Influence of biological rhythms on a person. Educational and research project "The influence of biorhythms on the mental performance of students"

Hello dear blog readers! There is a science called chronobiology, it studies the biological rhythms of a person. After all, all living beings on the planet are subject to their influence, up to the mood. Even doctors prescribe treatment taking into account these factors, the dosage changes at a certain time. And today I want to tell you more about these rhythms so that you have advantages in your professional and personal life, as well as excellent health.


The term itself means regular changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes, which Hippocrates and Avicenna drew attention to.

They can be both independent (breathing, heartbeat...), and associated with the geographical cycle (metabolism, cell division process...), tidal (opening of shells due to tides) and annual (plant growth...). The most important concept that chronobiology operates on is circadian rhythms, they constantly replace each other and are closely related to the rotation of the Earth around its axis. It is even believed that in the human brain there is a control center for them, which was called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

The simplest example of this complex terminology is the well-known wake-sleep cycle. And if it goes astray, for example, due to insomnia due to stress, then this has a very detrimental effect on the body, depleting its resources. Even a shift of one hour requires a long recovery phase.

In nocturnal animals, activity increases in the dark, but in humans, all processes, on the contrary, slow down, and if he has to work at this time, serious failures occur, the protective functions of the suprachiasmatic nucleus are significantly reduced, which can lead to dangerous diseases such as malignant tumors.


Classification of biorhythms depending on different criteria

1. By function

  1. Physiological. Duration from a fraction of a second to one or two minutes. It can be pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. It is believed that, in general, there are approximately 400 daily rhythms in our body. Their serious failure or termination leads, respectively, to death.
  2. Ecological. They have coincidences with nature, and for us they serve as The biological clock, because the body is guided in time thanks to them and understands what to prepare for. A banal example is when weight increases for the winter so that fat helps to keep warm on especially cold and frosty days. They can be diurnal, seasonal, tidal and lunar. If a person is deprived of information about natural changes in nature, creating artificial conditions continuous lighting, maintaining a certain level of humidity, etc., then an interesting moment will happen, his body will begin to adapt and create its own period, independent of nature.

2. By length

  1. Circadian - the most common and well-known, have a period of 24 hours, they are also called diurnal or circadian. There is urination, a change in pressure ...
  2. Ultradians are around the hour, at this time there is an alternation of sleep and wakefulness, a change in temperature ...
  3. Infradian - lasting more than 24 hours, these are about a week, about a month and about a year.

3.According to the source of origin

  1. Physiological. Formed in the process of evolution, due to an increase in the load on cells, organs, and so on. Calculating the frequency of physiological rhythms and changing them helps to adapt to changes without compromising health.
  2. Geosocial. They are formed due to social and geophysical factors, and are responsible for adaptability, both to work and to rest.
  3. Geophysical arose under the influence of various phases of the moon and seasons and are responsible for adapting to changes in nature.

Our constant companions are three biorhythms


It has a duration of 23 days and affects our energy, endurance, strength and coordination. When it is normal, we feel the desired feeling of self-confidence, as a result of which our character has such properties as ambition, determination, assertiveness, optimism and stress resistance. To find out what level you are, I propose a calculation formula:

A = (365 x B + C + D)/23

A - cycle phase

365 - number of days per year

B - full lived years

C - how many leap years have been lived (4 days for 15-year-olds)

D - days from date of birth to today

23 - cycle days

If you have a number less than or equal to 11.5, then you have a positive, respectively, if more, then it is already negative.


They have an impact on our nervous system, mood, emotions, even intuition and falling in love. Their significance for us is simply colossal; at a low level, a person will experience depression, dissatisfaction and the meaninglessness of his existence. Interesting fact: Exactly on the 14th day, on the same day of the week on which a person was born, the most critical moment of the emotional biorhythm comes for him.

The duration is 28 days, respectively, the calculation formula is the same, only we change the number of days of the cycle.

A = (365 x B + C + D)/28

Up to 14 - positive half of the phase, if more - negative.


This is our memory, speed and type of thinking, abilities, whether logical or creative, learning. The most favorable period for attending conferences or improving your skills will be the peak of the rise in intelligence, because it is easier to understand what is being said, it is easier to concentrate and remember information. The duration is longer than the rest and is 33 days, respectively, in the formula we change the indicator to this one.

A = (365 x B + C + D)/33

Up to 16, 5 - positive, more - negative


Now I’ll tell you more about the phases themselves and their impact on health:

  • Climb . A person experiences a surge of energy, more than usually has time to do. Endurance on highest level, usually athletes during this period win first places, or simply beat their personal records. These days, you can notice how your mood rises for no apparent reason, self-confidence and willingness to take risks appear.
  • Crucial moment . It is felt how there is less energy, weakness appears and ailments begin to disturb. Habitual, everyday things have to be done with effort, thoughts are not so optimistic and there is a desire to stop in activity.
  • recession . After a minimum load, rest is required, even a regular walk is a burden. Weakness can be present even after waking up, and in order not to deplete the resources of your body, it is very important to take a break and allow yourself to rest. Then, having gained strength, the state will begin to gradually improve and develop back into an upsurge.

daily schedule

Now I will give a detailed schedule of work human body so that you can see what matches and where you need to adjust your lifestyle.

Times of DayClockProcesses
1 Early morning4 Preparing for awakening
2 5 The production of melatonin decreases, body temperature rises, pressure rises, and the pulse quickens. There is an increase in the amount of cortisol and adrenaline, hormones that are responsible for our activity.
3 Morning7-8 Cortisol peaks in "owls", that is, people who go to bed late and wake up late.
4 9 If there is no disturbance in the sleep mode, then during this period the highest working capacity, a person absorbs more information, thinks faster and makes a decision.
5 9-11 Protective functions begin to activate, and by the way, if you are taking medication to increase immunity, the best effect will be if you have time during these hours.
6 Dayup to 11Effective and useful physical exercise
7 12 Blood rushes to the digestive organs, respectively, its amount in the brain decreases. Decreased muscle tone, pulse and blood pressure.
8 After 14If you take an anesthetic, then its effect will be longer, since pain sensitivity is already at a minimum.
9 15 The time has come for long-term memory, so if you need to remember something long ago, and also if you need to remember something, and for a long time, there is no better time to find.
10 After 16The efficiency increases again
11 15-18 You should go in for sports, at least take a walk in the park.
12 16-19 intellectual activity. In food, it is recommended to eat food rich in carbohydrates, natural.
13 Evening20 The emotional state is stabilized. Cells are being renewed, but the temperature begins to drop.
14 21 Preparation for sleep
15 22 Time to sleep.
16 Night
17 2 If at this moment a person is still awake, this affects not only health, but also simply in life. For example, there is depression, a feeling of pleasure and joy at a minimum.
2-4 Most deep dream. The level of melatonin, which is responsible for relaxation and quality rest at the maximum.
4 All over again

Follow the regime, because even doctors with many diseases, first of all, talk about it. Exist different types people, depending on their activity and sleep patterns. That is, "larks" who get up early and go to bed early, and "owls", I talked about them in the table. There are also "pigeons", they are diurnal, but this is a rare type. So, according to statistics, myocardial infarctions mainly occur in “owls”, since there is an increased load at the moment when a person needs to recover. This imbalance is called desynchronosis. It is possible to fight it only by returning to natural rhythms.

Rest when you feel tired, work during the day and sleep at night, it seems to be a very simple advice, but often difficult to implement. Everyday life modern man consists of stresses and deadlines, when there is absolutely no opportunity to relax. Read the article that can help you. One more important nuance- going to bed, work and eating should be at the same time.


Remember how we were told that food must be thoroughly chewed? Do you know why? But because contractions of the muscles of the stomach occur at a frequency of 2-4 times per minute, and if we eat quickly, our pharynx knocks down the cycle, then the peristalsis of the esophagus is disturbed. Therefore, try to control yourself and still pause.

lack of sleep

Due to lack of sleep, we age earlier, and the ringing of the alarm clock exposes us to great stress, bringing a large number of negative consequences for health. Somehow your natural reflex will help to soften them - they will stretch and yawn, and, moreover, use different ways like a cat, for example, arching its back, or like a cobra, when the stomach is pressed against the floor or bed.


Physical activity and intense training are prohibited early in the morning and late in the evening. Otherwise, no benefit will come out, besides high risk get injured and overload the cardiovascular system.


People who have to make long or frequent flights should take natural remedies, medicines based on lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea, Leuzea ... Because recovery can sometimes take more than one month, and the elderly and children find it difficult to tolerate desynchronosis. Symptoms usually include excessive fatigue, insomnia, feeling overwhelmed, and sweating. In addition, chronic diseases are on the rise.


That's all, dear readers! Biorhythms have an impact on performance, health, even the feeling of falling in love, so it is very important to preserve their natural process, otherwise there is a huge risk of giving all your best and wasting your resources. Subscribe to blog updates and you will not miss important news useful for your self-development. Take care of yourself and follow the recommendations, and you will succeed!

The human body is not just a collection of cells. This is a complex, interdependent system of physiological processes and connections. For this mechanism to work smoothly, a clear program and the correct work schedule are needed. The function of this vital important program perform human biological rhythms.

Scientists have proven that human biorhythms change significantly with age. For example, the biorhythmic cycle of infants is quite small. Their change of activity and relaxation occurs every 3-4 hours. Until about 7–8 years old, it will not work to understand the “lark” of the baby or the “owl”. How older child, the longer the cycles of biorhythms become. They become diurnal by the end of puberty.

What are biorhythms

By duration, all biological rhythms can be divided into several groups:

  • high-frequency, the interval of which is no more than 30 minutes;
  • mid-frequency, are longer, the interval varies from 30 minutes to 7 days;
  • low-frequency - from a week to a year.

Motility of the stomach, changes in the emotional background and concentration of attention, sleep cycles, sexual activity are strictly fixed rhythms, their interval is 90 minutes.
Fact: the nature of the human rhythmic field is inherited.
Among the numerous biorhythms of the human body, the main ones are the following:

  1. One and a half hour. It is expressed in a change in the neuronal activity of the brain. Occurs both during sleep and while awake. Influences fluctuations in mental abilities. Thus, every 90 minutes there is low and high excitability, peace and anxiety.
  2. Diurnal - the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.
  3. Monthly. Until recently, only menstrual cycle women, but recent studies have shown that men are also subject to changes in performance and mood.
  4. Annual. Seasons affect hemoglobin and cholesterol levels. Spring and summer bring increased muscle excitability, as well as greater photosensitivity.

There is a theory that there are also rhythms with a cycle of 2, 3, 11 and 22 years. They are influenced by meteorological and heliogeographical processes.

People are social beings who have managed to long years adjust to the weekly rhythm.

Having long been accustomed to work 5-6 days of the week, and rest 1-2, their level of performance is constantly fluctuating. Moreover, Monday is characterized by a reduced craving for work, and the maximum rise occurs from Tuesday to Thursday.

Functions of biorhythms

Biological rhythms have a huge impact on the life of the body, because they perform very important functions.

  1. Optimization of the vital activity of the organism. Any biological process cannot proceed all the time in the active phase; it needs regular recovery. Therefore, in order to save resources, there is a change in the minimum and maximum activation phases of the cycle.
  2. Time factor. This function affects the ability of the human body to function regardless of its consciousness. It helps you adapt to change. external environment, weather events.
  3. Regulatory. normal functioning of the central nervous system impossible without the appearance of the so-called dominant. It is a group united in one system. nerve cells, as a result of which an individual rhythm is created for each person.
  4. Unifying. This function, coupled with the principle of multiplicity, affects a person's ability to adapt their biorhythms to daily ones.

How to set the biological clock

In case of non-compliance with the sleep and rest regimen, stressful situations, change of time zones, irregular nutrition, the biological clock fails, which cannot but affect the well-being and performance of a person. In order to set them up, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • measured lifestyle;
  • eating and sleeping at the same time;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoidance of overwork;
  • phototherapy - create additional lighting in the daytime, especially in cloudy weather;
  • an excellent assistant to "tune in" will be the alarm clock, most importantly, do not be lazy;
  • sunrise naturally synchronizes its own biorhythms with natural ones.

Which organ is "responsible" for biorhythms

The main "clock" of the body is the hypothalamus. This tiny organ, consisting of 20,000 neurons, influences the functioning of all systems. Although, modern research did not give an answer to the question of how exactly this mechanism works, there is a theory that the main signal is sunlight.
Everyone has long known that getting up with the sun and lying down immediately after sunset is extremely beneficial for health and performance.

What is a "chronotype"

There are situations when you have to stay up all night. However, you should not abuse the resources of the body. During wakefulness, its main task is to process the accumulated nutrients. This process is necessary for good daytime performance.

At night, the production of growth hormone is activated. It starts anabolic processes. Regular lack of sleep causes a feeling of hunger. People are drawn to sweets and fats, their metabolism slows down, and this is a direct road to obesity!

At the same time, all people differ in chronotype. "Larks" are already on their feet from 6-7 in the morning, but by 21-22 hours their energy runs out. It is difficult for "owls" to get up in the morning, their performance increases only in the evening.

Modern researchers distinguish more "pigeons". These people are activated by the middle of the day.
Fact: statistics claim that in the world as many as 40% of "owls", a quarter of the population consider themselves "larks", the rest are "pigeons". But most often they are mixed species.

Which of the "feathered" is easier to live

Given the modern regimes of work and rest, it becomes clear that pigeons are the most fortunate. Indeed, their biorhythms allow them to better adapt to modern life.
Larks are healthier than owls and pigeons, but they have a harder time adapting to regime change.

Do not rush to feel sorry for owls. Yes, their efficiency is late and appears only at the end of the working day. However, by the age of 50, their health characteristics are much better than those of larks. This is due to their high adaptive capabilities. It is also believed that there are many optimists among owls, which cannot be said about larks.

It turns out that not only scientists are interested in chronotypes. European employers, when hiring employees, are asked to indicate their biorhythmic indicators. For example, night work is better for owls, because their efficiency and productivity at this time will be higher than that of larks. Thus, the number of marriages and accidents becomes much less.

We are not as lucky as the Europeans. But there is hope that in the near future, each "feathered" will have its own schedule.

The influence of the daily cycle on the internal organs

It is important for each person to know when and how the work of internal organs is activated, because the choice of the optimal time for taking medications and carrying out cleansing procedures depends on this.

  1. A heart. Emotional and physical stress is best transferred to the daytime (from 11 am to 1 pm). Do not load the motor from 23:00 to 1:00 in the morning.
  2. Colon. The maximum working capacity of the body falls on the time from 5 to 7 hours, from 17 to 19 hours it is in the calm phase.
  3. Bladder. The accumulation of fluid occurs from 15 to 17 hours, from 3 to 5 in the morning - minimal activity.
  4. Lungs. Open the window from 3 to 5 in the morning, at this time it is important for the human body to “breathe”. The minimum activity falls on the time from 15 to 17 hours.
  5. Liver. Active regulation of blood and bile occurs from 1 to 3 hours, weak activity is observed at 13 - 15 hours.
  6. Vision. This information will be of interest to drivers. Driving at 2 am is especially difficult.
  7. Stomach. “Eat breakfast yourself…” – says a well-known proverb and for good reason! After all, the peak performance of the stomach falls on 7-9 o'clock in the morning. From 19 to 21 hours the stomach should be allowed to rest.
  8. Gallbladder. From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. there is an active production of bile, the minimum is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Interesting! The hardest time to deal with loneliness is between 20:00 and 22:00.
So what should be the optimal regime of biorhythms? We get up at 4 am, have breakfast at 5 o'clock, have lunch at 10 o'clock, have an afternoon snack at 15 o'clock, dinner at 19 o'clock. At 21 o'clock we go to bed!
The main thing is to listen to your biological clock and let it coincide with the biorhythms of nature!

The essence of the science of biorhythmology is to determine the potential of a person's internal resources for each moment of time. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of biorhythms on people's lives, since the course of each biorhythmic cycle can determine the outcome of certain events.

Statistical research in the field of biorhythmology

The study of the influence of biorhythms was started by Dr. Hans Schwing. In 1939, he published a scientific work reflecting many years of research in this area. In his work, Schwing considered 700 accidents and 300 deaths.

Using calculations, Dr. Schwing showed that the ratio of days accompanied by mixed cycles and the number of days spent in critical point one of the biorhythm cycles is 79.6 to 20.4.

The study of accidents made it possible to establish that 322 of them were registered in one of the biorhythms, 74 - on double critical days, and 5 occurred at the moments of critical triplexes. Reflecting these figures in percentages, Schwing got the following results:

  • 60% of accidents happened on critical days;
  • 40% - falls on the days of mixed cycles, that is, non-critical days;
  • critical days take 20% of the time.

The results indicate that most of the incidents were registered during a period of 1/5 of a person's life. The rest of the time only accounts for 40% of negative cases.

Modern statistics show that 26.6% of accidents occur on a single critical day, 46.5% on a double, and 24.75% on a triple critical day.

Double physical and are especially dangerous: at this moment, the likelihood of an accident on the road or suicide increases sharply. On such days, a person loses his inner balance. oppressed emotional condition combined with poor physical shape can play a bad joke. Research on the influence of biorhythms does not stop at the moment, and biorhythmology itself is gaining more and more recognition.

How to use biorhythmic cycle data

Application opens wide opportunities to optimize the internal resources of a person. Tracking cyclical changes in human potential allows you to:

  • actively use favorable periods;
  • conserve resources and replenish internal energy during periods of negative growth;
  • take special care on critical days of biorhythms.

Objective circumstances in a person's life are not affected by biorhythms, however, a person can react to any event in different ways, depending on the state of his cycles. For example, on critical days of the emotional biorhythm, people are very irritable, they are easily unsettled by even the most insignificant incident. The result of such an influence of the biorhythm is a sharply negative reaction to certain events, which entails whole line negative moments in life.

In a competition, an athlete can make a ridiculous, fatal mistake that will jeopardize his entire career. A scientist who has chosen the critical day of the intellectual biorhythm to defend his dissertation will not be able to fully demonstrate his knowledge. The defense may seem unconvincing to the commission, and additional questions will not receive a quick and clear answer.

At the same time, an athlete and a scientist can make a dizzying career if they are active during periods of rising biorhythmic cycles. At this time they professional opportunities will rise to the occasion, and success will become almost inevitable.

The use of biorhythms opens up good prospects for reducing the number of adverse moments in people's lives. Some businesses that care about their employees provide a staggered schedule. Each employee of the company has the right to choose the most efficient and safe days for work. Such a policy has the best effect on labor productivity and career growth of staff.

In addition, each person can track the course of biorhythmic cycles in individually, determining for yourself the days when you should be most active, and when it is better to stay in the shade in order to ensure the accumulation of internal energy. For

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school of the village of Popovka"

"The influence of biorhythms on

performance of schoolchildren"

Teacher of biology, ecology, OZOZH

Kukhta Natalia Alexandrovna




    Main part

2.1. Biorhythms and performance of schoolchildren.

2.2. Follow biorhythms

2.3.Research work, its methodology.

2.4. Research results



v.Used Books

Annex A

Annex B


All living organisms, from the simplest unicellular to suchhighly organized, like a person, have biological rhythms that manifest themselves inperiodic changes in life activity and how the most accurate clock measures time.

Biological rhythms are a regular periodic repetition in time of the nature and intensity of life processes, individual states and events.

"Biological clock" in the body - a reflection of daily, seasonal, annual and other rhythmsphysiological processes.The pace of scientific and technological progress is now acquiring a rapid character andserious requirements for a person.

The problem of relevance of biorhythms is the most important today. A thoughtless attitude of a person to himself, as well as to the surrounding nature, is often the result of not knowingbiological laws, evolutionary prerequisites, human adaptive capabilities, etc.


Planning the school process, as well as the daily routine of the student, taking into account the influence of biorhythms onthe body of the student will help to increase their performance.


Reveal the influence of biological rhythms on performanceschoolchildren.


1. Test studentsMOU "Secondary school of the village of Popovka" ondefinition of biorhythms of schoolchildren.

    Analyze receiveddata and identify their relationship with the performance characteristics of students of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School Popovka".

    Main part

2.1. Biorhythms and performance of schoolchildren

Internal causes, cyclical changes in the physical, emotional and intellectual state depend on biorhythms. They affect the activity, endurance, immunity level, mental abilities and other qualities of a person from the moment of birth and throughout life. Their fluctuations are not the same and are: physical - 23 days, emotional - 28 days, intellectual - 33 days. The starting point for all three biorhythms is considered to be the date of birth, it corresponds to a zero value.

If you depict biorhythms graphically, then each of them increases to a maximum, then decreases and reaches zero in a half-cycle; continues to decrease, reaches a minimum and again begins to increase to zero.

Cyclic declines and rises in body functions can not only be taken into account, but also regulated. During a physical recession, you should not take offsets for physical education, in a period of emotional decline, you need to know that the child is more than usual, irritable, with an intellectual decline - inattentive, not always able to understand what the teacher requires of him.

Each person is differently affected by biorhythms. It depends on him individual features, level of development, social sphere and other factors. Critical days, when the values ​​of biorhythms pass through the zero value, they are most noticeably manifested in the state of a person. Rarely, but it happens when all three biorhythms cross zero at the same time. On such days, you need to be extremely attentive, restrained, and refrain from stress. Fortunately, such days are rare. But also the most auspicious days, when all three biorhythms are at the maximum at the same time, are also rare.

When one or another biorhythm is on the chart at the top point, a person is able to fully reveal the corresponding abilities. For example, high value physical biorhythm increases the chances of winning in sports competitions.

In addition to the three individual biorhythms, weekly rhythms appear in the life of a student. The life of students is subject to the rhythm of work and rest: 5-6 days a week - study, 1-2 days - rest. Efficiency changes during the week: on Monday, for many, it is low, because the previous day was a day off, from Tuesday to Thursday - it is at its maximum rise and falls again on Friday, fatigue affects.

Not everyone works the same way throughout the day. Some are easier to deal with things in the first half of the day, others - in the afternoon. Some wake up early, get up easily and prefer to go to bed early; others are characterized by a late and difficult awakening, they are hard to get into the working rhythm, “disperse” only in the evening, go to bed well after midnight. The first are called "larks", the second - "owls". There are third - "pigeons" (arrhythmics) - easily adaptable in time.

Do you need to know about it? Necessary. I myself am a "lark", it is easier for me to work in the morning. But life often makes you work in the evening, then productivity decreases. And what about the children-"owls"? How do they have to readjust and force themselves to get up and study in the morning? Of course, we can say that everything is corrected by the way of life, habits are created. But it's not that simple.

It is useful for both the teacher and students to determine their belonging to groups according to daily biorhythms. To do this, you must at least answer simple questions: If you were completely free to choose your daily routine and be guided solely by personal desires, when would you prefer to get up? What about going to bed? What type of people - morning or evening - would you classify yourself as?

Even by observing students, early risers can be identified: someone who arrives at school early, is never late for morning meetings or competitions, and, most importantly, performs better in the morning than in the afternoon. It is a pity that the wrong way of life - walks until late, night discos and TV shows - make the guys go to bed later than usual: what is given by nature “breaks”.

What do biorhythms affect? On motor activity, physical strength, endurance, resistance to disease and the effects of adverse weather conditions, on mood, stability of emotions, creativity, intuition, thinking, logic, concentration, wit, mental flexibility.

If desired, by making simple calculations, you can draw up graphs of your biorhythms for any period. To do this, you need to calculate the number of days lived: multiply 365 by a figure expressing age, add 1 day for each leap year and divide the sum by 23, then by 28 and 33. It is believed that the first half of the cycle is a positive phase, the second - negative, and the days of transition from positive to negative are critical days.

Positive phase of biorhythms: physical cycle- from the 2nd to the 11th day (characterized by maximum energy, strength, endurance, highest stability to the impact of extreme factors); emotional cycle - from the 2nd to the 14th day (the most favorable time for passing tests and tests); intellectual cycle - from the 2nd to the 16th day (creative days, the most favorable time for solving complex issues).

Critical days of biorhythms: physical cycle - 1st and 12th days (instability of physical condition, probability of injuries, accidents, exacerbation of chronic diseases, headache); emotional cycle - 1st and 15th days (emotional instability, tendency to decrease reactions, depression, disputes and quarrels); intellectual cycle - 1st and 17th days (tendency to decrease in attention, erroneous conclusions, deterioration in memorization).

Negative phase of biorhythms: physical cycle - from the 13th to the 23rd day (low physical tone, fatigue, some decrease in the body's resistance to diseases); emotional cycle - from the 16th to the 28th day (increased tension, often a bad mood); intellectual cycle - from the 18th to the 33rd day (the process of thinking is sluggish, unstable).

Obeying the laws of nature, the human body reacts to all changes dictated by rhythms - long-term, annual, daily. Taking into account the influence of biorhythms means helping your health, and for us, teachers, also the health of our students. (Appendix A)

    1. Follow biorhythms

The human body is subject to a special clock schedule, which is determined by our internal biological clock.

Biorhythms affect our life, so sometimes in the morning there is an excellent mood and you want to move mountains, and sometimes apathy and irritability do not go away all day.

Chronobiology - specialists who study the biological cycles of the human body, explain this by the fact that our body obeys the internal clock rhythm. If something goes wrong with the clock, the rhythm will be lost. So it is in the body, as soon as you lose the rhythm, problems immediately arise: lack of sleep, apathy, irritation. And even extra pounds can appear as a result of a violation of biological rhythms.

7.00 - Ideal wake up time. It is at this time that the adrenal glands secrete the first morning portion of hormones, among which adrenaline predominates. It accelerates the pulse and blood circulation. The body is ready to wake up, the heart is working in the daytime mode.

7.30 - morning activity time. At this time, it is good to do exercises, a short run, do gymnastics. The energy gained from such a warm-up during these early hours will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

8.00 - 9.00 - Perfect time for breakfast. The stomach is at its peak of activity, thanks to which food is better digested and the body receives from it the maximum energy necessary for further work.

10.00 - this is the peak of performance, when both owls and larks feel great.

11 hours - the time when all kinds of self-improvement are useful - yoga or meditation. Useful spa treatments and massages.

12.00 - peak of the heart muscle. At this time, the heart is working to its fullest, so you should not overload it with physical activity. It is worth refraining from drinking coffee and chocolate. Chronobiologists recommend doing intellectual work at this time - you will click any tasks like nuts.

13.00 - time for a full meal. It is desirable that it contains complete proteins and complex carbohydrates, and after dinner it would be nice to have a little rest. At this time, there is a decline in biological rhythms and the body needs a little rest.

14.00 - in the middle of the day, the sensation of pain is dulled and anesthetics are doubly effective than in the morning or in the evening, so it is good to plan a visit to the dentist at this time.

15.00 -16.00 - Mother laziness has piled on, and I want to take a nap. The heart and other organs work slower than usual, the blood circulation of the brain and organs slows down. Only the stomach works, it then draws energy to itself. It is better to do some work that does not require much effort.

17.00 - a new round of employment. Energy decline decreases, there is a surge of vitality.

18.00-19.00- The body needs rest. At this time, procedures for relaxing the muscles, such as massage, as well as a solarium, are useful, the skin will tan faster during these hours.

20.30 - It's time to take care of the skin, the pores of the skin at this time are especially susceptible and absorb cream and nourishing masks like a sponge, which means that the skin will recover faster and rest overnight.

22.00- 23.00 - Dream. To restore the body requires at least seven hours of restful sleep.

2.2. Research work, its methodology

Currently, this issue is becoming more relevant among the population. One of critical issues modern biology is the study of the cyclicity of processes occurring in livingbody.

I was interested in how things are with this issue in our school.

Object of study: the daily activity of the body of a student of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School Popovka".The study of the influence of biorhythms on the performance of students was carried out duringmonths. The study included students1-11 classesMOU "Secondary school of the village of Popovka".

Students tested -Test for determining an individual biological profile [Doskin V.A., Kuidzhi N.N., 1989].

(Appendix B)MOU with subsequent processing of the results.The material of different age groups of schoolchildren was collected and analyzed, which made it possible togeneral conclusions on the research topic.

Based on the data obtained, recommendations were developed for students to improve theirperformance, taking into account biorhythms.The main task of the researchwork was to identify (usingtesting, analysis, observation andcontrol) the influence of biological rhythms onstudent performance.

the main task this study - consider a person, his structural andfunctional processes not only inspace, but also in time, in closecooperation with environment.

The second task is as follows -define the collective biologicalprofile of each age groupresearched students, to help them inperformance improvement, taking into accountfeatures of biorhythms.

2.3 Research results I

Analyzing the work done to identify the relationship between biorhythms and performance, it was found that they directly affect the successful development educational material schoolboy.So in the lower grades, the guys successfully acquire knowledge, because. they refer mainly toactive in the morning chronotype. Classes are held in the morning, which increasesmanifestation of their performance at this time. The children successfully acquire knowledge, are active in the classroom, mobile during changes. In grades 5-8, a change in the chronotype, conducting classes in the first half of the day, negatively affects the performance of students. Progress is falling, the activity of students in the classroom is decreasing, teenagers are not attentive, passive. It's not just in the ratings. But also in the entries in the student's diary. Increasingly, there are appeals to parents of children about academic performance and behavior. Children are more likely to skip classes, or be late, waking up.In high school, the situation becomes even more pronounced.

The work done confirmed the fact that the studied schoolchildren with morningbiological type, performance is higher in the morning. In the evening, the indicatorsperformance is lower, which means that biorhythms have a positive effect on children in the morning and a negative one in the evening.

On the studied schoolchildren with the evening type, biorhythms have a positive effect inevening time days and negative - in the morning. And, therefore, we can recommend parents,whose children belong to the "owls" to pay attention to the daily routine, and plan it taking into account the individual biological clock.

It was noticed that in schoolchildren, during the interaction of various functional systemsorganism with the environment, as a result, harmonic coordination of variousrhythmic biological processes, which ensures the normal functioning of the child's body.

It has also been noted that daily changes in internal rhythms characteristic of a healthy person, withpainful states are distorted.


There is a direct relationship between time of day factors and the biological profile of children,which has a positive or Negative influence for performance. So you needtake into account the biorhythms of a person in planning his activities during the day, day, week, etc.

For schooling in children, the chronotype changes from a typical "lark" to"indifferent dove".


In the course of research, it was found that the role of biorhythms in the performance of schoolchildren is great. Defining them and developing recommendations has a positive effect on academic performance and activity.guys. At the same time, both the children themselves and their parents, teachers need to take into account these features.personality. The processing of the material made it possible to develop recommendations for determining the chronotypeperson, as well as working with children belonging to different chronotypes. The material collected willused by the school administration in planning the educational process, teachers in planning educational material in the classroom, students in drawing up the daily routine.

1. It is necessary to plan physical activities in such a way that they do not exceed the limit level, and at the same time be an incentive for general development schoolboy. In this casetwo main factors interacting with each other are taken into account - the load and the specificfunctional state of the student at the moment. And, therefore, the rhythm of the lesson should be determined not only external factors but also the internal biological clock.

In a word, when determining the optimal load in a lesson, it is important to take into account the interaction of internal rhythms (biological clock) with external factors of influence. It followsteachers to consider when working with students different ages, which will make it possible to achieve highresults in schoolchildren's education.

    When working with children, teachers need to take into account that there is a direct relationship betweenfactors of the time of day and the biological profile of children, which has a positive or negative impact on performance,

    It is also important to take into account the fact that children with a morning biological type are more active and moreable to work in the morning hours, so engage in mental and physical activities for thembetter in the first half of the day, and for children with an evening biological type - in the second.

V . Used Books

1. Agadzhanyan N.A. Grain of life (Rhythms of the biosphere) - M .: Sov.Russia, 1977.

2. Agadzhanyan N.A., Shabatura N.N. Biorhythms, sports, health.Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1989.

    Alekseev.V., Gruzdeva N.V., Gushchina E.V. Ecological workshop for schoolchildren. - Samara.: Educational literature, 2005.

    Antropova M.V. The performance of students and its dynamics inthe process of educational and labor activity. - M.: Enlightenment, 1967.

    Detari P., Kartsash V Biorhythms. - M.: Mir, 1984.

    Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.M. Harmful environment and biological rhythms.L. Nauka, 1984.

7. Kharabuga S.G. circadian rhythm and performance. -M. Knowledge, 1989.

Appendix B

Personal Biological Profile Test

[ Doskin V.A., Kuidzhi N.N., 1989].

1. When would you prefer to get up if you were completely free to choose your daily routine and be guided by purely personal desires?




in summer

5.00 - 6.45

4.00 – 5.45

6.46- 8.15


8.16 - 10.45

7.16 - 9.45

10.46 - 12.00

9.46- 11.00

12.01- 13.00

11.01 - 12.00

2. When would you prefer to go to bed if you planned your evenings completely freely?

20.00 - 20.45

21.00 – 21.45

20.46- 21.30


21.31 - 00.15

22.31 - 1.15

00.16 - 1.30

1.46- 2.30

1.31- 3.00

2.31 - 4.00

3. How big is your need for an alarm clock if you have to get up at a certain time in the morning?

Absolutely no need 4

In certain cases there are 3

The need is quite strong 2

I absolutely need an alarm clock 1

4. If you had to study for exams under a tight time limit and useclasses at night (23-2 hours), how productive would your work be at this time?


Absolutely useless 4

Would be some use 3

The work would be quite efficient 2

Work would be highly efficient 1

5. Is it easy for you to get up in the morning under normal conditions?


Very difficult 1

Pretty hard 2

Pretty easy 3

Very easy 4

6. Do you feel fully awake in the first half hour after getting up?


Very much sleepiness 1

There is a slight drowsiness 2

Pretty Clear Head 3

Complete clarity of thought 4

7. What is your appetite in the first half hour after getting up?

No appetite at all

Reduced 2

Nice 3

Lovely 4

8. If you had to study for exams under a hard time limit and useearly morning (4-7 a.m.), how productive would you be at work?


Absolutely useless 1

With some benefit 2

Quite efficient 3

High performance 4

9. Do you feel physically tired in the first half an hour after getting up?

Very great lethargy 1

Slight lethargy 2

Slight vigor 3

Full vigor 4

10. Do you fall asleep easily under normal conditions?


Very difficult 1

Pretty hard 2

Pretty easy 3

Very easy 4

11. You decided to strengthen your health with the help of physical education, your friend suggested that you work out together for 1 hour 2 timesin Week. It is best for him to do this between 7 and 8 in the morning. Is this period the best for you too?


At this time, I would be in good shape 4

I would be in pretty good shape 3

I would be hard 2

It would be very difficult for me

12. When do you feel so tired in the evening that you have to go to bed?

Clock Points

    0- 21.00 5

21.01-22.15 4

22.16- 00.45 3

00.46 – 2.00 2

2.01 - 3.00 1

13. When doing a two-hour job that requires you to fully mobilize your mental forces, which of the 4 proposed periods would you choose for this work?

Clock Points

8.00 - 10.00 6

11.00- 13.00 4

15.00 - 17.00 2

19.00 - 21.00 0

14. How tired are you by 11 p.m.?

I am very tired 5

visibly tired 3

a little tired 2

I don't get tired at all 0

15. For some reason, you had to go to bed a few hours later than usual. No next morninghaving to get up at a certain time. Which of the 4 options would you choose?


I will wake up at the usual time and will not fall asleep again 4

Wake up at the usual time and take a nap 3

Wake up at the usual time and go back to sleep 2

Wake up later than usual 1

16. You have decided to take up sports seriously. Your friend suggests training together 2 times a week for 1 hour, the bestthe time for him is 12-2 o'clock. How favorable, judging by how you feel, would this time be for you?


Yes, I would be in good shape 1

Would be in acceptable shape 2

Would be in bad shape 3

Couldn't train at all

17. What time do you like to get up during your summer holidays?
Clock Points

5.00 - 6.45 5

6.46 – 7.45 4

7.46 - 9.45 3

9.46 - 10.45 2

10.46 - 12.00 1

18. Sometimes you hear about people of the morning and evening type. Which of these types are you?

Clearly by the morning 6

More like morning than evening 4

More like evening than morning 2

Clearly by the evening 0


You can determine your type by the amount of points.

Over 72: clearly defined morning type.

60 - 71: weakly expressed morning type.

48 - 59: arrhythmic type.

35 - 47: weakly expressed evening type.

34: pronounced evening type.

Appendix A


What are biorhythms?

Birthday personwalks in three biologicalrhythms: physical, emotionalmental and intellectual.

23- daily rhythm

This is the physical rhythm. He opdetermines health, strength and youhuman endurance.

28- daily rhythm

This is an emotional beat. Heaffects the state of the nervoussystems, mood, love,optimism, etc.

33- daily rhythm

33- daily rhythm is intellectual rhythm. He definesencourages creativitypersonality. auspicious daysThe 33-day rhythmic cycle is characterized by creativehuman activityaccompanied by luck and success. INunfavorable daysthere is a creative slump.

Each of the three long-termny rhythmic cycles begins with the birth of a personka. Its further development can be depicted as a sineI'm going (chart). The higher underthe curve is taken, the higher the corresponding markability. The lower itfalls, the lower the corresponding energy. Periodic days are considered critical when the curve isat the intersection of the scale. Thisbad time.

Account step by step

Starting from the exact dateyour birth, counthow many days did you live. Alyamultiply this 365 days in a year by the number of years lived, and the number leap years multiply by 366 days. Visoinert were: 1920, 1924,1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980,1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008.Calculate the total number of days lived. Now youknow how many days you have been living in this world. Divide this number by the number of days of the biorhythm you want.those calculate: 23, 28, 33. ostatok will show you in whichpoint of the curve you are atpresent (see chart). For example, if the remainder is12 then goes day 12 of that biothe rhythm you think. This is the first half of the cycle, usually it is favorableyatnaya. If the cycle is at zerofika, it's a bad day. Also, the days when bio linesrhythms cross the horizontal line in the centerfika is the so-calledcritical days whenability is completelypredictable. A person on such days feels a breakdown and fromlack of energy.

What do biorhythms mean?

23- daily rhythm

High Energy:

    good physicalwell-being.

    Resilience to stress, disease and highwhat life energy.

    Strong sexual desirechenie.

The danger is overratedki of their strength.

Low Energy:

    increased fatiguecapacity.

    At this time it is recommendedpouting more resttake care and save your strength

Critical days:

    Reduced resistancesusceptibility to disease.

    propensity to make mistakesactions.

28- daily rhythm

High Energy:

    intense emotionalnaya and spiritual life.

    Favorable time forfriendship and love.

    Improving creativeabilities and interestssa to the new one.

    Tendency to be elevatednoah emotionality.

Low Energy:



    Underestimation of theiropportunities.

Critical days:

A penchant for the soulconflicts.

Decreased resistancebridges to disease.

33- daily rhythm

High Energy:

Ability clear and lothink logically.

    Ability to concentrateattention spans.

    Good memory.

    Creative activity.

Low Energy:

    Decreased interest inyour ideas.

    Slow response.

    Creative decline.

Critical days:

    Inability to concentrateroam.

    Inattention and racesseediness.

    propensity to be wrongactions (great beliefaccident rate).

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello! With you Yuri Okunev.

Have you ever wondered why we sleep at night, have lunch from 12 to 14 in the afternoon, and work in daylight hours days? Why do we want to sleep so much after dinner, and by the evening we are cheerful and full of energy? Today the topic of our article is biorhythms and their impact on human performance. We will talk about what it is and how to do more in a day and get less tired.

Biorhythms are a cyclical alternation of active and calm phases of biological processes laid down by nature.

The main criterion by which you can understand that you are dealing with biological rhythms is regularity and repetition: the Sun rises every day, animals wake up, rivers flow, cells are renewed, substances are synthesized.

In other words, it is a clock laid down absolutely at all levels from an atom to a galaxy, ensuring the timely course of all processes. Man also obeys this great order.

We are so accustomed to a certain daily routine and lifestyle that it seems to be taken for granted. Meanwhile, we, as part of nature, also live in a certain chronological movement.

Organs, glands, brain, blood spend energy while working. They need to rest to replenish it. This is provided by chrono-rhythms. Let's look at the main natural rhythms that affect human performance and health.

circadian period

Rotating around its axis, the Earth creates daily biological fluctuations of day and night, affecting the physical and psychological performance of the human body. In order for it to function correctly and restore energy in time, more than 500 bioprocesses are repeated every day with a certain time interval: sleep, metabolism, temperature changes, cell division, etc.

There are general trends in human activity during the day:

  1. before 12 noon, activity increases and reaches its upper peak
  2. before 15.00 hours is reduced.
  3. until 18.00 pm it grows again.

Surely, you are familiar with the state of laziness after lunch or in the evening when you returned home from work and had dinner. It's not just about hearty lunch or late-day fatigue, but also in the phases of upsurge and downswing of energy.

Observe yourself how long it takes you to complete the same task in different time days. The result may differ by two or more times.

Based on the performance curve, plan your activities and activities so that they fit the schedule. Choose a couple of weeks to collect data, and during that time, rate your performance on the following:

  • speed
  • quality
  • emotional sensations and reactions
  • physical well-being

It is likely that your personal curve will be slightly different from the standardized one.

Chronic deviations from their biological fluctuations can lead to impaired performance, increased fatigue, stress, and even diseases.

Based on the circadian cycle, here are some general recommendations for the distribution of cases:

  • from morning to afternoon, do the most labor-intensive and energy-intensive tasks. If you are an active sales manager - call customers, an accountant - take care of reporting, a manager - make plans for the future.
  • from lunch to three, do less responsible routine tasks
  • from three to six in the evening, spend time vigorously carrying out previously made plans.

Monday is a hard day

The existence of a weekly cycle also affects the performance and activity of a person. People created this chronorhythm themselves, our social life, professional activity is built on the basis of 7 days of the week. Are developed, tied to the week, features of information processing and perception environment.

For example, it is difficult for us to focus on work matters on Saturday and Sunday, if we are used to working the traditional 5 weekdays. On Friday, a planning meeting or meeting will be less effective, as a certain amount of fatigue has already accumulated over the week.

You can increase workloads if you take into account the weekly dynamics:

  • Monday - Dive into working environment, switching after holidays. On this day, more often than on others, conflicts and health problems occur. The productivity of the day will be no more than 50%.
  • Tuesday - increase in work efficiency. Do not make strategic decisions, but boldly carry out responsible tasks.
  • Wednesday and Thursday are the most active and eventful days. Efficiency - 100%. Act confidently and make decisions.
  • Devote Friday to routine work and small tasks.

annual cycle

The movement of the Earth around the Sun creates a change of seasons and creates an annual cycle. Based on the cyclicity, the greatest activity occurs in autumn. In the spring, depression and illness worsen. Therefore, plan to buy an apartment, change jobs, repairs and other important things for the fall. Take care of your health in the spring, go on vacation, find a new hobby.

personal rhythm

In addition to the existing natural ones, a person himself creates his own individual rhythms that affect working capacity and health. Any recurring events, whether it's strong coffee at the beginning of the working day or soothing music at night - these are all habits with which you lay your rhythm of life.

The personal rhythm of the day is an important component of life successful person. Getting up, morning rituals of awakening, exercising, studying on the way to work - these good habits can become a reliable foundation for building a productive day and, as a result, a bright, rich, happy life.

I consider these issues in more detail in the framework. Join to work on your effectiveness in an orderly and systematic way.

Causes of fatigue

If you live not according to your natural clockwork, but according to fictitious rules: work at night, ignore the food intake, then you need to blame yourself. The body, not having time to replenish the reserve of forces, will gradually come into a state of chronic fatigue.

Fatigue is the depletion of vital resources, the inability to continue activities of the same intensity as before. Manifested by weakness, slow reactions, lethargy, apathy.

There are fatigue:

  • Muscular. Unwillingness or inability to move due to depletion of energy resources or excess lactic acid in the muscles.
  • Neuropsychic. The brain consumes energy more than all organs, and if the energy supply is not restored in time, there may be consequences up to a forced shutdown. It occurs with chronic lack of sleep, constant excessive mental stress. Accompanied by instability of the psyche: bursts of emotions, increased anxiety, depressive states.

I will list eight factors that bring down the internal biological clock and lead to fatigue:

  • stressful events
  • Poor organization of work and rest
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals
  • Regular business trips
  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol, coffee abuse
  • Sleeping pill addiction
  • Poor environment in the region of residence

Especially at risk are people with a weakened psyche, pregnant women, sick chronic diseases. But even if you are in good shape, do not forget to systematically give the body the necessary breaks.

How to live to the fullest?

As you already understood, if for various reasons the body does not replenish energy on time, it will go on strike and refuse to work the way you want. Therefore, it is much more rational to prevent such situations and accumulate the necessary resources in advance.

A few preventive tips that will allow you to increase the intensity of work:

  1. Alternate work and rest, based on your chronotype, daily, monthly and annual cycle.
  2. Know how to stop and stop activities.
  3. Relax in complete isolation from work moments.
  4. Don't spend your weekends on the couch in front of the TV, but spend your time moving around. Best holiday- switching to another type of activity.
  5. When you work, take regular short breaks.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Eat right.
  8. Take care of your health, contact the doctors on time.
  9. Do not scandal and do not quarrel over trifles, develop self-control.
  10. Refrain from bad habits.


It is very important that parents take care of the mode of study, rest and other activities of the child. You should not overstrain your child with circles, sections, classes, if only he was busy. All children under the age of majority must have at least 4 hours of free time, when the child does whatever he wants.