Caring for zamiokulkas at home: the magical properties of the dollar tree. Zamioculcas - care for the Dollar tree at home

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So, indoor zamiokulkas

In fact, scientifically this plant is called even funnier: Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Zamioculcas zamiifolia), because it resembles a zamia, a rare gymnosperm plant. What is unusual about his appearance? And the fact that its trunk is a tuber with water reserves located in the ground. And all these “sticks with leaves” are the leaves of an unusual pinnate shape, which are often mistaken for trunks. Sometimes they are up to a meter long. The leaves are so close to each other that they seem to form a rosette.

The Zamioculcas flower is unusual and inconspicuous at the same time: a small cob, similar to young corn, wrapped in a sail-shaped petal. It blooms almost at the very base of the trunk, so it does not catch the eye. Therefore, Zamioculcas can be considered a 100% decorative leafy plant.

And the leaves are really very attractive: regular shape, almost always the same size and covered with a natural wax coating, which not only protects the leaves in places of their natural growth from sunburn and evaporation of moisture, but also gives the plant a shiny, as if polished appearance.

Care for zamiokulkas at home

With its natural properties, Zamioculcas is similar to Dieffenbachia and Callas. It belongs to the Aroid family. Zamioculcas is an unpretentious plant, but caring for zamiokulkas at home is still needed.


It can even be placed in a corner, but in such a way that diffused sunlight falls on it for at least 6-8 hours.

The plant is quite large, so you can hardly put it on the window. But in general it can be placed anywhere in the apartment.

Watering zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas should be watered only when the soil dries out. But he needs plenty of watering. It accumulates moisture in the tuber, which is the stem. So, it is better to underfill than overfill, so that the tuber-stem does not begin to rot.

Air humidity

Humidity also doesn't really matter. Unless with sufficient moisture, it looks brighter and more luxurious. Well, if the air is already very dry, then the lower leaves may fall off. Although if Zamiokulkas has been living with you for more than a year, then do not be surprised by this. Old leaves fall off simply due to age.


To the temperature regime, Zamioculcas is also not too demanding. But prefers warm air. Even in winter, the temperature should not drop below 16 °C. It also tolerates periods of heat and drought painlessly.

Soil for zamiokulkas

For planting zamiokulkas, you can use a universal soil mixture. She is quite balanced. If you make the mixture yourself, its composition can be as follows: leafy soil, soddy soil, peat, sand in equal parts. You can add sphagnum moss.

However, like other plants, this flower will grow well if there is good drainage. After all, stagnant water is harmful to any plants. And the zamiokulkas tuber can also rot from this.

Top dressing zamiokulkas

If you want your zamiokulkas to grow big and powerful, then you need to fertilize it. The fact is that this plant is naturally slow growing. Flower growers who want to propagate this flower from cuttings will have to wait a long time, new leaves do not appear often. new escape(aka leaf) maybe in six months or a year. Here, to accelerate growth, you need to fertilize zamiokulkas.

Since we have already started talking about reproduction, it is worth mentioning right away that there are several ways to reproduce Zamiokulkas. In this he is similar to Dieffenbachia. Propagated by cuttings, parts of a complex leaf with a kidney. A large copy can be divided into parts, so that each has at least one point of growth. Both cuttings and parts are rooted directly in the peat-sand mixture under a kind of greenhouse made of a plastic bag or can. As a result, a nodule should form (this is a stem) on which both roots and a bud will appear - a growth point.

Zamiokulkas transplant

A young zamiokulkas grows more intensively than an adult specimen, so the pot has to be changed more often - as the size of the flower increases - that is, annually. Later, a transplant is needed every two years. A flower older than 6-7 years is generally transplanted every 5 years.

So, the optimal conditions for zamiokulkas: warm room, bright diffused light, moderate watering, periodic spraying.

For good growth, Zamioculcas must be planted in poor, well-drained soil, which includes sand, small pebbles, perlite or expanded clay, because in nature it grows on such sandy-stony soils. Such soils allow oxygen to freely flow to the roots (humus-rich mixtures remain damp for a long time, the roots stop breathing and quickly rot). From purchased soils you can recommend soil mixtures for cacti and succulents; sand, perlite or expanded clay must be added to the universal soil. In heavy soils, Zamioculcas gradually degrades.

