How to properly fill a gas cylinder. Something about refueling disposable gas cylinders

Today refueling gas cylinders is a very topical issue. Especially considering that it is much cheaper and easier to refuel an old cylinder than to purchase a new one. Bottled gas is often used both at home and at work. Most often, gas is used for heating private houses and for household needs (cooking). In connection with the growing popularity of the use of gas in various fields, many have an expedient question of where to purchase and subsequently refuel gas cylinders for their household needs.

Where to refuel gas cylinders? And where should you not do this?

Gas for household cylinders is sold at specialized filling points. Most often, such items are located on stationary automobile gas stations... Of course, the opportunity to fill gas cylinders is available at many gas stations that are not even equipped with special cylinder points, but experts strongly advise against purchasing liquefied gas from them. This is associated with certain risks:

  • when refueling with gas, the cylinders are not checked for gas leaks;
  • there is no control on the part of refuelers of the timing or period of inspection of cylinders, which makes further operation of cylinders unsafe;
  • the format of an automobile filling station does not make it possible to fill the cylinder properly. According to the approved standards, the volume of gas filling should not exceed 85%. This allows the creation of a so-called "steam cap" in the cylinder, which prevents the risk of explosion of the cylinder under the influence of high temperatures (for example, the sun). In automobile gas cylinders, unlike household ones, a special cut-off device is placed to timely prevent gas overflow. Taking this into account, gas cylinders should be filled with mandatory control of the weight of the equipment on the scales.

Refueling gas cylinders at gas stations is possible only with specialized equipment and a license.

Companies that fill any gas tanks are called "gas filling stations". By the nature of their activity, they can have various equipment configurations. Often, the process of filling a cylinder can take place in three ways:

  • pumping - using a pump;
  • pump-compression - gas is taken by the pump and supplied to the cylinder under the increased pressure created by the compressor;
  • pump-and-evaporation - additionally introduced into the gas supply system electric heater - an evaporator that provides increased pressure.

Such a gas filling station should contain:

  • exhaust and pumping units;
  • gas storage tanks;
  • technical tools for transportation;
  • additional devices: dispensers, instrument for measuring gas density, etc.

Rules for refueling gas cylinders for summer cottages

Enough high degree explosiveness determines the presence of standard requirements for filling gas cylinders.

For example, refueling with gas should not be carried out if there is one of the following disadvantages:

  • the equipment is defective;
  • there is no residual pressure in the cylinder;
  • are present visible defects valves or valve;
  • the surface of the cylinder is covered with rust;
  • there is a presence external signs peeling paint;
  • there are dents or damage.

In addition to the standards, the cylinders are marked with the inscription "compressed gas" and a sticker is applied to signal the explosion hazard.

Before direct filling, the vessel must be freed from condensate and gas residues. The filling of the cylinder is carried out strictly on the basis of its characteristics specified in the technical passport.

Gas cylinders can be filled in two ways:

  • exchange - the consumer provides his cylinders and in return receives cylinders already filled with gas. Significant time savings can be considered the main advantage of this method. Disadvantage: Getting someone else's equipment that may have lower technical specifications;
  • using their own cylinders - the consumer leaves the cylinders at the filling station, and after a certain time (1-2 days) picks them up. Positive moment this method - their cylinders are constantly used. Minus - delivery costs and refueling time.

The cost of refueling gas equipment

The price for such services depends on several factors:

  • service level (assembly / disassembly);
  • availability of transport services (additional transportation);
  • electricity costs for refueling;
  • the cost of the gas itself.

Gas fuel has reliably entered life modern man... So, gas bottle is a rather primitive device, but it also has a number of specific nuances. Next, you will be able to read about what gas cylinders are, but for now we will try to determine the purpose of the gas itself.

There is a misconception that the gas "locked" in the cylinder and the gas in the pipeline are one and the same. The fact is that centralized gas supply uses methane, which is natural gaseous substance, it is also called marsh. But gas cylinders are already filled with a mixture of propane and butane, which is also officially called SPBT. The technical propane-butt mixture is a by-product obtained in the course of oil refining. In the future, he will use the formulation SPBT or simply "gas" for it.

The propane-butane mixture is absolutely universal. It is widely used in the petrochemical industry for the manufacture of polymers, as well as mechanical engineering and metalworking for welding works and cutting metal surfaces... In addition, SPBT can be used in roller and gas engine fuel.

Complete diagram for connecting a gas cylinder to a stove

In everyday life, such a gas mixture is used to implement autonomous gasification Housing and communal services. Gas tanks and various gas cylinders are filled with it, in which gas is burned by the forces of indoor boilers, kitchen stoves and other household gas equipment... Carbon dioxide and water act as combustion products; for this reason, such combustion is considered as safe as possible for the ecology of the living space.

In cross-section, a standard gas cylinder is similar to the design of a transparent gas lighter. A gas mixture in a liquefied state acts as a liquid, and the free space above it is a steam cap that enters the boiler or kitchen stove. The balance between these media is maintained due to the pressure inside a special container.

Connecting the cylinder to consumption devices

The device must be connected via a gearbox. Inside a conventional gas cylinder, the pressure is variable and depends on the ambient temperature. It can vary from 4 to 6 atm. The reducer is able to reduce and equalize the pressure to the optimum operating level kitchen stove.

A hose is connected to the gearbox, and a stove is connected to it. The fixation point is fixed with clamps, after which it is imperative to check the tightness of the connection with soap foam. Any foam will do. The fixation points must be covered with soapy water: if bubbles form on the surface, then the connection is leaking.

Eliminate the leak: tighten the nut even more at the junction of the fitting with the gearbox. If a leak is found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sleeve, then we tighten the clamps. After adjustment, you must check again with soap foamto make sure there is no leakage. This check is always carried out when connecting gas bottle - this is golden Rule safe use.

Correct connection of gas cylinders outdoors, Figure 1

Correct connection of polymer-composite gas cylinders, Figure 2

IMPORTANT! Do not act like some particularly "experienced" gas masters: in no case do not check the tightness with lighted paper. This results in small flames at the leak points. This is strictly prohibited by safety regulations. In addition, such tongues of flame are very small and in daylight can go unnoticed and lead to sad consequences.

Installation and operation of gas cylinders

The most important criterion for the safe operation of such devices is the control over possible leaks and overheating. A seal failure can be detected by a characteristic odor. The gas, in principle, has neither color nor smell, but a special marker is added to SPBT - a hydrocarbon-mercaptan. Due to this, a person can smell the smell when turning on the column of a gas stove or during a leak.

So, if you felt this smell, then we can conclude that the concentration of TPBT is 20 percent of the dangerous one. There is no reason for panic, that is, there is a reason to check the connection point according to the above scheme.

Operation of gas cylinders, presented in the form of a table

When the gas cylinder is in the room itself, it should be placed at a distance of 1 meter from the stove, which in its active state is a heat source. Also, you cannot place any other heating devices nearby: heating radiators and autonomous heaters.

An acceptable option would be a "summer cottage" installation method - from the outer northern side of the structure, which excludes the possibility of overheating the balloon by the sun's rays. In such a situation, the sleeve must be passed through a hole in the wall, previously "processed" with a metal sleeve. The cylinder is placed in a special metal cabinet equipped with ventilation holes at the bottom of the walls. Since the gas is somewhat heavier than air, in the event of a leak, it will accumulate from below, where there will be ventilation holes, so a light wind can eliminate unwanted accumulation.

Why are the cylinders covered with frost?

Here, too, one of the most common misconceptions can be debunked. It is believed that if such a device "freezes", it becomes covered with frost. Some even argue that it is necessary to insulate such equipment with blankets, old coats and other improvised devices. So, the frost will disappear faster if the gas container is left as it is, without helping it "thaw" with warm things.

The bottom of a gas cylinder that is covered with frost

The appearance of frost can be explained by a number of physical processes that occur inside the structure when it is connected to furnaces or burners. At such moments, active fuel consumption is observed, therefore, large volumes gas liquid turns into a vaporous fraction. And such a phenomenon is always accompanied by a large consumption of heat, it is for this reason that the surface of the cylinder becomes much colder than the temperature in the surrounding space. Moisture in the air begins to manifest itself in the form of condensation on the walls of the installation, subsequently turning into frost. This is an absolutely natural phenomenon with which you do not need to do anything.

Moreover, all attempts to use artificial "insulation" violate safety standards during operation, and also affect the deterioration of heat transfer between the device and environment and affect the gas supply conditions. If your burner did not please with a grandiose flame, then after your "maneuvers" with a blanket, it may stop working altogether.

Do not insulate gas cylinders with anything!

