How to make a waterfall with your own hands in the country. Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country - A beautiful way of modern decoration! (93 images)

The apartments, in the interior of which there is a waterfall, are distinguished by their originality and sophistication. This design element adds freshness and at the same time soothes. But, alas, the cost of a decorative waterfall is prohibitively high, so it is much cheaper to make a waterfall with your own hands. We will talk further about the features, recommendations and how to make a waterfall with your own hands.

Air humidity is an indicator of not only the physical comfort of the room, but also the state of the human immune system, since the well-being of the people living in it directly depends on the air humidity in the apartment. The optimum humidity index is 60% in winter and about 80% in summer.

If the air in the apartment is dry, microbacteria develop in it, which lead to colds, especially in young children. Therefore, humidity control is a must for a healthy family.

If the apartment has a waterfall, the constantly falling stream of water refreshes and moisturizes the air. The use of a waterfall also decorates the interior of the room. There are many options for finishing it: installing all kinds of lights or combinations of lamps that create an amazing holiday atmosphere.

Water is a great way to calm down. It relieves overwork, stress and nervous tension. After looking at the waterfall for a few minutes, a person becomes calmer and more peaceful. Light noise from the murmur of water avoids others unpleasant sounds that come from the street or from neighboring apartments.

The presence of a waterfall in the house increases comfortable conditions, protects against diseases, decorates the room and improves well-being. Therefore, building a waterfall with your own hands will bring only positive emotions. The advantage of a home-made waterfall over a purchased one is the ability to choose the size of the structure, the method of finishing it, decoration, a variety of options for falling water.

Making a decorative waterfall eliminates problems such as splashing water and loud pump noise. In addition, they are very easy to care for.

Recommendations for choosing a decorative waterfall in an apartment

Having made the decision to buy a waterfall for your home, you should take into account several recommendations that will help you not to make a mistake and choose this element in such a way that the waterfall brings only positive emotions to others.

First of all, decide on the type of waterfall that should harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

There are several types of decorative waterfalls:

  • waterfalls on glass;
  • waterfalls on stones;
  • string waterfalls;
  • waterfalls of bubble-panel type.

First, let's deal with waterfalls on glass. Before choosing such a waterfall, you should accurately determine its location. There are several options for making this waterfall. Firstly, a waterfall on glass is installed near the wall, but separately from it. In this case, it does not take up much space. For the construction of such a waterfall, you should decide on the version of its racks and their finishing. If the height of such a waterfall exceeds 2 m, special clamps should be installed to prevent the structure from overturning. The options for the execution of the decorative part, which is located next to the wall, are also different. Possible to order ordinary glass but during the time when the waterfall is not working, the wallpaper or wall decoration will be visible. It is better to choose a decorative film that depicts stones or vegetation. It is possible to use a mirror surface or frosted glass. The next option is to mount the waterfall directly on the wall or in a special niche.

Waterfalls of string or drip-string type are distinguished by their beauty and interesting appearance. They appear in the form of rain, drops of which slowly flow down the glass. It is possible to manufacture such a waterfall, the height of which exceeds ten meters. This type of waterfall is easy to maintain and requires a temporary refill. It looks very nice on a flight of stairs.

The choice of a waterfall should be based on the characteristics of the room in which it is installed, as well as practical, material considerations and personal desires of the owners.

Varieties of decorative waterfalls

Decorative waterfalls differ in a large number of characteristics, such as:

  • the form;
  • the size;
  • appointment;
  • height;
  • type of water drop;
  • design features;
  • finishing with natural or artificial materials;
  • the presence of backlight.

In accordance with the design and type of finish, there are:

  • exotic waterfalls;
  • discreet waterfalls;
  • combined waterfalls.

The first type is characterized by the presence of a large number of stones, live or artificial plants, trees, reeds, reeds, bowls, jugs, mirror surfaces, figurines and other decorations. Waterfalls of this type are beautiful decorative effect... They are installed both in residential premises (apartments, cottages or private houses) and in public buildings, such as shopping centers, restaurants, cafes.

The material for making containers is very diverse: metal, ceramics, porcelain, plastic, concrete, wood, plaster, artificial or natural stone. These waterfalls are equipped with a glass fence and are small in size.

The restrained waterfalls are distinguished by the absence of a large number of decorative elements. In most cases, they do not have any plants or stones. Their appearance resembles a waterfall, which is walled into a glass surface. Therefore, they are also called waterfalls on glass. Their work is based on the constant flow of water over the surface of the glass, thanks to the presence of a special mechanism.

In the upper part, there is a reservoir-storage type device, into which water enters during the operation of the pump. Discreet waterfalls are of two types:

  • inkjet;
  • rain.

The third type of waterfalls are combined devices that connect the waterfall through glass with decorative elements of an exotic waterfall such as trees, plants, stones, figurines and other materials.

In accordance with the method of raising water, they are divided into devices:

  • cascade type;
  • jet type;
  • drip type;
  • foggy type.

A cascading waterfall involves the fall of water over several changing fragments of the device, that is, in several stages. Jet waterfalls represent a uniform flow of water in the form of a jet. A drip waterfall is characterized by the presence of small drops that gradually flow down the surface of the glass.

Foggy waterfalls look like a crying wall, on the surface of which fog is formed.

Depending on the design features, they are:

  • monolithic type;
  • collapsible type;
  • mobile type;
  • singing type.

Monolithic waterfalls represent a single CIP structure, which is installed in a certain place and does not move anywhere from there.

Collapsible waterfalls can be easily disassembled and moved to another place.

Mobile waterfalls provide an opportunity for transportation to any corner of an apartment or house.

Singing waterfalls not only decorate the interior with their beauty and humidify the air, but also bring aesthetic pleasure in the form of pleasant music that is played.

According to their location, the waterfalls are divided into:

  • wall-mounted;
  • built-in;
  • floor;
  • waterfalls in the form of windows;
  • waterfalls in the form of columns;
  • waterfalls in the form of screens;
  • waterfalls in the form of a wall.

Wall waterfalls are installed on the walls in the form of paintings, in most cases in a restrained form, which assumes the presence of water smoothly flowing down the glass surface.

Built-in waterfalls are mounted in specially prepared niches. Another option for a built-in waterfall is to install it in an aquarium, or expand the aquarium and add a waterfall to its surface.

Floor waterfalls are intended to be installed on the floor, in the central part of the room or near a wall.

Window waterfalls do an excellent job of replacing windows, they transmit light well and look beautiful when sunlight hits the surface.

An excellent option for decorating a flight of stairs or a high room would be to install a waterfall in the form of a column. Such a waterfall will become a decoration not only big house, but also fits perfectly into the design of any shopping center.

To divide one room into two functional areas, installation will do a waterfall in the form of a screen.

A waterfall-wall is another extraordinary option for decorating a room.

