How to do physical education correctly? Movement is life or why exercise

Rehabilitation exercises for kidney diseases Nikolay Albertovich Onuchin

How to do physical therapy correctly

Therapeutic physical exercises are prescribed taking into account the patient’s physical fitness, his age, and also depending on the period and form of the disease.

Complexes of health-improving gymnastics must be performed twice a day (morning and evening), no earlier than an hour after meals and an hour and a half before bedtime. The total duration of classes is 20–25 minutes. Study therapeutic exercises should be done regularly, with a gradual increase in physical activity.

Before starting gymnastics, the room where classes will be held must be thoroughly ventilated and wet cleaning. The air temperature in the room should be 10–18 °C. Classes are conducted on a clean mat (it must be shaken daily and used only for exercise therapy), with the window open.

Must be purchased in advance Sports Equipment(rubber ball, gymnastic stick, etc.).

Therapeutic gymnastics should be done in a loose sports suit that does not restrict movement. After gymnastics, if your condition allows, it is useful to use hardening procedures: in the morning - wet wiping of the body, in the evening - washing your feet with cool water.

Exercises are performed at a slow to medium pace, without jerking. Holding your breath should not be allowed. It is also necessary to monitor the uniform distribution of the load on all parts of the body, that is, control the change in movements of the arms, legs and torso.

Typically, a set of therapeutic exercises begins with lighter movements, which gradually become more complex, and ends with very light exercises and walking. After the most difficult exercises, it is advisable to take short breaks (rest 30–40 seconds).

When doing therapeutic exercises at home, it is imperative to keep a self-control diary (Table 1). This will allow you to properly dose physical activity and avoid overexertion.

Self-monitoring should be systematic and long-term; observations should preferably be carried out at the same hours, under similar conditions: before the start of exercise therapy classes and after their completion. Carrying out systematic self-observations and their analysis will allow you to properly regulate physical activity.

Self-observation data can be divided into objective(characterized by the results of any measurements and instrument readings) and subjective(determined by your personal assessment).

Objective indicators of self-control include:

Pulse rate;

Arterial pressure;

Respiratory rate;

Muscle strength;

Body temperature;

Table 1

Indicators of self-control during exercise therapy classes

Subjective indicators of self-control include:




Desire to exercise;

Exercise tolerance;


Violation of the regime.

In total, objective and subjective indicators of self-control characterize the state of your health and the effectiveness of exercise therapy. Pulse and blood pressure provide particularly important information about the state of the cardiovascular system and the degree of physical activity. They are often called “indicators” or “mirrors” of health.

Pulse and blood pressure.

When doing exercise therapy, especially for older people, it is necessary to carefully monitor heart function and blood pressure levels. To do this, you need to systematically measure your pulse rate and monitor your blood pressure. Pulse rate and blood pressure are determined before the start of classes physical therapy exercises.

The pulse rate is calculated as follows: apply the pads of the nail phalanges of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers to the radial artery, which is adjacent to the radial bone. The number of heartbeats in 15 seconds is multiplied by 4. The resulting heart rate is compared with age-related indicators. The normal resting heart rate in middle-aged and elderly people is approximately 60–70 beats per minute.

Blood pressure is measured using a special device - a tonometer. If you use an electronic tonometer, the device automatically calculates your heart rate along with your blood pressure level.

If your blood pressure and heart rate are higher than your age norm and you feel unwell, lethargic or have a headache, then it is better to refrain from exercise therapy on this day.

Breathing rate.

One of the main indicators of self-control. Usually at rest a person does not notice his breathing. During physical exercise, the respiratory rate increases, as the need of working muscles for oxygen, necessary for oxidative processes, increases.

Normally, in a calm state, an adult produces 14–16 breaths per minute. You can measure your breathing rate by placing your hand on your chest or stomach and counting your breathing rate for one minute. The rise and fall of the chest or abdomen (inhalation and exhalation) are counted as one.

Lack of body weight indicates a lack of energy and building materials in the body. Excess weight indicates that the flow of nutrients into the body is excessive and the consumption is insufficient. Excess weight can also be a consequence of edema.

With systematic physical exercise, significant changes in weight occur: fat is burned more actively, sweating increases, swelling decreases, and the body is freed from excess water and salt. As a result, weight decreases and then stabilizes at an age-appropriate level.

Physical therapy exercises significantly regulate weight, preventing both its excess and unnecessary losses.

At home, it is convenient to monitor your weight every day using special store-bought floor scales.

Subjective indicators of self-control also provide significant information about the state of your health when doing physical therapy exercises:

Mood. If you are cheerful, alert and enjoy doing physical exercises, then the load corresponds to your physical capabilities and state of health. If you are lethargic, feel constant fatigue, and have a depressed mood, then the volume of exercise should be reduced and physical activity reduced.


It reflects the general condition of your body and, mainly, the nervous system. Well-being is assessed as good, satisfactory or poor.

When you feel well, there is a surge of vitality, a feeling of vigor and freshness; if satisfactory – slight lethargy, malaise, slight fatigue; if it is bad – severe weakness, dizziness, decreased ability to work, depressed state.


Appetite is also one of the important signs of normal functioning of the body. With physical overload, exacerbation of the disease, or lack of sleep, a weakening or even lack of appetite may be observed. In the self-control diary, you need to note the characteristics of your appetite: good, satisfactory, increased or absent.

Painful sensations. During physical therapy exercises, especially in older people, pain in the muscles, in the right hypochondrium and in the heart area may be observed. Pain during exercise most often indicates increased physical activity or may be a sign of an exacerbation of the disease. You may often be bothered by a feeling of internal discomfort, heaviness in the lumbar region, and a rush of blood to the head and face. It is very important to observe yourself and write down in a self-monitoring diary under what circumstances pain symptoms and discomfort appear. If they are associated with performing certain exercises, it is necessary to reduce the load or exclude these exercises from the gymnastics complex.

Exercise tolerance.

In the self-monitoring diary, you must note whether the planned load was completed or not. If not, the reason should be noted.

Exercise tolerance is assessed as good, fair or unsatisfactory. Poor exercise tolerance may be associated with exacerbation of the disease or poor level of physical fitness.

Sleep is one of the most sensitive “indicators” of health status and exercise tolerance. If you quickly fall asleep in the evening, sleep peacefully and deeply, and in the morning you feel cheerful, full of strength and energy, then your sleep is normal.

If you have a sleep disorder (insomnia syndrome), you may experience prolonged and difficult falling asleep, restless sleep with frequent awakenings, heavy, nightmare dreams, headaches, poor health after sleep and decreased performance. Sleep disturbance indicates excessive physical exertion or a worsening of the disease. In such cases, it is necessary to temporarily stop exercising and see a doctor.

During physical therapy exercises, it is also necessary to take into account external signs of fatigue (Table 2).

table 2External signs of fatigue during physical therapy exercises

With an average degree of fatigue, you need to reduce the number of repetitions of exercises, the amplitude and speed of movements, and also reduce the total time of training. If you show signs of fatigue, you should temporarily stop exercising and consult a doctor.

For achievement positive results You need to do exercise therapy for 5–6 months, systematically and without long breaks. If therapeutic exercises are carried out occasionally, they will not bring any benefit.

If there is a sharp deterioration in the condition, a rise in temperature, an exacerbation of the disease, or poor health, therapeutic exercises should be temporarily stopped. After the condition improves, classes are resumed.

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Sport is one of the most popular phenomena in popular culture. Interest in different sports unites armies of fans around the world; this trend is also widely supported by various media. Conversations about a recent national football match or an upcoming boxing match can be heard in transport, cafes, offices, and banks. The huge salaries of professional athletes are a direct consequence of this popularity, as well as the motivation for many people to achieve heights in their sports careers. Today, playing sports is an active leisure activity, a hobby, and even a way of life. It is rare to meet a person who is not interested in sports at all. And even the general education school curriculum includes physical education lessons for children in order to maintain an optimal balance between physical and mental development.

Classes physical culture and sports bring undoubted benefits and are actually inseparable from the concept of a healthy lifestyle, which our training is dedicated to. Regular exercise gives you discipline, helps you keep yourself in good shape, stay healthy and avoid many diseases. Every person, be it a man or a woman, a child or a pensioner, can and should play sports. Sports are so accessible that we can keep fit at any time of the year, in any conditions; today, every city or town has its own sports grounds for free exercise.

In this lesson you will learn how to effectively use all the opportunities and infrastructure for physical education, as well as how to introduce sports into your healthy lifestyle.

Why are sports and physical education necessary?

Modern standards of beauty in the field of advertising, modeling, and mass media present to ordinary people a type of man/woman with a toned, athletic figure, healthy skin, who devotes a lot of time to working on themselves. The proposed ideals are reflected in the minds of millions of people and evoke a desire to live up to them. To do this, you need to exercise regularly and eat right. In the previous lesson we looked at the structure of a healthy diet, and here we will focus on practical recommendations on how to make your body not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Why play sports? The answer to this question will become motivation and push you to action. A hundred years ago, in order to get food, a person had to work physically. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Mental work is not associated with significant physical activity, and the development of technology and infrastructure, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, does not benefit the human body. From this understanding, the desire to improve the general condition of the body through sports is cultivated. Physical education will help you stay in shape, lose weight, build muscles, and provide a boost of energy. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Pros and benefits of playing sports:

  1. The cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood pressure is kept within normal limits, blood circulation and capillary function are activated, and the aging process of the body is slowed down.
  2. Sport tones muscles, adds strength and endurance, and helps get rid of fussiness. Exercise also has a positive effect on the skin: it becomes firm and elastic.
  3. People who exercise are more active and tire less quickly during the day.
  4. Regular exercise and training promote deep, restful sleep. They also avoid nervous disorders, since in the process of physical activity endorphins are produced, the so-called “hormones of happiness”.
  5. Exercise stimulates metabolism.
  6. Good physical training helps a person recover faster from illnesses and injuries, and for women after childbirth.
  7. Sport strengthens faith in own strength, increases self-esteem. The best motivation is to see and feel changes.

Which sport should I choose?

Another important question is what sport to do? Physical activity can be different: some like football, others - skiing, the third is boxing, the fourth is chess. IN Lately it has become fashionable to visit Gym and do fitness. Besides, different types sports require various conditions. When choosing a sport, it is important to proceed from several important aspects, the main one of which is subjective interest. What do you like most, what is your soul passionate about? This is very important, because in order to get both results and satisfaction, you need to love what you do. Don’t be afraid to experiment; regardless of age, you can try to master any sport!

The second important nuance is whether there are any health contraindications. It is important to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests if you suspect that sport may harm your health. But it can be noted that sometimes the opposite happens and in medical practice there are cases when doctors recommend sports for patients with illnesses or after injuries.

Another aspect is time and money. When choosing a sport, honestly answer the question of how much time and effort you are willing to devote to your future activity and how much you are willing to pay for it. Conditions vary: for example, rock climbing, tennis or judo will most likely require material costs from you. However, if your goal is to gain muscle mass and get pumped up, you don’t have to go to the gym and spend money. A similar result can be achieved by doing push-ups at home, doing exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars, which are found in almost every yard. To be fit and keep your body in good shape, you can do the complex for free simple exercises Houses.

If you still haven’t made your choice, we recommend that you take a short test that will tell you the sport that is most suitable for you (COMING SOON!).

Morning exercises

The simplest and affordable way keep fit, be cheerful and active, and also look good - morning exercises. Recently, on many forums, charging has been criticized, largely unfoundedly. The arguments of opponents boil down to the fact that this type of exercise is a relic Soviet era and has an unfavorable effect on the body immediately after sleep. Any opinion has the right to exist, but it is worth bringing some clarity. Firstly, morning exercises are not at all the same as full exercise. Charging is performed smoothly, without sudden movements or serious physical activity, morning exercises are designed to warm up the muscles after sleep, increase the tone of the body, and relieve drowsiness and lethargy. Secondly, doing exercises speeds up metabolic processes and promotes the production of the happiness hormone endorphin, which charges you with vigor and good mood. This is enough to devote 10 minutes to physical activity in the morning.

Morning exercise rules:

  1. No heavy loads or sudden movements. Since after sleep the lungs are narrowed, the heartbeat is slow, and blood circulation is reduced, you need to slowly get out of bed, walk, wash, and only then start exercising.
  2. Before gymnastics, you need to ventilate the room well. It is important to breathe properly while doing exercises. Deeply, deeply, slowly. This way the lungs will smoothly return to their normal size.
  3. Exercises should be done constantly, at least 6 times a week. Only in this case can a positive result be achieved.
  4. You cannot eat before exercising.
  5. After morning exercises, it’s a good idea to take a contrast shower and rub your body with a towel.

Here are examples of some exercises that are suitable for both adults and children:

  • Exercises for the neck and head: circular rotations of the head, tilting the head up and down, turns left and right.
  • Exercises for arms and shoulders: rotational movements of the shoulders alternately and together, circular movements with arms bent at the elbows, alternate quick swings of the arms: right - up, left - down.
  • Leg exercises: alternately swing your legs back and forth, squats without lifting your heels off the floor.
  • Exercises for the torso: put your feet shoulder-width apart, then smoothly bend forward, trying to touch your palms to the floor, perform pelvic rotations, keeping your hands on your belt.

There are many ready-made sets of exercises lasting up to 10 minutes, which are not difficult to find on various video resources on the Internet. Here is an example of a popular animated video with exercises for children:

Exercises at home

Anyone interested in exercising at home has probably watched a million and one exercise videos on Youtube and read just as many similar articles with tips and tricks. Some used them successfully, others became disillusioned after a while. Indeed, no technique can claim universality and guarantee a successful result. Many of them lack structure and completeness; they focus only on certain aspects. We will try to cover this issue as fully and in detail as possible so that you can understand how to make home workouts truly effective.

First of all, you need to independently decide on the choice of program, which, of course, will be adjusted by you in the future. When you work out on your own at home, an experienced, specially trained trainer will not tell you which exercises are best for which muscle groups. IN in this regard you are your own coach. And you will need knowledge. Before creating your training program, talk to friends who play sports, read specialized forums, ask for advice there, look at several programs, and study reviews of them. To summarize, before starting classes you need to acquire a wealth of specialized knowledge in physiology, the basics of proper nutrition and exercise itself.

Be honest with yourself. If you have been working in an office for the last two years, your physical activity is limited to a walk from home to a public transport stop, and the last time you did the exercises was in physical education classes at school - you should not harbor unnecessary illusions when you immediately take on heavy training complexes. Most of them will be too much for an untrained person, who, when performing the complex, risks harming the body or getting injured. You need to join the process gradually, starting with minimal loads of a small number of approaches and increasing the pace from lesson to lesson.

You should tune in to long-term consistent work on yourself. Quick results are promised only in advertising, while in practice success can only be achieved through regular training. Your path is individual, and you need to go through it yourself, although the support of family and friends will be an excellent motivator for your studies. And joint activities with friends and family will provide additional incentive and support.

Many athletes, wanting to achieve excellent results in bodybuilding, use special sports supplements that promote accelerated growth muscles. It does sports nutrition attractive for beginners. The most popular groups of supplements are protein, gainer, creatine, amino acids, and energy bars. All of these products have different effects on the body, so you should carefully study their properties and, if possible, consult with a specialist before use.

Let's return directly to the exercises. Choosing a home workout program should take into account your initial fitness level and training goal. Below are some examples of exercises for different muscle groups.

1. Exercises for the chest muscles (in English, but everything is very clear and well shown):

2. Exercises for the press (English, the most viewed video about training the press):

3. Exercises on the horizontal bar:

What you need to know about training for muscle growth:

  1. It is necessary to warm up before starting a workout and stretch at the end of the session.
  2. You need to pump one or two muscle groups in one workout.
  3. In order for muscles to increase in volume, you need to gradually increase the working weight.
  4. For a beautiful and sculpted body strength training needs to be supported with cardio exercises.
  5. The optimal duration of a strength set is 40-60 minutes. Taking into account cardio exercises, the entire workout should take a maximum of 1.5 hours.
  6. To gain muscle mass, you need to adjust your diet accordingly.
  7. If performing exercises leads to pain in the back, neck, joints, etc., you should stop training immediately and resume exercises only after consulting a doctor.
  8. During training, muscle gain may slow down or stop altogether. This is normal and is called a period of stagnation. With a properly selected program, growth will continue in 1-2 weeks.

Exercise for your health, but remember the main thing - the result does not come by itself, moreover, instantly, but requires regular, long-term exercise in combination with a properly balanced diet.

Motivation for sports

Professional sport is hard work, where, gritting your teeth, you need to work for results every day. It is foolish to assume that running around the field after a ball, trying to push it into the goal, or skating on an ice rink, juggling a puck with a stick, is easy and within the power of everyone. Sometimes it’s hard to force yourself to do even basic exercises, let alone daily intense workouts. Based on this, it becomes clear that motivation plays an important role in the training process. Many people don’t play sports not because they don’t have time or money, but because they can’t find the strength within themselves, muster the willpower and just start doing something.

Remember, the main thing is to overcome your laziness and take the first step: start training. After physical activity enters the usual rhythm of life, it will not seem like something difficult and impossible. Sport gives you discipline, and being organized will help you in your everyday activities.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.

The term “physical culture” appeared in England, but was not widely used in the West and has now practically disappeared from use. In our country, on the contrary, it has received recognition in all high authorities and has firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon.

Physical culture is a human activity aimed at improving health and developing physical abilities. It develops the body harmoniously and maintains excellent physical condition throughout long years. Physical education is part of the general culture of a person, as well as part of the culture of society and represents a set of values, knowledge and norms that are used by society for the development of physical and intellectual abilities person.

Physical culture was formed in the early stages of development human society, however, its improvement continues to this day. The role of physical education has especially increased in connection with urbanization, deteriorating environmental conditions and labor automation, which contributes to hypokinesia.

Physical culture is an important means of “raising a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.” It helps to increase the social and labor activity of people, economic efficiency production. Physical education satisfies social needs in communication, play, entertainment, and in some forms of personal self-expression through socially active useful activities.

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are the level of health and physical development people, the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, and in the organization of free time. The result of her activities is physical fitness and the degree of perfection of motor skills and abilities, high level development of vitality, sporting achievements, moral, aesthetic, intellectual development.


The main elements of physical education are as follows:
1. Morning work-out.
2. Exercise.
3. Motor activity.
4. Amateur sports.
5. Physical labor.
6. Active – motor types of tourism.
7. Hardening the body.
8. Personal hygiene.

Physical culture has a beneficial effect on the neuro-emotional system, prolongs life, rejuvenates the body, and makes a person more beautiful. Neglect of physical education leads to obesity, loss of endurance, agility and flexibility.

Morning exercises are the most important element physical culture. However, it is useful only if it is used competently, which takes into account the specifics of the body’s functioning after sleep, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular person. Since the body after sleep has not yet completely transitioned to a state of active wakefulness, the use of intense exercise in morning exercises It is not recommended, and it is also impossible to bring the body to a state of severe fatigue.

Morning exercises effectively eliminate the effects of sleep such as swelling, lethargy, drowsiness and others. It increases the tone of the nervous system, enhances the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and the endocrine glands. Solving these problems allows you to smoothly and at the same time quickly increase the mental and physical performance of the body and prepare it to accept significant physical and mental stress, often found in modern life.

In economically developed countries over the last 100 years the share muscle work used by humans has decreased by almost 200 times. As a result, labor intensity became 3 times lower than the threshold value providing a health-improving and preventive effect. In this regard, to compensate for the lack of energy consumption during work to modern man it is necessary to perform physical exercises with an energy consumption of at least 350 - 500 kcal per day.

Physical exercises are movements or activities used for the physical development of a person. This is a means of physical improvement, transformation of a person, development of his biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. Physical exercises are the main means of all types of physical education. They, acting on the brain, cause a feeling of cheerfulness and joy, create an optimistic and balanced neuropsychic state. Physical education should be done from early childhood until old age.

The health-improving and preventive effect of physical culture is inextricably linked with increased physical activity, strengthening of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and activation of metabolism. Physical activity is of great importance, both for overcoming motor deficit (physical inactivity) and for maintaining and strengthening health. Lack of physical activity leads to a disruption in the human body of the neuro-reflex connections established by nature, which results in disruption of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of various diseases.

Physical labor and amateur sports are excellent means of physical education for the prevention and promotion of health. They are well suited for people with sedentary work, as well as workers mental work. The main requirement is that the loads must be feasible and in no case overexert.

Hardening is also one of the elements of physical culture. It plays a significant role in the prevention of colds and many infectious diseases. Hardening procedures include: daily rubbing of the body with cool water or taking a shower, dousing, bathing followed by rubbing, air and sun baths.

During the hardening process, the nervous system is first strengthened. Under the influence of external stimuli, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the body is gradually restructured, leading to an expansion of the compensatory functional capabilities of the human body. The basic principles of hardening are gradualism, systematicity, taking into account individual characteristics of a person, and the integrated use of sun, air and water.


Physical culture is a social phenomenon closely related to the economy, culture, socio-political system, health care and education of people. Its structure includes the following components:
1. Physical education.
2. Physical education.
3. Physical preparation for specific activities.
4. Restoring health or lost strength through physical education - rehabilitation.
5. Physical exercise for recreational purposes, so-called. – recreation.
6. Training of highly professional athletes.

Physical education is pedagogical process, aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills, as well as the development of versatile physical abilities of a person. Its specific content and focus are determined by the needs of society for physically trained people and are embodied in educational activities.

Physical education is an organized process of influencing a person through physical exercise, hygienic measures and natural forces of nature in order to form such qualities and acquire such knowledge, skills and abilities that meet the requirements of society and the interests of the individual.

Physical training is a type of physical education: the development and improvement of motor skills and physical qualities necessary for specific professional or sports activities.

Restoring health or lost strength is a purposeful process of restoring or compensating for partially or temporarily lost motor abilities, treating injuries and their consequences by means of physical education. The process is carried out comprehensively under the influence of specially selected physical exercises, massage, water and physiotherapeutic procedures and some other means.

Physical recreation is the implementation of active recreation through physical exercises, as well as sports in simplified forms. It constitutes the main content of mass forms of physical culture and is a recreational activity.

Training of highly professional athletes is a specific form of physical culture, the purpose of which is to identify the maximum physical and psychological capabilities of a person in the process of performing various exercises and using them to achieve the highest results.

Indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:
1. The massive nature of its development.
2. Health level and comprehensive development physical abilities.
3. Level of sports achievements.
4. Availability and level of qualifications of professional and public physical education personnel.
5. The degree of use of physical culture means in the field of education and upbringing.
6. Promotion of physical culture and sports.
7. The degree and nature of the use of the media in the sphere of tasks facing physical culture.


The purpose of independent physical education is to preserve and strengthen health, spend time usefully, and educate personal qualities, mastering physical education skills and abilities. Independent physical education classes are also designed to solve specific problems of a particular person and are developed in this case strictly taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual and the reasons that give rise to the problem. Physical education is very important for a person. They improve metabolism and blood circulation, strengthen the heart, blood vessels and lungs, develop muscles, get rid of many diseases, have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, make a person slimmer and more beautiful, help us to always be active, productive, and maintain an interest in life until the end of our days. . In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of independent physical education.
1. The principle of systematicity. Compliance with it involves regular physical exercise. The effect of physical exercise occurs only with regular and long-term use.
2. The principle of individuality. The choice of types of physical education activities depends on the physical culture and sports interests of a person. It is also necessary to take into account your health status. There must certainly be emotional intensity in physical education. After all, we get the greatest satisfaction and effect from what we like and are interested in doing.
3. The principle of rationality of physical activity. Compliance with this principle involves a gradual increase in physical activity and optimal combination with rest. The frequency of physical education is also strictly individual. It is necessary to calculate the load and frequency of exercise depending on the person’s fitness level. Exercising too much every day can only make the condition worse, leading to extreme fatigue and even physical injury. And small loads will not give the expected effect. Physical education classes should be structured according to the following rule: from simple to complex, from easy to difficult.
4. The principle of comprehensive physical development. In independent physical education, one should purposefully develop basic physical qualities - endurance, strength, flexibility, agility, etc. To do this, it is necessary to use various cyclic exercises, gymnastics, games, and exercises with weights.
5. The principle of confidence in the need for classes. It is difficult to overestimate the psychological attitude towards physical education. Since ancient times, the close relationship between mental and physical health has been known. Confidence in the necessity and benefits of physical education is a powerful help to the body. The effect of physical education increases incomparably in cases where physical exercise is combined with self-hypnosis. Consciousness stimulates the biorhythms of the brain, and it gives orders to the whole body. Therefore, always try not only to believe in the result, but be sure to think about what exactly this result will be. Visualize healthy organs and their functioning in your mind.
6. The principle of medical supervision and self-control. A consultation with a doctor will help any person find out what types of physical education are best to use in independent exercise, and what physical activity to start training with.

Physical activity differs in its quantitative and qualitative effect on the body. They intensify metabolism and consumption of energy resources. Fatigue, subjectively expressed by a feeling of tiredness, depends on the degree of their expenditure. Without fatigue, the body's functional capabilities do not increase. After performing physical activity, performance usually decreases and rest is needed to restore it. With muscle fatigue in the body, glycogen reserves located in the liver and muscles decrease, and the content of under-oxidized metabolic products in the blood increases, therefore, during active physical exercise, you should include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, which help maintain acid-base balance in the body.

Performing optimal physical activity is the most important moment when doing physical exercise on your own. According to the Arndt-Schultz principle, small loads do not have a noticeable effect on the body, medium loads are most beneficial, and strong loads can be harmful. For orientation, you can use the classification of G.S. Tumanyan, based on the reaction of the cardiovascular system to stress. If immediately after performing physical exercises the pulse rate is no more than 120 beats per minute, then the load is considered low, 120-160 - medium, more than 160 - heavy. The maximum physical activity is the one after which the heart rate is equal to the number determined by subtracting your age in years from the number 220.


Health is a state of the body in which the functions of all its organs and systems are in dynamic balance with the external environment. Health is important characteristic productive forces, it is a public property that has material and spiritual value. The main sign of health is high performance and adaptability of the body to various influences and changes in the external environment. A fully prepared and trained person easily maintains consistency internal environment, which manifests itself in maintaining a constant body temperature, blood chemical composition, acid-base balance, etc. Physical education plays a huge role in this.

Statistics show that our society is sick, that there are practically no healthy people left in it, so for many the question of engaging in physical therapy is very pressing. Therapeutic physical education is a method that uses physical education means for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for faster and more complete restoration of health and prevention of complications of the disease.

The active factor in physical therapy is physical exercise, that is, movements specially organized and used as a nonspecific stimulus for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation of the patient. Physical exercise helps restore not only physical but also mental strength.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of physical therapy:
1. Nonspecific (pathogenetic) effect. Stimulation of motor-visceral reflexes, etc.
2. Activation of physiological functions.
3. Adaptive (compensatory) effect on functional systems (tissues, organs, etc.).
4. Stimulation of morpho-functional disorders (reparative regeneration, etc.).

The effectiveness of physical therapy on a sick person:
1. Normalization psycho-emotional state, acid-base balance, metabolism, etc.
2. Functional adaptability (adaptation) to social, everyday and work skills.
3. Prevention of complications of the disease and the occurrence of disability.
4. Development, education and consolidation of motor skills. Increasing resistance to environmental factors.

One of the simplest and at the same time very effective method Therapeutic physical training is recreational walking. When walking for health purposes, 300-400 kcal of energy is consumed in 1 hour, depending on body weight (approximately 0.7 kcal/kg per 1 km of distance traveled). At a walking speed of 6 km per hour, the total energy consumption for an average person will be 300 kcal (50 * 6). With daily health walking exercises (1 hour each), the total energy consumption for the week will be about 2000 kcal, which provides the minimum (threshold) training effect necessary to compensate for the deficit in energy consumption and increase the functional capabilities of the body.

Accelerated walking as physical therapy can only be recommended if there are contraindications to running. In the absence of serious deviations in health, it can only be used as a preparatory stage for endurance training for beginners with low functionality. In the future, as fitness increases, recreational walking should be replaced by running training.

Health running is the simplest and most accessible view physical education, and therefore the most widespread. According to the most conservative estimates, running as a means of health is used by more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet. The technique of recreational running is so simple that it does not require special training, and its effect on the human body is extremely great.

Healthy running is an indispensable means of relaxing and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous tension.

Health-improving running in optimal dosage combined with water treatments is the best way to combat neurasthenia and insomnia caused by nervous overstrain.

Healthy running, with regular long-term exercise, also changes the runner’s personality type and mental status. Psychologists believe that lovers of recreational running become: more sociable, sociable, friendly, have higher self-esteem and confidence in their strengths and capabilities.

Man himself is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. WITH early age it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, toughen up, exercise, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve true harmony of health through reasonable means.

Systematic physical education has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, which is the main regulator of all physical and mental processes in our body. The positive influence of physical culture on nervous processes contributes to a more complete disclosure of the abilities of each person, increasing his mental and physical performance. Regular physical exercise improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, increases metabolism, and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Under heavy loads, the heart of a trained person can contract more often and eject more blood per contraction. During the same amount of work, a trained body receives and absorbs more oxygen due to deeper breathing and better delivery of nutrients to the muscles.

Constant physical exercise improves your physique, your figure becomes slender and beautiful, your movements become more expressive and flexible. Those who engage in physical education and sports increase their self-confidence and strengthen their willpower, which helps them achieve their life goals.

Physical education of children is integral integral part physical culture. Insufficient physical activity during the growth and development of children and adolescents can cause many adverse consequences: it leads to deterioration of health, decreased physical and mental performance, creates the prerequisites for the development of various forms of pathology.

The result of physical education in old age is the ability to prevent the development of various disorders in the body, the cause of which is hypokinesia. Early aging is the lot of people who are inattentive to their health, who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, who do not want to give up smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and intemperance in food. Those who strive to live in such a way as to delay old age and illness, engage in physical exercise, follow the correct regime, and eat wisely. Physical education is the main means of delaying age-related deterioration of physical qualities and a decrease in the adaptive abilities of the body in general and the cardiovascular system in particular.

But most people have one problem - lack of time. But it is imperative to move and do physical exercise, because most people have a sedentary job and a sedentary lifestyle. I came out of this situation as follows: we all watch TV every day - this is already our way of life. I began to combine these two activities: watching TV and doing gymnastics. You can find dozens of exercises that you can do while looking at the screen at the same time. I started with the "mental hoop around your waist" exercise. You can do various exercises with an expander, squats, etc. You can sit on the couch and do static gymnastics, tensing and relaxing certain muscle groups. Without daily exercise, you cannot achieve good health.

How to motivate yourself to exercise

In your soul, somewhere far away, you understand that doing physical exercise is both useful and necessary. And what’s more, it’s exactly what you need. You feel it with some kind of sixth sense. But how to force yourself to do physical education. What should be the motivation for physical education?

You understand that physical education works wonders. It helps you lose extra pounds. Physical education helps restore and maintain health. And there is specific people who were able to restore their health. Physical education makes you more mobile, active and even a little younger. You understand all this, but do not move.

How to make this first movement, to move yourself from place. But this is the main thing at the beginning of classes, the hardest thing is to move yourself! It is this first step that requires the most effort. It will be easier later. What needs to happen for you to decide to take up physical education?

To motivate yourself to exercise, you need to set a goal.

To start physical education, to take this first and difficult step, you need to set a goal for yourself. Not just some abstract goal, but one that is very necessary for you. You must understand that you really need this. Then it will be easier to achieve this goal. The goal you set and need is the most important motivation to physical education classes.

Goals can be very different, for example:

  1. Improved health.
  2. Improved overall well-being.
  3. Losing weight.
  4. Active physical longevity and others.

It is important to understand why you need this. In this case, it will be easier to achieve your goal. And for a stronger incentive, see some convincing example of achieving the goal. Then this seemingly incredible goal will seem very accessible and feasible. This is a very strong motivation for physical education.

For example, you set yourself the task of getting better by doing physical exercise. And this goal is because you have health problems. A specific goal that you really need. It may seem impossible, but in general he was disabled and moved in a wheelchair. However, with the help of physical education, he was still able to become completely healthy!

Why not motivation for physical education? Or you are plump and have extra pounds. Set a goal for yourself to lose weight. Extra pounds hinder advancement up the career ladder. If you do physical exercise, these extra pounds will go away on their own. You won't even notice how much weight you've lost! There are plenty of such cases. It's more like a rule.

Improving results is an additional motivation for physical education

Keep yourself a diary. Record in your diary what you did during each lesson. Write about how you felt during physical education class. Be sure to note the results of achieving your goal once every two weeks. You will see that the weight decreases, walking becomes easier or even running becomes very easy. This will serve as additional motivation for physical education.

The goal you set for yourself is the main motivation for doing physical education. Set realistic and necessary goals for yourself and fulfill them. “So that it doesn’t hurt for the years spent aimlessly” - remember?

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is a familiar saying that is especially relevant in modern society.

What is physical education

Physical education is the cultivation of body culture through physical activity and gymnastics. It develops not only the body, but also the human nervous system. Loads on the body help normalize the activity of the mental system. This is especially important for children, because they absorb huge flows of information every day. Sport helps the brain relieve stress and restore clarity to the head.

Physical education can be therapeutic and adaptive. helps restore to the human body some functions that were damaged during injury or serious psychological shock. Adaptive physical education is applicable for people who have developmental disabilities.

Sports in children's lives

Sport occupies a special place in the lives of children and adolescents. It is necessary not only for the harmonious development of the body, but also for creating a sense of discipline. Sports instill in children such qualities as willpower, perseverance, and restraint. These character traits, acquired from childhood, will accompany a person throughout his entire life.

It has long been proven that people involved in sports activities are much more likely to achieve success. This fact is explained by three reasons:

1. Health.

Sport improves and strengthens health. People have more strength and energy that are necessary to work in any field.

2. Strong-willed qualities.

As has already been said, sport educates a person. It makes him persistent and attentive.

3. Psychological release.

Physical education is a great way. Usually people tend to accumulate negative emotions in themselves, while the sports society always knows where to throw out the accumulated emotional load. This protects mental health, increases stress resistance and productivity in resolving conflict situations.

Sport accompanies us at all stages of maturation. In the middle secondary schools Physical education is a compulsory subject. The lesson is taught by a former athlete or teacher who offers standards of sports achievements that a child must achieve at each stage of his development. In order for him to successfully complete the year, it is necessary to pass the standards with high quality. Naturally, they are designed only for healthy children. Also, thanks to the standards, you can find out and monitor the level of development of the child. Children's physical education is intended to develop body culture during training.

If a student has health problems, he may be partially or completely suspended from classes. The location of physical activity depends on the capabilities of a particular school. In addition to gymnastics, the standard physical education program includes: running, swimming, skiing, long and high jumps, football, basketball, volleyball, acrobatics, aerobics, active games.

Physical education classes take place in specially equipped classrooms or on sports grounds (during the warm season).

It involves small loads, the purpose of which is not to achieve certain results in sports. Most often, children engage in exercise therapy - therapeutic physical education. Physical education is aimed at maintaining the body in a healthy state, while the load is minimal. They help the child stretch his muscles, feel the dynamics of the exercises, but not waste all the body’s strength.

Exercise therapy is very common among children who have developmental or health problems. For this reason, they cannot play sports with the main group. Much attention in exercise therapy is paid to proper breathing, which helps maintain control over the body. Another goal of exercise therapy is the prevention of diseases and their exacerbations. Exercise therapy is very useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for younger children.

The effect of physical activity on the body

It is very difficult to overestimate the impact of physical activity on the human body. The benefits of physical education for a growing body are invaluable. A young body needs not only stimulation of tissues that form very quickly. Physical education is needed so that the child grows up as a psychologically balanced and integral person.

Physical activity has a complex effect on the entire body. Let's take a closer look at how the human body reacts to moderate loads:

  • metabolic processes of tissues, tendons and muscles are activated, which is an excellent prevention of rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and other degenerative changes in the motor function of the body;
  • the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, providing the entire body with oxygen and nutrients;
  • physical exercise activates the production of hormones, which leads to stabilization of metabolic processes;
  • The neuroregulatory function of the brain is stimulated.

To summarize, we can say that physical education and sports should be an integral part of the life of any adult and growing person. Play sports yourself and instill this in your children. Physical education is a “perpetual motion machine” of life, which makes you active, cheerful and full of energy for new achievements.