Is it possible to paint old paper wallpaper with enamel. How to paint paper wallpaper Repair iPhone service center for repairs.

If you are unsure whether you can paint paper wallpaper, then you have come to just the right place - here you can find out both about the wallpaper itself and about the colors that are suitable for it. Of course, renovating an apartment is quite troublesome and unpleasant, especially when there is nowhere to move at this time, so everyone wants to finish it as quickly as possible.

The material below will allow you to become better acquainted with this issue, and in addition, you can watch the thematic video in this article as a supplement.

Painting paper wallpaper with a roller

Duplex wallpaper. Photo

  • If you are considering paper wallpaper for painting, this does not mean that it consists of a thin sheet of paper. In addition, this type can be duplex or non-woven - in both cases the material consists of paper. Thus, a duplex sheet is produced by flexo-cut printing, and it can consist of two or several layers, the top of which is always embossed.
  • As for non-woven fabric, here paper fibers are mixed with fabric fibers, forming a fairly durable material that can serve as both a base and a front part. In addition, paper is used as a base on vinyl, acrylic, cork and textile wallpaper, the price of which mainly depends on the front part.

Acrylic paint for interior work(do not be confused - this is not the currently fashionable electrically conductive paint Zinga)

The paint used for paper wallpaper is, strictly speaking, similar to that used for interior finishing works and one of its features is that it is water-based, but the binding components may differ and be of both organic and inorganic origin.

The most popular for interior work are water-based acrylic paints, as they have a number of positive qualities necessary for such finishing. So, among them we can name resistance to abrasion of the surface, the ability to waterproof with simultaneous vapor permeability, as well as a rich range of colors and shades. Such finishing is possible even in rooms with high humidity.

If you want to save money and are wondering whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint, then choose a PVA base. But cheapness is perhaps the main advantage of such compositions, since they are afraid of moisture and have a rather small and dull color range.

Compositions with latex binders are also popular and have proven themselves quite well, and if you are thinking about whether you can paint regular paper wallpaper or duplex wallpaper, then you can safely purchase such paints. They create a silky matte surface that is resistant to moisture, but less resistant to abrasion than acrylic.

Note. When choosing a paint, you should take into account the degree of gloss of the film it creates.

So, the less gloss there is, the faster moisture will be absorbed.

Painting wool roller in a tray

To the question of whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint, we have probably already answered; it remains to figure out how this can be done and, as you understand from the top photo, a paint roller is used for this purpose.

Only here it is very important that it is not foam rubber, but wool or mohair, since, firstly, foam rubber can slip over the surface and after drying in such cases a shiny mark remains and, secondly, on embossed wallpaper it can reach deep into the pattern only wool or mohair.

A special tray should be used as a container, but not a bucket or jar in which the paint is packaged at the manufacturer. Paint is collected into the tray, or rather into its lower compartment, where the roller is dipped, and then it is pressed against the upper deck so that it does not drip onto the floor. For hard-to-reach places, such as room corners or areas near floor or ceiling skirting boards, you can use a flat brush.

Note. If you are wondering whether it is possible to paint old paper wallpaper, then the answer will be yes, only with some reservations.

So, they should not lag behind in any places, and there should be no grease stains, dirt or dust on them.

DIY painting

Now we just have to figure out how to paint paper wallpaper, and it’s quite easy to do if we have everything for it necessary tools and materials. Only now, if we do not major, but Maintenance, that is, there is a danger of staining the floor, therefore, it should be covered with old newspapers or some kind of rags or rugs.

You can apply paint with a brush or roller in any direction, that is, if you started moving vertically, this does not mean at all that you cannot apply paint horizontally or diagonally. Most likely, one layer will not be enough, therefore, a few hours after its application, a second layer is applied, and, if necessary, a third, so that no old colors or shades appear through the created film.

Complete drying usually occurs in no more than a day, but by and large it depends on the humidity and temperature of the air, as well as on the degree of ventilation of the room.

Note. In this case, you should not use fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil - they are more suitable for metals, and they are also coated with enamels for durability.

Also, electrically conductive paint Zinga is not suitable here, since this is a cold galvanizing method and is also more suitable for metal surfaces.

For using any paint, there are instructions that are printed on the packaging (jar or bucket), according to which you will apply it to the wallpaper. Although, in most cases, all paints are used according to the same principle, there may still be nuances regarding their dilution or drying.

1 Technology for painting old wallpaper 1.1 Preparatory work 1.2 Selecting paint 1.3 Applying emulsion 2 Conclusion Paper wallpaper is...

1 Young fighter course 2 Painted surfaces 2.1 Solutions 2.2 Technology 3 Wallpaper 3.1 Solution 3.2 Technology 4 Rust 4.1 Solution 4.2 Technology 5.

1 Selection of material 1.1 Requirements for composition and base 1.2 Popular varieties 1.3 Ready-made product or tinting? 2 Application method 3 Conclusion.

No matter how high-quality the chosen and pasted wallpaper is, sooner or later its color may fade, and the design may simply become boring. At this point the question arises: is it possible to paint regular wallpaper paint? The answer depends solely on the type of specific roll materials.

It is advisable to paint only those coatings that are not damaged and adhere tightly to the wall surface.

An important point when painting wallpaper is the choice of appropriate paint. Let us consider in more detail the types of coloring compositions suitable for application to rolled materials.

On the market building materials There is a fairly wide range of paints that differ in composition and scope. When choosing a suitable paint, pay attention to its properties.

  • Environmentally friendly – ​​harmless to humans and animals due to the absence of toxic elements.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress– resistance of the applied composition to cracks and shedding during impacts and cleaning.
  • Light resistance– long-term color retention when exposed to sunlight.
  • Moisture resistance – resistance to the destructive effects of liquids, the ability to wash painted surfaces.
  • Drying time.

Alkyd paint forms a protective film on the surface of the wallpaper, which allows the materials to be washed by various means without damaging their structure. This film does not allow the wallpaper to “breathe” and smoothes out its texture, so apply coloring composition Can only be used on smooth fabrics. These paints contain antifungal additives. Average term Their service life is five years; they are best suited for glass wallpaper.

Included alkyd paints There are toxic oils and resins, so it is better to use them in non-residential areas. In addition, such paints are fire hazardous.

Water-dispersion compositions include water-based paint. The distinctive qualities of this paint are environmentally friendly, odorless, and quick drying. The protective film of water-based paint is resistant to mechanical stress and protects the wallpaper from damage. It allows air to pass through, which prevents the formation of fungus and mold under the wallpaper.

Water-based compositions can be used to paint rooms with high humidity, since the paint has high moisture resistance.

Water-based paints, depending on the composition, are divided into the following types.

  1. Latex – strengthens the surface of the wallpaper, which prevents it from peeling off and getting wet during painting. They extend the service life of rolled materials and allow them to be cleaned with detergents. Any type of canvas can be painted with latex compounds.
  2. Acrylic latex based- the largest group water-based compositions. Such paints protect the surface of the wallpaper from corrosion and convey the relief and texture of materials well. Apply them in several layers, this will ensure a high-quality and elastic coating.
  3. Acrylic water based- characterized by the absence unpleasant odor And quick drying. They allow the materials under the wallpaper to “breathe”, which prevents the formation of steam in the room. Suitable for non-woven wallpaper.
  4. Water-based– the most economical option among all coloring compositions. They are afraid of moisture and have a poor choice of colors. You can paint paper canvases with them only after pre-treatment walls with a PVA base. Most successfully combined with vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis.

An important quality of any paint is its gloss level. This indicator not only affects appearance rooms, but also characterizes the water-repellent properties of painted wallpaper.

The lower the gloss level protective film paint, the faster moisture will be absorbed into the roll materials.

Based on the degree of gloss, paints are divided into the following types.

  1. Glossy - emphasizes the imperfections of walls, so it is rarely used for residential premises. Suitable for dark rooms.
  2. Semi-gloss – has good reflective ability. It can be used in children's rooms and kitchens.
  3. Matte – due to the lack of shine, it masks surface defects and is used in large rooms.
  4. Semi-matte - a slight gloss smoothes out minor unevenness in the walls. Fits organically into the sleeping area.
  5. Satin - smooth structure, increased wear resistance and durability allow you to use this paint in any room.

Wallpaper painting technology

Each type of wallpaper implies certain preparatory work before painting. For example, wallpaper made of foamed vinyl on a non-woven backing requires two layers of preliminary primer. Before treating the wall, wash the work surface with detergent for dishes to degrease them. It is not recommended to choose oil-based compounds for painting such wallpaper; they will flow down the vinyl. Use water-based or special acrylic paints.


To obtain a uniform color of non-woven fabric, paint it from the outside. If the pattern is sufficiently embossed, then you can paint the wallpaper with a more saturated color on the reverse side. In this case, the canvas will absorb the paint, the wallpaper background has been purchased desired color, and the drawing will remain the same shade.