Transfer produced as the rhizome fills the pot, young plants - every year in spring or summer, adults - once every few years. When transplanting, the nature of plant growth should be taken into account: the Zamioculcas rhizome, like any stem, has a growth point, so more space must be left in its direction. Sometimes the growing rhizome strongly deforms or even breaks plastic container, in this regard, it is preferable to stop the choice on clay pot.

Growing conditions and care

The first thing to remember is Zamioculcas - thermophilic plant. The optimum temperature ranges from +18 to +26 ° C, a drop below +15 ° C is undesirable. It tolerates heat quite well, on such days it is useful to spray the plant, increase illumination and watering.

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is adapted to long periods of drought, this does not mean that it does not need to be watered. With a lack of moisture, the plant will not be able to fully photosynthesize and will starve, using only its internal reserves, doomed not to prosperity, but to survival. .

Watering should be made regularly and abundantly so that Zamioculcas can store water, but between waterings soil must be dry. The more sand is contained in the soil, the better the outflow of water, the more often the plant can be watered. If the zamiokulkas turns yellow, this is the first sign of waterlogging. With systematic waterlogging, the roots rot, the disease spreads to the leaves, in severe cases, the plant dies quite quickly. With a lack of water small leaves begin to fall. With a prolonged drought, the zamiokulkas sheds its leaves, but the rhizome remains, so do not rush to throw the plant away, after watering it will release new leaves.

Because of its undemanding to light, zamiokulkas is extremely loved by phytodesigners. The plant is able to exist even in the most dimly lit corners of the room. However, Zamioculcas will not grow in a strong shade; for such premises, a copy of the required size is immediately selected, and watering is limited under such conditions. In the light, preferably with some shading, Zamioculcas, on the contrary, will actively grow, and the frequency of watering can be increased. Will be able to grow in direct sun, also with more frequent watering.

Success Secrets:

    Poor, well-drained, sandy, breathable soil.

    Watering regularly, but immediately after the soil dries.

    The light is bright diffused.

    Placement at room temperature.

    Feeds are scarce.

    Strict correspondence between temperature, lighting, watering and top dressing. With a lack of one of the factors, the rest are also reduced (for example, with a lack of light, watering, top dressing and maintenance temperature are reduced), with an excess of one of the factors, others should be increased (for example, they provide more light in the heat, increase watering and top dressing).

Zamioculcas resists well to various diseases and pests. But under very unfavorable conditions, it can be affected spider mite, rarely - scabies or mealybugs.

Most common problem is an leaf yellowing Zamioculcas. If old leaves turn yellow, then this is a natural process of replacing leaves. mature plant can bear 15-17 leaves.

However, if young, recently grown leaves begin to actively turn yellow, then the cause is most likely excessive waterlogging of the substrate, and, as a result, rotting of the roots and rhizomes. In this case, it is necessary to remove the plant from the pot, carefully free it from the old soil, carefully inspect the rhizome and roots, cut out all the rotten parts, sprinkle with crushed coal, actively sprinkle the ground and underground parts of the plant with Oksihom or Fundazol, dry slightly and plant in fresh soil.


Zamioculcas propagates quite easily by vegetative parts. For this, any piece of a leaf (from a small leaflet to a whole pinnately complex leaf) or rhizome is suitable. The leaf or part of it is planted in wet sand, perlite or in a mixture of sand, perlite and peat. It is important that the soil is sterile. Placed in a damp greenhouse or covered with a transparent sealed cap on top. A greenhouse with a plant should stand in a warm place with diffused light, it can be artificial. Effectively use rooting stimulants (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon). The soil should be kept slightly moist. The process of root formation and growth of the underground tuberous rhizome is quite long, lasting from one to several months. The larger part of the leaf was taken for rooting, the larger the rhizome is formed, the sooner young plant will turn into a full copy.

You can read more about the technology of rooting cuttings on our portal in the article Cuttings of indoor plants at home.

Zamioculcas can also be propagated by sections of the underground stem-rhizome. It has kidneys that are able to wake up and give side shoots, i.e. new plants. When a plant at the age of several years old leaves die off and the rhizome is exposed, it is better to renew it.

