Liquid screed. Self-leveling floor: base preparation, tools, solution preparation, manual and application instructions. Basic surface preparation

Self-leveling flooring is one of the best achievements of science and technology. You can make a self-leveling floor with your own hands, but you should think carefully before doing so, because this work has many nuances. This gender has a lot positive qualities. The technological pause after creating the screed will be very short. Finished coating waterproof, the floor has excellent hygienic properties. The texture of this floor is smooth. The filling base is plastic and elastic. It is light in weight. So you can make a self-leveling floor even on a wooden floor.

This technology allows builders to level the floor. The self-leveling screed quickly spreads over the floor surface, resulting in a perfectly smooth coating.

Perfect smooth finish

The self-leveling floor is quite unpretentious in terms of the quality of the base. But there is an exception - the moisture content of the base. Water vapor that passes through the fill destroys the polymer films. As a result, the coating may begin to crumble. Therefore, it is very important to create reliable waterproofing before filling. Preparing the base includes the following steps:

  1. Sealing cracks;
  2. Primer;
  3. Waterproofing;
  4. Thermal insulation and mesh laying;

Small cracks can be repaired in the usual way.

Sealing cracks

You can learn how to seal such cracks in any construction video.

If the cracks are too large, you should first check whether the coating is completely destroyed. If such a process occurs, then leveling is not worth the effort, because the house is in disrepair. If there is no destruction, then when sealing cracks, perpendicular cuts are created to them. With their help, they are made that can reduce the load. Waterproofing will be necessary in all cases.


The self-leveling floor should breathe only around the perimeter. So you will need any special material, for example, waterproofing. Before you start laying down the film, you need to tape off the corners. They are covered with polystyrene foam tape.

If you decide to create a self-leveling floor on wooden surface, then first you should check the surface for play. To do this, you can use a homemade plumb line. The device must be placed in the center of the room. The nose of the load should almost reach the floor. After this, you need to walk around the room and track the deviations of the load. The size of the game can be defined as the height of the suspension in relation to the width or length of the room.

The limit is 1.2 mm per 1 m.

If the deviation is greater, then the flooring needs to be removed, rather than laying a new one in its place. If the flooring is stable and of high quality, then you need to seal the cracks. This can be done using wood putty. After this, you will need to carry out waterproofing.

Required Tools

In order to level the floor with a self-leveling mixture, you will need the following tools:

  • Cement mixture;
  • Primer;
  • Container for mixing the solution;
  • Needle roller;
  • Drill.

Preparing the solution is the most critical procedure. On our website you can find many videos with cooking instructions.

But some of them may not address important nuances.

Preparation of the solution

Temperature. The operating temperature range is from 15 to 30 degrees. If you make a self-leveling floor in the cold, it will turn out fragile. Pouring in hot weather is much worse. Mixtures are temperature sensitive.

Best before date. Duration of storage of ready-made cement mixtures from 6 months to a year. Do not use expired mixtures. Ultimately, all this will affect the quality of the floor.

Water. The instructions specify a certain amount of water for kneading, and some allowance is made. And this permission is not made just like that. If conditions are favorable, then using this tolerance you can control the fluidity of the solution. If the temperature in the room is within the permissible limits, then the mixture is adjusted according to temperature using tolerances. In cold weather you should use a minimum of water. In the heat it’s the other way around.

Sand. Cement-sand mixtures are not stored, so you will need to buy sand separately. The instructions will tell you exactly what type of sand you will need. The requirements must be strictly followed. If there are no clear instructions, choose river sand.

Kneading process. The solution must be mixed in portions per bag or half a bag. Initially, water is poured into the vessel and only then poured out cement composition. Kneading is done with a drill at low speeds - 100-300 rpm. The nozzle should be moved in a circle up and down. It is better not to touch the walls and bottom. Mix the solution for about 4 minutes. Afterwards the solution will have to mature. This will take another 4 minutes.

Before you start pouring the floor, you need to clean the surface of any dirt. It is especially important to clean all crevices from various debris.

Clean the surface from dirt

For better bonding, the entire floor surface is treated with a primer.

If you decide to make a self-leveling floor with your own hands, then it is better to invite a partner for this work. This will make it easier for you to fill the surface, and the result will be of better quality.

Sequence of work:

  1. The first batch is created;
  2. After the first solution is ready, it must be left to mature. Next, you need to start preparing the second one in another container. It is important to rinse the mixer before the second batch;
  3. 20-30 seconds before the second batch is ready, take the first one and pour it into the far corner. The empty bucket should be given to your partner so that he can start making the third batch. At this time you can take special tool- squeegee - and begin to disperse the first batch;
  1. While the third batch is ripening, pour in the second one and disperse it;
  2. The cycles will be repeated until the entire area is filled.

After these procedures, the floor may appear smooth. But you should not finish the work ahead of time; the self-leveling floor will need to be further leveled, namely, to remove air bubbles from the solution. If you forget about this stage, then bubbles will definitely begin to float up over time and the surface will be uneven.

Deaeration is the final stage of pouring.

This must be done using a special needle roller. Please note that there is a special visor above the roller.

Special needle roller

It is intended not so much to protect clothes from splashes, but to protect the solution itself. The moisture from the spray evaporates very quickly. If it gets on the solution, then unevenness is created in it. They will be clearly visible. But at this stage it will no longer be possible to level the surface. You'll have to re-fill the floor. On small areas you can use a homemade piercing - an ordinary board with nails. By the way, it can also disperse the solution.

Homemade piercing

On large area- from 10 square meters - not worth saving. As you can see, making a self-leveling floor yourself is quite simple. You can use videos and instructions while working. All you need is knowledge and patience. And then you will have a high-quality and durable self-leveling floor.


In this video you will learn about correct application self-leveling floor screed.
Thanks to this material you will receive a lot of useful information.

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Major repairs of any residential premises starts with renovating the floor. An old concrete floor is usually a depressing sight. Height changes, potholes, chips, cracks... You cannot lay a new coating on such a base. How to fix this?

The traditional solution is a cement-sand screed. It has a number of significant disadvantages: high consumption of material, leveling it is very difficult without skills and experience, hardening of concrete does not take less than a month. It is much easier and faster to use a modern self-leveling screed - you can start finishing the next day.

Self-leveling screed is a method of leveling the floor, which involves the use of a special mixture. Its composition includes not only the main substance (cement, gypsum) and binder (sand), but also glue and plasticizers, thanks to which the mixture becomes much more plastic than ordinary concrete. It acquires the ability to independently fill in the defects of the main coating and spread over the entire area of ​​the room. If necessary, it can be supplemented with pigments and become a decorative coating.

IN different conditions operation, one of several types of self-leveling mixtures can be used. The choice must be made based on the following factors:

  • indoor humidity;
  • likelihood of direct contact with moisture;
  • Is the floor required to be resistant to aggressive chemicals?
  • Will it be laid on top of the screed? decorative coating;
  • type of base;
  • the need to give the floor additional properties - noise absorption, thermal insulation, anti-slip.

There are not many types of mixtures for screed - it will not be difficult to choose. They are classified based on the variety of constituent components:

  • Cement. The cheapest and weakest option, most often used as a primer. If you need to create a full-fledged screed, it is better to supplement the cement with acrylic. In this case, it will be durable, frost-resistant and undemanding to the properties of the base. However, like ordinary concrete, a cement screed will take several weeks to gain strength.
  • Plaster. It is stronger than cement, does not require preliminary leveling of the base, and conducts heat well. Eco-friendly. It can be of any thickness and is perfect for underfloor heating systems. The base must be dry, since gypsum absorbs moisture very well.
  • Epoxy. The screed is durable and resistant to chemicals, but does not withstand abrasion. May crack when hit with heavy objects.
  • Polyurethane. Best suited for industrial and commercial premises. Resistant to all types of mechanical stress, temperature changes, and humidity. Long term services. The main disadvantages are demands on the condition of the foundation and high cost.