Recommendations for building a waterfall in an apartment with your own hands

  1. The main components for the construction of a waterfall are: a pump, a tube and batteries.
  2. Use pebbles or install a special niche to mask the drift.
  3. The location of the tube is the uppermost point of the waterfall.
  4. If there are structural elements in the waterfall that are made of wood, they should be covered with a special water-repellent solution before installation, which will prevent damage to the material.
  5. As a container for the construction of a waterfall, choose a reservoir that will not let water through.
  6. It is recommended to use plastic products. When choosing sediment, it is necessary to compare its power with the volume of circulated water; choose sediments with a minimum power.

Diy waterfall in the aquarium

Let's start the construction of such a waterfall by considering the principle of its operation. Due to the presence of air, sand and water, the illusion of a waterfall is created. The air supply is carried out thanks to the presence of a tube that is connected to the compressor. For a waterfall that is installed in a 50 liter aquarium, choose a 3.5 W compressor.

At the bottom of the tube there is a hole through which sand enters the aquarium, thanks to the presence of air, it rises and circulates. Since the sand is not able to stay at the top of the aquarium, it gradually sinks down and gets into storage tank... Thus, this process never ends.

When choosing sand, pay attention to its color and fraction, it should be white and very fine. The upper part of the waterfall should be submerged in water for at least two centimeters.

Now let's get down to the materials for the construction of the waterfall. To work, you will need:

  • 1 water supply hose with a diameter of 12 mm, the length depends on the height of the waterfall;
  • use a water pipe as a support, the length of which also depends on the height of the waterfall;
  • 1 dropper system;
  • silicone glue-sealant, it is better to give preference to Titan glue;
  • narrow tape;
  • a plastic bottle of 1.5 liters;
  • a plastic bottle of 5 liters;
  • 0.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • decorative elements in the form of stones;
  • ordinary sand;
  • white sand;
  • compressor;
  • a small piece of foam rubber.

Instructions for making a waterfall in an aquarium:

DIY waterfall on glass

For the construction of such a waterfall, you will need:

  • honeycomb plexiglass;
  • vinyl air hose;
  • compressor;
  • backlight;
  • check valve.

Such a waterfall has a simple design, it consists of a cover with a panel installed on the podium. Their function is to protect the waterfall from contamination by dust or dirt.

It is possible to use neon or LED bulbs as a backlight. The first option is preferable, since LEDs are less powerful in terms of radiation.

Choose the location of the bulbs based on your personal preferences and the specifics of the location of the waterfall.

Before starting work, draw a diagram and determine the size of the waterfall.

Make a podium, which should be waterproof, and install the power supply, compressor and check valve in it. Also install batteries for backlighting in the form of controllers or lamps.

Install plexiglass through which the backlight will be visible. Install a reservoir that will hold the water. Install the tubing that is connected to the compressor. Use an acrylic spray to distribute the water bubbles evenly over the surface. A tube must fit each hole. It is possible to use holes with different diameters, so you get a waterfall with bubbles of different sizes. It will look more aesthetically pleasing.

The location of the water tank should be hidden; it is possible to install it in the podium itself or between the glass and podium surfaces.

To avoid stagnant water, build a small faucet, it is recommended to use purified and distilled water. Before starting the waterfall for the first time, clean the glass well with special means, which will also degrease it. Thus, the water will be evenly distributed over the glass surface.

How beautiful the waterfall is and how mesmerizing it is, there is no need to repeat the well-known need. As well as the fact that the microclimate created by the waterfall allows you to arrange a truly paradise near it. Decorative hydraulic structures have been supplemented with artificial waterfalls since time immemorial. In antiquity and in the old days, man-made water cascades were the prerogative of the highest nobility, and nowadays this pleasure is available to almost anyone. Moreover, current technologies make it possible to create artificial waterfalls for extremely small areas in the courtyard, room and apartment, desktop. Hydrodesign objects, which have no natural analogues, also come into use. To help those who want to try themselves in this difficult, but rewarding business, this article is intended.

Where to start?

With the definition of local conditions and their capabilities; by the way, not always and not entirely dependent on the state of the bank account. Three, so to speak, whales on which a beautiful waterfall stands are water, energy supply and design. You need to deal with them in order to successfully build a waterfall with your own hands. Materials, aesthetic and technical solutions are secondary factors.


Making a waterfall is not all, you need to supply it with water. Through the waterfall-source, pos. 1 in fig. below, 150-250 liters of water (0.15-0.25 cubic meters) flows hourly. If the water flows in a shroud along the ramp and flows into the reservoir in trickles, pos. 2, you will need to pass 0.4-0.6 cubic meters through it. m / hour. To make the shroud of water solid, pos. 3, its flow rate should already be 0.9-1.2 cubic meters. m / hour, and to water curtain acquired exquisite smoothness, pos. 4, you need 1.5-2.5 cubic meters. m / hour. This is the so-called. laminar jet, see below. Fluffy man-made Niagara, pos. 5, you will need from 3.5-4 cubic meters. m / hour.

In summer, in the heat, in the 1st cascade of the waterfall, 2-5% of the hourly water consumption will be lost per day for evaporation. You can check by putting the trough outside, pouring water into it and measuring its levels in the morning and evening. In total, we have daily water losses only for evaporation at 1 cascade of 3-200 liters, at 2 6-400 liters at 3 9-600 liters. In a month it will be 0.09-18 cubic meters in total. The throughput of a house water supply system is known: it is determined either by the area of ​​the lumen of the supply pipe and its material, for example. according to the tables of F. A. Shevelev, or the capacity of the supply pump, or simply the debit of the source autonomous water supply... That is, knowing your water supply capabilities and your own water needs, you can already choose the options that the local water supply will pull. For example, in the country it is best to plan a one-cascade waterfall: in addition to the urgent need for water for irrigation, there may simply not be a place for an extensive structure.


Now let's figure out how things are with the power supply. The height of the fall of an aesthetically perfect waterfall can be taken equal to about 1 m, and the hourly water consumption in it is 1 cu. m. Then its flow will be 1000/3600 = 0.27 l / s. It won't hurt anymore, but it will require a corresponding increase in the volume of work, consumption of materials and a more powerful pump.

To lift 1 liter of water, which almost exactly weighs 1 kg, to a height of 1 m, you need to do a work of 1 kgm (kilogrammometer) or 9.8 J. The work done in 1 s is power. In this case, it will be 9.8x0.28 = 2.75 J / s or 2.75 W. Efficiency of good submersible pump usually approx. 70%, but taking into account losses in pipes, especially flexible corrugated pipes, the pump power must be tripled. So, (2.75 / 0.7) x3 = 11.8 watts. The resulting value is multiplied by 5. Why? To take into account the loss of performance due to clogged pump filter, the distillate is not pumped. In total, almost 60 watts. Since the waterfall is not included in the means of life support, the operational safety margin can be taken as a minimum, 20%. Then, in the end, we go to a power of 75 W; such a pump is enough for a country or house one-stage waterfall.

Note: in this example, the length of the pipeline is 10 m. With a length of 15 m, the loss accounting factor will be 4, 20 m - 5.5, 25 m - 6.5, 30 m - 7.2.


