Vasilisa Volodina's advice for a year. Financial horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina. Read a horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for the ME group

January 2017

Telenedelya magazine

Vasilisa Volodina: “In 2017, the planets are not preparing economic blows for the Russians”

“The good news is that we are used to stress and will get through 2017 easier.” The astrologer and TV presenter told TN what to expect from the coming year and what the representatives of the zodiac signs should pay attention to.

Vasilisa, in January, after the holidays, many people have a feeling of devastation: according to tradition, before the New Year, everyone is waiting for some kind of miracles, they make bold promises to start a new life, but in fact, as a rule, nothing changes. Have you noticed this?

If speak about personal experience I, on the contrary, love the beginning of the year. This month is really perceived by me as the start of something new. But I understand what you're talking about. European psychologists even gave a definition: "January 24 syndrome." Why the 24th? Exactly one month from catholic christmas. For us, this period begins conditionally on January 1 and ends, respectively, on February 1. When it becomes clear that a person did not quit smoking, as promised, did not go on a diet, did not go to the gym to play sports, and so on. Understandably disappointed.

But I believe that the reason for the emotional decline sometimes lies not in the presence or absence of any real success in January, but in a person’s fatigue from darkness without solar energy. The days from October-November are already very short, and by January we spend almost all the time at twilight for three months. Although from the end of December the duration of daylight hours begins to increase, but not much. Therefore, the secret of a good mood is to compensate yourself sunlight by any means. For example, do not spare money on electricity! Seriously. Let it be uneconomical, but nerves are more expensive. Try to surround yourself at home with the symbols of summer - flowers, greenery. Review summer vacation photos, films about resort holidays. Find an opportunity from time to time to change the situation for a couple of days, go to those places where the weather is sunny.

I love winter: frost and sun. My husband and I agree on this New Year we always meet in Moscow, we have no desire to leave for warmer climes. I can hardly imagine how you can sit under a palm tree on New Year's days and not die of longing, honestly. In addition, airports clogged on the eve of the holidays, possible problems with luggage at such a pre-holiday time and hotel accommodation immediately rise before my eyes ... etc. After such stress, I want a relaxing holiday at home. The last time we went on vacation to warmer climes was when I was pregnant with Slava, that is, two and a half years ago. We specially bought plenty and rested, realizing that later with baby we won’t allow ourselves this - I’m not ready to drag a baby to distant lands. So back then we organized a stockpile of pleasant vacation memories in advance. But, I think, soon it will be necessary to think about a joint trip. Slavochka grew up, and her parents' reserve of sea impressions was almost exhausted.

2016 has been a challenging year for many. What was it like for you? And do you have a habit of writing down wishes for the coming year, making a wish map?

The ease of being was not expected. Luckily, 2017 will feel lighter! We are already accustomed to the crisis state of the economy and therefore we will get through this year easier. Real improvements will not come, but the sharpness of what is happening has become dull. Life goes on.

Personally, 2016 was not a difficult year for me. Workload and household chores with a small child are happiness, not a heavy burden. I think that many will agree with me: when children and parents are healthy, you have a favorite job and everything is fine at home, it’s a sin to complain.

At the beginning of each year, I traditionally sit down and write down what I would like from the new year and from myself this year. 30% of these records are just dreams, human desires, the realization of which does not depend on me. But the main 70% are specific plans that I am going to work on, bringing to life. Try to conduct an experiment with me: write down your desires and then write down the specific steps that you plan to take to fulfill them. A year later, you will be surprised to find that much has been realized.

I often get asked questions about making a wish list. Allegedly, even in ancient China, in the East they were similar. Of course it isn't. No one then cut out pictures from magazines to stick them on the wall. it modern technique. But such a map can and should be drawn up in order to motivate yourself and learn to plan. There must be an understanding of how you will achieve this, what will help and hinder, how long it will take, and the like.

Before the New Year, I organized a curious marathon on my Instagram, inviting subscribers to tell what they want to get rid of in the past year, what to leave in the past. As a result, most women would like to part with what requires effort primarily from themselves - an unhappy marriage, extra pounds, penniless work. Although more complaints were not about problems in his personal life, but about lack of money.

What does the coming year have in store for us? Practice shows that people always want to hear something encouraging.

- In general forecasts, there is always a difficult moment: no year can be unambiguously called happy or unlucky. Our life is filled with a variety of events, in every year there is both good and bad. Another thing is that the proportion of this good and bad is different. Of course, we remember problems and difficulties more vividly. So, 2017, like the next one, will not be easier economically than the two previous ones. Improvements are nowhere to come from, but we have, again, become accustomed to this stress.

The planet is not preparing new economic blows for the Russians in 2017. Of course, I'm talking now about the country as a whole, and not about each individual citizen - here you need to make a personal forecast. Strictly speaking, our economy is now in the state of an airplane, which some time ago entered a peak and will not come out of it yet, but the passengers have already recovered from the first fright. From the encouraging: from mid-May to mid-October, the planets Neptune and Pluto will again interact in a special way in the sky. This joint influence was active for most of the 20th century and was connected in a certain way with the construction of the socialist system. So, now we are waiting for deja vu. There will be a feeling that the government is trying to take care of us, understands the need for social change and work in this direction.

But there are two particularly difficult months in the coming year - February and August. February promises to be very difficult and filled with a variety of unpleasant events, ranging from economic, political and military to man-made - accidents, disasters. Much to our regret. The period from February 23 to March 5 will be especially difficult. This is one of the stressful periods that you just need to go through, exercise household caution, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

- You have repeatedly spoken about the skeptical attitude to horoscopes according to the signs of the zodiac in magazines. But the fact remains: people read them. And what, in your opinion, should the representatives of one or another zodiac sign pay attention to when reading a general horoscope?

Here you well formulated the question: what should be taken into account?

First you need to understand the limitations of such forecasts “for everyone” according to the signs of the zodiac. They cannot claim high accuracy of events in your personal life. For a personal forecast, you need to personally contact an astrologer. After all, it is impossible to predict in two lines the fate of all Taurus or Aries on the globe!

Nevertheless, general forecasts are made not just like that, but according to a certain system. The movement of two planets - Jupiter and Saturn - is taken into account: they are responsible for the events within the framework of the year. And such a general forecast sets the main accents, gives an understanding to the representatives of this or that sign, what they need to take care of, what they should definitely pay attention to. Let's do it too.

So, in the coming year, Aries needs to give in at least some initiative to a loved one, take documents more seriously, and not get involved in litigation.

Taurus should definitely pay attention to their well-being. Too much depends on physical health and possible "adventures" with it, so medical examination is not swear word, but a necessity.

I recommend that twins, while enjoying communicating with children, do not forget about the need to pay attention to the opposite sex. If you do not start taking your personal life seriously and do not consciously correct problematic points, tangible deterioration can occur.

It makes sense for Cancers to invest financially in real estate and everything related to housing: repairs, purchase of furniture and utensils, home decoration. It is also important to take care of your health - throughout the year.

Lions should consciously expand the circle of acquaintances and contacts, as well as use the opportunities of brothers and sisters, strengthen relations with relatives. If relations with relatives are good, then a lot of patience and work will be required with children. We'll have to seek mutual understanding with great difficulty.

Virgin. This year, your budget is expected to replenish or stabilize - depending on the personal efforts of the past year. That is, the more Virgo invested in herself last year, the more she worked on herself, the more impressive the result will be. True, the issue of housing may become acute - for example, forced necessity change a rented apartment or an unreasonably stretched repair. The health of parents can be a concern and require attention throughout the year.

Scales. I recommend that representatives of this sign pay more attention to their figure so as not to get better. However, this is a good time to start looking more respectable, confident and appropriate. Vulnerabilities for Libra - everything that concerns neighbors and relations with them.

Scorpios should go a little bit into the shadows and save their finances: I advise you to save, not spend. Accumulate a personal resource too, do not squander attention to friends and relatives right and left - a little more economically. Try to look for support in yourself, focus more on your own needs - this will allow you to grow personally in a year.

Sagittarius, who this year decided to take on themselves and lose weight (if there is such a need), alas, will be exhausted by the process, and they will not look better. Representatives of this sign need a good rest. Less burden yourself with unnecessary burdens. Right now, at the very beginning of the year, I would advise Sagittarius to conduct an audit: what needs to be got rid of, what is important to focus on. From good times: during the year you can count on the help and support of friends.

Capricorns. For them, the year is successful in terms of career opportunities, work prospects. On the other hand, the year is filled with a sense of inner sadness. It will seem to others that everything is fine with you outwardly, and you yourself will experience a distinct internal dissatisfaction. In general, Capricorns will have a serious philosophical summing up of personal results of life.

Aquarius. Expect that some of your beloved friends will “drop out” of their usual social circle or some difficulties will arise with them. No need to experience this as a personal tragedy. But pleasant and distant trips are likely. Good luck awaits in matters related to law, travel, higher education.

For Pisces, the year, on the one hand, can turn into professional stability, strengthening of positions, on the other hand, stagnation. Some of the Pisces are waiting for what is commonly called difficulties at work, when the regime becomes tougher, there are more requirements, and there is less and less return. In general, the main accents of the year are the work and health of the mother. It is also worth paying attention to.

January 28 marks the start of the Year of the Rooster in the Eastern calendar. What does this actually mean?

Nothing for the average person. On the other hand, what does our New Year mean, starting on the night of December 31 to January 1? This is also a convention. People cannot live in the flow of endless time without dividing it into parts, which is why there are certain annual cycles and symbols associated with them. For a person engaged in astrology, the change of the year means a change in its rulers and in a certain way the acting planet. And I take this into account when making a personal forecast for my clients.

Good. And the promises of horoscopes that the year of the Rooster promises good luck to those born under this sign, a stereotype or not?

Pure truth! It will be not so much successful as important. According to the canons of both Eastern and Western astrology, the years of a person's age, which are divided by 12, are really socially significant: 12 years, 24 years, 36 years and so on. For example, 12 years is the first social development of a person: gaining authority from teachers and classmates, studying and the first understanding of where one can move professionally. At the age of 24, a person, as a rule, has already received an education, began to work and achieve the first success in his field. 36 years is also a certain completed cycle in a person's life, connected with family and professional growth.

The twelve-year cycle always falls on the year of the animal under which you were born in terms of Eastern astrology. It is always important and, as it were, opens a new period of life. But the events for all Roosters, of course, will not be the same. Everyone will have it important events, according to the individual horoscope.

- You have been running the Let's Get Married program for eight years. Doesn't it feel like everything is the same? Routine does not arise?

Everything can be treated differently. During the existence of the program, the goals of each of us have changed. I am talking now about myself, and about Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova, my co-hosts. We ourselves have also changed: not only externally, due to age, but also in terms of work experience in the frame. Before, I didn’t understand much, but now I look at myself on the screen and see where the angle is unsuccessful, where the light is not set in the right way, where I chose the wrong brooch. And of course, I, like any woman, am critical of my appearance - this is normal. (Smiling.)

If we talk about the routine of the program ... I must admit that we have already seen each astrological type of person many times. Yes, each person is unique, but there are certain types (there are about 50 of them), and the recognition effect has long been there: “Yeah, exactly with your story, Masha, 258 heroines have already come to us, you are the 259th ...” each participant has his own goal, history, period of life. Your personal horoscope.

- Have you noticed that the characters still rely on emotions more often when choosing a partner, and not on the recommendations of the presenters or specifically yours as an astrologer?

No, I have a different feeling. In my opinion, people just listen to us, the presenters. After all, they come to the program for a reason. Let's call a spade a spade: our heroes are people with certain difficulties. Those who on their own could not find a mate and admit it. And if a person is tired of stepping on the same rake ten times, he listens to the astrologer. But if he makes an obviously unwise choice - this also happens - well, that's his right.

Something else worries me. When the program began, I approached its results with great hope, it seemed to me that every woman can find her betrothed, which good men a lot of. But every year my pessimism about this grows. I have to admit that there are not many good, worthy men for marriage. Not even just beautiful men, but simply fit, ready for marriage. So that married women it is worth appreciating your husbands, because it is very difficult to meet a worthy man now.

- And here the question that does not lose its relevance is: is it worth actively looking for this very man or will fate find it on the stove? Some are looking for - and to no avail, others seem to be doing nothing - and everything adds up by itself.

I am definitely for activity in this matter. “Fate will find it on the stove” - this is what people say who just sit on the stove all their lives, and then feel unhappy. I am also far from the idea that we decide the fate with our own hands - this is nonsense, let's face it. Fate is certain opportunities that each person is endowed with from birth. You just need to clearly know and understand how to dispose of them and what to work on with a lack of one or another link.

You need to look for your half, your love. And for starters, it would be good to formulate the purpose of the search and describe the desired image. Perhaps this will require the help of a specialist astrologer. You need to understand why you are a man. If you need a person who will provide financially, this is one story. If we are looking for a father for our children - another. To be carried on the hands and looked into the mouth - the third. Rarely do all the virtues coexist in one person. What do you personally need to be happy?

Activity, by the way, should be different. You see, it is pointless to look for a husband if a woman has an absolutely empty period of time astrologically. And this period can last for three years, and five years - for everyone in different ways. But at this time it is better not to beat your head against an impenetrable wall, but to do something that will later attract a man into your life. Get rid of excess weight, if necessary, because appearance is our tool. Engage in a career, self-development, personal growth Finally, a professional analysis of what is preventing you from arranging your personal life. The level of opportunities that are given to us is always different in this or that period. You just need to understand what you are ready to agree to at the moment, if there is not what you want ideally.

- Recently you made horoscopes of representatives of the Forbes list. I wonder what for?

For client purposes. Plus, professional interest worked - to understand what kind of people were able to earn huge fortunes, achieve financial success. I considered the Russian Top 200 and Top 100 world representatives of Forbes. I analyzed their cosmograms (if an astrologer does not know the exact time of a person's birth, he draws up a cosmogram, not a horoscope) - not taking into account those who were born in rich families and, by definition, had good starting positions! The analysis once again confirmed that nothing happens by chance. Potential billionaires are born for a reason, but at certain points in time and have certain qualities of character.

I was interested in this set of qualities so that ordinary people could “try on” it for themselves. If throughout your life you experience difficulties with money, let's think about how to change it! How to develop certain qualities in yourself - maybe laziness, inability to set goals or make useful contacts, lack of education, and so on interfere. Let's work on our horoscope, change our destiny, and not just complain about it.

- Your daughter is 15 years old. Surely Vika is thinking about where she will go after school? Any idea what Victoria will need to work on?

Vika, of course, thinks, but asks me not to talk about it in an interview. Because it creates a certain load of expectations. I can only say that her choice is not yet connected with astrology. At the age of 12, her daughter wanted to become the director of a restaurant, it seemed to her that this was a great job, what she needed. My husband and I, of course, understood that there would be no restaurant, but we gave Vika the opportunity to fantasize. In no case do I put pressure on her with my opinion on this issue, and this is impossible - she has a strong character.

Raising children is notoriously hard work. But this year my children do not promise me acute problems. (Smiling.) And if anything, I'll let the eldest read this interview!

The astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, famous throughout the country, compiled a detailed horoscope for each zodiac sign for 2017. Thus, the host of "Let's get married!" wants to warn us what to expect and how to behave. It is noteworthy that for all signs the year of the Rooster will be productive and bring a lot of pleasant events. Many, summing up the results of the year, will be proud of this period.


At the very beginning of the year, pleasant acquaintances await you, which will bring you great benefits in the future. Most importantly, be friendly. Single people will meet their love, and some will return to former lovers.

At work, praise, bonuses and awards await you. Your financial condition will improve. Those who do not currently have a job should start looking for one in the spring, as it is at this time of the year that you will be lucky enough to get a job of your dreams.


In the year of the Rooster, Taurus will make new friends and, possibly, a new place of residence. In 2017, this zodiac sign will certainly find its soul mate. Inspiration and romance will accompany Taurus all year.

As for the career, some Taurus will be able to receive additional earnings. In the summer, you may have a business trip, after which a promotion will follow.


The twins will be able to breathe with ease, as the black bar will end. Interesting trips and new acquaintances are waiting for you. In your personal life, stability does not shine for you: you will either disperse or strengthen relations with your lover.

For singles, the stars portend the meeting of the chosen one. All 12 months will be fruitful for Gemini and, most likely, an increase or a huge profit awaits you.


For Cancers, the year of the Rooster will be full of surprises, you will change your circle of friends and even your lifestyle. You will also be able to resolve all issues related to real estate. If you want to maintain a relationship with your chosen one, try to show care and attention as much as possible. Cancers who have not yet found their soul mate need to do this in 2017, as love will help you overcome all the difficulties that will arise during the year.

Confidence and stability await you in your career, there will be a desire to take a leadership position, but you should not go over your heads for a promotion, do it carefully, using your professional skills. The most important thing is not to succumb to laziness.

a lion

For Leo, 2017 will be a fruitful and successful year. In the year of the Rooster, this zodiac sign will reconsider its views on life. Many Leos expect replenishment in the family (children, grandchildren, nephews). Loners urgently want to get a chosen one and get married.


The next year for Virgos will be exciting and very stormy. If you put in your best efforts, difficulties will disappear at the speed of sound. You will always be in a circle of good friends, so you will not be bored. Lonely Virgos are waiting for a journey where they will be lucky enough to find their love. But family people need to try to be more gentle and trusting.

When it comes to work, you will have to put in a lot of effort and deny yourself a lot. But rest assured, it's worth it. It is recommended to invest finances in some business or in a bank at interest. At the end of the year, you will be swimming in money.

The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina says that the Rooster will bring us many changes. Almost all signs are waiting for career success, new acquaintances and strong love. May all the best things come true for each of you.


New acquaintances are inevitable for representatives of the Libra sign, but here you need to be careful: among new comrades there may be deceitful and slippery people. In the spring, lonely Libra will have a fateful meeting. And those who are in a relationship are likely to register a marriage. Married stars are advised to take more care of their family.

Those who will try to develop their professional skills will do very well in their careers. Concerning financial condition, it will be much more than in 2016.


Scorpions in the new year, the stars are advised to engage in self-education. This will help open up many perspectives. Many representatives of this sign will miss their first love and it is possible that they will start looking for it, but serious relationships await lonely Scorpios. Families are encouraged to seriously engage in the upbringing of their children.

In 2017, your ability to work will multiply, you will be ready to go head over heels for the sake of a career. But be careful, you can thereby spoil the relationship with the people around you, which will lead to obstacles to career growth. As for money, you don’t have to worry, you will have enough of it.