Pros and cons of this alignment method

Self-leveling screed has many advantages:

  • Easy to use. The dry mixture just needs to be diluted with water, stirred and poured onto the floor. It will spread on its own and create a perfectly flat and smooth surface.
  • Fast drying. You can walk on the screed within a few hours after pouring; it gains full strength in just a day.
  • High strength, resistance to the most different types influences.
  • No shrinkage.
  • Minimum screed thickness – 5 mm.

It also has disadvantages:

  • The base must be prepared - cracks sealed, dust and debris removed, surface dried.
  • It is very difficult to remove a failed screed.
  • Relatively high cost.
  • Toxicity. Plasticizers can release health hazards into the air chemical compounds, therefore, during drying, the room must be well ventilated, and work must be done with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

Characteristics, manufacturers, approximate price

One of the main properties of the screed in question is the smoothness of the resulting surface. It is ensured by the use of fillers having dimensions of no more than 260 microns. They are bound by plaster or cement. Additional properties - elasticity, fluidity, ability to adhere to the base - are imparted by various plasticizers. They can be polymers or minerals. The exact composition depends on the manufacturer of the mixture, and specifications materials.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the range of permissible screed thicknesses (for example, 3-60 mm), the time of initial strength gain, the possibility of use for outdoor work, strength (indicated in MPa).

Today's market for self-leveling mixtures is represented by the following manufacturers:

  • Knauf(Knauf) is the undoubted leader. Product basis – gypsum mixtures increased strength with the addition of fine quartz sand, improving performance characteristics screeds – adhesion to the subfloor, abrasion resistance. Price - approximately 220 rubles. per package 20 kg.
  • Vetonit. Mixtures based on cement and limestone can be used to create a floor finish. Screed thickness – up to 5 mm. High strength and wear resistance. The initial strength gain takes only 3 hours. Consumption – 1.5 kg/m 2 /mm screed. Price - 360 rub. per bag 25 kg.
  • Ceresit. Ceresit mixtures are suitable for making screeds on any base and under any finishing coating. Suitable for heated floors. A dry base is required. Screed thickness – up to 60 mm. Fast drying. Price - 400 rub. per bag 25 kg.
  • Bolars. The mixtures differ in that with their use it is possible to create a heat and sound insulating screed. Price - 300 rub. for 25 kg.

Calculation of material quantity

You can calculate the required amount of mixture using the consumption information provided by the manufacturer. The mass of the mixture required to form a screed 1 mm thick is indicated. For example, if the packaging indicates a consumption of 1.5 kg per m2, then to form a screed 5 mm thick in a room of 10 m2 you will need 1.5 * 10 * 5 = 75 kg of the mixture, or three bags.

Such a calculation will be fair only in ideal conditions– when the base of the floor does not have height differences. If the surface has depressions even after rough leveling, you should add a little mixture. Additionally, you need to take into account the volume of materials such as insulation and reinforcing mesh, if used.

Work order

Leveling the floor using this method is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparing the base. Cracks need to be repaired, the floor dried and cleaned. Then the primer is applied in two layers.
  2. Preparation of the solution. The mixture must be diluted in accordance with the recipe specified by the manufacturer on the packaging of the material. In order for the mixture to be of high quality, it is necessary to maintain the room temperature within 15-30 degrees. You need to stir the poured mixture quickly, without lumps, so this should not be done manually, but using a drill with a spatula attachment.
  3. The finished mixture is poured onto the floor surface. You should start from the far corner of the room, gradually moving towards the exit. If necessary, you can walk on wet screed in paintshoes - special shoes with spikes.
  4. You need to go over the entire area with a needle roller to remove any air bubbles that have formed.
  5. Then all that remains is to wait for the screed to gain strength. It is not recommended to overdry it, so you should protect the floor from exposure to sunlight, heat sources, and drafts.

If a self-leveling screed is formed in large room, you don’t need to make a lot of mixture at once. It will dry out very quickly, and the unused material will have to be thrown away. If there is no assistant, you can work alone in sections - the screed does not shrink, so areas that dry at different speeds will not differ in height.

In the following video you can clearly see how to work with such a mixture with your own hands:

How long does it take to dry?

Depending on the manufacturer and brand of the mixture, the initial strength gain may take 3-8 hours. After this period it will be possible to walk on the screed. You can apply the decorative coating in 1-2 days. The screed will reach its maximum strength (indicated on the packaging in MPa) in 28 days.

In contact with

Leveling the mixture with a spatula

Our article will tell you how to quickly and efficiently perform a self-leveling floor screed, what specific points and features need to be taken into account during the work process. It's no secret that for high-quality installation of any finishing floor covering, it is necessary to create a perfectly flat and smooth surface of the subfloor, which is why self-leveling floor screed is currently considered the best reason. Its installation does not require the use of special construction technologies and expensive materials - it is enough to follow the work technology and use high-quality materials.

In the same case, if this floor is not perfectly flat, then over time any floor covering (no matter whether it is ceramic tiles or laminate) will simply crack and lose its beauty. Eliminating these defects will require either quite expensive repairs or a complete replacement of the entire floor in the room. That is why it is necessary to carry out such an important process as pouring a self-leveling floor before laying the floor covering.

As a rule, the technology for applying self-leveling floors includes the use of special building mixtures. Nowadays, such mixtures are special solutions that spread perfectly around the entire perimeter of the room and can, if necessary, be processed during the application process. The main feature of such mixtures is their independent distribution over the entire surface of the base, the formation of a perfectly smooth and even horizontal surface. The technology of pouring a self-leveling floor itself consists of several stages.

Under the self-leveling floor there must be a special restoration layer that will fill all the unevenness and depressions

Tools can be purchased today in almost any specialized store or construction market. These tools are quite universal and accessible to everyone - they may be needed not only for installing floors, but also for many other construction and repair work. So, for example, among the most significant are: a drill with a special attachment, a roller (needed for applying primer) regular and needle, a container for mixing materials. It is also necessary to purchase special beacons for floor screeding - without these devices it is impossible to obtain a perfectly flat surface.

As for materials, the technology involves the use of such materials as the self-leveling floor itself and the primer under it. It is necessary to stock up on materials for future use and purchase a few more of them, with a sufficient supply. The thing is that the consumption of material on a self-leveling floor may at some points increase depending on the initial state of the surface, its material, and therefore it is necessary to eliminate in advance unnecessary trips to retail outlets, searching for materials of the same brand and batch, and, importantly, from the same manufacturer.

Advice! The floor leveling compound and primer must be of the same brand and from the same manufacturer. The correct technology for pouring floor screed can guarantee high quality and durability of the floor.

Base primer

Let's look at how to pour a floor screed. As a rule, the essence of the stage is to harden the surface, clean it and dry it. Additionally, you can treat the base with a primer, after which it dries you can apply the screed. Any, even the smallest construction debris should be removed at this stage - the final result and the condition of the floor covering depend on the thoroughness of this stage.

Preparing the walls

Along the entire perimeter of the room, a special edge tape must be glued to the edge of the walls bordering the floor. In this way, it will be possible to create a leveling self-leveling floor that will not stick to the wall. Otherwise, the self-leveling screed may simply burst after drying, and it will be necessary to either remove the entire applied solution, which has already dried thoroughly, or carry out repairs and apply a new layer - this cannot but affect the height of the room.

How to prepare a solution for liquid screed with your own hands

As a rule, this process is quite simple and consists of pouring the dry mixture into a container and adding water to it, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, thoroughly mixing the resulting solution in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of this building material. Then the floor screed is poured.

The previously obtained mass must be poured onto the surface of the base in such a way that the self-leveling floor, the characteristics of which depend only on the quality of the mixture, is distributed evenly. The layer thickness can be 3-30 mm and immediately after pouring it is necessary to roll the mixture with a special needle roller. This will remove any air bubbles from the mixture.

Note! Self-leveling floor leveler must be poured at frequent intervals, preventing the mixture from hardening.

Stir the solution

The self-leveling self-leveling floor hardens within 24 hours. Time to install finishing materials, as a rule, is indicated by the manufacturer himself. But, nevertheless, you need to wait at least two weeks after pouring - waiting will help to avoid unwanted “complications”, because haste in such a matter is completely unacceptable and inexplicable.

The instructions for the self-leveling floor imply finishing screeds various materials. For example, you can use both traditional floor coverings (tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum) and various more modern ones, including those created using 3D technology. In any case, it will be possible to achieve the most High Quality floor covering, extend the durability of its operation and significantly improve the style of the room.

The screed itself will not cause any complaints from the owner of the house, as it will make the surface of the base as even and smooth as possible. In turn, this will also make it possible to provide a kind of “landing ground” for laying various floor coverings in the future - when carrying out repairs in the future, it will not be necessary to carry out all this work again.

Self-leveling floor screed makes it possible to perform high-quality surface leveling. For this purpose it is used special mixture, which makes it easier to create the necessary evenness. This option has advantages over simple cement screed, which is much more difficult to pour and has a fairly long drying time.

A screed with a self-leveling effect has undeniable advantages that make it stand out among standard options:

Compared to competitors, self-leveling coatings have the most a short time hardening

Of course, there are many more advantages, which makes this solution quite popular for creating a smooth floor covering.

But in front of everyone positive properties These compositions also have disadvantages:

  • Impossibility of quick dismantling. Indeed, such a coating will require a lot of time to completely remove.
  • The screed is performed only on a horizontal plane. If you need to create some slope, according to the design intent, this is simply impossible.
  • Not the highest strength. This parameter is explained by the small thickness, which often ranges from 5 to 15 mm.
  • Possibility of numerous cracks. This problem arises due to poor surface preparation and violations of installation technology.

Self-leveling flooring requires careful preparation of the base, otherwise the coating will be irrevocably damaged

Thus, the majority negative points due to non-compliance the right technology fills.

Types of mixture

The leveling screed has different kinds according to the created thickness. Each option is suitable for a specific task:

Important! It must be taken into account that, despite the ability to correct defects using a self-leveling screed, a careful approach to preparing the base for pouring is required.

In addition to the division according to the method of application, there are varieties that differ in composition:

Gypsum and cement self-leveling mixtures are equally suitable for both water and electric heated floors

Thus there is wide choose materials, which gives this screed additional advantages over other options.

Material consumption

All work starts with correct calculation required quantity self-leveling mixture. To obtain this indicator, numerous factors should be taken into account:

  1. First of all, the total area of ​​the room that will be poured is measured.
  2. The condition of the foundation is determined. If the surface has significant defects, it is recommended to eliminate them during preparation. The fact is that solutions with a self-leveling effect can correct many defects, but this significantly increases their consumption.
  3. Desired thickness of the poured layer. This indicator is determined depending on the type of product and the existing irregularities.

Even minor curvatures of the base lead to serious consumption of expensive self-leveling floors

Each manufacturer indicates on the composition label the calculation rules depending on the conditions. But there is a standard calculation method: with a layer 10 mm thick, taking into account minor surface deviations, the total amount of dry mortar will be 1.5–2 kg.

Pouring process

This process begins with careful preparation. The self-leveling mixture is applied primarily as a final coating, so any imperfections will significantly complicate the work. General principle preparation is as follows:

  • cracks and potholes are expanded and sealed with putty compounds;
  • the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, a layer of primer is applied;
  • if required, a fiberglass reinforcing mesh is stretched and fixed with glue;
  • When creating a layer more than 20 mm thick, special beacons are installed.

The base is prepared in stages, and each stage is equally important.

They are set according to measurements taken to determine the maximum unevenness and lines marked along the entire perimeter.

Additionally, the necessary tools for the job are prepared. It must be taken into account that the process should be carried out at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees and air humidity of no more than 65–70%.

A self-leveling screed is created as follows:

  1. Prepare the solution. It is kneaded using a mixer or drill with a special attachment. Due to the fact that the composition has a high setting speed, all work is completed quickly.
  2. The prepared mixture is poured onto the surface and distributed using a spatula. When you need to quickly spread the composition over a large area, you can use a squeegee for greater convenience.
  3. To achieve uniformity, a needle roller is used to expel air bubbles. All work must be completed within half an hour.

Stages of self-leveling floor installation

Thus, it is possible to quickly level the floor surface with minimal labor costs. It is important to consider that the solution sets within an hour, but installation decorative materials You can start after a few days.

Using self-leveling floor technology, you can create a perfectly flat surface, which will then serve as a finishing coating for laying parquet, tiles, laminate, carpet, etc. At the same time, the self-leveling floor itself can be easily applied to almost any hard surface: wood, concrete, stone base.

Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to fill a self-leveling floor cement-sand screed which is painted oil paint. Initially, we have a fairly flat surface with permissible height differences of no more than 1 centimeter.

Main works:

1. Preparing the base
2. Prepare the filling mixture
3. Lay the self-leveling floor

Let's look at the main processes in more detail.

1. Preparatory work.

Clean the surface.

This stage must be approached with special responsibility, since the result obtained can affect all work in the future. It is worth noting that if there are obvious irregularities on the surface, then there is a high probability that the bulk mixture will not cover all shortcomings. Therefore, in order to avoid such circumstances, all irregularities should be smoothed out as much as possible. Also, the pouring of the floor can be negatively affected by the presence of chemicals and greasy stains. If they are not eliminated, then in the future the composition of the self-leveling floor may be damaged: various cracks and chips will appear.

To remove various debris and all kinds of stains, it is acceptable to use a regular vacuum cleaner with further wet cleaning premises. Particular attention should be paid to exfoliated weak spots. If they are found, restore the damaged areas by sealing the defects with cement mortar.

The result should be a smooth, clean surface.

Apply a primer layer.

To create deep adhesion, you need to prime. There are no special requirements for the soil mixture, so you can choose any one you like from those on sale today. As an example, it is recommended to choose a soil-concrete contact that allows you to give the floor the desired roughness. The primer should be applied with a brush or roller.

2. Prepare the working mixture.

Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions and how to use the mixture.

Prepare the container big size and pour water into it. On average, you need to pour 5-6 liters of water per 20 kg of mixture. Then pour in the dry mixture. To thoroughly mix and create a homogeneous mass, use construction mixer or a special attachment for an electric drill. Be sure to follow the proportions, as too much water will make the resulting mass too liquid. This can reduce the mechanical strength of the future floor.

Important: ready mix used during the first 20 minutes. Therefore, do not stir the mixture in large portions. It’s better to dilute a little during the first batch and practice styling.

When preparing the mixture, remember that you need to dilute it with water. room temperature, since in hot water the mixture will set faster.

3. Pouring the self-leveling floor.

To complete the work you will need an ordinary spatula and a needle roller. Using a spatula, the finished mixture is applied to the surface base and rolled out with a roller. At the same time, the roller needles will remove the formed air bubbles.

Spread the mixture from the far corner of the room. At the same time, make sure that it is distributed evenly (in narrow stripes). Then use a spatula to fill in any uneven areas. Finally, smooth the self-leveling floor with a needle roller to ensure a perfectly smooth surface. After applying and treating the first strip, proceed to the next until the entire floor surface is covered. The self-leveling floor dries within 10 hours. But it can be used only after 3 days from the moment of applying the mixture.