Decorating the refrigerator for the new year. Equip a decorative fireplace. How to give your kitchen interior a new look

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Before the New Year, everyone is trying to decorate the room, new Year's table, put a beautiful Christmas tree. The kitchen remains undeservedly forgotten. And this is unfair. After all, the kitchen also wants a festive mood.

How can you decorate your kitchen space festively? Here are some ideas to help you show your imagination, make an old dream come true, or remember your childhood.

How to decorate your front door

The traditional colors of the New Year are red and green. So let's try to beat them. To start the New Year from the entrance, arrange front door in the kitchen.

Hang a Christmas wreath on the door. He will not only decorate the entrance, but will also be a talisman against evil spirit and a talisman for attracting happiness, money and good luck. This will be a sign of your hospitality and cordiality - the mood of the guests will improve from the doorway. They will see how happy and happy you are to celebrate the New Year together.

If you didn't have time to buy a ready-made wreath, you can make it yourself, involving your children in the manufacturing process, as well as in decorating your rooms and kitchens. Children love to do something, tinker together with adults. Listen to their fantasies and ideas, let them come up with and implement their ideas.

To make a wreath, you will need a few soft rods or a skein of wire, some fir cones, coniferous branches, tinsel, red bows.

You can use dried berries, Christmas tree decorations, put a talisman doll in the middle. It all depends on the flight of your imagination.

Decorate the doorway and perimeter with tinsel, rain, hang funny toys or glue snowflakes, ready-made pictures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden or pictures about the New Year.

Do not attach pictures "to death" so that after the New Year you do not remove them with great difficulty and damage the surface.

Window decoration

The kitchen usually has one window. And, of course, it must be festively decorated. If possible, replace the curtains with curtains with New Year's symbols.

If not, then decorate the curtains with beautiful bows, snowflakes, sparkles, stars, etc. Attach New Year's pictures to the glass itself.

You can draw the symbol of the New Year with watercolors, stained glass paints (so that you can remove them later without problems) or stick ready-made posters. Hang a garland of flickering lights that change colors on the curtain or around the perimeter of the window.

It's a great idea to make Christmas-themed drawings quickly using a stencil, toothpaste and a brush. A stencil is taken, which is purchased or made by hand, is superimposed on the glass.

Dilute the paste slightly with water, periodically dip the brush into the solution and spray it onto the stencil. It turns out New Year's pictures, as if drawn with snow. This will add a touch of romance, mystery and magic. On the windowsill, if space permits, put a small Christmas tree. It can be a live spruce in a pot, artificial, or simply indoor flower with a sturdy trunk and branches.

Decorate your Christmas tree or flower with toys and tinsel. In a small kitchen, try not to overdo it with decoration, so as not to clutter up the space. In a large room, you can give free rein to imagination.

Arrange a fabulous town on the windowsill, put cotton wool on the surface, make a house, arrange the animals, fairytale heroes and the symbol of the coming year.

Room decoration

Along the perimeter of the kitchen on ceiling plinth attach garlands with flashing lights or just a voluminous rain. You can attach live coniferous branches to the mezzanine or artificial elements.

Buy fir oil and tangerine essential oil... Apply a few drops to the branches - the smell of the coming New Year is guaranteed to you for a long time.

You can bake gingerbread cookies, hang them on ribbons around the kitchen. Such a fragrance spreads from him!

When decorating a space, one must remember that all suspended or placed objects do not interfere with the main functional actions in the kitchen - cooking.

In the large spacious kitchen, you can put another live tree and traditionally decorate it. Fill the space helium balloonsso that they find their place under the ceiling.

We also decorate the doors of cabinets and nightstands, make drawings on glass and transparent parts. You can make a schematic image of a Christmas tree out of the rain.

Hang twigs or pine legs with artificial snow. Snow can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Dissolve 1 kg of coarse salt in 1.5 liters of water, add food coloring to add color. Bring the solution to a boil, dip twigs or other blanks (homemade Christmas tree decorations, cones) in a container. Refrigerate for 5-6 hours.
  2. Use Styrofoam that breaks down into small balls when pressed. Coat the prepared blanks with glue, then sprinkle with foam.
  3. The contents of baby diapers are reminiscent of artificial snow... Just take it out of the diapers and sprinkle it on the prepared place.

If you hang a thread through the whole kitchen, and on it small hanging threads 40-50 cm long, on which small pieces of cotton are strung, you get the feeling of falling snow.

We decorate the chandelier and lamps

The chandelier in the center can be made a central bright spot. Hang hanging toys, glowing ball with sparkles, decorate with rain. If the height of the ceilings allows, you can hang a small decorated herringbone.

Here you can show your imagination, come up with something of your own, but do not forget about the technique fire safety... Do not place jewelry close to light bulbs to avoid overheating and flashing.

The lamps are also decorated with red bows hanging christmas decorations, balls. Colored bulbs can be put into lighting devices.

Festive table setting

Table setting for the New Year is different from preparing for the usual arrival of guests. Usually, the accent is in the decoration of rooms, as already mentioned, red and green colors.

It is appropriate to use any other color solutions, if only they are combined and in harmony with the interior colors and the design of the entire room. For the upcoming 2019 year of the yellow earth pig is relevant yellow and all its shades.

In the middle of the table, place a composition with candles, coniferous branches, toys, tinsel, cones. You can arrange it in the form of a wreath or put it in a beautiful dish made of glass, ceramics, put bright beautiful pebbles, beads.

Tie bright bows, rain, serpentine on glasses, put on plates with a festive applique or do-it-yourself, embroidered, painted napkins.

Choose dishes with a winter and New Year theme too. Colored or decorated candles with a composition of pine needles or simply on stands can be placed around the table.

The symbol of the New Year - a pig - should be present on the table in the form of a figurine. Put a small toy with her picture, wrapped in a festive golden wrapper, for each guest.

Fresh fruits, vegetables and natural juices will delight the hostess of the year. Be bolder in your fantasies, do not be afraid to experiment, come up with an unusual, interesting and memorable design.

Use all the recommendations, wishes, your ideas and celebrate the New Year of the Yellow Earth Pig cheerfully, cheerfully, with family and friends. Let him bring warmth, love and happiness to your home! Happy New Year 2019!

Nowadays, finding a design studio specializing in interior decoration of private houses and apartments is not at all difficult, or rather very simple. And every year the number of such companies is increasing. The reason for such a huge popularity is one - a rather profitable business. After all, those people who have at least once come across the prices for their services know that this is not a cheap pleasure and is not suitable for everyone. But thank God there are no hopeless situations. Today, with the presence of the Internet, dedication and fresh ideas develop in my head small project to transform your interior, everyone can do it.

Kitchen makeover for a minimal budget

Probably for many the most important premises in the house is - kitchen A place where you spend a lot of time cooking, heart-to-heart conversations with family and close friends, as well as watching football at night when everyone is asleep. And, of course, it is very important that the functionality, appearance and the practicality of this room met all these needs.

A simple hint can serve as an impetus for new ideas, interesting photo or videos, which are full on the global network.

Kitchen decor ideas: photos of the best performances

You can give the interior a new look different ways: change colors , floor or, decorate the apron and facades, transform the nondescript look of furniture and much more. The word "transformation" in no way means that everything old must be replaced with a new one.

Decor - translated from Latin means "compatibility", therefore, the main task is to combine the boring interior with new creative ideas.

It so happens that for various reasons, it is not possible to decorate the walls in the kitchen or furniture. In this case, it is necessary to use a different arsenal of creative weapons of decorative elements: handicrafts, various accessories and jewelry. There are plenty of ideas for self-realization, the main thing is to send them in the right direction to get the desired result.

Bright and saturated shades will give the interior freshness, individuality and the atmosphere of a permanent holiday. This topic is especially relevant if there are small children in the house.

If you have any bright colors against its background they will look much richer. Though white color It goes well with any other shades, pink, purple, light green, orange and blue are best suited to it.

The kitchen is exactly the place - where nothing superfluous happens

Unusual wall decor in an interesting design

Using various stencils or artistic skills, plain and boring walls can be given a new graceful and unique look that will not only update your interior, but also make it much more interesting and varied.

If you are creative person and do not know where to spend your energy, take a brush in your hands and draw. Ask where? Yes, right on the walls! Throw out all your emotions on them, trying to convey your inner world through various images.

Painting isn't the only way to decorate walls in a kitchen. A favorite technique of many designers is wall decoration by sticking various items of plates, forks, spoons, etc. on it. You can, of course, go the other standard way and use it as a material, or, however individual style risks becoming common.

Bright coloring on the wall is an indicator of inspiration

How to give your kitchen interior a new look

In the event that the appearance of your furniture has become boring and impersonal for you, it's time to transform it. Having a small amount of tools and minimal skills in carpentry will help you say goodbye to a boring interior.

While decorating the kitchen interior, in addition to material benefits, you will acquire useful knowledge that can later be useful to you in further repairs.

Making a kitchen set with your own hands is quite simple. It is only important to know the required dimensions and make the necessary cuts in the marked places with pinpoint accuracy. After that, all that remains is to fasten all the elements into a single structure and varnish it.

When decorating your interior, try to duplicate each color in different places. For example, if you have a red refrigerator, use a tablecloth on the table or wall shelves the same color. This is how you will achieve perfect combination colors.

Crafts for the kitchen and other little things

Nothing will decorate the interior of a kitchen like handcrafted decorations from scrap materials. It is these small items that give a unique and inimitable style to the interior and create a truly homely and warm atmosphere in the house.

  • Glass bottles and vases with interesting forms and unusual filler;
  • Spice jars decorated with ribbons;
  • Beautiful mittens and potholders embroidered with bright patterns;
  • Original shelves and homemade chandeliers;
  • Painted in different colors clay pots with flowers.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to transform the interior of the kitchen. It remains only to pick up a couple original ideas and you can start creating beauty.

Like any other room, the kitchen should have good lighting... Unfortunately, most of the fixtures have a plain and boring look, which is unlikely to add sophistication to your interior. And here ingenuity can come to the rescue, which will help to create original design, without resorting to unnecessary costs.

The kitchen is where the woman dominates. And what weaker sex does not like beautiful, fresh and fragrant flowers? Therefore, this moment should be given special attention... As a couple, you cannot imagine how many suitable flower vases are right under your nose. You just need to connect your imagination.

A beautiful bouquet - a beautiful vase

The source of creative ideas is limitless. Create, try and experiment

Use as many small things as possible as interior decoration. Arrange them so that they do not interfere with the main functions in the kitchen, but are always in sight.

Modern solutions for individual style

The new look of the old interior is completely in the hands of the owners. It only takes a little time and patience to implement all your ideas.

Think everything thoroughly, try not to miss a single detail that could overshadow and nullify all your efforts. Remember that only complete dedication will help you achieve the desired result.

In order for the magical transformation of the kitchen to meet all your expectations, use only those design techniques in which you are unequivocally confident. Nothing should disturb the overall harmony of the room. All your crafts and accessories should organically fit into the overall concept.

Bright wallpaper on the wall - the best way get away from the simplicity of the interior

As you can see, the decor for the kitchen is an amazing and creative process, in which the most important thing is a sense of proportion. Going too far with the implementation of ideas, you can get an old museum, and not a cozy kitchen.

When pursuing aesthetics, don't forget functionality. After all, first of all, this is a room for cooking and only then everything else.

And remember that the best decoration is only one that is made by yourself ...

You can decorate the whole house for the New Year in just 6 steps. We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting, in our opinion, decorative techniques that will help prepare the interior for the holidays.

When we think about how to decorate our house for the New Year, the first thing that comes to mind is the images of a decorated Christmas tree and luminous garlands ... Boring! This year we offer you a new approach to the design of your festive interior: find an alternative to traditional accessories and add bright decorative touches. To do this, you have to "walk" only seven steps.

1. Turn the refrigerator into a New Year's gift

To really be original, start decorating your apartment for the New Year not from the living room, but from the kitchen. Just imagine how elegant an ordinary refrigerator tied with a wide gift ribbon will look. Such an uncomplicated decor looks unusually impressive, original and fashionable. A few more secrets of fashion new Year's interior you can find it here.

Our opinion:

You can continue the ribbon theme in the New Year's kitchen decor by decorating the cabinets, chair backs and cornice with strips of fabric. In addition to the aesthetic, this method of decoration has one more important for kitchen space advantage - does not interfere.

2. Make an alternative tree

If worries about the sad fate of coniferous green beauties are not alien to you, you may well refuse to install a traditional spruce. Original wall panel from balls, beads, garlands and ribbons will become a stylish (and most importantly - humane) alternative to a living tree. Read about what other decorative techniques will help you create a festive mood without using a Christmas tree here.

3. Make exclusive Christmas toys with the kids

Nothing helps create a festive mood like joint creative activities that involve all family members. Inspect your drawers and cabinets for old buttons, beads, ribbons, or burnt out light bulbs. All these seemingly unnecessary things will help you make unique new Year decorationthat will look great in any room. More ideas for creating homemade decor christmas toys you can find it here.

4. Paint the window in the children's room

Painting a window is an effective decorative technique. Now there are many options for glass paints and kits for creating temporary stained glass windows.

However, if you are not a professional artist, do not rush to paint the glass of the living room or kitchen. But the children's room is perfect for creative New Year's experiments. And even if the snowflakes turn out to be a little gnarled, and the figure of Santa Claus resembles a drawing of a third-grade student, the young inhabitants of the room will still be indescribable delight with your venture, especially if you allow them to take part in it.

5. Equip a decorative fireplace

Thanks to Hollywood films, the fireplace decorated with socks and pine branches has long become a symbol of the New Year holidays, no less bright and recognizable than the tree. If you have a fireplace, congratulations. Otherwise, we recommend equipping the apartment decorative fireplaceny portal, which, by the way, has even more extensive decorative potential than a functioning fireplace.

6. Use a themed color scheme

A change in the color palette always entails a change in the mood of the interior. Therefore, in order to give your house or apartment a festive mood, it is necessary, if possible, to fill the rooms with traditionally New Year's color combinationsassociated with snow, pine needles, a Santa Claus costume, and so on.

If the basic shades of the interior are not combined with the white-green-red decor, it is enough to use festive color combinations in the design of the New Year's table. More on this and other secrets festive table setting read here.

New Year is a time of magic, when not only children, but even adults live in anticipation of a miracle. Already at the end of November we are making plans for the celebration, buying gifts for loved ones and slowly starting to decorate the house. The kitchen is where the party begins. It is here that we will cut the ingredients for our beloved "Olivier" to New Year's music or jokes by Ivan Urgant, in between cooking dishes - drink champagne and eat tangerines, and when large sizes kitchens can even celebrate the New Year here. So the New Year's decor also starts with the kitchen. We are starting a series of articles on how to make your kitchen the most elegant and New Year's Eve cozy; thanks to our advice, you will find out best ideas new Year's decoration do it yourself kitchens. Today - TOP 10 ideas on how to decorate a kitchen of any color and size.

Ten New Year Ideas

  1. Red is a New Year's must have. The colors traditionally associated with New Year and Christmas are red and green. Green color will be enough in the form of a Christmas tree in any of the rooms and in some other little things, but red can become the main accent in the festive decoration. Red details will look equally impressive in any color scheme kitchen furniture, whether it is laconic white or classic shades of wood. How do you like the ideas for New Year's kitchen decoration with red details in our photos?
  1. Fragrances are the key to a festive mood. If for some reason you do not put a natural spruce or pine at home, then you can purchase spruce branches and place them on the very top kitchen set... The scent will be breathtaking, and the look will create an elegant one! We traditionally decorate the kitchen for New Years, so why not make sure that it smells like New Years?

Little secret: you can buy tangerine essential oil and apply a few drops to the branches. Thus, your kitchen will be filled with the classic New Year's aroma of spruce and tangerines.

Hostess tip: Bake gingerbread cookies and hang them on ribbons throughout the kitchen. Hand-baked, it will delight the eye and soul. And how fragrant!

  1. Decorate a chandelier - why not? For example, you can wrap it with matte green tinsel, and hang balls on the shades. The taller your loved ones are, the shorter the ribbons will be.

We are in favor of fire safety, so make sure that the tinsel does not heat up from prolonged contact with the lamps.

  1. Tapes on the door. They can be delicate, polka-dotted, minimalistic, you can even attach postcards sent to you by your friends and family with clothespins! You can fix the tapes on a transparent double sided tape, and ribbons are sold, for example, in the holiday packaging departments. You will see, the kitchen will be transformed immediately!

Advice: Collect old Soviet postcards (for example, from your parents) and hang them on beautiful ribbons. You and your loved ones will be happy to remember the good wishes written on them from the past, which make these cards truly magical and unique.

  1. Refrigerator and kitchen door decor. If your loved ones have a sense of humor, everything is in order, and even more so if you have children, then you can make a snowman from the refrigerator with your own hands. To do this, you only need thick colored paper, scissors and double-sided tape. In addition, if you have a door in the kitchen, then you can hang an impromptu snowman made from tinsel, glued from paper, or even twisted from branches! We decided to show you a variety of "snowman" ideas in the photo.

  1. What is written with a pen ... You can purchase ready-made interior letters and add any New Year's slogan or word from them. Or, if you have a chalk black board hanging in your kitchen, write and draw something on it with chalk. You can also create a New Year's original decor windows - take a look at the ones we found. Well, real masters may well make such a decor with their own hands from scrap materials!

  1. "Cut" the window on the New Year! Window decor is creation new year mood not only to yourself, but also to those around you, because it is visible not only to you, but also to passers-by and residents of neighboring houses. A simple way is to hang a garland on the curtain and turn it on at nightfall. More creative hostesses can build with their own hands some simple figures from a garland on glass - a Christmas tree or a snowman. And scotch tape to help you! We will show you other window decor ideas in the next article.

  1. Berry decor. Holly is a plant that is traditionally used to decorate their home for the New Year. It looks great in small vases, jugs, it can even be used for! An alternative to holly can be sprigs of mountain ash, hawthorn, and in addition, you can find an artificial one. On the photographs we have selected, you can glean interesting ideas for juicy "berry" kitchen decor for the new year.

  1. New Year's sweets. A lot of sweets are always bought for the new year. How do you like such a "sweet" New Year's decor in the kitchen, as in the photographs? This is where jars come in handy, which can be filled with sweets for every taste. Why not time off until the new year by eating one candy a day? Or maybe you like to bake sweets with your own hands - you can fill jars with them too! And guests always have something to treat.

Advice: for those who adhere proper nutrition or does not want to dial excess weight for the new year: cans can be filled with nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits. And close the lid tightly!

We remind you: everything in moderation. Remember that the amount of New Year's decor should be comparable to the size of the kitchen. The larger the footage of the kitchen, the greater the scope on it is possible. Therefore, on small kitchen within 10 m², for example window décor, chandeliers and cupboards will suffice. And, of course, the New Year's table and its setting! Expect articles about this very soon.

We hope with our help you have learned how to decorate the kitchen for the New Year in the best way. And we wish you pleasant trouble and preparations for the New Year 2019!

The festive center of an apartment or house can be made not of a living room or a nursery, but a kitchen. Why not? After all, it often happens that it is in the kitchen that the family spends the most time. Especially if it is large room with a spacious dining area, where they pass holiday feasts... It is inappropriate to decorate an empty room, and leave the most visited site in an ordinary state.

How to decorate the kitchen for the New Year? Right choice decor depends primarily on the size of the room. After all, not every Russian kitchen will fit a Christmas tree. standard size... However, there are also suitable solutions for small kitchens.

New Year's kitchen decor

1. Big tree

What could be better than a full-fledged Christmas tree, hung with balls and light bulbs? If space permits, it is worth choosing this particular method of decoration. And then no other festive decoration not required.

A large Christmas tree is especially appropriate in the kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room, where the main festive feasts take place.

2. Little Christmas tree

Mini Christmas trees are so cute and touching. They are also good in that you can place them in absolutely any place.

In the kitchen, a small Christmas tree can be placed directly on the work surface, on the bar, on the shelf, on, in the center dining table or at small table somewhere in the corner (which will be a kind of imitation of a large Christmas tree).

An interesting solution is decorating a miniature spruce with kitchen utensils.

3. Branches with Christmas tree decor

This is a charming alternative to the Christmas tree. Branches can be fluffy (spruce) or bare. Both are effective in their own way.

Branches without needles are often made white or silver: they are covered with spray paint or dipped for a while in a very strong saline solution.

You can even use as a vase glass jar, decanter, jug, iron bucket.

Colored balls are usually chosen for decoration, but rain, ribbons, paper snowflakes, etc. can also be used.

4. Christmas wreaths

Such products are used to decorate windows, kitchen fronts, walls in working area... The wreath is traditionally hung on a lamp located above the dining table.

5. Electric garland

This method of interior decoration is versatile and all-season. However, during the winter holidays, it is especially good. Tiny lights create a magical atmosphere and romantic mood. The advantage of an electric garland is that there is a place for it in any, even the most compact kitchen.

"Magic lights" can be used in different ways: they can circle the silhouette of a window or furniture, "draw" a Christmas tree or a star on the wall, highlight the perimeter of the kitchen, etc.

6. Hangers with Christmas balls

It is very simple and quick way decorate any room. You need to take balls of one or different colors and tie threads, cords, ribbons to them. Hanging balls, for example, on a chandelier or curtain rod.

7. Mixed decorative compositions

Anyone can build such an installation with their own hands. You will need a vase, transparent box, jar, basket, bucket or any other container. The most effective decor is in transparent vessels.

Next, you need to collect items associated with winter and new year holidays, and place them inside the container - orderly or chaotically. To create New Year's compositions, spruce twigs, cones, Christmas balls, beads, candies in bright wrappers, gingerbread cookies, nuts, candles, glass pebbles, oranges and tangerines, figurines, scraps of tinsel, etc. are used.

The decorative installation can be placed on a work surface, on a shelf, on a windowsill or in the center of a dining table.