Finishing concrete stairs. Facing stairs with wood - a special interior in the house is guaranteed

Concrete stairs are strong, durable and reliable. They are not affected by cold and moisture, fire resistant. Their only drawback is that they are not very attractive. To fix it, finishing is carried out concrete stairs.

Facing stairs can be carried out with the following materials:

  • wood;
  • laminate;
  • tiles (mosaic, porcelain stoneware);
  • natural stone (marble);

most popular in residential buildings is wood paneling. Such a coating can stand for decades, subject to all manufacturing standards.

But one should not think that finishing concrete stairs with wood is cheaper than making a product from scratch from an array. In practice, it is possible to save money only on the thickness of the steps, which in this case can be made a centimeter thinner. As a rule, the price of such a cladding will be higher and much more time will be spent. This is due to the fact that concrete steps cannot be made perfectly even and exactly the same, no matter how carefully the formwork is performed. Therefore, facing the steps is an extremely time-consuming process, especially if you do everything yourself.

You also need to remember that the concrete staircase should dry well enough for at least three months, and preferably one heating season. If this requirement is not met, then over time the steps will deform, and the concrete itself will begin to crumble.

If in the future the stairs will be finished with marble, wood or other material, then this must be taken into account even at the design stage, which should be carried out with the expectation that the step coating also has its own thickness.

A fairly common mistake in the manufacture of concrete stairs is the lack of a gap between the marches. This creates additional difficulties when installing railings. The distance between marches must be at least 75 cm.

Formwork for concrete stairs should be as precise as possible. The difference in the height of the steps should not exceed 9.5 mm, otherwise, in the future it will be very difficult to eliminate. To make the surface as even as possible, moisture-resistant plywood with a smooth surface is used for formwork.

Compliance with these rules will make it easier for you to work with a monolithic staircase built of concrete. .

Facing a concrete staircase with your own hands - step by step instructions

Finishing steps - preparatory stage

As mentioned above, a perfectly flat concrete staircase with exactly the same steps is a goal that is practically unattainable. Therefore, all steps are measured first and the highest of them is selected. And then all the rest are adjusted to its size with a self-leveling floor compound.

If the difference is small, then the mixture is simply applied to the surface of the step. Even if they are all approximately the same in height, the concrete surface must still be leveled as much as possible.

With a difference in height of more than a centimeter, it is necessary to make a formwork for a step from 4 mm thick plywood, which is fixed with dowels so that its upper edge coincides with the required level.

Before pouring with a leveling mixture, it is necessary to clean the steps of debris and prime them to improve adhesion. Only after the primer has dried is the filling done.

Facing stairs - laying plywood

After the surface has dried well, you can proceed to the second stage of facing the steps of the concrete stairs, which consists in fixing the plywood. Plywood will act as a moisture-proof layer and will not allow wooden linings to gain excess moisture.

  1. Prime the surface again and let the primer dry.
  2. According to the size of the steps, we cut out blanks from a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 10 - 15 mm.
  3. We apply adhesive mastic on the surface of the concrete step, put plywood on top and fix it with a dowel. Plywood is laid out according to the level.

Sheathing a concrete staircase with wood - solid wood steps

First of all, you need to do it yourself, or order the steps themselves in the workshop. To tread a complex shape, it is better to pre-prepare a plywood template or thick cardboard which will make it much easier later on.

The actual finishing of the concrete staircase with wood starts from the bottom, as shown in the photo. We screw 3 bolts with a diameter of 6 mm into the lower end of the riser so that they protrude from it by about 6–8 cm. We drill holes of the appropriate diameter there. We fill the holes epoxy resin. We coat the plywood with glue, for which we use “liquid nails”, and put the facing board.

In the step, in the place where the riser will rest against it, we cut a groove required depth. Using self-tapping screws, we fix the second riser on the steps. We coat the surface of the plywood and the groove with glue and install the first step. We check it by level, if necessary, slightly correct it. So we move up to the end of the stairs.

No matter how carefully you perform wood cladding, a gap remains on the side of the step. It can be sealed with mounting foam, which is subsequently masked with putty.