Experienced flower growers do not need to introduce indoor plant zamiokulkas, because this flower appeared in our country in the late 90s. It was at that time that the plant unusual name, grown in Dutch nurseries, became available for the first time to domestic flower growers.

It did not take long for Zamioculcas to win the love of many flower growers. This was facilitated not only by its unpretentiousness, but also by decorative properties, thanks to which it looks great both in ordinary apartments as well as in offices.

but official name this exotic plant did not take root among ordinary flower growers, so they came up with an alternative - dollar tree. Perhaps this is precisely what can explain the fact that in most cases Zamiokulkas today adorns banks and other financial institutions. It is also often called “female happiness”: people gave it a similar name due to the fact that the flowering of this plant is rare and very unusual.

The dollar tree, which is most commonly found in East Africa, belongs to the aroid family. However, it stands out from its relatives in that it is unpretentious.

Under natural growing conditions, Zamioculcas is not afraid of either drought or the hot scorching sun. Therefore, this exotic flower is beautiful thrives in our climate.

Zamioculcas has pronounced decorative properties, which is manifested in its spectacular appearance and unusual structure. What makes this plant unique is its lack of branches. The part of the plant that seems to many to be stems is actually complex leaves that begin to form immediately from the tuber.

When growing Zamioculcas, underground tubers play an important role for the plant, as they accumulate moisture. In this flower, in the process of development, erect, pinnate large sizes leaves with a wax coating on the surface. All leaves grow on thickened petioles that originate at the base. Adaptability to periods of drought is explained by the fact that any part of the plant, if possible, accumulates moisture.

Over the season, the dollar tree shows slight increase in height. Another feature is the extremely rare flowering - such an event is observed only in very mature specimens. Because of this, Zamioculcas, which is grown at home, can rarely please the owner with flowers.

Zamioculcas in many ways corresponds to its family. It looks like a small corncob with a pale green blanket around it. Zamioculcas is not a very durable plant, usually after 5-10 years you have to look for a replacement for it. Throughout his life, he does not grow above one meter.

It should be noted that Zamioculcas - poisonous plant, and any part of it is dangerous. For this reason, it is recommended to grow it in places where neither small children nor pets can reach it.

Particular care must be taken with poisonous juice, since if it gets into the eyes, the condition may worsen. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions when caring for zamiokulkas.

Zamioculcas houseplant care

Although Zamioculcas can feel comfortable under any growing conditions, however, it reacts accordingly to the lack of care. Having brought home the purchased plant, do not rush into planting. First you need to let him stand for two to three weeks in order to adapt to new conditions. Further, after evaluating the current season and the characteristics of the plant, a decision is made to transplant Zamiokulkas.

Care for this plant allows delays between waterings, this will not lead to a slowdown in its growth or other negative phenomena. Do not pose a danger to him and drafts. With the onset of summer, you can move the flower pot to the balcony, veranda or outdoor terrace where Zamioculcas will feel even better.


It is advisable to place this exotic plant on a windowsill located on the south side, where it will be provided with plenty of sunlight. The dollar tree grows best if it receives diffused lighting. Moreover, if rare direct sunlight reaches the leaves, then this will not harm him.

It is allowed to keep this indoor plant on the north side, however, in this case, you will not wait for the same stable growth as on the south side. In addition, as experience shows, in this part of the room the leaves will not have the same saturated shade, since the plant will receive less required amount Sveta.

It is not recommended to grow zamiokulkas in conditions of full or partial shading. If there will be a shortage of lighting, then this will make its leaves reach for the light, moreover, they will turn out to be thin, weak, with sparsely located leaf blades. Therefore, the lack of sunlight can hurt the plant, which will primarily affect its decorative qualities.


Considering that the natural environment for the plant is a hot climate, the flower feels quite comfortable in dry and hot weather. In summer, Zamioculcas can grow at a temperature of + 21 ... + 29 degrees. In winter, it is optimal for him temperature regime+ 15… + 18 degrees. A decrease in temperature in winter causes much less harm to this exotic flower if rare watering is carried out at this time of the year.

Serious stress can experience zamiokulkas with sudden temperature fluctuations. If the temperature drops below + 12 degrees, then in some cases this can lead to his death.


