Forms of education in a modern school. Forms of education at school

The form of organization of training is a time-limited design of a separate link in the learning process.

A lesson is a form of organization of the pedagogical process in which the teacher, for a precisely set time, manages the collective cognitive and other activities of a permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using types, means and methods of work that create favorable conditions to ensure that all students master the basics of the subject being studied directly in the learning process, as well as to educate and develop the cognitive abilities and spiritual strength of schoolchildren.

Seminars. Seminar classes are held in senior classes when studying humanitarian subjects. Types of seminar: in the form of reports and messages; question and answer form. The essence of the seminar is a collective discussion of proposed questions, messages, abstracts, reports prepared by students under the guidance of a teacher. The seminar session is preceded by lengthy preparation. The lesson plan, basic and additional literature are reported, the work of each student and the class as a whole is outlined. The structure of the seminar - they begin with a short presentation by the teacher (introduction to the topic), then the announced issues are discussed sequentially. At the end of the lesson, the teacher summarizes and makes a generalization. A special form of a seminar is a seminar-debate. Its goal is the formation of value judgments, the affirmation of a worldview position.

Workshops or practical classes. They are used in the study of natural science disciplines, as well as in the process of labor and professional training. They are carried out in laboratories and workshops, in classrooms... work is done in pairs or individually according to instructions or an algorithm proposed by the teacher. Contribute to solving problems of labor training in schools

Consultations. As a rule, episodic, because organized as needed. There are current, thematic, and general consultations. Consultations at school are usually group, less often individual. Sometimes a special day is allocated for consultations.

An excursion is a special educational lesson transferred to an enterprise, a museum, an exhibition, a field... During an excursion, along with observations, the student uses a story, conversation, demonstration and other methods. They serve to accumulate visual representations and facts of life, help to establish a connection between theory and practice, training and education with life. The excursion can be: industrial, natural history, local history, literary, geographical. Excursion - the bathroom unit in the whole pedagogical process. It can take from 40-80 minutes to 2-2.5 hours.

Optional. Its main task is to deepen and expand knowledge, develop the abilities and interests of students, and conduct systematic career guidance work. The elective operates according to a specific program, which does not duplicate the curriculum.

Additional classes. They are carried out with individual students or a group of students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills, and satisfy increased interest in the academic subject.

Olympics, competitions, exhibitions. To stimulate educational and cognitive activity of students and the development of their creative competitiveness in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, language and literature, as well as technical modeling Olympiads, competitions are held, and exhibitions of children's creativity are organized.

Educational conference. Conferences can be held in all subjects and at the same time go far beyond the curriculum. Students, teachers, industry representatives, war participants, and labor veterans can take part in them.

“Immersion” - paired lessons or lesson cycles that allow you to create Better conditions for implementation full cycle UPD.

Forms of training reflect at school external organization interactions between teacher and students are carried out in a certain order and mode.

Advanced pedagogical practice has accumulated a huge arsenal of Attempts to classify forms of education allow researchers to distinguish more than ten classifications according to various parameters.

Thus, the method of obtaining education involves several forms: full-time, correspondence, evening, external.

The most extensive classification is based on the distinction between individualized and collective learning systems. Some of them were popular in their time, others have become traditional and are considered basic.

The class-lesson system, theoretically substantiated by J.A. Komensky, is generally recognized throughout the world and is a leader in the organization school education for several centuries. It assumes a constant composition of students of the same age and level of training, whose training takes place in accordance with the educational material distributed over the years and lessons in a particular subject. Lessons in school subjects alternate in accordance with the schedule. The advantage of the classroom-lesson system is its clear structure, efficiency, and the ability to organize the educational process in a permanent group of students. The disadvantages of the system are considered to be low individualization of education and isolation in a certain organizational space.

Forms of education constantly became the object of experiments and research by educators-reformers who sought to increase the efficiency of the classroom-lesson system.

The Bellancaster system (England) is based on the idea of ​​mutual teaching of students.

The Mannheim system, which developed in Europe in the 20s of the twentieth century, was focused on differentiation according to the abilities of schoolchildren (classes were formed on the basis of exams and the strong, average, and weak achievements of students).

The Batavia Plan is a system of teaching organization in which two teachers worked with the class, distributing frontal and individual work with students among themselves.

Subsequently, active forms of learning became popular. Thus, the Dalton Plan (USA) was aimed at students actively independently mastering the school curriculum according to the teacher’s instructions, using work in workshops and laboratories.

