The coffee tree - we grow at home. Indoor coffee tree care

Although today there are many interesting ornamental plants, many growers do not refuse the opportunity to have such unusual representative of the world of flora, like a coffee tree. However, not everyone dares to implement this idea, because they mistakenly believe that they will not be able to grow and care for this plant. In reality, everything is different, because with the appropriate approach, you can successfully grow a coffee tree at home.

Homeland coffee tree is Africa, and during the existence of coffee was able to spread throughout the planet. Today, it is not grown only in those regions where the climate is too harsh. If you provide him with proper care, then a couple of years will pass, and you will be able to taste a fragrant drink made from grains that you have grown with your own hands.

Features of seeds

If you finally decided for yourself that you want by all means to try a drink obtained from a home-grown coffee tree, then be prepared for the fact that you have to work hard... But first of all, you should be patient, since a lot of time will pass before the fruits appear. In addition, you should create suitable temperature conditions for the coffee tree so that it can grow and develop well.

When the grains of this plant are in the ground, the pot must be moved to a lighted place, where the temperature must be maintained at a level of at least 20 degrees. By creating such conditions, you will speed up the process of seed germination.

When growing coffee, keep in mind that any outside interference is only harmful. Therefore, you should minimize the amount of trimmings. It is best to skip this operation altogether unless the plant has exceeded your size expectations. It should be borne in mind that a coffee tree blooms in a completely different way from plants familiar to an ordinary grower. The uniqueness of the coffee tree lies in the fact that for the formation of berries flowers do not require pollination.

Before sowing a ripe berry, you need to prepare it by removing the pulp and rinsing it with water. Next, you need a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in which it is placed for half an hour. After that, you must immediately sow the grain in the ground.

Soil features

Even experienced florists can not always answer the question of what should be the care of the coffee tree. It is necessary to take into account many factors here, among which Special attention has soil quality. It is best to use a mixture that contains many different elements that will enhance its natural acidity.

Depending on the phase life cycle plants account for use of different composition soil mixtures:

Planting a coffee tree in a vegetative way involves preparation of cut cuttings... To do this, it is kept for 1-2 hours in a special solution. You can start planting only after you have prepared all the necessary components. Further, they already proceed directly to transplanting the plant into the ground, into which it must be buried no deeper than 3 cm.At the moment when the first leaves of the plant are formed, it is possible to carry out new transplant, in which all the same actions are carried out as in the case of sprouts grown directly from seeds.

Arabica coffee: home care

Preparing for landing indoor plant Arabica coffee, you need to remember that it will feel most comfortable if it is provided enough Sveta... In the hot tropics, coffee is always grown with shading. A slightly different approach should be taken when growing coffee at home: it is necessary to create maximum lighting for it, otherwise its deficiency will slow down the growth of the plant, and in some cases, a delay in fruiting may occur.

In winter, it is recommended to keep the flower on the warmest southern side. Although it should be remembered here that the temperature should not drop below 15 degrees. Particularly need to be careful on cold and cloudy days, when you need to use next to the plant. fluorescent lamps... With its help, you can fully satisfy the needs of the coffee flower for light and warmth.

The whimsicality of a flower is manifested in the fact that the optimal lighting mode for it must be maintained constantly for a long time. If you try to turn the tree, it will only help you to get beautiful leaves... In this case, you are likely to be left without a long-awaited harvest. It is recommended to protect the coffee tree from direct sunlight, it is not advisable to keep it on the north side, where it will receive the minimum amount of light.

In the warm season, when the sun is especially hot, you will have to regularly water your coffee using settled water room temperature ... For supporting optimum humidity you will have to take care of the leaves, in respect of which it is desirable to spray.

If you are going to move the pot to another location, you first need to prepare for the operation.

Within a few weeks, the plant should grow wrapped in gauze. This will provide diffused lighting for it. Thanks to this, it can better get used to the new lighting. In the process of developing the coffee tree, transplants will have to be carried out, which is a fairly simple event and does not require special skills. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations for plant care.