In general, when connecting gas devices with high power, you need to be aware that the gas cylinder has limitations on the speed of release. This means that the liquid fuel is converted into a steam stage gradually. For example, a 50 liter bottle can supply about 500 grams of gas in 60 minutes. This is equivalent to a power of 6-7 kW. In the cold season, this figure is halved if the equipment is located outdoors. In summer, the situation is reversed: the maximum flow rate increases.

In any case, it can be concluded that frost is an indication that the cylinder cannot cope with high fuel consumption. This can cause a temporary drop in gas pressure and equipment failure. If this happens, then it is better to stop consumption and wait until there is enough steam cap.

Why is there a “splash” of water in the container?

This can be heard in winter. Be aware that this is not water, but the butane component of SPBT. At the slightest frost, butane ceases to be converted into a vaporous fraction. It is she who "splashes" in the form of a liquid inside.

Butane component of SPBT in a gas cylinder

In the warm season, this problem does not arise: almost all of the propane-butane mixture is used. In order to avoid this in frost, it is recommended, when filling the container, to ask the refueling agent about the availability of a passport for the used SPBT. This document should contain information that the mixture contains at least 80 percent of propane, which passes from liquid to vapor in cold weather. If you use such a filling, then problems should not arise.

How much gas is there?

Here you can use primitive mathematical rules. If we start from the power of the stove, where 4 burners work at once, then 8 kWh of energy is used in 60 minutes. If you burn 1 kg of gas, you can get 12.8 kWh of energy. The first result must be divided by the second figure, resulting in the amount of "liquid" fuel required for full-fledged work stove for an hour. This figure is 0.625 kilograms of gas. Consequently, a 50 liter container with 21 kilograms of gas will be used to operate the stove for 33.6 hours. If the power in kg of fuel burned is indicated in the passport of your equipment, then the calculations are greatly simplified.

In the future, everything depends much on the intensity of use of the stove. If you often cook jellied meat, then the degree of consumption will be one, if you are content only with making morning coffee, then another. Based practical experience, we can say that 12 liters of gas, which will be used by a small family on weekends at the dacha, will be enough for the whole summer. More detailed information on autonomous gasification can be found in this section.

How to fill a gas cylinder?

Refuel such devices on the territory of special points, which can be located autonomously and enter the gas station. In the latter conditions, it is possible to refuel with gas engine fuel.

The most important nuance in this process is the fact that you need to refuel not by volume, but by weight. If you are guided by safety precautions, then gas containers should be filled to a maximum of 85 percent of the total volume, in order to avoid excessive pressure.

In order to comply with safety precautions and its standards, such a device with any volume is marked with a figure with a maximum permissible mass corresponding to the same permissible 85 percent. The tanks are placed on the scales, including fuel injection. The process stops after reaching the required mass.

But even when refueling in relation to the mass, overflows are not excluded, which is especially important for low-volume containers - by 5 or 12. They should be refueled by 2 and 6 kilograms, respectively. The high speed of filling sometimes does not allow to see the achievement of the maximum rate. If this happens to you, be sure to ask that the excess gas be drained. In the future, it is better to choose another place for refueling.

In general, the basic criterion for choosing a refueller is that he has licensed documents for the use of fire and explosive objects. If the documents are present, then we can conclude that you are served by qualified specialists who annually pass special certification.

In other cases, you take responsibility for the operation of the refilled container on yourself. And you risk not only your money, but also the safety of your home and life. In addition, an unlicensed gas station is a violation of the law and may entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability regarding the article on illegal business activity.

The information offered in the review does not claim to be accurate encyclopedic data and is largely dictated by our experience. But we are confident that it can help you significantly save time and money.

Despite the significant increase in energy prices, gas is still the most common type of fuel. It is used for various purposes, including refueling cars. The installation of LPG equipment on vehicles allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing fuel.

You can purchase suitable cylinders and other equipment on the website

Necessary equipment

Gas that is supplied to residential houses, is much cheaper than liquefied gas at specialized gas stations. Therefore, filling the cylinders from the stove is much more profitable. But in order to independently carry out this process, you will need special equipment.

Today there are two options available:

  • mobile gas filling stations for industrial production. Such equipment is not produced in our country. Therefore, you will have to turn to foreign manufacturers. Plants for filling gas cylinders are produced in France, Austria, Germany and many other countries;
  • homemade installations. In order to manufacture such equipment, you must have certain skills. It is important to understand that there is a potential for accidents in the event of a domestic gas leak.