Brigade-laboratory training in domestic pedagogy in the 20s of the twentieth century until 1932 became a kind of modification of the Dalton plan.

The ideas of flexible distribution of educational time and choice of individual forms of education formed the basis of the Trump plan again (50s of the 20th century). This system includes the organization of lectures in large groups of students (100 people, 40% of class time), the organization of work in small groups (10-15 people, 20% of the time), individual work of students in school classrooms (40% of the time).

Forms of education are constantly evolving in accordance with advanced pedagogical concepts and modern requirements for school education.

In the school educational process, various organizational forms training. They are divided into several types, each of which has certain characteristics.

The holistic picture and quality of students’ knowledge acquired during the learning process, and the ability to successfully apply it in practice, largely depends on the teacher’s ability to organize the process itself. For the high-quality organization of the educational process, filling it with content and structural elements, modern pedagogy and didactics have come to a number of forms and types of training.

However, not everyone understands what organizational forms of training are. Therefore, it would be nice to talk about this concept in more detail at the very beginning.

The definition of the form of education, according to researcher M. A. Molchanova, is based on the philosophical category of content and form, which is explained by the fact that the form of education as such undoubtedly contains a set of methods, techniques, types of training, due to which it expands its content. B. T. Likhachev presents the form of teaching, first of all, as the relationship and mutual transfer of information in the process of cognition between two objects, namely the teacher and the student. Scientist I. F. Kharlamov believes that such a form cannot have a clear definition due to the diversity of its components, but researcher Yu. K. Babansky writes that the form of teaching is nothing more than the external expression of some content. Despite the many different opinions any form of educational organization performs an integrative function and represents a certain structure consisting of elements of the educational structure.

Successful training, regardless of the chosen form and type of its organization as a whole, depends on the training system, as well as on the structure of the educational process. If you give knowledge to students chaotically, without relying on a specific plan, without using the methods and methods that the form of education obliges to use, this will lead to the fact that instead of knowledge, there will be “porridge” and complete confusion in the head.

Scientists such as Ch. Kupesevich and I.P. Podlasy in their works on pedagogy classify organizational forms of education according to the following indicators: location of classes; number of students; duration of classes. Based on these indicators, it begs to identify the following organizational forms of training: by quantity - individual and collective, by place - classroom and extracurricular, and by duration - a classic lesson, a paired lesson or a shortened paired lesson.

Modern researchers I. F. Isaeva, A. I. Mishchenko, E. N. Shiyanova and others identify several forms of organization schooling, namely: individual, class-lesson and lecture-seminar. However, it is most advisable to present all forms of organization of the learning process in the form of a three-dimensional model, where the general forms of organization, internal and external, will be its sides, carrying the semantics of types and covering a set of elements, i.e., filled with content.

It is worth considering the content of each form of training organization in more detail.

The presented model demonstrates that general shape The organization of the school learning process contains a set of individual, pair, collective, group and frontal forms. Individual and paired forms of learning are more related to the extracurricular process, while group, collective and frontal are very close to the organization of school education.

Thus, the group form of training presupposes the presence of a group of students consisting of three or more people. This form of training not only finds application in modern school education, but is also successfully implemented in such types of school process as a seminar or laboratory lesson.

Frontal and collective forms of learning require the presence of a large group of students, and such a group must be mutually learning, i.e., directly contact each other and the teacher for the purpose of transfer educational material and exchange of acquired knowledge. These forms of learning, unlike group learning, are broader in the pedagogical field, however, they also have a number of difficulties associated, first of all, with the number of students and the forms of organization of their educational process. The next side of the three-dimensional model is responsible for organizing the forms of the educational process, namely, the external forms of organizing learning.

External forms of organizing learning at school include such forms of learning as a lesson, didactic game, seminar, practical lesson, lecture, laboratory work. It is worth considering them in more detail.

A lesson is the main form of the educational process, the main task of which is to solve didactic problems in the learning process. The lesson has a certain structure and includes the availability of means and methods of delivery necessary information for the purpose of assimilation and consolidation by students. As an external form of learning, the lesson unfolds within the framework of the curriculum and program. In modern pedagogy, it is customary to distinguish between types of lessons and distinguish between a lesson-conversation, a lesson-lecture, a lesson-excursion. This distinction is associated with different lesson contents as a form of the educational process.

Lecture is one of the oldest forms of teaching, which is also used in modern system education. At school, this form of teaching is called a lesson-lecture, but in essence it is filled with the same content as a lecture in higher education. educational institutions. The purpose of the lesson-lecture is to introduce students to new material, to give them the most complete and structural understanding of the issue under consideration. Lecture as a type of organization educational activities, are also usually divided into types. Thus, there is an introductory lecture, a lecture-discussion based on the question-answer principle, or a visual lecture using visual aids or video materials.

A didactic game is a type of collective learning activity that is implemented in the form of a game, but has a number of features that define it as a form of learning. One of these defining features is the formulation of a problem that requires a solution, the ability of students to present it in various areas in the form of a game social life, as well as direct contact with the teacher, who here plays the role of a leader and evaluates the implementation of didactic and game goals from the outside.

Unlike didactic game, the seminar is more complex in nature and is aimed at independent and in-depth study by students of a particular educational task. The purpose of the seminar is to systematize and consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students through their study of a sufficient number of sources on the problem being studied. The main goal of the seminar is to develop analytical and synthetic abilities in students, improve the culture of speech, and form a scientific worldview.

Practical lesson is one of modern forms training at school, aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and is expressed in the application of acquired skills and abilities in practice. The value of such classes, first of all, is to identify the correct understanding of previously obtained information and, if necessary, make the necessary amendments and corrections.

Laboratory work is a type of organization of educational activities, similar in purpose to a practical lesson, but based on the goal of implementing such functions as the development of research skills in students, the students’ coverage of the system of methods of the experimental and practical field of research, a significant expansion of the possibilities of applying theoretical knowledge to practice.

The conference is one of the types of organization of school education, giving students the opportunity to express themselves in the field of science and express their opinions, resorting to scientific analysis and synthesis.

All of the listed external forms of modern school education are closely related to the third side of the teaching model - internal forms. Internal forms of learning take place in the organization of the teacher’s work and the structural design of the entire educational process. So, internal forms education include both the mandatory presence of introductory and planned lessons, as well as lessons to consolidate the material, as well as practical classes and assessment of knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process.

All aspects of the types of organizational forms of modern school education under consideration have common goals, one of which is mastering new knowledge, consolidating it in practice, developing the necessary skills, implementing and systematizing knowledge and skills, as well as monitoring and evaluating the material received. Important In achieving these goals, students’ independent work also plays a role extracurricular forms activities that undoubtedly contribute to a broader perception and consolidation educational information.

The organizational forms of education at school may be different, but you should fulfill all the requirements, listen carefully to the teacher, study a lot, and then the student will be able to leave school with a rich stock of knowledge. They will certainly be useful to him in later life.

Despite different kinds organizational forms of training, yet they are all aimed at giving maximum knowledge to students. To achieve this, you need to rely on your own strength.

The main organizational form of education in a modern school is the lesson.

A lesson is a form of educational organization in which classes are conducted by a teacher with a group of students of a constant composition, of the same age and level of training, for a certain time and in accordance with the schedule

The lesson has the following features:

It is a completed and time-limited part of the educational process, during which certain educational tasks are solved;

Each lesson is included in the schedule and is regulated in time and volume of educational material;

Unlike other forms of training organization, it is permanent form, ensuring students’ systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities;

Attendance at lessons is mandatory for all students, so they study a system of knowledge, divided lesson by lesson, in a certain logic;

It is a flexible form of educational organization that allows you to use various methods, organize frontal, group and individual educational activities for students;

The joint activities of the teacher and students, as well as the communication of a large permanent group of students (class) creates opportunities for team building among children;

Promotes the formation of cognitive qualities of the individual (activity, independence, interest in knowledge), as well as the mental development of students

In didactics, there are several approaches to classifying lessons depending on the characteristics taken as a basis. According to the methods of delivery, they distinguish lessons-lectures, lessons-conversations, lessons-debates, lessons of independent work. UCHN is new, etc. By stages of educational activity - introductory lessons, lessons of initial familiarization with the material, lessons of concept formation, derivation of laws and rules, lessons of applying knowledge in practice, lessons of repetition and generalization of material, control lessons, combined lessons.

successful in modern teaching theory and practice is a classification based on the didactic goal and place of the lesson in common system lessons (B. Esipov, M. Makhmutov, V. Onischuk). Being in the same position, these authors propose different quantities types of lessons. According to classification. V. Onischuk, distinguish following types teepee:

Lesson on developing skills and abilities;

Lesson in the application of knowledge, skills and abilities;

A lesson in testing, assessing and correcting knowledge, skills and abilities;

Combined lesson

Each type of lesson has its own structure (elements, stages), sequence (in what order these elements are included in the lesson), connection (how they are related to each other)

V. Onischuk introduced the concept of “micro- and macrostructure of a lesson.” Macroelements are determined by the objectives of the lesson type. These, in his opinion, are the stages of knowledge acquisition: perception, comprehension, generalization, systematization. Since the logic of knowledge acquisition itself is the same, the macrostructure of lessons of this type is the same. The microelements of the lesson structure include means and methods for solving didactic problems at each of its stages.

Time and place allocated for each structural element lesson are determined by the structure of the lesson. The structure of the lesson should ensure the successful solution of its educational tasks, the activation of students’ cognitive activity, and correspond to the nature of the educational material, didactic and methodological means used by the teacher. Consequently, when determining the structure of the lesson, the teacher must take into account the topic and historical knowledge, appropriate methodological means and techniques, the specific conditions in which the lesson will take place, and the level of preparedness of students.

Almost all types of lessons have the following structural elements: introductory part, checking homework, learning new material, consolidating new material, reporting homework, and finishing the lesson.

1. Introductory part. This element of the lesson should provide a favorable external environment and the psychological mood of students for normal work. The previous classroom organization includes mutual greetings between the teacher and students, checking attendance, the external condition of the room, work stations, working posture and appearance students, organization of attention.

2. Checking homework. This part of the lesson consists of checking the written assignment, which is carried out by various methods depending on the goal, and an oral test of knowledge, which is carried out using the previously discussed methods.

3. Studying new material. Here it is assumed or messages from the teacher using verbal methods training, or independent work of students with textbooks, teaching aids etc. When explaining new material, the teacher must make sure that all students see and hear (you can sit if you are tired), he should not walk around the class, he should speak loudly, clearly, and measuredly. His speech should be understandable for the appropriate age. The explanation should be based on the students’ previous experience, highlighting the essential in the material, without delighting in the secondary, one should follow the sequence of presentation, viewing oristically illustrative material.

Learning new material allows students to acquire a variety of skills and abilities. The structure of their formation has its own characteristics. Its main components are the analysis and assimilation of the rules underlying the action of the skill, overcoming difficulties in its application, improving the action of the skill, consolidating the achieved level of impact of the skill and using it in practice, achieving mastery in its use.

The most important means of developing skills and abilities are exercises. They must be focused, systematic, long-term, varied and constant.

4. Consolidation of new material. This element is aimed at establishing a strong connection between newly acquired knowledge and previously acquired knowledge, checking the correctness of the formation of scientific concepts, and developing the ability to apply knowledge in practice. This is achieved through a variety of exercises and independent practical work of students.

5. Homework message. The teacher must think through its content so that it is specific and feasible for students. Homework should not be given hastily when the bell rings from class. A special hour is allocated for messages and explanations of homework.

6. End of the lesson. This structural element is announced and occurs as directed by the teacher

The main components of each lesson type include:

a) a lesson in mastering new knowledge: checking homework, updating and correcting basic knowledge; informing students of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson; motivation for schoolchildren's learning; students’ perception and awareness of factual material, comprehension of connections and dependencies between the elements of what is being studied; generalization and systematization of knowledge; lesson summary, homework notification

b) a lesson in the formation of skills and abilities: checking homework, updating and correcting basic knowledge, skills and abilities; informing students of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson and motivating students to learn; learning new material (introductory, motivational and cognitive exercises) initial application of new knowledge (trial exercises); independent use students' knowledge in standard situations (training exercises according to a model, instructions for a task); creative transfer of knowledge and skills to new situations (creative exercises); lesson summary and homework messages

c) a lesson in applying knowledge, skills and abilities: checking homework, updating and correcting basic knowledge, skills and abilities; communication of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson and motivation for learning schoolchildren; understanding the content of the sequence of application of methods of performing actions; self-execution student assignments under the control and assistance of the teacher; student report on the work and theoretical justification for the results; lesson summary and homework messages

d) lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge: communication of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson and motivation for schoolchildren’s learning; reproduction and generalization of concepts and assimilation of the corresponding knowledge system; in general Lennon and the systematization of the basic theoretical principles and corresponding ideas of science; lesson summary and homework messages

d) a lesson on testing and correcting knowledge, skills and abilities: communicating the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, motivation for schoolchildren’s learning; testing students' knowledge of factual material and basic concepts, checking Ch. Libin students’ understanding of knowledge and the degree of its generalization, students’ application of knowledge in standard and modified conditions; collection of completed works, their verification, analysis and evaluation; lesson summary and homework message

e) combined lesson: checking students’ completion of practical homework, checking previously acquired knowledge; communication of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson and motivation for schoolchildren’s learning; SP reception and awareness by students of new material, comprehension, generalization and systematization of knowledge; lesson summary and homework messages.

The structure of each lesson is variable, providing for the use of its components depending on the age of the students, their preparation, the content of educational material, teaching methods, location of lessons, etc. C. This means that the teacher must creatively plan each lesson.

During any type of lesson he uses different types educational work: frontal, group, pair and individual. Each form of this work has its own method of organizing it.

In didactics, the forms of organizing the learning process are revealed through the ways of interaction between the teacher and students when solving educational problems. They are solved through various ways of managing activities, communication and relationships. Within the framework of the latter, the content of education, educational technologies, styles, methods and teaching aids are implemented.

\The leading forms of organizing the learning process are a lesson or lecture (at school and university, respectively). The same form of organizing learning can change its structure and modification, depending on the tasks and methods of educational work. For example, a game lesson, a conference lesson, a dialogue, a workshop. As well as a problem lecture, a binary lecture, a teleconference lecture. At school, along with lessons, there are other organizational forms (electives, clubs, laboratory workshops, independent homework). There are also certain forms of control: oral and written exams, control or independent work, assessment, testing, interview. In addition to lectures, the university also uses other organizational forms of training - seminar, laboratory work, research work, independent educational work of students, practical training, internship in another domestic or foreign university. Exams and tests and a rating system are used as forms of control and evaluation of learning outcomes; abstract and coursework, diploma work.

Peculiarities school lesson:

The lesson provides for the implementation of teaching functions in a complex (educational, developmental and nurturing);

The didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

A certain organizational beginning and setting the objectives of the lesson;

Update necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

Explanation of new material;

Reinforcing or repeating what has been learned in class;

Monitoring and evaluation of students’ educational achievements during the lesson;

Summing up the lesson;

Homework assignment;

Each lesson is a link in the lesson system;

The lesson follows the basic principles of learning; in it the teacher applies a certain system of teaching methods and means to achieve the set goals of the lesson;

The basis for constructing a lesson is the skillful use of teaching methods, teaching aids, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of work with students and taking into account their individual psychological characteristics.

The features of the lesson are determined by its purpose and place in the holistic learning system. Each lesson occupies a certain place in the system of the academic subject, when studying a specific school discipline. The structure of the lesson embodies the patterns and logic of the learning process. The types of lessons are determined by the characteristics of the main tasks, the variety of content and methodological instruments and the variability of methods of organizing training.

1. Combined lesson (the most common type of lesson in practice). Its structure: organizational part (1-2 minutes), checking the assignment before it (10-12 minutes), studying new material (15-20 minutes), consolidating and comparing new material with previously studied material, performing practical tasks (10-15 minutes ), summing up the lesson (5 min), homework(2-3 min).

2. A lesson in learning new material is, as a rule, applicable in the practice of teaching high school students. Within this type, a lesson-lecture, a problem lesson, a lesson-conference, a film lesson, and a lesson-research are conducted. The effectiveness of a lesson of this type is determined by the quality and level of mastery of new educational material by all students.

3. A lesson in consolidating knowledge and improving skills is conducted in the form of a seminar, workshop, excursion, independent work and laboratory workshop. A significant part of the time is occupied by repetition and consolidation of knowledge, practical work on the application, expansion and deepening of knowledge, on the formation of skills and consolidation of skills.

4. The lesson of generalization and systematization is aimed at systematic repetition of large blocks of educational material on key issues of the program, which are crucial for mastering the subject as a whole. When conducting such a lesson, the teacher poses problems to the students, indicates sources of obtaining additional information, as well as typical tasks and practical exercises, assignments and creative work. During such lessons, students' knowledge, skills and abilities are tested and assessed on several topics studied over a long period - a quarter, half a year, or a year of study.

5. The lesson of control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities is intended to evaluate the results of the teaching, diagnose the level of students’ training, the degree of students’ readiness to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in different situations training. It also involves making changes to the teacher’s work with specific students. The types of such lessons in school practice can be oral or written questioning, dictation, presentation or independent decision tasks and examples, implementation practical work, test, exam, independent or test, test, testing. All these types of lessons are organized after studying major topics and a separate academic subject. Based on the results of the final lesson, the next lesson is devoted to analysis typical mistakes, “gaps” in knowledge, identification of additional tasks.

In school practice, other types of lessons are also used, such as a competition lesson, consultation, mutual learning, lecture, interdisciplinary lesson, game.

Lecture. The general structural framework of any lecture is the formulation of the topic, communication of the plan and recommended literature for independent work, and then strict adherence to the plan of the proposed work.

The main requirements for reading lectures are:

High scientific level of the information presented, which, as a rule, has ideological significance;

A large volume of clearly and densely systematized and methodically processed modern scientific information;

Evidence and reasoning of the expressed judgments;

Sufficient quantity provided convincing facts, examples, texts and documents;

Clarity of presentation of thoughts and activation of the students’ thinking, posing questions for independent work on the issues discussed;

Analysis of different points of view on solving problems;

Deriving main thoughts and provisions, formulating conclusions;

Explanation of introduced terms and names; providing students with opportunities to listen, comprehend, and jot down information;

Ability to establish pedagogical contact with the audience; use of didactic materials and technical means;

Application of basic materials of text, notes, flowcharts, drawings, tables, graphs.

Types of lectures

1. Introductory lecture gives the first holistic view of academic subject and orients the student in the system of work for this course. The lecturer introduces students to the purpose and objectives of the course, its role and place in the system of academic disciplines and in the system of specialist training. Given short review course, milestones in the development of science and practice, achievements in this area, names of famous scientists, promising areas of research are outlined. This lecture outlines the methodological and organizational features of the work within the course, and also provides an analysis of educational and methodological literature recommended by students, and clarifies the deadlines and forms of reporting.

2. Lecture-information. Focused on presenting and explaining to students scientific information that needs to be comprehended and memorized. This is the most traditional type of lectures in higher education practice.

3. Review lecture is systematization scientific knowledge on high level, allowing a large number of associative connections in the process of understanding the information presented when disclosing intra-subject and inter-subject connections, excluding detail and specification. As a rule, the core of the theoretical positions presented is the scientific, conceptual and conceptual basis of the entire course or its large sections.

4. Problem lecture. In this lecture, new knowledge is introduced through the problematic nature of a question, task or situation. At the same time, the process of student learning in collaboration and dialogue with the teacher approaches research activity. The content of the problem is revealed by organizing the search for its solution or summing up and analyzing traditional and modern points of view.

5. Lecture-visualization is visual form presentation of lecture material using TSO or audio-video equipment. Reading such a lecture comes down to a detailed or brief commentary on the topics being viewed. visual materials(natural objects - people in their actions and deeds, in communication and conversation; minerals, reagents, machine parts; paintings, drawings, photographs, slides; symbolic, in the form of diagrams, graphs, graphs, models).

6. A binary lecture is a type of lecture given in the form of two teachers (either as representatives of two scientific schools, or as a scientist and a practitioner, a teacher and a student).

7. A lecture with pre-planned errors is designed to stimulate students to constantly monitor the information offered (search for errors: content, methodological, methodological, spelling). At the end of the lecture, the students are diagnosed and the mistakes made are analyzed.

8. The lecture-conference is conducted as a scientific and practical lesson, with a pre-defined problem and a system of reports, lasting 5-10 minutes. Each speech is a logically completed text, prepared in advance within the framework of the program proposed by the teacher. The totality of the presented texts will allow us to comprehensively cover the problem. At the end of the lecture, the teacher sums up the results of the students’ independent work and presentations, supplementing or clarifying the information provided, and formulates the main conclusions.

9. Lecture-consultation can take place according to different scenarios. The first option is carried out using the “questions and answers” ​​type. The lecturer answers students' questions on all sections or the entire course during lecture time. The second version of such a lecture, presented as a “questions-answers-discussion” type, is a three-fold combination: presentation of new educational information by the lecturer, posing questions and organizing a discussion in search of answers to the questions posed.

In higher education, other types of lecture-based teaching are also used.