Eastern calendar. Signs of the Eastern calendar. Wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles

/prepared by V. Gribov/ "Time Z" №1/2006

01/01/2005 - The law on the monetization of benefits comes into force in Russia (replacement of benefits monetary compensation). The introduction of the law caused widespread protests among the population.

01/09/2005 - Elections in Palestine. Mahmoud Abbas becomes the president of the autonomy.

January 14, 2005 - Chairman of Chernomorenergo Sergey Bagapsh is officially declared the winner of the presidential elections in Abkhazia.

January 20, 2005 - The inauguration of US President D. Bush, who was elected for a second term, took place.

01/30/2005 - Elections in Iraq. According to official data, the voter turnout exceeded 60%. A group of international observers recognized the elections as meeting the standards of democracy. At a referendum in October 2005, the Constitution of the country was adopted.

02/01/2005 - Russia has fully paid off its debts to the IMF.

02/03/2005 - Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania tragically dies in Tbilisi. According to the official version, death was caused by gas poisoning from a heater.

10.02.2005 - North Korea officially declared itself a nuclear power.

02/16/2005 - Iranian Vice President Mohammed Reza Aref and Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Otri (Atari) announced the conclusion of a bilateral verbal strategic agreement that Syria and Iran will act as a united front in the event of US aggression against one of the members of the union.

01–03.03.2005 - Cedar revolution in Lebanon. Resignation of the government. The withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon begins.

03/06/2005 - Elections to the Moldovan Parliament were held. The Party of Communists won with 56 seats out of 101.

03/08/2005 - In Chechnya, in the village of Tolstoy-Yurt, Aslan Maskhadov, who, after the death of D. Dudayev, was elected president of Ichkeria, was killed.

March 21-25, 2005 - Tulip revolution has taken place in Kyrgyzstan. The change of power was almost bloodless. Former President Askar Akayev resigned and fled to Russia. In July, Kurmanbek Bakiyev becomes president of Kyrgyzstan.

04/22/2005 - A summit of the revival of the GUUAM organization (Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova) is held in Chisinau. And in early May, Uzbekistan announced its withdrawal from this organization.

04/06/2005 - Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani became the new president of Iraq for the first time in the history of the country.

April 2, 2005 - Pope John Paul II dies of a heart attack. The 26-year pontificate of the first non-Italian pope in 465 years has ended. And only on April 19, 2005, white smoke rose from the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. This meant that the conclave had finally elected a new head of the Roman catholic church. They became the 78-year-old German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who, having already ascended the throne, chose the name Benedict XVI.

04/21/2005 - Banana revolution in Ecuador. After nearly two weeks of opposition rallies, President Lucio Gutiérrez fled. Vice President Alfredo Palacio has been appointed head of state.
04/27/2005 - Beginning of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia.

05/06/2005 - For the third time in a row, the Labor Party, led by Tony Blair, wins the elections to the British Parliament. Blair becomes Prime Minister again.

05/13/2005 - The unrest that broke out in Andijan (Uzbekistan) was brutally suppressed by the authorities. Human rights activists claim that soldiers shot at peaceful demonstrators and that more than 700 people were killed. Uzbek authorities acknowledge the deaths of 170 people and claim that most of them are Islamic radicals who rebelled to seize power.

05/25/2005 - Ceremonial launch of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. Caspian oil flowed past Russia.

05/29/2005 - The results of the referendum in France were announced, due to which the adoption of the EU constitution was rejected. On June 1, a similar decision by France was supported by the Netherlands.

05/31/2005 - Two main leaders Russian company YUKOS - Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev - sentenced to 9 years in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion in large sizes. Later, the Moscow City Court reduced their sentence to 8 years.

06/25/2005 - The mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmedi Nejad, representing the ultra-right conservative camp, a former officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, was elected as the new president of Iran.

06/29/2005 - The Supreme Court of Russia decided to liquidate the National Bolshevik Party of E. Limonov.

07/04/2005 - For the first time in the history of mankind, within the framework of the NASA Deep Impact project, a celestial body - Tempel's comet - was bombarded. The probe crashed into the comet solely for scientific purposes.

