The influence of biorhythms on human performance. The influence of biological rhythms on the level of human life

All living things, including humans, are affected by biological rhythms. We cannot be constantly in good shape, all processes in our body either slow down or become more active, and all this takes place according to our internal biological clock.

Chronobiology deals with the study of biorhythms (“chronos” - time, “bios” - life). Knowledge in this area helps to properly allocate your time, establish the right diet, sleep, choose the best hours for mental and work activities.

Our the body begins to wake up at 4 o'clock. By this time, the centers of respiration are excited. By 5-6 o'clock the metabolism "turns on", blood pressure increases. At 7-8 o'clock - the time of increased heartbeat.

From 7 to 9 hours, the gastrointestinal tract reaches its maximum activity. This optimal time for breakfast, because food during this period of time is well absorbed and is not deposited in the body in the form of fat.

At 9 o'clock "on top" is short-term memory that promotes intellectual activity. In the interval from 10 to 12 blood circulation increases throughout the body, the brain is supplied with blood, and the time comes for its maximum performance.

From 12 to 13 the body begins to experience hunger, there is an outflow of blood to the stomach, and, mental activity decreases. By 14 o'clock there is a decline, drowsiness, fatigue occurs, body temperature drops. At this point, the body is least sensitive to pain. By 16 o'clock the working capacity is restored.

Gap between 17 and 18 hours is considered ideal for sports, since it is then that a person has perfect coordination of movements and a good reaction. By 8 p.m., blood pressure and body temperature decrease, metabolism slows down..

From 21:00 the body begins to prepare for sleep gradually increases the amount of melatonin, the hormone of sleep and relaxation. From 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., cells in the body are renewed, the nervous system rests. Therefore, the lack of sleep during this period makes a person less stress-resistant and weak.

Scientists have also found that the human body obeys 3 main biorhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual.

Physical biorhythm affects endurance, strength, coordination, reaction speed, general physical condition, immunity level. Its period is 23 days. American researchers have proven that it is associated with the activity of the nervous system. In the first half of the cycle, a person is alert and strong, in the second half, all his indicators are reduced. But, the first and eleventh days of the cycle are considered the most dangerous. It is then that accidents happen, various falls, injuries, illnesses remind of themselves. Experts advise avoiding operations, vaccinations in the second half of the cycle, because. body recovery will be slower.

Emotional cycle affects creativity, love, sensitivity. Its duration is 28 days. The first 14 days of this cycle, a person is most often cheerful and optimistic, creative work is good, the second 14 days are less friendly and open, and during the change of these periods, many feel irritable, become quick-tempered and aggressive, lose control over themselves.

Intelligent biorhythm affects the mental abilities of a person, its period is 33 days. Some scientists believe that this biorhythm is associated with the secretion thyroid gland. As in the previous biorhythms, there is a rise in the first days of the cycle: information is easily perceived and assimilated, tasks are solved instantly, and in the remaining 16.5 days the ability to think logically decreases. On the 1st and 17th days of the cycle, it is better not to take on serious tasks, to postpone important questions for another time. In order to know the time of the decline-rise of your biorhythms, they must be calculated based on the date of birth.

A person lives, obeying a number of biorhythms, and by listening to our body, we can achieve and achieve a lot. Moments of weakness are also natural, so you should love and take care of yourself, and not torment you with thoughts of laziness and parasitism.

Biological rhythm is one of the most important tools for studying the time factor in the activity of living systems and their temporal organization.

The repeatability of processes is one of the signs of life. At the same time, the ability of living organisms to sense time is of great importance. With its help, daily, seasonal, annual, lunar and tidal rhythms of physiological processes are established. Studies have shown that almost all life processes in a living organism are different.

The rhythms of physiological processes in the body, like any other repetitive phenomena, have a wave-like character. The distance between the same positions of two oscillations is called a period, or a cycle.

Biological rhythms or biorhythms are more or less regular changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes. The ability for such changes in vital activity is inherited and found in almost all living organisms. They can be observed in individual cells, tissues and organs, in whole organisms and in populations. [

We highlight the following important achievements of biorhythmology:

  • 1. Biological rhythms are found at all levels of organization of wildlife - from unicellular to the biosphere. This indicates that biorhythm is one of the most common properties living systems.
  • 2. Biological rhythms are recognized essential mechanism regulation of body functions, providing homeostasis, dynamic balance and adaptation processes in biological systems.
  • 3. Provisions on the temporary organization of living systems are formulated, including
  • - man - one of the basic principles of biological organization. The development of these provisions is very important for the analysis of the pathological states of living systems.
  • 4. Biological rhythms of the sensitivity of organisms to the action of factors of a chemical (among them drugs) and physical nature have been discovered.

This became the basis for the development of chronopharmacology, i.e. ways of using drugs, taking into account the dependence of their action on the phases of the biological rhythms of the functioning of the body and on the state of its temporal organization, which changes with the development of the disease.

5. Patterns of biological rhythms are taken into account in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological.

Physiological rhythms, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, the rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. There is data on the effect, for example, magnetic field Earth for the period and amplitude of the human encephalogram.

Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment. These include daily, seasonal (annual), tidal and lunar rhythms. Thanks to ecological rhythms, the body is oriented in time and prepares in advance for the expected conditions of existence. So, some flowers open shortly before dawn, as if knowing that the sun will soon rise. Many animals hibernate or migrate before the onset of cold weather. Thus, ecological rhythms serve the body as a biological clock.

The biorhythms of the body - daily, monthly, annual - have practically remained unchanged since primitive times and cannot keep up with the rhythms of modern life. Each person during the day clearly traced the peaks and recessions of the most important life systems. The most important biorhythms can be recorded in chronograms. The main indicators in them are body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate at rest and other indicators that can only be determined with the help of specialists. Knowing the normal individual chronogram allows you to identify the dangers of the disease, organize your activities in accordance with the capabilities of the body, and avoid disruptions in its work.

The most strenuous work must be done during those hours when major systems organisms function at their maximum intensity. If a person is a "dove", then the peak of working capacity falls on three o'clock in the afternoon. If the "lark" - then the time of the greatest activity of the body falls at noon. "Owls" are recommended to perform the most intense work at 5-6 pm.

Having an understanding of the basic biological rhythms, one can consider the influence of biological rhythms on a person's ability to work.

Near-annual (circannual) rhythms are called, corresponding to the change of seasons, i.e., annual or seasonal, bearing in mind that these rhythms, like circadian ones, do not differ in rigid period stability. These rhythms are caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Seasonal rhythms were formed in the course of natural selection and entrenched in the natural structures of the body. Spring is a rather difficult time of the year, more suicides are committed in spring, depression is more common in people with an unbalanced psyche. Autumn is the best season for a person. Annual rhythms are characteristic of all physiological and mental functions. Mental and muscular excitability in people is higher in spring and early summer, in winter it is much lower. Metabolism, blood pressure, pulse rate change significantly: it becomes less frequent in spring and autumn, and becomes more frequent in winter and summer. In the circa-annual rhythm, the working capacity of a person changes in autumn, it is the greatest. Therefore, for the implementation of creative ideas, no doubt, autumn is good. Summer is best used for hardening, building endurance.

Consider the influence of the monthly, weekly and daily cycle on the performance of the human body.

The monthly cycle, in contrast to the weekly cycle, exists objectively in the surrounding nature. This is the so-called sidereal month - 27 1/3 days - the period of rotation of the Moon around the Earth and 29 1/2 days - the synodic month - the time from one new moon to another. All monthly cycles are somehow connected with the rhythm of sexual activity. At the same time, about a month cycles affecting the entire body cause greater stability of the female body, since the oscillatory mode in females trains them physiological systems and functions, makes them more stable.

We know well that the main action of the Moon on the Earth is connected with

the interaction of their masses (the law of universal gravitation), manifested in the form of ebbs and flows in rivers and seas, as well as with the screening of the Earth by the Moon from electromagnetic radiation sun or additional flux in the form of reflected light. It is important to know and take into account hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

So, hypertensive patients should beware of the full moon, when the blood rushes to the head as much as possible, and hypotensive patients should beware of the new moon, when the blood rushes to the legs.

On shift lunar phases it is necessary to take breaks in work to replenish strength, as well as take short breaks in work at the peaks of the phases. Therefore, it is advisable to plan the load at work during the monthly cycle, in accordance with biological rhythms, because. on the critical days of the cycle, efficiency decreases and the general well-being of the body worsens.

In the weekly rhythms, the social (exogenous) component is emphasized - the weekly rhythm of work and rest, in accordance with which the functional functions of our body change.

The dynamics of working capacity is influenced by the weekly rhythm: on Monday, workability occurs after the weekend, the maximum working capacity is observed in the middle of the week, and by Friday, fatigue is already accumulating, fatigue and working capacity are falling. Therefore, on Monday and Friday, the workload should be reduced at the expense of other working days. The weekly biorhythm affects not only physiological, but also mental processes, or rather a holistic flow of both. That is why a particularly successful routine is the one when the physical and intellectual activity of a person alternately intensifies. The weekly rhythm streamlined labor activity, adapting it to the physical capabilities and needs of the body. This rhythm is not accidental, and the struggle with it is the struggle of a person with his own, but not yet known laws.

Of course, one cannot live strictly according to the schedule, but it is quite possible to take into account the peculiarities of each day and, in accordance with this, control oneself. When distributing the workload, keep the following in mind:

  • a) do not plan labor exploits on Monday. Monday is the day of conflicts, heart attacks and strokes;
  • b) active action days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;
  • c) Friday is a day of calm, routine work that does not require stress and stress.

The change of day and night, the season leads to the fact that human organs also rhythmically change their activity. The daily cycle is one of the main cycles that affect human performance.

A person's well-being largely depends on how the mode of work and rest corresponds to his individual biorhythms. The activation of organs is subject to the internal biological clock. With the energy excitation of the body, the main organs interact, adjusting them to each other, and to changes in the environment. The full cycle of energy excitation of the organs is completed in approximately 24 hours. Moreover, the maximum activity of organs lasts about two hours. It is at this time that human organs are better amenable to therapeutic effects.

Below is the time of maximum activity of a person in his daily biorhythm:

  • - liver - from 1 to 3 am;
  • - light - from 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning;
  • - large intestine - from 5 to 7 in the morning;
  • - stomach - from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning;
  • - spleen and pancreas
  • - iron - from 9 to 11 am;
  • - heart - from 11 to 13 hours of the day;
  • - small intestine - from 13 to 15 hours of the day;
  • - bladder - from 15 to 17 hours of the day;
  • -kidneys - from 17 to 19 pm;
  • - circulatory organs, genitals - from 19 to 21 pm; -
  • - organs of heat generation - from 21 to 23 o'clock at night;
  • - gallbladder - from 23 to 1 o'clock in the morning.

The value of circadian rhythms can be used to increase, as well as to reduce the doses of drugs, since even small dosages are absorbed to the maximum during the period of organ activity. In addition, you must be very attentive to your health during the working day, in accordance with the biological maximum activity of the organ prone to any disease, try to avoid stress and excessive stress during this time.

In addition, as noted above, the rapidly developing science of biorhythmology today divides people into large groups depending on who gets up and goes to bed when. Traditionally, these groups are called by analogy with birds that lead a lifestyle similar to humans: "larks", "owls" and "doves".

Characteristic signs of a "lark": maximum performance in the morning, adherence to generally accepted norms, non-conflict, love of calm, self-doubt, presence psychological problems.

"Lark" - an introvert: closed on himself.

By nature, larks are conservatives. Changing the mode of work or lifestyle is painful for them, but the larks are very categorical, and if they decide on something, they do not change their decisions. Often larks are tyrants, pedantic and straightforward. Nevertheless, larks in the business environment are always highly respected precisely for these qualities, plus for punctuality and unprecedented performance during the day. biological rhythm performance cycle

Early risers have no problem waking up. Just waking up, they are ready to get down to work or arrange general cleaning. They tend to turn on the TV in the morning, crawl under a cold shower and run around the streets. All this tones up the already prepared for early activities organism.

They wake up abruptly, without the help of an alarm clock, and go to work without pumping themselves up with coffee.

"Owls" are markedly different from "larks". Peaks of working capacity in "owls" were revealed in the evening (at night), they easily adapt to changing modes, the forbidden sleep zones are shifted by more late time. These people easily relate to successes and failures, are not afraid of difficulties, emotional experiences, they can be attributed to extroverts - people whose interests are directed to the outside world. "Owls" are more stress-resistant, although under equal conditions they are burdened with a large bouquet of diseases.

There are not so many real owls - only about 40% of the total population of our state. Owls live according to internally conditioned, endogenous rhythms. Owls really do better to go to bed later, as they have their most productive period at the beginning of the night. In the right hemisphere at this time, they have a focus of excitation, which contributes to creativity.

Unfortunately, the biorhythm of owls is such that there is practically no way to move them to strenuous actions in the midst of a working day.

Experts call "doves" people whose biorhythms and indicators are between those of "larks" and "owls". In "pigeons" the peak of activity of physiological functions falls on the daytime hours.

Respectively, exercise stress during charging, the "pigeons" should be slightly less than the "larks", but more than the "owls".

The simplest and at the same time quite effective way to assess the adequacy of the load is the state of health after charging.

Knowing one's own physical biorhythm(duration 23 days) should be of particular interest to those who are engaged in physical labor in any form - professionally (masseur, dancer, builder, etc.) or, for example, in sports. Such people feel the influence of the physical biorhythm better. As a rule, in the higher phase, a person feels full of energy, enduring, physical work does not require large expenditures of energy, everything works out.

The emotional rhythm (duration 28 days) affects the strength of our feelings, internal and external perception, intuition and the ability to create.

This biorhythm is especially important for those people whose professions are connected with communication. In the lifting phase, a person is more dynamic, tends to see only the pleasant aspects in life. He turns into an optimist. Working in contact with other people, he achieves good results can do a lot of useful things.

The intellectual rhythm (duration 33 days) primarily affects the ability to work according to a plan using mental abilities.

This applies to logic, intelligence, learning ability, the ability to foresee this or that event, combinatorics, internal and external orientation - in the literal sense of "presence of spirit." Teachers, politicians, referents, journalists and writers are well aware of the "pendulum" of this biorhythm. It is easy to imagine what effect it has at the stage of recovery: support for any intellectual activity, good assimilation educational material and information. The person is able to concentrate. If you attend a professional development seminar, then it will be much more useful in the upswing phase than in the downswing phase.

Each of these rhythms reaches its highest phase at half its length. Then it drops sharply down, reaches the starting point (critical point), and enters the decline phase, where it reaches the lowest point. Then it rises again, where a new rhythm begins.

Critical days are of particular importance for each biorhythm. They celebrate critical time, which can last several hours, sometimes a whole day or even more. Their influence on the body, thoughts and feelings can be compared with the influence that a change in climate has or the movement of energy in one direction or another during a full moon. By the way, critical points emotional rhythm usually fall on the day of the week you were born.

The influence of biorhythms occurs constantly, they permeate us, give strength or completely deprive us of energy. All three biorhythms are connected with each other and with other factors (health, age, environment, stress, etc.).

The relationship of the body, feelings and spirit leads to the fact that the impact of each of them cannot be interpreted unambiguously, from this point of view, each person is individual.

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Healthy lifestyle and its components

on the topic: "The influence of biological rhythms on the level of human life"


2nd year student

Faculty of AOFC

Groups 07 OZ-1

Mamykin Yury Vladimirovich

Krasnodar 2009


1. Biological rhythms and their classification

2. The influence of biological rhythms on the physical performance of a person

3. Violation of biological rhythms


List of used literature


All living organisms, from the simplest unicellular organisms to such highly organized ones as humans, have biological rhythms that manifest themselves in periodic changes in life activity and, like the most accurate clock, measure time. Every year, scientists find new internal rhythms. In 1931, the Swedish scientists G. Agren, O. Wilander and E. Zhores first proved the existence of a daily rhythm of changes in the glycogen content in the liver and muscles, then in the 60s more than 50 biological functions with a daily periodicity were discovered.

The theory of "three biorhythms" is about a hundred years old. Interestingly, three people became its authors: Herman Svoboda, Wilhelm Fliess, who discovered emotional and physical biorhythms, and Friedrich Teltscher, who studied intellectual rhythm. Psychologist Herman Svoboda and otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliess can be considered the "grandfathers" of the theory of biorhythms. In science, this happens very rarely, but they got the same results independently of each other. Despite the professorial titles and the fact that the same discoveries were made independently, the founders of the theory of "three biorhythms" had many opponents and opponents. Research on biorhythms continued in Europe, the USA, and Japan. This process became especially intense with the discovery of computers and more modern computers. In the 70s - 80s. biorhythms have conquered the whole world.

The intensity of most physiological processes during the day tends to increase in the morning and fall at night. Around the same hours, the sensitivity of the senses increases: a person hears better in the morning, better distinguishes shades of colors.

The goal that needs to be covered in this work is to consider the structural, functional and biological processes of a person in space and time, in close interaction with the environment, to identify the influence of biological rhythms on performance, to consider the problems of violation of biological rhythms. Because by definition, biological rhythms or biorhythms are more or less regular changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes.

1. Biological rhythms and their classification

All life on our planet bears the imprint of the rhythmic pattern of events characteristic of our Earth.

The repeatability of processes is one of the signs of life. At the same time, the ability of living organisms to sense time is of great importance. With its help, daily, seasonal, annual, lunar and tidal rhythms of physiological processes are established. Studies have shown that almost all life processes in a living organism are different.

Biological rhythms or biorhythms are more or less regular changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes. The ability for such changes in vital activity is inherited and found in almost all living organisms. They can be observed in individual cells, tissues and organs, in whole organisms and in populations.

We highlight the following important achievements of biorhythmology:

1. Biological rhythms are found at all levels of organization of wildlife - from unicellular to the biosphere. This indicates that biorhythm is one of the most common properties of living systems.

2. Biological rhythms are recognized as the most important mechanism for regulating body functions, providing homeostasis, dynamic balance and adaptation processes in biological systems.

3. It has been established that biological rhythms, on the one hand, have an endogenous nature and genetic regulation, on the other hand, their implementation is closely related to the modifying factor external environment, the so-called time sensors. This connection in the basis of the unity of the organism with the environment largely determines the ecological patterns.

4. Provisions on the temporal organization of living systems, including man, one of the basic principles of biological organization, are formulated. The development of these provisions is very important for the analysis of the pathological states of living systems.

5. Biological rhythms of the sensitivity of organisms to the action of factors of a chemical (among them drugs) and physical nature have been discovered. This became the basis for the development of chronopharmacology, i.e. ways of using drugs, taking into account the dependence of their action on the phases of the biological rhythms of the functioning of the body and on the state of its temporal organization, which changes with the development of the disease.

6. Patterns of biological rhythms are taken into account in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological.

Physiological rhythms, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, the rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. There are data on the influence, for example, of the Earth's magnetic field on the period and amplitude of the human encephalogram.

Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment. These include daily, seasonal (annual), tidal and lunar rhythms. Thanks to ecological rhythms, the body is oriented in time and prepares in advance for the expected conditions of existence. So, some flowers open shortly before dawn, as if knowing that the sun will soon rise. Many animals hibernate or migrate before the onset of cold weather. Thus, ecological rhythms serve the body as a biological clock.

Rhythm is a universal property of living systems. The processes of growth and development of the organism have a rhythmic character. Various indicators of the structures of biological objects can be subject to rhythmic changes: the orientation of molecules, the tertiary molecular structure, the type of crystallization, the form of growth, the concentration of ions, etc.

The most important external factor that affects the rhythms of the body is photoperiodicity. In higher animals, it is assumed that there are two ways of photoperiodic regulation of biological rhythms: through the organs of vision and further through the rhythm of the body's motor activity and through extrasensory perception of light. There are several concepts of endogenous regulation of biological rhythms: genetic regulation, regulation involving cell membranes. Most scientists are inclined to the opinion of polygenic control over rhythms. It is known that not only the nucleus, but also the cytoplasm of the cell takes part in the regulation of biological rhythms.

The central place among the rhythmic processes is occupied by the circadian rhythm, which is of the greatest importance for the body. The concept of circadian (circadian) rhythm was introduced in 1959 by Halberg. The circadian rhythm is a modification of the daily rhythm with a period of 24 hours, proceeds under constant conditions and belongs to free-flowing rhythms. These are rhythms with no imposed external conditions period. They are congenital, endogenous, i.e. due to the properties of the organism itself. The period of circadian rhythms lasts 23-28 hours in plants and 23-25 ​​hours in animals. Since organisms are usually in an environment with cyclical changes in its conditions, the rhythms of organisms are drawn out by these changes and become diurnal.

Circadian rhythms are found in all representatives of the animal kingdom and at all levels of organization - from cellular pressure to interpersonal relationships. Numerous experiments on animals have established the presence of circadian rhythms of motor activity, body and skin temperature, pulse and respiration rates, blood pressure and diuresis. The content of various substances in tissues and organs, for example, glucose, sodium and potassium in the blood, plasma and serum in the blood, growth hormones, etc., turned out to be subject to daily fluctuations. In total, about 500 functions and processes with circadian rhythms have been identified in humans so far.

The biorhythms of the body - daily, monthly, annual - have practically remained unchanged since primitive times and cannot keep up with the rhythms of modern life. Each person during the day clearly traced the peaks and recessions of the most important life systems. The most important biorhythms can be recorded in chronograms. The main indicators in them are body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate at rest and other indicators that can only be determined with the help of specialists. Knowing the normal individual chronogram allows you to identify the dangers of the disease, organize your activities in accordance with the capabilities of the body, and avoid disruptions in its work.

The most strenuous work must be done during those hours when the main systems of the body function with maximum intensity. If a person is a "dove", then the peak of working capacity falls on three o'clock in the afternoon. If the "lark" - then the time of the greatest activity of the body falls at noon. "Owls" are recommended to perform the most intense work at 5-6 pm.

2. The influence of biological rhythms on physicalperformancehuman

Near-annual (circannual) rhythms are called, corresponding to the change of seasons, i.e., annual or seasonal, bearing in mind that these rhythms, like circadian ones, do not differ in rigid period stability. These rhythms are caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Seasonal rhythms were formed in the course of natural selection and entrenched in the natural structures of the body. In the circa-annual rhythm, the working capacity of a person changes in autumn, it is the greatest. Therefore, for the implementation of creative ideas, no doubt, autumn is good. Summer is best used for hardening, building endurance.

The monthly cycle, unlike the weekly cycle, exists objectively in the nature around us. This is the so-called sidereal month - 27 1/3 days - the period of rotation of the Moon around the Earth and 29 1/2 days - the synodic month - the time from one new moon to another. All monthly cycles are somehow connected with the rhythm of sexual activity. At the same time, monthly cycles affecting the entire body cause greater stability of the female body, since the oscillatory mode in females trains their physiological systems and functions, making them more stable.

In the weekly rhythms, the social (exogenous) component is emphasized - the weekly rhythm of work and rest, in accordance with which the functional functions of our body change.
The weekly biorhythm affects not only physiological, but also mental processes, or rather, the holistic flow of both. That is why a particularly successful routine is the one when the physical and intellectual activity of a person alternately intensifies. The weekly rhythm streamlined labor activity, adapting it to the physical capabilities and needs of the body. This rhythm is not accidental, and the struggle with it is the struggle of a person with his own, but not yet known laws.

Of course, one cannot live strictly according to the schedule, but it is quite possible to take into account the peculiarities of each day and, in accordance with this, control oneself. When distributing the workload, keep the following in mind:

a) do not plan labor exploits on Monday. Monday is the day of conflicts, heart attacks and strokes;

b) active action days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;

c) Friday is a day of calm, routine work that does not require stress and stress.

The change of day and night, the season leads to the fact that human organs also rhythmically change their activity. The daily cycle is one of the main cycles that affect human performance.

A person's well-being largely depends on how the mode of work and rest corresponds to his individual biorhythms. The activation of organs is subject to the internal biological clock. With the energy excitation of the body, the main organs interact, adjusting them to each other, and to changes in the environment. The full cycle of energy excitation of the organs is completed in approximately 24 hours. Moreover, the maximum activity of organs lasts about two hours. It is at this time that human organs are better amenable to therapeutic effects.

Below is the time of maximum activity of a person in his daily biorhythm:

Liver - from 1 to 3 am;

light - from 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning;

large intestine - from 5 to 7 in the morning;

stomach - from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning;

Spleen and pancreas - from 9 to 11 am;

heart - from 11 am to 1 pm;

small intestine - from 13 to 15 hours of the day;

Bladder - from 15 to 17 hours of the day;

kidneys - from 17 to 19 pm;

circulatory organs, genitals - from 19 to 21 pm;

organs of heat generation - from 21 to 23 o'clock at night;

gallbladder - from 23 to 1 o'clock in the morning.

Knowing your own physical biorhythm (duration 23 days) should be of particular interest to those who are engaged in physical labor in any form - professionally (masseur, dancer, builder, etc.) or, for example, in sports. Such people feel the influence of the physical biorhythm better. As a rule, in the higher phase, a person feels full of energy, enduring, physical work does not require large expenditures of energy, everything works out.

The emotional rhythm (duration 28 days) affects the strength of our feelings, internal and external perception, intuition and the ability to create. This biorhythm is especially important for those people whose professions are connected with communication. In the lifting phase, a person is more dynamic, tends to see only the pleasant aspects in life. He turns into an optimist. Working in contact with other people, he achieves good results, is able to do a lot of useful things.

The intellectual rhythm (duration 33 days) primarily affects the ability to work according to a plan using mental abilities. This applies to logic, intelligence, learning ability, the ability to foresee this or that event, combinatorics, internal and external orientation - in the literal sense of "presence of spirit." Teachers, politicians, referents, journalists and writers are well aware of the "pendulum" of this biorhythm.

The influence of biorhythms occurs constantly, they permeate us, give strength or completely deprive us of energy. All three biorhythms are connected with each other and with other factors (health, age, environment, stress, etc.). The relationship of the body, feelings and spirit leads to the fact that the impact of each of them cannot be interpreted unambiguously, from this point of view, each person is individual.

3. Violation of biological rhythms

According to biorhythmology, a science that studies the rhythms of activity and passivity occurring in our body, most of the processes occurring in it are synchronized with periodic solar-lunar-terrestrial, as well as cosmic influences. And this is not surprising, because any living system, including man, is in a state of exchange of information, energy and matter with the environment. If this exchange (at any level - information, energy, material) is disturbed, then this negatively affects the development and vital activity of the organism.

Each cell of the body is an independent functional unit

The content of the cell is protoplasm, in which two opposite processes are constantly going on: anabolism and catabolism.

Anabolism is a biological process in which simple substances connect with each other, which leads to the construction of a new protoplasm, growth and accumulation of energy.

Catabolism is the opposite of anabolism, the process of splitting complex substances into simpler ones, while previously accumulated energy is released and external or internal work is performed.

Thus, anabolic processes lead to an increase in protoplasm, while catabolic processes, on the contrary, lead to a decrease and its destructurization. But these two processes, combined, mutually reinforce each other. Thus, the processes of disintegration of cellular structures stimulate their subsequent synthesis, and the more complex structures accumulate in the protoplasm, the more actively the subsequent splitting can proceed with the release of a large amount of energy. In this case, the maximum vital activity of the cell, and, consequently, of the whole organism as a whole, is observed. This rhythm is controlled by light and temperature.

Thus, the main driver and synchronizer of intracellular biorhythms is the change of day and night.

Several factors inhibit the biorhythm of cells:

1. Elementary non-observance of the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep. Sleep during the day, work at night. It is necessary to give up night shifts and an unnatural way of life.

2. The body has its own electrical charge. Due to the fact that the surface of the Earth and the near-Earth layers of the atmosphere have a negative charge, the legs are charged negatively. The head, due to breathing positively charged air and contact with it, acquires positive charge. But the average charge of the torso should be neutral, and with it the total charge of the human body with a potential difference between the soles of the feet and the top of the head reaches an average of 210-230 volts. These indicators are the most important in the normal functioning of the body, which affects the internal environment and biocurrents. Due to the fact that modern man is isolated from the Earth (shoes with electrically insulating soles, synthetic clothing, artificial floor coverings, plastic furniture, etc.), it is very difficult to feed the body with negative charges through the legs. As a result, the body acquires an excess positive charge, which shifts the internal charge to the acid side, and orients the macromolecules of the body in space in a direction unfavorable for their functioning.

Thus, the violation of the rhythm of day and night leads to a negative effect on the body, a decrease in physical and mental activity, it is not for nothing that employees working on the night shift are paid an allowance for harmful working conditions.

In addition, the economic conditions and lifestyle in our country lead to the fact that many enterprises, especially the service sector, switch to a round-the-clock mode of operation, which, according to doctors, has a very negative effect on the health of society. Diseases such as the syndrome are becoming common. chronic fatigue, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, nervous diseases, etc. are getting younger. There is a trend - we work more and rest less.

Every organism that exists on Earth is a kind of clock. All organisms are the fruits of evolution, for three billion years life on Earth has evolved and adapted, continuously and endlessly transmitting information from cell to cell, from generation to generation. All living organisms carry all the changes accumulated in this long process of development, which is why we are so well adapted to the relentless rotation of our planet.

Physiological time, like local time on a rotating planet, has a cyclic character. For any clock, external or internal, adjustment (shift) by one or more full cycles does not give a noticeable effect. However, the shift of the biological clock by part of the cycle leads to tangible physiological consequences, as shown by the phenomenon of time difference during transmeridian flights. Such a shift within the cycle is called a phase shift, that is, the position of a repeating process in its own cycle (for example, the phases of the moon), which also violates the biological rhythms of a person. The human body is tuned to certain natural rhythms and long-term deviations from these rhythms generate stress. Which can not but affect the health of a person and his ability to work.


The biological rhythms of living organisms, including humans, are manifested in all life processes. Without them, life would be impossible. Therefore, when studying biological rhythms, it is important not only to know about their existence, but also to take into account their localization and role in life.

In humans, when various functional systems of the body interact with the environment, as a result, harmonic coordination of various rhythmic biological processes is revealed, which ensures the normal functioning of the body, which is characteristic of a healthy person.

Thus, having studied information about biological rhythms, their functional significance for the human body, we can conclude that biological rhythms have a direct impact on the body's performance, provide its wave-like character. In addition, the human body obeys the rhythms laid down by nature itself, and these rhythms affect all processes occurring in the body, then taking into account these rhythms and respectful attitude towards them is the basis of human health.

It is important for a person not only to rationally use the internal rhythms of the body, but also to find ways to control them.

The problem of studying human biorhythms is far from a final solution. But what has already been done in this area inspires great hopes.

FROMlist of used literature

1. Biological rhythms / Ed. Yu. Ashoff: In 2 volumes - M .: Mir, 1984.

2. Biological rhythms of health /Grinevich V.//Science and life, 2005, No. 1.

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Biological rhythms or biorhythms are periodic processes in the body that affect human life. The rhythm of biological processes is laid down by evolution, subject to the influence of external and internal environment. Knowledge of the cyclicity of biorhythms and compliance with the normal course of biological processes - important condition maintaining health and longevity. This article is devoted to the topic of biological rhythms and their impact on human performance.

Nature of biorhythms

To maintain homeostasis in the body, all biological processes proceed with a certain rhythm. The state of the internal environment is influenced by the external environment, the physical processes of which are also subject to cyclicity. In nature, lunar and solar cycles, periods of high and low tides, seasonal and annual cycles regularly occur. Changes in temperature, humidity, light conditions, atmospheric pressure and degrees solar radiation affects the biorhythms of humans and other living beings.

Scientists have proven that the nature of cyclicity is inherent in the genetic material (DNA and RNA). The course of metabolic reactions directly affects the rhythm of biological processes under the influence of changes in internal (physiological) and external (environmental) factors. Biorhythms in human life are of great importance, violation of the cyclicity of physiological processes leads to the development of diseases, premature old age and death.

Types of biorhythms

There are many types of biorhythms that affect the vital activity of cells, organs, organisms and entire populations of people. Changing internal reactions to the variability of environmental conditions refers to the process of adaptation and increasing the chances of survival. Each type of cyclicity affects one or another physiological reaction, allows you to maintain balance in the body, not only on the physical, but also on the psycho-emotional level. Mood and emotional tone depend on the state of health, and vice versa. With a low psycho-emotional tone, diseases of organs and systems develop, which are known in medicine as psychosomatics.

Types of human biorhythms.

  1. By functional affiliation, physiological and ecological biorhythms are distinguished. Physiological associated with the rhythm of the body (pulse, breathing, alternating sleep and wakefulness). Ecological - responsible for adapting to constantly changing environmental conditions.
  2. According to the duration of the human biorhythm, daily, monthly, annual, long-term rhythms are distinguished. For example, monthly cycle in women or daily fluctuations in body temperature (up to 1 degree).
  3. By frequency, biorhythms are divided into high-frequency (period duration up to 30 minutes), mid-frequency (period duration from 30 minutes to 7 days), low-frequency (period duration from 7 days to a year). An example of a high-frequency rhythm is the frequency of respiration and pulse, electrical oscillations of the brain, a medium-frequency one is daily fluctuations in metabolic reactions, a change in periods of sleep and wakefulness, a low-frequency one is hormonal secretion, the menstrual cycle, and fluctuations in the level of working capacity.

Depending on the specifics of the influence of biorhythms on human health, physical, mental and intellectual biological rhythms are distinguished.

  1. The human physical biorhythm is 23 days. In the first half of the phase, performance increases, reaches a peak in the middle of the phase, then gradually fades away. This type of cyclicity is most relevant for people of physical labor or athletes.
  2. The emotional biorhythm of a person is 28 days. Influences the emotional perception of events and life situations, is most active in the middle of the phase. Emotional cycling is more pronounced in humans creative professions and professions related to communication.
  3. The human intellectual biorhythm is 33 days. Associated with mental indicators - attention, intelligence, logic, memory. Most relevant to people mental labor. Mental abilities are enhanced in the middle of the biological phase.

It is necessary to know how to take into account different types of biological rhythms in Everyday life person. It depends on the state of health and the level of performance.

Types of people depending on biorhythms

Cyclic processes act as the most accurate "biological clock". Changes in physical and chemical reactions in the body affect the well-being and performance during the day. The most well-studied biorhythms are circadian cycles (circadian biological phases). The genetic code of each person contains a feature of circadian rhythm, which determines the relationship between biological rhythms and sleep.

There are 3 types of people depending on biological rhythms:

  • "larks" - go to bed early, get up early, the peak of working capacity falls on the first half of the day (until 12 noon);
  • "owls" - go to bed late, respectively, get up late, the peak of working capacity falls in the evening (16-20 hours), sometimes at night;
  • "Pigeons" - going to bed and getting up in the morning can be different, but the peak of working capacity falls on the daytime hours (13-16 hours).

When compiling the daily routine, it is necessary to take into account the individual daily biorhythms of each person. To reduce stressful situations it is important to select work hours and professional activities depending on the genetic characteristics of the relationship between biological rhythms and sleep.

Nutrition and human biorhythms

Must be rational - this is a well-known fact. It is equally important to eat at certain hours of the day, at least 4 times a day. Proper nutrition and the alternation of biorhythms are closely related.

The time of taking breakfast, lunch or dinner is clearly regulated due to the cyclical metabolic reactions in the body. A person who adheres to an optimal diet is less likely to get chronic diseases from digestive tract and other functional systems of the body.

According to the internal biological clock, human nutrition coincides with the rhythm of the secretion of hormones, enzymes, and biologically active substances in the brain. This allows you to prevent overeating and the development of obesity, strengthen the body's defenses, maintain efficiency during daylight hours. If you eat at the same time every day, you can feel a surge of strength and improve your health, get rid of depression and emotional instability.

Violation of biorhythms and prevention of failures of the "biological clock"

If you do not take into account the natural cyclicality, you can cause a "breakdown of the biological clock", which will negatively affect the work of the whole organism. Violation of the natural alternation of human biorhythms leads to the development of physical ailments, mental illness, and disruptions in the emotional sphere. This reduces the ability to productive activities, impairs performance and, in severe cases, leads to disability.

For example, constant work on night shifts causes neurosis, psychosis, disruption of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems. According to the Labor Code, the number of night shifts per month is strictly regulated. It is especially difficult to work at night for "larks", night activities are more suitable for "owls". Individual features of human biorhythms must be taken into account when choosing a profession and mode of work.

Prevention of "biological clock" failures:

  • proper alternation of sleep and wakefulness;
  • work during the hours of greatest activity, according to individual biorhythms;
  • eating at the same time;
  • daily walks, physical education and sports;
  • selection professional activity, according to the genetic characteristics of biorhythms;
  • , application of methods and .

Each of us has heard about the good physical and mental shape of yogis. health status on high level Yoga without drugs was also supported thanks to a deep knowledge of the biological cyclic processes in the body. Biorhythms in Eastern meditation practices have been taken into account since ancient times. Due to the balance between natural processes inside the human body and constantly changing environmental conditions, yogis had good health and achieved longevity.

Living according to biorhythms is not difficult. The body always tells you what needs to be done at one time or another. When compiling a daily routine, it is necessary to take into account internal and external circadian rhythms. Regularity and cyclicity are the basic rules for maintaining health. Food must be taken at the same time, go to bed and wake up at certain hours, engage in physical and mental labor during the phases of the greatest peak of biological activity. Living according to biological rhythms prevents the development of stress, chronic diseases, improves mood and determines a positive outlook on the surrounding reality.

Also remember. For purchase excellent health For a normal psyche, it is important to observe the cycle between tension and relaxation. You can not be completely relaxed, you need to lead an active lifestyle, play sports. But constant stress due to stress leads to the emergence of diseases of the psyche and body. To get rid of tension, it is best to use, or. Also, to maintain a balance between relaxation and tension, I advise you to do proper yoga or even better energy meditative practice.

What is proper yoga we will talk in the next article.

And now I propose to look interesting video about biological clock person. From it you will also learn that non-compliance with the regime of sleep and rest, night wakefulness leads to illness. That in the morning you can’t give loads to the body, for example, run, as already mentioned in the article about and about many other things.