The coffee tree: home care. How to grow a coffee tree at home? Growing features

A coffee tree Is evergreen indoor plant with a dense crown that has shiny smooth leaves. The flowers of the coffee are small, white, with a jasmine-like aroma. Inside the red berries are two seeds, which are the coffee beans.

Caring for the coffee tree

Coffee trees grow quickly and begin to bear fruit in the fifth year of life. These plants are quite unpretentious, light-requiring, for growing on a windowsill, they should be placed in the southern, southeast or southwest directions. However, excess sun can also be harmful, especially for young plants under two years old, so they should be placed where there is a lot of light, but no direct sunlight.

In winter, additional lighting has a positive effect on the growth of the coffee tree. V summer period you can take the plant out into the garden or on the balcony. V winter time the temperature should not be lower than 16-18 ° С, and in summer coffee grows well above 25-30 ° С and not lower than 16 ° С. The air humidity should be high enough.

Soil and transplant

The coffee tree needs a slightly acidic, loose and nutritious soil, consisting of humus, sand, turf and leafy soil in equal proportions. During the first three years, the plant needs to be transplanted annually, then once every two to three years, however, it is recommended to change it once a year. upper layer soil. For plants that begin to bear fruit, a little humus or vermicompost is added to the soil during tree transplantation.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the coffee tree often and abundantly (two to three times a week, depending on the degree of drying of the substrate), but water stagnation in the pot should not be allowed: pour expanded clay or stones on the pallet so that the water in it does not touch the bottom of the flowerpot, which will also increase humidity around the plant.

From May to July, it is recommended to alternately apply fertilizers with complex mineral and organic (light brown infusion of humus) fertilizers twice a month, and for plants that bear fruit - every ten days. In winter, feeding is reduced to once a month.

Diseases and pests

If the leaves rot, turn yellow and crumble, possible reason there may be waterlogged soil. The withering away of young leaves, drying of the tips of adult leaves, their complete drying is a sign of dry air. The coffee tree can be affected by pests such as:

  • mite,
  • shield,
  • mealybug.

For pest control, insecticide and acaricide treatment is used.

And most importantly, the fruits of the coffee tree can and should be consumed!

The plant sets fruits, "berries", which turn red when ripe. The seeds must be dried, roasted, then ground and brewed into real coffee, and delicious tea is brewed from the red pericarp.

From personal experience of growing a coffee tree

I have been growing Arabian coffee plants for 6 years. I have already received grain harvests and have many young plants.


I propagate coffee both by seeds and cuttings. I sow the seeds in a mixture of sod, deciduous soil and sand, taken in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. I sow so that the seeds fall into the soil with a flat surface. I keep pots with sown seeds at a temperature of 30-35C, and after 30-50 days shoots appear. With the appearance of the first true leaves, the seedlings dive. A soil with high acidity (pH5) is suitable for young plants.

Coffee also propagates easily by cuttings. I plant them in a greenhouse in the spring, in which I maintain a temperature of 28-30C. After 2-3 months, the cuttings take root. The rooting process is better when the cuttings are treated with a solution of heteroauxin before sowing.

For the winter, I plant the plants in pots, which I keep on the windowsill at a temperature of 18-20 C. In the summer I take them out to the garden or to the balcony. I water as the soil dries up with water room temperature or 3-5 warmer.

Coffee is a culture of humid subtropics, so I spray the plants with water every day. It is also worth feeding them regularly.

In the early years, I transplant the coffee plant into larger pots in the spring, and later - every 4-5 years.

For transplanting, I prepare a soil mixture of sod, leaf, humus soil and sand in a ratio of 3: 2: 2: 1. I add another 40-55 g of bone meal to a bucket of soil mixture.

Coffee plants begin to bear fruit in the third year of life.

Each of us loves to please ourselves with a small cup of delicious coffee. Someone prefers tart and strong, someone - sweet, with the addition of milk. Whatever our tastes and preferences, coffee is considered one of the best mouth-watering and tonic drinks of our time.

Although the homeland of the coffee tree is distant and hot Africa, it can be grown in our rather cool climate. True, in a greenhouse or at home. The coffee plant will delight its owner not only with a pleasant rich drink, but also with an exotic one. appearance harmoniously combined with the home interior.