07/06/2005 - London was chosen as the capital of the 2012 Olympics.

07/07/2005 - Terror attacks in London. Three subway trains and one bus were blown up at the same time. 52 people died, 700 were injured. It was the worst terrorist attack in the country's history.

08/17/2005 - The forced evacuation of Israeli citizens from the settlements of the Gaza Strip began. This led to a split in Israeli society and caused the departure of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who at one time initiated the creation of these settlements, from the ruling party.

07/28/2005 - Statement by the leadership of the Irish Republican Army on the complete cessation of armed struggle and the transition to political methods in their activities. The British army has begun to evacuate and close military installations located in Ulster.

08/25–29/2005 – Hurricane Katrina makes landfall on the coast of South Louisiana. The birthplace of jazz - the city of New Orleans - practically went under water. According to official figures, more than 1,300 people died. Hundreds of thousands of people were left homeless. Despite the fact that they knew about the disaster in advance, the US government was not ready to ensure the evacuation of its own citizens on its territory and protect them from marauders.

27.08.2005 - A summit of the CIS countries is being held in Kazan.

August 2005 - Unprecedented jump in oil prices on world markets, exceeding the threshold of $70 per barrel.
09/14/2005 - UN summit, combined with celebrations on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of this international organization. However, the decision on the widely announced reform of the UN has not yet been taken.

09/18/2005 - Gerhard Schröder ceases to be Chancellor of Germany. For the first time, a woman won the elections to the Bundestag - Angela Merkel, a representative of the right-wing bloc of Christian Social Democrats.

10/08/2005 - An earthquake in Pakistan with a magnitude of 7.6, according to official data, killed more than 73 thousand people and made millions homeless.

10/19/2005 - The trial of Saddam Hussein began in Baghdad.

10/23/2005 - Lech Kaczynski, the prime minister's twin brother, wins the presidential election in Poland. The party of Vladislav Kachinsky "Law and Justice" finally becomes the political leader.

10/27/2005 - Arab and African youth riots began in France, accompanied by riots and arson of cars and public buildings. They lasted about a month, revealing interethnic, or rather, intercultural problems in Europe, caused by a large influx of immigrants from Arab-African countries.

11/22/2005 - The Iranian Parliament decided to resume in in full uranium enrichment and prevent IAEA inspectors from entering nuclear facilities if Tehran's nuclear dossier is submitted to the UN Security Council for consideration. This was followed by a series of anti-Semitic statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which greatly complicated the situation.

December 4, 2005 - N. Nazarbayev was elected President of Kazakhstan for a 7-year term.

10.12.2005 - The ceremony of awarding laureates Nobel Prize.
Physicists: Roy Glauber (USA) for "contributions to the quantum theory of optical coherence", John Hall (USA) and Theodor Hänsch (Germany) for "contributions to the development of high-precision laser spectroscopy and precision calculation of light shift in optical frequency standards".
Chemistry: Robert Grubbs (USA), Richard Schrock (USA), Yves Chauvin (France) for "development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis".
Physiology or Medicine: Barry Marshall and Robin Warren (Australia) for the discovery of "the influence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori on the occurrence of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers."
Literature: Playwright Harold Pinter (UK) for "bringing back to theater its essential elements: closed spaces and unpredictable dialogues where people are at each other's mercy and pretense is impossible."
Economics: Robert Omann (Israel) and Thomas Schelling (USA) "for their contribution to understanding the phenomena of cooperation and conflict through the analysis of game theory."
Peace Prize: Awarded by the IAEA (International Agency for atomic energy) "for the efforts made to discourage the use of nuclear energy for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy is used only for peaceful purposes and in the safest possible way."

12/15/2005 - The Council of Ministers of the WTO is held in Hong Kong, at which the Kingdom of Tonga is admitted to the organization. Ukraine and Russia are left with nothing.

Mid-December 2005 - The price of gold on the world markets reached a record high over the past 25 years - $540 per troy ounce.

People born in the year of the Rooster (1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) are distinguished by loyalty, goodwill and special courage. Representatives of this sign have contradictory qualities of character. They can be dynamic and sociable. But at times they are attacked by slowness and languor.

Positive features

People born in the year of the Rooster are known for their bright personalities. They are characterized by frankness and sincerity. They are valued by those around them for their honesty and ability to defend their interests. Rooster people are not easy natures. They are generous, noisy, sometimes capricious individuals with the gift of eloquence. AT social life The Rooster man strives for leadership. Entrepreneurship and help him to be the first in his family and in professional activity. Many representatives of this sign achieve career heights. This is facilitated by the activity and workaholism of the tireless Rooster.

Negative Traits

Some individuals born in the year of the Rooster love to command so much that if they lose it, they can easily become depressed. As you know, Rooster people love to show off, but if they cross this fine line, then they can fall into the number of boasters and idle talkers. It is difficult for individuals with such a Rooster to hesitate for a long time in making any decision, in the end he is inclined to evade responsibility.

A man born in the year of the Rooster. Personality characteristic

Most often this is a conscientious person. Naturally, he tends to act as a commander in almost all areas of life. Despite his activity, often his actions are chaotic and do not always lead to the desired effect. Therefore, such a man needs a smart and far-sighted partner who would help him direct energy into a fruitful channel. The Rooster man makes an indelible impression on the female sex. Take a look at any company where this year's representative is located. You will recognize him by his striking appearance. He is often surrounded by admiring people. This also happens to those who were born in 2005. What animal can a Rooster attract? He captivates with his colloquial speech and rich imagination of almost everyone. The Rooster often hides his fears and worries behind a mask of calm and equanimity. Unfortunately, the representative of this year is often fickle in his personal life. He loves women's society, where you can dissolve your bright tail. Having achieved a certain woman, he can quickly lose interest in her and disappear from sight. However, if the Rooster man reasonably approaches the choice of the chosen one, he can become a completely positive family man.

A woman born in the year of the Rooster. Personality horoscope

The lady of this sign tends to be independent. She does an excellent job with her household and work responsibilities. The Rooster woman pays a lot of attention to her appearance. She tends to change her hair color often and loves to improvise with her wardrobe. If she is surrounded interesting people, then the Rooster girl can easily be the soul of the company. She is an excellent storyteller and is able to attract many men to her. At the same time, she does not bypass the women's society. For close girls, she can become a faithful friend, while others will envy her.

The Rooster woman is known for her indomitable temperament. In the family, she is quite firm and requires discipline. Despite the fact that she genuinely cares about her household, she can often be overwhelmed negative emotions: jealousy, anger. Astrologers advise the ladies of this sign to be more flexible and approach the choice of a partner for family life with particular seriousness.

With whom does the Rooster build a family union?

The eastern horoscope for years for a successful relationship promises a seductive Snake to the representative of the Rooster sign. She is able to share the habits and tastes of her partner. After all, the Snake is flexible and wise from birth, which her straightforward and ardent chosen one lacks. Together they can create a strong enough marriage and become a star couple.

A promising relationship may be between a Rooster person and a representative of the Ox sign. They are united by practicality and perseverance. The bull has great willpower, sanity and constancy. He will help the Rooster keep the household in perfect order and will not deny the dominance of his partner. This harmonious couple. Sexually, the Rooster and the Ox are perfectly compatible and can give each other an amazing love fire.

Who should the Rooster avoid?

These include the Tiger and the Cat. According to astrologers, the union between the Rooster and the Tiger is highly undesirable. If these two come together, then their family hearth will go out before it has time to flare up. The tiger will very soon get fed up with the partner's boasting, and the restlessness of the Rooster will simply annoy the predator. Both signs are selfish and hard to make concessions.

At first glance, the affectionate Cat and the outrageous Rooster somehow complement each other. But this is a misleading impression. Representatives of these signs have few common points of contact. The behavior of the Rooster will be incomprehensible to the Cat. He will be offended and oppressed by the emotional attacks of his partner. The rooster, in turn, tends to react even more to the intransigence of the chosen one. Those born in 2005 will not become an exception in the future. Which animal should they avoid for love relationship? A cat who likes to flirt with the opposite sex. The eastern horoscope for years predicts that the Rooster and the Cat will have to leave each other alone.

Metal Rooster (1921, 1981)

These individuals are recognized as the most responsible of their brethren. They are extremely purposeful and already from childhood know what they want. Confidence and perseverance they do not hold. However Eastern horoscope over the years advises them to be softer in dealing with others. Otherwise, metal roosters are excellent business partners and loyal friends.

Water Rooster (1933, 1993)

This Rooster is very well-read. He is able to establish contact with the most difficult personality. After all, the Water Rooster is a good psychologist and knows how to convince. He has an inexhaustible supply of energy. These Roosters work with ease at night. However, the stars advise the representatives of this sign not to overstrain and not worry about trifles.

Wood Rooster (1945, 2005)

Wood Roosters are reputed to be honest, reliable, good-natured individuals. They are willing to work in large teams. This is inherent in a person born in 2005, the year of the Rooster. The only thing is that they tend to set difficult goals for themselves. It is worth deciding on these Roosters, whose birth took place in 2005 - which animal should they choose as their comrades-in-arms? Perhaps noble Dragons and purposeful Bulls. Wood Roosters are very warm to their loved ones, have a diverse range of interests and love to travel. The stars advise this Rooster to learn to set himself achievable tasks. If a person whose birth period fell in 2005 understands which animal, according to the horoscope, she should avoid in the business sphere, then success will be achieved easily.

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017)

These personalities have pronounced leadership qualities and great willpower. But he is hindered in social life by excessive linearity. Fire Roosters should learn to be more patient and attentive to the emotions of other people.

Earth Rooster (1909, 1969)

This Rooster is reputed to be a shrewd person. From birth, he was given high mental abilities. The Earth Rooster is very hardworking and persistent in achieving his goals. Despite good physical health, he should rest more often on fresh air and connect with positive people.

Attention, only TODAY!

The Chinese horoscope, like the eastern one, has twelve signs of the zodiac. Once every twelve years, the Rooster becomes the owner of the coming year - a non-standard, controversial creature. The Chinese consider the rooster a symbol of the sun, rebirth, a herald of dawn. Those who are fond of studying horoscopes are interested in the question: 2005 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar.

Rooster - who is he

Bright, talkative, frank, eccentric, loves shocking, which is why sometimes he shows himself aggressively. Selfish towards the feelings of those he offends. Loves flattery. He does not trust anyone, relying only on himself, but he is able to give advice. He loves to make plans, projects, but they are usually not feasible, because it is difficult for the Rooster to leave the comfort zone.

Courageous, courageous, daring, risk-averse, interesting. He easily disappoints people because he is a braggart. Able to set unattainable goals, but when they fail to achieve, he gets upset. He is active, therefore he will always get money - both in the creative and in the destructive sphere. Prone to contemplation and laziness. If he allows these qualities to capture him, he will turn into a wandering philosopher. But he will not be ashamed, because this is another way to attract attention.

In his personal life, he tends to disappoint his partner, as he likes to show off. It is difficult for him to keep a person next to him, or he himself loses interest in him. In a relationship, he does not forgive betrayals, although he himself is easily capable of it. Disciplined, conservative. Buying compliments. Entrepreneurial, leader by nature. Wayward, likes to command, dictate his own.

During all three phases of the life of the Rooster, both ups and downs await - both in personal life and in the field of finance. Only old age will be relatively calm.

Types of Rooster

According to the Eastern calendar, each animal has additional properties. Features are considered based on the subordination of a certain element:

Features of the year

2005 is the year of the green tree rooster. Green color enhances loyalty, and the tree is a symbol of stability. The rooster symbolizes self-confidence, vanity, brightness, outrageousness, courage, frankness, straightforwardness. As well as extravagance, irascibility, conservatism, stubbornness. The spring months are favorable for those born this year..

Born in 2005

Those born this year have their own characteristics with which the Rooster endowed them:

Rooster Man

Conscientious, takes on the role of commander, active, but his activity is often chaotic. Such a person will suit a smart, far-sighted woman who can direct his potential and energy in the right direction. This man of bright appearance, knows how to talk a lot and fantasize. Surrounded by the attention of women, he often happens with an undeveloped personal life. And all because, having achieved one woman, he loses interest in her. It is important to learn how to carefully approach the choice of a partner.

Rooster Woman

Looks good, loves change appearance, independent, self-sufficient. The soul of the company, a faithful friend, talkative, interesting for men. Temperamental, prone to anger and jealousy. A good hostess requires discipline from the household. Sometimes she lacks flexibility and softness. It is important to sensibly approach the choice of a man.

2019 is the Year of the Pig Chinese calendar. In 2019, the Year of the Pig will begin on February 5 (Chinese New Year in lunar calendar) and will last until January 24, 2020.

12 animals of the Chinese zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac (Eastern Zodiac) is based on the 12 year old lunar cycle, where each year is represented by a specific animal. It is believed that the sign of the zodiac animal affects the character of each person. The traditional order of the zodiac animals is: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

What is your zodiac sign?

The Chinese zodiac (whale, "sheng xiao") literally translates as "to be like birth". It is determined by the lunar calendar - with the onset of the Chinese New Year, the zodiac year also begins.

Every year Chinese New Year occurs on a different date, between January 21 and February 20. So, if you were born in January or February, then be especially careful when determining your zodiac animal.

Our special calculator will help you determine who you are by the sign of the Chinese zodiac! Enter your date of birth and find out the sign of your zodiac animal!

Horoscope zodiac signs by year

Animal Year
Year of the Rat - 鼠年 (子) 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924
Year of the Ox - 牛年 (丑) 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925
Year of the Tiger - 虎年 (寅) 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926
Year of the Rabbit - 兔年 (卯) 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927
Year of the Dragon - 龙年 (辰) 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
Year of the Snake - 蛇年 (巳) 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
Year of the Horse - 马年 (午) 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
Year of the Goat - 羊年 (未) 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Year of the Monkey - 猴年 (申) 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Year of the Rooster - 鸡年 (酉) 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Year of the Dog - 狗年 (戌) 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Year of the Pig - 猪年 (亥) 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935

Determine your zodiac sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are according to your zodiac sign

Chinese oriental calendar:

Your Sign:

Chinese zodiac compatibility in love

What will bring good luck in the year of your animal

In China, there is the concept of "Benmingnian" - this is the so-called Year of Fate, i.e. the zodiac animal in which year you were born. In 2018, Benmingnian in people, born in the year of the Dog.

The Chinese are traditionally very sensitive to the Benmingnian offensive. This is a very special year for every year and its arrival is awaited with joy and impatience.

However, in China they believe that those people whose year has come offend the great deity of Tai Sui time, and trials may await them. Therefore, the Year of Destiny is considered here as a time of unexpected changes and worries.

Find out, how to keep good luck in your year (Benmingnian) and the traditions of modern China.

Zodiac Signs - Why These 12 Animals?

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac were not chosen by chance. These were animals either closely related to everyday life Ancient China, or those that, according to Chinese beliefs, brought good luck.

Ox, horse, goat, rooster, pig and dog are six animals traditionally kept in Chinese household. A famous Chinese proverb says: "Six animals in the house means prosperity". That is why these six animals were chosen.

The other six - rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and monkey - are animals very beloved in Chinese culture.

Zodiac signs - why in that order?

12 animals of the Chinese zodiac presented in a certain order according to the teachings of Yin and Yang.

The yin and yang of animals is determined by the number of their claws (paws, hooves). Even is pure for Yin and odd is pure for Yang. Animals in the zodiac are arranged in an alternating Yin-Yang order.

Animals usually have the same number of toes on their front and hind feet. However, the rat has four toes on its front paws and five on its hind paws. As they say in China: "Things are valued for their rarity". Therefore, the Rat is in first place among the 12 animals of the zodiac. This unique animal combines both odd Yang and even Yin traits:
4+5=9 where Yang is dominant and therefore the rats are classified as odd (Yang) in the end.

The symbolic meaning of the 12 signs of the zodiac

AT Ancient China Each zodiac animal was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning- sign. 12 animals were divided into 6 pairs in such a way that the signs of one animal in a pair were opposite to those of another animal from this pair. This is how harmony was achieved - Yin and Yang.

The order of the animals of the zodiac, presumably, was not chosen by chance: in China, it is customary to start with the most important, and then put all the other signs in descending order. As well as in the beginning, always a strong, dominant beginning of Yang, and then giving harmony to Yin.

Zodiac Animal sign Proverb
Rat Wisdom Wisdom without diligence leads to mediocrity.
Bull industriousness Diligence without wisdom leads to meaninglessness.
Tiger Bravery Courage without caution leads to recklessness.
Rabbit Caution Caution without courage leads to cowardice.
The Dragon Force Strength without flexibility leads to destruction.
Snake Flexibility Flexibility without strength leads to infringement.
Horse Pushing Forward Striving forward without unity leads to loneliness.
Goat unity Unity without striving forward leads to stagnation.
Monkey Changeability Variability without constancy leads to stupidity.
Rooster permanence Constancy without change leads to stiffness.
Dog Loyalty Loyalty without smiling leads to rejection.
Pig friendliness Friendly without fidelity leads to immorality.

Time was determined by the Chinese zodiac

Everyone knows that in the Chinese zodiac every year is associated with a certain animal, but not everyone knows that in Chinese culture the 12 signs of the zodiac are also used to indicate time.

In ancient times, before the invention of the clock, earthly branches (cyclic signs of the duodecimal cycle of the Chinese zodiac) were used to indicate time in China. For convenience, we resorted to the names of 12 animals of the zodiac, allocating 2 hours for each sign.

According to Chinese astrology, the character and life of a person is largely determined not by the year, but by the hour of birth. And these data are widely used in the analysis of personality type and fate.

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

The Legend of the Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

It will be about how Jade Emperor- the lord of heaven - decided to choose 12 animals to guard his peace.

In 2005, as in any other year, many events took place in the world, good and not so important for some and completely insignificant for others. Some of these events do not leave any trace in the memory, others are remembered for a long time. Summing up the results of 2005, one cannot fail to recall that in the outgoing year Pope John Paul II died, New Orleans was flooded by Hurricane Katrina, and a series of terrorist attacks took place in London. Mass riots in France and Australia are also remembered, and destructive earthquake in Pakistan. Someone remembered the wedding of Prince Charles, someone followed the trial of Michael Jackson, others will celebrate high-profile elections in a number of countries. Lenta.Ru tried to remember most of these events that took place in the world, placing them in chronological order.

Assassination of Hariri

On February 14, as a result of the terrorist attack in Beirut, former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who was in opposition to the government pursuing a pro-Syrian policy. The opposition and the public blamed the authorities of Syria and Lavan for his murder, demanding the resignation of the government (it will take its powers in two weeks) and the immediate withdrawal of the Syrian troops stationed there since 1976 from the country. Syrian troops Lebanon 25 April. Early that month, the UN Security Council had an international inquiry into Hariri's death. In October, investigators published a report that did not rule out that the Lebanese and Syrian special services could be involved in the attack. UN Security Council resolution obliging Syria to cooperate with the international community in the investigation into the death of the ex-premier, from which she had earlier. In December, a second report was published containing the involvement of the Syrian authorities in the assassination of Hariri.

Death of the Pope

On April 2, at the age of 85, from septic shock and a heart attack, Pope John Paul II. Several million people came to say goodbye to the pontiff, whose funeral took place on April 8. The mourning ceremony was attended by numerous official delegations, both spiritual and secular, including four kings, five queens and at least 70 presidents and prime ministers. Several billion people watched the farewell to the Pope on TV, and in the print and electronic media about the death of the pontiff during the first three days, three times more than during the same period of time about the September 11, 2001 attacks. The name of the new head of the Roman Catholic Church April 19 - the holy throne was taken by the German cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who took the name Benedict XVI.

Wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles

The day after the funeral of John Paul II, April 9, the wedding ceremony of the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles of Wales and his longtime girlfriend Camilla Parker-Bowles. This wedding was widely discussed in the UK, whose residents due to the fact that Camilla, a divorced woman with two children from her first marriage, after the coronation of Charles, can officially become their queen. At the same time, the majority of the British approved of this marriage, especially since Camilla had renounced the crown in advance, saying that the title of "princess consort" was enough for her.

Tony Blair's election victory

On May 5, in the same Great Britain, parliamentary elections were held, in which the Labor Party Tony Blair won for the third time in a row. Before him, only the leader of the Conservatives, Margaret Thatcher, managed to become the head of the British government three times in a row. At the same time, the Labor Party has won the fewest seats in Parliament since 1997. By the way, the election victory and the hard work of forming a new government were the official reason for Blair's refusal to come to Moscow to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Victory.

Self-exposing "Deep Throat"

May 31, 2005, more than 30 years after the Watergate scandal, the name of one of its main initiators. Mark Felt, 91, a former deputy director of the FBI, has admitted that he was Deep Throat, the enigmatic informant for The Washington Post correspondents Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. His revelations, published in this newspaper, led in 1973-74 to one of the most high-profile political scandals in the history of the United States and effectively forced the resignation of the President of the United States, Richard Nixon.

Michael Jackson found not guilty of child abuse

In the first month of summer in the United States, he was in the case of ex-King of Pop Michael Jackson, who was charged with ten counts, including seducing a 13-year-old teenager, drugging him with alcohol and forcibly detaining him on his ranch. The trial in this case lasted six months and was replete with curiosities and sometimes anecdotal testimonies of witnesses. As a result, on June 14, the jury found Jackson not guilty on all charges. Shortly thereafter, the singer went to Bahrain and announced that he did not intend to return to the United States.

Presidential elections in Iran

At the end of June, against the backdrop of conflicting reports that Iran was either abandoning its nuclear program or returning to it again, the country held presidential elections declared undemocratic by the United States. As a result of the second round, held on June 24, the mayor of Tehran, the conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, became the head of Iran, immediately after the victory of the intention to build "an exemplary and powerful Islamic country." During the last quarter of the outgoing year, Ahmadinejad made a number of loud statements, in particular, to erase the state of Israel from the map of the world, which caused a wide resonance in diplomatic circles, the fact of the mass extermination of Jews during the Holocaust and proposed to transfer the Jewish state to Europe or Alaska.

Attacks in London

On July 7, a series of terrorist attacks in London coincided with the opening of the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. As a result of explosions in subway cars and on a bus, 52 people were killed and several dozen were injured. A hitherto unknown group, the Al Qaeda Secret Organization in Europe, claimed responsibility for the attack, claiming to have avenged the actions of British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Two weeks later, on July 21, public transport Explosions again in London, however, so low-powered that many eyewitnesses did not even see or hear them, but talked about the smell of smoke and the panic that gripped everyone around. The British police increased their vigilance so much that the next day a suspicious man of Asian appearance - like a Brazilian electrician, was guilty only of not renewing his visa on time.

Hurricane Katrina

At the end of summer, in the last days of August, Hurricane Katrina, recognized as the most destructive cyclone that has ever hit the United States, hit the southeast coast of the United States. The elements led to numerous casualties and caused enormous damage to the country's economy. Many cities were completely destroyed or, including New Orleans, which remained in the hands of marauders for more than a week: authorities at all levels, rescue services and the army in a timely manner to protect the city that was under attack, and then provide the necessary assistance to its inhabitants. In late September, Hurricane Rita passed along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, destroying gas production platforms. This caused the closure of a number of enterprises in the oil and gas sector of the region and led to another jump in oil prices.

Gerhard Schroeder lost to Angela Merkel

September 18 in Germany early parliamentary elections. Angela Merkel's bloc won them by a slight margin: the CDU / CSU received 225 seats in the new Bundestag, the SPD, Gerhard Schroeder's party - 222 seats, the FDP - 61 seats, the Greens - 51 seats. Thus, none of the parties and established coalitions received enough seats to form a one-party government. Negotiations went on between the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats for a month. As a result, the SPD and the country's government for the first time in its history was headed by a woman - the leader of the CDU, Angela Merkel. Bundestag her as Chancellor of Germany on 22 November. Schroeder, from whom, in fact, the elections were held ahead of schedule, left politics and the operating company of the North European gas pipeline, which is being built by Gazprom and the German BASF.

Earthquake in Pakistan

On the morning of October 8, a strong earthquake hit Pakistan, which became biggest disaster throughout the history of the country. The epicenter of the tremors, whose strength reached 7.6 on the Richter scale, was located about 95 kilometers northeast of Islamabad. As a result of the earthquake in Pakistan, more than 73 thousand people, about one and a half thousand people died in India, several tens of thousands of people were injured, about three million families were left homeless. Rescuers were able to reach some remote and mountainous regions of the country only a few weeks after the disaster - the main roads were blocked due to mud flows, and humanitarian supplies were sent there by helicopters.

Hussein's trial begins

October 19 in Baghdad, the trial of former president Iraq by Saddam Hussein and seven of his closest associates. At the first meeting, the defendants were introduced to the first of the 12 charges prepared for them, after which the trial was adjourned for 40 days at the request of their lawyers. The day after the start of the trial, one of the representatives of the defense team was present, and a few weeks later another lawyer was killed. On November 28, a short second session was held, after which the trial was held until December 5, and then until December 21. During the hearings, Hussein was in "an unjust trial" and that the Americans were torturing him in prison. The judge of the tribunal and representatives of the American administration is the statement of the ex-president of Iraq. In general, the Nuremberg Trial did not work out of Saddam's trial: instead of trying him for all the crimes at once, it was decided to hold several relatively simple trials, and the prosecutors have not yet disclosed the essence of most of the charges.

Pogroms in France

In the last days of October France riots. In almost three hundred cities, young people from immigrant neighborhoods smashed cars and buildings at night, smashing shops. The police organized raids and thousands of rioters. The confrontation between the authorities and the children of immigrants lasted more than a half month. Among the causes of the conflict are social, religious-ethnic and criminal factors, and the reason for the unrest is believed to have been the death of two teenagers who ran away from the police and, hiding in a transformer box, received a fatal electric shock.

CIA secret prison scandal

On November 2, The Washington Post newspaper published an article in which the CIA allegedly created a whole network of secret prisons in at least eight countries of the world, among which there are states of Eastern Europe, and hides the most important arrested terrorists from Al-Qaeda in them. . This publication attracted the interest not only of human rights activists, who suggested that it was about Poland and Romania, but also of the European Parliament, which launched its own investigation and threatened that if the government of an EU country assisted the CIA in conducting illegal operations, then it would be subject to sanctions up to and including deprivation of the right to vote in the Council of Europe. Wherein former director The CIA confirmed that such prisons exist, but the current, like official Washington, denied this statement. That secret CIA prisons exist in Eastern Europe at present, it has not been proven, however, according to some journalists, these establishments were closed in November 2005.

Interethnic clashes in Sydney

On December 11, a wave swept through the southern suburbs of Sydney. Unlike the French events of a month ago, in largest city Australia, the instigators of the riots were white Australians, behind whom stood radical racist and nationalist organizations. Five thousand whites chased people of Middle Eastern origin, attacked them and the police. By the end of the day, "multicultural youth" from Sydney's immigrant neighborhoods carried out retaliatory raids in white neighborhoods, beating passers-by, crashing cars and smashing store windows. The confrontation between Australians, immigrants and the police lasted almost two days.

O brave new world!

Of course, these events are far from complete list happening around the world in the past year. But they appear to have made 2005 what it is to remember, influencing the world and making history. As always, I would like to hope that the coming year will be better than the outgoing one, that it will not be marked by destructive cataclysms, high-profile terrorist attacks, or mass pogroms. But no one knows how it will turn out.