Well, everything seems to be in order with electricity: our pump will “pump” 1.8 kW / h on the meter per day, and 54 kW / h per month. By means - not by means, but about reworking the wiring and protective devices you don't have to think. Design is another matter. A waterfall is a highly aesthetic product and requires an appropriate environment, like a Lamborghini or Aston Martin, a suitable road. In a nook, fenced off by a slate fence, he will lose a lot, and instead of reverence for the owner, he can cause irony and irritation in the guest. Hydrodesign of individual properties is a separate big topic, so first we suggest watching the video.

Video: hydrodesign - waterfalls, streams, reservoirs

More about pumps

Pumps for hydrodesign in their characteristics are fundamentally different from domestic pumps for water supply with lower power and the fact that they are designed to work in continuous mode, as well as more adaptability to pumping contaminated liquids. The only case, perhaps, when a waterfall can be powered by a cheaper, more reliable and durable household submersible pump, will be considered further, but for now we state a fact: a special pump is needed.

Pumps for and waterfalls also differ from each other. With the same power, the former have less productivity and higher head. From this, very significant circumstances follow, as a result of which a waterfall pump turns out to be much more expensive than a fountain pump.

Take a look at fig. Why, it would seem, not to take water into the waterfall pump from shallow water through a separate filter, thereby reducing the cost of the entire system and simplifying its care? Because the performance of the waterfall pump is much higher. The surface jet will immediately reach the filter, part of it by inertia will slip through it and a rather strong circular circulation will be established in the reservoir. This is a kind of resonance, when the power consumed by the pump is only used to compensate for losses in the resonating system.

From the point of view of the pond as a decorative element and the ecosystem, its surface will be restless and will not give a pacifying effect, and the population of the reservoir will feel like communal apartments are in bad memory. Demanding cultivars (varietal nymphs, colored koi carps, orff's golden ide) will most likely not take root in such a pond at all. Therefore, you have to put the waterfall pump in the deepest place where the mud settles, and make it more resistant to clogging, which makes the product more expensive.

Note: in a populated pond, installing a pump for a waterfall in the very depths is also not the best option, see below.

About aquarium pumps

The mini waterfall can in many cases be powered by a relatively inexpensive aquarium pump. They are produced for a productivity of 0.05-3 cubic meters. m / h at zero head and head 0.3-2.5 m at zero performance. Performance at zero pressure means that the pump pumps from the water directly into the water, and the pressure at zero performance means that the water in the raised supply pipe will stop at this level. At half the pressure, the pump performance drops by about 2.7 times. Aquarium pumps are quite reliable, safe and resistant to dirt, so you can choose the right one for a small one-stage waterfall. True, mostly indoor, because frost resistance of aquarium pumps is not standardized. Or it will be necessary to clean the pump for the winter and store it in a heated room.

What kind of waterfalls are there?

Types of artificial waterfalls suitable for self-construction are shown in the photo. Pos. 1 - source waterfall. The aesthetic qualities are minimal, but little labor is required for its construction, and the costs, initial and operational, will not ruin any budget. The very same waterfall-fontanelle, as a rule, ecologically fits well into any inhabited body of water. To increase the decorative effect, the spout of the source waterfall is most often made in the form of a jug, amphora, shell, figurines of nymphs, frogs, etc. The air in the vicinity, in addition to the pond, is practically not humidified, but the water meter hardly "sees" its losses due to evaporation. No additional space is required.

Gushing source, pos. 2, it is predominantly the source artificial stream that there is a separate topic. Powered by a fountain pump.

A simple one-stage waterfall at pos. 3 can be called mono-waterfall in a modern way. Its aesthetics are good, water losses are small, the air additionally humidifies in a radius approximately equal to the drop height. Labor intensity and costs are relatively small, it takes up a little area for itself. However, even when the jet falls 0.8-1 m, the lulling splash of water at the top is given off in its thickness by an unpleasant rumble or roar, in the spectrum similar to the noise of a working stone crusher. Every diver (diver) knows this, and aquatic organisms are much more sensitive to water hammer. Therefore, a pond with such a waterfall, if it can be inhabited, is by unpretentious local savages.

Cascade waterfall, or multi-cascade waterfall, pos. 4, gives perfect aesthetics when falling only 25-30 cm per cascade, but it is complicated, costly, laborious, requires a lot of area and moisture for evaporation at +30 in the shade, it loses up to 10% of the hourly water consumption per day. On a site in households of a middle class and below, it is often replaced with an artificial stream with sills that is no less aesthetic, but fits well into pieces of free space and loses less water.

Also, for the sake of saving space and reducing water losses, the waterfall-cascade is replaced with an aesthetically equivalent waterfall-whatnot, pos. 5 and 6. Deep spray chambers already cut evaporation losses in half, and the sides keep a cushion of moist air above the reservoir - a baffle bath. In the garden, a waterfall-bookcase, perhaps optimal solution... Due to the low spraying of the jets with a small drop, it loses water even less than a mono-waterfall, and it may well be attached to. True, on open place the freshness of the air in the heat is felt only directly next to it.

The most beautiful, but also the most expensive and complex decorative waterfall - chamber with laminar, i.e. without internal turbulence, jets, pos. 7. In some manuals, mini-falls with closed receiving reservoirs are called chambered, note this for clarity. The device of a large chamber waterfall is shown in Fig. below. Each of its cascades consists of a baffle bowl 1, a spray chamber 2 and a water slide-shelf 3, on which a laminar flow is formed. In the baffle bowls, the water calms down after falling, and the spray chambers prevent the jet from sticking (laminar jets are very prone to it) from the underside of the shelves. The source bath is made in the same configuration as the bumpers, but of a larger size.

The hydraulic engineering calculation of the chamber waterfall is very complicated. For those familiar with hydrodynamics, let us inform that it boils down to the fact that, by varying the configuration and dimensions of chambers with shelves and the height of fall in the cascades, by the middle of the shelves width to reach the Reynolds number Re, corresponding to the laminar flow of a flow of a given magnitude. The calculation procedure is such that specialists' brains, as they say, sweat and shrink.

But even for unprepared amateurs there is very good news about chamber waterfalls: ready-made sets of plastic bathtubs with shelves are on sale, and the specifications for them contain the dimensions of the slides. Thanks to professional computer modeling, the slide of a chamber waterfall based on purchased elements is usually quite compact and not very laborious. If there is no desire to decorate the site with plastic or simply the price does not suit you, you can remove the dimensions from the company brochure and build it yourself. Small errors in the configuration of the cascades are forgivable, but based on a rougher material, the depth of the baths must be increased by 10%, and the width of the shelves by 15%.

Note: a kind of 1-cascade chamber waterfall - grotto waterfall, pos. 8. This is a more specialized object: the laminar jet splashes just enough so that the most fastidious moisture-loving plants could be grown in the chamber of the grotto.

Waterfall to the pond

From the above, presumably, it is already clear that it is not so easy to attach an artificial waterfall with your own hands to a pond that already exists, planted and inhabited. The basic rules that should be followed in this case are illustrated in Fig.

First, in this case, the pump is not placed in the wintering pit. Nymphs are planted there, and wild water lilies in natural reservoirs do not tolerate streams of water near the rhizomes. Therefore, the pump is placed on the first ledge from the bottom, closer to the drain from the waterfall into the pond. It may be necessary to choose a place for its installation in order to avoid a continuous whirl of water, therefore, initially, the underwater part of the pipeline is made from a flexible hose.

Further, the fall of the jet directly into the reservoir is unacceptable, therefore the slide is built on some, approx. 1 m, removed. Under the stream, either a bump bath with a spout is placed, on top of rice, or a blind area of ​​gravel or pebbles is made under it on a clay castle, at the bottom in the same place. The jet bumper can be underwater, but not more than 2–3 cm deep, which corresponds to the height of the gravitational ripples on the water, which does not create local currents. If a wave similar to the wind wave goes from the jet, it will excite the water.

If the waterfall is cascading or whatnot, then the fall of the last cascade is taken 15-25 cm. Then this stream can be sent directly into the water mirror, laying out the underwater coastal slope with pebbles. In this case, varietal nymphs will feel good in the immediate vicinity of the place where the jet falls, see fig. on right.

How to power a waterfall?

In addition to the generally accepted method of continuous feeding of a waterfall from a special pump, intermittent (impulse) feeding from a household submersible pump and a pressure tank is also possible. It is better to take a centrifugal pump with a metal impeller (impeller) and a guide vane, they are the most resistant to dirt. These are designed to work in intermittent mode: shook-cooled-shook-cooled. The pump capacity must be more than 3 water flow rates of the waterfall, and the tank capacity must be at least 2 hours flow rates. The first condition for household submersible pumps is almost always met, but you will have to think about the material of the tank and the place for it. In general, the instructions for developing a pulsed power supply for a waterfall are as follows:

  • Find a place for a waterfall and a tank. The height of the minimum water level in the tank should be from 2 m above the waterfall outlet, and the difference between the maximum and minimum levels should not be more than 1.5 m;
  • Choose the type and design of the waterfall;
  • Select a suitable pump;
  • If the pump specification does not give an hourly average, but its instantaneous performance, in l / s, then they also look at how many minutes per hour the pump pumps, and how many rests. Then the pumping time is multiplied by 10, it is determined how much water the pump will pump in 10 hours, and its average hourly productivity is found by dividing the resulting value by 10;
  • Determine the length of the supply pipe;
  • According to Shevelev's tables or similar sources, the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe lumen is found, at which its throughput will be equal to the required water flow in the waterfall at its minimum level in the tank. For reference: a difference in water levels of 1 m corresponds to a pressure of 1 kgf / sq. cm;
  • The tank provides 2 float sensors: the upper one is triggered when filling to the maximum level, closes the float valve and disconnects the pump from the mains. The lower one works when the water level drops to the minimum and supplies power to the pump.

Note: to pp. 5 and 6. It is undesirable to take a pipe of a deliberately larger diameter and install a ball valve to adjust the water flow rate, because the pond water is not entirely clean. If the valve does not clog up soon, the pipe will hum, and the outflow of the waterfall will begin to "spit".

Waterfall elements

Now it's time to remember that the entire waterfall complex consists of 3 main parts: a slide with a spout, a baffle bath, which is also a hydraulic accumulator, and a hydraulic system with a pump that supplies water from the baffle / accumulator to the spout. The hydraulic system seems to have already been sorted out, the remaining two remained.


With it, the main problem, in addition to structural strength, is only one: the slide should not absorb water, otherwise no water supply will be enough to compensate for losses. Therefore, the slide, firstly, is built on a clay castle from the most oily clay as possible. The second option - cementing the site under the hill with waterproof concrete - is very expensive.

Secondly, the masonry of the slide must be carried out not with ordinary mortar, but with mounting glue for foam blocks. It looks like a cement-sand mortar, but contains additives that increase its adhesion (stickiness). This is all the more important if the slide is high enough on a narrow base. At the end of the masonry, all visible gaps between the stones are sealed with the same glue.

Note: if it is desirable to hide the masonry seams and give the slide a completely natural look, it can be aged to the point of obstruction in the same way, for example,.

Thirdly, if the slide is made of sandstone, shale and other stone with high water absorption, the blocks must first be treated with a primer of deep penetration into the stone or 2-3 times with a water-polymer emulsion. So it is necessary not so much to reduce water loss, but, most importantly, so that the stone saturated with moisture does not go frost cracks during the winter.


There are 4 variants of the fountain reservoir: with waterproofing from a film, in a finished plastic thicket, concreted or paved with pebbles or unrolled stone. Their advantages and disadvantages are as follows:

The construction technology of all these types of reservoirs, except for concrete, is generally similar.... First, a pit is dug and an anti-ebb cushion of sand with a thickness (thickness) of 15-20 cm is laid in it. The sand is poured into 2-4 layers; each layer is leveled with a rake, sprinkled and tamped or rolled. The pit for the finished bowl is dug with a margin of approx. 0.3 m along the contour. Further, step by step for acc. species:

  • Sheets of film insulation (film thickness from 120 microns) are laid with an overlap of 25 cm and with wings (folds) at the top from 1 m. The folds are straightened as carefully as possible. So it is necessary, tk. when filling the reservoir, the film will stretch under water pressure. It can then tear along the folds, and the wings "crawl away". Another layer of sand of 10-15 cm is poured over the film, a layer of gravel is 7-10 cm, and a reservoir is poured.
  • Under the finished bowl, the pillow is first poured only on horizontal planes. Then, layer by layer, the lowest gap between the bowl and the wall of the pit is covered with sand, with spraying and tamping. Next, the lowest tier of the bowl (wintering pit) is poured with water, after a day or two, the next gap is filled in the same way, the next tier is poured, and so on to the top. Containers with plants are placed as the reservoir fills.
  • When building a paved bed, slopes are first laid out, while making bumpers. When the glue gains 75% strength (after 7-20 days), wet clay is placed on the bottom and the shelves of the ledges, large stones are pressed into it, as many give in, then smaller and so on to the smallest ones. After the top layer of clay has dried (3-7 days), the pool is ready for laying nutrient soil, planting plants and pouring.

About plant culture

Water lilies - nymphs - live in natural conditions for decades. But their container culture has to be renewed in 3-7 years, and in a pond with a deaf bed and filled soil in 5-10 years. The lotus, capable of overwintering in the black earth strip, does not take root at all in such reservoirs. The reason is the accumulation of waste products of the population of the pond in the soil. In natural reservoirs, they are gradually filtered into the soil.

In this respect, a pond with a bed, cobbled stone on a clay castle looks especially attractive. Colmatage (natural soil compaction under water pressure) takes place in it almost instantly, immediately as it is filled. Water losses for infiltration are negligible, compared to others they are not visible. But nevertheless, there is some diffusion into the underlying soil of unwanted substances accumulating in the sediment, and a stable biological balance in such a pond is established in the same way as in a natural reservoir.