Along with lighting, watering is no less important for the normal development of zamiokulkas. If this event is neglected during care, then at a certain point the dollar tree will begin to weaken and dry out. At the same time, it must be remembered that this flower withstands long periods of drought well, so this will not disturb the rhythm of his life as much as an excess of moisture.

Although the dollar tree is among the drought-resistant crops, it is still necessary to water it. Otherwise it will cause leaves to fall. This is an additional clue to the grower that the plant is lacking moisture and is getting rid of parts to reduce its intake. Usually, if the root is in a viable state, when watering is resumed, the plant begins to feel better and gradually recovers.

  • it is undesirable to carry out frequent abundant watering, as this can cause even more harm to the plant. In the absence of the possibility of removing excess moisture, the roots will soon begin to rot and die. V summer period it is important to carry out moderate watering, their frequency is determined by the state of the earthy coma: it is optimal when only the top layer has time to dry between successive waterings;
  • in the case when it is difficult to understand whether the plant needs moisture, it is recommended to postpone this event for a day. In winter, watering should be further reduced. It is enough to water zamiokulkas once every 3-4 weeks, using settled warm water;
  • given that the leaves of the plant have a natural waxy coating on the surface, dust quickly accumulates on them. For this reason, it will be necessary to regularly carry out water procedures. During a warm shower, it is important to protect the soil from moisture so as not to disturb the conditions for growing zamiokulkas.

Top dressing zamiokulkas

Home grown plants, especially in need of nourishment. And zamiokulkas is no exception.

Transplant and reproduction

Considering that zamioculcas grows rather slowly, its transplants can be carried out quite rarely. Usually the need for this arises at a time when there is no room left for the roots to grow further in the pot. Mature plants need to be repotted every five years, and young - every two years. This operation must be carried out with great care, trying not to injure the rhizomes, since after that they need a lot of time to recover.


Among exotic plants there are many interesting representatives, which can be grown without any problems in our latitudes at home. indoor flower zamiokulkas today is not uncommon for most flower growers, because for the first time they began to offer it in our country back in the 90s. Therefore, during this time, experienced florists were able to get enough information about the features of growing zamiokulkas: how to care for, how often to replant, etc. Although zamiokulkas is unpretentious plant, yet he needs provide some care, which guarantees not only rapid growth, but also resistance to diseases.

Zamioculcas, or "dollar tree" (Zamiocúlcas), is a rare and fairly undemanding ornamental plant in care, which in appearance resembles a very rare gymnosperm called "zamia". The houseplant has a very decorative appearance and is cultivated at home due to its lush, dark green foliage.

Botanical characteristic

Along with other succulents, zamiokulkas is characterized by the accumulation of moisture inside the foliage, trunk and root system for the purpose of its gradual consumption in the future. The underground part is represented by a large water-retaining yellowish tuber. The stem part is thick, erect, fleshy, and moisture is retained at the base of the trunk.

The indoor flower has very beautiful leaves. The foliage of this ornamental plant leathery, glossy, dark green, ovoid, closely spaced on the short stem part. In room culture, the height of this ornamental plant reaches a meter, and keeping this relatively tall species at home is sometimes quite problematic.

Indoor culture is quite rare, but still blooms. Formed flowers are not attractive enough. Flowering is accompanied by the formation of an ear surrounded by a veil, but after the formation of flowers, the plant recovers for a very long time, so it is recommended to remove the flower stalks. Zamioculcas reproduce perfectly by leaves and grow nodules.

Zamioculcas: landing and care (video)

Description of the main species and varieties

There are several varieties of zamiokulkas that are not isolated into separate species, but related to natural variations. grown in culture zamiokulkas zamielifolia(Zamioculcas zamiifolia), which is native to East End Africa, has a high decorative effect. The plant has a rhizome and foliage no more than 60 cm high. The leaves are divided into eight to twelve separate pinnate leaflets. The rachis is thick and juicy and is needed by the houseplant to store water. cob flowers white color.

A natural variation of an ornamental plant is presented Zamioculcas lanceolate, having longer, lanceolate leaf blades. The first cultural form of Zamioculcas was bred by breeders less than ten years ago. This varietal variation is called Zamicro.

Growing a variety in room culture is not difficult, but in order to maintain decorativeness, you need to properly care for it at all stages of growth and development.