If the staircase is located near the wall, it is advisable to make a galoshnitsa (boot) from the same wood as the steps.

Finishing stairs with laminate - an interesting alternative

Although laminate is a popular floor covering, it is not intended for sheathing stairs. Small area the steps do not allow laying it in a floating way in compliance with all the rules of technology. The thickness of the laminate board is too small, so it is not possible to fix it in the same way as the wooden one. In addition, the flooring for steps is too smooth, and the foot can slide on it.

However, finishing stairs with laminate is much cheaper than wood, which is why some craftsmen go for it.

Video: cladding stairs with laminate

The surface should be as level as possible and free from debris and dust. For better adhesion to the concrete surface, the bottom layer of the laminate board is removed, which is also not very good. This is a stabilizing layer that protects against dampness coming from below and deformation.

Next, the surface is smeared with glue and covered with a laminate cut to the size of the concrete steps. The end edges and the junction of the tread and riser are made with metal or plastic corners of the appropriate configuration.

Finishing concrete stairs with tiles

Ceramic steps for stairs

Often, to cover the stairs using ordinary floor tiles, which is categorically false. The problem is that stair steps are under increased stress, so the tiles must be selected for hardness and abrasion resistance.

Tiles for facing steps must correspond to the 5-6 class on the Mohs scale and have abrasion resistance, which corresponds to the 5th category.

Sheathing stairs with ordinary ceramics leads to the fact that individual vertical tiles fall off, unable to withstand the load, and those laid horizontally break off along the edge. Based on this, it is much more profitable to buy time-tested clinker steps for stairs.

Clinker tiles for steps

Clinker ceramic steps are stair tiles with an edge rounded to the riser. Only this option provides both safety, strength, and attractiveness at the same time. appearance.

Clinker tiles are made in several ways, but the extrusion method is most often used. Via special device- extruder viscous mixture based on clay is squeezed out through a shaping hole, the configuration of which corresponds to the dimensions of the product.

The production of clinker steps by pressing is not much different from the production of conventional ceramic tiles and does not require additional explanation. Both technologies make it possible to obtain high-quality facing material, but products obtained by extrusion are superior in their characteristics to “pressed” ceramics.

Advantages of extrusion clinker:

  • products made by extrusion have a high material density and, as a result, resistance to temperature fluctuations, which is extremely important in our climate zone;
  • technological process allows to obtain models of the most complex shapes and use them in decorating stairs, facing steps of irregular configuration, including rounded ones;
  • extruded ceramics are known for their anti-slip surface. It has a embossed or rough texture that prevents slipping. The exception is ceramic steps imitating natural materials, for example, wood;
  • the strength of such products is practically similar to porcelain stoneware. This determines the advantage of laying clinker steps in places with high traffic and other difficult operating conditions.

Facing steps with ceramic tiles - how to lay them correctly

Laying clinker steps begins with preparatory phase, about the same as when working with a tree. It is better to immediately adjust the size of the steps to the dimensions of the tile, otherwise it will have to be cut.

Remove the tiles from different packages and mix. Be sure to follow the recommendations for the width of the seam. In order for you to get even seam lines, lay out the tiles, focusing on the direction of the grooves on the back side. Before starting the installation of clinker steps, compare the marking and color of the tiles indicated on the package.

Facing stairs: 1 - laying edge tiles; 2 - horizontal; 3 - vertical tiles and sealing joints.

First, horizontal elements are laid, starting from the top of the flight of stairs, then vertical ones. The corner of the step can be processed with metal or plastic corner. When the tiles are laid, the seams are cleaned and filled with a special grout.

one). The vertical tile must necessarily go beyond the ledge of the step;
2). For ideal water flow, it is recommended to lay tiles at a slope of 1-2%;
3). We recommend mounting clinker steps with an air gap of 3-4 mm.

Video: installation of clinker steps - laying tiles on the stairs

Facing stairs with stone, mosaic, marble, granite or other coatings is no different from the methods described above. And it has no real advantages. Therefore, let the choice of staircase finishing option be based only on your aesthetic preferences.

For facing concrete stairs with wood, various types of wood are used. Wood differs in properties, but when finishing a concrete staircase, the most important property is the hardness of the tree. Pine is the most soft wood of all that are used in the manufacture of stairs to order. When finishing concrete stairs with wood, pine can be used in combination with another harder type of wood: Larch, Beech, Ash or Oak. Pine can be used to finish the elements of the stairs that are not subject to heavy wear: risers, sidewalls of the stairs, railings, plinth along the wall. Only the steps of the stairs are never trimmed with pine.

Applying combined option finishing stairs, such as Pine and Oak, you can significantly reduce the cost of stairs, but not lose quality.

If you want the facing of a concrete staircase to be not very expensive, but at the same time look like it is finished completely in Oak or Ash, then we recommend that you use our experience and a few of our secrets:

SECRET #1. How to make a staircase be Oak if it is finished in Oak and Pine?

1) Painting in two colors: order painting the pine steps and balusters with enamel, this will hide the structure of the pine tree, and tint the steps or simply varnish them to keep the texture of Oak or Ash tree visible, the pillars and handrails can be tinted to match the color of the steps, because . on these elements it is not particularly noticeable what kind of wood they are made of. Due to such a two-tone painting, the staircase will look like Oak.

2) Painting in one color: in this case, we recommend tinting in one color either in "walnut" or darker. By this we achieve a single tone for Pine and Oak, and you can notice the difference only by a richer Oak pattern, which is feasible only for professionals.

SECRET #2. How to clad a staircase with Oak or Ash, but make it cheaper?

We all understand perfectly well that facing concrete stairs with Oak and Ash is not a cheap pleasure, but in our work we very often come across customers who accept only Oak / Ash, but at the same time for them it is a little beyond the budget. What to do? In this case, do not contact a private master who will finish the stairs in your house in place (and believe me, you will never forget the amount of dust and chips in your house after that, especially if you have already done fine finish!) and paint your oak staircase with brushes, leaving a lot of smudges (and you will be shocked at all from uneven painting).

Very often this problem arises if it is necessary to clad not one, but several stairs. So that you can admire and walk up the Oak Stairs without going beyond your budget, we suggest making steps, handrails, pillars and balusters from solid Oak, and make risers and false stringers from MDF veneered with 2mm Oak. First of all, this will allow you to significantly save on the facing of the concrete stairs with wood, and secondly, this will not affect the quality of the stairs in any way, because. these elements do not take on the load and are inherently only decor.

For the construction of stairs, reinforced concrete is often used. He has excellent strength characteristics and long service life. The only drawback is the unattractive appearance. In addition, during operation, the surface wears out and dust is released. To protect against mechanical influences, the steps are covered with some kind of building material, for example, wood. It will not only save them, but also radically change the appearance of the interior.

Advantages of finishing concrete stairs with wood:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • environmentally friendly and safe material;
  • a wide range of colors, breeds and shapes;
  • noise reduction;
  • long service life;
  • concrete protection;
  • hiding defects;
  • warm and comfortable cover.

The disadvantages include a complex varnishing process. you can do it yourself, but for this you need to strictly follow the technology. Also, it will be possible to make them yourself only if the scheme and design of the stairs are simple and do not have complex decorative elements.

What wood is better to choose?

tree for concrete steps should be practical and aesthetic. Almost all breeds fall under this category, but in order for the structure to last longer, it is better to choose a lining made of durable material. The most suitable are boards made of oak, larch, beech and ash. More expensive types are also selected - wenge, rosewood, merbau and so on. They are selected depending on the interior of the room. Oak is often used for chalet style, while ash and beech give the room lightness.

Characteristics of the most popular trees used for finishing concrete surfaces:

1. Larch. It has almost the same strength as oak. It has a beautiful light texture. Compared to others, it is more resistant to water and does not rot, so larch is great for monolithic stairs in wet climatic zones. You can change its shade with your own hands, imitate more expensive breeds. But it is not recommended to use larch boards for cladding structures subjected to heavy loads. If you finish the office, then dents can remain on it from shoes, especially from heels.

2. Oak. This wood is one of the most expensive, compared to larch, the cost differs by 2.5 times. But it is one of the most popular materials for facing concrete stairs, as it has a beautiful appearance, excellent strength, resistance to decay and a long service life. It also withstands minor mechanical damage. If a heavy object falls on it, then dents or cracks will not appear on the surface. It darkens over time, giving an even more noble look, if necessary, use a stain and change the shade.

3. Ash. In terms of hardness and strength, it is comparable to oak. It has the best indicator of resistance to deformation. Concrete stairs finished with it will last as long as possible and require a minimum amount of cosmetic repairs, moreover, it has rich color and rich texture. The color will match any interior.

4. Beech. It has an attractive appearance, long service life and a large number of colors. Beech steps are somewhat inferior in representativeness to oak, but the cost is much lower. The shade can be changed, including walnut or mahogany.

It is not recommended to use such species as linden and pine for concrete structures. Let them have affordable price and beautiful appearance, but their service life is extremely short. After a couple of years, some steps may crack, sag and become unattractive. If it is worth taking them, then only for finishing stairs in country and country houses which are not frequently visited.

The cladding material is selected in such a way that it is not inferior in strength to other building materials that are used indoors. It is best when one breed is used.

step by step finishing technology

There are many ways to lay boards on stairs. One of the simplest is the use of mounting foam. It is evenly distributed over the entire concrete surface, after which the wood is placed and pressed down with a heavy load. This method should be selected only for lightly loaded structures, for example, in small country houses, and when fastening cheap rocks.

Another option is with plumbing studs and chemical anchor. Holes are drilled in the concrete, and polyurethane foam. 4 holes are made in the tree and studs are screwed into them. The holes made earlier in the structure are filled with a chemical anchor and a step is inserted. A bag of cement or other heavy load is placed on top.

The thickness of the finishing boards must be at least 3 cm, otherwise they will be weak and quickly become unusable. It is necessary to do the lining only at the end of all construction works, since debris and dirt can damage the plane of the stairs, and it will lose its attractive appearance. During the installation of steps according to any scheme, it is necessary to constantly check their evenness. building level. Even a slight slope can cause a person to fall due to slips or trips.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Before laying wood, concrete must be carefully prepared. The stairs are cleaned of dirt and dust, after which they are treated with a deep penetration primer and wait for it to dry.
  • Determine the highest level. Its height is taken as optimal, and the rest are aligned along it. Large differences from 1 cm are eliminated with the help of cement-sand mortar. In order for the mixture to be firmly fixed on the surface, a fiberglass mesh for reinforcement is buried in it. If this is not done, then the superimposed layer may fall off due to insufficient fixing. Dried concrete is again treated with a primer. It will increase the degree of adhesion with the adhesive composition.
  • It is impossible to lay the lining on the bare surface of the stairs. You always need to add a layer. For this purpose, plywood 1-1.5 cm thick is excellent. Glue it with mastic and additionally fix it with dowels. If nothing is laid, then the steps made of wood will quickly begin to creak and deform.
  • As soon as the mastic has set, the plywood is treated with a primer and waiting for it to dry. After that, proceed to the installation of boards on the adhesive composition (liquid nails). For risers, the substrate is not laid, as they are not subjected to loads.

Start cutting from the bottom and work your way up. The risers are installed using the grooves made in them, which are also smeared with glue. If fasteners are used somewhere, then they must be embedded in a tree, and covered with special hats that match in color from above. At the end, the stairs are covered with stain or varnish.

The prices for finishing steps with wood are affected by the size of the structure, the species and the thickness of the boards. Beech, ash, maple and oak will cost 20-70% more than pine, spruce or fir, as they are stronger and more durable, and also more difficult to process. The grade also affects, low-grade wood is cheaper, but this means that it has knots and other minor defects, due to which the step may subsequently break.

The value also varies with the form. This factor should be taken into account at the design stage. Rectilinear structures are cheaper to veneer than round ones. Prices increase with the addition of decorative elements, such as carvings. Also, the quality of the lacquered coating affects the prices. Its price starts from 15,000 rubles or more, it all depends on the wishes of the customer.

To make a simple pine staircase, you will have to pay from 3,000 rubles for one step, from beech - 5,500, from ash - 7,000. U-shaped from oak will cost 280,000 rubles, from ash - 180,000, from pine - 140,000. In this cost includes fences and 3D visualization.

If you need to reduce the cash costs for cladding concrete marches with wood, then for do-it-yourself finishing of risers, wood of cheaper species, such as pine, is used. So that it does not stand out relative to the steps, the boards are treated with a stain that matches the color. The same is done with other elements (handrails, stringers).

It is not necessary for a staircase made of concrete to be completely covered with wood. You can install the boards only on the steps themselves, and finish the rest of the elements with other material, the main thing is that it should be combined with the style of the room (walls, floor and furniture).

The desire to get a turnkey concrete staircase finish is quite understandable. Having chosen the design of the future structure, finishing material, color palette and calling our company, all that remains is to wait for the work to be completed. Thanks to the experience and professionalism of the company's employees, you can finish concrete stairs with wood in the shortest possible time.

Unlike the installation of a finished flight of stairs, finishing concrete stairs with wood will take more days. Leveling the concrete surface with plywood takes from one to three days, and the finishing of the concrete frame itself, including painting and installation, involves work up to four days. So, the main stages of work include:

  • Preparation of a concrete base, or leveling. Due to the fact that the concrete base has irregularities and flaws, plywood (18-20 mm.) is used at the first stage. After leveling, we remove the tread and riser templates to complete the stair details.
  • Second stage concrete staircase finishing involves the production of wooden stairs. All components, including handrails and balusters, are made individually for a specific order. After preparing all the details, they are polished. Manual processing of individual parts allows you to achieve the perfect surface in hard-to-reach places: balusters and poles.
  • The next step is painting the stairs. The shade of the future design is always discussed with the customer in advance. Most of them are selected based on color. floor covering, doors, window frames with inside and window sills. In our "arsenal" - tinting paints and enamels from the best European manufacturers. The final color when finishing a concrete staircase with wood depends not only on the shade itself, but also on the number of layers applied.
  • The ability to get the desired shade according to personal preference is an indisputable advantage wooden stairs. You can order stairs from white to classic dark. Some customers want to do the painting themselves. However, it should be noted: in this case, the result may not justify the desire. Only professional employees in the workshop achieve the perfect tone and even surface.
  • And the final stage is the installation of steps and risers on a prepared concrete base. For this work, glue and self-tapping screws are used: this allows you to achieve reliability and a long service life. Special plugs, painted in a palette of staircase details, cover holes from self-tapping screws. At the very end, fences are mounted: support pillars, balusters, on top of which handrails are installed.

Concrete- most often the material used for the construction of stairs of any design: marching, half-turn, and others.

In combination with metal reinforcement, concrete provides tall the level of strength of the stairs, does not respond to excessive moisture content in the air and other atmospheric influences.

However, by itself concrete staircase looks unfinished, and its aesthetics are out of the question. That is why it is necessary to finishing work, and best of all will help natural wood. Natural wood trim will give the stairs elegant appearance.

The choice of wood for decoration

From an aesthetic point of view the best are considered an option valuable wood species such as larch, oak, beech or ash.

Often used in decoration and exotic tree species. However, if you are not ready to spend too much money, but still want to get beautiful product, choose more affordable material.

Staircase on concrete base, lined with wood, should not only have an attractive appearance, but also be functional and practical. Choice material and shade depends entirely on your preferences.

The best types of wood

Finishing a concrete staircase with wood

The procedure for cladding concrete stairs with wood is quite laborious, but you can do it yourself. Technology process is:

After completion of all facing work on the sides of the steps may form slits, regardless of measurement accuracy. get rid of from them it is possible with the help of putty or polyurethane foam.

You will learn more about how to sheathe a concrete staircase with a tree with your own hands from this video: