Pictures in the interior of the house. Stylish paintings in the interior (photo)

Since ancient times, people have been trying to decorate their home, make it cozy and harmonious. For example, the ancient Greeks decorated the walls with drawings and bright rugs, the Romans painted the walls of houses and decorated them with mosaics.

Icons, paintings, carpets in the interior

Icon written with wax paints was required element residential building. It was framed with silver or gold frames, decorated with enamels and precious stones... Thus, the icon became a real decoration of the dwelling, and not just an object of worship.

In Russia, the corner where the icon hung was considered the most revered.The prosperity of the family at that time was judged by the number and richness of the icon setting.

Only from the 17th century, in addition to icons, first in the decoration of the houses of noble persons, and then, gradually, among other estates, paintings and prints began to appear on the walls. On the prints, however, everyone also depicted mainly sacred objects, which were strictly distinguished from images and which had no sacred meaning.

In XII - XIII centuries, first in France, and later in Italy, the walls were decorated with lint-free carpet paintings, which were called tapestries. Tapestries appeared and became incredibly popular in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Tapestries, paintings, tapestries were an indispensable part of the decoration of country residences and palaces of emperors. By order of Catherine the Great, in the Great Peterhof Palace, there is a hall in which 368 paintings by the artist Pietro Rotari were placed, thus using the technique of a continuous tapestry, when almost the entire wall is covered with paintings.

Framed painting - interior design

The spread of constructivism and functionalism led to the emergence of simple and comfortable interiors. But a picture in a frame has always remained an indispensable element in the interior.

Paintings, reproductions, prints, photographs, etchings, printsand in modern times they help to make the house cozy and unique. Moreover, any subject carries information. One can bring joy, good luck, the desire to create to the house, and the other misfortune, despondency, depression, it all depends on the location, subject matter, and color scheme of the picture. Therefore, you need to be able to choose and hang pictures correctly - this is a great art. Before buying picture for interior, you need to carefully consider how it will be combined with pieces of furniture and accessories. Do not forget that asceticism leads to some incompleteness of a single style, and excessive enthusiasm for details creates the impression of an overloaded interior.

How to choose a painting for the interior of different rooms

Try to choose paintings with positive energy ... You should not hang pictures depicting catastrophes, war, destruction, etc. in your house. Do not forget that for each separate room of the apartment, its own thematic paintings will be appropriate.

  • For example, for living room landscapes and bright paintings in the style of impressionism are suitable.
  • For the bedroom, choose soothing, restrained colors.An excellent option would be a picture of a couple.
  • Pictures with flowers are suitable for the kitchen, or a colorful still life that will bring harmony to this room and create a warm relationship. Ceramic vases are also appropriate in the kitchen, as well as decorative plates.
  • For the office choose landscapes depicting hunting or mountains - such pictures behind your back symbolize reliability and stability. There should be a picture of water in front of the work table, which will bring wealth and good luck.
  • In the children's room, the drawing of the child himself will be appropriate or any other children's theme. You can hang the image of the globe, horses.

For boys good decision - a sailboat symbolizing upward movement, fast learning. For a girl - the image of peonies, a symbol of a successful marriage. For rooms such as a corridor, a hallway, choose bright abstractions that depict an action.

Often several paintings are hung in the room, on the wall where there is little light from the sun's rays. With the help of pictures, you can balance the proportions of furniture. To do this, place pictures over a large bulky sofa, and it will visually become smaller. If you have a lot of pictures in the same style, you can create an art gallery at home by hanging pictures next to each other.

The best background for a painting is a solid, dim wall.On a wall whose color is saturated, not every picture looks good, since the color of the wall itself attracts a lot of attention. The best option would be a light dim wall. So that the picture, if it is made in the same tone as the wall, does not merge with it, arrange the picture in a contrasting frame.

Today there is a huge selection of baguettes, of various shapes, colors and styles. The most common material from which a baguette is made is wood; plastic is used much less often. The frame must be chosen so that it matches the style of furniture in the house.

By choosing the right paintings or any other works of art, you will create an atmosphere of harmony, comfort and beauty in your home!

Pictures decorate absolutely any room. They fit organically into the interior and add a certain charm. The living room is the central part of the apartment.

Here guests are usually met and spent their free time. By the design of this room, one can judge the taste and social status of the owner of the apartment.

Pictures for the living room are considered one of the most important decor items. Only after a long period of time, the paintings began to be selected in accordance with the design of the room.

Earlier in small apartments one could see frames made of stucco molding with gilded patterns that did not exactly fit into the interior of the room.

Modern paintings for the living room are the main accent, the highlight of the home.

If you have any doubts about how to hang a picture on the wall in the living room, then stop at the classic version.

This product model implies wooden frame depicting a still life or landscape. Choose a theme in accordance with the design of the living room or the image of your area, for example, beautiful bridge or a lock.

Consider all the details of the style of your apartment, ideally combine the drawing with the color scheme of the room.

For example, a Russian winter landscape will look good in a classic interior. And if you hang up Moroccan motives, they will look out of place.

Pictures in the living room interior should be a continuation of the design, so you should think about what will be shown in advance.

Art Nouveau paintings for the living room

There are elements of pop art and abstraction in the modern style. It can be an enlarged leaf of a tree or a small fragment of it.

Modular paintings in the living room interior can also be a good solution for giving a kind of accent to the room.

How to place the painting correctly

With correctly placed images, you can easily change the geometry of the room.

A low ceiling will visually look much higher if you can hardly hang the images vertically.

Horizontal will help to increase the width. If the room has a longitudinal arrangement, then it is better to hang a bright big size image, then the proportions of the room will be slightly smoothed.

Pictures in the living room above the sofa will look appropriate if the walls are painted in light shade and are of medium size.

If you are going to compose your paintings, be sure to align them to the bottom.

Height of paintings for better perception should be 1, 5 meters from the floor. This is how paintings are usually arranged at exhibitions.

If the drawing is large enough, it is allowed to hang it at a height of 170 cm. The location of the paintings depends on the style of the living room; in some designs it is allowed to put the paintings above the chest of drawers or on the shelves.

The cottages have an ideal place above the fireplace, because it will catch the eye and your picture will definitely not remain unnoticed.

Composition of paintings

This option looks a win-win if you make a combination of paintings of the same size and motives.

It is better to arrange images in a row or several rows.

If the composition contains one large and many small paintings, then more large drawing should be placed in the center, and the rest in a circle.

For elongated living rooms, a modular picture with a continuing pattern is suitable. Choose no more than 4 modules so as not to clutter up the space. Remember, a painting is a decoration.

What image to choose for the living room

For this room there are no restrictions on the choice of paintings - it can be rural or nautical theme, mountains, tropics.

If the room is made for a certain design, then you should see a photo of the paintings in the interior of the living room, so it will be much easier to make a choice.

The selection of the picture depends on the style of the living room

  • For country style, a good option would be the image of the towns of Italy, for example, the Tuscan landscape.

  • For Art Nouveau, animalistic images or abstraction are possible.
  • For high-tech style, pictures of cities or digital masterpieces, avant-garde are suitable.
  • For classics it is possible to hang old portraits

  • For fusion style, modular images or any other paintings without frames are suitable.
  • If the living room is made in Provence style, the marine theme, or the image of poppy or lavender fields, is ideal.

Complementing your living room interior with a picture, you will create a unique design.

Photo of the design of paintings in the living room

Decorating a house with paintings is a great art. Modern interiors require appropriate stylish solutions... In our article you will find many photos of modern painting. At the same time, some paintings are ideal for decorating a living room and are completely inappropriate for a bedroom, others can only be imagined in the interior of a kitchen.

Pop art paintings

Shocking, bright style pop art that conquered America in the 50s is back in fashion. Not everyone perceives it, it suits young, energetic, people enjoying life. Paintings in this style are original. They are very bright, catchy, made in neon or acid colors. It can be photo printing, printing on canvas, oil drawing. Themes range from the simplest to the most complex, from a portrait of a cat to a stylized image of a rock musician.

One of the walls of the room can serve as a huge canvas for the picture. Various inscriptions are depicted on a white background: the name of your favorite tea, sweets, the brand of a dream car, your favorite trademark, as well as a plot from a comic strip. All graphic images united by one idea - the transformation of the most ordinary things into a work of art, the brightness of colors, unexpected combinations.

This democratic style in no way limits the flight of the artist's imagination, it doesn't matter what is depicted here, the main thing is that it looks stylish. This is what main idea pop art.

Kanzashi paintings in the interior

Paintings in the oriental technique of kanzashi are an original drawing made with ribbons. These are real masterpieces created by the hands of craftswomen. The main thing is that any woman can make them with her own hands, she just wants to. These are mainly flowers from satin ribbons and compositions from them.

To create a unique panel or picture depicting at least sunflowers, you need a little:

  • Satin ribbons - orange, yellow, burgundy, dark and light green. 3 m each.
  • Dark beads.
  • Tweezers.
  • Glue gun or just glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Thin wire.

Painting in the kanzashi technique

  • Dark fabric.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Sackcloth.
  • Frame.

Then 5x5 cm squares are cut from ribbons, burlap is pulled over the frame and the flowers are created. Master classes filmed on video will help to comprehend and master the intricacies of the technique of folding individual petals. Flowers are collected from individual petals and fixed on the canvas. The core of a sunflower is decorated with a thin wire with beads strung on it, fixed on a circle cut out of felt. The workpieces are connected to each other with a special gun or glue. On kitchen wall such a picture will look very organic.

Attention! To create big picture you need creative thinking, great patience and perseverance.

Interior paintings in baroque style, nude genre

The Barocco palace style embodies the spatial scope, pretentiousness and splendor. Pictures play a significant role here. To match the general mood of the canvases of eminent artists, hand embroidery in a massive gilded frame, symbolizing pomp and luxury.

Most often, people with high incomes who are able to purchase canvases of the Renaissance decorate their living rooms and bedrooms in this style. The role of paintings, like any other detail in this interior, is to emphasize aristocracy.

There are many allegories and metaphors in this interior. The paintings contain allegories, ambiguity. These are views of landscapes, and seas, and portraits. Copies of Caravaggio and Rubens are appropriate here.

In the Baroque, nude paintings depicting nudity are appropriate. They are distinguished by their aesthetics and create an atmosphere of intimacy. it original gift both a collector and any man.

This direction of erotic painting is always in demand, because fashion passes, but the beauty of the body always enchants and captivates. Despite the frank nudity, the woman on the canvases of real artists remains pure and worries about her insecurity.

Painting in the spirit of surrealism in the interior

Paintings made in this genre have a creative composition, therefore they always attract attention. The main concepts of this direction:

  • unusual;
  • liberty;
  • wonderful;
  • dream;
  • unconscious;
  • love bordering on madness;
  • the revolution.

The paintings of surrealist painters H. Miro, A. Masson are filled with forms that resemble pure abstraction, and the surreal images of S. Dali, P. Delvaux, R. Magritte reproduce figures and faces drawn by the subconscious. What they have in common is an unresolved riddle, the intrigue of deception, changeability, paradoxes in combinations.

No less interesting are the paintings of contemporary surrealist artists who continue the traditions of the old masters. These paintings with a complex composition - unusual, amazing and bright, will bring originality to the interior, will constantly attract attention.

Impressionist paintings

Monet, Renoir, Degas wrote in this style, their style and technique are used by modern impressionists. When creating interiors, designers often take pictures made in this style filled with lightness and fleetingness as a basis for creating decor. Urban landscapes, pictures of nature, still lifes fit perfectly into many fashionable interiors.

Impressionism is most suitable for classic interiors. The canvas can be placed both on a wall covered with wallpaper with a pattern, and on a completely white one.

For a living room, a large, bright, saturated picture depicting a cityscape is suitable. Here, painting on the walls, frescoes based on paintings by impressionist artists are appropriate.

A peaceful plot will look better in the bedroom. The image of lovers will create a romantic mood, and the pictures of nature will create an atmosphere for relaxation and rest. They fill the interior with coziness, special meaning.

Graphic objects, ships, horses - teenage themes are appropriate in the nursery. Still life - perfect solution for kitchen. Kitchen paraphernalia, food, flowers in the paintings help to raise the appetite.

Quilling paintings for your interior

Quilling is a method of making pictures by paper rolling. Flowers are often depicted in such bright, cheerful paintings, but other solutions are also possible: butterflies, birds, animals, fish, even people and nature.

Professionals create three-dimensional figures from swirling strips of paper and make unique pictures from them. Such handwork highly valued, but with patience, you can make a picture using the quilling technique yourself.

For creativity you need tools and materials:

  • toothpicks or a large needle where the sharp part and eyelet have been removed;
  • stencils purchased from an office supply store;
  • pVA glue;
  • tweezers;
  • quilling paper strips sold at craft stores
  • stationery knife;
  • cardboard.

Council. Quilling strips can be made independently by fastening the sheets together and marking them out, cutting out the blanks using a clerical knife and a ruler.

  1. We put a sheet of foam on the table. The details will not slide on it.
  2. We roll up a tight roll by winding a strip of paper onto a toothpick.
  3. We remove the finished roll so that it blooms a little.
  4. We fix the tip with glue, let it dry and form the desired shape. For flowers use the shapes "eye", "drop".
  5. We compose the composition and glue all the details on the cardboard.

Council. To make a sheet of two shades, glue two different strips together, and start folding with the color that you want to place in the center.

In whatever style the interior is decorated, there are general recommendations for the selection and placement of paintings:

Only correct selection, paintings for the home, you create an atmosphere of comfort, harmony in it.

Paintings in the interior: video

Modern paintings in interior design: photo

Decor elements will help to add coziness to the interior. These include paintings that have not lost their relevance for many hundreds of years. In addition to decoration, they serve to mask shortcomings, dilute the monotonous palette of colors, if the style requires it.

Matching style

For the classics, a painting of the Renaissance or Renaissance is necessary. These are not necessarily original copies, you can find a high-quality copy by looking at photos of paintings for the interior. They are dominated by brown shades, which is inherent in classicism. This will complete the furnishings and acquire a completely refined look.

For modern trends design solutions the presence of abstractionism is characteristic - stylized images.

AT bright room seascapes framed in contrasting frames and decorated with stucco will look appropriate.


The proportionality of the wall and the picture located on it is important to take into account so as not to visually reduce the room.

A vertically located canvas will look advantageous if the dimensions of the ceiling exceed the 2.5 m mark, and there is enough free space in the immediate environment.

It is better to hang a horizontal picture in standard "Khrushchev" small size or a few small ones.


To focus on the picture, to make it convenient for viewing from all sides and in every detail, a competent location on the wall and in certain rooms apartments.

If the image is one, it is easier to place it at eye level (160 cm from the floor), in the center of the wall, well lit and visible from all corners of the room.

A series of similar and small paintings can be placed randomly over the entire surface of the wall, diagonally, or in a row, aligning along the bottom edge.

Received wide popularity modular pictures - fragments of the whole image, located on different canvases, the position of which is set by the desire of the artist.

In the living room, paintings are traditionally hung over the sofa, but not necessarily. Their dimensions should not exceed 2/3 of the free space of the wall, one canvas - half. There are no requirements for the position in other rooms, except perhaps in the kitchen - away from the cooking area and behind glass to prevent dirt from getting on the surface of the canvas.

Techniques for creating the necessary environment

Restraint. Monochrome canvases and symmetry of the composition contribute to this effect. Black and white paintings will add austerity to the interior in the work area.

