Horoscope for a horse from Vasilisa Volodina. Read the horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for the ME group. Financial life of Russians

Today, the horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina is recognized as one of the most accurate and truthful. Her words are trusted by both ordinary citizens and ordinary clients, as well as politicians and famous personalities. No wonder, because she is not just a popular TV astrologer, but a certified researcher who conducts painstaking work in the field of astronomical forecasts. Her career began back in 1992 and continues to this day, rising higher and higher. The common man knows her as the host of a popular show, the goal of which is to find a soul mate, but in a narrower circle her name is associated with the loudest predictions of our time.

Vasilisa Volodina works not only on TV, but also with individual clients, drawing up a personal horoscope for each, taking into account the peculiarities of the location of the stars at the time of birth, the influence of planets at different periods of life and possible dangers that may lie in wait for them. life path. People resort to her advice the mighty of the world this. But the astrologer works not only in this field. She also makes a general astrological forecast for all zodiac signs as a whole, for a country or even for the whole world.

Horoscope from Volodina for 2017

The prediction for next year is contradictory and somewhat ambiguous. And this is not due to Volodina’s unprofessionalism, but to the frivolity and inconstancy of the totem of the year - the Fiery Red Rooster. Although he is a workaholic, he is very ardent and spontaneous. People who are strongly influenced by the Moon will especially feel the influence of the symbol of the year and are therefore in the greatest danger throughout the year.

There is an opinion that the year will be the most successful for the one whose year it is, that is, in this case, for those born in the year of the Rooster. However, recent studies show that “newborns,” on the contrary, become weaker this year, which is why it will seem to them that a lot of troubles and trials befall them. In fact, the opposite is true: in your life there will be exactly as many positive and negative events as in any other, but because of “weakness”, you will feel helpless, like a baby. Friends and relatives will come to help. Trust them. As the horoscope from Volodina shows, you will need all your strength to maintain balance and not lose faith in yourself.

Financial horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for 2017

In general, the year will be good for those who know how and are not averse to working hard. The Rooster, a workaholic by nature, will stimulate everyone to new achievements, add courage to those who need it and push those who are unlikely to have the courage to do so in any other period. Many will experience success in their work, but only closer to autumn: this year will resemble the natural cycle of a farmer. In winter and spring, you will sow seeds - start new projects, make investments, invest energy in work, meet new people, and in the fall - harvest - receive promotions and pay, dividends from deposits, bonuses and bonuses. Those who would prefer to spend the year in idleness should not expect any special changes in this area. Moreover, on the contrary, you may lose your job or fall down in line for a promotion.

Also this year will be successful for people creative professions. Rooster, though Domestic bird, but his tail is no worse than a peacock’s. He loves to shine in the spotlight, receive recognition and praise. Therefore, artists, photographers, writers, musicians will collect the “cream” all year long. Exhibitions, concerts, creative evenings await you, where you will make the necessary contacts. They are the ones who will help you stay on top of the wave when the year comes to an end.

It is thanks to tireless work and painstaking work in the year of the Rooster that many will be able to maintain their financial situation at the same level and even slightly increase their wealth. But don't expect to get rich quick. You will be constantly drawn to search for adventure and easy money, but this year does not imply this: forget about everything right away gambling, lotteries and bets - you will fail.

You should be careful when making financial investments. You have several options:

  • Invest in yourself: it’s never superfluous to have a second education, advanced training courses, mastering a new profession, getting to know yourself and developing new skills. Attend seminars and trainings, study books and lectures famous people, it will be beneficial and if it is not useful right away, then in the future it will certainly be useful.
  • Carefully weigh all the risks: do not listen to your intuition, other people's advice or advertising slogans when making decisions about investing personal funds. Focus only on numbers and bare facts, study the market, conduct marketing research, weigh the risks and only then make up your mind.
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket: if you have additional funds and you are ready to invest them in some project, don’t stop at one. Identify several promising ones and invest in several at once. This way you will protect yourself from complete collapse and bankruptcy if one of them does not “shoot”. After all, others may be more successful.

Love horoscope from Volodina for 2017

This year is determined to be dangerous by Vasilisa Volodina’s free horoscope for 2017 for married couples. After all, the impulsive and loving Rooster will push you to constantly flirt and meet people of the opposite sex. This can make your partner jealous and increase the risk of relationship breakdown and divorce. The astrologer recommends that men weigh the possibility of such a development in relationships and think twice about whether it is worth pursuing adultery at all? Your affair will become known almost immediately, so it will be impossible to hide your affair in any case. Women are advised to devote more time to their family, and if you are not ready for drastic changes in your marital status, beware of advances from other men. Spend time with your children and close relatives; this will help you distract yourself and overcome the crisis.

At the same time, those who have not been able to put an end to their relationship for a long time will find enough courage to finally decide on their preferences. A revaluation of values ​​will happen for every sign, the only question is in which direction.

Single girls and young men have a chance to find their soulmate this year, because they will become bolder and more relaxed, which will lead to a large number of new acquaintances. The main thing is that these acquaintances do not turn out to be empty and meaningless - for one night.

The general rule for all zodiac signs can be formulated as follows: accumulate your efforts to achieve a goal at the beginning of the year, distribute time and energy throughout the year so as not to run out of steam halfway through the distance, recharge your energy during the summer vacation, find your outlet (hobby, family , work) and reap the benefits of your own efforts at the end of the year.

World horoscope for 2017 from Vasilisa Volodina

Since Vasilisa Volodina is a socially active and geopolitically savvy person, she is interested not only in individual human destiny, but also in the whole world as a whole. Therefore, she made a forecast for the whole world and for 2017.

While making a free horoscope, Vasilisa Volodina noted that the future for the world community will not be too rosy and pleasant. In the near future, hopes for an improvement in the geopolitical situation in the world will not come true, which will entail a number of conflicts and a deterioration in ties between some countries. However, this period will not last long and the situation will be resolved in early spring 2017.

Europe will continue to be the center of the world community, but its position will be significantly shaken under the onslaught of Muslim countries. Some countries will experience undue pressure from citizens to change laws and existing ways of life. However, significant changes will take place only by 2020, but in 2017 they will be talking about their necessity for the first time.

If we should expect any improvements, it will only be in the economic sphere. The crisis that hit the world in 2008-2009, which is still reminiscent of itself in some areas of business, will finally subside. True, its echoes will be heard until 2018. In particular, this applies to the real estate market, the oil market and the securities market.

A special position in the world will be occupied by transnational corporations, whose enrichment until now has been only a matter of time. In the period from the end of 2016 to 2025, more than 80% of the world market will be concentrated in their hands, which will allow them to significantly influence the economy of not only a specific country, but the entire world as a whole. In order to somehow limit their activities, the commonwealth of states will attempt to develop laws that can regulate their work.

Also, the horoscope for 2017 from Vasilisa Volodina, compiled free of charge, predicts an escalation of military conflicts. The main cause of armed clashes will be conflict on religious grounds. A missed threat could lead to the outbreak of World War III, so the astrologer calls global community take seriously any dispute between states and their citizens.

Among a large number of different clairvoyants, soothsayers and those people who accurately see the future, it is worth paying tribute to Vasilisa Volodina. She is a certified specialist in economics and mathematics and is a graduate of the Moscow Academy of Astrology. In life, Vasilisa became famous through her participation in the television program “Let's Get Married” as a co-witness. For a long time, Vasilisa has been studying esotericism and also making individual astrological forecasts. She is being consulted politicians, pop singers, actors and representatives of big business.

As a result, Vasilisa Volodina managed to become not only a famous astrologer, but also a star
TV screens. It is worth noting that astrological forecasts from Volodina are correct and by exact calculation, which combines information regarding the movement of celestial bodies and planetary cycles. As a result, using such information, it is possible to create an astronomical forecast not only for a certain person, but also for all humanity as a whole. And so all of Vasilisa’s prophecies turn out to be accurate, the popularity of this astrologer is growing every day in geometric progression. Let's figure out what Vasilisa Volodina's predictions are in 2017.

Forecast for all humanity

According to the forecasts of an experienced astrologer, in the very near future our world does not promise anything good in terms of improving the economic and social situation. To this day, all countries live with the echoes of the crisis of 2008-2009, the easing of which can only occur in 2017-2018. For now, we can expect some improvement only in the financial sector.

