kinds "Windows to Europe".

The traditional window looks directly onto the street

Traditional window

mounts directly into the wall and faces the street. Such windows are the most difficult to install.

But if you prefer it, you can safely tell your friends and acquaintances that you have a “window like in Europe”.

French window to the balcony

installed instead of balcony door... It is easier to mount than in the previous case. However, the balcony outside the window will prevent you from enjoying the panoramic view of the street so unrestrainedly - the railings block part of the view.

Balcony with French glazing

it is nothing more than a fully glazed balcony.

Advantages and disadvantages of a French balcony

Any phenomenon has its pros and cons. French windows - not an exception. Remember about them when installing.

French windows lose a lot of heat, but they let in a lot of light.


  1. French windows lose more heat. Even insulated PVC-profile windows do not always save you from drafts.
  2. You will spend much more time and nerves for installing panoramic windows than when installing traditional windows.
  3. And, of course, prices! The French balcony will not please you with its cheapness. In Moscow, it costs from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of materials and the size of the window.

However, these prices are easy to explain. After all, whatever one may say, the French windows have more advantages.


  1. From the inside, French balconies look more solid than ordinary windows or balconies.
  2. Such a balcony adorns the building outside as well.
  3. There is more light in the apartment, which means you pay less for electricity.
  4. French windows visually enlarge the room.
  5. The barriers between the apartment and the outside world are more invisible, but at the same time you are protected from street noise.
  6. Psychologists say that living in an apartment with French glazing is more pleasant. Immunity does not fall, optimism grows, personal self-esteem rises. So a French window is perhaps really a window to a better world?

Progress was leaps and bounds, windows from France as well. If you look at what was before and what is now, you can see a significant difference. The current characteristics are already distinguished by high heat capacity, high hardening, and so on. Thanks to them, now you can enjoy the warmth in the house and at the same time extraordinary beauty.

Improving the appearance of your cozy nest can be very simple, and at the same time, its comfort will increase. In order to solve such a problem, it is necessary to replace doors or windows, the best way out will, of course, be windows. At the moment, French windows are gaining high popularity. Although they are not found in every home, they can become a real highlight of the entire home.

French windows, or as they are called in another way, window-doors, occupy large area (from wall to ceiling). This view windows will look amazing in a room where there is an exit to the garden, an internal small house or just to the balcony. The outer nature will gracefully emphasize the comfort of home.

Therefore, French windows have become widely used in cottages and private houses, they are an indispensable element of decoration. The gaze opens amazing landscapes that stand out favorably. If the room has space, then the decision to put French windows on the balcony will be irreplaceable. You should think about the installation of windows and doors, this solution will look much better.

French windows are not only a joint step with fashion, they are initially practicality, convenience and chic look. You can emphasize the grace of the windows with air curtains or Japanese panels, but if you don't want to, you can leave it as it is. By placing them, the room will be completely transformed and will make you the owner of a modern cozy home.

French windows in an apartment, old houses and Khrushchevs

French windows are beautiful and very fashionable, despite the long history of windows. But is it worth putting them in old houses? Of course, if conditions and means permit, why not. It is worth noting that even if there is a great desire, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. For example, if a nondescript view opens from the window, why then spoil the atmosphere at home? All the attention, both guests and yours, will be drawn to a bad view from the window.

Find out in advance if any skyscraper will be built in front of you, which will completely ruin your mood, and the view from the window will be depressing. Indeed, in this case, you will have to close the windows with massive curtains, and the windows will simply become useless and will not fulfill their original function - to decorate, emphasize beauty.

But to use French windows as interior doors quite possible. This technique will visually expand the space of the rooms. Light will penetrate much more, and if you also pick up lamps of soft colors, they will be great to combine with door-windows. It is best to select light curtains for such windows without weighting elements.

You can use French windows between the balcony and the room, but only if the wall is not load-bearing. So watch and think for yourself. It all depends only on a personal decision, the decision of the whole family, on tastes and preferences.

In which houses is it better to install French windows?

French windows are best inserted into. In such cases, the beautiful scenery from the window will wonderfully influence the mood throughout the house. One has only to imagine "the sun is shining outside the window, water is boiling in the kettle, good book", such windows improve the view of the house. Windows can be installed only when parks or other pleasant scenery are visible outside the window.

If the house has a terrace or garden, do not hesitate to install French windows. Beauty is guaranteed! There is no need to worry that they can break, because they are very durable.

The views of French windows are wide enough. To date, their selection of different colors and textures is huge. For example, old, like in ancient times, such windows are in palaces, and to this day they delight the eye. They are distinguished by their massiveness, but, despite this, they look very beautiful.

Now you can find a large assortment of modern French windows. They can be either massive or light in appearance. You can choose what you need for yourself, absolutely for every taste. Moreover, if something does not suit you, you can order and clarify which elements should be added and which ones should be removed to fully meet your desires.

Features of installation of French windows

French windows are also called panoramic windows - these are special, large window-doors that occupy the entire wall from floor to ceiling. Thanks to such designs, the room becomes brighter and visually expands. Such windows look very beautiful and fashionable.

French windows are installed mainly in cottages and their own houses, preferably in the room from which there is an exit to the garden or courtyard. When installing such windows, one very important point: The area of \u200b\u200bthe glazed space should be no more than 10% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

French windows can also be installed in apartments if a beautiful landscape opens from the future window and no buildings will be erected in the near future. Usually, the windows are mounted at the exit to the cylinder. But there are some nuances here: redevelopment is absolutely necessary, the wall can be glazed only if it is not a carrier. Otherwise, the consequences can be very unpleasant and deplorable.

Fittings for French windows are selected carefully and with high quality, especially if the windows are not planned to be blind. The sash must withstand a sufficiently large load, therefore, reliable special systems are used.

Panoramic windows are not cheap, but the costs are justified. Thanks to French designs, the room becomes unusually cozy and chic, beautiful views open, lighting improves, and a fabulous atmosphere is created.

Installation of French windows on a balcony or loggia

At the beginning of the installation, the balcony block should be dismantled, and then the geometry for the future opening should be changed. It is best to invite qualified specialists for the installation of French windows. Only when they work will the windows last long enough. The doors will not loosen over time, sound insulation and thermal insulation will not be disturbed, which is very important.

When working, you need to do everything sequentially and not grab onto everything at once. For example: the fastening of the frame in the opening is done separately, as well as the fastening of the sashes to it. The frame of the balcony door is inserted into the opening, leveled and only then fixed. Window systems are designed for heavy loads, therefore it is important to maintain a gap of 10 to 20 mm between the wall opening and the balcony door.

Strong dowels are used to fix the block. Since the fasteners will subsequently have to carry the entire structure, so everything must be done firmly and conscientiously. Around the perimeter of the block, you need to use dowels for fastening more often than with. If the weight ratio on the fasteners is incorrect, the frame can be skewed. To prevent this from happening, adjust the height and fit.

The last step will be filling the joints between the wall and the block. polyurethane foam... It is necessary to remove the residues before the foam hardens, if removed afterwards, then there will be a violation of thermal insulation. After filling, the joints must be sealed; waterproofing tapes are suitable for this. The window is now completely ready for use.

Heating with French windows inserted

The climate in Russia is naturally more severe than in France. Therefore, it is best to think about heating in the summer. At the present time, there are two main ways: warm floor, convector heating. Everyone is familiar with underfloor heating, but few are familiar with convector heating.

Convector heating principle

Its heating principle is quite simple and familiar to everyone, since school lessons physics. The lower layers of air heat up, become heavier and rise up (principle), thus, the rooms are evenly heated. In particular, with French windows, it happens like this: simply convectors are built into the floor, a heat exchanger has already been installed in its gutter, the top is closed with a decorated grill.

The convector itself has the shape of a rectangle, but if such a shape is not satisfied, everyone has the right to order it to their liking. The same is the case with the grid color. You can choose it from a huge number of colors, you can select it for the upholstery of furniture, flooring or even curtains.

If there is a lot of noise from the heat exchanger, you can use a damping plate, it is pasted over the supporting surface. Often such plates come in a set, if such plates were not found, they must be purchased.

Maintenance is very simple, it does not even require monthly cleaning, it is enough only once a year to walk with a damp cloth and clean the gutter with a vacuum cleaner. With the careful care of the owner, the flawless operation will last for many years.

Questions with documents

Replacing old windows with modern ones, especially French ones, is a wonderful thing, but very troublesome. And these claps are associated not only with the installation of windows itself, but also with the documents that need to be drawn up for their installation. First, you need to make the appropriate permission for the installation of French windows in the apartment from the owner of the building.