What is efficient cultivation houseplant coffee? Caring for him, optimal growing conditions, reproduction and transplantation of seedlings - you will find all this in our article.

What are the best varieties to plant at home? Where should you start? And what is needed for rapid growth and abundant ripening? Let's find out.

Suitable varieties

There are about a hundred varieties of the coffee tree in total, and only fifty of them bear fruit suitable for a fragrant drink. For home cultivation the Arabica coffee plant is best suited. It is easy to care for and bears fruit with edible fragrant grains.


The houseplant coffee differs from its free-growing cousin primarily in its height. In apartment conditions, it grows up to one and a half meters and brings about half a kilogram of small, tart grains per season.

The branches of this evergreen tree are flexible and spreading, the leaves are dark green, pointed at both ends. Blooms home plant coffee with delicate white or creamy inflorescences twice a year - in spring and summer.

For changing small flowers small round fruits come, with their color reminiscent of cherries. Their color range can range from pale pink to burgundy, from yellow to cherry.

Inside these unusual berries there is an edible sweetish pulp, as well as several light green grains, which later, after roasting, are to take on the traditional dark brown color.

How to grow this exotic indoor plant - Arabica coffee (care for which so scares many amateur flower growers)?

There are two ways to propagate it - through seeds and using cuttings.

Preparing seeds for planting

If you decide to grow your homemade Arabica coffee plant from seeds, you can either buy them in specialty stores or extract them from ripe fruits. Required amount grains should be prepared from the following calculation: only two or three seedlings grow out of ten seeds.

Since the shell of coffee beans is very strong and hard, there are a few simple but important guidelines to follow:

  1. Soak the seed in cold water for two hours.
  2. Carefully remove or cut the sheathing.
  3. For five hours, pour the grains with a solution that stimulates growth (Epin, Kornevin, Zircon).

What soil should the seeds be placed in? Let's figure it out together.

Preparation of different types of soil

For better and faster growth of the coffee tree, it is recommended to use a loose soil, consisting of several types.

If we are talking about the primary planting of seeds and cuttings, then the composition of the soil should be as follows:

  • Leafy land.
  • River sand.
  • Sod land.

Before planting the seeds, the soil substrate must be sterilized in a water bath for five minutes.

The seeds must be planted on the surface of the ground, slightly pressing them down.

If all the conditions are met, then in a month and a half the first sprouts will appear. After the leaves appear, the young seedling can be transplanted into another soil. What should be its composition?

The land for the permanent cultivation of a coffee tree must combine the following components, taken in equal quantities: sour peat, humus, leafy earth, sand, charcoal, moss.

Transplanting a seedling should be carried out in a large pot so as not to interfere with the development of the root system and absorb the necessary elements. This procedure is recommended to be carried out annually during the first three years of the tree's life. Then it will be possible to transplant it once every three years.

But what if you want to start growing a coffee plant using a cuttings?

Preparation of seedlings

The very first and most important condition is that you must very carefully and carefully cut the stalk from an adult tree, and then dip it into water. When the first roots appear, the coffee shoot can be transplanted into the soil (described above), deepening by no more than three centimeters.

Planting seedlings is the most reliable way growing coffee, since the survival rate of shoots is almost one hundred percent, and fruiting occurs already at next year.

So, the landing is done. Therefore, a completely natural question arises: what conditions must be met in order to grow a healthy and productive tree?

Light and temperature

In order for the plant to take root, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature and light regime. For example, the air in the room should not drop below twenty degrees Celsius, and the pot of coffee should be placed on the windowsill on the sunny side.

Light is very important for the coffee tree, so during cold weather, rains and even ordinary cloudy days, you should direct a fluorescent lamp at the plant.

It is not recommended to rotate the tree pot outside the sun's rays. It will improve it appearance, but will negatively affect fruiting. The entire coffee tree should be in warm sunlight.

Watering the sprouts

Is there anything else needed for the efficient growth of a coffee plant? The care you need in the future will not take much of your time and effort.

First of all, the tree will need high-quality watering. Water for irrigation must be defended and used only when warm (several degrees higher than the room temperature). Rain or melt water, rich in nutrients and trace elements, is also suitable.

During the hot period, Arabica coffee is very fond of weekly spraying, similar to rain irrigation. It fuels more than just him root system but also the stem, leaves and even fruits.

Once a month while watering, you can add a few drops of vinegar to the water, or lemon juice, which will make the soil more acidic, which means more fertile for the variety we have chosen.

How often should the plant be watered? This must be done as the soil dries up, so that the earth does not dry out. However, in this case, it is important to follow one more detail: the roots of the tree should not be in constant moisture.

Nutrient feeding of trees

Should you fertilize your coffee plant? Of course, and it is advised to do this regularly, from March to September.

Fertilizers are applied every one to two weeks, which effectively stimulates the growth, development and fruiting of the coffee tree.

What is included in the concept of high-quality feeding? First of all, these are organic matter (water infusion of mullein or humus), as well as mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

There are several ways to feed your plant with beneficial vitamins and minerals:

  • external method (fertilizer is applied to the leaves);
  • root liquid (the necessary substances are dissolved in water and poured onto the soil);
  • root solid (poorly soluble minerals are applied to the surface of the soil, after which, under the influence of regular watering, they penetrate the ground and feed the tree).

What else should you know about caring for your coffee plant?

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

  • Fungus... For the treatment of the plant, it is recommended to spray it with specialized antifungal drugs.
  • Root rot... To heal the tree, you need to get rid of the affected roots and replace the potting soil with a new one.
  • Coffee rust, bean borer... In order to get rid of pests, coffee must be treated with insecticidal agents. In accordance with preventive measures, this procedure can be performed every six months.

The benefits of the coffee tree

As you can see, it is not difficult to take care of the coffee plant. To do this, it is not necessary to follow any expensive or unusual measures and procedures.

Just a few principles should be taken into account: the tree loves lighting and a variety of soils, it is quite unpretentious and thermophilic. Therefore, with just a little effort and money, you can grow in your room a beautiful, exotic plant that will decorate your home interior, will delight the heart pleasant aroma and an amazing drink.

According to some studies, the coffee tree is both an effective oxygen generator and an effective air purifier from harmful chemical compounds (benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde).

Moreover, the Arabica plant is of great benefit due to its tart, pleasant drink, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Coffee tones and refreshes, invigorates and brings pleasure, improves memory and potency. It is used for medical and cosmetic purposes for anti-cellulite, anti-aging and scrubbing agents.

According to some studies, a properly prepared cup of coffee will help prevent such serious and dangerous diseases as diabetes, nervous disorders, and hepatitis.

Of course, it is important not to overuse the drink. One or two servings per day should be sufficient. Moreover, coffee is contraindicated for children under twelve years old, pregnant and lactating women, people with cardiovascular diseases.

The coffee tree is considered the homeland of Ethiopia, and later coffee traveled around the countries and ended up in Europe, where it was successfully cultivated with care at home.

The coffee family has about 40 types. The most significant are Liberian, Congolese, Arabian and Tall. These are members of the Madder family.

General information

The foliage of the coffee tree is not small, fleshy and has a greenish tint. Flowering begins and the plant produces an umbrella-like inflorescence of about 76 flowers.

The shade of flowers is white on small roots and they appear on young annual stems. The fruits of the plant consist of two seeds, round in shape, which at first has a yellow tint, turning into green. And the ripe fruits of the coffee tree are red. When the fruit ripens, it is covered with a crust on the outside, and inside it is filled with a sweetish pulp with a slight sourness and a pair of seeds about 13 mm in length.

Home-grown coffee tree has useful properties... It is able to cleanse the air from harmful substances, increase and improve a person's energy capabilities, reduce and relieve stress and nervous system tidies up.

Types of coffee trees

Arabian coffee , popular in home cultivation, is a compact tree. The leaves are shaped like an elongated ellipse with a dark olive tint, glossy on the outside and pale with inside... The inflorescences are small, about 2 centimeters in diameter, collected in a bunch. The size of the inflorescences directly depends on the growing conditions.

After opening, the flowers are fresh for only a few hours. But the buds open gradually, not at one time. After the inflorescences have faded, the fruit ripens in the form of a berry, in ripe form it has a burgundy hue. Ripening occurs approximately 8 months after pollination. The paired fruits resemble round beans. This species reaches a height of up to 5 meters.

It is a neat plant, reaching a height of about 85 cm. The flowering is abundant and subsequently bears fruit well at home. The desired design can be given to the tree by cutting and pinching the tops of the plant.

Also grown indoors. Its ripe fruits have a scarlet or sunny slightly orange hue. The length of its leaves reaches up to 40 cm, and the height is regulated and the required shape is formed by trimming the crown of the plant. The inflorescence has light shade and large fruits - berries.

Caring for the coffee tree at home

The plant does not tolerate drafts and drops temperature regime... With proper care, you will enjoy fresh homemade coffee all year round.

The coffee tree prefers abundant diffused lighting. The optimal location will be the southern part of the room. Constant ventilation is required in winter period and preferred cultivation on loggias or terraces during warmer months. During the heating season, the plant should be placed away from the battery to avoid drying out the tips of the leaves. If there is a lack of lighting, it is necessary to use an artificial type lamp.

The air temperature for a plant in summer should not exceed 25 degrees, and in winter it should not drop below 15 degrees. If you do not comply with the temperature conditions of detention, then the plant can shed its foliage and throw off the buds.

The plant prefers spraying regularly, and in the summer it is necessary for the plant to arrange a warm shower, this is good for growth and active flowering. The humidity in the room should be increased.

Watering in the summer is regular, allowing only one centimeter to dry out from the soil layer, and the winter time should be reduced by one per week. Water for irrigation should be soft and settled, without content limescale otherwise the plant may start to hurt.

Fertilizer for the coffee tree

During the period of active development and flowering, the plant must be fed once every 14 days. Top dressing for this is necessary with the content of potassium and nitrogen. Or a special fertilizer for azaleas.

In the cold season, fertilizing for the plant should be removed completely.

Transplanting a coffee tree at home

Young individuals need transplantation all the time, that is, every year, such plants are considered to be up to three years old. Older plants need to be transplanted once every two to three years. The plant needs a high capacity.

After transplanting, the plant should be placed in a slightly shaded place and given time to adapt, remembering to spray regularly. When transplanting, it is necessary to lay good drainage at the bottom of the container.

Soil for coffee tree

The soil for the plant requires loose peat with an acidic reaction, coarse sand and humus and with the addition of crushed charcoal, all in equal proportions.

Pruning a coffee tree at home

The plant is pruned as needed, dried leaves and stems are removed, and the necessary crown is formed by cutting off overgrown branches, giving them the required length.

Coffee tree propagation

How to grow a coffee tree at home, many ask this question. This can be done using seeds and cuttings.

It is really possible to grow a tree made of coffee beans with your own hands. Instead of soil for sowing, coarse sand or perlite is taken.

Seed coffee tree

Before sowing, the grain must be peeled and soaked in a light solution of potassium permanganate. After that, we sow it into the ground a couple of centimeters deep. Spraying periodically.

After one month, the first seedlings appear. When the first pair of leaves begin to appear, the plants are seated in separate containers.

Coffee tree cuttings

For this procedure, shoots about 8 cm long with a pair of buds are cut off and planted in loose soil, consisting of leafy, turfy soil and sand in the same proportion. After that, we plant the cuttings there and adhere to optimal temperature for rooting within 27 degrees.

The container with cuttings must be covered with a transparent film. Periodically unforgettable, open and spray. After rooting, it is necessary to plant in permanent containers.

  • Why do coffee tree leaves fall and brown spots appear? - this indicates a lack of soil moisture.
  • Coffee tree leaf necrosis - arises as a result of a lack of phosphorus and potassium, a lack of light or dry air in the room. Also, the reason may be a sharp drop in temperature in the room. With insufficient fertilization with phosphorus, the plant slows down in development and leads to yellowing and leaf fall.

If you have a desire to start a coffee tree at home, it is recommended to pay attention to important aspects in the care and conditions of detention. The plant from hot Africa is unpretentious, does not require special attention and, with proper handling, gives fruit for 2-3 years. How to provide optimal conditions for quick results? What are the subtleties to consider? We read, learn, bring to life!