According to Volodina, in 2017, a division into the poor and the rich will begin to occur at a global pace. At the same time, the main representatives of the current geopolitics will want to maintain cool relations without trying to resolve existing differences. At the same time, we should expect some reshuffling on the world political arena, which could lead to a change in the dominant positions responsible for the stability of humanity as a whole.

The saddest thing is that people from all over the planet can start a global blood feud because of religious beliefs. This will lead to an escalation of existing military clashes. As a result, things could end in World War III. According to Vasilisa, in the summer months of 2017, a certain event should occur, due to which unrest will begin in religious world. The Netherlands may be a possible location for such an epicenter.

Forecast for Russia

According to an experienced Russian astrologer, the existing instability and economic imbalance Russian Federation in 2016, already in 2017 it will move to a new stage of its development. According to the stars, economic indicators Russia's prices will continue to decline until the beginning of autumn 2017, so you shouldn't hope for a miracle. It's time to realize that you should tighten your belts. Everything will change for the better only at the moment when the current leadership of the state changes. As a result, already in 2018, living in Russia will become much easier and better. However, if the current government remains at the head of the state further, significant deterioration will come.

The astrologer decided to refuse to comment on a possible change of power in the Russian Federation, explaining such an expression of will by the waning phase of the Saturn-Jupiter planetary cycle. This means there will be no space in 2017 fresh ideas. As a result, any change of surnames regarding the state administration apparatus will turn out to be nothing more than an ordinary formality. At the global level, long-awaited changes should be expected no earlier than 2025. Vasilisa also said that regarding the existing conflicts in the Russian Federation, everything will soon get better.

But the descending aspect between the marked planets should not contribute to the activation of internal unrest. True, just in 2017, Neptune’s active phase begins - the risk of civil clashes increases to 65%. If the country's government can refrain from militarized suppression of all citizen unrest, while the population itself curbs its destructive mood, Russia will be able to breathe a sigh of relief for the next 20 years. However, we should not exclude the possibility of external military conflicts, paramilitary clashes and aggravation of geopolitical problems. In support of such conclusions, Vasilisa cites examples of past wars on a global scale - the Finnish conflict in the late 30s and the Georgian campaign. Both incidents occurred during the waning phase of the stated planets.

Volodina is confident that there is no need to fear the financial problems of the Russian Federation in the near future. Usually such incidents occur at the time of the ascent of the Saturn-Neptune pair.

Astrological forecast for Ukraine

According to Vasilisa’s calculations, 2017 will be a very difficult year for Ukraine. Representatives of the regional elite will not miss the opportunity to once again compete for power in order to get to the most profitable “feeding trough in the country.” That is why the unrest of the people will not stop. The current confrontation in the East of the country will continue to continue in a sluggish mode - it is too early to talk about resolving the conflict. According to Volodina, both sides will not want to be the first to make concessions, so the situation will be “frozen” for the next 3-4 years.

Most likely, it is in 2017 that the state currency should change in Ukraine, which will become an important aspect for the economic development of the state. This step will be followed by an increase in production, and external financing will cease. Of course, there is no point in talking about a noticeable improvement now - poor people will still have to go through a period of decline in the cultural development of society and its sports development. For now, all the funds in the state will be needed to solve a number of economic and social problems.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the heavenly bodies never lie, because their movement across the sky never changes. They only influence the actions of people, the nation and the whole world. Therefore, if this is really important to you, listen to Vasilisa Volodina’s astrological prediction for 2017 and let this period become as simple and balanced as possible for you.

Which is familiar to many as one of the hosts of the TV show “Let’s Get Married,” she can predict the future, both personal and for the country as a whole. Having once graduated from the Moscow Academy of Astrology, having a specialist diploma in mathematical and economic sciences, and studying esotericism, Vasilisa is engaged in compiling astrological charts and characteristics for politicians, businessmen, artists and others famous personalities, and also sees the estimated future of states . Vasilisa Volodina's latest predictions for 2017 for Russia not very comforting.

For example, The current crisis situation will not end in 2017. Judging by Volodina’s stellar forecast, economic indicators will fall for another year, the situation will only begin to improve next fall, and, if the government changes the concept, it will take a different course for the development of the country. If this does not happen, life will only get worse.

