Brazil general characteristics of the country. Natural conditions and resources

Brazil- the largest state Latin America... In the north it borders on Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, in the northwest - with Colombia, in the west - with Peru and Bolivia, in the southwest - with Paraguay and Argentina, in the south - with Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The name of the country comes from the Portuguese brasa, which means "heat, hot coals" (as the Portuguese called red sandalwood, which for some time was the main export from Brazil to Europe).

Official name: federal Republic Brazil

Capital: Brasilia

The area of ​​the land: 8 547.4 thousand sq. km

Total population: 201.1 million people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 23 states, one metropolitan area and 3 federal territories.

Form of government: Republic, with a federal state structure.

Head of State: President elected for 5 years.

Population composition: Ethnic groups: Whites - 53.9% (Portuguese - 20%; Italians - 14%; Spaniards - 8%; Germans - 6.6%; Arabs - 5.3%); mulattoes - 38.5%; black - 6.2%; Asians - 0.5% (Japanese, etc.); Indians - 0.43% (Tupi Guarani, Arawak, Caribbean, Pano, etc.).

There is also Sambo (Afro-Indians) and Pardo (brown) - their number is not known exactly.

Official language: Portuguese. Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Ukrainian, English and Native American languages ​​are also used.

Religion: 73.6% - Catholics, 15.4% - Protestants, 1.3% - Spiritualists, 0.3% - Bantu / Voodoo, 7.4% - Atheists, 2% - Others.

Internet domain: .br

Mains voltage: ~ 127 V / 220 V, 60 Hz

Country dialing code: +55

Country barcode: 789-790


Despite the fact that 90% of the country's territory is located in the tropical zone, more than 60% of the Brazilian population lives in a zone of moderate temperatures, formed under the influence of prevailing heights, winds blowing from the sea and fronts of cold air.

Brazil has five climatic types: equatorial, tropical, semi-arid, tropical highland, and subtropical. Plain cities such as São Paulo, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte have moderate temperatures with an average of + 19 degrees.

The coastal cities of Rio de Janeiro, Recife and Salvador have a hot climate that softens tropical winds.

The subtropical climate of southern cities such as Porto Alegre and Curitiba is comparable to some regions of the United States and Europe that experience periodic frosts. In winter, in this zone, the temperature can drop below zero.

Despite the popular belief that unbearable heat reigns in the Amazon basin, the temperature in this area does not exceed + 32 degrees, and its average annual value is + 22-26 degrees with minor seasonal fluctuations in the hottest and coldest months of the year.

The hottest region in Brazil is the northeast. During the drought period, which lasts from May to November, the air temperature in the northeast rises to + 38 degrees. Compared to the Amazon, this region of Brazil is characterized by sharper seasonal temperature fluctuations. Along the Atlantic coast from Recife to Rio de Janeiro average temperature ranges from + 23 to + 27 degrees.

In the highlands in the interior of the country, the temperature drops to + 18-23 degrees. South of Rio de Janeiro, differences between seasons become more pronounced and seasonal temperature fluctuations more pronounced. In this region of the country, the average annual temperature is from + 17 to + 19 degrees.

The seasons in Brazil are distributed as follows:

Spring: from September 22 to December 21
Summer: from December 22 to March 21
Autumn: from 22 March to 21 June
Winter: from June 22 to September 21


Brazil is located in South America and covers an area of ​​8,547.4 thousand square meters. km. Most of the territory is located in the Southern Hemisphere.

Brazil is bordered in the north by the French overseas department of Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela and Colombia; in the west - from Peru; in the southwest - with Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. In the east, Brazil is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The length of the coastline from the border with Guiana to the border with Uruguay is 6840 km.

The main features of geography are the Amazon Basin and the Brazilian Highlands or Plateau. The plateau occupies most of the southeastern half of the country. The height of the plateau is from 300 to 900 meters, in many places it is crossed by river valleys and low mountain ranges.

The main mountain ranges of the Brazilian plateau are Sierra da Mantiqueira, Sierra do Mar and Sierra Geral. Their height usually does not exceed 1200 meters, however, individual peaks rise to a height of more than 2200 meters (Pica da Bandeira - 2890 meters and Nedra Aku - 2232 meters).

The largest rivers are the Amazon, Madeira, Tapajos, Rio Negru, Parnaiba, Uruguay.

The Amazon Basin covers more than one third of the territory. Plains prevail there, and the height of the territory rarely exceeds 150 m. Most of the basin is occupied by swamps and flooded floodplains, as well as dense jungle.

In the north of the Amazon Basin there is a mountain range - the Guiana Highlands - consisting of Sierra Tumukumake (altitude up to 850 m), Sierra Akari (up to 600 m) and Sierra Parima (up to 1500 m). On the border with Venezuela, there is the highest point in Brazil - Mount Pica da Neblina (3014 m).

A very special natural area of ​​Brazil Pantanal (port. "Marshland") It is located in the upper reaches of the Paraguay River, almost in the center South America... It is a vast tectonic depression, bounded by the cliffs of the Brazilian Plateau in the north, east and southeast, and by the slopes of the Bolivian Highlands in the west. Rapid mountain rivers flowing from the Brazilian Highlands slow down their run on the low-lying plain and overflow widely during the summer rains, flooding almost the entire depression. During the winter drought, the Pantanal is a mosaic of swamps, lakes and subtle wandering riverbeds, salt marshes, sandbanks and grassy patches.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Variety of climatic zones, together with features drainage system and soils are reflected in the type of Brazilian vegetation. In the Amazon basin, as well as along the Atlantic coast with abundant rainfall, there is a tropical forest with luxurious broad-leaved trees, conditionally divided into the Amazon and the Atlantic.

The rainforest is rich in a variety of plant species: approximately 3.000 different plants on an area of ​​2.6 sq. km.

The plains and plateaus of the east coast are semi-arid climates with moderate rainfall and long dry periods. Low vegetation prevails here, and during dry periods, trees shed their leaves.

In the northwest of the country with a semi-arid climate, caatinga dominates, characterized by dry shrubs and dwarf trees.

Much of the center of Brazil is covered with cerrado, a type of vegetation that is drought tolerant trees and shrubs.

To the south are the pine forests of Mata Araucaria, which occupy the South Highlands. The plains at sea level are covered with pastures.

The wetlands of Mato Grossu, covering 230,000 square kilometers in the west of the central part of the country, are covered with tall grass, weeds and trees. During the rainy season, the soil is flooded.

In Brazil, 55 thousand of the 250 thousand plant species that exist in the world are represented. In Brazil, there are about 250 thousand varieties of palm trees, the largest number in the world, 2.3 thousand species of orchids and a huge number of different fruits, grains, roots and nuts.

Animal world

Brazil is home to 10% of mammals and amphibians, as well as 17% of all birds in the world. In addition, Brazil is home to 55 different types primates are the largest number in the world. Of the twelve types of tropical mammals found in the Western Hemisphere, eleven are found in Brazil, with more than 600 species. This includes several species of the feline family, such as the spotted jaguar, and the smaller ones such as the cougar, succuarana, jaguarundi and ocelot. Other mammals include sloths, anteaters, tapirs, armadillos, dolphins, capivars (river rodents weighing 66 kg) and 30 species of monkeys.

Brazil has the world's largest variety of birds - 1600 different types including parrots. There are at least 40 species of turtles, 120 of lizards, 230 of snakes, 5 of crocodiles, 331 species of amphibians and 1,500 species of freshwater fish. Biologists have cataloged about 100,000 invertebrate species, including 70,000 insects.

The Amazonian jungle is the largest rainforest in the world, covering an area of ​​5.5 million square meters. km., of which 60% are in the Brazilian states of Acri, Amazonas, Para, Mato Grosso and Maranhao. The remaining 40% cover both Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

Amazon forests are the largest nature reserve biological resources world, where 30 thousand of the 100 thousand plants that exist in Latin America are found. It is not known exactly how many animal species live there, but scientists estimate this number to be between 800,000 and 5 million, which is 15 to 30% of all species inhabiting the planet.

Biologists have cataloged new species of freshwater fish, with the result that there are now about 3,000 species of fish in the lakes and rivers of the Amazon. Among the typical fish of the region, the following stand out: piraruku, the largest freshwater fish in the world, individual specimens of which reach 2 meters in length and 125 kilograms in weight; tambaki from the family of caracids, fruit eaters, whose teeth easily gnaw the bones of a rubber tree and jauari palms; and finally piranha.

The ferocity of this bloodthirsty fish is often exaggerated. Despite the fact that occasionally piranhas kill animals of impressive size and even people, their behavior is determined by their number in the environment. In line big rivers and piranha lakes usually do not harm bathers. They become aggressive only when there is a lack of food.

The Amazon is also the largest hydrographic basin in the world, with a total area of ​​6 million square meters. km. The largest river in this basin is the Amazon, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The average water consumption is 175 million liters per second, which corresponds to 20% of the flow of all rivers on the planet.


A country of exotic nature, almost 8 thousand km. picturesque beaches, a cheerful population, ancient Indian traditions and colorful colonial architecture, besides, it is one of the most developed countries continent, Brazil attracts the attention of millions of tourists.

There are practically all conditions for a wide variety of recreational activities, but the most attention, of course, is attracted by the famous Amazon jungle and the pampas of the south, glorified in numerous novels, the Iguazu Falls and mountainous regions, as well as, undoubtedly, the noisy and ever-dancing Rio with its famous Carnival.

  • Cathedral of San Sebastian in Rio de Janeiro
  • Sambodrome Marques de Sapucai
  • Maracanã stadium

Banks and currency

Real Madrid (BRL) equal to 100 centavos. In circulation there are coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 centavos and 1 real, as well as banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 reais.

Money can be exchanged at specialized exchange offices (Cambios), banks (the most favorable rate), exchange offices at travel agencies and shopping centers, hotels (usually only dollars), airports and train stations.

Banks are open from 10.00 to 15.00-16.30 from Monday to Friday. Bank branches at the airport and at major train stations are usually open around the clock.

Useful information for tourists

Traditional shopping - interesting and entertaining souvenirs: Indian vessels, Negro amulets or pau-brazil mahogany products. The best place for buying souvenirs - the Hippie fair on Sunday. Rio also has large shopping centers- Rio Sul and Barra Shopping. Serious shopping to do in Brazil is natural gems: diamonds, emeralds, topaz.

Brazil is one of the ten most criminal countries in the world. It is not recommended to wear expensive jewelry, large sums of money, leave clothes, cameras and wallets unattended on the beach, accept invitations from unfamiliar people. Do not visit torch (slum) areas even during daytime. Never leave documents, money and Jewelry in the hotel room (hotels are not responsible for the loss of things from the room). On the resort outskirts of Rio, in Manaus, at the Iguazu Falls, it is safe.

Tipping in expensive restaurants and bars is 10% of the bill (if it does not include a service charge); in cheap eateries - 1-2 reais; the cafe on the beach is not accepted; the porter at the hotel or airport is given 1 real; the taxi driver is rounded up.

Between meridians 34º47'30 "and 73º59'32" and parallels 5º16'20 "North and 33º44'42" South. 90% of the country's territory is located in the southern hemisphere.

Basic characteristics of Brazil

What is Brazil like? The country occupies half of the South American continent. It holds the fifth place in the world in terms of area. At the same time, Brazil shares borders with almost all the countries of South America, with the exception of Chile and Ecuador. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil unites 26 states, the number of which is marked on the flag with stars.

  • Total area of ​​the territory: 8 514 thousand sq. Km.
  • Length of the land border: 15,719 km.
  • Length of the Atlantic coast: 7,491 km.


With the exception of the mouth of the Amazon, the oceanic coast is very little indented; small islands are located along it. Only the archipelagos Fernando de Noronha, Trinidad and Martin Vas are geographically remote. Brazil is the world leader in the length of Praia do Cassino beach (250 km).


Brazil, located near the equator, whose geographic position determines the presence of a tropical climate, in the southern regions farther from the equator, the climate is already moderate.


Despite the gigantic size of the country, its relief is not very diverse. There are no high mountain ranges. The most high point- the top of Cerro de la Neblina (2994 m). The country is located on two highlands: Brazilian and Guiana, the most ancient on the planet. A significant part of the territory is occupied by the Amazon Plain (4.5 million sq. Km).

Economic and geographical location

Brazil is characterized by a type of economy that is heavily dependent on exports. The main exporters are the neighboring states of the Southern EU, the USA and China. Despite the fact that the country's territory is one of the largest in the world, and its economy is significantly developed, per capita income is low and puts Brazil among the poorest countries.

The most important component of the country's economy is the agricultural sector. Geographical position Brazil, briefly described above, the country's climate determines fertile conditions for land fertility. Agriculture employs 20% of the population, although its share in GDP is only 5%. but Agriculture enables the successful functioning of the agro-industry, whose share is already 35% of GDP.

Brazil is believed to be the first plantation-type land use model. The geographical position of the first plantations is described precisely on the territory of this country. For a long time, agriculture here has been export-oriented, and domestic consumption has grown slowly. Coffee, orange juice, grain, soybeans, sugar, tobacco and cigarettes, cellulose and paper, meat of large cattle, pigs and poultry are the main products that Brazil produces.

Geographical location, climate and the presence of rivers led to the formation of huge forests, where wood is found the highest quality However, there are only a few high-quality trees in the rainforest per hectare, but they are also difficult to obtain in the impassable Brazilian jungle. It is precisely because of the increase in the profitability of growing wood that wild forests are cleared of "useless" plants and thereby destroyed. The most popular varieties of grown trees: acai, cashews, brazil nuts, paraguayan holly (mate), pine nut and etc.

Cattle breeding is another important agricultural industry. For the most part, it is developed in the central and western regions of the country. Most often they are bred in second place (in the south of the country), then - sheep (in the north-east and south of the country).

Brazil is also rich in minerals and minerals. The geographic location of the main mineral deposits (gold, magnesium, nickel, iron, chromium and cobalt) is in the southeast of the country. There are also oil fields in Brazil. However, most of the natural resources are not yet exploited.

Contributes 30% to the country's GDP. The main surge in industrial development occurred in the 1960s, thanks to the import substitution program. The main industrial cities of Brazil are Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, and after the discovery of an oil field, El Salvador was added to them.

Labor is relatively cheap in the country, so enterprises of transnational corporations are developing there. The best developed metallurgy, automotive, aircraft, shipbuilding, chemical industry, especially oil refining and rubber production, agro-industry, fabrics, furniture and building materials.

The service sector occupies a significant share of the economy. However, with the exception of the tourism and finance industries, this sector is at a low level. The situation is best in the center and in the south of the country (on the coast), that is, in the most densely populated areas. In terms of tourism, Brazil is the most popular country in South America among tourists. Most often people come here from Europe and the USA to relax on the beaches, see the beauty of the Amazon and have fun during the famous Brazilian carnivals.

This i know

2. Tell us about the history of the development of Brazil.

Brazil began to settle in 1500, when the first Portuguese landed on the coast. They declared Brazil a Portuguese territory. More and more Portuguese arrived in what is now Brazil. They brought livestock here, sugarcane seeds. Some rice, corn, cotton were also grown here. In Brazil, it was forbidden to grow and produce products that Portugal could supply. Brazil on long time became the richest colony of Portugal, from which diamonds, gold, sugar cane were exported. After the proclamation of the republic in Brazil, the country began to develop very quickly. At the moment, Brazil is a powerful industrial country that is rapidly expanding its economy.

3. What is the main feature in the distribution of the population of Brazil.

The main feature in the distribution of the population is its concentration on the Atlantic coast.

4. How natural conditions affect the Brazilian economy?

Natural conditions affect the specialization of the economy. On the Northeast Coast, they are engaged in the cultivation of sugar cane, cocoa, cotton, soybeans. On the southeast coast, where more precipitation falls, in addition to sugar cane, cereals and oranges are grown. This is the most developed industrial area. Region of the Amazon, swampy, with big amount rainfall and dense forests are poorly developed. Here they collect natural rubber. The interior arid regions of the country are poorly populated and almost undeveloped.

5. Choose the correct answer. Brazil produces mainly for domestic consumption: a) coffee; b) sugar; c) cotton; d) oranges.

6. What is the difference economic activity people living in the Amazon and the Brazilian Highlands? Where is nature most changed by man? (Use the text of the previous paragraphs and the map on page 151.)

The bulk of the industry is concentrated in the southeast of the country. In the Amazon, the economy is developed only in isolated centers: timber and natural rubber are being harvested, minerals are being extracted. The nature of the southeastern coast of the Brazilian Highlands has been most changed by man.

It can

7. Characterize Brazil according to the plan (see the outline of the country profile p. 254 Appendix)

Geographical position

Brazil is the largest state in Latin America, occupying almost half of the continent. The capital is Brasilia. In the north it borders with Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, in the south - with Uruguay, in the west - with Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru, in the northwest - with Colombia. In the north and east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Territory - 8.514.215.3 km²

Features of the relief

In the relief of Brazil, the world's largest Amazonian lowland, the swampy Pantanal lowland, the Brazilian plateau and part of the Guiana plateau are distinguished. The plateaus are characterized by individual high plateaus with steep, often sheer rocky slopes.

Climatic conditions

Brazil is located in the equatorial and subequatorial climatic zones, which leads to a hot climate. Most of the territory falls on the subequatorial belt. The average monthly temperature, regardless of the season, remains within + 18- + 29 ° C. The Amazonian lowland is occupied by humid equatorial forests. More than 3000 mm of precipitation falls here annually. Variable wet forests are located on the coasts. Most of the country is occupied by savannas and woodlands. They are found in the interior arid regions. Precipitation here can fall about 500 mm per year.

Large rivers and lakes

The largest river in the country is the Amazon. On the territory of Brazil, the rivers Uruguay and Parana (with a tributary of Paraguay) and San Francisco also flow. There are relatively few lakes in Brazil. These are mainly lagoon lakes and floodplain oxbow lakes, widespread in the Amazon floodplain. The largest of the lagoon lakes are the shallow Patus lakes (with an area of ​​more than 10 thousand square kilometers) and Lagoa Mirin, connected by a channel.

Natural areas

The Amazonian lowland is occupied by humid equatorial forests. More than 3000 mm of precipitation falls here annually. Variable wet forests are located on the coasts. Most of the country is occupied by savannas and woodlands. They are found in the interior arid regions.

95% of the population are Brazilians, a nation formed as a result of the mixing of Portuguese and other European settlers with aboriginal Indians (tupi-guarani, and others) and with those exported in the 16-19 centuries. from Africa as black slaves (Yoruba, Bantu, Ewe, etc.). By ethnic composition white 54%, mulatto 38.5% and black 6%. Indians (over 1 million hours) inhabit mainly the inner regions of the river basin. Amazon. Official language- Portuguese. The majority of believers are Catholics (over 72%), the rest are Protestants (22.5%), and African cults are also preserved. Average. the population density is 21.4 people / km2. In the northeast, southeast and south of the country (40% of the territory), St. 90% of the population, including approx. 50% of the population lives in a narrow strip Atlantic coast, constituting 8% of the country's territory.

Monuments of nature and culture

Brazil is an amazing country, rich in cultural and natural monuments, which are known far beyond its borders. First of all, these include the statue of Christ the Savior (Redeemer) on the granite mountain of Corcovado. This is one of the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro, it is located slightly to the left of the city center. The monument to Jesus in Brazil is visited annually by several million pilgrims from different countries... In addition to this statue in Rio de Janeiro, it is worth visiting the country's largest stadium, Maracanã and Sugarloaf Mountain, which is considered the second highest observation deck.

Natural Monuments of Brazil

Nature has placed amazing sights on the territory of Brazil:

Amazon river. The longest river in the world attracts tourists with its unique ecosystem: tropical forests and extraordinary animals. it beautiful place for lovers of ecotourism and extreme entertainment.

Pantanal. it interesting place located in the southwest of the country. It is a wetland (about 150 thousand km²), where a large number of rare species floating plants, exotic butterflies, birds and animals. This region is especially picturesque during the rainy season (from November to May), but it is difficult to get there, as the reservoirs overflow heavily.

Lencois Maranhensis National Park. Only here you can see thousands square meters covered with white sand. Among the dunes, there are turquoise lakes that make this area even more attractive.

Iguazu Falls. A third of the entire length of the Iguazu Falls is located in Brazil, the rest in Argentina, but this will not prevent you from enjoying the beauty of the stunning views from the observation decks. The waterfall "Dragon's Throat" is especially visible. Due to the fact that the stream of water is divided by islets of land, it is very convenient for tourists to admire this enchanting spectacle.

To get acquainted with the history of this country, you can go to its old capital - the city of Salvador. It is located in the state of Bahia in the hills. Most of its buildings here are built in the Portuguese style, and even colonial buildings have been preserved in the Pelourinho quarter.

When visiting Brazil, be sure to come to its current capital - the city of Brasilia. Myself locality built in the shape of a flying plane. It has many interesting buildings built mainly in the Art Nouveau style. Particularly striking is the Cathedral, which is 16 curved concrete pillars connected by a glass roof.

Major environmental issues

As a result, the level of pollution in Brazil has increased dramatically. environment, deforestation, toxic waste, drying up of swamps. Destruction natural resources is directly related to high levels of urbanization and urban growth. A lot of wood is used for building materials. Due to the rapid growth of cities, forests are being cut down, water bodies are drying up, and even the direction of the river is changing. Rich in vegetable and animal world Brazil has also suffered at the hands of a man. The rich flora and fauna suffered at the hands of hunters, although the animals of Brazil are not on the verge of extinction, but there are species that are at risk of becoming extinct.

9. Consider the photo in Figure 131. Why are sugarcane workers called cutters? Why do they need such a knife?

Sugarcane is strong enough and really needs to be chopped, not cut. With the help of long machete knives, the shoots are cut down at the very ground, after which the leaves are removed and the stems are cut into short pieces that are convenient for processing.

10. Referring to Figure 134, compose short story about the Brazilian carnival.

Carnival is the main Brazilian holiday. Carnival is a time of dancing, songs and festivities. During the carnival, all institutions and shops are closed, not only in large cities countries, but also in small towns and villages. The whole of Brazil is immersed in the atmosphere of samba, flirting, shine of outfits, radiance of eyes and smiles of millions of people who wholeheartedly indulge in the main holiday of the country. The culmination of the carnival is, of course, the parade of samba schools, which lasts three nights in a row. The audience, raging with delight, meets a procession of fantastically designed platforms, on which sultry beauties, whose bodies are adorned only with feathers and sparkles, continuously dance.

Brazil is the largest country in terms of area and population in South America. It is in fifth place among countries in the world in terms of area and population. Occupies the eastern and central part of the mainland.

The capital is Brasilia.

The greatest length from north to south 4320 km, from east to west 4328 km. It shares borders with all South American states except Chile and Ecuador: French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela in the north, Colombia in the northwest, Peru and Bolivia in the west, Paraguay and Argentina in the southwest, and Uruguay in the south. The length of the land borders is about 16 thousand km. From the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the length of the coastline is 7.4 thousand km. Brazil also includes several archipelagos, notably Fernando de Noronha, Rocas, São Pedro y São Paulo and Trindade and Martin Vas.

Thanks to high level the development of agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries and the service sector, as well as a large number of working-age population, in terms of GDP, Brazil is significantly ahead of any other country in Latin America, being the main economy in Mercosur. The country is now expanding its presence in world markets. Major export items include aircraft, coffee, vehicles, soybeans, iron ore, orange juice, steel, textiles, footwear, electrical equipment, and sugar.

Brazil's economy is very diverse, with significant variations between regions. The most developed industry is concentrated in the south and southeast of the country. The northeast is the poorest region in Brazil, but now it is also starting to attract new investment.

Brazil has the most developed industrial sector in Latin America, accounting for a third of GDP. Brazil manufactures a variety of products, from cars, steel and petroleum products to computers, aircraft and consumer goods. Following the improved economic stability provided by Plan Real, Brazilian and multinational businesses are actively investing in new equipment and technologies, most of which are purchased from North American factories. Brazil also has a developed and diverse service sector. In the early 1990s, the banking sector reached 16% of GDP. Although the Brazilian banking system is currently undergoing a major reform process, it provides a wide range of services to local businesses and is attracting numerous new entrants, in particular US financial firms.

Brazilian cities vary widely in the ease of doing business (according to the World Bank: Doing Business in Brazil). It is quite easy to register property and businesses in Brazil, but in general, despite the same rules throughout Brazil, it takes a long time to transfer property. Although the Brazilian economy is quite developed, the pervasive problems of corruption, poverty and illiteracy are still significant barriers to development.

    1. The current state of the economy

After decades of significant inflation and several attempts to bring it under control, in July 1994, during the presidency of Ifamar Franco, the Brazilian government launched an economic stabilization program, Plan Real, named after the newly introduced currency, reality. Inflation rates, which reached around 5,000% per annum in 1993, fell rapidly, peaking at 2.5% in 1998. The adoption of the Financial Responsibility Law in 2001 improved the financial discipline of local and federal administrations, in part through investments in infrastructure and improved social services.

During the presidency of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), the government made significant efforts to transform a predominantly state economy into a predominantly market one. Congress has approved several laws that have made the economy more open to private sector participation and made it more attractive to foreign investors. At the end of 2003, the privatization program, which included the sale of steel, energy and telecommunication companies, generated more than $ 90 billion in profits.

In January 1999, the Brazilian Central Bank announced that the real would no longer be pegged to the US dollar, leading to some devaluation of the Brazilian currency. The economy grew 4.4% in 2000 and 1.3% in 2001. In 2002, rumors that presidential candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, if he wins, would default on public debt, led to a slowdown in economic growth. However, once elected, Lula continued the economic policies of his predecessor. He carried out a rigorous approach to the economy, managed to keep inflation in check, finding money not only to pay off Brazilian debt obligations, but even to pay early debt to the IMF. As a result, in the year Lula was elected (2003), GDP grew by 0.5%, but already in 2004 - by 5.2%, and in 2005 - by 2.3%, although it should be noted that this was also helped by the growth of the world economy in this period.

Today, in the world economy, Brazil is one of the key countries in the top ten in terms of industrial production. It is an industrial-agrarian country with a GDP of 21% for agriculture and 30% for industry. The leading industries are ferrous metallurgy, petrochemistry, mechanical engineering. Despite the fact that the latter industry has reached a good level of development, the share of its products in the industrial structure does not exceed 20%. An important branch of mechanical engineering is the automotive industry.

Data for 2012 show that the country's GDP grew by 0.9% compared to 2011, reaching 4.403 trillion reais (approximately 2.246 trillion US dollars). This is the lowest rate since 2009.

Brazil's GDP per capita in 2012 was R $ 22,402 (approximately US $ 11,430), up 0.1% from 2011. Volume paid services provided to the population in the reporting period increased by 1.7%. At the same time, the volume of industrial production fell by 0.8%. In particular, the manufacturing industry showed a drop of 2.5%), while the production of agricultural products decreased by 2.3%.

One of the main reasons for the slowdown in economic growth was the reduction in investment. In 2012, the share of investments in fixed assets amounted to 18.1% of GDP, the lowest rate since 2007.

In 2012, the Brazilian government made efforts to stimulate economic growth, in particular by lowering interest rates and taxes, but the measures taken have not yielded significant results.

Despite the stagnation in the economy, a favorable situation has developed on the labor market. V last years in Brazil, there is a downward trend in unemployment, in 2012 this figure reached a historic low of 5.5%.

In addition, for several years there has been an increase in the real incomes of the population in the country. In 2012, the per capita income of workers rose by 6.7%, which was the impetus for an increase in domestic consumption. In 2012, the volume of family expenses increased by 3.1% compared to 2011. Consumption remains the main driver of Brazil's economic growth so far.

Foreign economic activity of Brazil

Brazil's total foreign trade turnover from January to December 2012 was US $ 466 billion, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade. Exports - USD 243 billion, imports - USD 223 billion. From January to December 2012, Brazil's total trade was down 3.43% from the previous year.

China remained the main trading partner of Brazil in 2012. The trade turnover of the two countries from January to December 2012 amounted to $ 75.5 billion. China's share in foreign trade Brazil accounts for 16.21%.

In 2012, Brazilian exports decreased by 5.26%, compared to 2010, and amounted to $ 243 billion. At the same time, over the past five years, exports from Brazil have increased, with the exception of 2009, when there was a slight decrease in export volumes. connection with the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis.

The trade balance in 2012 amounted to USD 19.430 million. It should be noted that over the past 5 years, the positive balance of Brazil has been steadily declining, and in 2011 there was a significant increase.

In the structure of Brazilian exports in the period from January to December 2012, supplies of metal ores (13.7%), oil and products of its processing (12.77%), soybeans and products of its processing (10.77%), vehicles and spare parts for them (10.14%), products of the metallurgical industry (6.41%), meat (6.29%), products of the chemical industry (6.26%), raw sugar and ethanol (6.2%), machinery and equipment (4.36%), coffee (2.65%).

In the structure of Brazil's imports from January to December 2012, machinery and equipment dominated (38.41%), chemical products and related goods (18.89%), fuels and lubricants and mineral raw materials (18.01%), industrial products (11.23%).

Brazil- the largest state in Latin America. In the north it borders on Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, in the northwest - with Colombia, in the west - with Peru and Bolivia, in the southwest - with Paraguay and Argentina, in the south - with Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The name of the country comes from the Portuguese brasa, which means "heat, hot coals" (as the Portuguese called red sandalwood, which for some time was the main export from Brazil to Europe).





176 500 thousand people

Administrative division

The state is divided into 23 states, one metropolitan area and 3 federal territories.

Form of government

Republic, with a federal state structure.

Head of state

President elected for 5 years.

Supreme Legislature

National Congress (bicameral parliament, consisting of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies).

Supreme executive body


Big cities

Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Belém, Manaus, Fortaleza.
Official language. Portuguese.


89% are Catholics (Roman Catholic Church), a fairly large number of residents who officially profess occult religions.

Ethnic composition

55% are Europeans (Portuguese, Italians, Spaniards), 38% are mestizo, 7% are from Africa.



On the territory of Brazil, there are 6 main climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, tropical highland, tropical Atlantic, semi-arid, subtropical. In most of the country, the average annual temperature is above + 20 ° C, which is due to the proximity of the equator and the low rise of the terrain. In general for tropical regions Brazil is characterized by dry winters and rainy summers. Annual precipitation decreases from 3000 mm in the western Amazonian lowland to 500 mm in the northeast.


The territory of the Amazon basin is covered with jungle - evergreen humid rugged tropical jungle. The rest of the territory is dominated by tropical forests.


The fauna of Brazil is characterized by puma, jaguar, ocelot, anteater, fox, monkeys, deer, armadillo, tapir, rare bush dog, sloth, possum, crocodile, a large number of birds, insects and reptiles. Caimans and piranhas are dangerous in the rivers.

Rivers and lakes

The largest rivers are the Amazon, Parana, San Francisco. The latter forms a cascade of Paulo Afonso waterfalls with a height of 84 m.


The historic quarters of Ore Preto have been meticulously restored and are currently protected as a national treasure of Brazil and a monument of world importance. The capital is home to the Itama-rati Palace, the Cathedral, the Museum of Modern Art, the Indian Museum, the Ethnographic Museum and many others. The symbol of Rio de Janeiro is Mount Corco Vado with a statue of Christ the Savior. The annual carnival is famous.

Useful information for tourists

Traditional shopping - interesting and entertaining souvenirs: Indian vessels, Negro amulets or pau-brazil mahogany products. The best place to shop for souvenirs is the Hippie Fair on Sunday. Rio also has large shopping centers - Rio Sul and Barra Shopping. Serious shopping to do in Brazil is natural gemstones: diamonds, emeralds, topaz.
Brazil is one of the ten most criminal countries in the world. It is not recommended to wear expensive jewelry, large sums of money, leave clothes, cameras and wallets unattended on the beach, accept invitations from unfamiliar people. Do not visit torch (slum) areas even during daytime. Never leave documents, money and jewelry in the hotel room (hotels are not responsible for the loss of things from the room). On the resort outskirts of Rio, in Manaus, at the Iguazu Falls, it is safe.
Tipping in expensive restaurants and bars is 10% of the bill (if it does not include a service charge); in cheap eateries - 1-2 reais; the cafe on the beach is not accepted; the porter at the hotel or airport is given 1 real; the taxi driver is rounded up.