The Year of the Rooster for Sagittarius is a period of continuous positive, vivid impressions and good mood. In the new year, many will meet their chosen one. The stars advise you to look at an old friend, colleague or good friend, perhaps one of them will become your soulmate.

If Sagittarians can competently combine work and personal life, the year of the Rooster will be more than successful. You are expected to grow up the career ladder. You should be more economical with money.


Capricorns are avid conservatives, they do not tolerate innovations and surprises. If in the year of the Rooster you begin to be more loyal to such things, the most pleasant moments and events await you. In terms of love, Capricorns will “pull” on romance and love adventures, the main thing is not to succumb to momentary impulses. For lonely representatives of this sign, the stars predict romantic acquaintances. Family Capricorns should take more care of their families. And do not be shy to tell your soul mate what does not suit you.

In the coming year, Capricorns will reveal their potential like never before. But be more restrained and assess the risks, then you will certainly get a promotion. Additional earnings will increase your income in a short time.


Calmness and carelessness - that's what awaits representatives of the Aquarius sign. In the first half of the year, you should get annoyed over trifles as little as possible, otherwise a black streak will come. Many Aquarians will be overwhelmed by a feeling of tenderness towards a person they have known for a long time. Family people are waiting interesting discoveries that will bring positive emotions to the family.

Aquarians will have to work hard this year, but luck will be on your side. You can safely begin to implement the plans that you conceived a long time ago. Your risk will be justified, so go ahead! For Aquarius, the stars portend an increase and, consequently, an improvement in the material condition.


The Year of the Rooster for Pisces will be eventful. Expect global changes that will primarily affect your inner peace. This will give you the opportunity to change your life for the better. Romance and love will accompany Pisces all year round. For married representatives of this zodiac sign, the stars portend a strengthening of feelings with their life partner. Free people will meet their love, the main thing is not to tell others much about it, otherwise everything will go awry.


For representatives of this zodiac sign, the spring months will be especially happy. Changes are expected in personal life. Those who have been single will definitely meet their other half. Some will try to return to their former passions to try their luck again. An interesting offer will come to Aries in the second half of the year. And in order to achieve financial well-being, representatives of this sign should think about mastering a new profession. Aries should carefully monitor their health and it is advisable to choose the right diet for themselves.


In the New Year, Taurus will clearly prioritize and be able to set goals for the future, which will contribute to finding inner harmony. With the onset of spring, it will be possible to significantly increase your finances, and you should also think about improving your skills. Personal life can bring slight misunderstandings, but if you notice emerging conflicts with your other half in time and smooth them out, you will be able to avoid serious quarrels. Develop into something more, can and random, at first glance, meeting. The whole year will be very active and eventful, so Taurus is strongly advised to take breaks from work more often.


Representatives of the air element can be sure that the coming year will bring a lot of good things. Lonely representatives of this sign will meet their chosen one. In order not to miss this chance, you should not waste time on short intrigues. Stars promise the conception of a child to family Gemini. As for finances, 2017 can bring good profits, career advancement and successful business. Good health will depend on the Gemini themselves. It is worth reviewing your diet and trying to exclude junk food.

The Year of the Rooster will bring representatives of this zodiac sign into life. interesting events and unexpected changes. The stars are advised to try not to conflict with your other half and not to hide your head in the sand, but to resolve all emerging issues in time. If the Cancers are decisive enough, then they can easily win the person they like. With the onset of spring, special attention should be paid to professional activity. As for health, Cancers do not have to worry - they are not in danger of anything more serious than colds.

The whole of 2017 promises to be very successful for the Lions, if they themselves do not sit idly by. It is necessary to be attentive to your partners, in relations with which an element of trust may disappear, as well as a spark. If you do not notice this in time, a final break in relations is possible. At the same time, interesting romantic adventures await lonely Lions. If you have unrealized ideas and plans - it's time to bring them to life. This can bring in good income. But count only on yourself. An important guarantee of good health is the alternation of work and rest.


Enough is waiting for representatives of this zodiac sign quiet year. Married virgins will once again be convinced that next to them is the one they need. Lonely Virgos are waiting for interesting acquaintances and romantic adventures. In addition, in the coming year, they may experience incredible feelings that were unfamiliar to them before. Virgos who have a business will need to make a number of important decisions, be sure to pay off all debts, and then nothing will interfere with the prosperity of their favorite business. Do not neglect the signals that your body will give.


In 2017, Libra needs to go towards his goal and not turn off the intended path, no matter what happens. Libra in marriage, the year promises replenishment in the family. Free representatives of this zodiac sign decide to create a family. Many interesting prospects will open up in the work, perhaps there will be several proposals for a new job. To maintain good health, it will be enough for Libra to give up bad habits and exercise regularly.


In 2017, representatives of this zodiac sign will have many prospects, but for this it is necessary to constantly engage in self-development and confidently move towards their goals. Lonely Scorpios are waiting for interest from the opposite sex. Family, on the other hand, should treat their other halves with attention and care and try to brighten up sharp corners in relationships. In work matters, try to avoid vain criticism, it is better to pay more attention to your work. In the cold season, the likelihood of colds is high. Do not self-medicate to avoid complications.


Useful acquaintances, pleasant meetings - all this awaits Sagittarius in next year. There is a high probability of meeting your other half in the spring and the appearance of thoughts about formalizing the relationship. If you approach the issue with all responsibility, then a promotion awaits at work. But try not to waste money, even with a significant increase in the budget. Some Sagittarians are waiting for a move to another city. For good health, you should pay more attention to walking on fresh air and avoid stressful situations.


In the year of the Rooster, Capricorns will be lucky in almost everything. Things will get better thanks to positive energy and the charm of this zodiac sign. However, the stars advise family Capricorns to be on the alert and not allow intrigues on the side. Next year, representatives of this zodiac sign will discover new talents and qualities that are definitely worth developing. Success awaits at work, income will increase in a short time. The health of Capricorns will depend entirely on the daily routine and its strict adherence.


In the first half of the year, Aquarius should be careful and try to protect themselves from rash acts. Some representatives of this Zodiac Sign are waiting for a new hobby, while others will give another chance to an old relationship. It will be successful for Aquarius to develop a career, but you should not get involved in dubious adventures. Health will be in perfect order, but if complaints arise, you should consult a doctor. Aquarians should also spend more time in nature.


This zodiac sign should be more restrained so as not to create additional difficulties and obstacles for itself. Do not plan serious things in advance, it is better to focus on the circumstances. Chasing several projects at once, Pisces runs the risk of being left with nothing. It is also worth keeping your promises, including those given to your loved one. In financial matters, relative calm awaits. Pisces should be attentive to their health, which can fail at the most inopportune moment.

Vasilisa Volodina has been revealing secrets that we cannot read by the stars for several years now. She is professionally engaged in astrology, esotericism, has diplomas in economics and mathematics, advises politicians and businessmen. All unexpected turns in fate are opened by the horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for 2017, where tips are stored for each sign.

2017 will not be a landmark year for the world, every area of ​​activity in which destructive phenomena will be observed will be mired in new problems. Financial stability will grow only in the second half of the year. Until then, it's best to keep your belts tight. Vasilisa Volodina's astrological forecast for 2017 warns of a split in the world "due to" religious instability, which will become acute in the summer months.

Neptune, entering the active phase this year, will significantly increase the level of civil unrest and discontent, but there will be no devaluations, sharp falls in exchange rates, since Saturn is in recession, and Saturn and Neptune in a pair are responsible for such monetary surges.

Well, if we consider the opportunities for each person individually, the year is good for undertakings, for things that you have always dreamed of doing. The rooster does not tolerate fuss, rash decisions. He will support the strong and prudent. bright colors there will be a rainbow, you just have to raise your head and see it. Rationalists can be distracted from accurate calculations - the Rooster sees your aspirations and will overshadow you with his bright feather. Creative personalities, as never before, are full of ideas and opportunities for implementation. Olympus is waiting for discoveries in science, medicine, and ecology. All evolutionary discoveries will become important, and even necessary for humanity.

The signs of the Zodiac, each in their own sphere, will discover both the difficulties and the opportunities that have opened up, thanks to the serious Rooster.

Aries will enter 2017 as winners. Thanks to the ability to lay out income in different baskets, the ability to accept with gratitude everything that life gives them, they will be able to significantly increase their capital. Prospects in business and career open up for the sign already in the spring, and in the summer you should be distracted from work.

Study, creativity and science are the areas where you need to put maximum effort, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Do not forget about health, otherwise in the fall, chronic diseases will make themselves felt. Take care of your throat and legs. Don't get cold.

Summer is preparing a gift for relationship-free signs. If not marriage, then a serious relationship with the person you have been waiting for a long time will bring a lot of joy. Trust your inner instinct - it will not deceive. Love surrounds Aries and in the family, but be careful with relationships on the side - these people can undermine your stability. The joy that they bring to you will in fact turn out to be just a flash of emotions, and the bitterness of losing a truly loved one is what can await you if you do not leave such meetings.

Taurus tend to development and self-improvement. They want to reach the top. A wonderful year for such steps - all undertakings will be supported by the Rooster, and if they are useful, they will be overshadowed by a halo of success. Signs may not be afraid to change jobs, change direction, but an important condition is that you must really strive for where your heart is.

Traveling will give you a sense of flight and independence. Free signs will be able to meet their soul mate on their travels, which will impartially appreciate the best qualities in you.

Athletes should be careful and take care of their limbs. The injury rate is high, so you should not engage in extreme sports.

Rest and light sports will bring you new strength and pleasant acquaintances. People you meet in unexpected situations can become your friends or business colleagues.

Stability in the family can make you bored, but before you think so, look around and understand how important the family is to you, it is your fortress and foundation.

Gemini will have to work hard to the maximum. Take it and do it - should be their slogan for every day. You should not be lazy this year, especially since the Rooster gives endless gifts. The signs that he will give to the Gemini can be understood immediately, and personal instinct will help to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Do not be fooled by easy money and suspicious projects - as soon as suspicion has crept into you, step aside. Listen to older family members - their experience will help you in almost any business, and only your arrogance can be the reason for their silence, and this will harm you.

Refuse alcohol or significantly reduce its amount, otherwise, closer to autumn, you will be overwhelmed by a depressive state. A clear goal and understanding of the seriousness of the issue will help you with this.

You are on the threshold of a new relationship, where your happiness depends only on you. And here laziness can play a cruel joke - your passivity will make you later regret the steps you did not take. Be objective and attentive to others and be surprised how many good people are around you.

The horoscope of Vasilisa Volodina for 2017 guarantees Cancer success only if they give their all in all areas. The competition around you is huge, as if everyone at once decided to achieve more than you. Business is waiting for new directions from you and creative solutions, a position awaits you at work, but you must prove your power and priority over other employees.

Investments should be economically and scrupulously calculated, do not spend a lot, otherwise summer will not be the most pleasant time of the year. Large purchases are expected in the fall, and even having decided on a profitable loan, you will not regret them. Just keep in mind that they must be really large. Investing in your and your family's health is a good investment that will not keep you waiting for dividends.

A stormy personal life will take by surprise both free and family Cancers. Sensual expression will drag on from spring to autumn. Do not leave the ground, do not go for pleasure, burning all bridges behind you. Only old acquaintances can be your support and possible second half. Be attentive to new acquaintances.

Lions do not know the measure and do not see boundaries. The world spreads out before them like a table laden with dishes and rare wines. The opposite sex see you as a minion of fate and try to be closer, try to enter your life as irreplaceable. It's time to clean up the phone book, move away from the huge number of people whose calls and messages occur only for the reason "give". You must take a closer look at your surroundings, it's time to save.

Romance and flirting are what you are interested in now, but do not rush to make a choice based on a superficial acquaintance, the emotional component is important to you, and although you have not yet reached this understanding, the time will come when you will regret the momentary assessment of your couple.

Family signs behave stubbornly, it seems to them that there is already a huge burden of responsibility on their backs. But do not rush to draw such conclusions, take a closer look at what others are doing - they only do what they care about you! Relax with your family, if you can’t go on vacation - spend the weekend in the country or on trips to another city, get away from the news and the Internet. Your children will appreciate it, and your spouse will be calm for your relationship.

In the year of the Rooster, the Virgin will receive a wonderful gift from him - a long-awaited relationship with a person worthy of them. Perhaps the half you met will not be free, but everything here will depend on you. Whether you want such a relationship or decide not to break the existing union - only you decide.

Family Virgos may meet the person who once left them, and they may have to make a choice. But do not trust this spark, because everyone is drawn to you this year. And the person with whom you are now has been tested over the years and has a warm attitude towards you.

The health of Virgos is enviable, but do not avoid preventive measures: vitamins, sports and proper sleep will make your life much better. Do not delay going to the nutritionist and the gym, swimming pool - only this step separates you from your ideal shape. Hiking, namely autumn hikes, will help you find new friends and the right people for business.

Do not be afraid of undertakings, whatever it is: studying, changing jobs, new business, new hobbies - the Rooster favors Virgos, as he appreciates workaholics, down to earth and tuned in to hard work.

It's time to make contact with yourself, listen to the internal dispute, balance your emotions and choose the right path. Libra wants everything at once, and therefore they rush out of the fire and into the frying pan. Such jumps do not give results in anything. Stop and decide what is most important for you now, understand in which area of ​​your life you need to throw all your strength. Only by prioritizing will you succeed. There is only one area of ​​business you can do right now. Do one thing.

Before starting a relationship, decide who you need. Looking for visual appeal can do you a disservice, it's like picking a wine with a pretty label. Your requests should come first. Choose with your heart, it is more sighted than the eyes.

Family Libra fluctuates. They are insecure about their happiness, but this is a temporary feeling that is caused in you by your insecurity in your abilities. You are ready to blame anyone for your open state, but not yourself. Stop and come to harmony, and only then do this or that act.

Scorpios bring positive energy and peace. It, like moths to the light, attracts everyone around. Use it for your career, for science, for discovering new knowledge in yourself. Each of your remarks is thought out, each case is weighed. Don't be afraid to take action, but avoid risks.

Financial issues are resolved easily and effortlessly - you know your strengths and capabilities. Large purchases are possible that will delight you for a long time.

Do not forget about your health, do not get carried away with taking antibiotics, otherwise you will have to treat the intestines. Go to healthy diet, on natural products, give up bad habits. It will be easy for you - your potential is huge, you are like a battery, charging from the sun and the earth.

The marriage you want to enter into will be successful - you will get not just a soul mate, but a best friend, a caring and gentle lover, as well as a father or mother for your future children.

Do not stop, move forward with leaps and bounds - only in this way will you waste this energy and develop its constant flow.

Sagittarius in the year of the Rooster are in stability. Do not make sudden movements in any area of ​​life. Don't change jobs, don't take loans, don't lend, don't spend a lot. Your life this year is drifting. This is not bad, it will allow you to catch your breath from a busy previous year. Time works for you. The main thing is not to change anything.

The year is marked with a link to the past. Old friends will return to you, perhaps old love. You will receive offers from previous jobs. You must be calm and balanced. Everything you need, you have in abundance.

Spend time with family and health, elderly relatives, joint rest. The sea this year is an ideal place where you will be filled with harmony and peace. Contemplate life, observe what is happening and relax. At the end of the year, you will receive large incomes, provided that you do not make unnecessary purchases in the summer.

Capricorns are overly materialistic, and sometimes mercantile. Think about lofty things, about culture, about art, and look around you. Not only money can bring you happiness.

will come into your life new person, which will become a compass, correctly orienting you in space. It can be both the second half and a new business partner. Perhaps someone will vouch for you in a profitable enterprise. This project will be successful.

Business trips, business trips, a change of scenery - all this will have a beneficial effect on you. You will be able to achieve heights both in business and in creativity. Just don't rush your time. Everything goes into your hands, the main thing - do not miss the opportunity.

The family is proud of you and listens to your advice, the children are obedient. You devote a lot of time to your loved ones, and everything goes according to plans.

Freedom-loving Aquarians are ready to give up and go to the altar, but not now. They have fun, get the most out of life. Every day is filled with splashes of laughter big companies. But it will last until spring. You do not recognize yourself and decide that you are sick, or some kind of magic effect has been made on you. This is a craving to be in a family, a desire to take care and receive care. This will surprise you, and that's when you realize that it's time to catch up. Catching up with those whose courtship you have rejected.

Health is stable, but take food more seriously.

Family signs are in euphoria - confidence in your family and in the second half gives you harmony and comfort.

Relax and take excursions in your region. Go to museums, exhibitions, movies. Your children need attention and care. They will love you back.


Pisces are ready to go for broke. No matter what, but they are ready for changes in their lives, which have become dull and lack of initiative. You can blame the whole world for this, but it won't change anything. Take and change everything. This is your life. New job, the love that you once rejected, being sure that everything suits you anyway. Now you are sorry and ready to take a step.

The main thing is not to chop wood that you do not need. Weigh each decision carefully and take action. Maybe you just need a break from the obligations that you have taken on at work and at home? Maybe by sharing responsibilities with loved ones, you will be happier and calmer.

Start treating chronic diseases. Check the veins, especially the legs. Varicose veins that can be cured early stages, will not affect you if you deal with them before the summer.

Active rest, sports, refusal of alcohol will make your life fuller and happier. Your energy requires action, and this is the main reason for your dissatisfaction with yourself.

See group J dates

29.02.1952 — 26.04.1952
04.08.1954 — 31.10.1954
04.12.1954 — 10.06.1955
24.10.1957 — 08.01.1958
26.03.1958 — 04.09.1958
09.01.1961 — 12.03.1961
17.08.1961 — 31.10.1961
23.06.1963 — 26.09.1963
08.02.1964 — 10.04.1964

19.07.1966 — 24.09.1966
20.01.1967 — 20.05.1967
08.10.1969 — 13.12.1969
04.05.1970 — 12.08.1970
24.12.1972 — 21.02.1973
28.05.1975 — 13.11.1975
07.01.1976 — 24.03.1976
02.07.1978 — 02.09.1978
09.03.1979 — 12.04.1979

22.09.1981 — 24.11.1981
08.12.1984 — 04.02.1985
09.05.1987 — 08.08.1987
01.09.1987 — 06.03.1988
16.06.1990 — 16.08.1990
06.09.1993 — 08.11.1993
02.04.1996 — 06.06.1996
19.11.1996 — 19.01.1997
22.04.1999 — 25.06.1999

27.10.1999 — 11.02.2000
29.05.2002 — 30.07.2002
20.12.2004 — 18.03.2005
18.08.2005 — 23.10.2005
03.03.2008 — 21.07.2008
26.10.2008 — 03.01.2009
05.04.2011 — 02.06.2011
13.09.2013 — 01.01.2014
08.05.2014 — 14.07.2014

Read horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for group J.

