Houseplants as a decoration for your home. Indoor plants in the interior - the rules for choosing plants and their use in room design (102 photos) How to beautifully decorate rooms flowers

Comfort in the house is created not only by tastefully selected furniture, but also by beautiful indoor flowers. Plants transform even the most dull room, add warmth and tranquility to the interior. What flowers to choose for a particular room? You can, of course, turn to professionals and pay a lot of money, or you can use the advice given in this article to decorate the apartment yourself.


On the kitchen windowsill you can equip small vegetable garden, and plant herbs, which you then use as a seasoning. You can grow not only dill and parsley, but also mint, tarragon, mint, basil, spinach.

Plant a sprouted potato tuber - its flowers will look original in a city apartment.

Those who love bright flowers can plant geraniums or saintpaulias of various shades. In nature, there are plants with pink, white, lilac and purple flowers.

If you decide to plant an uzambar violet, then keep in mind that it cannot stand loneliness, so you need to put several pots with these flowers next to it.

Azalea will become a worthy decoration of the kitchen.

It must be remembered that all these plants feel uncomfortable next to the stove and they must be placed away from it, but at the same time protected from drafts.

Whoever does not like different smells in the kitchen can plant a sansevieru or, as it is called, "mother-in-law's tongue" or "pike tail". Plants are unpretentious and not particularly demanding to care for.

Living room

Who has enough space in the living room is better to choose large plants: ficus, dracaena and yucca, Forster's hovei.

They fit perfectly in both modern and classic interiors.

In a room with a minimum of furniture, yucca and dracaena look advantageous against a plain background in a beautiful flower pot.

To make the small living room seem more spacious, place climbing ampelous plants that hang down beautifully on stands or pots: asparagus, ivy, roicissus, philodendrons.

It is important to fix all these flowers to the support, otherwise they can ruin all the furniture and wallpaper with their roots-attachments.


For a bedroom, flowers must be selected without a strong smell, otherwise they can impair the quality of sleep or cause insomnia.

Place larger flowers, such as comedium, spathiphyllum, in the center of the composition, and undersized flowers, such as Fittonia, on the sides.

Or plant specimens of one type of plant, but with different leaf colors, for example, coleus ("poor man's croton", "nettles").


Usually, houseplants are used to decorate kitchens and living rooms, and small hallways, where they cannot turn around, are forced with furniture. But the hallway is where guests are first, so it is very important to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort here by placing pots with shade-tolerant plants here. For example, undersized species with large leaves, such as aspidistra or tall specimens, but with small leaves, such as spathiphyllum or philodendrons.

The only thing is that all the flowers from the hallway should be placed on the windowsill from time to time.


It is necessary to carefully select plants for a children's room, firstly, flowers should not provoke an allergic reaction, therefore it is forbidden to place flowers with a strong smell here, and secondly, plants that are poisonous, such as nightshade and euphorbia.

Also, if the child is small, then you should not put a cactus in his room, because the baby can hurt himself about him.

But in the teenager's room, near the computer, a cactus has its place. Here it will absorb harmful radiation. Instead of a cactus for the same purposes, you can install a fern near the electrical equipment.

Chlorophytum is an excellent option for a children's room: it does not require special care and, in addition, it perfectly disinfects the air, releasing phytoncides.


Rarely do you see at least one flower in your bathroom. However, it can also be decorated with shade-loving, heat-loving and moisture-loving plants, for example, such as arrowroots, arum or ferns (nephrolepis, kostenets).

When there is no window in the bathroom, you can install a fluorescent lamp instead of a lamp.

You just need to constantly monitor that water splashes do not fall on the flowers, when did it happen to immediately wipe the plants.

A distinctive feature of the residential interior can be considered the active inclusion of greenery in it, the use of its hygienic and aesthetic qualities. Moreover, in comparison with other design details, indoor plants in the interior of an apartment often occupy a neutral position.

Positive aspects of landscaping

Greenery in the interior can solve several problems, for example:

  • both artificial and natural flowers can contribute to the ecological balance of the human environment;
  • the abundance of green helps to facilitate the visual work of the eyes;
  • indoor plants in the interior can increase the humidity of the air.

In addition, green compositions, both artificial and living, can visually change the proportions of the room and significantly increase the color expressiveness of the design of the living space.

Interesting information for the owners of small spaces! the position of the green composition, in which larger plants are located in the foreground, and those that are smaller in the depth, visually lengthens the space.

