How to properly store collected sunflower. What can be prepared from sunflower? How to store roasted and peeled seeds

Country season It came to the end, but the gardeners probably remained seeds - purchased with a long shelf life and grown on their plot - which in spring will have. Is it possible to leave seeds for the winter on the unheated, will the frost damage? Is it possible to store seeds in an urban apartment? We understand how to properly store seeds in winter.

It is important to keep seeds in such conditions that ensure the preservation of high sowing qualities.

When ripening, the seed gives water and dries. Since life processes can occur only in aquatic environment, then as the seed ripening and drying, they fade. Mature seeds contain a germ in a resting state and spare nutrients in solid form. They are very dry (humidity 12-20%). As a protective shell, surrounds their hardened seed peel.

Maintaining dryness of seeds during storage is the main condition for the preservation of their viability.

At what temperature to store seeds

The worst enemy of resting seeds is warm wet air. Where it is hot and wet, the seeds can lose the germination in a matter of months, and free access Air - in a few weeks. The sharp drops of temperature are also unfavorable. The ideal conditions for storing most seeds are moderate temperature (12-15 °) without significant drops and moderate relative air humidity (no higher than 50%).

Do not leave seeds for the winter in unheated premises on the garden sitesThey are better to transport them to the city, not leaving for a long time in dampness and cold. For dumped seeds, a shallow freeze (from 0 ° to -10 °) is often destructive, especially with a repeated transition after 0 °.

With deep freezing (from -15 ° and below) Dry seeds vegetable crops It is well preserved viability, but still storage of seeds at minus temperatures is undesirable. They flow into the state of deep peace and under normal extension conditions behave like nonsense. To bring them into active condition, stimulating impacts are required, such as heating.

So where is it better to store seeds in living conditions, in particular, in an urban apartment? It is clear that the seeds cannot be stored in the kitchen due to large moisture drops. Do not keep them in the door of the refrigerator, as with each opening of the door, the cold items on it are in contact with warm air, and moisture condenses on them.

The most suitable place to store seeds - residential rooms, although there are no ideal conditions there. Temperature B. residential rooms A few degrees above optimal, and when turned on central heating They are too dry air (relative humidity in winter is usually about 25%).

But the temperature differences are small there and are not sharp. Under these conditions, the danger is drying: if the humidity of the seed falls below 10-12%, it leads to fast losing germination. And yet we will not find better place For storage of seeds than the lower shelf of the lounge cabinet in the living room or the bottom of the desk.

Packing seeds into plastic bags or foil, we limit air access to seeds and prevent them drying.

If you prefer to store seeds in the refrigerator, then keep them in the lower compartment. Before the seeding, the seeds kept in the cold should be activated.

Either seeds remove from the refrigerator in advance (a month before sowing) and kept at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, placing sachets with seeds in plastic bag To avoid drying.

Or need short-term warming in hot water - at 50-52 ° C for 25 minutes, which is simultaneously thermosetting.

The durability of seeds of various cultures of non-etinakov. For normal conditions Storage It ranges from 1-2 to 6-8 years. In especially favorable conditions Seeds can keep the germination of much longer specified in the middle time table.

The time during which the seeds retain the germination depends not only on the type of culture and storage conditions, but also from the weather conditions of the season, in which the seeds were obtained. Seeds grown in warm, sunny summer is stored longer than grown in cold and rainy.

Duration of storage of vegetable seeds

Comment Article "How to store seeds correctly: in the country or in a city apartment?"

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5 gr. 2. I received a deposit in the country of seeds with colors. How to keep them better? I just remember when I also sowed the flowerbed under the window, some seeds demanded cooling to better germinate as far as I understand correctly, an advance agreement was drawn up, according to which the buyer ...

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Storage seeds. - Sowing. Cottage, garden and garden. Cottage and country dacha: buying, improvement, planting trees and there is a wardrobe wardrobe in the apartment, well, in the corridor, put in it and all. Only then we must remember them, about seeds.

Well, the maximum that I can still advise, it is to choose the seeds of a good company and buy in a normal store where there is a guarantee that they were properly kept.

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  • Storage Term: 10 months
  • Shelf life: 10 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: not indicated
  • Term in the freezer: not indicated

Sunflower fruits are seeds. They are very tasty, as well as useful. The nutrient and the necessary organisms of the substance are contained in seeds. They have vitamins from A to E. They are biologically important for human organismAnd also affect many organs. Even the skin becomes better with the introduction of sunflower fruits in its diet. A large number of important macroelements also falls when eating seeds. Minerals have a positive effect on human systems, the digestion is stimulated, the vessels can be cleaned of cholesterol plaques. Seeds contain many magnesium. And it is simply necessary for immunity, nervous and cardiovascular system. Sunflower seeds contain fatty acids. These substances are very useful for the body. Also do not forget about the essential amino acids that are included in the seeds.

The people have long been using sunflower seeds as a relaxing agent. Clicking seeds is very relaxing and pacifies. Nervous system Begins to relax when chewing. Seeds can be used as the prevention of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. They can also be helped if there are problems with the liver and biliary ways. Sunflower seeds are similar to other types of seeds, but there are still folic acid And Vitamin B6, which is important.

Besides useful properties These seeds, unfortunately, there are harmful. It is worth being attentive to people with overweight, since it is possible to gain weight when drinking seeds. They are very calories. So if you want to lose weight, you will have to reduce the consumption of sunflower fruits. Seeds have a solid shell, they are much more useful with her. When cleaning, the beneficial substances begin to disappear. Therefore, they advise to use crude seeds. But it starts to deteriate a tooth enamel, as the shell must be sprinkled. It is important to know the shelf life of seeds, since over time they become harmful. The more time passes, the less useful substances in the seeds. Cadmium appears, and the body can threaten big problems. It is so interesting that seeds are simultaneously useful and harmful. The body receives nutrients, but the extra calories and cadmium. Therefore, it is worth a good to think about the amount of consumption of these seeds. Seeds cannot be used by singers and people who need to follow their voice, as seeds have an enveloping effect and affect the throat. Seeds that are properly dried should be stored at temperatures up to + 20 degrees and humidity not more than 75 percent. In the room there should be no extra smells, and it should be well ventilated. If all this is observed, the shelf life of seeds is no more than 10 months. If you tighten with time, the flavors will begin to deteriorate. The flavor will also disappear, and the taste will become vocal. If seeds are processed and roasted, then a little more can be stored. The shelf life of fried seeds, packaged and packaged in vacuum packaging from the polypropylene ribbon will be up to 12 months. And maybe a little longer, everything depends on what quality packaging.

To remove the sunflower and storage of its seeds without losses, it is necessary to imagine the scope of work to be performed quickly and without delay. Under favorable conditions, cleaning can be started in the first decade of September. It is at this time that most suitable for weather conditions Days allowing to get high-quality seeds.

Gardening engaged in the cultivation of sunflower, know that the heads, torn ahead of time, may be partially misappropriate, have seed shells with the missing content. But at the same time, it is impossible to depart with the removal of the heads, since the ripening of sunflower is the hottest time for many lovers to enjoy - mice, protein, other small rodents and birds. To get ahead of them, you need to know exactly when you should start cleaning.

Signs of readiness for cleaning

Signs of ripening of sunflower notice quite simple:

Petals begin to dry and fall;
- the bases of the heads, the green first, gradually yellow and over time become brown;
- Seeds look like swelling;
- Seed shells black and acquire a color characteristic of mature seeds of this variety.

Ways to collect sunflower

Sunflower harvesting methods There are quite a lot. But all of them, as a rule, are designed for mechanized harvesting by combines or other machines. Therefore, on small sites Vintage manual methods are used more often, not always allowing quality products without costs and losses.

The first way implies full ripening of seeds on the defense. When they are ready and begin to spontaneously get enough sleep, the stalks of the plants are cut by about 2.5 cm below the inflorescences. Seeds are removed from the heads by friction, and unnecessary residues and garbage simply blown.

The second way is more original. It takes a bag, bucket and some stick as a beater. Ripe heads alternately tilted over the bucket and slightly tangle the bearing side of the hats. Under the action of vibration, ready-made seeds themselves slip and fall into a bucket. It is possible to determine the degree of availability of plants in the ancient way - teeth. If when you press the sash with a click open - the seed is ripe, and if you begin to reveal or press - you need to wait.

Works in the third way of cleaning begin in advance when ripe only about 2/3 of all seeds. The head is cut with a part of the stem, about 10 cm long. On the top you put on a paper or fabric bag, after which they are suspended in a dry and well ventilated place. Usually two to three weeks for graze.

Sunflower stalks remaining on the garden must be pulled out and burned to avoid the spread of pests, nesting in them.