Regarding changes in the power structure, Volodina does not see any global changes. Because the Saturn-Jupiter cycle is now in a waning phase, and this will not bring innovations in ideological politics. Therefore, if the country’s leadership changes their names, it will turn out to be just a formality.

According to Vasilisa, we will expect the winds of large-scale changes only by 2025. The astrologer also speaks with optimism about this year’s conflicts in society. Descending Saturn - Jupiter deactivates unrest within society.

But next year will be marked by active Neptune, and therefore clashes are possible among citizens. The risks are approximately 64 percent.

New predictions by Vasilisa Volodina for 2017 for Russia talk about calm in the country for at least a couple of decades, but in the event of a peaceful settlement by the authorities of conflicts among citizens without the use of military force.

And if the people themselves do not panic, but pull themselves together.

There is a possibility of foreign policy intrigue, geopolitical disputes and military action. As an example, Vasilisa uses two past wars: the Georgian campaign of 2008 and the Finnish conflict of the 30s of the last century, then there was a decreasing planetary cycle. Vasilisa is also confident in the stability of the national currency.

There is no point in saying anything with certainty about reforming money yet. When the Saturn-Neptune pair is in its ascending phase, anything is possible. But now this couple is going through a period of decline.

Vasilisa Volodina’s vision of what the world community expects Vasilisa Volodina about 2017 does not predict the best in the world economy, the economy and society will experience the consequences of a protracted crisis that began in 2008.

Although the crisis is already subsiding, only the financial sector will come to life for now.

According to Vasilisa, the boundaries of social inequality will be even more noticeable in society. Those who are poorer will have the hardest time. U modern geopoliticians

There is a misunderstanding; they cannot boast of friendliness. So it is not possible to come to a certain consensus. The astrologer also gives a forecast about rotations in the system of world power; other people will begin to care about world stability.

Since economics, finance and cultural development are in a disordered state, this will soon become a dangerous phenomenon, leading to uncontrollable events. Some of the world's leading currencies are facing a process of devaluation. Vasilisa does not say exactly, otherwise changes on Earth could be provoked.

A scientist shares information about differences in religion. Volodina talks about the summer of 2017, then some event should take place, and worldview thoughts and ideology may change. The fateful moment is about to happen in the Netherlands.

Ukraine 2017 in the forecasts of Vasilisa Volodina

The coming period will be a difficult period for Ukrainians.Vasilisa Volodina's forecast about Ukraine 2017 promises sluggish actions in the eastern part of the country, but there is no end to the resolution of the conflict; the parties have not reached a consensus. It will take about 4 years to establish a peaceful and progressive life.

The regional elite will continue to fight for the governance of Ukraine. According to Vasilisa’s calculations, the end of 2017 will be marked by a change in the monetary equivalent of the state, which will begin to boost the economy.

Production will gradually increase, although external funding will decrease. Ukraine will experience a decline in cultural and sports social development, since funds will be invested to solve economic and socially significant problems.


Europe will remain at the center of the world, its public, but Muslim countries will “pull the blanket” to their side. In some countries, citizens will be especially active in advocating changes in laws and lifestyles.

The real estate, oil and securities markets will still feel the echoes of the crisis of past years. For now, the situation here will be unstable.

Transnational corporations will have an important global mission. They will influence the global economic situation. The Commonwealth will take measures and develop bills to regulate the activities of these organizations, which own 80 percent of the world market.

Vasilisa Volodina's forecast for 2017set humanity up for friendliness, preventing conflicts and wars, and peaceful resolution of issues. If peoples understand this and act in a positive direction, and not towards destruction, humanity will enjoy prosperity in the future.


For representatives of this zodiac sign, the spring months will be especially happy. Changes are expected in your personal life. Those who were lonely will definitely meet their other half. Some will try to return to their former passions to try their luck again. Aries will receive an interesting offer in the second half of the year. And in order to achieve financial well-being, representatives of this sign should think about mastering a new profession. Aries should closely monitor their health and it is advisable to choose a suitable diet for themselves.


In the New Year, Taurus will clearly set priorities and be able to set goals for the future, which will contribute to finding inner harmony. With the onset of spring, there will be an opportunity to significantly increase your finances, and it is also worth thinking about improving your qualifications. Personal life can bring slight misunderstandings, but if you notice emerging conflicts with your other half in time and smooth them out, you will be able to avoid serious quarrels. Even random encounters at first glance can develop into something more. The whole year will be very active and busy, so Taurus is strongly recommended to take breaks from work more often.


Representatives of the air element can be sure that the coming year will bring a lot of good things. Lonely representatives of this sign will meet their chosen one. In order not to miss this chance, you should not waste time on short affairs. For married Geminis, the stars promise the conception of a child. As for finances, 2017 may bring good profits, promotion in career ladder and running a successful business. Good health will depend on the Gemini themselves. It is worth reviewing your diet and trying to eliminate junk food.

The Year of the Rooster will bring representatives of this zodiac sign into life interesting events and unexpected changes. The stars advise trying not to conflict with your other half and not burying your head in the sand, but to resolve all emerging issues in a timely manner. If Cancers are determined enough, then they can easily win the person they like. With the onset of spring, special attention should be paid to professional activity. Cancers don’t have to worry about their health - they don’t face anything more serious than colds.

The whole of 2017 promises to be very successful for Leo, if they themselves do not sit idly by. You need to be attentive to your partners, in relationships with whom the element of trust, as well as the spark, may disappear. If you do not notice this in time, a final break in the relationship is possible. At the same time, interesting romantic adventures await lonely Leos. If you have unrealized ideas and plans, it’s time to bring them to life. This can bring good income. But rely only on yourself. An important guarantee of good health is the alternation of work and rest.


There is enough waiting for representatives of this zodiac sign quiet year. Virgos who are married will once again be convinced that next to them is exactly the one they need. Interesting acquaintances and romantic adventures await lonely Virgos. In addition, in the coming year they may experience incredible feelings unfamiliar to them before. Virgos who have a business will need to make a number of important decisions, be sure to pay off all debts, and then nothing will interfere with the prosperity of their favorite business. Don't ignore the signals your body will give.


In 2017, Libra needs to go towards their set goal and not deviate from the intended path, no matter what happens. For Libra, a year of marriage promises a new addition to the family. Free representatives of this zodiac sign decide to start a family. The work will open up many interesting prospects, perhaps there will be several proposals for new job. To maintain good health, it will be enough for Libra to give up bad habits and exercise regularly.


In 2017, representatives of this zodiac sign will have many prospects, but for this they need to constantly engage in self-development and confidently move towards their goals. Lonely Scorpios expect interest from people of the opposite sex. Families should treat their other halves with attention and care and try to smooth over the rough edges in the relationship. In work matters, try to avoid unnecessary criticism; it is better to pay more attention to your work. During the cold season, the likelihood of colds is high. You should not self-medicate to avoid complications.


Useful acquaintances, pleasant meetings - all this awaits Sagittarius in next year. There is a high probability of meeting your other half in the spring and the appearance of thoughts about formalizing the relationship. If you approach the issue with all responsibility, then you will get a promotion at work. But try not to waste money, even with a significant increase in the budget. Some Sagittarius will be moving to another city. For good health, you should pay more attention to walks fresh air and avoid stressful situations.


In the year of the Rooster, Capricorns will have luck in almost everything. Things will go well, thanks positive energy and the charm of this zodiac sign. However, the stars advise to be family Capricorns be on guard and not allow intrigues on the side. Next year, representatives of this zodiac sign will discover new talents and qualities that are definitely worth developing. Success awaits you at work, your income will increase in a short time. The health of Capricorns will depend entirely on their daily routine and its strict adherence.


In the first half of the year, Aquarians should be careful and try to protect themselves from rash actions. Some representatives of this Zodiac Sign will find a new hobby, while others will give another chance to old relationships. Aquarius will have a successful career, but you should not get involved in dubious adventures. Your health will be fine, but if you have any complaints, you should consult a doctor. Aquarians should also spend more time in nature.


This zodiac sign should be more restrained so as not to create additional difficulties and obstacles for themselves. You should not plan serious matters in advance; it is better to focus on the circumstances. By chasing several projects at once, Pisces risk being left with nothing. It is also worth keeping your promises, including those made to your loved one. In financial matters, relative calm awaits. Pisces should be attentive to their health, which can fail at the most inopportune moment.

Astrology is a set of prophetic practices that describe the influence of planets on human character and his fate. Vasilisa Volodina has been studying astrology for quite some time. Her predictions are quite accurate. An astrological forecast from Vasilisa Volodina for 2019 will help you understand how best to behave, what to avoid, and who to listen to.

Horoscope for 2019

As soon as the year comes, Aries will begin to have new pleasant contacts. You have to want it. It will take all their goodwill and openness not to miss the chance to meet their soul mate.

  • personal life will undergo dramatic changes in July;
  • in the field of work it will be possible to begin to reap the fruits. You will not be required to expend any special energy in your work: the main thing is to organize the work process correctly; projects with great prospects will appear in August;
  • Regarding health, the stars advise taking care of your psycho-emotional state.

It is better to start implementing arrogant plans in the fall. Men will be lucky in any matter, both financial and amorous. Women, single and married, also have a busy personal life. The 2019 horoscope advises you to take better care of stabilizing your financial situation, rather than diving headlong into a love pool.

  1. For Taurus, the Astrodama predicts further development. These people will be able to solve the most sophisticated problems that the Pig throws at them, always emerging victorious. Someone will be drawn to creativity and will be able to achieve results in their endeavors. In terms of his personal life, this sign will have an unexpected meeting that will change his whole life. At work, an office romance creeps up on Taurus. Therefore, you should limit yourself in communicating with the opposite sex. You shouldn't trust tempters. You should pamper your soulmate more often with your attention and forgive innocent mistakes without getting hung up on the little things. IN financially Great prospects await you. You need to work for this. And preferably not alone, but with like-minded people who will help you create something extraordinary. The stars recommend that athletes take care of their limbs and put less stress on them.
  2. The forecast from Vasilisa also promises a bright future for Gemini. By approaching every task wisely, you will be able to forge your well-being. Intuitive feelings do not let you down, listen to them. Pay attention to the work that your colleagues offer you; in this pile of papers there may be lucrative contract, which will ensure a comfortable existence for the next ten years. In the personal life of many, the moment will come to move away from a bachelor existence and start a family. And thereby make your soulmate happy, who has been waiting for this moment for so long. It is recommended to open your own business. It's time to realize yourself. Thanks to your optimism and mobility, you will not be afraid of any illnesses this year.
  3. The astro forecast for 2019 for Cancer has prepared a most interesting meeting that will develop into a whirlwind romance. You shouldn't replace old friends with new ones. The stars advise single people to become more determined so as not to miss out on their other half. It is better to start climbing the career ladder through advertising. At work, you will face a large number of issues, the resolution of which will always be under high competition. This state of affairs will not allow you to relax. At the end of the year, a big deal or winning the lottery awaits. It is not worth financing risky projects. They will not live up to expectations.
  4. Leos will feel their attractiveness and irresistibility. Love awaits you. Great financial benefits await. But you won't be able to work alone. You will need support. There will be an opportunity to bring the craziest idea to life. You need to be careful with money, carefully planning your expenses, otherwise you can lose everything. Leo's health will be excellent, but preventive measures will not be superfluous.
  5. The year 2117 from Vasilisa Volodina will give Virgos a chance to meet their soulmate. There will also be some innovations in business. It will be possible to implement large projects. There will also be an opportunity to purchase real estate outside the city. Any investment you make will pay off in the spring.
  6. For Libra, fate provides every chance to achieve success. By using your intellectual abilities, all your dreams will come true. Libra will also have a fateful personal meeting. You will become an inspiration to others to realize their talents.
  7. Scorpios are in for a positive experience. Many will feel the urge to make a career. Vasilisa Volodina's forecast foreshadows the successful development of all the cases that you want to start. In terms of health, it is worthwhile to maintain the immune system.
  8. Sagittarians will be able to get inspiration from old memories. Old friends will return to life and bring benefits. No changes are expected in terms of work. A lottery ticket can bring unexpected wealth. Cash receipts will be stable this year. The digestive system may be affected, so you need to take care of prevention in advance. You should also refrain from eating unknown foods while traveling abroad. There may be an infection lurking there.
  9. Capricorns better pay attention to their soul mate, who suffers from a lack of attention and misunderstanding on your part. The most the right option there will be a long heart-to-heart conversation and a joint journey.
  10. In terms of business, everything will be just wonderful. A business trip abroad promises great prospects.
  11. The prediction for Aquarius advises them to follow their soul mate. Reluctance to work for another person will not reduce financial income. By changing their image, Aquarius will find a wealthy companion. You should pay attention to gastric problems and your diet.
  12. Pisces will begin to build their career. Many will listen to the authoritative advice of Pisces this year. By ceasing to be afraid of responsibility, you will be able to achieve the desired heights. There will be no stability in financial matters.
  13. For Aries, summer can change everything for the better. It is worth putting every possible effort into your work, and then your merits will be rightfully appreciated. The stars also advise not to be modest, so that more proactive employees do not collect the fruits of your labors.