Photo gallery

Features of home care

The technology for growing zamiokulkas is quite affordable even for beginner flower growers, but requires the observance of certain rules, among which the most important are the following:

  • nutrient soil substrate for growing ornamental crops must be humus and have a pH of no more than 6 units;
  • good option is the use of a soil mixture obtained on the basis of garden and forest land, as well as medium-grained clean sand, in a ratio of 1: 1: 3 parts with the addition of crushed coal;
  • a flower pot must necessarily have large drainage holes, and before filling it with a soil substrate, it is imperative to fill the bottom with a drainage layer, a third of the height overall dimensions landing capacity;
  • water the plant in moderation spring-autumn period and greatly reduce irrigation activities in winter and early spring;
  • zamiokulkas, like other succulent crops, are quite easily able to tolerate some overdrying of the soil, which reduces the risk of rotting of the root system and the formation of stem rot;

  • places completely open to the sun on the southern windowsills are well suited for growing, but in the summer it is recommended to shade the decorative culture from the midday heat;
  • a perfectly suitable place for growing will be the windows of the western or east direction;
  • in spring and also summer-autumn period zamiokulkas needs to provide a temperature regime in the range of 21-25 ° C;
  • in winter, the southern plant will feel most comfortable when temperature indicators within 16-17°C;
  • it is very important to provide an ornamental houseplant with an influx of fresh air, but without gusts of draft;
  • in the period from April to August, the plant needs top dressing, and in order to properly feed the ornamental culture, it is recommended to use fertilizer for cacti and succulents;
  • Zamioculcas should be fertilized every two weeks, in evening hours on well-drained soil.

The plant grows quite slowly, but the largest adult specimens need supporting structures equipped with rings. It is almost impossible to plant zamiokulkas without damaging the root system of the plant., but in this case it is possible to carry out reproduction and get new, young specimens. To divide indoor culture correctly, you need to know all the features at home.

How zamiokulkas breeds (video)

Reproduction of zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas are most often propagated in indoor floriculture by dividing adult bushes in the process of transplanting the plant into a larger flower pot. Among other things, Zamioculcas can be propagated quite easily not only by leaf-bud cuttings, but also through separate leaf blades.

When dividing a leaf plate, it is very important to ensure that each division has a growth point. Immediately before the rooting of a leaf delenka or a stalk of a zamiokulkas, the section of the cut must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, and then the planting material should be dried a little.

Rooting is carried out in indoor mini-greenhouses filled with a nutrient mixture based on river sand and non-acidic peat. The optimal temperature regime for rooting, both cuttings and leaves, must necessarily be at least 20-22 ° C. Indicators of successful rooting is the formation of tiny nodules, after which young plants can be planted in separate flower pots small sizes. The appearance of the first shoots can be expected in about six months.

The value of decorative culture

Of no small importance when growing zamiokulkas is the superstition that characterizes this indoor decorative culture as a "flower of celibacy". However, in last years very fashionable and current trend was used as original gift for almost any holidays, the evergreen succulent plant zamiokulkas, already beloved by domestic flower growers.

It is well known that the "dollar tree" is not only unpretentious, but also completely undemanding in growing conditions and care. In astrology, this popular ornamental culture is positioned as a plant that can awaken confidence and determination, which makes this plant an indispensable gift for men of any age.

Growth of one and a half meters, dark green leaves with a sheen, original flower- this is what a zamiokulkas or dollar tree looks like. The plant chose the apartments of flower growers in the nineties of the last century, and has already managed to win an honorable place in the team of pets.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia is native to East Africa. Belongs to the Aroid family. The plant got its name due to the similarity of the leaves with the leaves of the zamia (Zamia). Zamioculcas was first described by tropical plant collector Conrad Loddijesok in 1828 under the name Caladium zamiifolium. Heinrich Wilhelm Schott mentioned it as Zamioculcas Loddigesa (Zamioculcas loddigesii Schott) in 1856. And only in 1908, the director of the Berlin Botanical Garden, Adolf Engler, gave the plant the modern name Zamioculcas zamiifolia.

Zamioculcas was recognized as a houseplant thanks to the 1996 Dutch auctions. Later, in 2007, lovers of indoor floriculture received a gift - the Zamicro variety, reaching a height of 60 cm.