If the building in which your apartment is located is not a typical building, or it is located in an interesting area of \u200b\u200bthe city, then you need permission from the architect or architecture of the city. With these papers, you need to contact the design organization, which will give you a document confirming the possibility of redevelopment, make a window project, conclude a technical supervision agreement.

In addition to the permits listed, there must be a technical passport for an apartment issued by the BTI, a permit from the Ministry of Emergencies, a permit from Rospotrebnadzor, a copy of a certificate of ownership (certified by a notary), a single housing document.

With all this package of documents, as well as with your application, you need to contact the interdepartmental municipal commission. After submitting the necessary papers, the commission will consider your application and issue (or refuse) a building permit.

Which type of windows to choose depends on the nature of the room. These are important building elements that must provide natural light to the room and proper ventilation. Porte-fenetre, the so-called French window, looks like an exit to the balcony. However, there is a narrow sill on the outside.

French windows in the apartment have many advantages: they allow a large amount of light and air to enter the room when ventilated, they open good view, look attractive, elegant.

What is a French window?

The name Porte-fenetre comes from a combination of two French words:

  • porte - doors,
  • fenetre is a window.

The difference between a French window and a usual one is that the height of the window starts from the floor. For the first time, Porte-fenetre appeared during the construction of palaces of the 17th century, often used in the construction of historical buildings in Paris. Today they can be found in living quarters, often as a substitute for a balcony. They are designed to let in significantly more natural light into the room than window openings. standard heightlocated about 90-100 cm from the floor. Skillfully integrated into the façade, they also help add lightness and elegance to the building.

French windows, photo

Panoramic windows open partially or completely. The undoubted advantage of the solution is excellent room lighting. Porte-fenetre - preferred option for long, narrow room... If you set them to short wall, they provide an even distribution of light even in the back of the room.

If the dimensions of the structure are large enough, it is customary to call it a French balcony.

French balcony - architectural element, which differs from the classic balcony in the absence of a balcony slab.

The balcony takes the form of French windows, the structure is reduced to a railing attached to the facade of the building. This balustrade does not obscure the view, creating an interior open to the outside world, ensuring safety.

The balcony plays an important role in creating the composition of the facade, it will help to improve the proportions of the house. It is often used in buildings architecturally designed with reference to modernism, inspired by modern construction... The simple design matches perfectly with the minimalist style of the building.

French balcony in a private house, photo

Since the balcony has slender horizontal shapes, it is worth using it if the task is to visually increase the dimensions of the house. Visually, this element plays an important role in the appearance of the building. The color of the material used for finishing the facade should be chosen correctly:

  • if the natural color of wood dominates - you need to choose frames in wood colors;
  • trendy gray concrete blocks combined with aluminum balustrades, frames.

Floor-to-ceiling windows in a country house, photo

Balustrades and railings

Porte-fenetre, in which the lower part (up to a height of 0.9 m) cannot be opened, does not require an additional balustrade for safety. Provided that the bottom glass is made of a durable material such as P3 glazed glass having the same strength as steel mesh... Before you make a window in an apartment that opens to its full height, it is worth remembering that you will definitely need a railing on the outside. The balustrade ensures the safety of people looking out, creates an interesting architectural element on the facade.

Balustrades play an important role in shaping the visual effect. Railings usually have simple form and are made of metal - stainless steel, aluminum. You can buy windows with a lower part made of laminated safety glass, which, if broken, does not fall apart into small fragments that can injure people under the balcony. The glass must be thicker than 8 mm.

Railing functions

  • fall protection,
  • architectural element of the building facade,
  • are used for drying laundry,
  • in the summer you can install pots on them, grow ornamental plants - cascading geranium, petunia.

Metal railings

Most often, railings are made from:

  • aluminum,
  • of stainless steel,
  • forged.

Steel is protected against corrosion by hot-dip galvanizing (so-called immersion), additionally painted in any color:

  • gloss,
  • matt,
  • structural,
  • teflon.

Stainless steel railings are popular. The frames of the structure are filled with vertical, horizontal rods or sheets, plates made of the following materials:

  • glass;
  • tree;
  • sheet metal;
  • steel mesh;
  • fiber-cement elements.

The frame filling must be securely attached to it so that it cannot be squeezed out. Various profiles are used for the manufacture of fencing structures:

  • tubular;
  • square;
  • rectangular.

Glass instead of a balustrade

Porte-fenetre balconies enjoy unrelenting popularity among architects and investors. You can find structures made of durable, laminated glass. In addition to the anti-fall function, the glass protrudes important element aesthetics of the building. As a result of its use, the visibility inside the building is improved, the design becomes modern.

The function of a balustrade can be performed by self-supporting sheets made of:

  • glass,
  • polycarbonate.

Safety glass of class P3, glued with a film, should be used as a filler or the main element of the handrail. It is fixed with special split systems for glass.

Visible or hidden balustrade mountings

Depending on the desired effect, the balustrade attachment stands out more or less.

Regardless of what role the designer will assign to the balustrade in the facade composition, it must be securely fixed. Attach the railing to load-bearing walls through:

  • mechanical fasteners,
  • chemical anchors.

In the case of a single-layer wall, fastening does not pose a problem; it is carried out at any stage of construction.

Fixing handrails in a double-layer wall

If the house is being built with sandwich walls, the simplest solution is to attach steel fasteners to the wall, on which special long brackets (usually flat) are installed. The brackets pass through the insulation layer and are fixed in the wall.

Fixing in a three-layer wall

If the project provides for fixing the railing on a three-layer wall, the brackets must be positioned in such a way that the joints are placed in brick trim, stone. The connectors use different:

  • for weak materials - threaded connectors,
  • for strong ones - hammered.

Fasteners and all connectors must be protected from corrosion - galvanized, painted.

  • The fixing must be carried out in such a way as to prevent damage to the insulation by moisture (insulating apron) around the window opening.
  • The fastening must be placed so that after finishing the wall, the balustrade railing can be screwed to the protruding element.
  • If the balustrade fits into jambs, the fasteners must be bent accordingly.
  • The number of fasteners should be limited - each fastener creates a thermal bridge.
  • It is advisable to fix fasteners on the wall before insulation.
  • If no reinforcement has been used, after the insulation has been laid, the balustrade can only be installed using special long anchors designed to fix heavy elements on insulated walls. This is a rather expensive method.

Balcony Plants

Choice suitable plants for a Porte-fenetre balcony depends on its location and size. The railing can be close to the window or be located at some distance. There are several options for placing flowers.

  • Some balconies have small nichewhere large flower pots can be placed
  • If there is a small windowsill, you can install pots with shrubs on it, small trees... Then the possibilities of creating interesting design more.
  • If the balcony railing is practically adjacent to the window, you can plant classic pots in the pots suspended on them climbing plant, some flowers, plants growing in a cascade. An interesting effect will turn out - the plants will literally run down.

The choice of specific plant species depends on the location of the balcony:

  • the balcony is located on the south side of the building, it can be decorated with plants that are resistant to intense solar radiation;
  • the window on the north side will be decorated with shade-loving plants;
  • versatile balconies located on the east or west side, where conditions are suitable for most types of plants.


Choosing a window is an important task that needs to be solved when creating a house, renovating an apartment. To select them correctly, you should bring them in line with the room where they will be installed. A good idea - French window. Looking at it from the side, an optical impression is created that the building looks higher, narrower. This type of window makes it possible to create a light inner space through natural lightpleasing to the eye. It is often used as a replacement for the traditional balcony.

It is important to choose the right balustrade and fix it. A railing is a necessary element that allows you to safely use the Porte-fenetre window, reducing the risk of falling out of it. At the same time, when the doors are fully opened, it seems as if we are on a balcony. Porte-fenetre will become the right choiceif the facade of the building is flat, does not have structural, decorative elements.


A French window is a design in which glass occupies the entire space from ceiling to floor. Such windows can open outward or inward, they can serve as a door, have wide sashes.


French windows are panoramic products that are increasingly seen both in private and in apartment buildings... Most often they are equipped with them when it comes to an apartment. For a private house, full glazing of one of the walls is available, which allows you to achieve good lighting and a panoramic view of the area. This design allows you to maintain a comfortable feeling in the room, while creating the illusion of an open space.

Window on the whole wall in the bedroom of minimalism style

Advantages and disadvantages

Each design has its own positive and negative sides, and before deciding whether French windows are needed in the house, you need to take this into account and make an informed decision.


