Do-it-yourself floor screed repair, from small to major. How do you repair a floor screed with your own hands? How to repair a cement floor

The problem of repairing old concrete floors is faced by many residents of Khrushchev. Over the years, the surface of the screed wears out, becomes covered with cracks. Usually, a floor covering laid on top does not make it possible to notice a defect in time. This leads to the formation of large cracks and chips. And only by undertaking to dismantle the old coating can you discover hidden problems. Therefore, before laying a new linoleum or laminate, it is necessary to repair the floor screed.

Causes of screed defects

Damage to a concrete floor screed does not happen by itself. For this, there must be reasons contributing to the appearance of one or another type of defect:

  • Defect- Cracks and potholes in the screed. Causes - There are no shrink joints in the floor. Filling was carried out with a solution of the wrong consistency. Weak reinforcement of the base during construction.
  • Defect - Small holes all over. Causes - When pouring, air bubbles remained in the solution. The screed was poured without a surface primer.
  • Defect - Stripping of the screed. Causes- Filling was carried out on a poorly cleaned surface. Incorrect preparation of the base before the screed.
  • Defect- Strong dusting of the screed. Causes- Intensive use of the coating. The screed was made of low-quality concrete.

Concrete floor screed repair

Repair of the screed depends on the type of defect. The most common screed defects are cracks and chips. In addition, hidden voids and delaminations can form. They are detected by tapping with a metal rod.

A dull sound indicates the presence of voids. If the area of ​​the damaged area is more than 30%, it is advisable to replace the old screed with a new one. A smaller area of ​​damage can be repaired.

The area to be repaired must be cleaned prior to repair. Expand the crack with a chisel and a hammer to a depth of 1 cm. In cross section, the recess should look like a cone with a narrow part at the bottom. Then the site is re-cleaned and dedusted.

To do this, use a vacuum cleaner or sandblaster. The surface of the recess is treated with an epoxy primer diluted with a solvent (1:10) and allowed to dry. This is necessary for a stronger bond between the base and the repair compound. The gap is then filled with mortar. After the mixture has dried, the surface to be repaired is sanded and cleaned.

Repair of deep cracks

After cleaning the repaired area, the crack expands with the help of an angle grinder (grinder) to a depth of 5 cm. To do this, deep grooves are made on both sides of the gap. Then, with the help of a chisel and a hammer, all chipped concrete is removed, the crack deepens. Further, the repaired area is dedusted and covered with a primer epoxy composition.

The solution is applied in two, and if necessary, in three stages. It depends on the size of the crack. If the crack is too wide, it is necessary to install metal brackets. To do this, cuts are made across the recess with a depth of 2 and a width of 1.5 cm. After adding a repair mixture to these cuts, reinforcement is laid. Then the entire recess is sealed with mortar. The final step is grinding the repaired surface.

Elimination of potholes

The exfoliated area is cleaned around the perimeter to a depth of 2 cm using an angle grinder. All concrete inside the cavity to a depth of 2 cm is removed using a perforator. The resulting recess is dedusted with a sandblaster or vacuum cleaner and primed. Then the recess is filled with repair mortar and leveled. After the composition has hardened, the surface to be repaired is ground and cleaned flush with the floor.

Attention! Deepenings of more than 5 cm are filled with a solution in several stages.

Over time, subjected to daily exposure, the screed begins to dust. This happens even if the floor covering is laid on the screed. To prevent excessive dusting, it is necessary to dedust the surface.

A good helper in eliminating this defect will be special mixtures such as Elakor or Ashfor. It is only necessary to choose the brand of the composition. The choice depends on the load to which the floor is subjected.

Before applying the composition, the concrete surface is thoroughly cleaned. For better adhesion, you can sand the floor. After removing the dust with a vacuum cleaner, impregnation is applied with a roller. Modern compositions not only help to remove dust from the screed, but also to increase the wear resistance of the surface.

Floor screed repair with injections

There are times when the concrete floor screed peels off from the base. The resulting voids adversely affect the wear resistance of the screed. This problem can be solved without resorting to drastic measures. By tapping the entire surface with a hammer, the location of the voids is determined. In these places, the hammer will make a dull sound.

Having thus determined the contours of the delamination zones, holes with a diameter of about 16 mm are drilled in these places with a step of 240 mm. Filling the construction syringe with a low-viscosity repair compound, pour it into the holes. This is done gradually so that the composition fills the entire cavity. A day after the operation, you can start applying a protective coating.

Base Leveling

Quite often, before laying the laminate, an uneven base is detected. Differences in height do not allow to carry out the desired. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to align the screed. The easiest way to fix the situation is to apply.

Before using the composition, the surface must be prepared. Remove dust and rinse twice soda solution. The base gets wet. The mixture is prepared in small portions, applied to the floor and leveled. The needle roller removes air bubbles from the composition.

Rolling the surface of the screed to remove air bubbles

Replacing the old screed

The listed actions are good if the area of ​​the damaged surface does not exceed 30%. Otherwise, it is advisable to replace the floor screed. Before replacement, the coating is polished. With help special mixtures heavily polluted areas are cleaned. The prepared base is covered with a primer. If the repair is carried out in rooms with high humidity a water repellent must be used.

The self-levelling compound is prepared and applied in small batches. After each application, the surface of the composition is rolled with a spiked roller. This helps to remove air bubbles that reduce performance characteristics coatings. The thickness of the layer can be from 5 to 10 cm.


The service life of the repaired screed depends on the correctness and thoroughness of these works. The quality of the materials used also plays an important role. No wonder they say: "The miser pays twice." Don't skimp on materials. Only in this case, the time for a new repair will not come soon.

The content of the article:

The cement screed is outer layer floor bases. Over time, for many reasons, it wears out, but the floor covering laid on top does not give time to determine the defects that have arisen. In the process of replacing it, when the foundation is exposed, the hidden problems of the floor become apparent, and the need for repair arises. cement screed. How it is done, you will learn from this article.

Assessment of the state of the cement screed

The floor screed is subjected to enormous load from the weight floor covering, furniture and equipment, as well as dynamic impacts from falling objects and walking people. Therefore, the service life of an expensive floor repair largely depends on its condition. The money invested in this event can be wasted if a screed deprived of attention makes itself felt.

Reliable information about the state of its surface can be obtained only after the floor is completely cleaned of old coatings, debris and dust. To determine the degree of damage to the screed, there are such criteria:

  • The screed is even, but has small grooves, a grid of small cracks and is constantly dusty. To eliminate such damage, you do not need to invest significant funds, since such work can be done independently.
  • The surface of the base has delaminations and in some places is covered with deep transverse or longitudinal cracks, but they the average size does not exceed? length short wall premises. Such a screed can also be repaired on its own, but for this you will need building mixtures that have a special composition.
  • The screed has a significant curvature, expressed in numerous depressions and humps. To level such a surface, a milling machine will be needed, which creates a lot of noise and dust during operation. Therefore, it is recommended to repair such a foundation only in non-residential premises or private households. In city apartments, neighbors may not be able to endure the discomfort from the operation of technology, complain or go in person.
  • The floor of the apartment, located in a high-rise building, is covered with large, deep and long cracks that intersect with each other or are located along the diagonals of the rooms. Such repairs are very complicated and are carried out only by specialists after studying the nature of the loads on the floor and the bearing capacity of the house structures.
Redecoration of a cement floor screed is carried out if no more than 30% of its area is damaged. In other cases, it is better to replace it completely.

Preparation of repair mortar for cement screed

Today, the construction market has a huge selection of mixtures designed to restore cement screeds. These compounds may have different basis including polyurethane and synthetic resins. Many of them are used to repair industrial floors. But under conditions ordinary apartment the use of such mixtures is not always rational, given their cost.

For a simple repair of the screed at home, a mixture that can be made independently from available and inexpensive materials is quite suitable. It consists of PVA glue, water, sand and cement. To prepare a repair mortar, you must first dilute the PVA glue in water in proportion to 1: 3, and then add a dry mixture of cement and sand 3: 1 to the resulting emulsion.

The composition should be mixed at minimum speed for 5 minutes using an electric drill with a mixer nozzle. After the process is completed, it is recommended to immediately immerse the mixer in water poured into a bucket and rinse well when the tool is in operation.

If the cracks in the screed are deep, this composition will not work. To repair it in this case, you will have to buy a special thixotropic liquid for concrete. Store-bought mixes are mainly mixed with water, and home-made formulations are mixed with glue suspension. Ready mixtures can be replaced with tile adhesive.

Cement screed repair technology

All screed defects, such as small and deep cracks, delamination and dust formation, potholes and depressions, are eliminated different ways which we will consider below. In the meantime, for work it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials: puncher, trowel and rule, brush, grater and paint roller, cement, primer for concrete and repair mix.

Elimination of minor defects

These include small cracks, gouges and chips on the surface of the cement screed. The reason for these defects are errors made during its installation: the absence of expansion joints, poor-quality mortar for pouring or insufficient reinforcement of the base.

To make repairs cement-sand screed with minor defects, first it is necessary to mark all problem areas with chalk, and then cut each crack and notch with a hammer and chisel a few millimeters deep and 1-2 cm wide along the edges. After that, you need to remove construction debris from the surface of the screed with a broom, and from the cracks - with a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaned cracks and recesses should be treated with a penetrating primer several times until it no longer soaks into the concrete. This procedure is necessary to increase the adhesion of the base with the repair mixture.

In the process of drying the primer, you can prepare the mixture according to the recipe described above. The resulting solution should fill the cut damage to the screed just above the general level of the rest of the surface, and after the mixture has hardened, sand the repaired areas.

Advice! If the thickness of the screed is small, it is better to cut the damage to its entire depth. In this case, the adhesion of the putty to the base will be better, and the further development of cracks will become impossible.

Filling deep cracks

Such damage to the screed must be cut to the full depth. For this purpose it is recommended to use circular saw and a puncher, hammer and chisel will work unproductively.

After the crack is cut, several strobes must be made across it, the ends of which will extend beyond the resulting cavity by 5-6 cm on each of its sides. Then, holes 2-3 cm deep should be drilled at the two ends of each strobe, and then debris should be removed and the cut cracks should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Prepared recesses must be treated with a primer and left to dry.

Now it is necessary to prepare a mortar of sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1. Filling the crack should be done gradually in several stages. The first of them uses a liquid mixture, which needs to fill part of the cavity in depth so that it penetrates into the most hard-to-reach places notches.

Then you need to prepare a solution of medium density and fill it with a crack flush with the bottom of the transverse strobes. When it hardens, it is necessary to make staples that tighten the crack from thick wire or reinforcement and mount them in the strobes so that bent ends rods went into the drilled holes.

After that, a little plasticizer should be added to the solution and filled to the end of the cavity along with the staples. Then the surface in the area of ​​​​the former crack must be leveled, and after the mortar has dried, it must be sanded. Now the repair of the crack in the cement screed can be considered complete.

Restoration of delaminations of the screed

Delamination and even swelling of the screed occurs when laying it on a dirty and unprimed floor. Such defects can be found using a light hammer or a piece of rebar. To do this, it is enough to tap the surface of the screed with this tool and determine the place of the defect by the dull sound of impact. When the screed is peeled off, gaps may appear through which, with this diagnostic method, dust clouds will fly into the air.

Repair of delaminations can be done in two ways. In the first case, the entire damaged area must be cut out, and a new screed should be laid in its place. In the second, the exfoliated area is subjected to injections, during which a special binder composition on an epoxy or adhesive basis is introduced under it. The second method is less time consuming and faster. It makes sense to use it if the problem area is even and does not have through cracks.

After determining the places of delamination of the screed, they need to be outlined with a marker or chalk, then take a perforator or drill and install a drill or drill for concrete with a diameter of 16 mm in any of these tools. Drilling in places of delamination should be carried out for the entire thickness of the screed, keeping the distance between them 0.2-0.3 m.

When this work is completed, a primer must be poured into the holes obtained. It should moisten the entire internal cavity between the base and the screed layer. To speed up the drying process of concrete, you can use a building hair dryer.

It is important to correctly determine the material for screed injection. It must have good fluidity, because the repair mixture will have to be pumped under the screed using a plunger pump or a construction syringe. Cheaper cost cement-adhesive mixture, more expensive, but more reliable - epoxy resin low viscosity.

Injections through the holes in the screed should be done gradually, allowing time for the repair compound to fill the entire space of the cavity. This procedure should be continued until the mixture appears on the surface of all drilled holes and its level will not stop dropping.

The screed must dry for 24 hours. After that, you can work with it further: primer, glue linoleum, lay tiles, and so on.

How to repair screed potholes

These damages occur due to a violation of the technology of the screed device and significant loads on the base. In the presence of such factors, voids appear in the screed during the operation of the floor. They are more dangerous for flooring than cracks. In the areas of potholes, the floor suffers subsidence and deforms, which leads it to complete destruction in the future.

In this case, for repair, it is first necessary to cut through the pothole with a grinder equipped with a diamond disk along the damage perimeter to the entire thickness of the screed. Then, using a perforator or a chisel and a hammer, the concrete should be removed from the pothole. After that, the cavity must be cleaned of screed residues and dust, and then treated with a penetrating primer.

After the primer has dried, it is necessary to prepare a repair mixture and fill the pothole with it using a spatula. Without waiting for the mixture to dry, use a wide spatula and a rail to level it with the floor and leave it until the final polymerization. Grinding the problem area should be done so that the pothole filled with the mixture does not stand out against the background of the floor.

Important! At a depth of damage of more than 5 cm, the repair mortar should be applied gradually in several steps.

Dusty screed repair

Over time, cement-sand dust begins to appear on the screed. This is especially clearly seen in those rooms on the floors of which the screeds act as a finishing coating, for example, in the basement, garage or some other utility room.

Gradually, the amount of dust increases, and it becomes impossible to simply sweep it away. Often it is a consequence of significant mechanical loads on the surface of such a floor and its "old age". In other cases, dust appears immediately after a month or two after the start of using a new screed. The reason for this is the low quality cement mixture and violations in the technology of its laying. If it is not possible to replace the screed, it can be repaired in the following way.

First you need to thoroughly clean its entire surface with a vacuum cleaner. If potholes and cracks are found at the same time, they must be repaired using the technology described above. After that, the screed must be sanded and cleaned again in the same way. Then the floor surface should be treated with a penetrating primer and allowed to dry. At the final stage of work, the entire screed must be covered in two layers with a polymer composition. If the room has high humidity, for this purpose it is necessary to use special water emulsifiers.

There is another way to eliminate dusting of the screed - this is its painting. In this case, the coating must be sufficiently wear-resistant, according to this parameter, the finishing material should be selected.

The cardinal method of such a defect in the screed is its reinforcement with fiberglass and subsequent pouring with a special self-leveling building mixture. To implement this method, the floor surface must first be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, treated with a primer and allowed to dry.

After that, glue should be applied to the surface of the screed and the fiberglass should be laid with overlapping sheets. When the first layer of glue dries, the second layer must be applied to the resulting coating and allowed to dry completely. The floor can then be sanded or poured over the fiberglass with a self-levelling compound.

How to make a cement screed - look at the video:

Any do-it-yourself work on repairing a cement floor screed is not particularly difficult and does not require professional knowledge. Some tools for their implementation, such as a hammer drill, can be rented, while others can be purchased for the future for personal use. A high-quality floor repair is more profitable, since it can last only a few days, and a complete replacement of the screed will take up to a month. Good luck with your work!

A cracked or crumbling screed is not only an uneven and uncomfortable floor, but also an undistributed load on the floor slabs in the house. If you can more or less put up with the first moment, then things are a little different with the second - excessive loads on the floors, despite the fact that they have a fair margin of safety, can be disastrous, especially when it comes to old houses. The screed must be kept in order - in the event of a major overhaul, change or at least repair. In this article from the website, we will deal with the question of how to repair a floor screed with your own hands?

Repair of cement floor screed photo

Floor screed repair: about its feasibility

Before embarking on a direct solution to the question of how to repair the floor screed with your own hands, first you need to figure out its expediency - perhaps things are so that it makes no sense, and you do not need to restore the surface, but its complete replacement. In what situations does it become necessary to install a new floor screed? There are not so many signs that indicate that the screed has outlived its time.

By by and large, there are no specific criteria according to which it is necessary to completely change the floor screed. There are simply prescriptions and common sense that a new surface is better than an old one. She can serve for a long time, and if you intend to live in an apartment or house long time, then the best thing would be a complete replacement of this surface - naturally, if we are talking about a major overhaul. It is better to spend money on a new screed once than to repair an old floor screed with enviable regularity. Restoration is primarily a temporary measure that resolves the issue for a short period of time.

Repair of cement floor screed: preparatory work

Preparing an old screed for repair is a simple matter, and in most cases comes down to just two steps.

You can not wait for the second layer of primer to dry - while you prepare the solution, it will be absorbed into the old screed and this will be enough. Such repair of cracks in the floor screed (or rather preparatory work associated with its implementation) will give you a guarantee that the subfloor will last at least another ten years.

How to repair a floor screed: the main stage of work

This stage (as, in general, preparatory) can be conditionally divided into two sub-stages - fastening the split fragments of the floor and final alignment grounds. These are two different technologies that should be dealt with separately.

  1. Bonding or sealing cracks. This is a fairly simple stage of work, for the implementation of which it is necessary to prepare a solution of a rare consistency. One thing should be understood here - too rare a solution can leak to neighbors on the ceiling. We need a moderately rare mixture that can flow into all cracks and recesses, but at the same time not leak onto the neighbors' heads. In general, all the knocked-out sections of the floor are poured with such a solution. After the repair of the concrete floor screed is completed, you should wait for the complete drying of the repaired areas. After this happens, the repaired floor must be cleaned of dust and dirt and qualitatively opened with a primer, giving Special attention fresh patches. They need to be opened twice.

    How to repair a floor screed photo

  2. Finishing leveling is at the same time the surface bonding of the floor. To solve this problem, the so-called is used - in the people it is called a self-leveling floor screed, to create which a mass level is used. It is filled with a layer of 3mm (plus or minus). The process is quite simple, but there are many nuances - you can read more about it in another article on our website (). Briefly describe this technology, it can be represented as follows. The mixture prepared in the container using the mixture is poured onto the floor and spread with a notched trowel. Then it rolls out with a plastic roller with spikes, after which it is left to dry. The next day, such a screed is gaining primary strength (it is already possible to walk on it). The full operation of the floor is possible only after complete drying - this is at least 3 days (can be determined by the color of the floor). The finished surface of such a floor can be finished with any decorative materials, including, and.

    Floor screed repair photo

In principle, this is the entire repair of the floor screed. It seems to be not difficult, but there are plenty of nuances - they are not obvious. We can say that the subtleties are almost all individual. For example, depending on the degree of destruction of the old floor screed, reinforcement may be needed - naturally, it is better to change such a floor covering as a whole, but the situations are different, and even with large damage, repair may be appropriate.

Often, construction technology provides for the presence of concrete floors. This is due to high technical specifications mixture components. Finished coating It turns out affordable, durable and practical. It perfectly acts independently, and serves as the basis for subsequent finishing with any floor materials. However, for a number of reasons, the base is deformed and becomes unusable - cracks appear, dust formation increases. Formed defects reduce the strength and reliability of the screed. In this connection, during the repair carried out will help prevent further destruction. The article will consider the technology of repairing concrete floors.

  • conduct a visual inspection to assess the condition;
  • identify the causes that led to the result.

Based on the data obtained, the elimination technology is selected. For minor damage (potholes, single cracks), it will be enough to carry out local repairs. If the area of ​​​​the site to be repaired is more than 30-35% of the area of ​​​​the entire premises, then here we will talk about capital work.

Reasons for the destruction of the concrete floor

There are several main reasons that negatively affect the concrete pavement. Conventionally, they are classified into 3 groups: soil impact; external influence; internal factors.

  • To the first point include poor-quality soil compaction, winter heaving of the earth and close proximity ground water. Such factors lead to formation movements, and as a result, the destruction of the concrete floor.
  • Second paragraph suggests Negative influence on the base due to the use of low-quality mortar, as well as pouring carried out in violation of technology. Here it is necessary to note such a common reason as house shrinkage, which creates some progress.
  • In the third paragraph there are such factors as: natural wear of the coating, mechanical impact (falling of heavy objects) and prolonged exposure to moisture, for example, during flooding.

Having analyzed this information, you can proceed to eliminate the causes. Only after that you can talk about the benefits repair work, otherwise all the restorations performed will be useless.

Preparing to repair an old concrete floor

  • Work begins with the release of the premises from furniture and other interior items. If there is a floor covering on the screed, then it is dismantled. All debris and dust is removed. Much attention is paid to damaged areas. It is there that a large number of exfoliating elements accumulate.
  • With a metal brush, old layers of primer, rust and other contaminants are removed. Then it is necessary to make notches on the repaired area, which will increase the adhesion between the material and the new concrete.
  • Chips and dust formed in the process are swept with a broom. Good result in cleaning will show a construction vacuum cleaner. The surface must be treated with a degreasing impregnation or primer.

The degree of damage to the coating determines the complexity and type of subsequent work. If financial resources allow, then it is possible to carry out a major overhaul of the concrete surface in order to significantly extend the operational life of the floor.

Preparation of the working mixture for the repair of concrete floors

  • To eliminate shallow potholes and crevices, you can use a solution with the addition of PVA, prepared at home. First, dilute 1 part of glue with 4 parts of water. Then diluted PVA is poured into the prepared dry cement-sand mixture (1: 3) until the optimum consistency is reached.
  • More serious problems are solved by using building mixtures. In these concrete floor repair compounds, specially selected ingredients guarantee ultimate strength and durability. high stability to mechanical damage.
  • The closed powder composition is thoroughly mixed with a mixer. The use of such equipment will allow you to perform the process more efficiently. Ready mortar penetrates deeply into the structure of concrete and forms a single monolith with the original surface.

Partial renovation

For damaged areas small areas you can do local work. cosmetic repairs are subjected to:

  • recesses;
  • cracks of various depths and widths;
  • hair crevices (cobweb);
  • minor irregularities.

Despite minor defects, work must begin immediately. The smaller their size, the easier it is to arrange the surface in order. The increase in existing cracks will lead to their growth, and as a result, to the deformation of the floor covering.

pothole patching

Usually they appear as a result of a long stay of furniture or bulky equipment in one place. Often the causes of the appearance are mechanical effects, for example, the fall of an object from a height.

Elimination technology

  • With the help of the tool, the defect expands and deepens. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of leaving weakened pieces of concrete on the site. The recess is cleaned and primed. Filling is done with epoxy mixture or adhesive composition.

  • The solution is pierced several times with a metal pin. It is important to remove air voids and evenly distribute the mixture in the resulting recess. Horizontal alignment is performed with a wide trowel or building rule. After drying, the area is polished.
  • If the depth of the pothole is more than 5 cm, the mortar laying technology is somewhat different. Here the mixture should be poured in several stages, in order to avoid the formation of cavities.

Repair of cracks in concrete floors

This kind of flaws appear due to shrinkage of the structure or foundation. Temperature changes, incorrect proportions of the concrete composition, and the absence of reinforcing elements can lead to deformation.

Elimination technology

  • With the help of a perforator or a hammer with a chisel, the gap expands both in width and depth. Carefully inspect the adjacent area for hidden defects, which after a while will lead to a second repair of the surface.
  • The groove cleans concrete debris and dust. For processing, a polyurethane primer is used. A mixture is laid in the crack, and then leveled with a spatula or level.

  • In the presence of cracks of large width on both sides of the grinder, auxiliary grooves are made. They will serve for laying metal grips, the distance between which should be 25-30 cm. All recesses are filled with mortar.

Close up of a cobweb

This kind of deformation cracks can appear during excessive fast drying solution. They are not fraught with danger, but they are quite capable of expanding over time. The web is almost invisible. Its detection is possible when the surface is wetted.

Elimination technology

  • The so-called hairline gaps are sufficient to be treated with a primer and sealed with an elastic sealant. If weakened areas are observed along the edges of the crack, then it is recommended to clean the delaminations.
  • The resulting groove is cleaned of foreign inclusions and treated with primer solutions. For embedding, you can use a composition of your own preparation or purchase ready-made mixtures of various grain sizes.

Minor bumps

As a result of pouring, it is not always possible to obtain a perfectly flat floor. This is due to non-compliance with the technology of these works. Flaws appear due to neglect of the installation of beacons, improperly mixed cement mass (too liquid or thick). Therefore, after drying, “waves” are formed.

Elimination technology

  • The crests of the wave are removed using a grinder with a trowel disc. The work is dusty, so personal protective equipment must be used. If the cultivated area is large, it makes sense to contact specialized companies. They have equipment in their arsenal that, along with grinding, sucks up dust.
  • The depressions are cleaned and deepened. They are treated with primers or diluted solvent. The recesses are being filled building mixtures You can also use self leveling mortars.

Do-it-yourself overhaul of a concrete floor

Fundamental work will be needed if:

  • there are extensive damages (over a third of the entire area);
  • installation of the "warm floor" system;
  • there is a desire to completely update the old concrete screed.

Such work can be carried out using the following technologies:

  • laying a wet screed using a standard cement-sand mortar;
  • pouring a self-leveling mixture, which includes plasticizers, stabilizers and fiber fibers;
  • installation of a dry screed, including filling, followed by laying gypsum-fiber sheets (GVL).

In each case, a different set of materials is required to repair the concrete floor.

Wet screed laying

  • Repair work begins with the removal of construction debris and dust removal of the surface. It is necessary to remove all flaking areas, which subsequently can significantly affect strength characteristics new floor.
  • Next is the flooring of waterproofing materials. A huge selection will allow you to purchase products with the most suitable properties at an affordable price. The next step is to place the beacons. Their step should be slightly less than the length of the rule used.
  • Mixing of concrete mortar is carried out in accordance with the current proportions. The ratios used are entirely dependent on the grade of cement used and the desired strength. ready mix. Water is added until the required viscosity is reached.

  • Filling is carried out in small portions. This will help spread the mixture evenly without creating voids. It takes about 30 days for complete drying, during this time it is desirable to avoid any mechanical effects on the surface.

Pouring self leveling compound

  • Special compositions allow alignment with minimal labor. After inspecting the surface, all existing delaminations are removed. In the presence of contamination, treatment with a solution of copper sulphate is performed.
  • Seams and cracks are sealed with a repair mixture. Mandatory spread out waterproofing materials. If the pouring is done on an old coating in fairly good condition, then the step with waterproofing can be skipped.
  • If you plan to fill the mixture with a thickness of more than 10 mm, it is recommended to pre-install profile beacons. Work begins from the far corner of the room. The solution is fed in parts and leveled with a needle tool.

  • Already after 8 hours, small effects can be exerted on the surface. The floor will be ready for full operation after 5 days. Then already go to finishing(laying decorative flooring).

Dry screed installation

Such a device has some advantages over "wet" work. For example, there is no need for drying time, installation can be carried out regardless of temperature regime. In addition, the floor is characterized by high rates of noise and heat insulation.

  • First, the floor is marked. A plastic film or any vapor barrier material is spread. Then beacon rails are installed, which allow you to adhere to the desired level. Horizontalness is checked with special tools.
  • Expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite or compavite are poured between the profiles. Starting from the doors, sheet material is mounted from right to left. Its spreading is carried out in a run (at least 25-30 cm). On the stacked sheets move with caution.

  • Fastening is carried out with special self-tapping screws, the pitch of the screws must be at least 30 cm. Mastic is used for additional fixation. If necessary, you can lay a second layer sheet material without matching joints in any direction.

The final stage of repairing the concrete floor in the apartment

The concrete surface, with its solidity, has the property of dust formation, which occurs due to various mechanical loads. Invisible particles adversely affect human health. Wet cleaning cannot solve this problem.

To avoid harmful effects the following will help:

  • clean the surface as much as possible;
  • carry out the treatment with a primer;
  • paint with a material that will prevent concrete peeling.

Here you can use products based on polymers that form a protective layer of various thicknesses. For rooms with minimal loads, thin-layer materials (up to 150 microns) are used. Neomer-LP or Elakor-PU.

V living rooms with intensive patency, Elakor-ED, Retroplate or GruntElast-PU are used. The protective layer of such products is over 250 microns, which makes it possible to withstand high loads.

Due to deep penetration, the concrete screed is characterized by:

  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lack of dust formation;
  • high wear resistance.

Timely noticed flaws and their immediate elimination will help to increase the life of the surface. In addition, this will avoid more expensive and time-consuming work to restore the concrete floor. Accurate observance of all stages of repair work will lead to an impeccable result.

To level concrete or wooden flooring, as well as to create it on the ground in private homes, a concrete screed is used. Often, after some time from the start of operation or immediately after drying, cracks form on the coating, in most cases this defect can be corrected.

To know what to do if cracks occur in the floor screed, you must first understand the reasons for their formation.

There are several reasons for the formation of such defects. Depending on the nature of the appearance of a crack in concrete, different methods of its removal are used.

Foundation problems

If the base has not been properly prepared, then the screed will crack immediately after drying. This happens when the soil, sand or gravel has not been well compacted. Rotting and chipped floorboards that have been covered with concrete also cause it to crack quickly. The presence of large holes different materials, improperly carried out waterproofing - all this also provokes the appearance of a crack in the floor screed.

Gross violations of the base preparation technology lead to radical defects

Incorrectly arranged expansion joints and lack of damper tape

During the drying of the concrete floor covering, the entire structure experiences various mechanical loads. The screed is made in order to level the floor, which means that its thickness in different places will be different, as a result, the shrinkage of the material also occurs unevenly. The following factors influence the duration of this process:

  • The thickness of the solution layer. It usually takes about 4 weeks to dry and harden, but with a layer of 5-7 cm, it may take more than a month.
  • Temperature difference at opposite ends of the room. Near heaters or on sunny side drying is much faster.
  • Mechanical impact of other elements of the structure. Especially in the area doorways where cracks in the screed are formed most often. In this area, the solution dries faster, because it is in a ventilated place, but at the same time it experiences mechanical impact from neighboring rooms.

The damper tape compensates for the expansion of the monolith during temperature changes, and its absence leads to the appearance of cracks, up to delamination

As a result of this, the screed does not withstand and cracks, but these problems do not pose any danger, they can simply be repaired with a finishing putty. At correct design expansion joints at the time of pouring the floor cracks would not have appeared.

On a note! To avoid the appearance of defects in places that are subject to increased loads, make out the seams, they separate the screeds different rooms and do not affect each other.

If the room is large, then expansion joints are made every 5-6 meters along the entire perimeter of the screed. They look like cuts with a depth of no more than a third of the thickness of the concrete layer. You can make them with a grinder or hand tools.

Incorrectly made solution

If the question arose of why the screed is cracking, then the answer most often lies in a violation of the mortar manufacturing technology, usually this is the addition of an excessive amount of water. Home craftsmen unknowingly make the solution very liquid to make it easier to apply and level. The result is a mixture that, after drying, does not have a sufficient level of strength, which is why cracks appear in the concrete.

Excess water in the solution leads to shrinkage and, as a result, the appearance of defects.

Also, the strength of concrete may fall due to the presence of a large amount of air in the solution, so you can not knead the concrete by hand, you should use a special mixer.

Incorrect layer thickness

The thickness of the concrete layer must be at least 7 mm, a thinner screed will crack from mechanical stress. Due to a too thick layer, the screed will dry unevenly: inside it will remain wet, but dry on the outside, the structure experiences strong internal pressure and the screed begins to crack.

Due to the large thickness and uneven evaporation of moisture, the screed is destroyed even from a small load.

Violation of the solidification process

In order not to wonder why concrete cracks, it is important to properly organize the process of its drying. There is one rule for all concrete surfaces: the longer it remains wet, the better it will gain strength. Attempts to accelerate drying with heating or any other devices lead to the fact that the concrete cracks after pouring.

For the same reason, it is necessary to protect the room from drafts and direct sunlight. To increase the drying time, the surface can be sprinkled with water or covered with plastic wrap with wet sand on top.

According to the rules, the concrete screed must be kept wet for about 7 days after pouring; for this purpose, the monolith is covered with polyethylene

Main types of defects

To properly seal cracks in a concrete floor, you need to know what they are.

The choice of method to fix the problem directly depends on the size of the cracks.
  1. Microcracks. These are defects less than 1.5 cm in size. Most often they occur due to improper drying of the coating. If there are few such defects on the screed, then you can simply cover them with tile adhesive.
  2. Big cracks. The size of such defects is from 2 cm. They usually appear due to incorrectly made expansion joints and the absence damper tape. To seal such cracks in the floor screed, a cement-sand mortar or a special sealant is used.
  3. "Mobile" concrete. When walking on such a coating, you feel how it "walks". This is due to the presence of air cavities inside. In this case, it is necessary to remove the exfoliated fragments and close up the potholes with a solution.
  4. Bulges and potholes no larger than 5 mm. In this case, cracks in concrete are repaired with cement mortar, and the bulges are cleaned with a grinder.
  5. Irregularities more than 1.5 cm. Correcting each such defect is long and labor-intensive, so it is easier to pour a new screed about 4 cm thick on top.

If a large number of defects are found, it is cheaper to pour a continuous layer of self-leveling mortar

Screed repair

Now about how to repair the floor screed with your own hands. To do this, you will need: a puncher, a hammer, Sander(Bulgarian), construction syringe, hacksaw for metal processing, metal staples 12 mm. From the materials you will need: epoxy grout, quartz sand, primer, as well as the composition from which the screed solution was made. Depending on the nature of the damage, the sealing of cracks in concrete occurs in different ways.


The first step is to clean the area that will be processed, remove everything from the floor and carefully examine it. It is recommended to circle the places with cracks with a marker so that you do not look for them again later. With the help of a hammer and a chisel, you need to expand and deepen the crack, the result should be a gap that narrows downward. Remove dust and small stones from the crack with a vacuum cleaner. Next, you need to mix the epoxy resin with the solvent in proportions of 1:10, apply the composition to the surface of the groove and allow to dry. It remains to cover the crack with a cement-sand mortar and, after drying, grind this area.

Relatively shallow cracks are repaired quite simply and quickly.

big cracks

To repair a floor with such defects, it is necessary to prepare the surface and make the crack deeper for the entire thickness of the layer using a grinder. With the same tool, you need to make two cuts on both sides, and then remove all the concrete with a chisel. Next, remove dust and debris and apply epoxy to the surface of the groove. In some cases, metal staples are used to increase the strength of the treated area. To do this, you need to make cuts across the crack to a depth of 2 cm, put a metal bracket into the gap formed, pour the cement-sand mortar, wait for it to dry, and then grind it.

Steel staples are used to repair cracks up to 5 - 7 cm deep


If the surface cracked so badly that a pothole formed, then you will have to use a perforator. With it, you need to expand the pothole to a depth of 2 cm. Further actions are the same as in previous cases: dust and debris are removed, the walls of the crack are treated with an epoxy composition, and the defect is covered with a solution.

Before applying epoxy compounds, the base is primed, and only after the primer has dried, the mixture is poured

moving parts

In this case, more than just sealing with epoxy and subsequent grouting will be required. First of all, you should outline the boundaries of the moving surface with a marker and make cuts with a grinder according to the marking, sometimes at this stage you can remove fragments of concrete. If it sits firmly, it is necessary to remove it with a puncher, removing the entire screed to the base. After that, remove the dust and check the base for defects. If they are not there, then the surface is primed and again poured with concrete to the level with the floor. If there are potholes on the base, then you first need to repair them, wait for them to dry, and only then fill the pothole.

Deep defects expand several centimeters on both sides

Repair of mobile concrete by injection

Injections building composition- this is one of latest methods repair of surfaces after concreting. For this process, it is necessary to detect a movable area, circle its borders with a marker and drill holes every 2.5 cm over the entire area to a depth of about 1 cm. procedure.

The composition will gradually penetrate into all internal cavities and at the same time impregnate the concrete, which will significantly increase the strength of the coating. After completion of the operation, the floor should not be walked on for a day, so that the epoxy has time to harden. After this time, you need to check the result: if the mobility could not be eliminated, you will have to completely remove the concrete layer.

The injection method of repairing a concrete monolith is available only with special equipment and professional knowledge

Important! If the defect occupies more than 30% of the surface, it is necessary to completely remove the coating and fill it again.

Thus, there are a variety of methods for sealing cracks, depending on their type and size.

Summing up, we can say that defects are easier to prevent than to eliminate. Therefore, it is highly recommended to properly mix the mortar, carefully prepare the surface and never speed up the drying process of the concrete. If you follow all these recommendations, cracks in concrete screed will not be.