Dynamism. Asymmetry, on the other hand, will create a sense of movement and dilute the boring palette of colors.

Integrity. The relationship between canvases can be shown using the same frames or similar elements on them.

Zoning. A smooth transition formed by a series of paintings will help to separate the hallway from the kitchen.


Avoid images that convey sadness or anxiety. AT own apartment you should be as comfortable as possible, and military scenes don't belong here. Gloomy colors are also discouraged.

In the bedroom, it is preferable to choose plots of seascapes, city life, still lifes. If you are a connoisseur of Art Nouveau, keep in mind that the assortment of modern paintings is now wide, and you can choose exactly what you like.

In the nursery, place pictures in the style of pop art with images of scenes from comics (they are also suitable for the living room), or portraits of cartoon characters.

For the living room - portraits of classics, paintings depicting forests and animals. They pacify, create an atmosphere of calm.

A minimalist kitchen means that bright spots should appear on its walls in the form of contrasting abstractions. Simplification of shapes can go down to simple geometric shapes... Rely on details like towels and upholstery to match a painting with matching colors.

Unleashing creativity

You can make your own contribution to decorating an apartment if you create a picture for the interior with your own hands. There are many options, and choosing the right one is not difficult.

Volumetric applications from scrap materials will become great decoration kitchen. For example, satin ribbon paintings made of kanzashi-style flowers attached to a base with a glue gun. They are easy to do, but they will make a huge impression on the viewer.

You can make a panel from coffee beans or cereals, cutlery installation, compose an image from broken glasslike a mosaic - your imagination is limited only by the size of the room.

With the help of correctly located pictures, you can change appearance rooms, add brightness or, conversely, neutral colors. Such decoration speaks about the tastes of the owner and his social status.

Photo of paintings for the interior

Today, in almost every home, you can already find stylish paintings for the interior. This element may well highlight the preferences and social status of the home owner. It is already impossible to imagine stylish decor without this unique element.

A stylish picture can have different functional purposes. It can be performed in calm pastel colors and in harmony with the general background, or can act as a bright accent in the room. Today, you can even find entire creative works of art on sale that will give an incomparable look to even a boring office.

How to choose the right interior paintings?

Contemporary art is characterized by many trends and solutions. This means that you will have a lot to choose from. This statement is true for any room in your apartment, be it an entrance hall or a living room. A painting can be the perfect finishing touch to any living room. All leading trends oblige the use of these elements. It's hard to imagine fashionable interiorwhich does not use modern paintings, photo, stylish posters.

Creative or classic?

Today, art objects can be purchased literally everywhere: in an online store, at a fair, market or exhibition. You can also order paintings directly from the artist. For the kitchen and dining room, colorful and juicy paintings are more suitable. Black and white masterpieces will look great in offices, hallways and living rooms. On sale you can find stylish paintings, photos and posters. All this diversity simply scatters eyes. How do you choose the right option that will best suit your interior?


The first step is to choose the style in which the painting should be done.

The most popular options are:

  • modern trends;
  • photos;
  • classic works.

If you need not only a fashionable, but also a stylish picture for a bedroom, living room or study, then this case will fit classic. The main thing is that the masterpiece is in harmony with the general decor of the room. If the room uses antique furniture and elegant textiles, then there is no need to try to find something exotic. In this case, the best option would be a classic still life or landscape. Also such solutions are optimal solution for the office.

In some cases, it will be appropriate to use creative canvases. By the way, speaking of originality, it is not always necessary to immediately imagine some unusual shapes and bright color combinations. Abstractionism, modernism and hi-tech will look good only in rooms that are decorated in the appropriate style. The main thing in this case is to choose the right shape and color scheme. decorative element... These can be modular paintings, stylish posters or photos. The main thing is that they are combined with the general background of the room. Painterly canvases can make a room more interesting and varied. Advantage modern style is that looking at such works is also very useful. However, you should be more careful with black and white masterpieces. They can cause depressive moods.

Using photos in the interior

Often on resources devoted to interior design, you can find solutions that use modern photographs to decorate the walls. In their execution, such elements can compete even with the masterpieces of the classics. Using modern technologies, you can make anything from a photo. On the painting market today you can find many similar works. Black and white photography can become fashionable and creative solutionthat will look great in a bedroom or living room with classic interior... Also, such a stylish picture will look good in the office.

Choosing a painting for the bedroom

On sale today you can find interesting paintings for the interior, photos, stylish posters and various solutions.

However, when choosing options for a bedroom, there are several simple recommendations:

  1. It is better not to look at pictures of a hurricane or storm. They subconsciously cause anxiety in a person, and for a bedroom this is by no means the best way.
  2. Vivid pictures should be selected with care. Overly flashy colors can lead to arousal of the psyche. Black and white paintings also do not always contribute to a good mood.
  3. Best options for the bedroom there will be paintings depicting flowers or calm landscapes.

Pictures for the living room

When choosing decorative paintings for the living room, the scope for imagination is much wider. It all depends on the style in which the living room is decorated. If we are talking about minimalism, then it will look best in such a room. black and white photos in metal frames. If the living room has classic design, then you can pick up a picture in the Art Nouveau style. Large canvases are quite suitable for decorating a living room. They will look good in between parts furniture set... If space allows, then you can hang the whole picture on the entire wall. This will help get rid of the feeling of emptiness in the interior, which often occurs in large room with a lack of furniture.

How to decorate walls in a kitchen or hallway?

Finding a painting for the kitchen is actually easier than it seems. Edible stories will always look great here. Today you can find a lot of options with the image of vegetables, fruits, sweets, or just black and white photographs of dishes. Masters of the Flemish school were especially successful in such still lifes. By hanging such an image in your kitchen, you can automatically earn yourself the status of an art connoisseur.

Another important advantage to remember when choosing a painting for the kitchen is the ability to use any colors and shades. After all, usually when decorating this room, they are not used bright colors... Thus, applying bright modern paintings for the interior, stylish photos or posters, you can easily place the necessary accents. Small paintings made in one colors.

When decorating a hallway, on the contrary, you should not use bright colors... It is better to give preference to unpretentious paintings with a simple plot. After all, it is unlikely that someone will linger in the hallway for a long time to consider what is painted on the walls. Black and white photography average size in this case becomes ideal option... You can also use cityscapes with a subdued color scheme. The backlit version will look great. This solution will also allow you to add additional lighting to this room.

Paintings for office

When decorating office walls, it is important to observe only one requirement - restraint. Stylish landscapes, modern urban photography or marine motifs are best suited here. The main thing is that the paintings depict something calm. Photos of snow-capped mountains are considered a popular solution for the office. They are a symbol of stability and reliability.

Using posters

Today is the last fashion trend can be considered the use of so-called posters in the interior. These are paintings divided into two or more parts. They can be of any size and shape, or be the same. The main thing is that they are all made in the same style. Such a solution will be especially beneficial to look in modern interior... Divided into sections, paintings will look good in both spacious and small spaces. Using such a solution, you can easily place in compact room a great piece without looking out of place.

Today, paintings consisting of several materials at the same time are also very popular. For their manufacture can be used natural stones, feathers, lace and metal. Such compositions look very original and even bewitching. I want to look at them again and again, studying up to the smallest details... Such paintings look especially impressive if they are correctly combined with other elements of the interior of the room.


AT this review we figured out in detail the use of paintings in the interior. Using the recommendations presented above, you can easily find the right piece for decorating a living room, bedroom or kitchen in your home. The main requirement that is presented when decorating any of these premises is to select an element in accordance with overall design... Even the most beautiful stylish painting will look terrible if it does not blend in with the surrounding environment.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your interior. Try to make it as comfortable as possible for living. And then you will always have a good mood and you will happily return home.