  • You will get a lot of free space. they will let a lot of light into the room, it will seem spacious, the visual border between the room and the street will be erased, due to which the space will seem endless.
  • The panoramic window fits perfectly into the interior, allows you to add original features to it, becomes the center of attention.

Possible disadvantages:

  • French windows in an apartment are most often found on, less often it is one of the walls. This is due to the fact that the installation of such a window must be foreseen at the design stage of the room. You cannot install a panoramic wall instead of a load-bearing part; if you want to install such a window in an apartment, you will have to obtain permission from the relevant authorities.
  • The more area the glass occupies, the worse the room retains heat. In winter, such a room may require additional heating, and this extra costs... The problem can be solved in another way: install energy-efficient balcony blocks.
  • It is desirable to install the window itself from the south side, then the sun will warm up the room better in winter, but in summer it can cause inconvenience.
  • Plastic ones are not very convenient to wash, since they occupy a large area, and it is usually impossible to get all parts of the structure from the outside of the building.

Maximum natural illumination of the room is one of the main advantages of panoramic windows

Materials for the manufacture of windows

The panoramic window can be made of the following materials:

  • Plastic;
  • Aluminum;
  • Tree.

The latter is the most expensive and heaviest material. Most often, the frames of such structures are made of oak, larch, pine. A feature of this material is its ability to breathe. Air will be able to circulate in the room, even if not specially ventilated for this. This is possible due to the pores existing in the wood.

A house with French ones will look expensive, elegant, but this option is more difficult to use, wood requires careful maintenance, serves less than cheaper counterparts, and may dry out if mistreated or high humidity.

French windows made of wood

Plastic is the most popular affordable material. It is durable, does not require complex maintenance, can have a variety design decoration, including wood. However, such windows do not allow air to pass through at all. Without timely ventilation, the room will become stuffy. The plastic construction is not suitable for all types of premises, as it may be too heavy for them.

French window on the beam ncan be made of aluminum. Its main advantage is the minimum weight that almost any building can withstand. Aluminum will cost comparable to wood, but it is much superior to both wood and plastic in quality. This is a strong durable material that is not afraid of any weather conditions, not amenable to corrosion, not demanding on operating conditions and maintenance. It is possible to paint it in any color, laminate it, making the frame outwardly indistinguishable from a wooden one.

Varieties of designs

There are a variety of French windows in the interior. Not only classic swing doors are used, but also modern ones, which look more interesting, allow you to save space, since no additional space is required to open the doors.

An interesting solution is the portal - this is a type of structure in which the window also serves as a door. Such structures have non-opening flaps, along which the movable canvas moves. The design is appreciated for its reliability and the ability to open the sash wide. French sliding windows convenient to use for terraces. In the warm season, the shutters can be opened and an open area can be created, if the weather does not suit you, you can continue outdoor recreation, while closing the shutters that will prevent moisture and cold from entering the room.

- a more complex option, which is usually installed on insulated loggias. The doors of such a window are assembled with an accordion and move aside: this is convenient if it is not possible to install a swing door, and the sliding model does not fit due to small size walls.

French windows opening onto the terrace

How much does the product cost?

French windows in a private house are quite rare. It's connected with high cost their production and installation, as well as the fact that not all home owners think about such a complex project even when designing a building, if we are talking about a panoramic wall directly in the rooms. You can complete a terrace, veranda, balcony or loggia at any stage of construction.

If you want to even roughly calculate how much French windows will cost, you need to know the dimensions clearly. The price of the finished product also depends on them. Installation of the structure costs about $ 400-500. It is not recommended to do this on your own, as there is a great risk of spoiling expensive products. The installation of such windows requires special equipment and appropriate skills.

A house with French windows looks best in the bosom of nature. There is no point in installing a panoramic window if it will open a view of the wall of a neighboring building or, for example, a road. Such a window will only cause inconvenience, since the noise level will increase, and the view from the window will not be the best.

If you live in a picturesque place, you should seriously consider installing such windows. You will be able to be closer to nature, enjoy its beauty all year round, while not experiencing discomfort in the cold season.