In 2017, the position of Jupiter in your horoscope will be influenced by the position of Uranus and/or Pluto.

Next year, you may lose credibility in the eyes of others. Everything that you have earned with bastards can disappear in an instant and you yourself will be to blame for this. Do not overestimate your strength, do not be arrogant. Vanity and pride can put you in an awkward position, try to keep them under control.


Financial issues will be a key issue in 2017. It will take a lot of effort to solve them. Only active actions and a swift struggle will be able to get their own, or at least part of it.

Earnings can drop drastically. Possible delays in wages, untimely receipt of funds to the account. You should also not rely on awards, in the year of the Rooster they may not be.

During the year, try not to borrow or lend money. If you have loans, then it is quite possible that soon you will receive news about an increase in interest rates.

There may be problems with the bank account - for example, blocking money, changing the cost of service, etc. Choose only reliable companies to store your funds.


Pay attention to health, especially if you have liver disease. See your doctor regularly to avoid complications.

Business and entrepreneurship.

In business, all processes, incl. legal and financial - related to corporatization, corporate finance, the opening of foreign branches or the establishment of foreign supplies will be difficult. Large unplanned expenses can arise (be sure to prepare the very “just in case” insurance stock and keep it ready).

The sudden rupture of large contracts should not leave you on the brink of poverty. Try to treat yourself, your business and your actions without false optimism. Do not overestimate your strength, discard arrogance, be a pragmatist. This difficult time is the best time to cut the company's unnecessary costs and restructure.

Do not invest in more dubious projects, in assets, securities with high risks. Keep a close eye on the exchange rates of securities and currencies. Any investment in securities, currency, stock trading, in a word, all speculative types of business, it is better to plan with a personal astrologer.

See ME band dates(find your date of birth)

01.01.1950 — 01.01.1950
16.01.1950 — 14.02.1950
02.04.1950 — 08.04.1950
10.07.1950 — 16.07.1950
19.10.1950 — 27.10.1950
19.12.1950 — 28.12.1950
31.01.1951 — 09.02.1951
25.03.1951 — 01.04.1951
03.05.1951 — 14.05.1951
02.07.1951 — 08.07.1951
12.10.1951 — 19.10.1951
25.01.1952 — 02.02.1952
18.03.1952 — 05.04.1952
03.05.1952 — 14.05.1952
23.06.1952 — 30.06.1952
03.10.1952 — 11.10.1952
17.01.1953 — 25.01.1953
30.04.1953 — 08.05.1953
16.06.1953 — 26.06.1953
30.07.1953 — 11.08.1953
26.09.1953 — 04.10.1953
10.01.1954 — 18.01.1954
23.04.1954 — 30.04.1954
15.06.1954 — 02.07.1954
29.07.1954 — 07.08.1954
19.09.1954 — 28.09.1954
06.11.1954 — 10.11.1954
03.01.1955 — 10.01.1955
15.04.1955 — 22.04.1955
24.07.1955 — 30.07.1955
14.09.1955 — 17.10.1955
29.10.1955 — 08.11.1955
26.12.1955 — 04.01.1956
03.02.1956 — 14.02.1956
06.04.1956 — 12.04.1956
15.07.1956 — 21.07.1956
23.10.1956 — 31.10.1956
19.12.1956 — 13.01.1957
31.01.1957 — 12.02.1957
29.03.1957 — 04.04.1957
06.07.1957 — 12.07.1957
16.10.1957 — 23.10.1957
28.01.1958 — 06.02.1958
21.03.1958 — 01.04.1958
12.04.1958 — 16.05.1958
28.06.1958 — 04.07.1958
08.10.1958 — 16.10.1958
22.01.1959 — 30.01.1959
03.05.1959 — 12.05.1959
20.06.1959 — 28.06.1959
30.09.1959 — 08.10.1959
15.01.1960 — 23.01.1960
27.04.1960 — 04.05.1960
13.06.1960 — 29.06.1960
08.07.1960 — 10.08.1960
22.09.1960 — 01.10.1960
06.01.1961 — 14.01.1961
20.04.1961 — 26.04.1961
27.07.1961 — 03.08.1961
16.09.1961 — 27.09.1961
23.10.1961 — 10.11.1961
30.12.1961 — 07.01.1962
12.04.1962 — 18.04.1962
20.07.1962 — 26.07.1962
13.09.1962 — 04.10.1962
27.10.1962 — 04.11.1962
23.12.1962 — 01.01.1963
21.01.1963 — 15.02.1963
03.04.1963 — 09.04.1963
12.07.1963 — 18.07.1963
21.10.1963 — 28.10.1963
19.12.1963 — 02.01.1964
31.01.1964 — 10.02.1964
25.03.1964 — 01.04.1964
02.07.1964 — 08.07.1964
12.10.1964 — 20.10.1964
25.01.1965 — 03.02.1965
19.03.1965 — 11.04.1965
03.05.1965 — 15.05.1965
24.06.1965 — 01.07.1965
04.10.1965 — 12.10.1965
19.01.1966 — 26.01.1966

01.05.1966 — 09.05.1966
17.06.1966 — 26.06.1966
27.09.1966 — 05.10.1966
11.01.1967 — 19.01.1967
25.04.1967 — 01.05.1967
14.06.1967 — 10.07.1967
29.07.1967 — 08.08.1967
20.09.1967 — 29.09.1967
04.01.1968 — 12.01.1968
16.04.1968 — 22.04.1968
24.07.1968 — 31.07.1968
14.09.1968 — 27.09.1968
09.10.1968 — 22.10.1968
27.10.1968 — 08.11.1968
27.12.1968 — 04.01.1969
08.04.1969 — 14.04.1969
16.07.1969 — 22.07.1969
24.10.1969 — 01.11.1969
20.12.1969 — 02.01.1970
07.01.1970 — 19.01.1970
31.01.1970 — 13.02.1970
30.03.1970 — 06.04.1970
08.07.1970 — 14.07.1970
17.10.1970 — 25.10.1970
29.01.1971 — 07.02.1971
23.03.1971 — 01.04.1971
20.04.1971 — 16.05.1971
29.06.1971 — 06.07.1971
10.10.1971 — 17.10.1971
23.01.1972 — 31.01.1972
03.05.1972 — 12.05.1972
20.06.1972 — 28.06.1972
01.10.1972 — 09.10.1972
15.01.1973 — 23.01.1973
28.04.1973 — 05.05.1973
14.06.1973 — 26.06.1973
17.07.1973 — 11.08.1973
24.09.1973 — 02.10.1973
08.01.1974 — 15.01.1974
21.04.1974 — 28.04.1974
28.07.1974 — 05.08.1974
17.09.1974 — 27.09.1974
28.10.1974 — 11.11.1974
31.12.1974 — 08.01.1975
13.04.1975 — 19.04.1975
22.07.1975 — 28.07.1975
13.09.1975 — 09.10.1975
28.10.1975 — 06.11.1975
24.12.1975 — 02.01.1976
26.01.1976 — 15.02.1976
04.04.1976 — 10.04.1976
12.07.1976 — 18.07.1976
21.10.1976 — 29.10.1976
18.12.1976 — 06.01.1977
31.01.1977 — 10.02.1977
27.03.1977 — 02.04.1977
04.07.1977 — 10.07.1977
14.10.1977 — 21.10.1977
26.01.1978 — 04.02.1978
20.03.1978 — 20.04.1978
01.05.1978 — 16.05.1978
25.06.1978 — 02.07.1978
06.10.1978 — 14.10.1978
20.01.1979 — 28.01.1979
02.05.1979 — 10.05.1979
18.06.1979 — 27.06.1979
28.09.1979 — 06.10.1979
13.01.1980 — 20.01.1980
25.04.1980 — 02.05.1980
13.06.1980 — 18.07.1980
27.07.1980 — 08.08.1980
20.09.1980 — 29.09.1980
04.01.1981 — 12.01.1981
17.04.1981 — 24.04.1981
26.07.1981 — 01.08.1981
14.09.1981 — 26.09.1981
15.10.1981 — 09.11.1981
28.12.1981 — 05.01.1982
09.04.1982 — 15.04.1982
18.07.1982 — 24.07.1982
14.09.1982 — 24.09.1982
25.10.1982 — 02.11.1982

21.12.1982 — 01.01.1983
13.01.1983 — 14.02.1983
01.04.1983 — 07.04.1983
09.07.1983 — 15.07.1983
19.10.1983 — 26.10.1983
19.12.1983 — 24.12.1983
30.01.1984 — 08.02.1984
23.03.1984 — 31.03.1984
26.04.1984 — 14.05.1984
30.06.1984 — 06.07.1984
10.10.1984 — 17.10.1984
23.01.1985 — 01.02.1985
19.03.1985 — 31.03.1985
03.05.1985 — 13.05.1985
22.06.1985 — 29.06.1985
02.10.1985 — 10.10.1985
16.01.1986 — 24.01.1986
29.04.1986 — 07.05.1986
15.06.1986 — 26.06.1986
25.07.1986 — 11.08.1986
25.09.1986 — 03.10.1986
09.01.1987 — 17.01.1987
22.04.1987 — 29.04.1987
17.06.1987 — 25.06.1987
29.07.1987 — 06.08.1987
18.09.1987 — 28.09.1987
02.11.1987 — 11.11.1987
02.01.1988 — 10.01.1988
14.04.1988 — 20.04.1988
22.07.1988 — 28.07.1988
12.09.1988 — 13.10.1988
28.10.1988 — 06.11.1988
25.12.1988 — 02.01.1989
30.01.1989 — 14.02.1989
05.04.1989 — 11.04.1989
14.07.1989 — 20.07.1989
22.10.1989 — 30.10.1989
19.12.1989 — 11.01.1990
31.01.1990 — 11.02.1990
28.03.1990 — 04.04.1990
05.07.1990 — 11.07.1990
15.10.1990 — 22.10.1990
27.01.1991 — 05.02.1991
21.03.1991 — 16.05.1991
27.06.1991 — 04.07.1991
07.10.1991 — 15.10.1991
21.01.1992 — 29.01.1992
02.05.1992 — 10.05.1992
18.06.1992 — 26.06.1992
29.09.1992 — 07.10.1992
13.01.1993 — 21.01.1993
26.04.1993 — 03.05.1993
13.06.1993 — 10.08.1993
22.09.1993 — 30.09.1993
06.01.1994 — 13.01.1994
19.04.1994 — 25.04.1994
27.07.1994 — 03.08.1994
15.09.1994 — 26.09.1994
20.10.1994 — 10.11.1994
29.12.1994 — 06.01.1995
11.04.1995 — 17.04.1995
19.07.1995 — 25.07.1995
13.09.1995 — 30.09.1995
27.10.1995 — 04.11.1995
23.12.1995 — 01.01.1996
18.01.1996 — 14.02.1996
01.04.1996 — 08.04.1996
10.07.1996 — 16.07.1996
19.10.1996 — 26.10.1996
17.12.1996 — 29.12.1996
30.01.1997 — 09.02.1997
24.03.1997 — 01.04.1997
08.05.1997 — 09.05.1997
01.07.1997 — 08.07.1997
11.10.1997 — 19.10.1997
25.01.1998 — 02.02.1998
19.03.1998 — 07.04.1998
03.05.1998 — 14.05.1998
23.06.1998 — 30.06.1998
04.10.1998 — 11.10.1998
18.01.1999 — 26.01.1999
30.04.1999 — 08.05.1999

16.06.1999 — 26.06.1999
02.08.1999 — 10.08.1999
26.09.1999 — 05.10.1999
11.01.2000 — 18.01.2000
23.04.2000 — 30.04.2000
13.06.2000 — 04.07.2000
29.07.2000 — 07.08.2000
18.09.2000 — 28.09.2000
02.01.2001 — 10.01.2001
15.04.2001 — 21.04.2001
24.07.2001 — 30.07.2001
13.09.2001 — 30.09.2001
04.10.2001 — 18.10.2001
28.10.2001 — 07.11.2001
26.12.2001 — 03.01.2002
05.02.2002 — 12.02.2002
07.04.2002 — 13.04.2002
16.07.2002 — 21.07.2002
24.10.2002 — 31.10.2002
20.12.2002 — 16.01.2003
31.01.2003 — 12.02.2003
30.03.2003 — 05.04.2003
07.07.2003 — 13.07.2003
16.10.2003 — 24.10.2003
29.01.2004 — 06.02.2004
21.03.2004 — 31.03.2004
14.04.2004 — 15.05.2004
27.06.2004 — 04.07.2004
08.10.2004 — 15.10.2004
21.01.2005 — 30.01.2005
03.05.2005 — 12.05.2005
20.06.2005 — 27.06.2005
30.09.2005 — 08.10.2005
14.01.2006 — 22.01.2006
28.04.2006 — 05.05.2006
14.06.2006 — 27.06.2006
12.07.2006 — 10.08.2006
23.09.2006 — 01.10.2006
07.01.2007 — 15.01.2007
20.04.2007 — 27.04.2007
28.07.2007 — 04.08.2007
16.09.2007 — 27.09.2007
25.10.2007 — 11.11.2007
31.12.2007 — 08.01.2008
11.04.2008 — 17.04.2008
20.07.2008 — 26.07.2008
12.09.2008 — 05.10.2008
27.10.2008 — 04.11.2008
23.12.2008 — 01.01.2009
22.01.2009 — 14.02.2009
03.04.2009 — 09.04.2009
12.07.2009 — 17.07.2009
20.10.2009 — 28.10.2009
18.12.2009 — 03.01.2010
31.01.2010 — 10.02.2010
26.03.2010 — 02.04.2010
03.07.2010 — 09.07.2010
13.10.2010 — 20.10.2010
26.01.2011 — 03.02.2011
19.03.2011 — 14.04.2011
02.05.2011 — 15.05.2011
25.06.2011 — 02.07.2011
05.10.2011 — 13.10.2011
19.01.2012 — 27.01.2012
01.05.2012 — 09.05.2012
16.06.2012 — 25.06.2012
27.09.2012 — 05.10.2012
11.01.2013 — 19.01.2013
24.04.2013 — 01.05.2013
13.06.2013 — 12.07.2013
28.07.2013 — 08.08.2013
20.09.2013 — 29.09.2013
04.01.2014 — 11.01.2014
17.04.2014 — 23.04.2014
25.07.2014 — 31.07.2014
14.09.2014 — 27.09.2014
11.10.2014 — 08.11.2014
27.12.2014 — 04.01.2015
08.04.2015 — 14.04.2015
17.07.2015 — 23.07.2015
25.10.2015 — 02.11.2015
21.12.2015 — 31.12.2015

Read a horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for the ME group.

If you found your date of birth in this category, read the horoscope for 2017 for you. Throughout the year, people in this category will have Mercury in their charts influenced by Uranus and/or Pluto. Tips from Vasilisa Volodina for 2017:

Be careful about polishing your travels and trips. During the year, accidents and other incidents related to the road and transport can occur. Follow the rules while driving and do not exceed the speed limit. Avoid less important trips. If you still need to go, then follow the safety measures and move with the help of reliable and trusted carriers.


Insure your vehicle and do not leave it unattended for a long time. It is also not recommended to travel with strangers. Don't get into a car with strangers.

There are risks in encroaching on your property. Insure your home secure door and changing locks. Also contact your insurance company and insure yourself in case of robbery.

If you have chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, their sharp exacerbation is possible within a year.

Family and Children.

Be patient with children. At the same time, monitor their health and behavior very carefully. All issues with the younger generation - children, youth, younger relatives, brothers - this year will be solved more difficult than usual. Protracted conflicts may arise.

Postpone a planned pregnancy or IVF procedure, the risks of unwanted development of this pregnancy are too high. Keep in mind that the probability of conception this year is, in principle, low. If conceiving a child has long been a problem for you, order a consultation with Vasilisa Volodina on this topic.

Business and work.

In business: make sure that there are no people in the team who directly harm the business (espionage or theft). Be prepared for the departure of part of the team or problems with subordinates, business partners. Have people in mind for emergency replacements, don't invest in staff training, don't be afraid to fire negligent employees. Plan a certain amount of money for equipment repairs - it can come in handy. Don't quarrel with the press. Be prepared to donate some retail outlets if necessary. Take a closer look at alternative suppliers or other counterparties in advance, without waiting for 2017.

See SO group dates(find your date of birth)

  • From 7 to 20 January any year
  • From 6 to 20 April any year
  • From 8 to 23 July any year
  • From 9 to 23 October any year

Read a horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for groups py SO.

Uranus and/or Pluto will have an active influence on the position of the Sun in your horoscope.


In 2017, you will develop the desire to express yourself, to show your individuality. Don't take hasty steps. Before realizing your ambitions, weigh all the pros and cons. Otherwise, you may suffer from your recklessness and not harm yourself.


It is important for you to monitor your health, especially the state of the cardiovascular system and vision throughout the year. Regularly measure blood pressure, do not overstrain your eyes, rest more. Don't give up on doctor's prescriptions conservative treatment especially if you are over 45. But it is better to postpone planned operations.

Be careful when handling electrical appliances.

If you are a woman, take care of your husband's health as well as your own.

See Group V dates(find your date of birth)

20.05.1950 — 01.06.1950
05.08.1950 — 16.08.1950
17.10.1950 — 27.10.1950
28.12.1950 — 07.01.1951
10.03.1951 — 21.03.1951
25.05.1951 — 06.06.1951
25.11.1951 — 07.12.1951
10.02.1952 — 20.02.1952
23.04.1952 — 04.05.1952
05.07.1952 — 16.07.1952
16.09.1952 — 27.09.1952
29.11.1952 — 10.12.1952
20.02.1953 — 13.03.1953
02.04.1953 — 27.04.1953
12.05.1953 — 04.06.1953
18.08.1953 — 29.08.1953
01.11.1953 — 11.11.1953
11.01.1954 — 22.01.1954
24.03.1954 — 04.04.1954
06.06.1954 — 17.06.1954
24.08.1954 — 06.09.1954
21.02.1955 — 04.03.1955
08.05.1955 — 19.05.1955
21.07.1955 — 01.08.1955
02.10.1955 — 12.10.1955
13.12.1955 — 24.12.1955
25.02.1956 — 07.03.1956
25.08.1956 — 08.09.1956
14.11.1956 — 25.11.1956
26.01.1957 — 05.02.1957
08.04.1957 — 18.04.1957
20.06.1957 — 01.07.1957
03.09.1957 — 13.09.1957
22.11.1957 — 06.12.1957
20.05.1958 — 31.05.1958
05.08.1958 — 15.08.1958
17.10.1958 — 27.10.1958
27.12.1958 — 07.01.1959
10.03.1959 — 20.03.1959
25.05.1959 — 06.06.1959
25.11.1959 — 07.12.1959
09.02.1960 — 20.02.1960
23.04.1960 — 03.05.1960
05.07.1960 — 15.07.1960
16.09.1960 — 26.09.1960
29.11.1960 — 10.12.1960
20.02.1961 — 19.04.1961
16.05.1961 — 05.06.1961
18.08.1961 — 29.08.1961
31.10.1961 — 10.11.1961
11.01.1962 — 21.01.1962
24.03.1962 — 03.04.1962
06.06.1962 — 16.06.1962
24.08.1962 — 06.09.1962
20.02.1963 — 04.03.1963
08.05.1963 — 18.05.1963
21.07.1963 — 31.07.1963
01.10.1963 — 12.10.1963
13.12.1963 — 23.12.1963
25.02.1964 — 07.03.1964
25.08.1964 — 07.09.1964
14.11.1964 — 24.11.1964
25.01.1965 — 05.02.1965
07.04.1965 — 18.04.1965
20.06.1965 — 30.06.1965
02.09.1965 — 13.09.1965
22.11.1965 — 06.12.1965
08.02.1966 — 24.02.1966
20.05.1966 — 31.05.1966
04.08.1966 — 15.08.1966

16.10.1966 — 26.10.1966
27.12.1966 — 06.01.1967
09.03.1967 — 20.03.1967
25.05.1967 — 06.06.1967
25.11.1967 — 07.12.1967
09.02.1968 — 19.02.1968
22.04.1968 — 03.05.1968
04.07.1968 — 15.07.1968
15.09.1968 — 26.09.1968
28.11.1968 — 09.12.1968
21.02.1969 — 12.04.1969
18.05.1969 — 05.06.1969
17.08.1969 — 28.08.1969
31.10.1969 — 10.11.1969
10.01.1970 — 21.01.1970
23.03.1970 — 03.04.1970
05.06.1970 — 16.06.1970
24.08.1970 — 06.09.1970
20.02.1971 — 03.03.1971
07.05.1971 — 18.05.1971
20.07.1971 — 31.07.1971
01.10.1971 — 11.10.1971
12.12.1971 — 22.12.1971
24.02.1972 — 06.03.1972
25.08.1972 — 07.09.1972
13.11.1972 — 24.11.1972
25.01.1973 — 04.02.1973
07.04.1973 — 17.04.1973
19.06.1973 — 30.06.1973
02.09.1973 — 13.09.1973
22.11.1973 — 07.12.1973
31.01.1974 — 27.02.1974
19.05.1974 — 30.05.1974
04.08.1974 — 14.08.1974
16.10.1974 — 26.10.1974
26.12.1974 — 06.01.1975
09.03.1975 — 19.03.1975
24.05.1975 — 06.06.1975
25.11.1975 — 06.12.1975
08.02.1976 — 19.02.1976
21.04.1976 — 02.05.1976
04.07.1976 — 14.07.1976
15.09.1976 — 25.09.1976
28.11.1976 — 09.12.1976
22.02.1977 — 06.04.1977
19.05.1977 — 05.06.1977
17.08.1977 — 28.08.1977
30.10.1977 — 09.11.1977
10.01.1978 — 20.01.1978
23.03.1978 — 02.04.1978
05.06.1978 — 15.06.1978
24.08.1978 — 06.09.1978
20.02.1979 — 03.03.1979
07.05.1979 — 17.05.1979
20.07.1979 — 30.07.1979
30.09.1979 — 11.10.1979
12.12.1979 — 22.12.1979
24.02.1980 — 06.03.1980
25.08.1980 — 07.09.1980
13.11.1980 — 23.11.1980
24.01.1981 — 03.02.1981
06.04.1981 — 17.04.1981
18.06.1981 — 29.06.1981
01.09.1981 — 12.09.1981
22.11.1981 — 08.12.1981
24.01.1982 — 01.03.1982
19.05.1982 — 30.05.1982
03.08.1982 — 14.08.1982
15.10.1982 — 25.10.1982
26.12.1982 — 05.01.1983

08.03.1983 — 19.03.1983
24.05.1983 — 05.06.1983
24.11.1983 — 06.12.1983
08.02.1984 — 18.02.1984
21.04.1984 — 01.05.1984
03.07.1984 — 14.07.1984
14.09.1984 — 25.09.1984
27.11.1984 — 08.12.1984
23.02.1985 — 31.03.1985
20.05.1985 — 05.06.1985
16.08.1985 — 27.08.1985
30.10.1985 — 09.11.1985
09.01.1986 — 19.01.1986
22.03.1986 — 02.04.1986
04.06.1986 — 15.06.1986
24.08.1986 — 06.09.1986
19.02.1987 — 03.03.1987
06.05.1987 — 17.05.1987
19.07.1987 — 30.07.1987
30.09.1987 — 10.10.1987
11.12.1987 — 21.12.1987
23.02.1988 — 06.03.1988
25.08.1988 — 07.09.1988
12.11.1988 — 23.11.1988
24.01.1989 — 03.02.1989
06.04.1989 — 16.04.1989
18.06.1989 — 29.06.1989
01.09.1989 — 12.09.1989
22.11.1989 — 09.12.1989
18.01.1990 — 03.03.1990
18.05.1990 — 30.05.1990
03.08.1990 — 13.08.1990
14.10.1990 — 25.10.1990
25.12.1990 — 04.01.1991
08.03.1991 — 18.03.1991
24.05.1991 — 05.06.1991
24.11.1991 — 05.12.1991
07.02.1992 — 18.02.1992
20.04.1992 — 01.05.1992
03.07.1992 — 13.07.1992
14.09.1992 — 24.09.1992
27.11.1992 — 08.12.1992
25.02.1993 — 25.03.1993
21.05.1993 — 06.06.1993
16.08.1993 — 27.08.1993
29.10.1993 — 08.11.1993
09.01.1994 — 19.01.1994
22.03.1994 — 01.04.1994
04.06.1994 — 15.06.1994
23.08.1994 — 07.09.1994
19.02.1995 — 02.03.1995
06.05.1995 — 16.05.1995
18.07.1995 — 29.07.1995
29.09.1995 — 10.10.1995
11.12.1995 — 21.12.1995
23.02.1996 — 05.03.1996
25.08.1996 — 06.09.1996
12.11.1996 — 22.11.1996
23.01.1997 — 02.02.1997
05.04.1997 — 16.04.1997
17.06.1997 — 28.06.1997
31.08.1997 — 11.09.1997
22.11.1997 — 11.12.1997
11.01.1998 — 04.03.1998
18.05.1998 — 29.05.1998
02.08.1998 — 13.08.1998
14.10.1998 — 24.10.1998
25.12.1998 — 04.01.1999
07.03.1999 — 18.03.1999
23.05.1999 — 05.06.1999

24.11.1999 — 05.12.1999
07.02.2000 — 17.02.2000
20.04.2000 — 30.04.2000
02.07.2000 — 13.07.2000
13.09.2000 — 24.09.2000
27.11.2000 — 08.12.2000
28.02.2001 — 18.03.2001
22.05.2001 — 06.06.2001
15.08.2001 — 26.08.2001
28.10.2001 — 08.11.2001
08.01.2002 — 18.01.2002
21.03.2002 — 31.03.2002
03.06.2002 — 14.06.2002
23.08.2002 — 07.09.2002
19.02.2003 — 02.03.2003
05.05.2003 — 16.05.2003
18.07.2003 — 28.07.2003
29.09.2003 — 09.10.2003
10.12.2003 — 20.12.2003
23.02.2004 — 05.03.2004
25.08.2004 — 06.09.2004
11.11.2004 — 22.11.2004
23.01.2005 — 02.02.2005
05.04.2005 — 15.04.2005
17.06.2005 — 27.06.2005
31.08.2005 — 11.09.2005
23.11.2005 — 14.12.2005
03.01.2006 — 04.03.2006
18.05.2006 — 29.05.2006
01.08.2006 — 12.08.2006
13.10.2006 — 24.10.2006
24.12.2006 — 03.01.2007
07.03.2007 — 17.03.2007
23.05.2007 — 05.06.2007
24.11.2007 — 05.12.2007
06.02.2008 — 17.02.2008
19.04.2008 — 30.04.2008
02.07.2008 — 12.07.2008
13.09.2008 — 23.09.2008
26.11.2008 — 07.12.2008
22.05.2009 — 05.06.2009
15.08.2009 — 26.08.2009
28.10.2009 — 07.11.2009
08.01.2010 — 18.01.2010
21.03.2010 — 31.03.2010
03.06.2010 — 14.06.2010
23.08.2010 — 08.09.2010
09.11.2010 — 28.11.2010
18.02.2011 — 01.03.2011
05.05.2011 — 15.05.2011
17.07.2011 — 28.07.2011
28.09.2011 — 08.10.2011
10.12.2011 — 20.12.2011
22.02.2012 — 05.03.2012
24.08.2012 — 06.09.2012
11.11.2012 — 21.11.2012
22.01.2013 — 01.02.2013
04.04.2013 — 15.04.2013
16.06.2013 — 27.06.2013
30.08.2013 — 10.09.2013
24.11.2013 — 21.01.2014
12.02.2014 — 05.03.2014
17.05.2014 — 28.05.2014
01.08.2014 — 12.08.2014
13.10.2014 — 23.10.2014
24.12.2014 — 03.01.2015
06.03.2015 — 17.03.2015
23.05.2015 — 05.06.2015
23.11.2015 — 04.12.2015

The forecast applies to everyone who was born on these dates. Throughout the year, Uranus and/or Pluto will influence the position of Venus in your horoscope.