Types of coffee tree, and which can be grown at home

The place of origin of all coffee plants is Ethiopia. Only a few types of woody Arabica are suitable for home cultivation:

  • Liberian coffee. The size and appearance of the crown can be shaped by cutting. The size of wavy leathery leaves reaches 40 cm. Inflorescences are large, light. Fruits are juicy, large, from light orange to bright scarlet;
  • Nana dwarf coffee. Without pruning, the tree can reach a height of 90 cm. The indoor coffee plant tolerates pruning and pinching of the tops well. Blooms profusely and bears fruit;
  • Arabian coffee. The most popular type of homemade coffee tree in our latitudes. Leaves are dense, leathery, elongated oval with a wavy edge. Inflorescences are large bunches of white flowers; when pollinated, they transform into greenish-olive berries, which turn red over time. The seeds can be harvested when the fruit is completely darkened and wrinkled.

How to plant a coffee tree

A coffee tree of any variety has a deep taproot, which should be considered when choosing a flowerpot. The preferred pot size is from 40 cm deep.

The most suitable soil for a coffee tree consists of:

  • 1 part turf, 2 parts crushed peat and 2 parts river sand;
  • Humus, sand and leaf turf are mixed in equal proportions. To achieve the required acidity level, add two parts of peat.

The bottom of the pot must be lined with drainage, since the plant is sensitive to increased moisture content. Slices of sphagnum moss will be a good addition.

How to choose the right seedling

  • Leaves are dense, shiny, without external damage and spots. They grow in large numbers on branches;
  • The barrel is resilient, solid, with an optimal ratio of height and thickness;
  • In the presence of inflorescences or fruits, it is necessary to conduct an examination for the absence of diseases.

The seedling is quite sensitive to low temperatures... In the cold season, it must be wrapped up before transportation.

It is worth deciding in advance on the type of plant. C.arabica is more suitable for decorative purposes; nana blooms and bears fruit more abundantly, the bush is more compact.

We grow from cutting

Growing a coffee tree at home is not a problem. The most suitable method for this is propagation by cuttings. A soil mixture based on bog-acid crumbs, perlite and peat is most suitable for the cut off part. It is recommended to pre-disinfect the mixture with a manganese solution.

In order to choose the best petiole, you must:

  • On a healthy adult tree, pick a sturdy branch with four pairs of leaves from the middle of the plant. The best branch is the second year of growth;
  • The stalk is cut at an angle of 45 ° very sharp knife just behind the first pair of leaves;
  • The bark in the lower part is slightly incised lengthwise to stimulate root formation;
  • If desired, you can feed the stalk before planting with a stimulant;
  • The seedling is deepened into the ground by 2-3 cm and covered with foil.

Optimal growing conditions, diffused light and constant spraying guarantee 100% rooting.

The most important advantage of this method is fruiting in the first year of planting.

We grow from a grain

A coffee tree from seeds will begin to bear fruit 1-2 years later than a cuttings tree. But this method will give the grower more pleasure and will bring a great experience. How to plant an exotic plant:

  • Deepen the seed into the previously prepared soil by 3-4 cm. The distance between the seeds is 5-7 cm. The seed will germinate faster if it is soaked in a growth stimulator before planting;
  • Produce abundant watering and wrap with foil or cover the flowerpot with glass;
  • The film is removed every two weeks to ventilate and remove condensation. Watering is carried out. The first shoots appear one month after planting;
  • When two true leaves appear, the sprout is stopped and planted in a permanent place.

Attention! During planting, it is necessary to scarify the seed, which will significantly accelerate its germination. For this, its shell is slightly damaged by light pressing with pliers.

How to grow a coffee tree at home - care rules

Taking regular care of your coffee tree at home is pretty straightforward. With proper provision, the exotic will delight the owner with a beautiful appearance all year round.

Where to put the plant

The preferred location is a windowsill with an exit to the south. Placing it on the north side will significantly slow down the plant's growth and reduce its reproductive capacity.

Attention! The coffee tree absolutely cannot stand turning the pot. Such actions can provoke shedding of leaves, inflorescences and fruits.

Do not place the flower in the immediate vicinity of the battery, this will lead to shedding.

Repotting and pruning

To properly transplant a tree at home, you need:

  • Make an annual soil change when the plant reaches 3 years of age. Then - 2-3 times a year;
  • In the absence of a transplant, replace the top layer of the soil.

The coffee tree can be pruned to form an attractive, well-shaped crown.

At 8-9 years of age, the tree tends to lose its decorative effect. The crown is thinning, the leaves lose their appearance and shape. Periodic pruning between transplants will prolong the life of the plant and strengthen it.