A feature of the equipment, which allows filling cylinders with household gas, is the use of several compressors combined in different circuits. This allows for a gradual increase in gas pressure.

The principle of operation of a gas filling installation

Since the gas pressure in the gas pipeline is about 0.05 bar, it must be compressed to 200 bar before refueling. This problem is solved by the installation for filling cylinders. It can include from 3 to 5 circuits, while the principle of operation will be unchanged:

  1. The gas passes the filter installed at the inlet of the system and enters the cylinder of the circuit.
  2. The compressor builds up pressure and the compressed gas is fed to the cooling radiator.
  3. Through the pipeline, the gas is fed to the next circuit, where it is compressed even more.

All processes are repeated in each circuit. Before filling the bottle high pressure, the gas is passed through a molecular filter.

The refueling process lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours. If you use reserve cylinders, into which gas will be injected in advance, then the time can be reduced to 10-15 minutes.

When using homemade gas filling equipment, you need to be extremely careful. Gas leaks can cause various accidents.


It is best to fill a threaded container from the same half-empty cartridge or a cheaper collet. But some craftsmen fill the container with gas from a household cylinder. A five-liter container in which there is a propane-butane mixture is suitable. Unlike pure butane, which is initially found in commercial gas cylinders, it works great at subzero temperatures.

Secure connectione is carried out through a special adapter for refueling gas cartridges. It is a transparent tube, at the ends of which there are threaded adapters for connecting to cartridges. A part of the adapter tip is made of brass. It has a wing retainer and an O-ring. This device helps to screw and fix the adapter on the cylinder. In addition, it has a regulator valve to ensure smooth gas supply.

Refueling the can must be carried out in compliance with safety rules.

Algorithm of work:

  1. 1. Check if the regulator valve on the adapter is closed. Then insert the gasket into the fitting and screw the adapter to the household bottle. For reliability, tighten the union using an adjustable wrench.
  2. 2. Turn the cylinder over and, if possible, suspend it.
  3. 3. On a previously prepared balance, you need to weigh the cylinder and find out its empty weight. The resulting weight should be written on the bottom of the container with a marker, this will come in handy at the next refueling.
  4. But the main purpose of this weighing is to find out the exact mass, so that when filling the cartridge, it does not exceed the specified volume and leave an air "cushion".
  5. 4.After weighing, the cylinder is screwed onto the adapter. First, the valve on the large cylinder opens, and then on the small one, the gas supply begins. Through the transparent tube you will see
  6. movement of gas bubbles.
  7. 5. After a certain time, the movement of liquid gas may slow down, in this case
  8. it is necessary to suspend the process and release the gas from the tourist spray. Evaporation
  9. some part of the substance in the container will drop in pressure and the filling process can be continued.
  10. Another solution in this situation would be to cool the entire cylinder, which can be
  11. place in the freezer for a short period of time and then refuel.
  12. 6. After refueling, the can is weighed again, and if the collected volume exceeds the required volume, then it is necessary
  13. bleed off excess gas.


The gas source can be household balloon... To connect it, you need to make a special adapter. The manufacture of such an adapter consists in connecting the torch, previously removed from the gas collet cartridge without a nozzle, and the hose. The latter is clamped with metal clamps on both sides, which provide reliable fastening and protection against slipping of the hose. At its other end, a fitting is attached. He puts on a balloon, but before him one should not forget put a padand then tighten the homemade adapter tightly. The balloon is placed on the table, and on the other side of the adapter, a tourist analogue is put on and filled to the required volume, checking it by weighing.

You can also fill the collet cartridge with gas from its threaded counterpart. One has only to make a homemade adapter from the needle of a disposable syringe and use it to connect two cans.

Refueling gas cylinders for tourist burners can be carried out independently, taking into account the above nuances. After the first time, you can remember all the steps and repeat them at the next refueling. But we must remember that any tourist spray is a disposable product and refueling is done at your own risk.

What do you need to refuel gas cylinders?

A household gas cylinder has different capacities. Starting from 5, ending with 300 liters. It will be needed as a gas source. The cylinder will be refueled from it. All of them are refueled according to the same scheme. For the refueling process, you will need the following materials:

  • empty tourist spray;
  • household gas cylinder for refueling;
  • adapter;
  • libra.

Before proceeding with the filling itself, you must make sure that the container of the tourist burner does not contain gas residues. For this, the cylinder is turned over so that the valve is at the bottom. Such a simple movement will help get rid of the remaining gas. Only after making sure that the gas has escaped, you can proceed to the next stage.

Burner Cartridge Filling Technology

The first stage is working with weights. Weigh the empty cans. This is necessary to determine exact amount poured gas at the very end. Then, using an adapter, it connects empty bottle with household.

There is little trick... Large gas cylinder stacks on its side. In this case, the lower part should remain on a hill. Therefore, they enclose an object. For example, a brick. This is done to keep the valve as low as possible for better gas transportation.

Then we close the valve, which is located on the adapter, and open the one on the cylinder. Open the valve on the adapter little by little. Thus, the air is squeezed out of the hose by the gas. Refueling has started.

During operation, you can clearly hear how liquid gas moves along the hose. The moment the sound stops, you can shake the tourist spray. Thus, a small amount of gas will get into it. On average, it takes no more than 5 minutes to fill one small canister.

After completing the work, close the valves and carefully disconnect the tourist spray. It can be shaken to make sure it contains gas. The gas should just flounder. This will indicate the presence small space, the so-called gas cap. You should also check the valve for leaks using a soap solution. Fire verification is prohibited. After filling the first cylinder, you can fill others in the same way.

Weighing should be carried out after filling one or several cylinders. Thus, you can track how much gas is in the bottle. It should not be in abundance. But it will not be advisable to leave too much space unfilled with gas.

Gas station tricks you need to know

Always wear protective gloves when working with gas. Since the gas has a cooling effect. Also, due to this property of the gas, frost can be observed on the system during refueling. Don't panic. You should wait for the frost to thaw, and then continue working.

It was already mentioned above that you need to leave a little space in gas canister... This is due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion of the gas. Follow the rules fire safety... There should be no open flames or sparks near the workplace. After all, the gas is flammable.

Branded cans can be refilled up to three to four times, but not desirable. Valves on cartridges are easily deformed, so they often cannot survive several refills.

The trouble with household gas is its smell. Moreover, fresh gas also smells, but it is quite tolerable. But the one that has been in the bottle for up to several years has a nasty smell. Be prepared for this when you work.

Summing up, we can say about positive sidesah refueling gas cylinders. Filling gas cylinders with household gas is an economically profitable process. On average, the cost of a tourist spray for a burner is 300 rubles. While refueling a large domestic gas cylinder can be done for an average of 800 rubles. Moreover, you will use a household balloon many times. The savings are clear. Of additional materials only a hose is needed. That is, the costs of optional equipment are insignificant.

Published: Wednesday, 19 March 2018 08:11

Good afternoon, dear visitors of our site. Many residents of our country are familiar with the situation when to heat their site they have to resort to self-installation gas equipment.

This article will tell you about the main nuances of using gas cylinders in everyday life and will be useful to those who have not yet come across their purchase. We will also find out whether it makes sense to buy a new container and what to look for when buying a used cylinder.

Among other things, in the article you can learn about the most important thing - how the filling of gas cylinders with propane takes place. Let's not waste time and begin to study this issue.

Types and features of gas storage cylinders

A conventional gas cylinder is a sturdy steel container. There are several common volumes: 5, 15, 25 and 50 liters. There are also cylinders made from polymeric materials, their volumes differ from common steel ones and often the volume of a composite propane gas cylinder is 14 or 33 liters. Naturally, there are differences between iron and composite containers.

  1. Steel cylinders are manufactured exclusively in the factory. In addition to the use of durable material, great attention is paid to the reliability of the welds when creating. The better they are made, the longer the household cylinder will last. When buying a steel model, you should very carefully study the welding places and pay attention to whether the seams are processed. The main advantage of iron models is durability, but before buying, you should prepare a place for installing the container. If the room is enough high level humidity, the container may rust and deform over time.
  2. More expensive and modern version - polymer container. It has a lot of positive sides, but I would like to emphasize their main disadvantage right away: the price of a polymer one is 2-3 times higher than that of a similar steel container. Fiberglass is used in the production, which is distinguished by its strength and low weight. This is a clear plus, because it is easier and safer to transport LPG in such containers. In addition, high-quality models are equipped with additional protection Correspondingly, when dropped with an allowable height passport or a small impact, the container body will not deform. Such a propane gas cylinder can be near a fire, because resistance to high temperatures is usually provided.

The color of a gas bottle is a kind of marker showing what materials it is intended for. There are cylinders painted in the following colors:

  • white with yellow lettering for acetylene;
  • propane tanks are colored red.
  • medical and conventional oxygen are stored in blue cylinders;
  • hydrogen should be dark green;
  • nitrous oxide should only be stored in gray containers with black elements.

For many people, the weight of a propane tank is important. Steel empty models, depending on the volume, weigh from 4 to 22 kg. So, the largest of the commercially available household cylinders is designed for 50 liters and weighs 44 kg when filled. Therefore, you should take care of the possibility of transporting the container to your site in advance.

There are certain standards for filling cylinders. To calculate how much gas you can refuel, you should divide its passport volume by 1.43.

For example, you have a standard 27 liter iron cylinder at your disposal. You can safely store and transport in it no more than 19 liters of propane. Excessive pressure may cause the safety valve of the container to fail and cause an explosion.

Purchase of a cylinder and necessary components

Propane storage tanks have a virtually unlimited lifespan. The main condition is compliance with all operating standards, as well as storage and transportation conditions. You can save a little and buy a used propane cylinder, but you need to approach the purchase with the utmost care.

First you need to make a visual inspection of the case. You can safely refuse the offer if traces of poor-quality welding and serious dents are visible on it. Appearance can tell a lot about the conditions in which he was. Suspicion can be caused both by traces of fresh paint, and vice versa, too old cracked coating.

You should not risk buying a used container if there is even the slightest suspicion of rust. This indicates that the container was stored incorrectly, under conditions high humidity... Even a small speck of rust will sooner or later increase, which will inevitably lead to gas leakage, and in the worst case - to an explosion.

The inlet valve and the valve should be in order. If they are damaged or traces of repair are visible, then in the future they will require replacement, and, accordingly, additional costs.

The points described above must be taken into account when buying a new cylinder, since no one can guarantee that the correct conditions were observed during storage in the warehouse.

In addition to the cylinder for domestic use, the following items will be required:

  • a set of adapters for connecting to a furnace, burner or heating system;
  • reducer for a propane cylinder;
  • special gas hose with fittings;
  • tools for insulating connections.

For maximum safety during installation, wrenches and other tools covered with brass or copper should be used. Such tools do not generate a spark when they come into contact with metal.

Features of filling the cylinder?

So, we figured out what types of gas cylinders are, we found suitable model and a complete set of necessary accessories. It's time to talk about how and where propane gas cylinders are refilled for domestic use.

Before filling a cylinder, it is imperative to make sure of the following:

  • there is no damage on the body - rust, dents, violations of welding seams, cracked paint;
  • the valve and the valve are visually in perfect order;
  • there is no residual pressure in the empty container.

If everything is in order with the container, we start looking for a place where you can refuel the gas cylinder in compliance with all standards. In our country, there are specialized filling stations equipped with necessary equipment and qualified staff. In turn, there are three refueling mechanisms at such stations:

  • pumping - gas is pumped into the cylinder with special pumps;
  • pump-and-evaporation - when pumping gas, special heating elements maintain a certain temperature, as a result of which the pressure in the system rises;
  • pump and compressor - a compressor is used that increases the pump's performance, which in turn affects the rate of filling the tank.

At such filling stations, fire safety is respected as much as possible.

You can also fill the cylinder with propane at some gas stations. Before contacting the filling staff with a request to fill a household cylinder, you should make sure that you have special equipment.

The specifics of refueling cars and household cylinders are slightly different. Unfortunately, gas stations often neglect this. Filling a household container at a gas station that is not properly equipped has a number of negative aspects:

  • refuellers often ignore the expiration date and certification of household cylinders;
  • there is no balance for weight control.

It is worth dwelling on the last point in more detail. As mentioned earlier, the household tank should be filled with propane taking into account the coefficient 1.43 - this is 85% of the volume empty containers... Cars have special fuses that do not allow to fill in more gas than it should be. Ordinary household containers are not equipped with such sensors, so when refueling, it is necessary to control their weight. Filling more than 85% poses a high risk of explosion, especially when exposed to temperatures.

If you have decided what kind of household cylinder you want to purchase, please contact our company. Here you can get additional advice, as well as refuel, order and buy everything you need to install gas equipment.