How to store roasted seeds. Types of seeds and their benefits. Storage of sunflower seeds

To remove the sunflower and storage of its seeds without losses, it is necessary to imagine the scope of work to be performed quickly and without delay. For favorable conditions Cleaning can be started in the first decade of September. It is at this time that the days most suitable on weather conditions are falling out, allowing to get high-quality seeds.

Gardening engaged in the cultivation of sunflower, know that the heads, torn ahead of time, may be partially misappropriate, have seed shells with the missing content. But at the same time, it is impossible to depart with the removal of the heads, since the ripening of sunflower is the hottest time for many lovers to enjoy - mice, protein, other small rodents and birds. To get ahead of them, you need to know exactly when you should start cleaning.

Signs of readiness for cleaning

Signs of ripening of sunflower notice quite simple:

Petals begin to dry and fall;
- the bases of the heads, the green first, gradually yellow and over time become brown;
- Seeds look like swelling;
- Seed shells black and acquire a color characteristic of mature seeds of this variety.

Ways to collect sunflower

Sunflower harvesting methods There are quite a lot. But all of them, as a rule, are designed for mechanized harvesting by combines or other machines. Therefore, on small sites Vintage manual methods are used more often, not always allowing quality products without costs and losses.

The first way implies full ripening of seeds on the defense. When they are ready and begin to spontaneously get enough sleep, the stalks of the plants are cut by about 2.5 cm below the inflorescences. Seeds are removed from the heads by friction, and unnecessary residues and garbage simply blown.

The second way is more original. It takes a bag, bucket and some stick as a beater. Ripe heads alternately tilted over the bucket and slightly tangle the bearing side of the hats. Under the action of vibration, ready-made seeds themselves slip and fall into a bucket. It is possible to determine the degree of availability of plants in the ancient way - teeth. If when you press the sash with a click open - the seed is ripe, and if you begin to reveal or press - you need to wait.

Works in the third way of cleaning begin in advance when ripe only about 2/3 of all seeds. The head is cut with a part of the stem, about 10 cm long. On the top you put on a paper or fabric bag, after which they are suspended in a dry and well ventilated place. Usually two to three weeks for graze.

Sunflower stalks remaining on the garden must be pulled out and burned to avoid the spread of pests, nesting in them.

Storage of sunflower seeds

Just cleaned seeds are very demanding on storage conditions. The usual moisture is so high that already in two hours in the raised unattended mass begins the rapid development of microorganisms, leading to its self-tearing. This is especially dangerous at high ambient air temperature and seed clogs.

Fat chemical changes are subjected to the first chemical changes, in the set contained in the seeds of sunflower. Then the protein substances are beginning to decay. initial stage Self-heating is an increase in temperature in the range of 15 - 25 ° C. Appearance, flowering, smell, and taste still remain normal.

At the second stage, the temperature may increase to 40 ° C. Microbes develop much faster, giving seeds a bitter taste and unpleasant smell. Shells of seeds lose their characteristic shine and turn mold. The color of the nuclei - seeds become defective. The germination of them is sharply reduced, and the acidity of oil contained in the tissues increases.

At the third stage, the temperature fluctuates, then rising to 55 ° C, then dropping to 40 ° C again. Developing thermophilic bacteria enhance the shaft smell and unpleasant taste. The outer shells of seeds are darker, and the nuclei are painted in dark yellow And become completely nonsense.

As a result of a further increase in temperature, in the fourth stage of self-depring, the kernels and shells of seeds are black or become dark brown. The product is considered completely spoiled.

Sunflower seeds have depends on the integrity of their shells during storage. The injured grains are deprived of mechanical protection against penetration of microorganisms. It significantly reduces it and the presence of a weed organic impurity in the mass, which has much greater hygroscopicity than the seeds themselves.

For long-term storage, it is possible to lay a crop, clogged by no more than 2%, opened to a humidity of 6.5 - 7% and cooled to a temperature not higher than 10 ° C. In such conditions, it is capable of stored until six months.

To increase the fastener of freshly lubricated harvest, it is necessary to expose it to active ventilation. Drying conditions differ for varieties with different oil content. Therefore, it is necessary to paint seeds for storage depending on their oil.

Seeds with a humidity of less than 12% can be temporarily placed in storages waiting for drying. If the humidity exceeds 12%, they must be immediately exposed to ventilating.

Sunflower - Plant is whitewasher and gentle. It needs special cultivation technology, and harvest - in special storage conditions.

In familiar from childhood, seeds at high temperatures and humidity can change first chemical composition Fats, and then proteins, which will turn them into a completely useless and tasteful product.

Sunflower seeds to store not easy for two main reasons:

  • A tendency to self-heating. This amazing feature manifests itself if the harvest is gathered in unfavorable conditions for him just a few hours. Catalysts will serve the humidity and temperature exceeding the norm. Significant oil content inside the seed will speed up the process.

When the inner seed temperature rises to 25 degrees, their quality remains unchanged. But then its growth is possible up to 40 or more, which leads to the rapid development of microorganisms and thermophilic bacteria. They turn seeds into a bitter unbearable product with a shaft smell. They will have to be thrown.

  • Filed seeds ripen unevenly, as they differ between themselves with dimensions, level of maturity and humidity. If they quickly do not dry them, the fruits of sunflower will disappear.
  • The first step towards the preservation of seed is their drying. This procedure will help for a long time to protect the nutritional value of sunflower fruits and will fight against damage. For drying you can use:

    • Special drying devices. If there are many seeds, then this method is the most suitable. The devices have different modes that allow you to consider both the humidity of the fruits and the content of oil in them.
    • Electric meter. At home she will be useful. Sunflower seeds are treated in it from a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes at a temperature of 50-80 degrees. Duration depends on the humidity of the fruit.
    • Oven. Seeds are dried on a contrary to the desired state at a temperature of 130-150 degrees for twenty or twenty-five minutes. The door of the oven should remain ajar.
    • Fresh air. You need to dry seeds, decomposing them with a thin layer for gauze or paper. If the day is warm and sunny, the product will be ready after three to four hours. Seeds must be intermitted periodically so that the drying passes evenly.

    Most just dried the fruit of sunflower right on the stem. But this is possible only when the weather for a long time It is saved dry and solar.

    If there are a lot of garbage and dirt in seeds, then before drying, they are preferably rinsed thoroughly in cold running water. For such a procedure, you can use the colander.

    After drying, sunflower seeds are laid out in paper bags or tissue bags. It is impossible to use the polyethylene container: there is a product quickly in it.

    Packages or bags filled with sunflower seeds can be placed:

    • In a dry and cool room. Ideal storage conditions: temperature up to 10 degrees; Humidity - 7%. In such premises, seeds can be stored until six months.
    • In the refrigerator in places allocated for vegetables with fruit. Seeds will continue in good condition. You should not send them to the freezer.

    After drying, seeds can be:

    • Fail.
    • Cool.
    • Descript in hermetic container.
    • Send to refrigerator.

    In him fried seeds Could fly from a few weeks to one and a half months. But in such a product, only about 10% of the beneficial substances are preserved. The remaining 90% is destroyed by hot.

    Curved sunflower fruits must also be stored in a refrigerator in a paper bag. They will be able to hold out in fresh form Not more than three months.

    Sunflower seeds are more rational to maintain in crude and raw form. So that they do not lose their taste quality, I have benefited the body, you need to protect the fruits from excessive moisture and heat.

    Sunflower seeds (seeds) - use and harm how much you can eat them per day

    Latin title of sunflower - Helianthus translates as sunny flower. The point is not in external similarity, but in pronounced Heliotropiscus - the skill of the sunflower is turned to the sun.

    Plants substitute their heads under the sun's rays until the inflores is revealed. Then baskets, turning to the east, cease to rotate.

    The fruit of sunflower is a seed, consisting of two cotyledons, an embryo and peel. Seeds different varieties Different with dimensions, taste.

    The color palette of the shell varies from white to black. Food is used by purified oily kernels.

    Ripen seeds at the end of August. Their collection is carried out after drying the stem and leaves. The biological value of the product is due to the presence of a large number of easily visible vegetable fats.

    In 100 g of purified nuclei, contains:

    • water - 5 g;
    • food fibers - 9 g;
    • proteins - about 20 g;
    • fats - at least 50 g;
    • carbohydrates - 11-14 g

    Find out what useful sunflower seeds for men?

    What do the seeds of dill help? How to take and apply?

    Calorie Sunflower seeds 580-620 kcal. More than half, they consist of saturated (4.3 g / 100 g), polyunsaturated (23 g / 100 g) and mono-insecured (18 g / 100 g) fatty acids.

    Interest ratio BZHA seeds - 24,6: 62,9: 12,5 .

    Enrich the chemical composition of sunflower seeds fat-soluble vitamins:

    • A (Retinol and beta-carotene complex) - 5,065 μg;
    • E (alpha tocopherol) - 31.2 mg.
    • D (calciferol) - 350 μg.

    Sunflower seed cores are a source of group B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, folic and pantothenic acid, pyridoxine). They have a little ascorbic acid (1.4 mg) and a significant amount of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 8 mg.

    The product is a record holder in the content of vitamin H (biotin) - 670.0 μg, which serves as an activator of vitamin C.

    • Potassium - 645 mg.
    • Calcium - 100-300 mg.
    • Magnesium - 300-350 mg.
    • Sodium - 100-10 mg.
    • Sulfur - 180 mg.
    • Phosphorus - 660-700 mg.

    The most significant trace elements - boron, vanadium, iron, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc.

    Question: What is useful for sunflower seeds are interested in fans of this product and doctors. Psychologists note that the process of rugging seeds itself has a positive therapeutic effect. but medical properties And the contraindications of sunflower seeds are associated with the composition of the cores.

    1. Unsaturated fatty acids improve the performance of the cardiovascular system and the state of the vessels.
    2. Minerals and acids have a positive effect on the composition of the blood, reducing cholesterol levels (fractions called poor cholesterol).
    3. Vitamins improve the condition of the skin and hair.
    4. Oils are prevention of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.
    5. Unworthy white sunflower seeds are eaten to reduce pressure and improve appetite.
    6. The cores of sunflower grains have a positive effect on the work of biliary tract and liver.
    7. Handful of seed helps to remove the symptoms of heartburn.
    8. This is a delicacy that does not allow to fall asleep.

    If you want to fry the seeds of sunflower, do not do this in advance. During storage fried seeds lose their taste properties. The richest composition in the raw product. The maximum benefit of sunflower seeds stored in the shell.

    Sunflower seeds can cause aggravation:

    The product is contraindicated to people whose activity is associated with singing, since its use negatively affects voice ligaments.

    Sunflower seeds have and back side Medals.

    1. Luzgaya them, you spoil the tooth enamel. It appears microcracks, and this is a short path to Caries.
    2. The product can cause stomatitis if it is not washed before use.
    3. Excessive passion for delicacy contributes to obesity.

    In the absence of contraindications, sunflower seeds can be eaten daily, but in moderation. For those who sits on a diet, you need to know that in the grain glass as many calories as in good pork chop.

    During the day, the body can fully assimilate about 70 g of purified grains. With health benefits, nutritionists are allowed to eat 70 g or 1/3 glasses of seeds per day.

    For acute inflammation The gastric glands of sunflower seeds are not included in the menu of patients. They contain too many fats, have high calories and remain too tough even after chewing.

    Therefore, in the sharp phases of pancreatitis, they are prohibited in any form. During remission, the use of raw dried seeds is allowed 1-2 times a week (up to 50 g per reception).

    The glycemic product index is rather low - 8 units. With diabetes mellitus, 2 types of sunflower seeds are not contraindicated. However, they can be entered in the menu only in the absence of concomitant diseaseswhich relate to contraindications.

    In this disease, weight correction is very important, so there are only them after consulting the doctor. Testing with a glucometer will not be superfluous anyway.

    Purified kernels coming on sale are not suitable. It is better to take crude seeds that have not been undergoing thermal processing. They wash them, poured with water and leave for several hours.

    Then the future seedlings are washed and poured with water again. This is suitable for shallow tanks. When the seed proceeds, the peel is easily removed from it.

    Sunflower seeds are mixed with honey and added to salads. Store in the refrigerator (maximum 5 days). This is a useful vitamin supplement.

    How to store sunflower seeds at home

    For long storage Fully matured seeds in the shell are suitable. Peel protects the nucleus from negative impact external environment. It is removed only before use.

    Sunflower seeds contain a lot of fat, which over time is oxidized. And the moisture in their composition contributes to the development of mold fungi.

    To increase the product storage period, the grains are brought out of the baskets, wash and dried in air or in electric drying for vegetables. Temperature mode - 50-80 ° C, drying time - 15-20 minutes.

    After complete drying, the sunflower seeds are laid out on paper bags or tissue bags. Store in a dry cool place about six months. Raw seeds are stored in the refrigerator up to the month.

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    [...] in the composition of the product acts destroying the enamel of the teeth. It is recommended to rinse the mouth after use [...]

    [...] inferior to the popularity of sunflower seeds. but beneficial features Pumpkin seeds for order [...]

    [...] to the Astrov family. His relatives are sunflower, a lettuce salad, a milk. Food is used [...]

    How to dry seeds at home

    Dried seeds are not only a delicious, but also a very useful snack. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower, sesame rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements that have a beneficial effect on human health. True, only if they are properly prepared.

    Crude raw sunflower seeds can be bought in the store or assemble yourself (if on your country plot or dacha friends grows it beautiful plant). First of all, the seeds need to rinse well. To do this, fold them into a colander or a large sieve and override under running water, getting rid of garbage and dust. Then shake the seeds thoroughly and lay out a thin layer on a napkin or a piece of fabric. Leave them under the right rays of the sun (on the street, balcony or windowsill) approximately 4 hours before complete drying. Periodically mix the seeds so that the drying is more uniform.

    If you do not want to wait a few hours, take advantage of household appliances. Seeds can be dried in the oven or microwave oven. In the first case, lay out sunflower seeds on a baking sheet in one layer and send for 20 minutes to a heated to +180 ° C of the oven. Another option - Place the seeds on a flat plate in the microwave included on the maximum power, for 20-25 minutes. Please note that when using an oven or microwave, seeds will not only succeed, but also slightly fit. True dried, they are obtained only in the sun.

    Dried seeds can be on a simple pan. Constantly stirring, fry them on a small fire until readiness.

    When using the oven or microwave, seeds will not only succeed, but also slightly fit

    Make sunflower seeds with salty at home by two ways. Either sprinkle the seeds of the cooking salt directly during drying, or in advance to withstand the product in the salt solution. For this, 500 g salts dissolve in 1 liter of water. Topping time - from 6 to 36 hours depending on the desired result (the longer the process is, the longer the final product will be). Experienced cooks are recommended to use the second way, as it allows salt to penetrate the peel and improve the taste of the nucleus.

    Pumpkin seeds, like sunflower, you can buy in the store or remove yourself from ripe vegetables. Gently cut the top of the pumpkin, cut the core and remove the seeds from the pulp. Rinse them under running water until they stop sticking to fingers.

    You can dry the pumpkin seeds in several ways: in the oven, in the microwave, in the electric row, on airhrogl or in the air. Heat the oven to +80 ° C (up to +100 ° C, if the seeds are large) and keep in it smoothly decomposed on the contrary reserves for half an hour. For dehydration, pumpkin seeds in the microwave will be required about 20 minutes (at maximum power). In the electric grid, pumpkin seeds are dried 1 hour at a temperature of +80 ° C. On a special mesh of Aerium, seeds will prepare for 30 minutes at a temperature of +60 ° C. On the open air Under the sun, pumpkin seeds are dried about 5 hours.

    To spill a pumpkin seeds, slightly fasten them in a pan already dried, sprinkled necessary quantity Spices.

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    Linen seeds are very useful for people who hold vegetarian food, as they contain many fatty acids. You can dry them either in the sun for several hours or in the oven at an average temperature.

    Seeds of sesame rich in phosphorus and proteins are dried by the same rules as any others. Sesame seeds are widely used to prepare various second dishes (especially Japanese cuisine) and homemade baking.

    Drying seeds at home - good habits An experienced hostess. Under hand there will always be useful snack (dehydrated seeds are stored for a very long time) or additive to familiar dishes.

    Those who lived in the village have always been fun to smoke seeds. They replaced people earlier and pistachios and chewing gum. Now click seeds mostly from the store. However, the necessary trace elements from fried seeds will not get. Therefore, it is best to remove and use seeds straight from the sunflower. That's just few people know how to properly grow sunflower and keep it harvest with benefit for yourself. Let's try to learn?

    Why grow sunflower?

    We all love sunflower seeds at leisure. However B. lately Increasingly, it is possible to hear that in purchased seeds there is a dangerous element - cadmium. This chemistry penetrates the sunflower seeds with a number of located trails, which is why if you have a plot next to the track, for which cars are always back and forth cars, it is better not to grow sunflower. On such land is generally better not to grow easily absorbed environment Vegetables or fruits.

    With the help of a filter system, you can get a sufficiently clean and dry stream of compressed air. It is used for many purposes, including for the normal operation of the compressor. No way do without a dryer system for the compressor. In addition to this, eliminate the loss of compressed air in the system will help the condensate trap Ultra.drain.

    Sunflowers are grown not only for food. You may want to grow sunflower for beauty. In this case, choose seeds decorative varieties And planted seeds close to each other. Such copies will turn out lower, rather than their edible conifers, but very beautiful. Today, the sunflower on beauty can already compete with hyacinths, since it was precisely a lot of decorative varieties that have already brought quite a lot.

    What varieties sow?

    If you decide to sow sunflower in your country or garden, then decide first for what purposes: if it's just a bed decorative plantsYou can choose any variety as you like. If it is for cultivation on an industrial scale, followed by eating in food, pay attention to the hybrids.

    The fact is that breeders do not sit in place and every year an increasingly advanced sowing material is supplied to the market. Mostly improvements relate to resistance to diseases and yields. Excellent examples of Jason serve. They can show themselves well in the fight against drought, are not inclined to sprinkle and loneway, you will not come across the problem of thickening, rot and appearance muced dew. Basically, there are now three popular firms on the market: Pioneer, Limagreyne and Singent.

    The pioneer is characterized by a high oil content (up to 50%) and are suitable for growing in any climatic belts. It is very resistant to drought and diseases.

    Limagrein is presented wide selection hybrids and constantly replenishes its collection. Distinctive feature Ukrainian company is that it focuses its hybrids for resistance to infesses races. Each of the hybrids is different any of its feature. So the tank is growing rapidly at the initial stage, Rimisol can be planted on any soil, and Hidalgo in any climatic belt.

    For sunflower landing, a hot climatic belt, a plot that illuminates most of the day is suitable. The name of the "sunflower" speaks by itself - the plant loves him very much and will be gratefully answered the owner good harvestIf the sun's rays are enough. Space sunflowers in areas that will be protected from wind. Let it be close to the trees, under the fence or near the house. Make sure the area is equipped with drainage. The only thing that sunflowers do not really like - excess water. You can just flood them.

    How to sow sunflower?

    It is best to sow sunflower when the earth warmed up. It is about the beginning of the middle of May. In order to plant seeds, it is necessary to make a hole at 2.5-3 cm. Wells can be made even with hands, breaking the soil, as the distance from the surface is completely small. Sunflower - one of unpretentious plants, so special efforts When landing, you do not commit. Seeds of large instances need to be planted at a distance of 50-60 cm. If the sunflower is expected not very large, then you can plant and closer. However, it is worth considering that if you put large variety Close, then the quality of the crop will fall - the sunflowers will be low and their hats will be small. After you planted the seeds - cover their land and thoroughly, but do not overtake.

    How to care for sunflower?

    At first, thoroughly water the seeds, make sure not to flood seeds. Geese seeds must in the middle of the summer, and be prepared between the second and third months after the landing. If you see that the sunflower is hard - bring it with a stick, a stake, make some hedge. If the sunflowers grow on a windy side, they can simply not withstand and break. Take care of the plants.

    If you encounter pests (although the sunflowers are not strongly exposed to their attacks), then spray the sunflowers with antifungal agents. If you notice the eggs on sunflowers, then they are most likely postponed gray moths. Nothing wrong. Just remove them from sunflowers. Also, your plants can be defeated by the gross attacks of birds. Put the plastic bags on the heads of sunflowers when seeds begin to appear there to protect the harvest and avoid the great arrival of deer and sparrows.

    How to collect sunflower seeds?

    You can collect the harvest when notice that the sunflower blackened and began to strike my head, hung and decreasing. Then you should cut the head of the sunflower inadvertent and hang dry. After drying (choose a well ventilated room, not the cellar) can shake seeds. To make the harvest harvest tastier, leave seeds in salt water overnight, and then root in the oven at low temperatures. If you want sunflower in a vase, it is necessary to cut it early in the morning when he has not yet revealed. The stem should be cut at an angle, then put it into the water that needs to be changed daily before flowing drying.

    How to store sunflower seeds?

    What can be prepared from sunflower?

    With the addition of seeds you can cook delicious dessert Titled "Glazed Potato Surgeons. To do this, you will need:

    - Cottage cheese (200 gr)
    - Cookies (100 gr)
    - yogurt (4 art. l.)
    - Walnuts nuts (50 gr)
    - fructose (4 art. l)
    - Vanillin (10 gr)
    - Milk (1 Art. L)
    - butter butter (30 gr)
    - sunflower seeds

    The first step grind cookies or manually, or what will be better, in a blender before getting a crumb. Then grind the same nuts. Cottage cheese, cocoa, fructose, yogurt and vanillin mix to homogeneity and add cookies and nuts. Mix the resulting mass and make small curd bars.

    After that heat the cocoa, fructose, milk and oil, stirring everything until uniformity. It turns out the glaze. Cut the previously made curd bars in the glaze, and then in seeds. It turns out a great dessert that can be treated and guests.

    Cutting sunflowers will become an excellent addition to the interior, especially given the fact that, under the right storage conditions, they can simultane about a few weeks, gladly glad and making home atmosphere More cozy and fresh. However, you need to know these very right conditions Storage.

    Cutting and buying flowers

    Being "autumn" flowers, sunflowers are most popular in September-October. It is at this time that it accounts for 60-90 days from the time of direct shooting of the plant.

    If you have these flowers on your cottage plotthen you should seriously treat the color of the colors. It is better to choose an early morning or late evening when the exposure to the sun's rays is minimized. At the same time, oddly enough weather Do not play any significant role. It is important to pay attention not to so much by the colors themselves as stems and leaves, because it is from their condition (freshness, integrity, maturity and so on. "It will depend on how much a bouquet is in a vase.

    The same applies to the case if you buy already ready flowers or flower compositions With the participation of sunflowers - stems and leaves should be as strong as possible and fresh.

    Proper storage of sunflowers in the house

    In view of their pretty large sizes, Bouquet Sunflower Requires the corresponding spacious vase that will not argue and keep flowers too dense bouquet. Before placing a plant in it, the sunflowers need to be cooled, for which you need even larger capacity - bucket, pelvis or even a bath. It should be filled with cool water and put the cut flowers there for 3-4 hours. This will allow them to absorb sufficient number moisture, faster adapt to new environment And, therefore, it is for longer to sing in a vase.

    In the water, the leaves are pretty quickly and able to apply irreparable damage even the most fresh bouquet. That is why it is so important to delete all the leaves from the bottom third of the stem, which will be under water. To avoid damage to the stems due to quite serious weight of the whole composition, it is recommended to use a special stand for them that you can purchase in any store.

    Unlike many other cut colors, sunflowers do not need a cross-shaped cut at the bottom of the stem. If you wish to provide him with maximum moisture access, it will be much more expedient to make several scratch-cuts on the side of the stem with a knife or needle.

    In the process of daily care of cut-off sunflowers, follow the water level, as these plants quickly consume moisture and are sharply needed to be replenished and updated. So, even if you are forced to carry flowers, it costs it, only by placing them into the water or, as a last resort, wrapped with a richly moistened with water with water. Also somewhat extend the storage period of cut sunflowers will allow all sorts of additives into water that are offered in most flower shops.

    As for the neighborhood with other colors, the sunflowers themselves are rather unpretentious - it is more important whether other plant species can get along with them. However, they are so good in monobukets that they do not need any special composite combination.

    Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees It has long been an integral attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in cooler regions - certain species Successfully can be grown even in Siberia.

    Retooth, incredibly appetizing and just elementary in the cooking dish we prepared for you today. This sublime is one hundred percent one hundred percent, as it is suitable for each side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Pouring with chicken and mushrooms will save you at moments when there is no time or I do not want to think about what to cook. Take you a favorite side dish (you can do it in advance so that everything is hot), add a gravy and dinner ready! Recine chopstick.

    Farming belongs to such types human activity, the successful outcome of which is far from always directly proportional to the applied efforts. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily protrude with our alliance when growing plants, and often even, on the contrary, throws all new tests. Enhanced pest reproduction, abnormal heat, late return freezes, hurricane wind, drought ... And one of the Spring presented us with another surprise - flood.

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    I will allow myself today to confess in love. In love for ... Lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and beautiful coating shrubswhich can be successfully grown in their garden. And if someone thinks that the lavender is a resident of Mediterranean or, at least South, then you are mistaken. Lavender grows well in more nordic regionsEven in the suburbs. But to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. About them and will be discussed in this article.

    Solding once such an invaluable product, like a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stay from finding all the new recipes for its feeding to the table. Pumpkin in Korean, despite its sharpness and spice, has a fresh and gentle taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and give it to launch at least 15 minutes. I have a nutmeg pumpkin very juicy and sweet, so it is not necessary to mive it. If the pumpkin of another variety, then you can smash it with your hands so that it will slightly let juice.

    Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been in honor of gardeners gardeners. Spring landings Most dachants usually start with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. Recently, the desire for healthy nutrition and big choice Greens in supermarkets force gardeners to think, and which of these plants can be grown on their beds? In this article, we will tell about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, the varieties of salad.

    To the flowering of indoor roses is always "attached" another "bonus" - capriciousness. When they argue that roses in the rooms grow easily, shyly. For flowering room roses It is necessary to create literally perfect conditions. And European care, attention and response to any plants signals - the main key to success. True, whatever naughty roses, they can be grown in a potted format quite successfully. And attentive flowers should not be afraid of this.

    Mixtai is best prepared in the form of casserole, separating fillets from the skin and bones. Fish pieces are mixed with a motley vegetable set, poured with cheese sauce, sour cream and eggs. Such a fish casserole has a presentable look, and its taste is a fancy mixture of thin nuances. Vegetables and fillets are impregnated with sour cream, cheese will freeze the ruddy crust, the eggs will connect all the ingredients. Pieces of fish are plenty of Italian herbs, and Mintai acquires an unusual piquancy.

    Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you truly feel the awakening of nature only with the advent flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring so eloquently as the clearing of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has retreated, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, except for spring primroses, in the garden there is still something to see and admire in April.

    Quickly smashed and turning into wild thickets, Borschevik violates the established ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oilsThe fruits and leaves of Borshevik are caused by severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more complicated to fight him than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today there was a means capable of short term Get rid of your plot from most weeds, including from Borshevik.

    Carrots happens different flowers: orange, white, yellow, purple. In orange carrots, beta-carotene and lycopene prevail, yellow color is due to the presence of xanthofilles (lutein); White carrot has a lot of fiber, and purple contains anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose a carrot variety for sowing not in color of fruits, but in terms of their maturation. About the best early, medium and late varieties We will tell in this article.

    We recommend enough easy recipe Pie with an appetizing filling of chicken and potatoes. Open Pie With chicken and potatoes - it's great rich dishThat is suitable for tight snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this baking on the road. Pie bakes in the oven one hour at 180 degrees. After that, lay it out on wooden surfacehaving previously released it from the form. Sufficiently cool the baking and you can start tasting.

    Long-awaited spring for many indoor plants It is a period of start of active vegetation, and for most - and returning their decorativeness. Adopting on young leaves and outlined shoots, it is worth not to forget that spring is also a lot of stress for all indoor plants. Densitive conditions and universal, all indoor cultures are faced with much more bright lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature modes.

    Homemade cake on Easter with cottage cheese and candied you are easy to prepare, even without having any pastry experience over your shoulders. Bake cakes can not only in a special form or in paper mold. For the first culinary experiments (and not only) I advise you to take a small cast iron frying pan. Kulich in a pan will turn out not so high as in narrow formBut it never burns and always protects well inside! Curd dough on yeast is obtained by air and fragrant.