For you in 2017, the risk of difficult situations in love, conflicts and partings is increased. If the situation in the relationship is far from peaceful, and you are not interested in breaking up, be more tolerant of your partner. Try to sort things out as little as possible, agree with him (her) more often.

There are high risks during the year to quarrel with a young woman - a sister or girlfriend. Or be a witness to difficult events in her life.

Beauty and health.

Do not use unfamiliar cosmetics during this year. Refuse plastic surgery - the result will disappoint you. Coordinate injection cosmetic procedures with your doctor and astrologer during the year.

Children and family.

If you are a woman, visit a gynecologist. Postpone the planned pregnancy, the risks of its undesirable development during the year 2017 or very difficult bearing are too high. If conceiving a child has been a problem for you for a long time, order an individual consultation on the topic of conception and childbearing.

If you are a man, go to a urologist. Check your kidneys and prostate.

See MA group dates(find your date of birth)

This year Uranus and/or Pluto influences the position of Mars in your horoscope.

If you find your date of birth on this list, you should consider the following:

for you in 2017, the risk of injury is increased. Be careful when playing sports, and just in Everyday life. Great if nothing happens, but accuracy is required all year round! To find out when special care is required, order "Individual astrological forecast for 1 year".

Be careful.

Follow the safety rules in everything - do not get involved in dubious acquaintances, visit less often public events and large crowds. Avoid night walks.

Be careful when handling piercing objects and fire. To live this year easier day by day will help you " Moon calendar for 2017".

You will be more excited than usual. If you do not restrain yourself, do not exercise caution, you risk conflicting with others very much. You may even provoke someone's aggression on yourself.

Be careful when communicating with representatives of law enforcement agencies, they can also pose a threat to you now.

Health insurance.

Insure your health from injury, and your home and business from fire. "Signs of Fate-2017" will help you assess the likelihood of these risks during the year


In business - try not to cause aggression of a partner or competitors. Do not risk large sums, postpone large investments and start-ups of new projects for at least 1 year.

25.09.1952 — 18.10.1953
03.03.1960 — 25.06.1960
30.11.1960 — 18.04.1961
31.05.1961 — 30.12.1961
10.04.1968 — 26.04.1969

04.09.1974 — 30.12.1974
23.05.1975 — 12.09.1975
21.01.1976 — 31.05.1976
02.11.1981 — 24.05.1982
13.07.1982 — 24.11.1982

14.05.1983 — 18.08.1983
05.01.1990 — 02.02.1991
19.05.1997 — 21.10.1997
08.02.1998 — 04.06.1998
01.11.1998 — 23.02.1999

02.07.2004 — 12.07.2005
20.12.2010 — 05.03.2011
09.09.2011 — 04.02.2012
11.02.2012 — 01.10.2012

Saturn will be influenced by Uranus and/or Pluto this year. Tips:

Try not to make large investments, whether it's buying an apartment or a plot of land. You should not take loans for real estate - it will be difficult to pay it off. It is also better not to spend money on expensive home repairs, this will also be difficult. In 2017, pay special attention to real estate transactions, there are big risks.


There is a risk of losing your job. If you notice difficulties in your organization and know about upcoming layoffs, then play it safe and start looking for a new place in advance. Avoid conflicts with management so as not to speed up the process of your dismissal.

Avoid coalitions. If a team breaks up into several sides, do not take a draw. This may have an impact in the future.

Any relationship with the state will be complicated. For example, at work, there is a high probability of sanctions from regulatory authorities against your company or you personally - a visit by the tax office, etc. All business meetings, as well as transactions throughout the year, require careful planning, in which the Time Lord calendar will be useful.

Entrepreneurial activity.

If you are a businessman, there may be problems with renting premises, government inspections with an unpleasant outcome for you, a general decrease in business profitability due to increased costs. Reject all new projects related to construction, real estate and disputed property rights.

For politicians and officials, there is a high probability of being not in the ruling party, but away from it. Your patron or boss may be moved to a less favorable place for you in the system.


Be careful when playing sports. Don't lift heavy things.

Keep track of your health, especially the state of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system throughout the year. Check your blood pressure regularly. Get more rest. Do not refuse conservative treatment prescribed by doctors, especially if you are over 45 years old. It is better to postpone planned operations.

Make the father and grandfather go through medical examination and follow the instructions of the doctors.

If you are young, try not to ruin your relationship with your father for a year.

See MEN dates(find your date of birth)

2017 Mercury in your horoscope will be influenced by Neptune.

This year will bring you a lot of mistakes, confusion, confusion. Your own inattention and lack of concentration can hurt in many aspects of life. Avoid making critical decisions. To find out which months you should definitely be wary of this "time of mistakes", contact your personal astrologer.

Beware of being deceived.

There is a high risk of being deceived during the year - by a business partner or one of your friends, close people. All business meetings, as well as transactions throughout the year, require careful planning, in which the Time Lord calendar will be useful.

Do not allow yourself to dream too much and build unrealistic projects. There may also be episodes of theft, keep your pockets in public transport and be on the lookout!


If you have mental illness, allergies or asthma, they are likely to worsen within a year. In older people, manifestations of severe dizziness are possible.

Pay attention to the health and behavior of children. Their studies will be problematic. Children under 12 years old can experience protracted illnesses, teenagers can experience experiments with nicotine, alcohol, etc. The "Signs of Fate-2017" will help you assess the likelihood of such events during the year.

See SON dates(find your date of birth)

  • February 28 to March 6 any year
  • May 30 to June 6 any year
  • September 1st to 8th any year
  • December 1st to 8th any year

The position of the Sun in the horoscope in 2017 will be influenced by Neptune. In the year of the Fire Rooster, you will have many doubts. The feeling of uncertainty will arise in everything: love, money, business success and much more. Even your own health will raise questions. Often your mood will be bad. Frequent depression.

If you have a predisposition to mental illness, alcoholism or endocrine diseases, then their exacerbation is possible. Try to monitor your health and visit a doctor.

Also in 2017 you are prone to weight gain. This applies not only to women, but also to the strong half.

View VN group dates(find your date of birth)

An emotional year awaits you. Everything that happens on the personal front you will perceive too sensitively. The period is conducive to finding your love. But try to be realistic, do not look at everything through rose-colored glasses. A year can bring problems in your personal life. There is a possibility of being deceived, betrayal.

Against the backdrop of love adventures, do not forget about health. The group is prone to sexually transmitted diseases. You may have to visit a dermatologist this year as well. Avoid casual relationships, this can harm you and your partner.

When buying new cosmetics, you expose your skin to a likely allergic reaction. Choose your products carefully and don't buy unknown products.

See MAN group dates(find your date of birth)

Be careful with objects and substances that can cause burns. Whether it's fire or chemical substances. Especially do not forget about boiling water.

Health in 2017 is worth considering special attention. There is a tendency to disease. Your body is weakened and ready to catch all viruses, especially during an epidemic, such as influenza. Food poisoning can also visit you, watch what you eat. It is recommended to wear a stone that matches your zodiac sign.

Don't rush into accepting deals this year. They may not end in your direction. If you are offered something illegal, do not hesitate to refuse, only you will suffer with a high probability.

View SAN group dates(find your date of birth)

At work - there is a risk of worsening working conditions in general, general economic condition Your company, management's attitude towards you, pay cuts. If you feel that there is much less work than before, do not sit out this time passively. Try to make every possible effort to become a necessary and irreplaceable employee. Look for an additional amount of work, agree to processing. Do whatever it takes to keep your job if you're not ready to change.

Chances of finding a new Good work during the year, alas, are small. If you find yourself without a job, do not waste time looking for a pie in the sky, settle for a titmouse in your hands.

If you are over 55, you are at high risk of being forced into retirement.

Be careful in any matters related to real estate. Repair of residential and other premises may be delayed and delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Income from real estate (for example, related to rent) will fall during the year.

Purchase and sale transactions of land, plots, residential and other premises will take much more time than originally expected. The risk of canceling the transaction due to the decision of the opposite side is high. There is a high risk of real estate fraud in your address.

Throughout the year, keep an eye on your health, especially the condition of the joints, skin, immunity, and spine. Get more rest. You will probably also have to deal with a long drawn-out chronic disease one of the older relatives.

See NONE group dates(find your date of birth)

If your date of birth fell into the NONE group and into another group at the same time, then you should listen to the forecasts of only the other group. The information in this section will not matter. Check your number again for the rest of the groups and make sure it's not there.

The method of transits of higher planets used in this forecast cannot be applied to you personally in 2017. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the year will be exceptionally wonderful. This means that you do not have some risks. And some cannot be seen with this method without complete data - the place and (at least approximate) time of birth. As well as opportunities, chances, lucky moments, hopeful topics.

Only additional information about the place and time of your birth will allow you to understand what exactly will happen to you in 2017. This work requires a personal examination of your horoscope by an astrologer.