About waterfalls without a pond

Sometimes, for a number of reasons, waterfalls are closed, i.e. without visible water surface, drainage basin. In such cases, water seeps into an underground reservoir through a layer of rubble. The main rule of design for waterfalls with a closed reservoir is not to make them multi-stage. A waterfall like the one in fig. on the right, it looks, maybe, and cool, but certainly not natural.

Waterfalls near the house and decorative in the house and apartment

Home waterfall build when there is no way to dig and fill the pond. These are most often performed according to the mini-waterfall scheme with a closed reservoir. The exception is miniature waterfalls with a very tiny stream, in which the forces of surface tension obviously exceed the forces that generate vortexes. Home waterfalls are divided into:

  1. Waterfalls near the house - street and courtyard in small areas or in places that do not allow production earthworks(paved courtyard, playground, etc.) Their reservoir is most often aboveground.
  2. Floor waterfalls for living quarters.
  3. Wall decorative waterfalls or picture waterfalls.

Mini waterfalls

How the mini-waterfall works is shown in fig. Frame material - any decorative material, sufficiently resistant to environmental conditions. A stand for a slide is also any waterproof. The mesh supporting the gravel bed, with a tray size up to about 0.4x0.4 m, will go from mosquitoes to the window, and it is better to take fiberglass support (reinforcing) rods. To prevent the mesh from sagging too much, place them in increments of no more than 10 cm. Water supply - with an aquarium pump for 1000-2500 l / h. The flow is regulated by a thyristor regulator. The motors of aquarium pumps are made with a ferrite magnetized rotor and the "cutting" of half-waves of the mains voltage does not affect their reliability.

When the waterfall is performed outdoors, the pillow is made of sand. If the waterfall is in the apartment, it is better to use polyurethane foam or polystyrene. The latter is somewhat worse, since not elastic. Waterproofing is needed from butyl rubber or EPDM, because water through the PVC film slightly, but seeps out. When using EPDM, the pillow can be omitted, because this material is porous and of sufficient thickness.

In pretty large room an indoor waterfall can be arranged without a pillow and waterproofing, in a basin, corner bath with a plugged drain, etc. But in any case, the waterfall in the room needs a waterproof side, from splashes. In height, it must be made at least 1/3 of the height of the jet fall. For aesthetic reasons, this is not always desirable; then you need to replace the gravel water intake with a bed of rounded pebbles, its plastic imitation, beads or something else smooth and rounded.

Waterfall on the table

Unfortunately, it is possible to make micro-waterfall without a pump, for example. based on Geron's fountain, it is impossible: the water consumption is relatively large, and the supply vessels will have to be rearranged or refilled more often than admiring the cascade. Table waterfall powered by a pump for small aquariums with a water-to-water capacity of 50-200 l / h.

The main problem here is how to completely get rid of splashes and imperceptible to the eye, but harmful to furniture, carpets, and finishing of water dust. They solve it by releasing a stream of the supply pipe into the roof of the cavity with a low side spout onto the water slope.

Technically and aesthetically, it can be a mini-structure made of stone, pos. 1 in the figure, shell, pos. 2, jug, pos. 3, and even a blind pipe, pos. 4. The last option in this case is quite consistent with general style decoration: bamboo aqueducts in the East have been built since prehistoric times. Quite a few of them are abandoned, but they are still active and they fit quite well into the natural landscape.

Water on glass

Who has not admired, sitting inside warm and dry, whimsically wriggling on window glass trickles of rain? However, the value of an indoor waterfall on glass is not only aesthetic: in places with hot dry summers, it can help the air conditioner save a lot of electricity, because evaporation from a thin film of water over a relatively large area and, accordingly, air cooling is noticeable.

As for aesthetics, a waterfall - a picture on glass harmoniously fits into any modern style design of premises. For styles that are extremely laconic and / or technical, such as, for example. minimalism or hi-tech, it will also be a necessary, but not an excessive disturbing speck: complete severity and order take on meaning only when there is at least a little mess for comparison, but pure and controlled.

The appearance of a typical glass waterfall and a diagram of its device are shown in Fig. This is basically the same mini-waterfall with a closed reservoir, but with a spout in the form of a horizontal tube. It contains holes-nozzles with a diameter of 1-2 mm, directed obliquely downward at the glass. Water supply - by an aquarium pump for 200-600 l / h “from water to water”. The flow is regulated by a thyristor regulator. All parts in contact with water are best made of glass or transparent acrylic. In the first case, they are glued together with aquarium silicone; in the second - with dichloroethane, in which about 10% by volume of acrylic sawdust or shavings is dissolved.

Note: when working with dichloroethane, take precautions, this liquid and its vapors are very toxic!

When making a waterfall on glass, two "buts" should be taken into account. The first is mandatory: the waterfall must be filled with distilled water or, in extreme cases, passed through an artesian shungite filter with a hardness of no more than 2 German degrees. Otherwise, salt deposits will soon negate both aesthetics and hydraulics.

Second, to fully comply with the aesthetic standards of futurism, it is better to replace the gravel or pebble filling of the reservoir with pieces of glass rods laid across the tank in 2-4 layers in a checkerboard pattern. This is especially true when the fountain is illuminated from the reservoir: the refraction of light in round glasses and the water film enclosing them will give a slightly swaying exquisite light pattern on the main glass.

About waterfall lighting

The highlighting of hydrodesign objects is also a separate topic, but one can immediately say: waterfalls especially benefit if they are highlighted by point sources in a stream. For this, the illuminators are placed either in the bath of the upper cascade and shine sideways, at the source of the jet, or they illuminate the jets from bottom to top, as in Fig. on right. Part of the light that enters the jet undergoes total internal reflection, as in a fiber. The light seems to be drawn after the stream, which allows you to achieve especially subtle and enchanting effects.

Home waterfalls Is not only a part of the interior and luxury. A waterfall or fountain will create a pleasant atmosphere and bring freshness to your home. Such a "little thing" will delight the eye every day and cheer you up. In addition, this element is very compact and does not take up much space.

There is nothing difficult in maintaining a home waterfall or fountain, and everyone can take care of it. A running stream of water means well-being and a successful career. Every resident big city experiencing constant psychological pressure... A home waterfall will relieve stress, calm the body, because you can endlessly look at the water. It can be installed both at home and in your work office.

The waterfall is suitable for any interior, because there is a large selection of different modifications. The advantages of a room waterfall / fountain include ozonation of the air (it has a beneficial effect on the body and skin).

There are many types of home waterfalls / fountains: wall, table, corner, glowing, etc.

The most common:

  • Exotic. There are many elements in the decor of such a waterfall. It could be mirrors dwarf trees, living vegetation, various figures and much more. Such elements give the waterfall a showiness and a unique image.
  • Standard. This option is more decorative, "walled up", devoid of natural living creatures. For example, a waterfall under glass. Aesthetic, simple and nothing superfluous. Such waterfalls can be rain (liquid comes in drops) and jet (liquid comes in large streams).
  • Mixed. Such a waterfall combines both options.