Year of the Pig

The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for 2019 suggests, first of all, figuring out what kind of animal the Pig, the ruler of this year, is. What does this bird like, and how can you earn its favor and trust? This year is not for couch potatoes and lazy people. The pig doesn't like sloths. He has a weakness for creative, extraordinary people, who are not afraid to get their hands dirty with dirty work. The more movement there is in your life this year, the more positive results you will see. 2019 will be a fun, busy, eventful year. Will also connect a lot human destinies. You should not refuse to help your loved ones. Gratitude will be your reward. Under the influence of the Pig, many will dare to take risky steps in financial matters, and they will not go wrong. Generalized horoscope for 2019.

  1. At work, many expect a change from a boring, boring work environment to a more profitable and interesting one. The pig will help brave people in their endeavors.
  2. Vasilisa Volodina predicts a fairly stable and successful year financially for all zodiac signs. With a high probability, people who are not afraid to take risks, who take advantage of their internal energy and intellect, will come to great success in monetary support.
  3. People's personal lives will be replete with many different colorful events that will radically change their lives, connecting their destinies. This year, married couples need to fear for their happiness. After all, the Pig will give everyone a romantic mood. In the family relationships of many stars, they predict betrayal. Therefore, you should be more attentive to your other halves. Do not give in to fleeting temptations, or perhaps better, give your family relationships a taste of novelty.
  4. Quite profitable acquaintances are also typical, which will prove very useful in the future.
  5. Health is undermined by chronic diseases.

The horoscope for 2019 predicts successful events and enrichment for everyone. To achieve all this, you need to believe in yourself, your strengths, and be an optimist always and in everything.

Forecast by date of birth

Vasilisa Volodina compiles horoscopes for people personally based on their date of birth. Such a forecast requires certain knowledge about a person, namely:

  • Date of Birth;
  • time of birth;
  • city:
  • the location of the building where the person was born.

With all this information, the astrologer will be able to draw up your personal unique horoscope, which will lift the veil of the future. You will be able to calculate some steps in advance, learn about yourself, your character, improve, and avoid some unpleasant moments. To do this, you need to personally contact an astrologer.

Risk horoscope by year

The risk horoscope for 2019 from Vasilisa Volodina is unique. It is not similar to any other prediction. In her method, she uses twelve groups, the determinants of which are the date and year of birth. Designed for people with life failures. This forecast describes the different risks to the lives of people in certain groups. It will help you pay attention to problems that can become fatal to life and avoid them. For more information, please contact Volodina. Eastern horoscope The astrological forecast for 2019 promises a busy period in the life of the signs of this horoscope. The eastern horoscope for 2019 will tell you about the owner’s attitude towards other animals.

  • Rats should not have high hopes for this year. They are too different from the Pig. The main goal should be to maintain the stability with which they came this year.
  • The bull, despite all the positive attitude of the owner of the year towards himself, will manage to cause problems for himself. But, knowing how to get out of any situation, he will successfully cope with all adversities. He can calmly expect a sea of ​​bright emotions this year.
  • The Tiger did not fall into the favor of the Pig, so it is better not to set them strategic tasks. Although the Tigers might find mutual language with the Pig. It all depends on their desire.
  • Rabbits will not have a very sweet time this year. The owner of the period will be a contemplator of the rabbit’s efforts in the desire to cope with problems.
  • The Dragon can expect help from the Pig when he really needs it. Otherwise, he will just keep an eye on the Dragon.
  • This year the snake should be ready for positive changes. After all, he and the Pig are real friends. Therefore, the Snakes, let’s say, have complete freedom of action.
  • The horse cannot wait for help from the owner of the year. But this is for the better. This sign copes well with its problems on its own.
  • The goat, thanks to its attentiveness and patience, will win over the obstinate bird. If they are not lazy, they will achieve what they want.
  • The Monkey must also make a lot of effort to win over the Pig, who is skeptical of her. She must prove that she deserves his attention and protection.
  • An incomprehensible situation awaits the pig. Possessing the master's wand this year, they may simply not notice the clues of fate and make mistakes. Although they will still be forgiven for many stupid things.
  • The dog will not be satisfied with its owner. Often, thinking that it helps, the Pig will add fuel to the fire. But Dogs are stubborn creatures, so they will be able to defend their rightness.
  • The boar will quickly adapt to the situation. The Pig herself will help the Pigs cope with difficult situations. They have nothing to worry about.