Watering is very important for the coffee tree.

  • special attention should be paid to the quality of water: its composition should be free of lime impurities that can cause serious harm to the root system;
  • you also need to monitor the level of soil acidity. In order to maintain it, it is useful to add a few drops of vinegar or crystals to the settled water, which is used for irrigation. citric acid... Although coffee reacts positively to moisture, the level of humidity in the air should not be too high;
  • dressings are also effective, which are recommended to be carried out at least once every 1.5 months. Mineral liquid fertilizers are best suited for this, which stimulate the formation of new shoots, and with this the plant will receive all the nutrients important for normal development.


For the normal development of coffee it is not enough to feed in spring... Especially you need to be careful with the plant at the stage of flower formation, since in this phase coffee needs more nitrogen and phosphorus. You can provide them to the plant with the help of ordinary horn shavings or bone meal.

Please be aware that a common person, who does not have special devices, is not able to find out what level of acidity the soil used to grow coffee has. Therefore, in order to avoid difficulties when caring for coffee, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist in a flower shop so that he can suggest the most suitable feeding. If you are limited in financial resources, then you can use affordable option fertilizers. It could be common moss found in woodland areas.

Applying the right fertilizer at the right time will stimulate the growth of the coffee, which is very important to you as you expect the coffee tree to increase its tillering capacity. To do this, you will have to regularly pinch the side shoots. At the first signs of drying of some part of the plant, it is necessary to remove them at the base of the covering leaf petiole.

Difficulties to face

Proper coffee maintenance involves controlling the acidity of the soil. Otherwise, the plant will react to this by losing its usual dark green color of the leaves, a glossy shade, as a result of which they will become discolored. Gradually, you can observe how the leaves begin to turn yellow, and after a while the plant can completely dry out if it is not provided required amount fresh air... Isn't good for coffee and high humidity in room, as this provokes leaf rot, often causing serious illness, which subsequently takes a long time for the coffee to recover.

Before growing coffee at home, it is helpful to discuss important points with a specialist who can talk about ways to protect against the most common diseases and pests:

  • spider mite;
  • scabbards;
  • mealybug;

With this information, you can easily create the most optimal growing conditions, and this will increase your chances of getting fragrant fruits in a couple of years.


Having gained some experience in growing simple ornamental plants, some of the florists probably had a desire to grow coffee at home. It is not worth giving up this idea, since it is quite feasible. Although this the process will take a long time, however, with proper care of the tree in a couple of years, you can get aromatic coffee fruits grown by your own hands. Therefore, if you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to fight diseases, then after receiving theoretical training on the basics of growing a coffee tree in indoor conditions you can get down to business.

I have a coffee plant at home. I placed it in partial shade in the west. I will say that the tree does not make high demands on the conditions of detention. If you want it to bloom for a long time and grow foliage, fertilize it! In this article, we will look at the features of growing an ornamental crop.

A coffee plant is a tree or shrub with large, leathery leaves. Its flowers are often compared to jasmine, but they are larger. The fruit of the plant is presented in the form of a red or black elongated box. According to various sources, the genus of coffee has from 45 to 55 types.

Under natural conditions, trees are grown in Africa, Asia, America. A large number of shrubs can be found in Madagascar.


If you are a lover of exotic cultures, this article is for you. I grow an Arabian coffee at home. Theoretically, a tree can be propagated by seed, but vegetative way much more reliable!

My friend is wondering if it is possible to get a tree from a green seed. In fact, no, moreover, the seeds quickly lose their germination and hardly take root at home.

Ornamental culture is best propagated by cuttings. I advise you to use shoots that have formed 4 leaves. Before planting them in the soil mixture, you need to adjust the outer cut by 2 cm (preferably, so that it turns out oblique). The soil mixture is simple to prepare: you need to mix 70% of refined sand and 30% of leafy soil.

Roots form the stalk faster if you hold it in heteroauxin. I advise you to use the drug in accordance with the instructions. In order for the stalk to quickly take root in a new place and not start to rot, it is necessary to process the cut with coal. Place planting material to a depth of 2 cm.