The green group can have both an independent artistic value and, when used as a background, it can highlight the dignity of works of art, such as:

  • collections of sea shells;
  • plastic;
  • butterflies.

How a houseplant paints a place

A comfortable existence within the walls of an apartment depends on how correctly the plants are selected, depending on the activity taking place here. For example, in rooms for sleeping and mental work, neutral working environment, and the greens must match it.


When planning, try to avoid the congestion of the living indoor plants in the interior, which "steal" oxygen in the room (flowers consume oxygen at night, and release it during the day). You can replace them with similar artificial flowers.

Aloe and Kalanchoe - plants that suitable for placement in the bedroom because they release oxygen at night. Aloe is also worth starting because extracts are prepared from its healing leaves that increase the protective functions of the body. And the juice of this "green friend" heals the skin and prolongs its youth.


Flowers in the nursery should be selected so that they have a beneficial effect on the child, especially on the psychoemotional and physical level.

Fern (nephrolepsis) and maidenhair (Venus hair) - have a calming effect, mainly affect nervous system... Cyclamen and fat woman develop in humans Creative skills and hard work. And salt and uzambara violet bring good mood and a positive attitude, help relieve depression.

Important! you need to know when to stop and it is better to limit yourself to two or three small plants in the room.


For example, for the kitchen, you should purchase plants that can withstand temperature extremes. Aloe, ficus, asparagus, as well as any artificial flowers can tolerate kitchen aromas and heat.


"Pike tail" or sansevieria - looks very interesting in any room. This flower is extremely unpretentious and hardy - it will easily take root not only on a well-lit sunny kitchen window sill, but also in a semi-dark place, and will even withstand a shadow in the hallway. In the hallway, which is usually deficient in daylight, however, both live plants and artificial flowers can quite happily exist that can bring comfort to it.

Aspidistra- modest in its beauty, but at the same time it is difficult not to notice it. This houseplant has endurance and the ability to exist in any conditions - a real gift for the hallway and kitchen.

Ferns with its bright greenery and graceful form of plants, they fit perfectly into any interior. There are many varieties of them, and some of them - the need for light is not very great.

Monstera Is a completely shade-tolerant plant, and if you plant a saxifrage with green leaves or small-leaved philodendrons in a pot, then such a spectacular composition can decorate the interior of the hallway and kitchen.

Living room

The center of active gardening in the apartment is the living room, and their compositions are chosen for it. For common room choose bright or large species flowers. Zamioculcas, or " dollar tree", - an ideal accent version of landscaping. It will decorate any interior of the living room, giving it a kind of "European", despite its "African" origin.

When placing natural or artificial flowers on the floor in a living room, they are usually installed in a recreation area - near armchairs, sun loungers.

Vriezia got the name "flaming sword" because of its spectacular striated leaves and bright spike-shaped inflorescences - orange or red. It is amazingly suitable for creating bright accents in the interior of the living room, especially if it is placed in a well-lit place.

Anthurium It will also help "add fire" to the living room with its red shades, regardless of whether they are artificial flowers or natural ones. Outwardly, this "handsome" with its bright red coloring resembles a graceful flamingo bird, it is shade-tolerant, but it will bloom well only in a bright living room. Most often, decorative vases with branches, artificial flowers or large living plants are installed on the living room floor.

A properly selected pot will be able to emphasize the beauty indoor flower in the interior of the apartment, therefore, its choice is an action no less responsible than the acquisition of the plant itself. So, a modest sansevieria (pike tail) will "sparkle" with other colors if you place a flower in a pot of gold color.

On a note! you can achieve sophistication of style in the interior in a simple way: choose the right color and shape of the pot for indoor plants.

When choosing a container, follow the rules:

  1. Focus on the style of your apartment:
  2. To make the pot match the flower, choose bright, but not flashy colors for plants with mono-colored leaves, but for variegated ones - plain containers are better suited. A flowering plant that loses its decorative effect in the off-season should also be maintained with an original pot, for example, a glass or metal container. Transparent dishes are usually chosen for orchids, and chrome products are most often used as planters for the kitchen;
  3. bright monochromatic classics, bright pots with home flowers, quite suitable for the kitchen, will perfectly fit;
  4. for laconic interior in the photo, dishes for indoor plants need to be shiny - black or white;
  5. the interior of a room in a rustic or romantic style, the originality will be given by painted containers of sweets or tea, in this case playing the role of pots for indoor plants.