People under the Year of the Pig will cope with difficult situations with ease.

Vasilisa Volodina about the Year of the Pig

Confused, sometimes extravagant, defying any logic, the character of the Pig will leave its mark on everything it touches this year.

By eliminating laziness, pessimism, and apathy from their diet, people will be able to achieve mutual understanding with the royal bird. And then communication with him will bring rich color to their lives.

It is not a sin to use a horoscope compiled by a caring astrologer, with the hope of helping you understand the choice of tactics and life position during this period. Horoscope from Volodina for everyone.

  • Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra stand under the sign of family and devotion. Their family ship will sail on a calm sea current, and nothing will disturb their idyll. If they want to reach heights, these signs will be helped by perseverance, determination, an inquisitive mind, and creative energy. The year will be full of ups and downs. But, using all their skills, they will be able to overcome everything. Chronic diseases may worsen. Capricorn and Taurus and Leo will undergo strength tests. You will have to use all your enormous potential to prove to the Pig that they are worthy players. In married couples, the risk of betrayal among partners is very high. You shouldn’t neglect a healthy lifestyle; it will cost you more. Finances should be spent with great care.
  • Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo must show a calm, balanced attitude towards everything that happens around them. Advancement up the career ladder will become possible thanks to determination, perseverance, and steadfastness. The most important task for these signs is to protect their nerves.

Scorpio must be calm and balanced

Financial horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina

For most signs, 2019 marks an improvement in the financial aspect of their lives. The most important thing is not to sit still, but to move forward. The Pig throws challenges in the hope that you will discover your potential and through this achieve what you want. It is important to remember that you can’t just take it, you need to work hard. Financial horoscope For the year of the Pig 2019 is favorable for all signs Fire element. The planets Mercury and the Moon, which are the determinants of the natural events taking place, will favor everyone. A favorable time has come for business development. Small business is in first place in terms of the likelihood of successful development.

So you need to not be lazy, but grab the bull by the horns. Look for new opportunities and horizons for your advancement. Can greatly increase your chances individual horoscope, which will be compiled personally for everyone who contacts Vasilisa.

The Year of the Pig will help resolve financial problems

Features of the Pig, its element, color

Volodina’s horoscope for 2019 was quite positive for everyone. What does a pig look like:

  • element Fire;
  • This year's color is red.

The element symbolizing this year is Fire. Represents the continuous pursuit of pure, strong energy. Uncontrolled Fire can rush and burn everything in its path to the ground. The color palette is closely intertwined with the symbolism of the elements, which means a complete harmonious combination in all details. Red symbolizes passionate love, attraction. Characteristics of the Pig symbol:

  • sociability;
  • sophistication;
  • selfishness, pickiness;
  • loveliness.

This bird is surprisingly insightful, inquisitive, organized, energetic, collected, and responsible. Constantly sets goals for higher aspirations. Due to his love of love, he simply cannot live without attention. It is extremely rare for this sign to show special attention to anyone other than himself. Thanks to his beauty and ability to skillfully play love games, the opposite sex is simply crazy about him. Despite his callousness in love affairs, he is successful. But he overestimates himself, always becoming higher than family values. All of the above characteristics of the Pig will in one way or another affect the life and behavior of people.

The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for 2019 promises exclusively positive points, if you listen to her recommendations and do not deviate from the intended path.

Using the tips of the famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, you can direct your life in a practical direction. But, it is always worth remembering that a horoscope is a relative thing and cannot give precise instructions, but only suggest. Everything depends only on the multifaceted human potential, the right direction your positive energy.