Storage of sunflower seeds

Just cleaned seeds are very demanding on storage conditions. The usual moisture is so high that already in two hours in the raised unattended mass begins the rapid development of microorganisms, leading to its self-tearing. This is especially dangerous at high ambient air temperature and seed clogs.

Fat chemical changes are subjected to the first chemical changes, in the set contained in the seeds of sunflower. Then the protein substances are beginning to decay. initial stage Self-heating is an increase in temperature in the range of 15 - 25 ° C. Appearance, flowering, smell, and taste still remain normal.

At the second stage, the temperature may increase to 40 ° C. Microbes develop much faster, giving seeds a bitter taste and unpleasant smell. Shells of seeds lose their characteristic shine and turn mold. The color of the nuclei - seeds become defective. The germination of them is sharply reduced, and the acidity of oil contained in the tissues increases.

At the third stage, the temperature fluctuates, then rising to 55 ° C, then dropping to 40 ° C again. Developing thermophilic bacteria enhance the shaft smell and unpleasant taste. The outer shells of seeds are darker, and the nuclei are painted in a dark yellow color and become completely nonsense.

As a result of a further increase in temperature, in the fourth stage of self-depring, the kernels and shells of seeds are black or become dark brown. The product is considered completely spoiled.

Sunflower seeds have depends on the integrity of their shells during storage. The injured grains are deprived of mechanical protection against penetration of microorganisms. It significantly reduces it and the presence of a weed organic impurity in the mass, which has much greater hygroscopicity than the seeds themselves.

On the long storage It is possible to lay a harvest, clogged by no more than 2%, succeeded to a humidity of 6.5 - 7% and cooled to a temperature not higher than 10 ° C. In such conditions, it is capable of stored until six months.

To increase the fastener of freshly lubricated harvest, it is necessary to expose it to active ventilation. Drying conditions differ for varieties with different oil content. Therefore, it is necessary to paint seeds for storage depending on their oil.

Seeds with a humidity of less than 12% can be temporarily placed in storages waiting for drying. If the humidity exceeds 12%, they must be immediately exposed to ventilating.

Sunflower - Plant is whitewasher and gentle. It needs special cultivation technology, and harvest - in special storage conditions.

In familiar from childhood, seeds at high temperatures and humidity can change first chemical composition Fats, and then proteins, which will turn them into a completely useless and tasteful product.

Why sunflower seeds are stored bad

Sunflower seeds to store not easy for two main reasons:

  • A tendency to self-heating. This amazing feature manifests itself if the harvest is gathered in unfavorable conditions for him just a few hours. Catalysts will serve the humidity and temperature exceeding the norm. Significant oil content inside the seed will speed up the process.

When the inner seed temperature rises to 25 degrees, their quality remains unchanged. But then its growth is possible up to 40 or more, which leads to the rapid development of microorganisms and thermophilic bacteria. They turn seeds into a bitter unbearable product with a shaft smell. They will have to be thrown.

  • Filed seeds ripen unevenly, as they differ between themselves with dimensions, level of maturity and humidity. If they quickly do not dry them, the fruits of sunflower will disappear.
  • Drying sunflower seeds before storage

    The first step towards the preservation of seed is their drying. This procedure will help for a long time to protect the nutritional value of sunflower fruits and will fight against damage. For drying you can use:

    • Special drying devices. If there are many seeds, then this method is the most suitable. The devices have different modes that allow you to consider both the humidity of the fruits and the content of oil in them.
    • Electric meter. At home she will be useful. Sunflower seeds are treated in it from a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes at a temperature of 50-80 degrees. Duration depends on the humidity of the fruit.
    • Oven. Seeds are dried on a contrary to the desired state at a temperature of 130-150 degrees for twenty or twenty-five minutes. The door of the oven should remain ajar.
    • Fresh air. You need to dry seeds, decomposing them with a thin layer for gauze or paper. If the day is warm and sunny, the product will be ready after three to four hours. Seeds must be intermitted periodically so that the drying passes evenly.

    Most just dried the fruit of sunflower right on the stem. But this is possible only when the weather for a long time It is saved dry and solar.

    If there are a lot of garbage and dirt in seeds, then before drying, they are preferably rinsed thoroughly in cold running water. For such a procedure, you can use the colander.

    Storage of sunflower seeds

    After drying, sunflower seeds are laid out in paper bags or tissue bags. It is impossible to use the polyethylene container: there is a product quickly in it.

    Packages or bags filled with sunflower seeds can be placed:

    • In a dry and cool room. Perfect conditions Storage: temperature up to 10 degrees; Humidity - 7%. In such premises, seeds can be stored until six months.
    • In the refrigerator in places allocated for vegetables with fruit. Seeds will continue in good condition. You should not send them to the freezer.

    How to store roasted and peeled seeds

    After drying, seeds can be:

    • Fail.
    • Cool.
    • Descript in hermetic container.
    • Send to refrigerator.

    In it, fried seeds will be able to lie down from a few weeks to one and a half months. But in such a product, only about 10% of the beneficial substances are preserved. The remaining 90% is destroyed by hot.

    Curved sunflower fruits must also be stored in a refrigerator in a paper bag. They will be able to hold out in fresh form Not more than three months.

    Sunflower seeds are more rational to maintain in crude and raw form. So that they do not lose their taste quality, I have benefited the body, you need to protect the fruits from excessive moisture and heat.

    I want to start the topic from the question: can wheat in the focus of wheat self-heating temperature rise to the temperature of self-ignition? The correct answer is no. And sunflower? The correct answer is yes. In that main feature Sunflower storage.

    The beginning of the process of self-heating and for grain, and for oilseeds is identical: humidity and moderate temperatures cause increased activity of seeds, and even more microorganisms. Grain begins to "breathe". This can be compared with the breath of a person who absorbs oxygen and distinguishes the reacting products - CO2 and water. The same happens at sunflower seeds.

    As with any oxidation processes, the reaction is accompanied by heat dissipation. And here the circle closes. The free water appeared plus heat is the launch of self-heating and incubator for microorganisms. The focus of self-heating goes into the offline mode in which it begins to expand its boundaries.

    Sunflower has a breathing energy much higher than other cultures. In addition, the breathing of sunflower depends on its oil. So, breathing in oils 50% is four times more intense than in oils 40%.

    If the grain temperature limit self-heating 80-90 ° C, in which the most heat-resistant microorganisms die (while all the grain is black and comes in disrepair), then in sunflower the biological phase of self-heating at a temperature of 50-55 ° C passes into a chemical, which continues after dying all microorganisms and leads seeds In complete dissent.

    Phase chemical self-heating Sunflower is hydrolysis of oil as a result of the complex chemical reactions. In this case, the temperature rises to 200-300 ° C, which can lead to self-ignition. And since the process of hydrolysis is accompanied by the formation of gases, which includes hydrocarbons, and self-ignition leads to an explosion.

    This, unfortunately, sometimes happens when storing sunflower in repositories of different typesBut more often in dryers when the arch is formed while reducing the yield strength of the warming sunflower.

    Another feature of sunflower storage - oil oxidation in the core of the seed . Studies show that even with the active ventilating sunflower for five months of storage, the acid number (con) increases by 0.5-0.65%. This means that the storage should be laid sunflower with an acid number of not more than 1.3 mg of con / kg. Only such seeds with sustained standards for temperature and humidity and with active ventilation to the end of the storage will not exceed permissible norm - 2 mg of con / kg.

    And finally, the third feature. If the grains during warming up to 28-29 ° C cooled and stored under the required conditions (humidity 12-13% and a temperature of about 10 ° C), then they do not undergo any irreversible changes. And in sunflower during the above temperatures an acid number increases And further to reduce it is no longer possible.

    Prepare for storing sunflower is still cleaning. Before cleaning, it is advisable to spend desication. Desication levels moisture even in the field, which allows you to do without expensive drying and significantly makes it easier and reduces the suicide subsequent cleaning.

    Store sunflower is better in storages with forced ventilation. There are reasons for this.

    Storage without forced ventilation

    When cooling atmospheric air The grain in the center of the mound is very long holding heat. At the same time, the cooled grain and air layers adjacent to the walls of the repository cause the cooled air movement from top to bottom. Warm air It is displaced from the middle and moving, heats up to warm grains, as in a recuperative heat exchanger and, having met with cold grain at the top, condenses moisture on it.

    So the circulation zones are installed. They will "live" until the entire volume of grain is cooled. All this time, seeds will be moisturized, because in warm air always more water, which is condensed from cooling to top layer grains.

    When changing the direction of heat exchange between the storage and the environment, the flow direction changes, but again not in favor of the preservation of the grain. Air and grain are heated from the walls of the storage and air, lifting up, provokes the occurrence of circulation flows. Meeting at the top of the cold grain, forms the zone of its moisture, which, as the process continues, will decline until the temperature equalization in the volume of the repository will decrease.

    It is clear that all this worsens the conditions for storing the grain.

    Storage with forced ventilation

    The emergence of such recycling flows can be prevented due to forced ventilation. The ending of the ventilation process can be traced by reading the air temperature at the inlet, the value of which should be close to the ambient temperature.

    Venting is desirable to conduct in the night (cooler) time at relative air humidity not more than 75%. Seedly is well stored in the temperature range of 5-10 ° C and the humidity of 7%. But at the same time it is necessary to remember that seeds that at least once have been subjected to partial self-heating, even after the elimination of this process becomes unstable when stored.

    There is another feature when loading granaries, - selfing .

    Breaking sunflower can have different moisture. And it affects self-supporting. Wet material And inorganic litter, as the most severe, occupies the central place of the mound. Such self-treatment, with unfavorable moisture and temperatures, provokes focal self-heating in the center of the mound.

    Eliminate the self-repairing of the sera and grain when it is loaded into the repository, it is possible at the expense of the device for unstressed grain renovation.

    The device reduces the rate of falling sunflower seeds from 10 m / s to 1 m / s, which completely eliminates the injury of the seed and does not allow self-sorting of the sera.

    About gentle technology storage grain

    Small and medium-sized agricultural buildings that build their grain drying complexes are brought to elevators of low-quality grain. This was told during the agro-expenditation on the elevators. "In our region (Vinnitsa region.

    The technology of the past allowed sieve with round holes When limiting the distance between their axes. Such poorly permeable sieves (small living section) restrained the productivity of the genuine equipment and not.

    Continuing the topic about the fire of grain dryers, consider the reasons for this process at the level of radicals. You can avoid fire, if the combustion process is properly organized. And it happens as follows.

    With whatever point of view, we did not consider grain, it always remains a living organism that breathes, i.e. It absorbs oxygen, isolated water, carbon dioxide and accompanies these oxidation processes with heat release.

    A huge role in reducing the activity of the life of microorganisms in the grain mass plays a decrease in the grain temperature. As you know the air is a very bad heat conductor, especially when there is no convective heat exchange, but.

    Inhibit the grain at all stages of impact on it from cleaning to sowing or processing, and deviation from optimal technology at all stages of grain production, its cleaning, drying and storage predetermine the grain loss and.

    According to the central engine testing station with laboratory and field tests of combines, the general injury grain of winter wheat is 30-42%. .

    It seems that for Ukraine, as for any other country, corn and soy are becoming cultures of the XXI century. And not only because Ukraine, like no other country in the world, has a huge agricultural potential, but also by virtue.

    To assert that injury grain is the beginning of many problems, allow the results of numerous studies performed in the last 40-50 years. Consider the characteristics of the injury of various cultures, but at the beginning of some.

    Grain injury leads to many negative consequences: It loses its category, worsens its quality when stored. Such a grain is an open dining room for microorganisms, among which are also poisonous. Arguments.

    Those who lived in the village have always been fun to smoke seeds. They replaced people earlier and pistachios and chewing gum. Now click seeds mostly from the store. However, the necessary trace elements from fried Seeds You will not get. Therefore, it is best to remove and use seeds straight from the sunflower. That's just few people know how to properly grow sunflower and keep it harvest with benefit for yourself. Let's try to learn?

    Why grow sunflower?

    We all love sunflower seeds at leisure. However B. lately Increasingly, it is possible to hear that in purchased seeds there is a dangerous element - cadmium. This chemistry penetrates the sunflower seeds with a number of located trails, which is why if you have a plot next to the track, for which cars are always back and forth cars, it is better not to grow sunflower. On such land is generally better not to grow easily absorbed environment Vegetables or fruits.

    With the help of a filter system, you can get a sufficiently clean and dry stream of compressed air. It is used for many purposes, including for the normal operation of the compressor. No way do without a dryer system for the compressor. In addition to this, eliminate the loss of compressed air in the system will help the condensate trap Ultra.drain.

    Sunflowers are grown not only for food. You may want to grow sunflower for beauty. In this case, choose seeds decorative varieties And planted seeds close to each other. Such copies will turn out lower, rather than their edible conifers, but very beautiful. Today, the sunflower on beauty can already compete with hyacinths, since it was precisely a lot of decorative varieties that have already brought quite a lot.

    What varieties sow?

    If you decide to sow sunflower in your country or garden, then decide first for what purposes: if it's just a bed decorative plantsYou can choose any variety as you like. If it is for cultivation on an industrial scale, followed by eating in food, pay attention to the hybrids.

    The fact is that breeders do not sit in place and every year an increasingly advanced sowing material is supplied to the market. Mostly improvements relate to resistance to diseases and yields. Excellent examples of Jason serve. They can show themselves well in the fight against drought, are not inclined to sprinkle and loneway, you will not come across the problem of thickening, rot and appearance muced dew. Basically, there are now three popular firms on the market: Pioneer, Limagreyne and Singent.

    The pioneer is characterized by a high oil content (up to 50%) and are suitable for growing in any climatic belts. It is very resistant to drought and diseases.

    Limagrein is presented wide selection hybrids and constantly replenishes its collection. Distinctive feature Ukrainian company is that it focuses its hybrids for resistance to infesses races. Each of the hybrids is different any of its feature. So the tank is growing rapidly at the initial stage, Rimisol can be planted on any soil, and Hidalgo in any climatic belt.

    For sunflower landing, a hot climatic belt, a plot that illuminates most of the day is suitable. The name of the "sunflower" speaks by itself - the plant loves him very much and will be gratefully answered the owner good harvestIf the sun's rays are enough. Space sunflowers in areas that will be protected from wind. Let it be close to the trees, under the fence or near the house. Make sure the area is equipped with drainage. The only thing that sunflowers do not really like - excess water. You can just flood them.

    How to sow sunflower?

    It is best to sow sunflower when the earth warmed up. It is about the beginning of the middle of May. In order to plant seeds, it is necessary to make a hole at 2.5-3 cm. Wells can be made even with hands, breaking the soil, as the distance from the surface is completely small. Sunflower - one of unpretentious plants, so special efforts When landing, you do not commit. Seeds of large instances need to be planted at a distance of 50-60 cm. If the sunflower is expected not very large, then you can plant and closer. However, it is worth considering that if you put large variety Close, then the quality of the crop will fall - the sunflowers will be low and their hats will be small. After you planted the seeds - cover their land and thoroughly, but do not overtake.

    How to care for sunflower?

    At first, thoroughly water the seeds, make sure not to flood seeds. Geese seeds must in the middle of the summer, and be prepared between the second and third months after the landing. If you see that the sunflower is hard - bring it with a stick, a stake, make some hedge. If the sunflowers grow on a windy side, they can simply not withstand and break. Take care of the plants.

    If you encounter pests (although the sunflowers are not strongly exposed to their attacks), then spray the sunflowers with antifungal agents. If you notice the eggs on sunflowers, then they are most likely postponed gray moths. Nothing wrong. Just remove them from sunflowers. Also, your plants can be defeated by the gross attacks of birds. Put the plastic bags on the heads of sunflowers when seeds begin to appear there to protect the harvest and avoid the great arrival of deer and sparrows.

    How to collect sunflower seeds?

    You can collect the harvest when notice that the sunflower blackened and began to strike my head, hung and decreasing. Then you should cut the head of the sunflower inadvertent and hang dry. After drying (choose a well ventilated room, not the cellar) can shake seeds. To make the harvest harvest tastier, leave seeds in salt water overnight, and then root in the oven at low temperatures. If you want sunflower in a vase, it is necessary to cut it early in the morning when he has not yet revealed. The stem should be cut at an angle, then put it into the water that needs to be changed daily before flowing drying.

    How to store sunflower seeds?

    What can be prepared from sunflower?

    With the addition of seeds you can cook delicious dessert Titled "Glazed Potato Surgeons. To do this, you will need:

    - Cottage cheese (200 gr)
    - Cookies (100 gr)
    - yogurt (4 art. l.)
    - Walnuts nuts (50 gr)
    - fructose (4 art. l)
    - Vanillin (10 gr)
    - Milk (1 Art. L)
    - butter butter (30 gr)
    - sunflower seeds

    The first step grind cookies or manually, or what will be better, in a blender before getting a crumb. Then grind the same nuts. Cottage cheese, cocoa, fructose, yogurt and vanillin mix to homogeneity and add cookies and nuts. Mix the resulting mass and make small curd bars.

    After that heat the cocoa, fructose, milk and oil, stirring everything until uniformity. It turns out the glaze. Cut the previously made curd bars in the glaze, and then in seeds. It turns out a great dessert that can be treated and guests.