Keep it under a whip or glass container. You look after your coffee like you do with other tropical crops. It is better to plant the stalk in a container with a volume of 10 cm.

Before pouring the soil mixture, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer on the bottom. I used sand. The layer thickness should be no more than one and a half cm.

Cuttings also thrive in a mixture of 50% greenhouse soil, 25% turf, 25% pure sand. To prevent the plant from suffering from a potassium deficiency, add some wood ash to the potting mix.

Do not plant the cutting deeply, otherwise the roots will rot. Do a dive when you see the plant's roots pushing through the soil. The diameter of the subsequent containers should be 3 cm larger than the previous ones. Use the same potting mix.

If you see that the young green stem is covered with brown spots, do not be alarmed. On the contrary, it is worth worrying if such spots do not appear on the plant. Normally, after a while they darken, a beige bark appears.

Plant transplant, fertilization

How to care for this crop? Young trees need to be replanted every year, and older ones - every 2.5 years. Each subsequent container for adult plants should be 6 cm larger than the previous one. The coffee tree blooms all year round.

In order for it to please with its beauty, fertilizers must be applied. I feed the plant every 11 days, I use complex formulations... The tree needs nitrogen, phosphorus and such a trace element as potassium.

  • 4 g nitrogen fertilizer;
  • 6 g phosphorus;
  • 1 g of potassium.

This amount is calculated for 1100 ml of water. Can be used chicken droppings... It compensates for the lack of nitrogen.

Apply fertilizer carefully and in moderation! Add 5 g of droppings in 1 liter of water, the solution should be infused for one day, after which it will be ready to use.

Apply it when you see gas bubbles on the surface. Do not apply such a solution in its pure form, otherwise the plant will be severely damaged. Dilute the solution with water in a 1: 3 ratio. Excess fertilizer is bad for any plant!

So that your favorite tree does not suffer from a phosphorus deficiency, you need to add superphosphate. I advise you to dilute it with soft, settled water. Before filling in the granules, you can warm it up to 40 degrees. To saturate the plant with potassium, an ash extract must be used.

Place it in warm water and soak for 20 hours. Despite the fact that coffee is a tropical plant, it should be protected from direct sunlight. It is recommended to keep the plant under bright, diffused light.

Under natural conditions, the tree is planted next to shading crops. You can place coffee in the south. From late autumn to early March, it is necessary to illuminate the culture with fluorescent lamps. In winter, it develops well at temperatures from + 19 to + 23 degrees.

What else should a florist know

Home care for a coffee plant is very simple, forms a crown on its own, you do not have to adjust it. A seedling 2-3 months old does not grow in width. When he reaches the age of two, he begins to form lateral as well as skeletal shoots.

The coffee tree is often compared to a Christmas tree. It has an erect vertical trunk with horizontal branches. If you see that the plant is forming long shoots, adjust them by a few centimeters or cut them off completely.

Thanks to this tree, the coffee will form a denser crown and form more buds in the future. Don't worry prematurely if the leaves darken. The plant changes color if the humidity in the room is low. Brown leaves do not indicate disease.

To restore a plant, you need to place it on a pallet with moistened pebbles. Growing a coffee tree is easy, even for novice flower growers.

When the tree is 3 years old, it forms small antennae in the leaf sinuses. After a while, these antennae will turn white, then turn into buds. The coffee tree has a short flowering period, it lasts only 2 days. The plant blooms even in winter. It forms green fruits, which later turn white.

I will say that the coffee tree is grown for beauty, not for making a drink, although the beans can be used for their intended purpose. They must be cleaned, placed in the oven and heated for 5 minutes, then fried in a pan. Coffee made from homemade beans has a high concentration.

You can drink no more than one cup of this drink per day! So, we learned that caring for a coffee tree at home is simple, the main thing is to follow simple rules.

Historical age of the plant coffee tree(Koffea) for about a thousand years. This plant is relatively young, especially when compared to Chinese tea, whose history dates back to the third millennium BC.