Photo and brief information about the plant, signs

A life limited to the fulfillment of direct duties at work and at home is a boring occupation. Therefore, a person tries to diversify the life process with the help of extreme entertainment and mysticism. Traditionally, plants and animals that people have to deal with most often are endowed with mystical properties. Zamioculcas also did not escape a similar fate. However, unlike black cats, violets or fat women, this plant is full of contradictions.

It is known that repetition certain situations contributes to the emergence of the next signs. The appearance of Zamiokulkas in the house leads to destruction family relations, or to the inability to establish a personal life for single people. The plant is one of the eight aggressive males, for which it got its name - the flower of celibacy. Even those who do not particularly believe in the mystical ability of the tree to keep men out of the house prefer to remove the pet from the bedroom.

"Woman's happiness"

Another name for zamiokulkas is female happiness. Complete opposite the flower of celibacy. The presence of a tree in the house, especially after the appearance of flowers, is considered a good sign, portending a long and happy life. family life. The basis for the newly minted signs was the original flowers of the plant. Outwardly, the inflorescences that form at the base of the leaves look like a powerful cob wrapped in a light green stole. Flowers do not appear often, subject to careful care for Zamioculcas. Probably, the hostess of the house, appreciated by the tree, cannot but attract the attention of men, which is confirmed by the imminent marriage.

"Dollar Tree"

Another name for Zamioculcas is the dollar tree. Golden mean. Accepted by everyone, pushing for theft and performance of obligatory rituals. Feng Shui masters consider the newcomer from East Africa to be a specialist in the field of increasing the savings of the owners of the house. The main thing is to settle the succulent in the southeastern sector of the room or house. You can keep in the house only a donated or stolen tree. Moreover, the donated plant must be redeemed from the donor, giving him a few coins. It is possible to strengthen the influence of the dollar tree on the growth of savings by placing a few more coins in the pot. After amplification, it remains only to carefully care for the flower, since its death will be the beginning of drying cash flow to the owner's wallet.

Care Secrets

Indoor zamiokulkas pays the owner with a one and a half meter height, shiny leaf blades of compound leaves, a powerful rhizome that forms a tuber and rare inflorescences in the form of cobs surrounded by a light green stole. The exception is the Zamicro variety, which reaches a height of 60 cm. The health of the dollar tree is a guarantee of the owners' financial success. However, if the owner of the plant does not belong to the number of superstitious people, then he will have to ensure careful care for the succulent, at least out of respect for the only species of the genus of plants of the aroid family.

What to do after buying from the store

According to signs, it is not recommended to purchase zamiokulkas on your own. The plant received as a gift is placed in the place intended for it and aged for adaptation within three weeks. After the end of the adaptation period, transplantation is allowed, taking into account the time of year and the age of the tree.

Transplant rules, pot selection

It is allowed to transplant not too young plants every three or four years, paying special attention to the pot. Ceramic pots for placing Zamiokulkas are not suitable due to the danger of plant death caused by lack of space. You can not choose high and narrow pots, because later on when transplanting it is easy to damage root system and the plant itself. An acceptable option is a wide pot corresponding to the size of the tree.

After choosing a pot, a layer of expanded clay drainage is laid on the bottom. The fraction size is no more than 20 mm. The next layer is sand, which makes up one fourth of the total volume. The plant is transferred into the pot prepared in this way, adding the right amount of fresh earth. An earth ball formed in an old pot is not affected. The exception is cases of detection of rot on tubers. Old plants are subject to transshipment only as needed. The size of the new pot should not significantly exceed the size of the old pot.

When transplanting zamiokulkas, it is important to wear gloves, as the plant's sap is poisonous.


The unpretentiousness of the African settler is manifested from the first step concerning the choice of soil. For the tree, perlite-free substrates prepared for cacti and succulents are suitable. A suitable substrate is purchased at any flower shop. If it is problematic to buy soil for succulents, then the plant will not refuse any light soil free of clay impurities. However, for good development, it is worth taking care of a mixture consisting of soddy soil, leafy soil, peat, sand and sphagnum in proportions of 1: 1: 1: 1: 1/3.

Lighting: where to put zamiokulkas

The difference between Zamioculcas and other guests from the African continent is the absence of the need for direct sunlight. Succulents love bright diffused light. Therefore, the plant should be located on the south side. In the summer, you will have to provide the tree with a vacation for fresh air. In gratitude, the flower will noticeably freshen up and increase in growth.

