Summary: Fuel industry. Report: Fuel industry

The fuel industry is part of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation.
This industry includes: oil, oil refining, gas, coal, peat, shale, uranium mining.
Fuel - a group of resources used mainly to obtain thermal, mechanical and electrical energy.

Fuel is classified:
By physical condition:
- gaseous;
- solid;
- liquid.

How to receive:
- natural, mined directly from the earth (coal, oil, natural gas, shale, peat, firewood, uranium);
- artificial, resulting from the processing of natural fuels and other substances (coke, fuel oil, gasoline, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, etc.).

The fuel industry location factors are considered to be a set of conditions for the most rational choice of the location of an economic facility, groups of facilities, an industry, or a specific territorial organization of the economic structure of the republic, economic region and territorial production complex.

The whole variety of factors that have a huge impact on the location of production can be combined into related groups:
natural factors, including the economic assessment of individual natural conditions and resources for the development of individual industries and regions;
economic factors, including measures for the protection of nature and its rational use of natural resources;
demographic factors, which are understood as settlement systems, the provision of individual territories of the country with labor resources.

These factors should also include the state of the social infrastructure. An important role in the rational distribution of the country's productive forces is played by economic, geographical and economic factors.

When placing individual industries, depending on natural factors it is necessary to single out industries gravitating towards sources of raw materials. This group of industries includes all branches of the fuel industry: oil, coal, gas, etc.

When locating branches of the fuel industry, the economic assessment of resources is especially important: the mining and geological conditions of a particular resource, the thickness of the reservoir, the depth of occurrence, the size of reserves, especially balance, quality (calorific value of coal, component composition of oil or gas, etc.).
At the same time, the transport factor is important for the location of fuel industries; availability of railways, waterways, pipelines, etc. At the same time, the conditions for the construction of certain types of transport, the capacity of, for example, railways, the availability of vehicles, rolling stock of railways or vessels for water transportation, their carrying capacity, as well as the cost of transporting the extracted raw materials to its consumer are taken into account.

An important factor for the development and rational distribution of the fuel industry is the level of scientific and technological progress, which ensures the greatest efficiency in the extraction of a particular resource. Not unimportant factor in the fuel industry is the availability of electricity production areas.

Thus, when analyzing the features of the location of the fuel industry, one should take into account a combination of factors with the decisive importance of the proximity of objects with the decisive importance of the approximation of resource extraction objects to the raw material base.

Refinery. Photo: Alexander Meins


Oil industry

The Russian oil industry is based on nine vertically integrated oil and gas companies (VIOCs). They own approximately 80.7% of Russia's proven oil reserves and provide the vast majority of the country's oil production. In 2009, the share of VIOCs in the total Russian oil production was 87%.
Most of the leaders of Russian oil production are based in the West Siberian OGB. The leading positions in oil production here are occupied by Rosneft holdings, OJSC Surgutneftegaz, LUKOIL Group, OJSC TNK-BP Holding. Rosneft, in addition, is producing in almost all other oil and gas regions of Russia. The LUKOIL Group has large production facilities in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Komi, the Perm Territory and the North Caucasus.

The remaining VIOCs have reserves and produce oil, as a rule, in one or two Russian regions. The oil production of the Gazprom Neft holding is concentrated in the Yamal-Nenets, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Tomsk Region.
In 2011, Russia produced 511 million tons of oil. This amounted to about 13% of world oil production.

Gas industry

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of production, explored reserves and predicted gas resources and provides about 20% of its world production. The gas industry provides more than 50% of domestic energy consumption, about 15% of foreign exchange earnings from Russian exports, and about 5% of tax revenues to the Russian budget system.

The gas industry in Russia is primarily Gazprom, which is the world's largest gas producing company.
In 2009, natural gas production in Russia (excluding volumes of flared gas) amounted to 582 trillion cubic meters.

Oil refining industry

Oil refining in Russia is carried out at 28 large oil refineries (refineries), as well as more than 200 mini-refineries, less than half of which operate legally. The total capacity of processing facilities in Russia is 279 million tons.
The largest enterprises in the refining sector are the Kirishinefteorgsintez Refinery with an installed primary oil refining capacity of 19.8 million tons per year, the Omsk Refinery (19.5 million tons), the Ryazan Refinery (19.1 million tons), the Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez Refinery (17 million tons) and the Yaroslavnefteorgsintez Refinery (14 million tons).

The main production facilities are located mainly near the areas of consumption of petroleum products: in the European part of the country - in the Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Leningrad regions, Krasnodar Territory, in the south of Siberia and the Far East - in the cities of Omsk, Angarsk, Achinsk, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In addition, refineries have been built in Bashkiria, the Samara Region and the Perm Territory - regions that were once the largest centers of oil production. Subsequently, when oil production moved to Western Siberia, oil refining capacities in the Urals and the Volga region became redundant.

Currently, the oil and oil products market in Russia is dominated by several oil companies with a vertically integrated structure (VIOC), which produce and refine oil, as well as sell oil products, both in large wholesale and through their own supply and marketing network. The situation on the oil products market depends entirely on the strategy of oil companies, which is formed under the influence of oil prices, commodity structure and geography of demand. VIOCs own more than 70% of the country's processing capacities. By the beginning of 2010, Rosneft and LUKOIL had the largest installed capacities, they are also leaders in terms of oil refining, 49.6 million tons and 44.3 million tons, respectively. In total, this is almost 40% of raw materials processed in Russia.

In 2009, Russian refineries received 238 million tons of oil; this amounted to 49.8% of the raw materials produced in the country and less than 7% of the volume of oil refining in the world. Almost all oil is processed at 28 major refineries, mini-refineries accounted for 2.8% of Russian oil refining. Production of basic oil products in 2009 amounted to 176 million tons, including VIOCs produced 155 million tons of basic oil products, OAO Gazprom - 3.9 million tons. Independent companies produced 57.5 million tons of oil products.

In 2011, tripartite modernization agreements (of oil companies, the government and the Federal Antimonopoly Service) were concluded, which stipulate that by 2015 Russia will produce about 180 million tons of light oil products. The agreements stated that during the modernization of the refinery for the period up to 2020, oil companies will reconstruct and build 124 secondary process units at the refinery. As of the spring of 2012, work was underway to reconstruct and build 40 units, the commissioning of which is planned to be carried out in the period 2013-2015; construction of secondary process units scheduled for commissioning in 2016-2020 was mainly at the planning or basic design stage.

coal industry

In 2011, 336 million tons of coal were mined in Russia. At the beginning of 2012, it was noted that the production of Russian coal over the past ten years has increased by about a quarter, the volume of its exports - by almost 3 times.
The main region of coal production in Russia is Kuzbass, which accounts for about 60% of coal production in the country.

Refinery in Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region

Fuel industry is part of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation.

Concept and components

The fuel industry includes industries that are engaged in processing and extraction various kinds fuel. The leading branches of the fuel industry in Russia are the oil, coal and gas industries.

Oil industry

Oil is used exclusively in processed form. These are products such as kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil and diesel fuel. Petroleum products also serve as raw materials for chemical production.

At the moment, Russia ranks second in the world in terms of natural oil reserves. The main base for oil production is Western Siberia, where more than 70% of oil wells are concentrated.

The largest oil fields are Surgut, Samotlor, Megion. Oil reserves are also present on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Kara Sea, but oil production in these regions has not yet been carried out.

It should be noted that the majority of oil refineries are located in the European part of Russia. From Western Siberia oil enters this region through oil pipelines. Thanks to the Druzhba oil pipeline, part of the unrefined oil is transported to European countries.

Gas industry

Gas is a valuable chemical raw material and the cheapest type of fuel. By gas reserves the Russian Federation occupies a leading position in the world. Over 700 gas fields are located on the territory of our state. The largest deposits are the Yamburgskoye and Urengoyskoye deposits.

The gas of this region has a very complex composition, so processing plants are located directly near the extraction sites. To date, gas production projects are being developed in such regions as Yakutia, the Irkutsk region and Sakhalin.

To export gas, a unified gas pipeline system was created, through which this fuel is transported to Western Europe, Turkey, Ukraine, the Baltic states and Belarus.

coal industry

Despite the fact that the natural reserves of coal in Russia are very large, its production costs the state much more than the extraction of other types of fuel.

Today, coal is used as a fuel for industrial facilities, as well as raw materials for the chemical industry and ferrous metallurgy. The main areas of coal mining are concentrated in Siberia.

Problems of the fuel industry

The coal industry is currently the most problematic branch of the fuel industry in Russia: due to worn-out equipment, the rate of coal production is extremely low, and the ecology of the regions also suffers because of this.

The development of gas and oil fields on the shelves of the seas requires serious environmental preparation, since these seas are very rich in seafood and expensive fish.

Natural resource potential of Russia

3. The main fuel bases of Russia

Fuel industry. Russia is one of the few countries in the world that is not only fully provided with all types of fuel resources, but also in large quantities delivers them to other countries. Russia accounts for 10% of the world's oil reserves, more than 40% of gas and more than 50% of coal. The geological knowledge of the territory of Russia is relatively weak, so the real fuel resources are likely to be much larger. In terms of gas production, Russia ranks first, in oil production - second, and coal - fifth place in the world.

Coal, oil and gas are the main fuels. The value of other energy sources (peat, oil shale, firewood) is quite small.

Gas industry. This is the youngest and fastest growing branch of the fuel industry in Russia. Active development of gas reserves began only in the second half of the 20th century. Gas is the only type of fuel whose production in Russia has not been reduced in recent decades.

Gas has a high calorific value, is an environmentally friendly type of fuel, since little toxic substances are released during its combustion. Extraction and transportation of gas are simple. When extracting gas, there is no need for underground work, since gas can be pumped from the surface. Transportation of gas through gas pipelines is relatively cheap.

The largest gas reserves are in the West Siberian economic region of the country (Figure 2), where more than 85% of Russian gas is produced in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the lower reaches of the Ob and Taza rivers. The largest gas fields in the country and the world are located here - Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Medvezhye, Zapolyarnoye, etc. Only these four fields account for half of the gas production.

In much smaller volumes, gas is produced in the south of the Urals, in the Northern economic region, in the Volga region, in the North Caucasus, and in the Far East.

The Yamal and Gydansky peninsulas (the north of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), the shelf zone are promising for gas Barents Sea and the Sakhalin Islands.

Figure 2 - Share of economic regions in gas production, %

Oil industry. Russia is rich in oil. The maximum volume of oil production was reached in 1988, when almost a fifth of the world's oil production was produced in Russia. However, in recent decades, oil production in the country has decreased by almost 2 times. Currently, the decline in oil production has stopped, and the growth of its production has begun.

Oil in its raw form is not used, it is processed at refineries for gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, various oils and others, and petrochemical enterprises receive a variety of chemical products.

Russia's main oil base is Western Siberia (Figure 3). If gas fields are located in the lower reaches of the Ob, then oil is mainly deposited in its middle course, in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. 70% of the country's oil is produced here. Moreover, West Siberian oil is different high quality- it contains a small amount of sulfur. Unfortunately, the super-rich deposits of Western Siberia are depleted. Ahead is the time of exploitation of relatively small, but numerous fields, in which there is still a lot of oil.

Figure 3 - Share of economic regions in oil production, %

The Volga-Ural oil province is located within the territory of the republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, as well as Perm Territory, Orenburg, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions. The oil in this region is significantly inferior in quality to West Siberian oil, but it lies relatively shallow, which simplifies its extraction.

The Timan-Pechora oil province, located in the northern economic region, is still being developed. There are a large number of explored, but so far undeveloped deposits in the region, including those in the shelf zone of the Barents and Kara Seas.

The Usinskoye field in the Komi Republic is distinguished by its unique production conditions. Due to the high density (density), oil is not pumped out of the ground, but is extracted in mines.

The North Caucasus, Russia's oldest oil-producing region, now plays a minor role. Although the quality of oil here is the best, its reserves are small due to the high depletion of the fields.

In the main production areas, except for Timan-Pechora, there is a significant depletion of oil reserves, and, therefore, a further decline in the level of oil production in the country can be expected. Fortunately, this is not the case. Firstly, there are many promising areas that can significantly expand the raw material base of the industry. These are areas of the European North, Siberia and the Far East, including their shelf zones.

In our country, the areas of production and consumption of fuel are separated by huge distances. Indeed, the main fuel production takes place in the east of the country, while Largest cities and the main industrial centers are located in its western part. Therefore, the importance of oil and gas pipelines is very great.

"right">Table 3

The most important main gas pipelines


Passage areas


Key Points


Tatarstan, Samara, Penza, Tambov, Lipetsk, Orel, Bryansk regions, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia

Almetyevsk, Samara, Penza, Michurinsk, Lipetsk, Orel, Unecha.

Mozyr, Brest, Novopolotsk, Uzhgorod, Mazhekiai, Ventspils

Volga region - Center - North-West

Tatarstan, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan regions, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Leningrad regions

Almetyevsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kirishi

Komi - Center

Komi, Yaroslavskaya

Usinsk, Ukhta, Yaroslavl

Volga - Black Sea

Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov regions, Krasnodar region

Samara, Novokuibyshevsk, Saratov, Volgograd, Salsk, Novorossiysk, Tuapse

The pipeline system crosses our country from east to west (Tables 3 and 4). The length of the main (largest) pipelines in Russia exceeds 200 thousand km. Branches from them create a developed network, especially dense in the European part of the country. Part of the pipelines goes beyond the borders of our country, ensuring the supply of fuel to the countries of the near and far abroad. As you know, Russia is the largest exporter of oil and gas in Europe. An oil pipeline is currently under construction Eastern Siberia- Pacific Ocean.

"right">Table 4

The most important main oil pipelines

Coal industry. Coal is inferior to oil and gas in many respects. Its heat of combustion is much lower. At the same time, the cost of its extraction is much higher. To raise coal to the surface, it is necessary to use powerful and complex equipment, the work of many people. There are two methods of coal mining - open (quarry) and closed (mine). Especially expensive is coal mined in mines, since the mine is an extremely complex underground structure. In terms of the number of workers, the coal industry significantly outnumbers all other fuel industries.

Since the transportation of coal is carried out mainly by rail, it is much more expensive than the transportation of oil and gas through pipelines. As a result, coal is more expensive fuel. However, he remains one of the the most important types fuel in our country. The explanation for this is simple. First, Russia's coal reserves are huge. According to experts, they can last for many hundreds, and possibly thousands of years. Therefore, coal is actively used to generate heat and generate electricity. Secondly, it is difficult to find a replacement for coal in some sectors of the economy. This primarily concerns metallurgy, which is one of the major consumers of coal.

For the needs of thermal power engineering and metallurgy, different coal is used. For thermal power generation, types of coal with a high calorific value are needed. They are called so - energy coals. The best of them is anthracite. In metallurgy, another type of coal is used - coking. After special treatment, impurities are removed from it, and almost pure carbon remains - coke. It is coke that is used as fuel in the production of pig iron. Coking coals are much less common than thermal coals. Almost 75% of all occurring in earth's crust coals are energy. Therefore, when assessing coal basins, the presence of coking coals there must be taken into account.

Anthracite and coking coal belong to the group of hard coals. In addition to stone, there is also brown coal. As a fuel, brown coal is significantly inferior to stone. Its heat of combustion is almost 2 times less. It contains a lot of ash particles, and therefore, when burned, brown coal smokes very strongly. Nevertheless, in some regions of the country, the reserves of this coal are large, and the conditions of occurrence allow open mining, so it is widely used. True, it is unprofitable to carry brown coal over long distances. Therefore, brown coal is used only in mining areas.

The location of the coal industry in Russia, of course, depends on the location of coal deposits in the country. They are mainly concentrated in the eastern regions of Russia (Table 5). More than 90% of coal reserves are located here. The eastern regions also provide 3/4 of the country's coal production (Figure 4). The main role in the all-Russian production of coal is played by the Kuznetsk (Kemerovo region) and Kansk-Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) basins located here.

The Kuznetsk Basin (Kuzbass) is the absolute leader in Russia in terms of coal production. More than half of Russian coal is mined here. Huge reserves, thick coal seams, excellent quality of coal, including coking coal, make the basin one of the largest and best in the world. Almost half of the coal is mined here open way. Despite its considerable remoteness from world markets, Kuzbass is the largest exporter of Russian coal.

"right">Table 5

Characteristics of the most important coal basins in Russia

coal basins

Coal reserves, billion tons

Share in the country's coal production, %

Thickness of coal seams, m

Coal mining method


Anthracite, coking

open, closed




Coking, anthracite


Vostochny, Donbass



Figure 4 - Coal mining by economic regions, %

The Kansk-Achinsk basin has layers of brown coal of great thickness, which occur almost at the earth's surface. This creates conditions for relatively cheap open mining coal. But the coal here is low-calorie, of low quality. Therefore, it is mainly used in the mining area for the production of electricity. The widespread use of this coal has led to a significant deterioration in air quality in the settlements of the region.

The Pechora basin is the largest in terms of reserves and coal production in the European part of the country. Significant depth of occurrence (200-600 m), small power layers (1-2 m), complex natural conditions The arctic regions make it difficult to extract, lead to additional costs that increase the cost of coal. Coking coal accounts for 3/5 of the total production volume.

Eastern Donbass is located in the west of the Rostov region. In general, the Donetsk coal basin is located on the border with Ukraine, and most of it is outside of Russia. Coal has been mined here for more than 100 years, so all the most convenient and rich seams have already been worked out. Now mining is carried out at very great depths. Some mines exceed a kilometer depth. The thickness of the coal layers is very small, in some places it does not exceed a few centimeters. As a result, coal is very expensive.

Coal is mined in the South Yakutsk basin, in Neryungri. Here comes the thread railway- a branch from the Baikal-Amur Mainline, which allows you to send products to Russian consumers and export to Japan.

The Tunguska, Taimyr, Lena basins are the largest in the world in terms of coal reserves. They contain power and coking coals, but are not yet developed due to the poor economic development of the territory, the almost complete absence of transport routes and remoteness from consumers. In Russia, 2/3 of coal is mined in an open way, in Kuzbass - about half, in the Kansk-Achinsk basin - 100%. Exclusively in the mines, mining is carried out in the Pechora and Donetsk basins.

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The fuel and energy complex (FEC) is a set of industries associated with the production and distribution of energy in its various types and forms.

The fuel and energy complex includes industries for the extraction and processing of various types of fuel (fuel industry), the electric power industry and enterprises for the transportation and distribution of electricity.

An important indicator characterizing the work of the fuel and energy complex is the fuel and energy balance (FEB).

The fuel and energy balance is the ratio of the production of various types of fuel, the energy generated from them and their use in the economy. The energy obtained by burning different fuels is not the same, therefore, for comparison different types of fuel, it is converted into the so-called conditional fuel, the calorific value is 1 kg. which is equal to 7 thousand kcal. When recalculated into standard fuel, the so-called thermal coefficients are used, by which the amount of the recalculated type of fuel is multiplied. So, if 1 ton is equated to 1 ton of reference fuel, the coefficient of coal is 1, oil - 1.5, and peat - 0.5.

The ratio of different types of fuel in the fuel and energy balance of the country is changing. So, if until the mid-60s he played the main role, then in the 70s the share of coal decreased, and oil increased (they were discovered). Now the share of oil is declining and the share of gas is increasing (because it is more profitable to use oil as a chemical raw material).

The development of the fuel and energy complex is associated with a number of problems:

Stocks of energy resources are concentrated in the eastern regions of the country, and the main areas of consumption in the western. To solve this problem, development was planned in the western part of the country, but after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the implementation of this program slowed down. There were also economic difficulties with the accelerated extraction of fuel in the east and its transfer to the west.
Fuel production is becoming more and more expensive and therefore it is necessary to introduce more and more energy-saving technologies.
The increase in fuel and energy companies has a negative impact on environment therefore, during construction, a thorough examination of projects is required, and the choice of a place for them should take into account the requirements of environmental protection.
Fuel industry: composition, location of the main areas of fuel production, development problems.

The fuel industry is part of the fuel and energy complex. It includes industries for the extraction and processing of various types of fuel. The leading branches of the fuel industry are gas and coal.

Oil industry. In its raw form, oil is almost never used, but during processing, high-quality fuel (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil) and a variety of compounds that serve as raw materials for are obtained. It ranks second in the world in terms of oil reserves.

The main base of the country is Western Siberia (70% of oil production). The largest deposits are Samotlor, Surgut, Megion. The second largest base is Volgo-. It has been developed for almost 50 years, so the reserves are greatly depleted. Of the largest deposits, one should name - Romashkinskoye, Tuimazinskoye, Ishimbayevsky.

Part of the oil is processed, but most of the refineries are located in the European part of Russia. Oil is transferred here through oil pipelines, part of the oil is transferred through the Druzhba oil pipeline to.

Gas industry. Gas is the cheapest type of fuel and a valuable chemical raw material. In terms of gas reserves, Russia ranks first in the world.

700 deposits have been explored in our country. The main gas production base is Western Siberia, and largest deposits- Urengoy and Yamburg. The second largest gas production base is Orenburg-Astrakhan. The gas of this region has a very complex composition; large gas processing complexes have been built for its processing. Natural gas is also produced in the Timan-Pechora basin (less than 1% of total production), a field has been discovered on the shelf. In the future, it is possible to create another base - the Irkutsk region, Yakutia,.

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The concept and structure of the fuel industry

Fuel industry - a set of mining industries engaged in the extraction and processing of various types of fuel and energy raw materials.

The fuel industry is part of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation.

This industry includes: oil (oil production, oil refining), gas, coal, peat, shale, uranium, wood.

Fuel - a group of resources used mainly to obtain thermal, mechanical and electrical energy.

Fuel is classified:

1) By physical condition:


2) According to the method of obtaining:

Natural, extracted directly from the earth (coal, oil, natural gas, shale, peat, firewood, uranium);

Artificial, resulting from the processing of natural fuels and other substances (coke, fuel oil, gasoline, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, etc.).

In terms of fuel resources, Russia ranks first in the world. Their structure in the regional context is characterized for the most part by a clear predominance of coal, but everywhere it plays a leading role as a condition for the development of the fuel base of industry. In Western Siberia, the Volga region, the North Caucasus and the Urals, oil and natural gas are of paramount importance from this point of view.

Among other minerals, oil and gas occupy a special position in the fuel industry, determined by a number of reasons.

Firstly, oil and gas are raw materials, even a partial replacement of which with an alternative one will require a significant restructuring of the industrial production structure and significant capital investments.

Secondly, oil and gas are consumed in huge scale and at current rates of consumption, oil has a sharp tendency to run out. The transition to the development of qualitatively worse natural characteristics oil and gas resources causes a rapid increase in the costs for these purposes.

Thirdly, being a unique raw material, oil and gas require significant labor costs for their discovery, extraction, transportation and processing.

Features of the fuel industry.

Its products in the further stages of production are transformed into thermal energy.

The widespread need for products of the fuel industry.

Fuel is transported only to the place of combustion, and does not materially participate in the weight composition of new products.

All types of fuel (with the exception of gas) have a huge mass and their transportation requires high costs.

Almost all types of fuel are used in all sectors of the national economy. The main consumer of all types of fuel and energy resources (except motor fuel) is industry. The industry consumes more than half of the total consumption of fuel and energy resources in national economy, about three quarters of boiler and furnace fuel, almost two thirds of electricity and 80% of thermal energy produced centrally at thermal power plants and in large boiler houses.

Russia has huge fuel resources and fully provides itself with them. Reliance on our own fuel and energy resources is a serious advantage of our economy. Russia is considered a major exporter of fuel among the countries of the world. The fuel industry is of great regional importance; it creates the prerequisites for the development of fuel-intensive industries and serves as the basis for the formation of industrial complexes, including petrochemical, coal-chemical, and gas-industrial complexes.

Table 1 Production of primary energy resources by types of fuel in Russia (million tons of reference fuel)

The consumption of primary fuel and energy resources in Russia significantly exceeds that of other countries under consideration, which is quite obvious given the population and GDP produced. At the same time, Russia is noticeably ahead of its partners in the "quartet" and in terms of relative specific energy consumption, which is 4.29 toe. e. per person versus 2.45 - 2.88 toe e. per person in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine (2001). In Russia, this indicator is close to the average per capita energy consumption of industrial countries (OECD - 4.68 toe/person), which could be assessed positively if the energy intensity of GDP is not taken into account. Unfortunately, the energy intensity of Russian GDP, taking into account purchasing power parity, is exactly 2 times higher than that of OECD countries (0.44 and 0.22 toe/thousand dollars, respectively). If we compare GDP in prices and at the exchange rate of 1995, then, according to the IEA, the gap in the energy intensity of GDP increases sharply and exceeds 8 times (Russia - 1.65 toe/thousand dollars; OECD - 0.19 toe/thousand dollars). The comparison of the energy intensity of GDP shows both the potential for energy savings that Russia still has and the possibility of “strengthening” the ruble exchange rate.