BUT decorative the coffee tree became about 300-400 years ago, when it began to be grown in private greenhouses of nobles and in botanical gardens.

But only at the beginning of the 20th century coffee tree seeds became available to ordinary florists. A lot of literature has appeared on how to grow it, propagate it, bring it to flowering and get the aromatic fruits of coffee.

It is not surprising that the seeds required "instructions", because until now a coffee tree is considered one of the most capricious and difficult plants to care for. Although experienced florists continue to convince that there is nothing easier than growing a coffee tree at home.

Types of coffee tree

The genus of coffee includes about 40 species of evergreen shrubs and trees of the family Marenov... The most famous of them:

  • Arabian (Arabica);
  • Liberian (Li-berica);
  • Congolese (Conephera);
  • high (Deweorki).

Leaves the plant has leathery, large, dark green. Its inflorescences - umbrellas, consist of 10-18 flowers, collected in a bunch. Flowers of a cream shade, on short legs, are formed on young stems.

Coffee fruit two-seeded round shape, yellow-green, and after full ripening - red, consist of a thick skin on the outside, sour-sweet pulp and two seeds from 7 to 13 mm long.

Among all varieties of coffee dominates- Arabian, with the finest taste and aroma. It is grown in South America.

Congolese coffee "Robusta" is characterized by cold resistance and a slightly pungent taste. It is cultivated in Asia and Africa and is mainly used to prepare an instant drink.

Lighting and temperature control

Let's take a closer look at how to care for a coffee tree at home? First you need to choose suitable grade... The most suitable ones for indoor growingArabica and Nana(dwarf).

The most common mistake, which flower growers unfamiliar with the peculiarities of the coffee tree, admit, placing it in places of direct sunlight. Although this plant is a resident of tropical latitudes, in its homeland it grows in the dense shade of huge tropical trees.

Find a well-lit place for your gentle pet with free access fresh air (but not in a draft). The coffee tree likes heat optimally- from +23 to + 25 ° С in summer and not lower than + 15 ° С in winter.

IN cold time keep the plant roots warm - place the pot on wooden stand(wood has the property of not letting the cold through).

The soil

Substrate should be soft, light, absolutely breathable, loose, of the following composition:

  • leaf land - 3 parts;
  • greenhouse land - 2 parts;
  • high-moor peat - 1 part;
  • washed river sand - 1 part;
  • a few pieces charcoal(small, up to 1 cm) so that the substrate does not sour.

Pots only choose tall ones, as the roots of the coffee tree tend to go down. Be sure to prepare a good one.

Get acquainted in more detail with and the rules of caring for him.

Caring for adenium in a home garden requires knowledge of some of the nuances. More details from this article.

Watering and feeding

Watering the most common: in summer - plentiful, in winter - more metered. When determining the intensity and frequency of watering, one must proceed from the air temperature in the room and its humidity. For a coffee tree, watering with soft melt or rainwater is beneficial. Use liquid mineral fertilizers as top dressing from May to September.


Agrotechnics cultivation home flower the coffee tree resembles the farming technique of home-grown citrus fruits. After rooting the cutting, you need to plant it in a small pot (10-12 cm in diameter).

Substrate composition for young sprouts:

  • greenhouse soil - 2 parts;
  • turf soil - 1 part;
  • river sand - 1 part;
  • ash deciduous trees- this will make up for the lack of potassium in the soil.

It is forbidden bury cuttings deep in order to avoid decay of the root collar - because of this, young plants may die. As the earthen coma is braided by new plants, transplant into dishes with a larger diameter (2-3 cm) and deeper.

Compound the land can not be changed, but only a small amount of horn shavings can be added - this improves flowering and allows you to achieve a bountiful harvest.

You can grow a coffee tree from grain... Take an ordinary coffee bean (of course, not roasted), carry out scarification (destruction of the hard shell with a solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid), or simply file or cut and soak in Epin's or Kornevin's solution for 12 hours, then plant in the ground. For germination, a temperature higher is required.
+ 20 ° C.

Interesting process lignification of the trunk and twigs of the plant. First, unpleasant-looking brown spots appear on the green trunk, then they combine and begin to brighten, turning into a light creamy bark.

Attention! The coffee tree has one characteristic, a whim. It really doesn’t like to be disturbed, doesn’t tolerate rearrangement. Even a slight twist of the pot can cause the shrub to shed its leaves.

Diseases of the coffee tree

All the troubles that arise with a coffee tree, as a rule, are associated with insufficiently competent care for it.
The appearance of stains, curling and drying of the leaves is usually associated with the attack of insect pests. Carefully inspect the bush, remove the affected areas, treat with a solution of actellik or karbofos at the rate of 10 drops per half liter of water.

Insects attack when the indoor air is too dry. At defeat it is better to treat the bush with a swab dipped in alcohol.

At fungal diseases spray the coffee tree with an insecticidal soap solution, copper sulfate or special means against fungi.

Will pass some 5-6 years from the time of planting coffee beans in the ground, and you can already fully enjoy the fruits of your labor, and in the very literally words. The tree will go through a short flowering period (only 2 days), and after 6 months you will be able to harvest the first fruits of real coffee - small yellow or red berries.

You just have to get coffee beans out of them, process them and cook aromatic drink ... Just consider - caffeine level in home-grown beans will be many times higher than in coffee that you buy in stores.

And for those who like to know more, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about the coffee tree.

Any florist dreams of growing a coffee tree. After all, this plant is rightfully considered exotic and amazing in its characteristic features. Unfortunately, due to the prevailing opinion that the cultivation of this flower is rather difficult and painstaking, most do not dare to take this step. We can please everyone who dreamed of having a coffee tree in their own home: this information is not true! After all coffee tree (Coffea), like any other house flowers, it only needs proper care and care. That is why the cultivation of this plant can become very fascinating process for beginner flower lovers.

Planting a flower

Planting a coffee tree is not a complicated procedure. All that may be needed for this are prepared grains, flower pots, soil and drainage.

It is very important that each coffee bean is initially planted in a separate pot. Moreover, they are placed at a depth of at least 1 centimeter. In this case, do not forget to spread the grains with the convex side up. This will make it possible to quickly ascend the bore. After that, the grains are poured over and covered with a glass container (you can use a regular jar for this).

After a month and a half, cotyledon leaves appear outside, which are reliably protected by the seed coat. In order for the leaves to be able to free themselves from the shell, it is necessary to maintain a moist environment in the soil. Only after the leaves are free, they must be taught daily to the drier type of air masses. To do this, every day it is necessary to withdraw the bank for an unspecified time, after which this period can be slowly increased.

Lighting and location

The coffee tree is partial to bright light. However, placing it on a window from which direct sunlight will always fall is strictly prohibited. After all, if a bright light long time will affect the plant, its leaves will very quickly begin to turn yellow and dry. Diffused lighting is best perceived and absorbed by a home flower.

The most suitable place in the house may be the southwest or southeast side. If possible, in summer period the coffee tree is recommended to be taken out to the balcony or loggia. But we must not forget that the plant does not like drafts. Therefore, it is worth worrying about this in advance.

Pot dimensions

During planting, not only the prepared soil, but also the flower pot, plays a great role in the further growth of the plant. Of course, when planting small grains, for the first time you should not put them in a pot that is too large, because this can negatively affect the development of young shoots.

After the plant has taken root and began to actively grow, it can be transplanted into a larger pot. It is believed that its size should be 2-3 times larger than its predecessor. But you don't need to get carried away in this situation either. After all, if the volume of the pot is too large, then the root system will not be able to receive all the necessary substances when watering and feeding.

Pay attention to the stability of the pot. The plant must grow in complete peace and safety!

The quality of the material from which flower pots are made today is quite varied. In each case, the owner of the flower accepts independent decision on this score. But most experts advise you to opt for slides made of plastic.

The soil

The soil for growing a coffee tree can be prepared in several ways. Each of the options is suitable for a particular breeding level of the plant. So:

  1. The best soil for wood is soil, which is mixed with peat, sour humus and coarse sand. The soil must be a little sour without fail, because the flower may not take root in ordinary soil.
  2. It is possible to prepare the soil for propagation by cuttings as follows: for this, a small part of a mixture of peat and perlite material is taken (it can also be called expanded perlite sand). All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. It is necessary to pay attention to peat from sphagnum moss or peat of bog origin. In order for the plant to take root better, it is imperative to sift the peat through a sieve before planting it. After the peat is mixed with sand, it is poured into a prepared pot and watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Thus, the finished soil is disinfected.


The fact that the plant needs a transplant is evidenced by the bud that has appeared on the upper part of the flower. As soon as a new pair of young leaves grows on the tree, the flower can be transplanted.

This process is quite painstaking. Indeed, while the plant is being removed from the pot, it is very important not to damage its root system, which is quite fragile in nature. The roots can be elongated or tied in bunches. Once the plant is removed from the pot, excess soil must be carefully removed from the roots. There is no need to rinse them.

When the transplant is completed, the flower is watered and its condition is carefully monitored for several days. It is very important that the flower adapts to the new growth conditions in a couple of days.

Fertilizers and feeding

The coffee tree needs regular feeding or the use of plant mineral fertilizers... Most often, feeding is done during the period of active growth of the flower. It, in turn, can last from the beginning of May to the end of September.

The most the best option tree dressing can be a mixture that is intended for flowers that belong to the "pink" family.

All of these ingredients can usually be purchased at a flower shop. In case of a strong concentration of liquid fertilizer, it can be diluted in purified water.

Competent watering

A special feature of caring for a coffee tree is its proper watering. In order for the plant to bloom and develop annually, it is very important to adhere to all the rules for regular watering of the flower.

It is best to draw up a special chart that will help you keep track of the growth periods of the flower. And there are several of them, in turn: a period of wakefulness and a period of rest.

During the waking period, which lasts from March to September, the flower needs daily watering. But at the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the liquid in large quantities n collected in the pallet. If this happens, the root system will rot.

During the dormant period, the plant is not fertilized or watered. This is necessary in order for the flower to gain more strength and energy for early fruiting.

Temperature regime

For the normal growth of a coffee tree, the optimal temperature in the room can be from 14 to 22 degrees.

With the onset of heat, the most suitable option for growing a flower, the temperature becomes 18-22 degrees.

IN winter time the mark on the thermometer should not fall below 14-15 degrees.

If the thermometer shows only 12 degrees, then this situation can pose a danger to the continued existence of the plant. If you want to save the flower, then it must be urgently moved to a warmer room.

Air humidity

Considering the place of origin of the coffee tree, we can confidently say that this plant is very good at high humidity. It is for this reason that in autumn-summer period the flower needs abundant watering and frequent spraying.

It is important to monitor the condition of the soil in the pot. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to become dry!


It is believed that the coffee tree does not really need pruning or the formation of a lush crown of the plant. But it's still sometimes helpful to keep track of appearance flower. If necessary, you need to cut off the appeared dry shoots and branches. If this is not done, they will inhibit the growth of the entire flower.

It is also very important to prune long shoots. Such a procedure is necessary in order for the flowering process to begin on time. Indeed, in most cases, flowers are formed precisely at the initial stages of the stems. Therefore, you should not be afraid to shorten them.

Remember that pruning can only be done when the plant really needs it. To a greater extent, the coffee tree should grow and develop on its own.

Severe diseases and possible pests

Most often, the plant gets sick in those cases when it is not properly cared for.

The entire plant must be inspected daily. If small specks begin to form on the leaves white, then this indicates that the flower is destroying the pest.

Aphids can also be destroyed by wiping the leaves with ordinary alcohol.


The first results of careful plant care can be observed after 3-4 years of active flower growth.

The flowering of the coffee tree begins in early spring... At this time, very beautiful white flowers appear on it, which publish quite pleasant aroma which is very much like the scent of jasmine.