Panoramic windows do not retain heat well, so you have to think about additional heating. You will need to pick up powerful radiators, but you cannot install them on the same wall where the window is located. You can get out of the situation by moving the radiator, use a floor-standing model that does not require fixing to the wall, a warm floor is an excellent option.

to the content

Installation methods

If you are only designing a private house, it will not be difficult to fit a window into the project, but if you already live in an apartment, there are a limited number of options. For installation you will need to get a special window.You can install the window in the following places:

  • Window on the wall overlooking the street.
  • As a dividing wall between the room and the loggia.
  • As a glazing of a loggia or balcony.

When installing a panoramic window on a loggia or balcony, you will first need to insulate them, otherwise cold air will enter the room. A window instead of one of the walls is the most interesting, expensive and attractive option, but its installation is due to certain difficulties, primarily obtaining the appropriate permits.

Without a doubt, French windows are visually attractive design solutionhowever, before you install them, you need to weigh your decision well.

This is not to say that French windows are a curiosity that has just appeared in fashionable interiors... This type of glazing has been around for about two hundred years, and for the first time it really appeared in France, more precisely, in the southern regions of this country. French glazing came to Russia at the beginning of the last century; some old mansions and villas are decorated with huge frames.

Why French windows are popular today, what are their features and what types of such glazing exist - the answers are in the article.

What is a French window and where is it appropriate

French windows are large glass partitions that occupy the entire space from ceiling to floor.

Attention! Although this is not entirely correct, quite often French windows are called structures with low sills, that is, all large glass.

The doors of such windows can be opened inward or outward according to the principle swing doors, there are also options sliding structures, when the glass runs along the guides parallel to the wall, thereby opening the passage. And also, French windows can be stationary, without the possibility of opening / closing. Often they make a whole wall or even a corner of the house.

In fact, French windows act as a door, because when open, they open a passage, freeing up space from ceiling to floor. Most often, they are used as an exit to the street, to the terrace or to the balcony.

It is possible to install constructions of the French type in several cases:

  • in private cottages or country houses panoramic glazing can be used both on the ground floor and on higher floors;
  • when the terrace is open, tall windows help create the illusion of unity with nature;
  • in apartment buildings, French glazing is used on loggias and balconies, and a panoramic window can replace a partition with a door or be installed instead of outer wall houses.

In principle, functionally panoramic glazing only on the first floor country house - here the window to the floor serves as an additional exit, a door leading to the street or to a shady terrace.

In apartments, this type of glazing is used only in a decorative sense, decorating walls and balconies with tall glass.

Important! If you are interested in panoramic frames, you need to find out about all the nuances of this option.

Features of floor windows

French windows, the photos of which really look amazing, do not in vain attract many fans: an apartment or house is simply transformed with this type of glazing.

This effect is associated with the advantages of panoramic windows, and there are many of them:

  1. A huge transparent glass covering the entire wall plays the same role as a mirror - it expands the boundaries of space. Therefore, French windows are loved not only by the owners of luxury cottages, but also by the inhabitants of ordinary Khrushchev houses. A room with glass on the floor visually seems larger, especially since the dismantled window sill along with the radiator adds a few more precious centimeters.
  2. A lot more sunlight penetrates through the huge glass than through standard size frame. Therefore, the house becomes not only brighter, but also warmer. IN winter time southern panoramic windows may well heat the room, provided that the days are sunny. You can use the light transmission capacity of panoramic windows and vice versa: by installing such glazing on the north side of the house or apartment, you can significantly brighten the rooms in winter, and open the doors in summer, letting cool air into the house.
  3. From a decorative point of view, clear glass certainly looks better than stone or concrete wall... But there is one condition: order should reign in a room with panoramic glazing, because all design and cleaning flaws will be visible from the outside.

With all the advantages, it should be noted that panoramic glazing is not suitable for everyone. After all, French windows also have disadvantages, for example:

  • the transparency of the glass can play a disservice, especially for the glazing on the lower floors - all passers-by, as well as residents of neighboring houses, will be able to see everything that happens inside the house with large windows.
  • Installation of a panoramic window is justified only if it overlooks a picturesque park, a quiet street, opens a view of the lake or forest. When a French window reveals the wall of a neighboring house or a car parking lot, its installation, to put it mildly, is unjustified.
  • Do not forget about high heat losses through frames and glass. The homeland of the panoramic window is warm Provence, there are no frosts, snow and fierce winds. In local realities, French windows sweat due to the temperature difference, they become covered with frost, all this leads to puddles on the floor and damaged laminate. Among other things, a fair amount of heat escapes through the large glass, and only high-quality frames can withstand the wind load.
  • Planning the installation of French glazing is best at the design stage of the house. Otherwise, you will have to break partitions, demolish walls, transfer communications.
  • The cost of French windows is an order of magnitude higher when compared to conventional frames. This is due not only to the size, but also to the increased strength of the frames, stronger fittings, and special opening systems.
  • Well, and finally, it is quite difficult to wash large windows, and you will have to do this not only inside, but also outside the house - otherwise, what's the point in such glazing.

Advice! Going to order a French window, you should think about your privacy, because after installing the glass in the floor, it will be under threat - every person from the street will be able to see what is happening on the other side of the glass.

As you can see, there are many disadvantages. But all the disadvantages of French windows and the problems associated with them fade into the background only when you see photos of houses and apartments with panoramic glazing - indeed, it is very impressive!

How to choose French windows

It is possible to neutralize the disadvantages of panoramic glazing if you correctly approach the issue of choosing frame designs, fittings, double-glazed windows, and take care of the maintenance of such windows.

Important! Owners of private houses can at least replace all the walls with glass, but apartment residents must obtain permission for redevelopment. After all, the installation of a panoramic window will entail the destruction of structures (walls, window sills, pedestals), as well as the transfer of radiators.

Frame material

As with standard glazing, three types of frames are used for the panoramic version:

  • wooden;
  • metal-plastic;
  • aluminum.

Each option has its own characteristics. So, it is customary to use aluminum only in unheated premises, since the material creates bridges of cold, is not able to retain heat inside the house. But the aluminum profile is very durable, the frame will be able to withstand strong wind loads. In favor aluminum windows says the durability of the material. The installation of such a profile is justified in southern regions with a mild climate, on unheated balconies or for glazing terraces.

Frames made of natural wood - an expensive pleasure. You need to know that only glued wood is used for windows, which does not deform from temperature and humidity changes. The advantage of wood is its porosity: the room will be able to "breathe" if it has wooden frames.

It is not for nothing that frames made of metal-plastic have conquered the whole world: they are cheaper than wooden ones, they retain heat well, are strong and durable. And also, there is the possibility of decorating plastic, imitating the same tree, or painting the window in any shade.

Advice! Choosing frames for panoramic glazing, you should give preference to well-known manufacturers, because the glass in the floor should provide safety.


Most of the heat escapes from the house through the glass. Many technologies have been invented to minimize heat loss. The most common ones are:

  • two-chamber or three-chamber frames with air spaces between the glasses;
  • filling the space between the glasses with gas;
  • spraying on one of the glasses with a special polymer.

It should be understood that a conventional frame with one or even two panes will not be able to provide the same thermal insulation that brick or cinder block masonry provided. The calculation of heat loss and the search for options for reducing them must be approached very seriously, otherwise the panoramic glazing will simply "blow away" all the heat from the house.

Possibilities of French windows

As mentioned above, French windows can swing inward, outward, or slide to the side along the guides. There are several more types of opening of such doors: rotation around a vertical or horizontal axis, folding into an "accordion", opening a door like a "portal" and others.

You need to choose a way to open a window based on the following factors:

  • whether the glazing acts as a door or will it be used only as a window;
  • is there any free space for the opened sash;
  • how tight the structure will be, whether it can prevent heat loss.

Attention! It is imperative to provide for the possibility of opening at least one of the French window sashes, because this is necessary for ventilation of the house.

Finally about safety

The psychological moment is very important, because the panoramic window on the top floor is a “portal to the abyss”. Not all people can withstand the pressure of emptiness and height, so they begin to close the glass with curtains, and place vases and pots of flowers on the floor. You need to immediately think about it, and, perhaps, install the window not on the floor, but still make at least a small window sill.

If there are children in the house, it is better to postpone it altogether with panoramic windows. A simple double-glazed window will not protect the baby from injury and loss. Even when buying heavy-duty glass, you cannot protect it from the marks of children's hands - the glass will have to be constantly washed and rubbed.

Advice! Special window radiators will help prevent fogging and icing of glass. They also keep warm inside the house.

When deciding on panoramic glazing, you should think over everything to the smallest detail, weigh the pros and cons. Yes, it is beautiful and very impressive, but illiterate editing, poor quality and a psychological barrier can nullify all efforts and force them to seek solutions to new problems.