The temperature of hot water at the point of parsing sanpin. Hot water temperature standard

During the day, the indicators differ by 3 degrees, and at night up to 5. For every 3 degrees, a tariff reduction of 0.1% is required. Where should you apply? If deviations from the norms were noticed, then it is necessary to contact the housing and communal services. When the reason lies in the accident, the dispatcher will notify you of the duration of the execution repair work. If there are no reasons for lowering the temperature, then an application should be drawn up and submitted. Consideration of complaints from the population is carried out quickly. To be sure that the application is considered, you need to write down its number, as well as fix the time of the call, the name of the person who accepted the claim. With the persistence of a person, measures must be taken to restore the temperature of the water. If it is not more than 40 degrees, then the tariff should be like for cold water supply. What to do if the water is of poor quality? The temperature is set according to SanPiN.

The temperature of hot water in an apartment building

Firstly, a higher temperature is dangerous for human health, even a short-term contact threatens with serious burns. Second, submission hot water above permissible values ​​can damage the water supply system, especially since in modern apartments most often plastic pipes are installed. The lower temperature bar depends on the type of system:

  • open - at least 60 degrees;
  • closed - at least 50 degrees.

AT open system the heat loss is greater, so a higher limit is set for them.
If the temperature of the hot water in the tap is below the permissible norm, this can lead to contamination with infectious pathogens and bacteria.

What is the hot water temperature in the apartment?

If the temperature does not reach the 40-degree mark, payment must be made at the cost of cold water. The algorithm for calculating the coefficient, if the norm is violated, is as follows: Every three degrees below the norm give an hourly rate reduction by 0.1%. Hot water not up to standard where to complain Main question that worries residents apartment buildings if the hot water is not up to standard - Where to complain? According to established rule, you must first call the housing and communal services or the management service.

You should state your situation to the dispatcher or service worker. Also, a similar action should be performed if there is no hot and cold water - you need to call the dispatch service. In this case, it is necessary to write down the time of the call, the number of the application and the name of the dispatcher who accepted it.

Hot water temperature standard - what to do if it does not meet the standards


AT chronological order their editions. Headings of invalid (cancelled) norms are crossed out. An abbreviated list, see at the end of the file INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE OF BUILDINGS SNiP 2.04.01-85 * see the current Code of Rules SP 30.13330.2012 ... 2.2. The temperature of hot water in the places of water intake should be provided: a) not lower than 60 ° C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open heat supply systems; b) not lower than 50 ° С - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to " closed systems heat supply; c) not higher than 75 °C - for all systems specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b".

Code of Rules SP 30.13330.2012 “INTERNAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE OF BUILDINGS” Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85* “…5.1.2.

Temperature of hot water supply in mkd. — zhkhportal.rf

For each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of a break in the supply of hot water, calculated in total for the billing period in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of the utility service fee for such a billing period is reduced by 0.15 percent of the fee determined for such a billing period. Permissible deviation of the hot water temperature at the draw-off point from the hot water temperature at the draw-off point that complies with legal requirements Russian Federation on technical regulation: at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 5 ° C; in the daytime (from 5.00 to 00.00 hours) - no more than 3 ° C.

The norm of the temperature of hot water in the tap in the apartment, sanpin

of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the consumer pays for hot and cold water, energy spent on heating water, water disposal (sewage). The total payment is calculated based on the readings of individual meters or common house meters. If neither one nor the other is available, then payments are charged according to the standards.


In the receipt, you can find the "recalculation" column, which adjusts the amount of the payment, if there are grounds for this. The difference between the amount paid and the actual amount is transferred to future payments for the "communal". Downward adjustment of payment is made on the basis of the consumer's application and the act-protocol on detected violations.

Hot water temperature: what should it be?

In this case, we will not discuss and touch on this topic, but we will explain the situation as a whole and analyze the situations that mainly lead to violations in the parameters of the utility service - hot water supply, and what the service organization needs to do in this case. The first case - the temperature of hot water supply at the draw-off point does not correspond to the standard parameters even with prolonged draining of water. The situation in this case is simple - we look at the DHW temperature at the entrance to the house and at the temperature difference between the direct and return lines, which should be in the range from 3 to 10ºС, while taking into account that the more difference temperatures at the inlet and outlet, the less DHW circulation through the MKD.
Also, do not forget about the DHW pressure on the direct pipeline and on the return.

About standards for air and hot water temperatures in apartments

In the application for recalculation, you must specify:

  • in the "header" - the name of the service organization and information about the tenant: full name, address;
  • indicate in the text the reasons on the basis of which the recalculation should be made: lack of water, low quality of the service provided;
  • list attachments to the claim: acts, protocols, if any;
  • date and sign.

You can also reduce the payment for hot and cold water if the tenant was absent for more than five days. However, this is possible if the payment is calculated according to the standards, without meters, and requires documentary evidence (transport tickets, a certificate from the hospital, etc.). The recalculation is made within five working days, and if the Management Company does not agree with the claim, then the tenant must receive a written reasoned refusal no later than a month from the date of application.

In the absence of a pressure drop: 1. Malfunction of the shut-off valves at the entrance to the house - we change the shut-off valves (most often, the shut-off valves on the return pipeline fail). 2. If the internal shut-off valves are in good condition, we call representatives of the heating network (the malfunction is located on the internal supply network of hot water supply - there is no circulation of the coolant). The second case - the temperature of hot water supply at the draw-off point is restored during a long drain tap water. The situation is also unpleasant, since everything has already been set individual counters accounting for water consumption and draining hot water in the tap to desired temperature evokes negative feelings in the consumer.
This situation is also not very problematic. Most often, residents of one of the entrances of a residential building complain about this situation.
Download the form: act of measuring the temperature of hot water sample Inadequate quality of tap water In addition to temperature, hot water must comply with parameters such as purity and pressure. What is the use of hot water if it runs in a thin stream or is dirty? Increased pressure is also not a reason for joy: it entails the breakdown of couplings, valves and other elements of the water supply system. For hot water, pressure limits are set from 0.3 to 4.5 atmospheres.

Going beyond these boundaries is a direct reason for applying to the Criminal Code for recalculation. Impurities in the aquatic environment can be of both organic and inorganic origin: rust, ingress into the earth system, rotting wood, etc. If such cases are frequent and prolonged, it is necessary to file a complaint with the water utility with a request to check the treatment systems, which should be carried out jointly with the housing office.

What should be the temperature of hot water at the entrance to an apartment building

During operation of the STsGV, the water temperature in the places of water intake should not be lower than + 60 ° C, the static pressure should not be less than 0.05 MPa, with pipelines and water heaters filled with tap water…. “RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE TECHNICAL OPERATION OF THE HOUSING FUND” (approved by the Regulations of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170) “… 5.3. Hot water supply 5.3.1. ... The temperature of the water supplied to the water points (faucets, mixers) must be at least 60 degrees. C in open hot water systems and not less than 50 degrees.

C - closed. The temperature of the water in the hot water supply system must be maintained using an automatic regulator, the installation of which in the hot water supply system is mandatory. The water temperature at the outlet of the water heater of the hot water supply system must be selected from the condition of ensuring the normalized temperature at the draw-off points, but not more than 75 degrees.

According to sanitary standards, hot water from the tap should be from 60 to 75 * C. If the water temperature is less than 60 * C, then you need to require recalculation.

I call the control room with the requirement to measure the temperature of the water. According to the government decree of 05/06/2011 N354 "On the provision of communications services to owners and users", the procedure should be as follows:

106. A notice of a violation of the quality of a utility service can be made by the consumer in writing or orally (including by telephone) and is subject to mandatory registration by the emergency dispatch service. In this case, the consumer is obliged to report his last name, first name and patronymic, the exact address of the premises where a violation of the quality of the utility service was found and the type of such utility service. An employee of the emergency dispatch service is obliged to inform the consumer of information about the person who received the consumer's message (last name, first name and patronymic), the number for which the consumer's message is registered, and the time of its registration.

107. In the event that an employee of the emergency dispatch service of the contractor knows the reasons for the violation of the quality of the utility service, he is obliged to immediately inform the consumer who has applied and make an appropriate note in the message log.

108. If the employee of the contractor's emergency dispatch service does not know the reasons for the violation of the quality of the utility service, he is obliged to agree with the consumer on the date and time of checking the fact of violation of the quality of the utility service.

109. At the end of the audit, an audit report is drawn up. [...] The verification act is drawn up in the number of copies according to the number of interested parties participating in the verification, signed by such persons (their representatives), 1 copy of the act is transferred to the consumer (or his representative), the second copy remains with the contractor, the remaining copies are transferred to the interested parties participating in the test.

In fact, it turns out that ZhEU-54 does not have such a practice. For example, there is no suitable form:
Complaint about the refusal to recalculate the payment for hot water.

On March 17, 2011, at my request, due to the low temperature of the hot water supply, the chief engineer of ZhEU-54 LLC Khairetdinova Kh.Kh. the temperature of hot water in the bathroom and in the kitchen was measured.

After a 5-minute drain of hot water, the temperature of the pipes was measured. Since in the bathroom the hot water in the faucet comes from the pipe of the heated towel rail, the temperature in the act is indicated as "return temperature (p \ dry): 40.5 * C". Measurements of hot water in the kitchen in the act are indicated as "DHW temperature at the supply: 50 * C".

Provided by paragraph 74 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.05.2006 N 307 "On the procedure for providing public services to citizens," the temperature was re-measured only on April 12. The hot water temperature in the bathroom was 44*C.

To my request to recalculate the payment for hot water supply, I received a response dated 11.04.2011 No. 766 with the following content: "according to the act, the temperature of the hot water supply is 50 * C, the temperature in the bathroom was not measured. The temperature of the hot water supply corresponds to the standard values, the recalculation is not performed." Thus, among other things, there is a discrepancy in the answer with the fact that the temperature of the hot water in the bathroom was measured and was equal to 40.5 * C

I did not agree with this decision and on April 19 sent a second request, in which I demanded a recalculation in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307. In the answer of 04.25.2011 No. 864, all my arguments were ignored and again there was only a reference to paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 of Rule 307.

I insist that the recalculation should be made in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, since there is a violation of sanitary standards and the presence of paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307 does not mean that the management company has the right to violate sanitary norms.

So, according to SanPiN
1.2 These sanitary rules are binding on all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems.
2.4. The temperature of hot water at the draw-off points, regardless of the heat supply system used, must not be lower than 60 °C and not higher than 75 °C.

According to paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of the Rules "On the Procedure for Providing Public Services to Citizens", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.23.2006 N 307, one of the requirements for the quality of public services in terms of hot water supply is the constant compliance of the composition and properties of hot water with sanitary norms and rules.

The fact that such an indicator as water temperature refers to the properties of water follows from the interpretation in the aggregate of the provisions of SanPiN (in particular, paragraph 2.1.) And Rules 307 (paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1).

According to clause 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, it is stipulated that the deviation of the composition and properties of hot water from sanitary norms and rules is not allowed, if the composition and properties of water do not comply with sanitary norms and rules, payment is not made for each day the provision of communal services of inadequate quality (regardless of indications metering devices).

In addition, the requirement of SanPiN to maintain a hot water temperature of at least 60 * C does not contradict, but only tightens the requirement of paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 of Rule 307, according to which the temperature of hot water must be at least 50 * C for closed systems district heating.

1) bring OAO "UZHKH Kalininsky district of the urban district of Ufa RB" to administrative responsibility under Part 2 of Art. 14.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and Art. 6.4 Administrative Code
2) issue an order to recalculate the payment for hot water supply for March in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rule 307, considering the period for the provision of utilities of inadequate quality from March 17, 10:00 to March 31, 24:00
3) due to the fact that the answer to my request dated April 19 was issued only on April 25, I ask you to warn OJSC UZHKh of the Kalininsky district of the urban district of Ufa of the Republic of Belarus about the inadmissibility of violating the requirements of paragraph 49, subparagraph "I" of rules 307, according to to which a notice of acceptance of this requirement and subsequent satisfaction or refusal to satisfy it, indicating the reasons for the refusal, must be sent to the applicant within two working days, otherwise it is possible to initiate an administrative case under Part 1 of Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses
4) due to the fact that SanPiN does not provide for standards according to which a deviation in the water temperature during the first minutes would be allowed, please explain to ZhEU-54 LLC that the water temperature should be measured without first draining the water. *

* Later it turned out that a three-minute water drain is still provided for measuring the water temperature

10.05.2011 a whole delegation arrives to measure the water temperature: a representative of Rospotrebnadzor, an employee of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Belarus, Chief Engineer ZhEU-54, two important representatives of "Kalinin UZHKh".

23.05.2011 comes the answer from Rospotrebnadzor:

UZHKh announces:

Receipt arrives:

just in case, I am writing a statement with a request to explain exactly how the recalculation was calculated:

In accordance with paragraph 49 (subparagraph "p") of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "on the procedure for the provision of public services to citizens" dated May 23, 2006 N 307, I PLEASE provide documents confirming the correctness of the recalculation of fees for hot water supply in receipts no later than 3 working days payment for June 2011
21.06.2011 UZHH sends a letter to the ERCC:

ERCC issues a certificate. The text is hard to read, but the bottom line is that the size of the return was calculated by the formula: (<Тариф горячей воды> - <Тариф холодной воды>) * <Объём горячей воды> * (<количество дней с температурой ниже 60 *С> / <количестве дней в месяце>)

  1. SanPin:
  2. Old ruling:;base=LAW;n=114260
  3. New Decree:

Many users face the problem that the hot water that should come out of the faucet is not as expected and is barely warm. In such a situation, it is necessary to protect your interests and write a complaint.
What are the requirements for hot water, what temperature will be optimal, as well as how to write a claim for a poor-quality service, we will tell further.

Hot water temperature standards in an apartment building

The current standards establish that the temperature of the water in the room, which is supplied to the dwellings of Russians living in apartment buildings, must be at least 60 C.

In this case, the legislator sets a limit. So, the standard is valid for those citizens whose homes are connected to a centralized hot water supply system (DHW). Permissible deviations from the minimum norm are also determined by law. They depend on the time of day.

So, in the period from 00-00 to 05-00 it is assumed that the water temperature in the apartment can be less than 5 C, while in the remaining time the deviation should not exceed 3 C.

Therefore, based on the actual rules, during the daytime the temperature of hot water can be 57 C, and at night - at least 55 degrees.

Norm 2019 SNIP and GOST

Speaking about hot water supply in a private house (apartment), the first thing that comes to mind is the current regulations relating to this topic. The fundamental one is SNiP 2.04.01-85. In 2013, the Ministry regional development determined adjustments to this standard, which were included in its composition under the name SP 30.13330.2012.

It should be noted that the designated act is expanded, has sanitary installations, and affects not only the issues of hot water supply, but also internal water supply and sewer systems used for apartment buildings. Rusty and poor-quality water is also mentioned here.

This standard specifies that for allowable temperature DHW must be guided by the provisions of GOST 2874-82. Here are the following rules:

  • in centralized hot water systems connected to open heating systems at the point of intake, the optimum water temperature does not fall below 60 ° C;
  • for centralized hot water supply connected to closed heat supply systems, the minimum rate is 50 C;
  • the maximum value of the water heating temperature for all heat supply systems is 75 C.

Norm 2019 SanPin

One of the key legislative acts that establishes the rules for hot water supply is the current SanPin 2.1.2496-09. The standard was approved by the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia No. 20 of 04/07/2009. It has deep links with other regulations.

The specified regulatory framework defines the maximum and minimum limits for the permissible water temperature in apartment building. So, the maximum value is 75 C, and the minimum is 60 C. At the same time, the legislator establishes some allowable norms deviations, which, depending on the time of day, are 3-5 degrees.

At the entrance to the house, the temperature of the supplied water, respectively, may be slightly higher. This is logical, because in the pipeline networks of the house it can cool down!

Measuring the temperature of hot water in an apartment: rules

If the user intends to check the quality of the hot water service provided, he can measure the water temperature. Based on the data received, a citizen has the right to file a claim with the service provider if the temperature does not comply with applicable standards.

There are certain rules for measuring the temperature of hot water. Consumers need to take mandatory actions. The order will be as follows:

  • the tap is opened and left for 5 minutes. This is necessary in order for the water to glass, otherwise the indicator will be too high;
  • you should take a container into which water is poured. The mouth of the container must be wide so that the measuring device fits there;
  • the temperature is measured, the container is placed under the flow of water so that excess water constantly drains from the glass;
  • a measuring device is installed in the center of the container, fixing temperature regime;
  • the results obtained should be recorded and compared with current regulatory recommendations.

Why is the temperature below normal

Hot water problems often affect consumers. Many users do not know how to protect their interests in such a situation, and continue to pay at the established rates of management companies.

If we talk about the causes of the problem, they can be divided into several categories:

  1. Circumstances that have a legal explanation. The law allows lowering the temperature of hot water in taps if new heating systems are being tested, or suppliers are introducing new requirements for the technical equipment of the plumbing system. When introducing new equipment, the state will not impose sanctions against violators.
  2. Repair operations. Hot water systems periodically need to be repaired and reconstructed, which may cause problems with water supply. If this happens, the temperature of the warm water may drop, or the water may disappear altogether. However, the management company must inform consumers about this in advance.
  3. Deception and fraud against consumers. The management or resource supply company deliberately lowers the temperature of the water, providing a service of inadequate quality, in an effort to reduce the cost of heating it. Thus, they violate existing laws, and will be held accountable.

What to do if the temperature of hot water in the apartment is below normal, where to go?

If the water temperature does not match established standards if it is not hot enough, the consumer can apply for a recalculation. In this situation, you need to pay attention to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. Here, further actions of a dissatisfied consumer are prescribed.

So, according to the document, the user will have to act as follows:

  1. If the consumer finds that the temperature of the water in his tap does not meet the requirements and has significant deviations, he must notify the representatives of the supplier company about the problem and management company. The notice may be either oral or written.
  2. The dispatcher receiving the appeal records the fact of dissatisfaction. Note that he is obliged to do several actions, in particular, introduce himself, name his position. The appeal is recorded, after which the user is informed of the number of his complaint.
  3. The consumer must clearly state the essence of the claim to the dispatcher (lack of water in the pipes, low temperature, etc.), indicate his personal data, and indicate the contacts by which he can be contacted to clarify the situation.
  4. If the dispatcher is aware of the existing problems, he will give preliminary justifications. If he does not have exact information, the employee will inform the applicant about the upcoming measurement procedure, which is agreed with the consumer.
  5. Based on the results of verification operations (measurements take place in the presence of the consumer), an act is drawn up in 2 copies. One of them is transferred to the applicant, and the second remains with the company accepting the appeal. If the measurement results do not meet the requirements of the consumer, he has the right to insist on measurements by independent experts.

Who is responsible for hot water in the apartment

Operating principles affecting the problems of inconsistency in the temperature of the water in the DHW in residential buildings, establish that management companies and HOAs, which are actual subscribers and recipients of the DHW service, will be responsible in this situation. The area of ​​responsibility also includes direct service providers - resource supply organizations.

If there are any claims to the quality of the supplied hot water in the water supply system, the dissatisfied consumer has the right to file a claim with the representatives of the management company, or directly with the supplier.

How to write a complaint

The legislator establishes a number of mandatory requirements that must be taken into account when filing a complaint by a dissatisfied consumer in the housing and communal services segment. So, if a citizen is not satisfied with the quality of the DHW service, and believes that the water temperature is low and does not meet the standards, he will have to pay attention to such points:

  • the application can be written by hand or typed on a computer;
  • in the upper left corner, it is necessary to indicate the current data of the applicant, including full name, address of residence and contact information for communication;
  • you must indicate the name of the organization to which the complaint is directed and which is caught in non-compliance with applicable requirements. If the user knows the official who deals with this type of problem, it will be necessary to indicate that the complaint is addressed to a specific specialist (for example, the city of Moscow, Ivanov I.I., the main specialist in housing and communal services of the company "Your everything");
  • in the main part of the appeal, you need to indicate the reasons that prompted you to file a claim (unproven hot water supply services), report on the essence of the problem and attempts to solve it. The consumer must indicate when and where he applied with a request to pay attention to the problem, and what answer was given to him by representatives of the management company or the resource supply structure. It is advisable to make references to the actual standards;
  • after writing the main part of the claim, you must specify all the attached documents, including the results of measurements made by independent experts or employees of the Criminal Code, witness's testimonies, information defining the epidemiological threshold of water safety, etc.;
  • the date of writing the complaint is indicated, and the applicant leaves a personal signature with a transcript.

The application receives a personal code by which the user can track its further progress

Application for recalculation of payment for hot water of inadequate quality

The application for recalculation has the form established by law, you can study the current sample of the document and download it,. ⇐

Recalculation for hot water deviation from the norm, degrees, formula

If the consumer has up-to-date information regarding the actual water temperature standards, he has the right to file a claim with the public utilities in an effort to protect his interests.

Note that the legislator establishes a number of penalties for violators.
According to the provisions of Article 7.23 of the Federal Law-195, officials will be punished with a fine of 500-1000 rubles, legal entities- 5-10 thousand rubles. More severe penalties are planned for the future.

Recalculation is made according to a specific formula. Thus, the legislator established that during the period when hot water did not reach optimal temperature, the consumer will pay at the rate typical for cold water (recalculation method). In this case, the formula sets the recalculation is made taking into account 0.1% for every 3 degrees of deviation from the norm.

Recalculation example

To analyze the situation, we give an example of the following type. The hot water temperature is 53 degrees ( DHW system open) and this value was observed during the calendar month. Therefore, for this period, payment should have been considered at the tariff for cold water. The consumer spent 3 cubic meters of hot water at a rate of 100 rubles per cubic meter. At the same time, the tariff for cold water is 30 rubles per cubic meter. Consequently, instead of the prescribed 30*3=90 rubles, the amount of the fee was 100*3=300 rubles. He is obliged to return 300-90=210 rubles.

Hot water is an integral part of human comfort, just like electricity, gas and heating.

Often, citizens are faced with a situation where hot water can only be called because it flows from a hot tap. Naturally, such cases do not please anyone.

Therefore, you should figure out what to do in such situations, because the temperature of hot water in the tap according to the SNIP standard in 2019 is strictly established. The 2019 standard remains unchanged compared to the previous ones.

In accordance with sanitary rules and regulations under the legislation of the Russian Federation, the allowable limits of hot water should be from 60 to 75 degrees. It is these values ​​that you need to focus on.

All citizens have the right to enjoy hot water and complain when faced with a violation of SanPiN. Because if the water flows very cold, then a person not only loses amenities, but also endangers his own health.

The temperature regime of hot water, which is supplied to the water supply system apartment building, are established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, SNIPAs and GOSTs.

In accordance with the above acts, the hot water standards are as follows:

  1. Not less than 60 degrees for an open heating system.
  2. At least 50 degrees in a closed heating system.
  3. Not higher than 75 degrees, regardless of the system.

This is exactly what hot water should be in a tap according to GOST. The lower threshold of the norm is set in such a range to protect water from pathogenic bacteria.

If the water temperature exceeds 75 degrees, then this can cause failure of the plastic water supply system that is installed in each modern house. But these standards do not depend on the type of water supply system.

It is worth noting that in the legislation, which is also valid in 2019, you can find permissible deviations from the norm.

They should be no more than:

  • three degrees in the daytime;
  • five degrees at night.

If the deviations are greater than the specified values, then consumers have every right to demand a reduction in fees. If hot water is at low temperature or does not reach 40 degrees, its cost should be calculated as for cold water supply.

If the water temperature is too low, it can cause contamination of the liquid by pathogens. infectious diseases and bacteria. At the set minimum temperature threshold, harmful bacteria are doomed to death.

Very hot water can cause skin burns.. Even at a temperature of 55 degrees there is a risk of burns. Therefore, citizens who are connected to an open water supply system are advised to mix hot water with cold water.

Exceeding the temperature threshold will damage plastic water systems. We will have to make repairs, and who should pay for it is a big question.

In addition, all the time while the citizen will find out the reason, and he will have to sit without water to look for the culprit in this incident.

If the water temperature drops to 59 degrees or rises to 76 degrees in an open water supply system, this is considered a violation of the rules for the provision of utilities. But minor deviations from the norm are provided for by the rules.

A complete suspension of hot water is possible in two cases:

  1. If on pumping station or the supply line has an accident.
  2. Planned or preventive work is being carried out.

In the second case, you can deprive the water supply of no more than 4 hours.

A resident of an apartment building must understand that if the water temperature at the time of intake is less than 40 degrees, then payment for its consumption must be made as for cold water.

In order to recalculate at such tariffs, it is necessary to take measurements of the water temperature.

If the hot water is low temperature, first of all, you need to contact the dispatch service of the management company or housing and communal services. You must submit an application for a water temperature below the required one.

The application must be recorded in writing, indicating the number of the application, the time of its acceptance and the name of the dispatcher.

It may turn out that the drop in the temperature regime of the water occurred as a result of a technical malfunction of the pipeline or for some other reason. In such a case, the dispatcher must notify the emergency mode and troubleshooting lines.

In a situation where the water temperature is lowered for unknown reasons, it is necessary to agree on the day and time of the measurements. After the implementation of this procedure, an act is drawn up.

The number of copies should be the same as the number of participants in the procedure. Based on the results of measurements, the payment for hot water is recalculated according to the tariffication of cold water.

If the temperature regime of the water in the tap is violated regularly, the consumer has the right to contact the utility with a complaint. It will certainly be considered, but it is important to draw up a document correctly and argue the problem as clearly as possible.

Main points of complaint:

This document can be issued both in printed form and written by hand in two copies. One copy remains with the consumer, and the second is transferred to the management company.

During a personal visit, you can be required to register a complaint in your own presence and put the incoming number on your copy.

By law, a complaint from a consumer must be considered within 30 days from the date of its filing.. Sometimes management companies respond to a written request faster.

If several consumers are dissatisfied with the quality of water, then the speed of consideration and resolution of the problem will be influenced by a collective complaint.

In the event that the management company will not respond and take measures to solve the problem, you should contact the state supervision structures - Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

In order for the appeal to the management company with a complaint about the non-compliance of the water temperature with the norms to give a result, you need to have evidence.

Therefore, a citizen who considers himself injured due to violations of the SanPiN order and wants to defend his rights must know the rules for measuring the temperature of hot water in an apartment. This is a simple procedure that does not require much time.

The temperature of hot water in the tap is measured with a thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees. A person must prepare this device in advance and strictly adhere to the algorithm of actions that lead to accurate results:

For a period of time when hot water supply did not meet the norm, the consumer has the right to demand a recalculation.

This will again require an act drawn up by representatives of the management company and signed by two parties. You should go to the company with him and write a statement.

The application must indicate the period for which the recalculation of the fee is required. In this case, the date of drawing up the act will be the beginning of the period, and the date of the final check, if the cause is found and corrected, will be the end.

If the hot water temperature does not comply with SanPiN standards, then the billing department reduces the utility bill for hot water in the specified period:

  1. By 0.1%, when the indicators are below the norm by more than three degrees during the day.
  2. If the temperature from the hot water faucet is below 40 degrees, the fee must be charged at the same rate as for cold water.

Thus, the temperature of hot water in the tap according to the SNIP standard in 2019 is at least 60 degrees Celsius - if the system is open, and at least 50 degrees Celsius - in a closed system.

Hot water should not be higher than 75 degrees, this limit does not depend on the water supply system.

In the case when the temperature of hot water is lowered for unknown reasons, you need to contact the management company and agree on the day and hour of the measurements. Based on the measurements taken, the payment for hot water is recalculated according to the tariffs for cold water.

It is considered part of human comfort, like electricity, gas, heating. It serves for daily needs.

There are rules for the supply of utilities, sanitary standards, which state what standard the temperature of hot water in an apartment should be. All this is regulated by law. What should be the standard temperature of hot water in the apartment?

Basic norms

The standard for the temperature of hot water in the apartment is set by SanPiN. This indicator can be at the level of 60-75 degrees. There are also other rules:

  • not less than 60 degrees - in open heat supply;
  • not less than 50 - indoors;
  • no more than 75 - for both systems.

It is this standard for the temperature of hot water in the apartment that must be observed. This is necessary in order to completely eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. But if the indicator is set above 55 degrees, then there is a risk of getting burned. Because of this, hot water is used along with cold water.

The temperature standard for hot water in an apartment in winter does not differ from the established indicator. Residents should be in control. If this does not meet the standards, then it is important to contact the competent authorities in a timely manner to resolve the issue.

And temperatures above 75 degrees lead to breakage of the plastic section of the water supply, which is found in many modern apartments. Deviation includes even a slight increase or decrease in performance. There must be a minimum, even if communications and heating equipment old. The standard for the temperature of hot water in the apartment is indicated in the contract concluded between the client and the service provider.

Why is temperature control important?

Temperature control is an important necessity. Failure to comply with the rules leads to the following consequences:

  • multiplication of bacteria low temperatures bacteria develop very quickly, which is harmful to humans;
  • burn: very hot water causes damage to the skin, which is why it is important to comply with the rules.

It is for these reasons that the temperature of hot water in the apartment should be normal. The norm allows ensuring the rights of citizens.

Reasons for the drop in temperature

Although there is a standard for the temperature of hot water in an apartment, there are still reasons why a decrease in temperature is possible:

  • emergencies in the water supply or communications;
  • performing preventive maintenance and repair of network communications.

When performing such activities, hot water is turned off, which does not affect the quality of life of people. But there are norms where the maximum shutdown time is indicated:

  • 8 hours per month;
  • no more than 4 hours in a row;
  • no more than 1 day in case of an accident.

If the deadlines have been extended, then a recalculation of the payment for services is required. A reduction of 0.15% is required.

Checking the norm

Utilities must comply with the standard for the temperature of hot water in the apartment. General position document includes rules for checking compliance. Residents need to be able to check the water temperature. If there are deviations, then you need to file a claim. The water test procedure includes the following steps:

  • you need to open the tap, and let the water drain for about 2-3 minutes, during which time the cooled liquid will be eliminated;
  • then you need to pour water into a special glass;
  • a sensitive thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees must be immersed in the container;
  • you should wait for the thermometer to heat up, after which the readings are recorded.

Although the temperature standard is in a wide range, there may be some deviations. During the day, the indicators differ by 3 degrees, and at night up to 5. For every 3 degrees, a tariff reduction of 0.1% is required.

Where should you apply?

If deviations from the norms were noticed, then it is necessary to contact the housing and communal services. When the cause lies in an accident, the dispatcher will notify you of the duration of the repair work. If there are no reasons for lowering the temperature, then an application should be drawn up and submitted.

Consideration of complaints from the population is carried out quickly. To be sure that the application is considered, you need to write down its number, as well as fix the time of the call, the name of the person who accepted the claim. With the persistence of a person, measures must be taken to restore the temperature of the water. If it is not more than 40 degrees, then the tariff should be like for cold water supply.

What to do if the water is of poor quality?

The temperature is set according to SanPiN. The document also indicates other norms that ensure the quality of human life. The water should be clear, without taste or smell. Services are charged, so if something does not fit the standards, you need to complain. Where should I go if there is poor quality water?

Users need to do the following:

  • should call in telling about admission poor quality water, after which you need to ask the dispatcher registration number applications;
  • within a few days, an inspector from a company or housing department should come, who draws up an act on the non-compliance of water with proper quality;
  • if the engineer is not available, then you should call an employee of the house management company or neighbors and draw up a document in which everyone signs.

The finished document has legal effect, therefore, an application is made on its basis. The complaint should be written in almost the same way as for temperature. It is necessary to write an application for the head of the housing inspectorate, indicating the regulatory legal acts and the time for consideration of the document. Only as the reason it is necessary to designate "poor-quality water".

After that, a response from the inspector should come, and you can wait for the solution to the problem. A collective application significantly speeds up the review procedure, so the water quality will soon be restored.

Drafting a complaint

In case of violation of consumer rights, a claim is made. It is necessary to write it in a generally accepted way, in a neat and legible handwriting. It is important to indicate to whom the application is intended. Usually the document is drawn up for the head of the management company, which is the supplier of water.

Be sure to indicate all the facts: calls, appeals to employees with applications, visits to the management company. Written complaints are dealt with much faster, so the results from them will be noticeable soon. It is necessary to save the drawn up acts, documents. All this will come in handy if there is inaction on the part of the service provider.

When is a recalculation needed?

The temperature standard for hot water in an apartment in the summer does not differ from generally accepted rules. Due to deviations, the value for the period during which the rights of the consumer were violated must be changed. There are principles of payment for utilities, which are enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. There you can also find information about the provision of low-quality services, and the rules for their payment.

Hot water must flow uninterruptedly, and with the proper temperature, quality. Recalculation is made when the deviation from the norm is 3 degrees. And this applies to the increase and decrease in temperature. The cost of the service should be reduced by 0.1%. If the indicator is less than 40 degrees, then the service is paid as for cold water.

To reduce the cost for days or hours, if water was supplied, it is necessary in the following way:

  • the number of days must be divided by the number of days in the month;
  • the resulting amount should be multiplied by the tariff.

The answer will be the amount that is considered a discount for the supply of low-quality water. These simple tips will help you deal with all issues. Such problems must be solved boldly, because personal money is paid for them. Consumer requests are usually satisfied, and the supplier improves the quality of services.