Do-it-yourself 4g lte signal amplification. We assemble an antenna to amplify the modem signal with our own hands. Signal Improvement Methods

This article is for those, whotormented with a low 3G / 4G LTE signal making it difficult or impossible to comfortably work on the Internet,and now seriously thinking about improving the quality of access to the global network.

Many users of 3G/4G modems are looking for the answer to the question: - How to improve modem signal reception? How to increase internet speed to fully enjoy online services? So, it should be understood that a high-quality signal directly affects the speed of the Internet, the other possible limitations are the momentary load base station(BS) operator. In this article, we will describe the most popular and "popular" ways to "overclock" 3G / 4G Internet, describe the pros and cons of each of them.

1. The "stick-rope" method

The easiest way to improve signal reception is by raising the modem to a height using a USB extension cable (preferably not economical and not more than 3m. Otherwise, connection loss is likely)

Primitive economy - a method burdened only by the purchase of a USB extension cable and connection worries.

A low-performance solution, with a minimal increase in speed of a few dB., Apart from the fact that when placed outdoors, you sentence the modem to early failure - according to statistics in a year, since design feature designed for room temperature and humidity.

2. Do-it-yourself antenna method

This is the next evolutionary method that allows you to increase the speed of the Internet by making a homemade 3G / 4G antenna. There are a lot of instructions on the Internet for making.

+ In most cases, this does not require financial investments, antennas are made from materials available in everyday life. From some designs, it is indeed possible to obtain a gain of up to ~6 dBm, provided correct assembly. Nevertheless, the gain of such "collective farm" antennas is low, as a rule they cannot provide a stable signal.

Low gain and dependent on weather factors like wind and rain.In addition, as we wrote earlier, subject to external placement, it negatively affects the viability of the modem.

3. Method "Using modern outdoor 3G / 4G LTE antennas"

The most modern and effective, in our opinion, way to increase the level of 3G / 4G signal and provide yourself with reliable Internet on long years is the use specialized external antennas. The main advantage of which over the above methods is this is a high gain(up to 20 dBi and above), ready to work in the most severe weather conditions. Even if you live at decent distances from the operator tower: 7, 10, 20 km. with the right antenna, you can achieve a decent Internet speed - up to 60 Mbps!. If you are in a zone of weak or almost non-existent 4G LTE signal The use of a powerful antenna will help to amplify and provide reliable reception.

Compliance with operator standards and increased signal reception ratio allowing at times increase the speed of 3G & 4G LTE Internet!
+ Independence from weather conditions and robust design.
+ Price "does not bite" from 1600 ₽ to 4800 ₽.

Installation according to the rules for maximum results and according to our article "How to properly install a 3G / 4G antenna". It's quite feasible task, which does not require special skills and abilities, and the result is a comfortable speed for years.

Today, many people complain about poor internet connection and slow download speeds. In this regard, providers have developed a new connection - 4G. It outperforms 3G and LTE internet. To connect to 4G, you need to strengthen or create a new antenna.

4G antenna will not only increase the connection speed, but also improve the quality of its reception. The new generation Internet allows you to play games without lags Online Games. With a new connection, your fps will increase and your ping will decrease. This will allow you to get a better Internet connection even at the same speed.

Today, people are trying to connect to the new high-speed Internet, but not everyone is able to get a quality connection. What is it connected with? In this, oddly enough, it is not the operator who is to blame, but the equipment. In small towns or villages there is no quality connection. In this case, only a 4G antenna will help, which you can make yourself. We will return to this. Let's look at what interferes with the Internet connection.

As a rule, this is a normal network congestion, but at the same time, there may be other reasons:

  • Long distance from the station to your modem. This does not make it possible to get a high-quality connection in villages or small towns.
  • Modem location. Everything is taken into account from the height at which it is located to the material used in the construction of the house.
  • Modem location. In this case, forests, skyscrapers or power lines can act as an obstacle.

What can be done about it? How to solve the problem? As we have already found out, a 4G antenna will correct the shortcomings of signal transmission. It will strengthen the Internet connection and allow you to get high speed even in the most abandoned village.

Homemade antennas

The antenna is for the only way to improve your internet connection. Many people are concerned about the question: is it possible to make necessary design on one's own?

Of course, if you have the necessary knowledge of working with radio engineering, you can start manufacturing. A 4G antenna is a great way to improve your level of working with technology, learn how to select the right elements and learn something new. You must understand that the antenna for a 4G modem can burn out if it is not made correctly. In order not to lose your money, you must follow all the recommendations for manufacturing.

If you live in a small town or village, then you can use an amplifier for a 4G modem. Now you can find many various schemes for the assembly of such a structure. Of course, if you don't have necessary knowledge and you can't handle self-manufacturing, then the best option is a proprietary 4G antenna MTS or Megafon.

Amplifier for 4G modem

To make an amplifier for a 4G modem, you need to take a can of peas or coffee. At the bottom you need to make one small hole. It will be needed for the sleeve, which is made of tin.

After that, the sleeve will need to be soldered. First, you can cut a hole in the body in the shape of the letter "H". It must be the size of the modem section.
It is necessary to insert a modem into the manufactured structure (the center of the can to the top of the modem). After that, you need to direct the amplifier to the side where the operator's tower is. It remains only to connect the Internet to the computer via a USB extension cable.

If you want to get a high speed Internet connection, then you need to use the cable that is used to connect the antenna with the modem, as short as possible. This has been proven experimentally.

Also, the modem should be installed near the ceiling so that nothing interferes with receiving the signal. If you use these recommendations, you can increase the speed of the Internet.


DIY 4G antenna can be made different shapes. There are reflective or collective forms. As a rule, the collecting form is attached to the modem, and the reflective ones need to be connected only to the 4G output. Reflectors or reflectors come in different shapes, the main thing is the correct connection.


Unfortunately, such structures can only be used for indoor use. They, like factory amplifiers, are not able to withstand moisture or temperature changes. Therefore, they are used only at home.

Unfortunately, a simple reflector is not able to qualitatively improve the signal. 4G is about 10 times more powerful than our homemade one. But this does not mean that the reflector is not able to improve the quality of the Internet connection.

DIY antenna

To amplify the signal to the 4G modem, you can make an antenna from a satellite dish. This method is quite effective, since the dish can be tuned to any station, and it receives the signal well. How to make this design? There is nothing complicated here, we need to take a modem and a satellite dish. A 4G antenna with your own hands will be quite primitive. In the focus of the dish, you need to install the modem and tune in to the desired station. So we get a pretty good receiver. This shouldn't be a problem. Another issue is the setting.


The setup method is similar to how a satellite dish is installed on a television satellite. The internet is a little different. You need to send the plate below. You may even have to point down. This is due to the curvature of the reflection. In order to set up a satellite dish with the highest quality, you need to rotate it and use a special program to monitor how the Internet connection changes. After you make sure that you get the maximum value, the antenna must be fixed.

The external 4G antenna is fixed, now we can move on to the next step. Now it's worth experimenting with focus. For different models modems, you need to configure the converter holder differently. To do this, you need to change the position of the focus and watch the quality of signal reception.

In order to correctly set the focus, you need to know that the modem's antenna is on the opposite side of the USB. Of course, not all models work this way, so it's worth taking it apart to understand where the receiver is located.

If you have not achieved the condition of line of sight, then you should raise the structure. Increasing the mirror diameter can also help to increase the signal quality. 4G directional antenna is capable of picking up a signal at a great distance. How is diameter related to reception quality? On average, a dish with a diameter of 1 m provides a fairly good Internet connection at a distance of 30 km from the station. To connect the modem to a computer, you need to buy a USB cable. What should he be? Of course, you should use a high-quality cord, of a small section with shielding and ferite at the ends. You can also purchase several of these cords and connect, the quality is not lost from this.

It should be remembered that you will not be able to use a satellite dish for television and strengthen your Internet connection. Of course, you can attach a modem to a satellite dish to boost the signal a bit. But it should be remembered that if the dish is tuned to TV, you do not need to turn it away from the satellite. A high-quality signal can be obtained if it is configured for a line-of-sight condition.


To protect the modem from precipitation, you can make a protective structure. To do this, you can use a regular bottle or bag. Of course, it is better to create a high-quality protective case from materials that can withstand temperature extremes and moisture.


That's all. If you live in a small town or in a village, you can use the advice and Of course, people who live in megacities will not need this. The quality and speed of the Internet connection depends on the range of the modem from the station, the height of the modem and the obstacles that may get in the way. Of course, if you do it right and connect the amplifier, then regardless of various obstacles, you can get high-speed Internet.

Today, many citizens use wireless Internet, but at the same time they strive to increase the speed of its work. After all, excellent access is guaranteed when the modem is close to the base station of the mobile operator. In this regard, those who work on the Internet far from the station are content with low speed. Whether there is a technical way which will help solve this problem? The best way is a 4G antenna with my own hands.

What is a Kharchenko antenna and how does it work

The so-called Kharchenko antenna, which is designed for a 3G modem, is homemade model. There is nothing particularly complicated in her device. The zigzag design was proposed by the scientist K. Kharchenko back in the 1960s. Today it is quite popular among radio amateurs, not only due to its simple device, but also due to its excellent repeatability, as well as broadband. Last Advantage applies especially well to the spiral design.

According to their own device, models can differ quite a lot. Based on the size of the plate, the frequency of the design changes significantly. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that homemade antennas may include objects made of plastic and metal.

The antenna for the modem is different types. The simplest is omnidirectional. It can receive and transmit a signal in all directions equally intensively. In particular, this may be a simple quarter-wave vibrator. To put it simply, this is a piece of wire that has a length of a quarter wave of the signal that is being received.

A sector antenna can implement radiation limitation in a particular sector. In particular, if an iron sheet is placed behind an omnidirectional device, then a sectoral structure will be obtained. Its sector will be 180 degrees. Such an iron sheet is called a screen.

The most efficient is the directional design. Thanks to right choice screen curvature, you can make a narrow beam that will emit a radio wave.

The main antenna nodes are:

  • a vibrator on which induction occurs, guidance of a wave of electromagnetic oscillations that are sent by a transmitter of a cellular operator;
  • a cable together with a matching unit that transmits an induced signal directly from the vibrator;
  • signal transmission node from the cable directly to the modem input;
  • a reflector that eliminates interference, as well as reflected signals to increase receiving power.

Do-it-yourself Kharchenko antenna is an excellent device for anyone who wants to have high-quality communication without having to spend large sums of money. It is very easy to make even ordinary person who do not have the appropriate professional skills. The result is truly excellent. This design will last for a long time.

Making an external antenna

Usually, external antenna do-it-yourself for a 4g modem is endowed with two square components. The performed calculation of the Kharchenko antenna for a frequency of 2100 MHz shows that the dimensions of the sides of the component should be 53 millimeters each.

However, to reduce the internal resistance of the antenna, craftsmen advise making not square components, but diamond-shaped ones, in which the angle is 120 degrees.

Detailed instructions are given in this video:

How to boost 4G signal?

In order to increase the effective use of the USB modem antenna, it is equipped with a reflector - a steel plate. It can be made from foil textolite. The distance between the antenna and the reflector should be 36 millimeters. In order to create a distance between the antenna and the reflector, you can use some kind of cap or box.

It is hard to imagine modern life without Internet. If you haven’t been online for at least one day, then you feel cut off from the world. But what to do if you went to the country, and there is no reliable reception of 3G Internet. In G or 4G signal?

It turns out that at present there is a technical possibility of strengthening the 3G Internet. There is special equipment that can amplify a weak signal, or, if it is sufficient but unstable, make it more stable. As a rule, a set of equipment consists of an antenna, modem, router, cable and other components. Prices vary from a few thousand rubles to 10-15 thousand rubles on average. The choice of equipment depends on a large number of nuances, whether it is the location of base stations, signal strength, terrain, frequency ranges, and much more. To understand them for a beginner is difficult and time consuming. At a minimum, you need to have a technical education, and if not, you will have to learn everything from scratch. This will take a lot of time and effort. Even if you try to install, success is not guaranteed. There is a risk that you can simply ruin the equipment. In such cases, experience plays a big role.

Therefore, it is better to entrust the installation and configuration of this equipment to professionals. People who work with such problems every day and can solve the problem quickly and efficiently. People who will gladly come to your aid and give valuable advice operation and maintenance of equipment. This way you save your time and money. And get at your disposal a stable, fast Internet.

How to boost 4G/LTE modem signal?

There are several ways to boost the signal of a 3G and 4G modem and increase the speed of the Internet connection. You can do it yourself at home with your own hands. It is conditionally possible to allocate software and hardware to solve this problem. In the first case, a 3G modem accelerator program is used. In the second - the speed of the Internet is increased by technical means.

Modem software accelerators

Yandex answers the question "4G modem accelerator" in 287 thousand web pages. Having studied several sites, we see that they all offer to download a miracle program (and for money), which allows you to increase the speed of the modem.
Remember the reasons for the low speed of the modem - a weak signal and the workload of the base station. Is the program able to solve these issues - NO!

4G internet acceleration hardware

In particular cases, it is possible to increase the level of the received signal using a USB extension cable for the modem. For example, you are in a semi-basement where the signal cannot penetrate, and there is a window nearby. You can try using a USB extension cable to move the modem as close to the window as possible. Maybe you are lucky and the signal quality will be much better. Thus, you can increase the speed (signal) of the Internet 3G / 4G modem Megafon or MTS with your own hands at home, and at the same time it is quite inexpensive.
The length of the active USB extension cable can be up to 20 meters, which is quite enough to move the modem to the point best reception signal.
More effective method- buy a directional 3G / 4G antenna for the modem. When choosing, you should pay attention to the antenna gain (KU) and its radiation pattern (DN). The more KU, the narrower the DN.

External antenna for 4G modem - what to choose?

By connecting the antenna to the modem, you can significantly increase the speed of 3G / 4G Internet connection. Tip - the cable length is as short as possible, if not enough, try to use only high-quality RF cable, for example, an 8D-FB cable assembly.
Active signal amplifier for modem MTS, Beeline and Megafon
The 3G signal booster for a cell phone works as follows. An external antenna is installed on the wall of the building or on the roof and connected to the amplifier with a cable. The antenna receives the signal, the repeater amplifies it and transmits it via cable directly to the internal service antenna, which transmits the amplified signal to the subscriber.
An unlimited number of simultaneously working phones and modems are served indoors, and subscribers can move freely within the coverage area. At the same time, the services of all mobile operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 are available.
Now you know the reasons for the low speed of the modem and how to strengthen the 3G / 4G modem signal at home with your own hands. Some options may seem controversial to you. But if you really want the space of your premises to be filled with a high-quality cellular signal, then best solution will be the installation of a 3G amplifier.

Not a true 4G standard. 4G has been adopted more as a marketing term. In theory, LTE is capable of 100 Mbps downlink and 50 Mbps uplink. That is, 12.5 MB / s "real" download speed and 6.25 MB / s for downloads.

The theoretical peak only occurs when LTE uses the 20 MHz channel to transmit information, which means that one user must be quite close to the transmitting station and that there must be a limited number of users nearby - which, again, is only in theory.

In order to improve bandwidth network and 4G-compatible/modems can do a few things. It is worth considering that only some of the methods will work for you, depending on the network.

3G/4G Speed ​​Optimizer app

There are several applications that claim to optimize network performance, including Speed ​​Optimizer. Available for Android devices.

The optimizer has a fairly simple algorithm that allows the user to change the maximum download and download speed, limiting one in favor of the other. In addition, it allows you to change the GPRS class, make a choice in favor of speed or stability. The Pro version of the application comes with the ability to scan, change TCP buffer and RIL policy.

Working with 3G and 4G, the application has the disadvantage of battery consumption.

  • no interference- remote location from mobile phones, modems and other electronic devices. Availability household appliances, such as televisions, radios and, especially, microwaves may result in a drop in speed.
  • Maximizing the modem signal- 4G stations use waves to transmit traffic to the modem, so in order to ensure that a large number of these waves reach the terminal, it is necessary to place the modem near a window. Avoid placing the apparatus behind various obstacles such as concrete and metal walls and especially trees (water inside leaves contributes to signal loss).
  • Change of position- By changing the direction of the modem antenna, you can improve the signal.

Signal amplification

Best used for home or office amps if you want to achieve good quality wireless connection. For example, you can increase the speed of 4G inside the house with a signal booster, a pair of compatible antennas. The concept is as follows:

  • One antenna is located outside the house, at a sufficient height to pick up a signal greater than the signal of the antenna installed on mobile phone. This will eliminate the signal attenuation caused by the walls of the house and, depending on the quality of the antenna, will increase the signal significantly.
  • Another antenna must be installed inside the house, the signal relay is captured outside the unit.
  • An amplifier should be installed between the two antennas, which will increase the signal strength and help avoid cable loss.

Stay on 4G

Whenever the 4G connection becomes unstable and the signal level drops below a certain threshold, the station switches to 3G mode to ensure stability. But there is a trick that will allow the smartphone to connect to the 4G network earlier than usual, and stay in this mode longer.

Note: this procedure works regardless of the operator and does not harm the device, but problems may appear (XDA is to blame). Here's how to do it:

  1. Dial ##DATA# and choose edit mode. That's ##3282#, for those rather new.
  2. Enter your MSL (here's how to find it).
  3. Now choose the WiMAX menu and tweak the following settings, as stated:
    • WiMAX_ENTRY_RX (RSSI) (dBm) – this value defines the minimum signal to connect to a 4G tower, so lowering the default up to -95 or – 100 should make the phone connect faster. If there are stability issues, raise the value back to -89.
    • WiMAX_Exit_CINR(dB) – this value defines the threshold for a phone to drop an active connection. Change the number to 1 and if problems appear, switch it back to 2.
    • WiMAX_Exit_Delay(s) – this number defines the time that CINR must stay activated, before the connection is dropped. So, in order to get by random drops, increase this to 5, or whatever you like. Not too high, we recommend.

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