After a general analysis of information about home waterfalls, we present to your attention the most beautiful options.

On glass.

This is the most common option. The most important thing is to determine its correct location. Such a waterfall is installed very close to the wall. Next - choose the finishing option. Waterfalls higher than two meters must be installed with special clamps that control the slope of the waterfall (do not allow the structure to overturn).

It is recommended to cover the glass of the waterfall with a decorative film depicting vegetation or stones. This is necessary so that the wall decoration does not show through the waterfall when it is turned off. You can also use frosted glass.

With acrylic panel.

Acrylic does not reduce strength indicators in almost any conditions, especially at home. For 30-40 years, acrylic material does not change its structure.

Built into the wall.

Fits perfectly into any design idea. Such a waterfall is also a glass waterfall, but it becomes part of the wall and merges with the general interior.


The waterfall is made in several steps. Water flows gently from one stage to another.

In the form of a column.

A brilliant design solution. This form of waterfalls is a modern trend.

With a bas-relief.

Stands out from the rest. The three-dimensional image gives mystery, and it seems that this very source holds some kind of mystery. The waterfall bas-relief is an artistic engraving on glass, which is illuminated by diode lighting. The backlight can be different colors and with the help of the switch, you can completely change the image of the waterfall. As a rule, such engraving is carried out according to personal orders, on the topic you need, which is suitable for the design of the room.


The waterfalls are made of stone in the form of a natural landscape with all elements of wildlife that will create an atmosphere of complete remoteness from modern world... However, this "living corner" requires a lot more space.


The principle of such a waterfall is that drops of water flow down transparent stretched strings. Such waterfalls are not only linear. They can also take the form of various geometric shapes or have a completely indefinite shape. String waterfalls emit a rustle that is good for the human ear.

Jet and drop.

The structure of this waterfall is similar to the jet one. The difference is that instead of water, a certain solution is used here, allowing the water to gently slide down in the form of separate drops.


The appearance of the mirrored waterfall is distinguished by its sophistication. The water running down the glass creates a unique landscape, mesmerizing with its beauty.

Now let's talk a little about home fountains.


Its main feature is compactness. This fountain is tiny. Typically, these fountains are inexpensive. This decorative element can be easily installed right on the table and enjoy its presence.


The floor fountain is similar to the table fountain and differs only in size. Such a fountain can be up to 80 cm high.


The fountain is mounted on the wall surface. Exist interesting options such as painting fountain. Such a fountain is enclosed in heavy frames and is quite weighty.


A special receiving niche is installed on the floor, and a fountain in the form of a plafond, which sprinkles water, is installed on the ceiling.


An interesting specificity of such a fountain is the scattering fog on its surface.

Air is an important and integral part of human existence. Your well-being directly depends on the composition of the air. The ideal indoor humidity is 60% in winter and 80% in summer. At low humidity the immune system a person is weakened, a person becomes more prone to colds, while the penetration of oxygen into the human circulatory system significantly worsens. From this, only one conclusion can be drawn: the air humidity in the room must be carefully controlled.

There are many ways to humidify the air. You can also purchase special devices for humidification, but the cost of such is often prohibitive for many of our compatriots. Therefore, we will consider how to create a waterfall with our own hands in an apartment. With the help of this device, you can not only solve the problem of air humidification, but also decorate the interior of your home with high quality.

Before assembling the waterfall, you must pay attention to the fact that all wooden components must be varnished in several layers. However, it is much easier to avoid using wood. Perhaps as some ...

... decorative components. First of all, you need to find a suitable container that will not let water through. Any plastic vessel of the required area can be used as this. We also need to get a pump. The pump power should not be too large, because the water will circulate relatively small space... As a pump, you can use ordinary aquarium pumps, which are sold in all pet stores. We will also need a small hose. It can be found all in the same pet store as an addition to the pump. Other decorative elements are selected according to your preference.

It is quite simple to assemble a waterfall with your own hands in an apartment. To do this, it is necessary to fix the pump in the tank, as well as bring out the tube and power supply. The pump must be carefully camouflaged with pebbles and river sand. Otherwise, your waterfall will not be aesthetically pleasing. The snorkel should also not stand out from the general concept of the waterfall. Decorating the waterfall is allowed at your own discretion. The main thing is to take into account the fact that the tube must be at the extreme upper point of the structure.

  • Organic glass
  • backlight
  • Compressor, but it should be quiet
  • Hose, preferably vinyl
  • And, of course, the control valve

Algorithm of measures

First time, you should not be afraid, because building a waterfall is not as difficult and impossible task as it seems at first glance. There will be a cover at the top, and its main task is to protect it from dirt and dust.

For better lighting use neon lamps, they look elegant and fashionable, but they will not be lost in the interior. The advantages of neon lights are that they can shine with water over thirty (30) centimeters away. Where to install the lamp? It doesn't really matter, put it where you think it's appropriate, on the pages, top or bottom.

To clearly and legibly represent the scheme of the future waterfall, its size, color, etc. Did you decide to do this for the first time? Was it a surge of soul and imagination? Then it's better to start with something small and humble.

Don't worry, once you experience it, you can create truly masterpieces, but it's time to learn.

If this is not your first time doing this, then you dare! Then, in bold type, create gorgeous waterfalls and incredible landscapes.

the third... Start your activity with the base of the waterfall on the glass with your own hands. When ready, begin installing the check valve, power supply, and air system. Recall that the valve will completely shut off the valve, it will collapse in one place, it will not move and move down the hose.

Remember, you still need to install the backlight module. And what's a waterfall without LEDs? Some still install RGB controllers.

fourth... And now it's time for the organic glass to be installed so you can see our recessed lighting later. Make a glass container filled with water on a pallet.

Waterfall: components, types, production, food - for the garden, decorative

Why use these manipulations? The water in the column must always be at the same level. Now lower the compressor tube so that air bubbles enter the hole that was made in the organic glass.

fifth... The bubbles coming out of the tube must be evenly distributed.

For this, acrylic spray with holes will help you. And now we are almost done creating a waterfall on the glass with our own hands. Now you should focus on the fact that the tube is at almost every hole.

And you know that the diameter of the holes can be adjusted so that the air bubbles are different. What will we achieve with this? It is impossible to take your eyes off our waterfall!

sixth... On the eve of the evening, think about where to get a boat that will be needed to fill the water. There are several options. You can put it on a waterfall. There is another option: how is it hidden between the podium and the glass? Do you want the water in the waterfall not to stagnate, leaving it wonderfully?

Magic and magic won't help us. Try making a small hub. Please be aware that only distilled water is used in this design. When you start the waterfall for the first time, fill detergent on the glass, remove grease and dirt, and the water will flow smoothly.

Today a waterfall is not only a fashion designer, a “thing”.

With it, you can forget about everything, relax and have real pleasure!

1. Waterfall on glass. Standard configuration (budget version) provides: acrylic glass with 8 mm water jet. Drainage system(pump, watering unit). Stainless steel tank, flexible stone, pebble tray. Top decorative cover (stainless steel, flexible stone surface) with built-in lighting.

Accessories: replacement of acrylic glass with silicate, from hardening from 8 mm, application of a sample to an explosive device. Using acrylic pattern, logo, etc. on acrylic glass with directional lighting. Turn off the remote remote control... Replace the tray under the shingle in the deep planting. Possible large number of designs: interior, wall, wall, split.

2. A waterfall on a rock (wall, interior). The only difference between the waterfall on glass is the change from the water slide to natural stone.

The main element of the price is the choice of stone.

How to make a beautiful waterfall in the country with your own hands (50 photos)

3. Cascading waterfall. Ideal for corners, niches and more. which are very difficult to borrow. Often these corners at the end of a building's waterfall become the main structural element of the entire room, 95% are decorated with large potted plants, and there are also places for planting climbing plants throughout the area. As a standard, Dredger ( concrete mold using our revolutionary technique, an accurate imitation of almost all breeds).

Water supply and casting system. Accessories: Installation of underwater lamps, anti-fog equipment.

The waterfall can be complemented with decorative slabs and provide a themed passage.

More and more people are planning renovations in their apartment, pay attention to planning.

And they are often faced with the fact that there are not enough raisins, which are the main element of the entire design.

For those who love one of the most beautiful elements of the earth - water, our company can offer a waterfall for buying an apartment.

Such a waterfall can serve as the main design element and is decorated with living plants, because you can create life like nature with gentle circular water. It should be noted that the waterfall is not only beautiful, but also useful. This is air humidification, which will have a beneficial effect on living plants, wooden furniture and parquet.

As a standard, this design does not require a water supply, and uses a sealed water circulation.

It is only necessary to add water when the evaporation evaporates, and when using tap water it is necessary to remove limescale from the surface of the watercourse.

The surface of the watercourse can be made of glass or natural stone. Glass is completely safe and very durable; if it breaks, it splits into small pieces, which excludes the possibility of serious injury. If you were planning a waterfall in stone, take a look at all the possibilities natural stones such as onyx, travertine, slate, granite, marble and choose the right one.

They all differ in color, texture, patterns.

The lighting uses LED or halogen. The halogen is located in the upper decorative tank and is illuminated
the surface of the watercourse from top to bottom. LED lightening can be installed around the entire perimeter of the waterfall.

A combination of a wall waterfall with a cascade is also possible, and the bottom stainless steel expansion tank is replaced by a mini-tank made of stone or tiles.

If you want, you can even make an aquarium at the foot of the acrylic glass of the waterfall and iron around the edges of stone or other materials. It is also possible to install fog.

Our company provides you with the quality and unique shape of the waterfall according to the dimensions you specify. You only have a water slide to buy and enjoy on quiet evenings or with friends, gently make a noise of the water into which live plants flock.

Montreal-based design firm SWON creates stunning installations with extensive use of glass and light. Its specialists work miracles, blurring the boundaries between art and landscape design.
One of these wonders is amazingly beautiful glass waterfall, which can be seen in the garden of Toronto (Canada), on the shores of the famous Lake Ontario.

Glass waterfall Like a fresco, it is composed of 77 treated glass blocks, shimmering in different tones of blue and green.

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the apartment

Moreover, the glare of the water of a real reservoir, into which the glass waterfall "falls", is reflected in it by a beautiful play of light. But that's not all: on top glass wall a waterfall really flows, which, freely falling from a height of 2.1 m, whips the water surface into a white foam. The width of the waterfall is about 3 m.

No less impressive is another work from SWON designers - a glass-stone garden (or glass rock garden) located on the roof of the building.

This garden has a rectangular pond (14 x 4 m) made of stainless steel, filled with small pebbles and three large "rocks".

Moreover, the rocks are massive greenish plates made of glass 3 cm thick.

The stones are different: there are natural river stones of black color and yellow glass frit imitating amber. Fiber-optic banks are lined with amber glass.

Thanks to this design, in the dark, when the lighting is also connected, the glass-stone garden, emitting warm light, looks especially attractive.

Representatives of the SWON company are confident that the future belongs to the art they are promoting.

And, by the way, many experts in the field of the landscape industry agree with them, emphasizing that the work of the designers of the said company is undoubtedly an exclusive that is worth a lot.

Home »Product catalog» Waterfalls

Flat panel (internal waterfall)

Do you want to create an exotic corner of nature in your home, apartment or office? Artificial waterfalls on glass or mirror - non-standard solution for decoration. A decorative waterfall will add charm and dynamism inside. Smoothing smooth running water along the glass or mirror gives peace and quiet.

An apartment, house or office with a waterfall is actually pleasant and, most importantly, beneficial to your health:

  • Humidifies the air.

    The waterfall significantly improves the microclimate of the space, which is especially important in hot summers or on cold winter days, when the air humidity in the air is significantly reduced.

  • One of the ways to improve the psychological climate. Water damage brings comfort after a hard day, relaxes, refreshes thoughts, helps relieve stress, enhances activity, hurray.
  • This creates unique interior and your room is alive.

Waterfalls on glass or mirror

Water expands the smooth surface of a glass or mirror, which repeatedly reflects, reproduces, expands and changes space.

The construction, in which the filling and receiving parts are covered with a composite material, gives the impression that water flows from nowhere and flows to nowhere.

It's interesting and eye-catching. The stream of water flows to the surface, pumping whimsical live images.

An example of a waterfall on the mirror ( private order).

Private order.

How to make a waterfall in an apartment?

Waterfall on glass

Example: waterfall on glass (h Verbal order).

The difference between mirrored waterfalls lies in the visual effect of expanding the space, which creates a reflection. A particularly stylish waterfall looks like outdoor lighting.

Using different methods and methods of refraction and light reflections creates a game with highlights and shadows. The connection of light, water and reflection brings wonderful fantasies of unforgettable images. Such a mirrored waterfall in the interior will greatly decorate your apartment, house, office, cafe, restaurant, and for a moment will attract your guests and visitors with its beauty. Looking at this waterfall, the nerves relax, the person relaxes, there are only pleasant thoughts and dreams in his head.

A waterfall on a glass or mirror is ideal for placing a relaxation space.

At the same time, it is advisable to choose a green or blue tone.

Waterfalls in an office, restaurant, cafe, nightclub, etc. using a logo, lettering and pattern on the glass or mirror surface.

Waterfall on glass using blotting

Artistic (decorative) waterfalls

A great way to create a pleasant climate in space is a decorative waterfall, which cools the air in summer and moisturizes and makes it smoother in winter.

On the glass or mirror, you can place your company logo, drawing, drawing, explosive or self-adhesive Orakal film. This will certainly be memorable for your customers and visitors, and will provide a positive experience and association.