Vinyl roll materials on paper based not suitable for painting. Deep penetrating paints used to paint wallpaper will allow the paper backing of the wallpaper to become wet and peel off from both the wall and the vinyl top covering. Vinyl sheets on a non-woven backing will be difficult to paint.

Paper canvases can be painted with any coloring composition. However, priming the walls in this case will not be enough; use special water-repellent agents. Most good choice There will be latex paints.

An important factor that influences the quality of painting is the tools. Paint roller choose wool or mohair. Foam rubber can slip over the surface of the wallpaper and leave a shiny mark after drying. Wool or mohair will allow you to paint the walls evenly, regardless of the texture of the canvas.

  1. Take out the furniture and cover the floor with newspapers or protective film.
  2. Clean the surface of the walls from dust, dirt, cobwebs using a vacuum cleaner or sponge. Glue the old roll materials in the right places.
  3. Seal baseboards, switches, sockets masking tape.
  4. Apply a water-repellent agent to paper wallpaper or paper-based coatings with a roller, hard to reach places use a brush. Wait for the composition to dry completely (preferably at least 24 hours).
  5. Dilute the paint with water, stir until smooth, if required according to the instructions on the package.
  6. Apply the paint composition evenly, in a thin layer, using a roller and brush, starting from the ceiling, so that drops of paint do not spoil the already painted part of the wall. Paint the hay in sections. To avoid spots and streaks, apply quickly, before the painted surface has time to dry.
  7. When the composition is completely dry, apply a second coat of paint (preferably after at least 2-4 hours).

The advisability of painting faded wallpaper should be judged based on its type and condition. Non-woven materials will safely withstand 5-10 stains, while paper-based canvases may not withstand even one, and foamed vinyl will actively resist painting. It is still possible to paint old rolled materials. Be responsible when choosing tools, buy high-quality paint, don’t forget about primer and water-repellent agents, and everything will certainly work out.

Paper wallpapers are attractive and affordable finishing material. But they tend to become unusable after a while, losing their external aesthetics, or simply become boring with their colors. And then you have a choice: replace this part interior or update it?

Changing the finish completely is quite expensive and time-consuming, but we will look at whether it is possible to paint old paper wallpaper and how to do it in this article.

Applying paint to the surface of old wallpaper

Technology for painting old wallpaper

So, is it possible to paint regular paper wallpaper? It is possible, but not often and only after pre-treatment, since unprepared paper and the water in the paint will soak and deform.

Preparatory work


  1. We remove all movable furniture from the room and cover the immovable ones. plastic film. It is also advisable to protect the floor from accidental splashes of paint and varnish material.
  2. We clean the surface from all kinds of dust and dirt using a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

Do-it-yourself paper cleaning

The result of using the vacuum cleaner at full power

  1. Glue up the peeling areas. If the condition of such fragments is too deplorable, then carefully cut them off.

Photo of a peeling section of wallpaper

  1. Damaged areas and scratches are covered with mastic, which after drying is sanded with sandpaper.
  2. We prime the surface. This is the most important step that will protect the wallpaper from paint penetrating into its structure. The primer will create a reliable polymer layer that reduces the porosity of the paper and protects the dilapidated finish from further wear.

Sample of latex water repellent solution

  1. After the primer has completely dried, you can begin painting.

Paint selection

Water emulsion sample

Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint? Even necessary. This is the most suitable suspension for restoration old decoration walls

To see this, let's look at its advantages:

  • Ecological cleanliness. When hardened, only harmless water vapors are released, which is important when using the emulsion indoors.
  • Low price. This is achieved due to the absence of an expensive solvent in the composition.
  • A wide range of rich shades. Plus the ability to mix them to create unique color solutions.

Variety of colors

  • Moisture resistance. After evaporation of H 2 O, the resulting polymer film has high water resistance.
  • High resistance to abrasion, exposure to sunlight and temperature changes.
  • Non-flammability. For paper finishes, this is a great way to improve fire safety.
  • Ease of application. Does not form drips or streaks.
  • Opportunity wet cleaning. Allows you to keep the renewed coating clean.
  • Long service life. At proper care reaches ten years.

Application of emulsion

  1. Dilute the purchased mixture with water according to the instructions included with it.. If you purchased a white emulsion, then also add the necessary dyes, mixing everything using construction mixer or a drill operating at low speed.

Manual tinting

  1. Pour the resulting solution into a special paint bath..

Paint tray

  1. Dip a brush into the suspension and paint corners and other hard-to-reach places.

Suitable brushes for the job

  1. Then we take a paint roller with medium pile, pick up the emulsion with it and run it several times along the ribbed surface, getting rid of excess liquid.

Advice: if you have textured wallpaper for finishing, it is better to take a tool with long pile.
It will be better able to handle numerous indentations.

Painting the structural surface with a long-haired roller

  1. We move the tool from left to right, descending from the ceiling to the floor. In this case, it is necessary that each subsequent strip extends a few centimeters onto the previous one.
  2. When the liquid in the roller runs out, we run it over the already painted part of the wall to collect excess suspension from it.
  3. We wait for the first layer to harden, after which we apply the second one perpendicularly.
  4. R We check the result by bringing a bright light source close to the finish.. This way we can see the spots that stand out.
  5. If the check was successful, then we can safely enjoy the work done..


We looked at whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper and how to do it. First of all, for this you need to carefully prepare the surface.

This includes:

  • cleaning;
  • restoration of deformed areas;
  • creation of a protective moisture-proofing layer.

Next you should purchase water-based paint, which is best suited for the task, and apply it using a brush and roller. Follow the recommendations outlined and you will not have any difficulties.

New life for old wallpaper

The video in this article will give you an additional opportunity to familiarize yourself with some information that directly relates to the materials discussed. Painting is always easier and cheaper than completely replacing the trim.

The new wallpaper on the walls looks quite beautiful and fresh. But over time, the appearance of paper wallpaper deteriorates, they fade, wear off and even turn yellow. In this case, you have to update the interior with new wallpaper. But the task can be simplified and simply paint them. Only everyone wonders whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper.

Opinions differ on this issue. Some people do not advise doing this at all, since after applying the paint the wallpaper gets wet, becomes heavy, swells, and can even come off the wall. Some prove the opposite from their own experience. But for this you need to take into account the paint that will be applied. It is worth distinguishing between single-layer and multi-layer wallpaper.

Multi-layer ones are better suited for painting, as they are more durable and moisture-resistant. Paint applies to multi-layer wallpaper much easier and easier. Paper wallpaper can be painted with almost any paint, with the exception of oil paint and facade paint. For non-residential premises, for example, for the kitchen, you can choose acrylic paints. They are more stain resistant and easy to clean. And for living rooms the best thing paint will do water based. The colors of this paint can be mixed to achieve the desired shade.

And yet, is it possible to paint paper wallpaper and how to do it correctly? Please note that painting wallpaper is much easier than re-pasting it. It takes much less time and makes the process more enjoyable. Indeed, nowadays there are paints that dry very quickly, do not flow and have no odor. A very important point when painting wallpaper is the use of a primer. It will prevent the paper wallpaper from getting wet, making it easy to apply paint. When choosing a primer, you should consult with the salesperson in the store.

Before starting work, you should clear the room of furniture or protect it from paint. Wallpaper should be cleaned of dust and cobwebs with a damp towel. Next, you need to hide the defects of the walls, that is, cover up the cracks and, if necessary, glue the wallpaper that is lagging from the wall, and also seal the baseboards and sockets so as not to stain them with paint. As a result, a primer is applied, after which it must dry tightly closed windows and doors. For better application of the primer, the wallpaper should be treated with sandpaper. After the primer has completely dried, the wallpaper can be painted. To do this, it is better to use a wide brush or roller. If desired, you can apply a second or even a third layer to achieve more intense color and get rid of divorces. Paper wallpaper can be painted no more than 10 times, then it needs to be changed.

Hi all!
I was tormented for a long time by the question: can brown paper wallpaper be painted? I looked through the posts: some people can write, some don’t - they will swell and fall off, some advised to put up new ones.

The wallpaper in the kitchen was hung 3 years ago, but in some places it was very dirty, especially in the refrigerator area and where the TV hung. Vinyl wallpaper, professionally glued, end-to-end, firmly. Ceiling, ceiling molding And floor plinth I'm still happy with the repairs and don't plan to do any repairs in the near future. But the wallpaper was very annoying; the color doesn’t match my favorite sofa)))). In terms of monetary and time costs, painting won compared to plywood.
I bought 2 cans acrylic paint 2.5 kg each Polish stamp DEKORAL, 300 rubles per jar. one color - honey, the second - almond, to match the skin color of the sofa, roller, brush and repainted the kitchen in 1 day. I didn’t treat the wallpaper with anything, someone recommended using a water-repellent impregnation, etc. I had no time to bother with this. I decided that if they disappeared, then fine, but I wouldn’t spend money on removing the old ones. The only thing was that I went through with a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust and wiped them with a well-wrung out damp cloth. I covered the baseboard and molding with masking tape so as not to stain it and off I went! Drying time 2 hours, painted 2 times. The second time 2 hours after the first layer has dried.