The effect of even the simplest compositions of indoor plants can be enhanced by lighting to emphasize the originality of the interior.

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During the design of the space, flowers in the interior of the apartment help to solve important problems. With their help, it is easy to emphasize the advantages of a room or disguise flaws, divide the room into zones, and create a unique atmosphere. To avoid mistakes associated with decoration, before starting work, study the information provided.

Indoor flowers as part of the interior

When decorating a living space, it is worth noting that the design should not only please the eye, but also provide comfort. The arrangement of flowers in the interior of the apartment should be organized so that the room is not cluttered, but its merits are emphasized. The interior with flowers in the apartment looks more comfortable and has undeniable advantages:

  • an abundance of greenery relieves eye fatigue, helps to relax after a hard day at work;
  • fresh flowers regulate humidity, purify the air;
  • plants are able to optically change the proportions of a room.

It doesn't matter if you use fresh flowers in the interior of your home or use artificial analogs, you must adhere to the recommendations below. Plants, regardless of their origin, must:

  • correspond to the dimensions of the room;
  • be combined with the existing furnishings, decoration;
  • blend in with colors, the general concept of interior decoration.

Important! Owners of miniature rooms should take into account that a composition containing large plants in the background, and smaller ones in front of them, creates the illusion of perspective, visually expands the space.

Fresh flowers in pots

Real greenery located in the room will be a win-win option for those who like plants, who are ready to care for them. Unpretentious dracaena, delicate orchids, popular ficuses and palms have become familiar neighbors in our dwellings. Placing fresh flowers on the wall in the interior, on shelves or in the window area, consider the following recommendations:

  • Don't settle for traditional plant placement using a windowsill. Create compositions using stands, stands, place the pots right on the floor.
  • Do not mix traditional and trendy houseplants. For example, "grandmother's" violets are easy to replace with azaleas.
  • By creating floral interior in the apartment, pay attention to the colors of the pots. They should be combined with each other, in harmony with the interior. A safe bet would be gentle pastel shades that will perfectly fit into any interior.


Artificial greenery will be a great solution for those who want to diversify the interior, but do not have the opportunity to fully care for living plants. When composing compositions, do not occupy all window sills and corners with pots, use your imagination. For example, fake flowers on the wall will look original. Before getting started, read the advice of the professionals:

  • Composition from artificial plants will look great on coffee table- she does not need a lot of light, and the coating will not deteriorate, since they do not need to be watered.
  • Tall flowers look great in floor vases... Such a solution would be great decoration for the living room, hallway.
  • Artificial climbing plants can be beautifully positioned on the wall. They will not deteriorate from lack of light, they will not have to be sprayed, which will help maintain the finish.


Large flowers in home interior feel great in spacious, free areas. They will be a wonderful decoration for rooms equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows. Large species are considered to be larger than 1.5 meters. Individual plants can reach the ceiling.

Large flowers can be placed separately or become part of the composition with smaller brothers. Such ensembles become a great solution for recreation areas, as they are able to create a unique atmosphere for relaxation. When planning to use similar options, consider some of the nuances:

  • you should not place large plants on windowsills - they will look bad there and lack light;
  • flower pots play an important role, they should be in harmony with the decor, fit into the concept of room decoration;
  • large plants with a spreading crown will optically enlarge the room, tall specimens will visually raise the ceiling.


Today, flowers are randomly arranged in a room whose interior was created with the latest fashion trends replace stylish compositions. Popular miniature vegetable gardens located on the wall or on the windowsill, florariums. Flowers-predators, rare exotic plants, giant specimens.

Large-sized trees will help create a home greenhouse: dracaena, palm, a coffee tree. Floor planters for flowers in the interior, they help to visually change the configuration of the room, hide flaws. If you line them up, you get hedge, allowing you to divide the functional areas.

Using florariums (aquariums for plants) it is easy to create a miniature garden that will make succulents, orchids, ferns feel great.

Beautiful indoor flowers

House flowers in the interior should not be the result of impulsive purchases. When planning their acquisition, it is worthwhile to think over the compositions in advance, to seriously approach the choice of copies. In addition, it is worth assessing the compliance of the selected place with the habitat conditions of the plant, its functional significance.

Most of the plants will look beautiful only with sufficient lighting, this should be taken into account when buying, arrange the flowers so that they receive enough the sun or arrange additional lighting, which is associated with costs.