After a short period of time, small round fruits begin to form. Initially, they are characterized by a greenish tint, after which they gradually turn red, as a result of which they are very reminiscent of ripe cherries.

It is in these fruits that there are a couple of grains, which got their name "Coffee".

When grown at home, such fruits can ripen for a couple of years. An indicator that the fruit is fully ripe is its rich brown color.

Remember that the flowering of the coffee tree only lasts a few days. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this amazing phenomenon.

Consider the fact that the concentration of caffeine in homemade beans is much higher than in stores!


The coffee tree at home can be propagated in several ways:

  • Seeds.
  • Cuttings.

The seeds can be planted immediately after the fruit has been harvested. Moreover, they are immersed to a depth of not less than 1 centimeter. Be sure to lay out the grains with the convex side up. This will allow the sprout to sprout faster. The sown seeds are covered with a regular jar and kept at a warm temperature. The first shoots usually appear in 1-1.5 months. After that, the plant must be transplanted into a pot.

Propagation by cuttings is much easier and more effective. After all, this process occurs several times faster. To do this, you need to select semi-lignified cuttings and carefully cut them out. Then the process is placed in a container with water and covered plastic bag... It is very important that the cutting hardens, otherwise the plant may never bloom.

Most often, the coffee tree is propagated by seeds.

Dormant period

For the coffee tree, the dormant period occurs during the winter. It is very important to reduce the number of irrigations within 3 months and completely abandon the use of fertilizers.

The main condition for a successful wintering is compliance with the temperature regime, which during dormancy should be 16-18 degrees.

Useful properties and toxicity of the plant

The coffee tree is not poisonous, so there is no need to worry about the health of people and pets.

The grains from which the drink itself is made help fight severe pain in the head and fatigue. Also, a coffee drink is taken as a drug that dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure. Sometimes it is recommended to use it for poisoning.

Home-grown grains are recommended to be fried before use. This will give the drink a pleasant taste and aroma!

The coffee tree is a plant that is often found in gardeners' collections. Plant a tree and exercise necessary care no more difficult than keeping an eye on any other indoor plant.

How to grow a coffee tree

To plant the plant, you will need regular coffee beans. Of course, they don't have to be fried. Photo of a coffee tree - The best way show how the plant should ideally be when it grows.

Source: Depositphotos

This is what the fruit of the coffee tree looks like.

Planting is a very simple process:

  • The shell of the seed is hard, it can prevent the sprout from germinating. Therefore, scarification is carried out: you can pour over the grain hydrochloric acid or cut with a knife. That is, the shell needs to be partially destroyed.
  • Next, the seed is soaked in a stimulant solution. It is advisable to buy "Epin" or "Zircon" in the store - they are best suited for this purpose.
  • The seed is planted in soft and loose soil 5-10 cm deep.
  • The pot is placed in a sunny spot and stays there until the tree sprouts. It is important to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees.

If there is an opportunity to plant a tree from a cutting, do just that, it will grow faster. Our tree has no difficulties and differences from other cuttings. It is simply planted in moist, loose soil and watered as it dries.

How to care for a coffee tree

Caring for a coffee tree at home is simple. It is enough to follow the recommendations:

  • The plant must be repotted annually until it reaches the 3rd anniversary. After this period, the transplant is carried out every 2-3 years.
  • The outer layer of the earth changes every year.
  • Caring for a coffee tree means maintaining high humidity... For this, the leaves are regularly sprayed. It is worth using the recommendation: take a pallet, pour pebbles into it and fill it with water. A pot with a coffee tree is placed on top of the pallet.
  • It is advisable to choose liquid mineral fertilizers as top dressing. But you can't use them all the time. The plant needs feeding only during active growth, that is, from April to September.
  • Even a slight twist of the pot with the plant can lead to leaf fall and lack of flowering. Therefore, if you want a full-fledged tree, it is worth setting aside a place for the pot once and for all.

The rest of the plant is picky. A video of the coffee tree can be viewed below. When all of the above recommendations are followed, your plant will quickly turn into a beautiful exotic crop.