Lighting and temperature

Wood prefers diffused soft light. When located on the south side, it is worth sticking a newspaper on the window to avoid burning the leaves from direct sunlight. After the formation of the ovary, it is better to shade the plant slightly. In the winter season, you can increase the daylight hours with additional lamps.

Optimum temperature for a coffee tree with proper care:

  • in summer +23 - + 25 °;
  • in winter +18 - + 20 °.

Avoid lowering the temperature in the room below + 15 °.

Watering and humidity

When growing a coffee tree, the water regime should be approached with special care, because the plant is very demanding on moisture. It is necessary to draw up a watering schedule in accordance with the periods of vegetative activity:

  1. The rest period is from October to March. The tree is not moistened or fed. Such measures are necessary in order for the plant to gain strength before flowering and fruiting. The top layer of the soil must not be allowed to dry out, therefore it is constantly sprayed.
  2. The period of activity is from March to September. The plant is watered and sprayed abundantly daily. A large amount of excess moisture in the stand container will lead to the death of the root system, so the water must be drained.

Top dressing

Regular fertilization increases the fruiting period and the number of inflorescences. The optimal feeding time for a plant is the spring-autumn season. You can make recharge both organic and mineral fertilizers... So, it is recommended to enter in the period:

  • Vegetative activity - nitrogen;
  • Flowering - multimineral complex;
  • The formation of the ovary is phosphorus.
  • Before winter rest - potassium.


In the period of completion life cycle tree (8-9 years old), it is recommended to separate the strongest parts of the plant and propagate by cuttings. New flowers will retain all the properties of the mother plant and will delight the owner for many years.

It is possible not to propagate, but to rejuvenate the plant by complete cleaning to the trunk. This method is preferable to use by experienced florists.

Growing problems

Among the problems when growing a coffee tree, one can encounter such a nuisance as disease. For example, coffee rust. main reason- improper care, untimely removal of dead parts, violation of the water regime.

Attention! After acquiring new indoor plants of any kind, the quarantine period must be observed in order to avoid contamination of the home greenhouse. To do this, keep the newly brought flower in a separate room for at least two weeks, with constant observation, for the presence of diseases.

Leaves turn black

If the leaves of the coffee tree turn black probable cause such an ailment is non-observance of the temperature regime. The black edging on the sheet indicates the freezing of the earthen coma and the presence of drafts at the location of the flowerpot. The way to solve the problem is simple - to choose a good place for the flower.

Another reason is sooty fungus. It is necessary to remove the affected leaves from the branches and spray with fungicides.

Leaves dry

Are the leaves of the coffee tree drying up? The main reason is the low humidity in the room. When growing exotic plants from tropical countries it is recommended to install a household humidifier. Or sprinkle daily.

Leaves may dry out due to low indoor humidity

Brown spots on the leaves

When the appearance brown spots on the leaves, it is worth rinsing the leaves with soapy water. It will help destroy possible pests- fungi. They also carry out a sanitary cleaning of the plant from the affected leaves and spray it with an antifungal drug.

Leaves turn yellow

When the leaves turn yellow, there is a simultaneous yellowing of the tree trunk due to bacterial damage. Control measures - stripping the bark and treatment with an antibacterial drug.

Why does the coffee tree not bloom?

The coffee tree does not bloom only due to non-compliance with the water or temperature regime, excessive acidity of the soil, and lack of feeding.

The coffee tree grows fast enough. With proper care, the first flowers appear 3 years after planting the seeds, 2 years after grafting.

When to wait for the harvest

The first harvesting period from the coffee tree depends on how it is planted. Flowers grown from seeds bear fruit 3-5 years after planting. Reproduction by cuttings gives the desired result for 2-3 years after planting.

It is clear that caring for a coffee tree is not difficult, but fascinating process... The main reward for the grower will be fragrant inflorescences and exotic fruits. A cup of coffee from our own plantation will surprise any guest!

Exotic coffee tree. The main obstacle to this is the erroneous opinion that growing and caring for it will require very significant effort and investment, but in fact this statement is not true, because coffee is a plant that is easily grown at home.

Despite the fact that its history began in Africa, they learned to cultivate it almost all over the world, the only exceptions are areas with a cold climate unsuitable for coffee. It will be enough for him to organize comprehensive care, and after a few years you will be able to delight yourself with a drink prepared not only with your own hands, but also from aromatic, home-grown grains.