For kitchen

A cache-pot in the interior of the kitchen will diversify the design, create accents that are pleasing to the eye. Many plants can easily get along on the windowsill, from the usual violets to exotic ferns.

A feature of the kitchen is temperature drops, high humidity... It is worth choosing plants taking into account these parameters. These conditions will provide an excellent habitat for:

  • aloe;
  • ficus;
  • ivy;
  • miniature fruit trees.

When planning your kitchen, keep in mind that the plants need to be neat and orderly. They can be placed directly on the table instead of the cut ones. The flowers should look healthy and free of pests. Harsh, intoxicating aromas are unacceptable for this room.

For bedroom

A variety of pieces can be used to decorate the bedroom. Plants are easy to arrange on the floor, window sills, create a composition on the wall, nightstand, coffee table.

Since the bedroom is a place to relax, we spend a lot of time here, it is worth avoiding species that are capable of emitting toxic substances. This will lead to constant headaches, malaise. Don't choose flowers with a rich aroma. Also, experts do not recommend using lilies that actively absorb oxygen to decorate the bedroom. Ideal option for the bedroom will become:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • violet;
  • myrtle;
  • Kalanchoe.

When choosing an option for a bedroom, you do not have to worry about the opinion of guests, since they rarely visit this room. You can compose a composition to your taste and enjoy it.

For dark rooms

If the apartment is located on the north side, its windows are covered with tree crowns, choose plants that easily tolerate shade. Decorative leafy options tolerate darkening perfectly, decorate a room shrouded in twilight.

It is easy to arrange such a composition in any convenient place. Can be placed on a windowsill, placed on a wall or on the floor. Experts note the shade-loving plants that have become popular:

  • philodendron;
  • fern;
  • scindapsus;
  • aglaonema.

When choosing a shade-loving specimen, keep in mind that it can be located on a windowsill if it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Depending on the light, the green pet can be positioned at a distance of 3 to 9 meters from the window. A standard apartment is able to provide maximum distance from bright light by placing the plant at the end of the corridor, bathroom.

For bathroom

Accept water treatments surrounded by living plants is doubly pleasant. Here, specimens that prefer dusk will get along well, high humidity... If there is no window in the bathroom, you will have to periodically bring the plants out into the light, add additional lighting. The following plants will be comfortable in the bathroom:

  • tropical species;
  • fern;
  • ficus;
  • chlorophyttum.

Important! The bathroom is a place that has been undeservedly forgotten by plant lovers. A miniature room can be decorated with small plants on shelves. If you have an impressive bathroom, diversify the correct shapes with an exotic tree in a tub.

In the living room

Flowers in the living room will be an excellent solution when it is free enough, not overloaded with various furniture. Having opted for large specimens, such as dracaena, yucca, it is easy to optically further expand the space.

By choosing ampelous plants, small perennials, as well as climbing, weaving options for the living room, you can create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the room. When positioning the composition, take into account the characteristics of the plants by moving the photophilous ones closer to the light source.

In the hall

It will be comfortable here for species that are able to develop even with a lack of light. Plants should have strong leaves, insensitive to constant touch, lush bushes. It is important that the pots in which the flowers are placed are short and heavy, and resistant to tipping over.

Ficus, fern, Hederes ivy, cissus will become a luxurious decoration of the hallway. However, even such shade-tolerant plants need to be periodically moved to a sunny place. Otherwise, they will lose their decorative effect and perish. As alternative option you can use artificial greens.

When starting gardening, keep in mind that it is necessary to place plants taking into account the peculiarities of caring for them, design rules. When choosing a place for permanent habitation, study the conditions that will be optimal for its development.

Flowering specimens often prefer well-lit areas, ferns, representatives of the Dracaena family are able to feel great in shaded conditions.

How to place flowers on the windowsill?

The window sill remains the most common plant location option. South, west or east facing windows are best suited for this. The north side will become good decision for greenery that prefers shade.

The southern side, constantly illuminated by the bright sun, is an excellent option for succulents, cacti, oleander, roses. On the western side, citrus fruits, tradescantia, coffee will be comfortably located. Eastern - will become cozy place for azalea, dieffenbachia, fuchsia, bulbous.

Placing flowers on the floor

Natural greens will feel comfortable on the floor if they are tall enough and receive required amount Sveta. A large, heavy pot will make the flower unsafe if placed on a table or windowsill.

The best solution to put the plant on the floor is when buying decorative dwarf trees, tall lianas. By placing them symmetrically near the door, you can add symmetry to the room, making up a group - to transfer part of the garden to the house.

Placing plants on a stand

Flowers with hanging branches, curved leaves deteriorate when placed on the surface of a window sill, cabinet, shelf. Their decorativeness is revealed only when using various stands. Hanging containers, floor structures allow you to create compositions in any part of the room.

When choosing an option for placing greenery, keep in mind that they can be:

  • in the form of a miniature table on a leg;
  • speakers made of wood, metal, smoky glass;
  • holders made of rods made of forged metal, plastic, wood;
  • lattices that help divide the room into zones.

Placing flowers on walls

The wall turns into a green area when it is necessary to create a bright accent in the room, to give it individuality. To keep the air moist and not spoil the finish, select deep vessels with a capacious tray.

Flowers in the living room, the design of which you plan in advance, should be in harmony with the surface on which they will be placed:

  • Luscious greenery, bright flowers will look great on delicate, pastel surfaces. Plants with variegated leaves, numerous pale flowers will be lost on a similar background, but will look great on a dark wall.
  • Avoid instances with small leaves if a wall with a small pattern is chosen as the background. Species with large, spreading foliage will look great on it.
  • Combine contrasts, shapes. The strict vertical pattern will revive the luxurious climbing plant.

How to choose indoor plants for your home

Greenery allows you to freshen up the interior, give the home comfort. Before making a purchase. It is worth planning what plants you will buy, where they will stand. Due to the variety of types, you can choose an option that will fully match the interior, emphasize its individuality. For example, in a room decorated in a high-tech style, specimens with large leaves of the correct shape will look great. In addition, it is worth taking care of the compliance with the conditions in the room.


Most of flowering plants considered photophilous. To forcing the buds, they need enough level lighting, otherwise they will bloom less often, not so abundantly. When choosing options for landscaping a solar window, it is worth considering where future pets grow in a real environment.

It is easy to identify light-loving species not only by the fleshy leaves or the presence of thorns. They often have bright, decorative leaves, the color of which consists of two or more colors. It is worth noting that by placing them in the back of the room, you will not lose your green friend, but its decorative effect will disappear.


Shade-tolerant specimens are much more difficult to find, but they are easy to care for and feel great in a darkened room. Popularity of creation flower arrangements it grows on the walls, on special stands, so you have to be stricter about the selection of plants that can withstand the proposed conditions of detention, and remain an interior decoration. They have enough illumination, which is provided artificial lighting, they are excellent at adapting to the conditions that can provide the back of the room.


When choosing exotic options, keep in mind that experts today distinguish several types of exotics:

  • predators - their maintenance is troublesome, but capable of hitting any guest;
  • homemade fruit plants- will delight you not only with decorativeness, but also with delicious fruits;
  • plants with large flowers - highly decorative during flowering;
  • species with decorative leaves - will allow you to enjoy their beauty all year round.

Can't think of anything but shelves and windowsills? For you, a selection of ideas, thanks to which the placement of indoor plants will turn into an exciting quest.

There are many ideas, and all of them are so interesting that a dozen more flowerpots with greenery will definitely not be superfluous.

Wooden furniture, dressers and shelves themselves are asked to complement them with live greens. Both low lush bushes and spreading plants, like ficus, look great.

The airy white space of Provence also happily accepts indoor plants. But instead of the usual flowerpots, take wooden boxes, or even an iron trough.

Sprawling palms and liana-like indoor flowers will help emphasize ethnic elements in the decor of the house.

Where to put indoor flowers if there are no free horizontal surfaces in the house? It's simple: place your indoor plants vertically. Such shelves for flowers become at the same time living panels.

Or they become green screens that allow you to zone a room without blocking the flow of light and air.

Succulents in such a wall frame are a wonderful decoration for your home.

One more a win-win placement of indoor plants in the interior - whatnots. You can buy a special ladder for flowerpots, or you can adapt an old ladder, having previously refined it.

The convenience of a step-ladder with flowers is that you can easily place flowerpots with flowers different sizes and they will all receive enough light. And you can put such a ladder in any free corner.

If there is nowhere to put the flowerpots with indoor flowers, you can always hang them. You can even make pendants for flowerpots with your own hands.

Alternatively, order a stylish florarium that will decorate the interior no worse than the plants themselves.