The Secret of Lighting

Arrange a pot with zamiokulkas better near with a window. Suitable place on the table, shelf or on the floor.

Temperature regime

The unpretentiousness of the plant is also manifested in relation to the conditions of the temperature regime. The succulent tolerates any temperature equally well. The only requirement is to ensure a dormant period by lowering the air temperature to 18 ° C.

Air humidity

Not a single indoor plant will refuse regular spraying and dust removal. Zamioculcas likes to shower twice a month. In winter, the frequency of spraying increases due to the air in the house being overdried by the heating system. The importance of spraying is confirmed by increased plant growth.

For your information

If you want to improve the appearance of the plant, the use of a special leaf polish is recommended.

Watering, feeding

A plant that welcomes abundant spraying has a negative attitude towards frequent watering. Watering Zamiokulkas is moderate. The soil in the pot is moistened after drying. Winter watering is doubly moderate. Special attention is given to the water collecting in the trays of the pots. It is drained immediately, avoiding stagnation that can cause a tree disease.

The spring-summer period is used by Zamioculcas for active growth. Regular fertilizing with fertilizers intended for cacti and succulents helps the plant. Produced once a month. In the cold season, you do not need to feed the tree.

To grow a large specimen, it is required to regularly fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers in turn.

plant pruning

Pruning the plant is allowed in exceptional cases. Improvement appearance in a similar way, a succulent is not required. Zamioculkas copes with the task on his own. In the event that yellowed leaves appear, completely dead parts of the leaves are subject to pruning, which easily fall off with minimal impact on the petioles.

Leaves die off gradually. The exchange of chlorophyll and juices between the yellowing leaf and the rest of the plant is preserved. Untimely pruning will lead to a prolonged loss of juice and yellowing of other Zamioculcas leaves. If the presence of a yellow leaf is unacceptable, cutting is carried out as it turns completely yellow without capturing the living part. The sheet remaining at the place of attachment is cut off.

IMPORTANT. Leaf death takes long time. It is recommended to speed up the process by twisting the cutting without breaking.


The appearance of flowers in Zamioculcas is a rare occurrence. According to the owners, adult plants bloom, provided with comfortable conditions for growth and development. The flower itself is far from perfect, although not devoid of originality.

Externally, the succulent flower is a strong, corn-like cob, packed in a light green sheet. The corn imitator is located at the very base of the leaves, in the immediate vicinity of the tuber-trunk of the plant, hidden in the ground. This arrangement makes the flower inconspicuous. However, his appearance is eagerly awaited. According to signs, a flowering tree promises an increase in the income of the owner several times.

Making a plant bloom is not easy. The main requirement is to provide the dollar tree favorable conditions for flowering:

  • Place the plant in the southern or eastern part of the house. On the northern windows, the tree will grow and develop, but will not please with flowering.
  • Provide appropriate temperature conditions. Heat stimulates flowering.
  • Follow watering guidelines. Waterlogging or overdrying of the soil is not allowed. Check the condition of the earthy coma with a finger or a wooden stick.
  • Top dressing to produce using organic and mineral fertilizers. Apply fertilizer one at a time.

With proper care, flowers appear even in young plants. If during flowering the growth of new shoots stops, then this is a sure sign of aging of the tree and a reason to start breeding.

Reproduction of the "dollar tree"

The breeding process of Zamioculcas is both simple and complex. Simplicity is provided by several ways to obtain new plants and uncomplicated technology:

  1. Leaf blades. A healthy leaf blade is carefully cut off and left for a day to dry. The next stage is the deepening of the dried leaf blade into a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand by one third.
  2. The division of the bush. It is produced when the plant is transplanted in the spring. An adult zamiokulkas is divided into two parts and seated in separate pots.
  3. Leaf cuttings. A suitable leaf with a bud is cut off at the base and treated with a fungicide solution. The cut is dried. The cutting, ready for rooting, is placed in a new substrate of peat mixed with sand in a ratio of 1: 1.

Prepare the substrate for rooting in advance. A temporary measure when the cutting is placed in water with the addition activated carbon often leads to decay.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas in one of three ways does not cause problems. The hardest part is to be patient while the new plant grows tuber over the next six months.


The process of planting is no different from the process of transplanting a plant. The roots are freed from the old substrate in a container of warm water. The tuber is inspected. Rotten or blackened parts of the roots and tuber are removed. Weak solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide for 20 minutes and drying. The cut points are sprinkled with activated carbon powder.

It is important to observe the planting depth of the plant. A tuber should be placed in a pot so that a layer of soil equal to the size of the tuber itself is located above the tuber.

Diseases and pests

The dollar tree is valued not only for its ability to influence the increase in material wealth, but for endurance. Diseases and pests are rare. The main cause of diseases lies in the mistakes made during the care of the succulent.

Problems and diseases

Yellowing of the leaves, accompanied by the absence of young shoots

The reason is drafts, unbalanced temperature conditions, improper watering, pest damage. Ways to fight - remove the flower from the container, remove the affected parts, treat with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. Dry the treated roots. Landing in a new substrate.

Dark spots on leaves

Causes - low temperature air, drafts, excessive watering, moisture stagnation, scale insect infestation. Control methods - regulation of the thermal and water regime, reduction of irrigation, timely removal of water from pallets, pest control. If no rot is found during inspection of the plant, then the tree is in good health, and the presence of spots is its biological feature.

Stem rot or stem rot

The reason is over watering. cold water at low air temperature, heavy clay soil. Methods of struggle - remove the plant from the container, cut off the rotten parts of the stem, treat the plant with a fungicide completely. Sprinkle the cut points with activated charcoal powder. Dry. Plant zamiokulkas in a new container using fresh soil.

Plant drying

Causes - natural aging, care errors, mechanical damage. Natural aging causes the lower lobes of the leaves to dry out. Methods of struggle - a new plant obtained from a leaf plate or cuttings, elimination of errors in care.

List of pests

The thick, waxy skin of the leaves protects the zamiokulkas from pests. Rarely, but there are defeats:

  • A spider mite that prefers dry indoor air. A white cobweb appears in the internodes, the leaves of the plant wither, turn yellow and crumble. Methods of struggle - wipe the leaves with a sponge dipped in soapy water, and spray with a low concentration of tobacco infusion. After the procedure, rinse the tree with a warm shower. Severe infestation is eliminated with insecticides.
  • Scale insects that moved to the dollar tree from infected plants. The leaves and stems of the zamiokulkas attacked by the scab are covered with dark spots. Fight with a scale insect should be with a damp sponge and spraying with soapy water. In severe cases, an insecticide is used.
  • Aphids that infect leaves in the warm season on outdoors. The leaves of an infected plant curl, lose color intensity, turn yellow and die. You can destroy aphids with ready-made insect repellents.
  • Thrips that migrate from plant to plant. The leaves of a dollar tree infected with thrips are covered with silvery spots. The stems are gradually bent. It is possible to fight the pest with the help of insecticides.
  • Mealybugs that prefer dry indoor air. Spotting mealybugs is easy. These are relatively large pests that feed on plant sap. Infection leads to stunting, deformation and loss of leaves, the appearance of soot fungi on sugary, cotton-like secretions of pests. At the initial stage, mealybugs are removed with a sponge soaked in soapy water. An alcohol solution can be used for impregnation. If time is lost, pesticides will have to be applied.


A day after the treatment of the plant with insecticides, it must be redeemed under a warm shower, covering the soil in the container with a plastic bag.

Reminder for beginners

Despite the docile nature, Zamioculcas needs proper care to prevent disease and death of the plant. Particular attention is drawn to:

  • Providing bright diffused light;
  • Gradual adaptation of the plant to a new light regime after winter;
  • Proper watering without waterlogging the soil;
  • Regular spraying and wiping of sheet plates from dust;
  • Staying outdoors during the warm season;
  • Top dressing twice a month from April to September;
  • Protection from direct sunlight;
  • The right choice of container and substrate;
  • Timely transplant;
  • The presence of supports for the thick and fleshy leaves of the dollar tree.

Habitual requirements that do not require special efforts for execution. By following simple rules, you can grow a plant of amazing beauty. Zamioculcas will repay attention to itself not only with luxurious leaves and original flowers, but also with a solid increase in income. Or maybe small female happiness contrary to omens.