Coffee is a home plant

The coffee tree is a bush with a sevenfold crown and dark green leaves, the glossy finish of which gives the plant a unique shine. The flowers are white, visually similar to jasmine. A home-grown coffee plant, when properly cared for, can produce an annual harvest of up to 0.5 kg of green beans. When growing, you must take into account that if you expect to receive in the future aromatic drink, you should try to provide the plant with conditions that are ideal for growth and correspond to the hot climate of the tropics.

When choosing seeds that could be used for planting, keep in mind that not all will give the expected increase in grains during cultivation, and if it is important for you to see the finished result in the form of sprouted sprouts as soon as possible with your own eyes, it is better to give preference to the most popular variety coffee - arabica. It is this variety that occupies a leading position on most coffee plantations and perfectly adapts to growth at home, without requiring special care.

Since the Arabica coffee plant is the most suitable variety for germination, you should know its most common varieties:

  • Abyssinian.
  • Mundo-novo.
  • Bourbon is the most productive variety brought by the French to Reunion Island.
  • Maragodzhip - differs from other varieties of Arabica in the largest coffee beans, being in fact a mutant coffee. It easily adapts to any type of soil, but it also acquires its taste and aroma characteristics. This variety cannot be considered popular as it is not different high yield... That is why its seeds will be very difficult to find for planting.


Essentially, coffee is a plant that can only be grown in two ways:

  • By germination - the shell of the coffee bean is hard enough, and it is often difficult for the sprout to overcome it in order to germinate, especially when it comes to beans bought in a regular store and almost lost the ability to grow. Keep in mind that even a few planted packs of coffee may not give you a single sprout, because even out of hundreds of seeds that you personally remove from the plant, only a few will sprout in a few months. To speed up the process, cut from the shell small area or purchase a special liquid from a specialized flower shop that will dissolve it within a certain period of time.
  • Vegetatively - the easiest way to grow, the only difficulty of which is to acquire the cuttings itself, planting which, you will see rapid growth within a year. In addition, in the case of a ready-made sprout, you don't have to worry about creating a beautiful crown, and when growing from grains, you will have to work hard on it. Such a shoot begins to bear fruit after 1-1.5 years, however, it must be borne in mind that in the absence of proper care the plant is more than short-lived.

Coffee is a houseplant that is easy to care for due to its unpretentiousness. You should not expect significant growth rates in the early years. The maximum that you can count on is an increase in size by 10-20 cm, but this is already a lot. In the future, the plant begins a process of rapid branching. Moreover, you do not even need to carry out additional pruning procedures. Keep in mind that it is better not to use the first crop as a drink, but to try to sprout new shoots from it, because, firstly, this way you will not be overly worried that the only coffee plant may die, and secondly, the harvest will be so small that it only needs 1 or 2 cups of drink.

Features of seeds

When planting a coffee plant, which is easy to care for, be prepared for the fact that the growing process will be a very painstaking task. First of all, this concerns not only the growth rate, but also temperature features, which should contain a pot with a plant.

The pot with grains, immediately after planting them in the ground, must be placed in a sunny place, constantly maintaining a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Thanks to this, you will provide the sprouts with an additional incentive to grow faster.

Keep in mind that coffee is a plant that does not like outside interference too much. Pruning should be done as little as possible. It is best to do this procedure only if the size of the bush has become much larger than you expected. Also, do not worry that during the flowering period the pollination process, which is natural for ordinary plants, does not occur and, as a result, you will not get the expected harvest, because the berries are formed as a result of the self-pollination process.

If you plan to use ripe berries for further landing, it will be necessary to clean it from the pulp and rinse with water. After that, for about 30 minutes, they will need to be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and start planting as soon as possible.

Soil features

The most popular question for people who are going to grow a house coffee plant is "How to care?" First of all, pay attention to the soil in which you are going to plant. Optimally suitable option is an mixed type soil with the addition of a mass of various elements that enhance its natural acidity.

The stages of soil preparation differ from the stage in which the plant is growing:

Please note that if you are landing vegetatively(from the shoot), the cut cutting will need to be placed in a special solution for 1-2 hours. All the required components must be purchased in a flower shop in advance, and only after that, planting in the ground with a depth of no more than 3 cm.At the same time, as soon as the plant has the first new leaves, it will be necessary to carry out a transplant procedure similar to that required for sprouts grown directly from seed.

Flowers and berries

Coffee is a plant that usually only blooms during the warmest seasons. For the first time, a germinated plant blooms only after 3-4 years from the time of planting. During this period, small bright white flowers are formed in the leaf axils, which, when blooming, have a pleasant aroma. The flowering time usually does not exceed 2-3 days, however, the fruits will ripen much longer. Coffee during this period should never be sprayed, as in this way you can completely ruin the breeding process.

After a certain period of time, small, round fruits begin to set in their place. Green colour... As they ripen, the shade of the fruit changes to a deep red, due to which they begin to visually resemble cherries. Each formed fruit contains only two grains, which, in fact, are "coffee" in the usual sense for most people. The period of full ripening of fruits for a plant grown at home varies within one year. Then you can proceed to the direct collection and use of grains.

The coffee plant - how to care

When planting, be sure to keep in mind that this plant is extremely light-loving. Moreover, if in the hot climate of the tropics it must be shaded, then in apartment conditions, on the contrary, it is necessary to provide full lighting, in the absence of which the plant will not only grow weakly, but also long time will not bear fruit. It is best if for the winter coffee is moved to the warmest south side of the house, but even in this case, one should not forget that the critical temperature mark for this plant is 15 degrees and it is highly discouraged to lower it. Therefore, on especially cold and cloudy days, it will be necessary to turn on fluorescent lamps in the immediate vicinity of the plant, which will provide it with vital necessary light and warmth.

Coffee is a rather capricious plant, it grows best, provided that the lighting to which it gets used does not change its trajectory. Therefore, by turning the plant, you will only achieve beautiful leaves, but lose the long-awaited harvest. However, you should not place the coffee in direct sunlight or place the pot on the north side, where the lighting is at its lowest.

In the hot season, coffee must be regularly moistened (as the top layer dries) with settled water, the temperature of which should never be below room temperature. Also, special attention should be paid to the leaves, which will also not be superfluous to spray regularly (except for the flowering period).

Remember that if you need to rearrange the pot to a new place, for the first time the plant must be carefully wrapped with gauze, which will create the usual diffused light and help it optimally quickly adapt to the new lighting. At the same time, all that he needs for growth is to make timely transplants, which any person can handle, even if he does not have proper experience in the process of floriculture, but who is familiar with the basic requirements regarding care.


Watering this plant must be given Special attention... The water that you use should not contain limestone impurities that have a detrimental effect on In addition, coffee requires constant support of special acidity in the soil, for which you need to add a few drops of vinegar or crystals to the settled water prepared for irrigation citric acid... Despite the fact that the plant loves moisture, its high content in the air should not be allowed.

As a natural top dressing, it is necessary to use liquid mineral fertilizers at least once every 1.5 months, thanks to which you will get the rapid growth of new shoots and provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients.


Regardless of regular feeding in spring time year, during the period when the appearance of flowers is expected, it is imperative for this plant to increase the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in the composition of the feed as much as possible. Ordinary horn shavings can act as the main source.In addition, do not forget that it is impossible to determine without special devices whether the soil has sufficient acidity, therefore, in order to ensure optimal nutrition for the plant, be sure to consult a flower shop for the purchase of the most suitable feeding. If for the period of transplanting you for some reason do not have enough funds to purchase it, use ordinary, finely chopped moss, which is large quantities can be found in wooded areas.

If thanks to correct application fertilization, the plant began to grow rapidly upward, and you are moving precisely to increase its bushiness, gently pinch side shoots, and in the event that their a certain part dried, carefully trim them off at the base of the cover leaf stalk.

Difficulties to face

When caring for a plant such as coffee, be sure to keep in mind that if not enough, the leaves may lose their dark green, glossy shade and discolor. Coffee leaves begin to turn yellow rapidly and, in the future, dry out completely if the plant does not receive a sufficient supply fresh air... In addition, if the humidity in the room is excessive, the decay process will begin on the leaves, after which the plant will stop taking a long time to fully recover.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to take a few consultations from a coffee grower in the field of leaf protection from the most common pests:

  • Spider mite.
  • Shields.

This is the only way you can be completely sure that your plant will be able to fully develop at home and, over time, will delight you with fragrant fruits.