Installing a waterfall in the office carries several positive aspects: visual and sound effects and air humidification.

The effect will be very strong and beneficial: it soothes nervous system, eliminates bad thoughts and creates a good background for a business conversation.

In addition, the presence of a waterfall in the office of a company, company, cafe, restaurant automatically increases the level and status of the organization, which makes it more suitable for participation in the eyes of customers, visitors and partners.

Home waterfall buy

The maintenance of decorative waterfalls is extremely simple: just follow the water level, and when it is reduced, add a new one.

Fill with distilled water, which will prevent mold or microalgae from forming in the waterfall.

Decorate the interior of your apartment, house, office, restaurant with such a fashionable and elegant accessory as a waterfall - then your apartment, house, office, restaurant will get its own style, become more comfortable and more comfortable!

Examples of indoor waterfalls:

A decorative waterfall is an excellent tool to complement the interior of a room, for this reason, in many design photographs and images of interiors of premises, their presence required condition... Without a decorative and indoor “waterfall”, the furnishings in the room will not look complete and complete. Today everyone can get a waterfall. Moreover, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to buy the model you like in the store.

The waterfall in the house is a real decoration that pleases the soul

If desired, a small device can be made by hand. Your waterfall will always delight the eye, especially if it is perfectly combined with the rest of the interior in the apartment. How to make a waterfall yourself? Acquaintance with this issue will help you to make a beautiful and useful "water" device at home without any problems.

Getting to know the waterfalls

Mini waterfall, despite its small size, is able to simultaneously solve several problems at once. These include:

  1. Decoration of the room, complementing the stylistic solution to the decoration of the room. The waterfall will perfectly complement the interior in African, Japanese or hi-tech style. Such water devices perfectly complement the "green zones" in the apartment, on the windowsill or loggia.

Indoor waterfalls have a simple principle of operation:

  1. Water rises from the tank using a pump.
  2. Having risen to the top point along the hose, the liquid flows along a special slope into the container.
  3. It turns out the water cycle. The system does not require connection to the water supply network. For the waterfall to work, you need access to the electricity grid, as well as periodic water renewal.
  4. It is important to use clean water free of sediment and foreign matter. Filling with dirty water can clog the pump, increasing the chances of premature failure.

An indoor waterfall requires an electrical network

A key element of any waterfall is the way the water flows. The nature of the movement of the liquid in the structure depends on the power of the water supply, as well as on the characteristics of the slope. Water can fall in a free stream or flow down in trickles through special troughs. There are a lot of varieties, it all depends on what kind of waterfall you plan to use in the apartment.


Home waterfalls come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Before you start looking for or making a waterfall with your own hands, it is worth considering the existing types and types of devices.

The following types of devices are popular for installation in an apartment:

  1. Exotic. This type of device involves the use of natural stones, reeds, wood, mirrors, figurines and figurines in the decor. Living vegetation is often an essential element.
  2. Waterfalls on glass. Simple enough, but effective. Perfect for the interior of modern apartments, where the use of plastic, glass and other artificial materials is abundant. Glass constructions can be of two types: jet and drip-rain. Inkjet devices are in the form of classic decorative waterfalls, set in a glass shell. In them, the water, lifted by the pump into the container at the top, flows down the glass surface, creating a kind of liquid circulation. The drip-rainfalls have a more complex structure, in which the glass has a special vascular-capillary structure. Water flowing down them creates the effect of rain.
  3. Combined. The most complex structures, combining a fountain and a waterfall. With the help of a pump, the liquid rises and is thrown out in a jet of a certain shape onto the surface. The water returns to the starting point along the waterfall system.

According to the method of placement, designers divide decorative waterfalls for an apartment into the following types:

  1. Outdoor.
  2. Tabletop.
  3. On special supplies or suspended, wall structures.

By the nature of the water jet, "water" devices are subdivided into:

  1. Inkjet.
  2. Cascading.
  3. Drip.
  4. Foggy.
  5. Combined.

According to the technical "equipment", the waterfalls can be subdivided into several more conditional groups:

  1. Backlit.
  2. With music.
  3. With living vegetation.

The photo shows an example of a home waterfall with live plants

Homemade waterfalls

Having decided on the version of the waterfall, the desired model can not only be purchased in the store, but also made on your own. With a competent and careful approach, the result can be impressive. By independently performing the work, selecting the right materials and determining the optimal forms, each person will receive a waterfall that meets the requirements and expectations. Previously, it is worth preparing a drawing of the future device, calculating the required size and a list of necessary materials.

It is good to use an aquarium as the basis of the device.

It will protect the device from dust and solve the problem with the tightness of the structure. The aquarium will increase the mobility of the waterfall - it is enough to simply move it from place to place, it will compactly fit on the windowsill, on the floor, and on the table.

Consider the option of making a waterfall on glass with your own hands. For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  1. Honeycomb plexiglass.
  2. Pump.
  3. Check valve.
  4. Illumination from neon or LED bulbs.
  5. Base made of waterproof material. A plastic plate with high sides is perfect.
  6. Transparent container for water.


  1. The basis is the lighting equipment in the form of controllers and lamps.
  2. The backlight is covered with a sheet of plexiglass.
  3. At the base, a transparent container is installed on plexiglass, where water will be.
  4. A pump (submersible) is installed in the tank. If the pump is superficial, it is placed in the base.
  5. A pedestal is formed from plexiglass, the base of a waterfall, along which water will run down.
  6. A hose is brought out to the upper part of the pedestal. Various decorative elements are used to hide it.
  7. Such a tabletop waterfall with your own hands can be made not only with the use of glass. The pedestal of the device can be made of wood, stone or concrete.

In order to make an indoor waterfall with your own hands using stone, you will need the following materials:

  1. Submersible pump of small capacity with the ability to regulate power.
  2. Hoses of the required length to deliver water to the top of the structure.
  3. Base. A plastic tray is perfect for this purpose.
  4. Capacity for water. It can be a basin or other similar object made of plastic, glass or other material. The best solution is a stone bowl.
  5. Stones of various sizes. The use of stones of two types is optimal. River pebbles are perfect.

River pebbles are perfect for arranging a home waterfall with stones.

Step-by-step manufacturing steps:

  1. A container is installed on the base.
  2. A pump is placed in the container. To give a natural appearance to the structure, the pump is packed with pebbles.
  3. Medium stones are laid at the bottom, larger ones are located on top.
  4. A stone structure is carefully constructed, consisting of several terraces. It is placed closer to one of the edges of the container. A pump is laid from the pump, it is fed along the back of the stones to the top point. Holes for cables can be made in stones.
  5. Water is poured into the container. The pump turns on, it pumps water through a hose upward, from where it will flow back to the tank through the terraces. The waterfall for your home is ready!
  6. For the beauty of the appearance, it is worth considering the issue of hiding the hose and power supply wires of the pump. Artificial plants are suitable for this.
  7. Foam or water resistant transparent sealant can be used for fixing and sealing.
  8. You can add neon or LED lighting to the design.