How to make figurines from plastic bottles with your own hands. photo of ideas for crafts from plastic bottles. Vertical gardening with plastic bottles

That only skillful hands do not make from unnecessary (junk) items. Crafts from bottles with their own hands are made for arranging summer cottages, playgrounds. And they look very attractive and original. Plastic is the cheapest and most affordable and very flexible material. From it you can create figures of animals, flowers, dolls, children's transport, borders. Some craftsmen use them in the construction of arbors, fences, greenhouses, garden furniture and even boats.

Features of plastic as a material

Many people throw away plastic containers, considering them garbage, but this is a unique material for crafts that will certainly find application in the household. Its features as a material for creativity are that:

  • For the manufacture of crafts and work, you will not need any complex tools or devices, except for those that every good owner has in the house: scissors, sharp knives, candles, glue, stapler, drills, glue gun and so on.
  • Not only the bottle itself will fit in the work. From the covers you can create colorful panels, paths, decorate old furniture with them.
  • Thanks to the flexibility of the fluorescent bottle, even flexible structures can be created both indoors and outdoors.
  • Crafts may have different forms and dimensions, so both very small bottles and large bottles will come in handy.
  • Plastic is considered a safe material, so you can create crafts from it for playing at home or in kindergarten.

What bottles can be made for kindergarten or kindergarten

Creating characters and all sorts of figurines for children is a special area of ​​​​amateur creativity. It is advisable to do them together with them. So it is easier to accustom them to perseverance, to teach attentiveness, concentration, to develop imagination. Consider, using the example of master classes, how to create simple figurines and fairy-tale characters for children.


There are several options for making this delicate flower.

Option 1

White bottles are required for work. They usually sell their milk and should be picked up a little. In extreme cases, you can use transparent, but then repaint it in white. For each chamomile we need 3 bottles. All of them must have the same neck diameter, otherwise we will not be able to put together the magnificent parts.

We cut off the upper part (neck with a lid), just below the place of expansion. We do this with only two bottles, we leave one. It is desirable that the lid has yellow.

Cut out about 8 petals on each neck. Only so that they hold on, and do not fall apart. Bend them one by one in the opposite direction.

Let's start collecting the flower: we put on one of the blanks on top of the one that remained uncut.

Then the second in the same way.

We unfold and bend the petals so that the chamomile looks natural and lush.

We fix all three layers with a lid, we try to make it tighter.

Such flowers can be left as is, or you can paint them after assembly. different shades. They can be planted on a wire stem or attached to a fence.

Option 2

This daisy is more complex design, but also looks more natural and beautiful.

From the cylinder of the bottle we cut circles (about 8 cm in diameter, you can do more if you want to create large chamomile). Each will require three mugs

Each circle is subsequently cut into 16 strips and we form flower petals from them.

In the center with an awl, red-hot on fire, we make a hole.

A little later, when we collect the workpiece, you need to hold it a little over the fire. So the petals wrap themselves, creating the correct shape of a camomile.

We cut out the core of the flower from the yellow cover, pierce it and fasten it with wire with the inflorescence.

We make a sepal from a green bottle, also melt it a little over the flame.

We first attach the sepals to the stem, then three blanks of petals, the core and bend it with pliers so that the chamomile does not fall apart. After bending, we draw the wire through the sepal again and twist it with the stem.

The stem will be a wire, on which thin strips (about 5 mm) of green plastic are wound. In order for the layers to stick together well, they also need to be scorched.

If you want to create a whole composition, make leaves by cutting them out of green plastic, singe them a little, wind them around the stem.

You can bouquet and diversify the bouquet by combining them with cornflowers. Here you need blue plastic, the petals are cut out in the shape of cornflowers. A flower is going to be similar to a chamomile.

With this technique, you can make any kind of wildflowers, and even roses, if you can roll them correctly.

Option 3

Now let's try to make a giant daisy.

As you can see, in order to create such wonderful decorative flowers, it will take only a few hours of time, a bottle, an awl, a candle, glue and scissors.


Plastic Coke bottles are useful for creating a penguin, due to their narrowed shape in the middle and expansion at the bottom, a believable penguin body is obtained from it.

Tools and materials:

  • 2 bottles of the same size;
  • scissors;
  • cool gun with silicone pencils;
  • brushes;
  • black marker;
  • a piece of dense fabric;
  • white, black and red colors.

Step by step penguin assembly:

  • We cut the container in this way: the first, acting as the bottom, is cut in the middle or a little closer to the bottom, the second is the top of the penguin, so we only need the bottom. Rice. one
  • Now we connect both parts with slices to each other. Fig.2
  • When connected, fix with glue (you can use a silicone gun). