Hydrogen peroxide for watering seedlings and indoor plants. Fertilizers for indoor plants

Many people wonder if hydrogen peroxide can be used on seedlings and plants? There is a clear answer - this solution will not cause any harm to the plants, and can provide very significant help. Below we will look at how to properly use peroxide for germinating seeds, growing seedlings, as a fertilizer and disinfectant against many diseases.

Everyone knows the odorless pharmaceutical liquid, highly soluble in water, with the formula H2O2. This is a solution of hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3%.

Its difference from water is the presence of an additional oxygen atom, which is quickly lost by the substance. It is he, as a strong oxidizing agent, that has a detrimental effect on all pathogenic microorganisms. The released oxygen also aerates the soil.

This drug has pronounced antiseptic, disinfecting, cleansing and healing properties. The solution is not toxic, but it must be used carefully so that excessive concentrations of peroxide do not cause irritation of the mucous membranes and skin.

In practice, peroxide is used to solve many everyday problems. It can be used to disinfect wounds, get rid of viral and fungal infections, treat respiratory diseases, and disinfect places where mold accumulates. Such an excellent remedy could not go unnoticed by lovers of plant growing.

Below we will prove that peroxide brings very tangible benefits to plants.

Using peroxide to germinate seeds

So that the seeds have vitality growth and were resistant to diseases, they are treated various drugs. Peroxide successfully copes with this task no worse than potassium permanganate.

Used for seed treatment ready solution peroxide purchased from a pharmacy. Its concentration is 3%. The seeds are soaked in this solution for 30 minutes. After this, they are washed and dried. Peroxide destroys pathogenic flora located on the surface of the seeds. The result is fast and reliable seed germination, and the plants from them grow more branched and stronger.

Nature protected the seeds from germination with inhibitors. In the soil, inhibitors are destroyed naturally, but slowly, through oxidation. Peroxide is also used to accelerate the decomposition of inhibitors on seeds.

To do this, it is enough to dilute the peroxide to a concentration of 1%, and then spray the seeds. When seeds are soaked with the addition of peroxide, the inhibitors are simultaneously destroyed.

Is it possible to water plants and seedlings with peroxide?

According to reviews, watering young seedlings with peroxide solution has a beneficial effect on strengthening their root system. Plant resistance to diseases increases and the soil is disinfected.

Free oxygen prevents roots from rotting due to excess moisture. This is especially true if the plants are planted in too viscous or clay soil where natural drainage is difficult. The released oxygen burns dead small roots, preventing plant rotting.

It is allowed to both water the plants at the root and spray them.

How to practically use hydrogen peroxide for plants?

Let's consider practical techniques use of hydrogen peroxide.

For watering seedlings

For this purpose, 20 drops of 3% peroxide are diluted in 1 liter of water. This solution is watered at the root of the seedlings. It is recommended to water not very often, about once a week. It is not recommended to make a more significant concentration of the solution. Young seedlings still have too weak a root system, so very thin roots can be destroyed by high doses of peroxide.

For watering adult plants

Mature plants tolerate peroxide better. If watering is carried out regularly, 2 ml of peroxide is poured into 1 liter of water. For rare waterings, the dose can be increased to 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water.

Protection against diseases of indoor plants

If appeared root rot, then the use of peroxide, with correct use, is capable of destroying pathogenic flora in 2-3 doses and creating roots favorable conditions growth.

In this case, the plants are watered with the following composition:

  • water - 1 l.;
  • peroxide 3% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • phosphorus fertilizer solution;

It is necessary to ensure that all pathogenic microflora flows out of the pot along with the water. To do this, the pot should not stand in water. It needs to be raised on a stand.

Fighting diseases of aquarium plants

Peroxide added to aquarium water a short time will oxidize all rotting parts of plants, destroy harmful bacteria, will purify the water. For 10 liters of aquarium water, 2.5 ml of peroxide is used. First, water is mixed with peroxide outside the aquarium, and then gradually poured into it. Infusion of undiluted peroxide is not allowed, as this can harm underwater inhabitants.

After some time, it is advisable to replace the water in the aquarium, since it will contain organic decomposition products that will begin to rot and poison the surrounding area.

As a fertilizer for garden and indoor plants

Peroxide - excellent fertilizer for any crops. And the point is not at all in the content of some useful elements. Soil aeration, created by solution peroxide, helps roots better and more fully absorb microelements and nutrients from the soil. Excellent results gives a combination of watering and fertilizing with peroxide. Add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. spoon of solution. Plants are watered as usual.

Spraying plants

You can spray green plants in the following situations:

  1. As preventive measures against diseases and pests. To do this, prepare a spray with the following composition: 3% peroxide solution - 50 ml, water - 900 ml, alcohol - 2 tbsp. spoons., 3-4 drops of detergent.
  2. As foliar feeding. After all, plants can be fed not only through watering, but also through green leaves and stems. 1-2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide are dissolved in 1 liter of water. The solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the leaves and stems of plants.
  3. Control of existing pests and diseases. To do this, dissolve 100 g of 3% peroxide in 2 liters of water, and then add 100 g of sugar to the solution.

Rooting cuttings

Sometimes cuttings placed in water for rooting begin to rot or become covered with mucus. Hydrogen peroxide will help prevent this phenomenon. In addition, when peroxide comes into contact with water, oxygen is released, which the cuttings need for better rooting.

The proportions of the solution are arbitrary. It is safe to add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water in which the cuttings will stand. a spoonful of peroxide.

Disease Control

It has been observed that treating tomatoes with peroxide helps cure late blight.

To do this, spray the bushes with the following composition:

  • 1 bucket of water;
  • peroxide - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • iodine - 40 drops;

Tomatoes are sprayed several times a season. If you add a little alcohol to this solution, the spraying will destroy scale insects, aphids and insects on plants.

The solution can be used to treat all plants without exception. For example, pepper bushes are prone to diseases such as blackleg, bacterial spot, and late blight.

Treating plants with peroxide solution for prophylactic purposes can prevent most diseases. Also, the solution is successfully used to treat already diseased bushes.

For preventive spraying, a glass of ash is infused in a bucket of water, the solution is filtered and 1 tbsp is added to it. a spoonful of peroxide. For diseased bushes, the peroxide concentration is doubled.

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable and universal means for caring for any plants and protecting them from diseases. Try using peroxide instead of artificial fertilizers, at least as an experiment. You will very soon notice that, with the correct dosage, the plants in your home will become healthy, their color will become more saturated, and there will be ecologically perfect and healthy food in the garden.

The secret of luxury indoor flower garden It’s simple: the plants need to be fed well, otherwise you won’t get either lush foliage or good flowering.

A strict “diet” when the plant long time lacks nutrients, usually leading to disease - because the plant does not have the strength to resist. But how to create a menu for green pets, taking into account their different tastes? floriculture

1.Granulated sugar. Almost all plants love sugar (and cacti generally have a great sweet tooth). Before watering, you can sprinkle 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar (for a pot diameter of about 10 cm) over the surface of the soil or give the plant some sweet water (0.5 teaspoon of sugar per 0.5 cup of water). houseplants

2. Feeding with castor oil gives a good effect beautifully flowering plants(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) while tying buds.

3. Wood ash very useful for plants (both as nutrition and for disease prevention). To prepare the ash solution, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash needs to be poured into 1 liter hot water and leave for 1 week, stirring occasionally. Watering with this solution is once every 10 days. fertilizers for indoor plants

4.Citrus peels. You can water the plants with this infusion: take the peels of pomegranates or any citrus fruits. Fill them with water and leave for a day. All! The nutritious infusion for watering is ready! floriculture

5. Aspirin.The immunity of indoor plants is greatly enhanced by spraying with aspirin solution. One tablet dissolves in a liter of water.

6. Diluted aloe juice Also suitable for all common indoor plants. You need to dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water. houseplants

7.Sweetened water.Ficuses can be watered with sweetened water once a month. For one liter of water take one teaspoon of sugar. The leaves of these plants can be wiped with milk. This will give the plants shine and beauty. fertilizers for indoor plants

8. Mushroom infusion will help your plants look healthy and beautiful. Soak the crushed edible mushrooms in a ratio of 1 to 1. After a day, drain the infusion and fill the mushrooms with water again. In a day, the mushroom water for irrigation will be ready. floriculture

9. Vitamin B 12 Violets will like this feeding: take an ampoule of vitamin B12 and dilute it in a liter of water (settled, of course). You can feed violets with this vitamin twice a month. houseplants

10. Banana peel, which is rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, can be used when replanting plants. Place a layer of finely chopped or minced banana peels on top of the drainage layer, cover it with soil and plant the plant. fertilizers for indoor plants

11.Water after boiling eggs simply irreplaceable for your indoor plants. From it they can obtain useful mineral salts, which are released by the shell when the water boils. floriculture

Hydrogen peroxide for house plants.
Sometimes houseplants don't get the help they're used to. First, remove overly dry or wilted leaves and loosen the soil so the plants can breathe. houseplants

Then we use hydrogen peroxide, usually called water oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent natural disinfectant that helps enhance plant growth and prevent root rot. fertilizers for indoor plants

20 ml. hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water and water the plants once every 4-5 days. I assure you that in a few days your plants will be restored and will also increase their growth. floriculture


When propagating plants, sometimes there is a problem with root formation. To speed up the process, you can resort to industrial production stimulants, the most popular of which are root and heteroauxin. But there are also several time-tested folk methods. houseplants
A teaspoon of honey is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water, the cutting is placed in one third of the solution and kept in it for 12 hours.

Large potatoes are suitable for rooting. All eyes are carefully removed from it, an incision is made and the cutting is inserted into it. With sufficient watering, it will quickly take root. Even plants that do not take cuttings well can be rooted in this way, because cuttings receive a lot of nutrients from potatoes.

3.Aloe juice.
Add 3–7 drops to the water with the cuttings fresh juice aloe. It not only accelerates the appearance of roots, but also stimulates immune system cuttings floriculture

4.Willow water.
Place several branches of willow (poplar, wild rosemary, willow are also suitable) in water and wait for the roots to appear. When the roots appear, the willow twigs can be removed and the cutting placed in this water. The resulting water is not changed, only topped up if necessary. houseplants

Prepare a yeast solution (100 mg per 1 liter) and place the cuttings in it for a day, after which they are washed and transferred to a half-filled container with water. fertilizers for indoor plants

6.succinic acid

A salesman in a flower shop once persuaded me to buy succinic acid: they say that this product amazingly stimulates plant growth and it is impossible to overdo it.
At home I diluted 1 g of powder per 5 liters. water, watered and sprayed all the house plants with the solution. floriculture

The result was amazing! And it became noticeable within a week:

— Maranths have released new leaves and shoots.
— The begonias also liked the feeding: the ever-flowering one, for example, gave 4 powerful side shoots at once, and flowering increased. houseplants
— The pandanus has new leaves not only at the top, but also from under the leaves of the first, second and third row. floriculture
— Aglaonemas produced new leaves, some gave birth to babies.
— Cuttings of tangerines, ficuses, chlorophytums, peperomia, alocasia, syngoniums, and oleanders gave good growth of leaves.
— Opuntia
It first burst out with spines, and then released 12 lateral segments.
— A cutting of African portulacaria that had not taken root for a long time produced 2 side shoots.
— The Decembrist agave liked the “treat”; the growth of leaves on the Crassula and Agave plants noticeably perked up. floriculture

— Separately, I would like to talk about the application succinic acid for cacti and succulents. I didn’t expect them to grow quickly, but I was very surprised when a month later the haworthia released 10 babies at once. houseplants
— The cacti were happy too.

However, I do not recommend reapplying succinic acid to cacti and succulents: a reverse reaction may occur. floriculture
Fertilizer should be applied once or repeated no more than once every 2 years.

Properties of succinic acid for plants

Due to the excellent natural utilization of succinic acid in nature, it does not pollute environment. Therefore (and not only) it is often used for plants. fertilizers for indoor plants
It is an excellent plant growth regulator, improves the absorption of substances from the soil, and also helps plants cope with various types of stress.
Succinic acid normalizes the natural microflora of the soil and the vital activity of microorganisms found in it. floriculture
Treating plants with acid increases resistance to adverse environmental influences. houseplants
Its use in relation to certain parts of plants, accordingly, stimulates growth: treatment of roots - root growth, young shoots - growth of new shoots. fertilizers for indoor plants
succinic acid is an excellent resuscitator for plants.
It is used to treat seeds and cuttings before planting. various plants to improve germination and increase stability.

Dosage of succinic acid

To prepare working solutions suitable for spraying and soaking, 1 g of succinic acid must be dissolved in a small amount of warm water. This is how we make a strong solution of succinic acid. The volume of solution after this cold water bring to 1 liter. That is, it turned out to be a solution of 1 g per 1 liter - a one percent solution. floriculture
Next, to obtain a 0.02% solution of succinic acid, you need to dilute 200 ml of one percent cold water to 1 liter.

Very interesting! I haven’t heard of peroxide yet, I need to try it, I’ll go to Yandex

Here's what I found, if it's still interesting....

It is known that seeds contain inhibitors that prevent germination. In nature, they are destroyed through the process of natural oxidation. In agricultural practice, to increase germination, soaking seeds in a solution of hydrochloric acid is used.

Hydrogen peroxide is used to destroy inhibitors. Using a spray bottle, moisten the sown seeds with a 1% peroxide solution. In this case, the oxidation of the inhibitor occurs quickly and, at the same time, the entire plate with the crop is disinfected. When hydrogen peroxide decomposes, only water remains. Exceeding the selected concentration does not cause any harm to the seeds. The method can also be used when sowing in canning jars. Hydrogen peroxide is also added to irrigation water, and the resulting effect can be compared with the effect of polarized water, which, according to available data, has a relatively large stimulating effect on the germination and growth of plants. Water the crops with a 0.3% hydrogen peroxide solution once every 4-5 days.

A relatively high concentration of the solution is chosen for the purpose of disinfection and, thanks to this, the seeding medium is constantly disinfected. Seedlings are maintained in good condition until harvesting. They dive from a moderately moist substrate to a moist one. From the point of view of the recommendations of authorities, this is heresy, but it is faster, and the losses are minimal. After diving, the seedlings are sprayed with a 0.3% peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide is also used in operations on plants. A 3% peroxide solution can disinfect any wounds. After the peroxide decomposes, the wound is covered with latex. A 3% peroxide solution can also be used for the purpose of so-called root hygiene. At the same time, peroxide eliminates everything bad. However, one must come to terms with the loss of fine hair-like roots that cannot survive this therapy.

For watering household and garden plants add a little 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water (60 ml per 3 liters of water). Water or spray the plants with this composition. This disinfects the soil and protects against pests.

Plants like rainwater much better (due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide) than tap water. However, with increasing pollution atmospheric air there are more toxins in it than useful compounds, which also affects the quality of rainwater. To compensate, many farmers in Europe and the United States increase crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide. You can apply this method to your indoor plants by adding 20 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water. If you want to get an effective and safe insecticide, spray the plants with the following mixture: 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 100 g of sugar and 2 liters of water.

Houseplants, like garden plants, require feeding. Many apply different means for flowers. Hydrogen peroxide is one of them. More details about this fertilizer are described in the article.

What is hydrogen peroxide?

The chemical composition of the product includes 2 atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. Now you can purchase an aqueous solution with a concentration of the active component of 3 or 5%. In appearance, it is a colorless liquid with little or no odor.

In light, the substance decomposes with the release of oxygen. Other concentrated forms include hydroperite in tablets and perhydrol - used for lightening hair and disinfecting premises. A solution is suitable for fertilizing plants.

Why are fertilizing necessary?

But it also happens that all the rules of care are followed, but the flower still does not grow as it should. In this case, it may have a lack of nutritional components. Then feeding is needed. Hydrogen peroxide is often used for this. This remedy is much more accessible than many others, and it is no less effective.

Hydrogen peroxide as a top dressing

There are many methods for improving the health of plants. For this, egg water, honey, and sugar are used. Is it possible to water flowers with hydrogen peroxide? This fertilizer will be very useful. Using this tool you will get:

  1. Eliminate harmful bacteria that interfere with development and flowering.
  2. Accelerate flowering.
  3. Protect from root rot.

But before using hydrogen peroxide for flowers, it is necessary to remove wilted and dry leaves and rotten flowers. You will also need to loosen the soil. If the flower is damaged, peroxide will work as a disinfectant.

Benefits for indoor plants

Almost all plants in apartments suffer due to:

  1. Dry air.
  2. Lack of sun light.

These problems slow down the process of photosynthesis. That's why they use this product for flowers. Hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of these problems and improve the condition of plants. Moreover, both watering and spraying are effective.

Application as fertilizer

If hydrogen peroxide is used, no other fertilizers should be used. And if another component is added, there may be oversaturation. The only thing that is not harmful is the sugar that is added to the water for irrigation.


What is usually used for Many people use settled water that was collected from the tap. But flowers need rainwater. This liquid ensures normal plant growth.

But another method will allow you to achieve this effect. How to water flowers with hydrogen peroxide? You will need 1 liter of water, to which 2 tbsp is added. l. medicinal product. The composition must be stirred, and you can start feeding the plant.

Hydrogen peroxide should be used once every 5 days. Often this should not be done. The product is suitable for spraying flowers. If you perform the procedures regularly, there will be a noticeable improvement in the condition of the plants.

Improved growth and protection

There is peroxide in rainwater; this natural phenomenon is called “natural purification”. After rain, plants bloom better and grow well. Plus they are cured.

This property is inherent in nature. Therefore, there are fields of wild flowers without fertilizers, and they bloom better than those that are fed. For flowers, hydrogen peroxide performs this task perfectly. The composition of the product is similar to the components of rainwater, so after several fertilization procedures you can notice the transformation of indoor plants.

Use in floriculture

Hydrogen peroxide is used for indoor flowers and garden plants. This tool used in seedling processing:

Fertilizing flowers with hydrogen peroxide - effective remedy eliminate many problems. It is enough to perform procedures with it regularly, and you will soon notice an excellent effect.

To ensure that hydrogen peroxide benefits your plants, you need to consider the following tips:

  1. The solution is used for various wounds on the plant.
  2. Watering seedlings with the product saturates the soil and root system oxygen, eliminates bacteria.
  3. If you soak the seeds before planting, this improves their germination.
  4. Watering should be done once every 4-5 days.
  5. After planting, the plants should be sprayed daily.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide should not be used if there are white spots on the soil.

Due to the oxidative effect, water quality improves. Peroxide has a negative effect on chlorine, pesticides, and organic impurities. Regularly watering and spraying with this product will improve flowering and also rid the plant of pests.

Other fertilizers

There are other methods for improving the condition of plants:

  1. Water (0.5 liters) with sugar (0.5 tsp) is used as a top dressing. Or you can sprinkle a pinch of sugar on the ground before watering. This method works great for all plants.
  2. Castor oil is excellent for those plants that do not bloom. You will need to add 1 tsp. products for 1 liter of water.
  3. Aloe juice, like sugar, is perfect for all house plants. Add 1 tsp to water (1.5 liters).
  4. Aspirin boosts immunity through spraying. It is enough to dissolve 1 tablet in water (1 liter).
  5. Another type of feeding is banana peel, as it is rich in vitamins and microelements. It is used for transplanting (should be crushed and placed on drainage).
  6. Egg water is also used as fertilizer. You should not pour out the liquid from boiling the eggs; it must be cooled and you can water the plants.
  7. Vitamin B12 is perfect for feeding violets. One ampoule dissolves in water (1 liter). It is necessary to water the solution no more than once every 2 weeks.
  8. Citrus peels are used to improve the condition of plants. You will need 1-2 pieces, which need to be filled with water (1 liter) for a day. Then you can water the flowers with the solution.
  9. Wood ash allows you to fill the soil with essential microelements and also protect flowers from diseases. It should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and left to steep for 6-7 days. Plants should be watered with the solution once every 9 days.
  10. Used for watering mushroom infusion. The fruits are crushed and soaked in water (1 liter). Then the liquid must be drained and the mushrooms filled with new water, after a day the solution is ready for watering. It should be used no more than once every 5 days.

Hydrogen peroxide is a cheap and accessible means of improving the condition of plants. You should not buy expensive fertilizers, many of which contain chemical components. Thanks to this substance, it will be possible to maintain plants in perfect order.

Novice flower growers do not always know that just light and water are not enough for the year-round fragrance of green pets. Even the most nutritious soil in pots becomes scarce after a couple of months, because the plant “eats” all the macro- and micronutrients. Therefore, experienced indoor plant lovers follow the feeding schedule for the home flower garden to ensure all its needs are met. But even for experienced plant growers, the use of hydrogen peroxide for indoor plants often raises doubts. But in vain. Numerous reviews from fans of indoor greens indicate the exceptional benefits of the drug for the growth and health of plants.

general characteristics

Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent liquid, practically odorless and tasteless, called a compound containing two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, one of which is easily released in air. It is the property of releasing an additional oxygen atom that is used in plant growing. Oxygen itself is not a necessary element for indoor plants, since they produce it themselves. So how is the drug useful for flowers?

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear liquid

Benefits and harms

A medical product that is available in any pharmacy, 3% hydrogen peroxide, is used as a disinfectant and wound-healing drug. This effect is explained precisely by the very oxygen atom, which, when released, has such an effect on the affected areas of the body.

When sprayed, oxygen disinfects leaves and stems

Using such an effective means of protecting and supporting indoor plants without observing the proportions and schedule for applying the drug, the gardener will achieve the opposite result - abuse will result in problems. They consist in the fact that with too frequent treatments and watering with peroxide, plants, especially young ones, lose their own ability to protect against problems - immunity is reduced or killed completely. This is especially true for young plants. Therefore valid Golden Rule crop production: a sense of proportion is the key to health.

Watering plants

There is an opinion that the “extra” oxygen atom makes water enriched with peroxide closer in composition to rainwater, which explains the benefits of such irrigation. Enough per liter tap water add 2 tablespoons of the drug and we get a basic peroxide solution.

By receiving an “oxygen supplement,” the soil in the container is cleared of any pathogenic components, and the roots receive preventive treatment. After all, the grower will not know that the roots are damaged by a fungal disease due to excessive watering, for example, gray rot, until symptoms appear on the surface of the flower. And peroxide, decomposing in the soil and releasing oxygen, can stop the problem and reduce the consequences to zero.

You cannot rely only on a miracle drug - compliance with all watering rules is necessary:

  1. Before watering, the surface of the substrate in the container is always cleared of fallen leaves and other debris that can cause rotting and reproduction of insects.
  2. It is necessary to water indoor plants in such a way that the earthen ball is completely saturated. The accumulated excess moisture must be drained 20-30 minutes after irrigation so as not to provoke putrefactive processes.
  3. After watering, it is useful to lightly loosen upper layer soil to provide oxygen access to the roots.
  4. We must not forget that for some plants (violets, orchids) watering is recommended only through a tray.

Watering with peroxide is carried out no more than every other week.


When spraying, it is important to treat the entire plant without missing closed areas ( downside leaves, lower part of the stem).

Fertilizer for flowers

The use of hydrogen peroxide for indoor flowers is even possible for the purpose of fertilizer. Just a tablespoon is enough to turn ordinary water into a life-giving balm for plants, which is especially important in winter.

To feed indoor flowers, there are many ways - from improvised means (yeast, onion and garlic peels, tea and coffee and many others) to universal complexes from fertilizer manufacturers. Alternating different types fertilizing, you can satisfy all the needs of flowers, achieving maximum decorative effect. Peroxide occupies not the last place in the range of fertilizers.

Fertilizing houseplants with peroxide

A liter of water with one tablespoon of peroxide is enough to provide the root system with additional oxygen, which in itself is a powerful stimulus for development. It is oxygen that is the very element with which the peroxide solution enriches the soil in which indoor plants live.

Soaking the seeds

For the preparation of planting material- seeds - peroxide has a double meaning:

  1. It affects inhibitors (the shell of many seeds contains substances that protect against premature pecking of the kernel, inhibiting the development of the seed, thereby ensuring a dormant period). Seeds treated with peroxide germinate easier and faster.
  2. Everyone who prepares planting material on their own treats the seeds in various compositions (potassium permanganate, stimulants) to prevent diseases. Peroxide is also suitable for these purposes - saving on the fight against inhibitors, the sprout develops into a strong, strong plant.

To saturate the seeds with life-giving oxygen, half a glass of water requires a teaspoon of the drug and 3-4 hours of soaking the seeds in this solution.


If you add 30-40 drops of iodine to the base solution - two tablespoons per liter - you will get an excellent means of preventing the appearance of many pests: spider mite, mealybug, scale insects and aphids, nematodes and thrips. For protection, it is enough to thoroughly spray all indoor plants, from violets to roses and orchids, every 7-10 days, but not superficially, but very intensively, with different sides, irrigating the internal parts of both the upper and lower leaves, stems and shoots.

Spraying a houseplant

If pests have already been noticed, then add 1-2 tbsp to the solution. spoons of medical alcohol, a few drops liquid soap(preferably green, especially for treating indoor flowers) and spray the plants just as thoroughly.

If there are suspicions about the development of root rot, then add phosphorus fertilizer to the base solution and water the plant generously: the pot should not stand in a tray, immediately place it in a bathtub or sink so that all the water drains without stagnating.

Of course, hydrogen peroxide is not a panacea, but in the arsenal of every gardener it is unique and accessible remedy takes its rightful place.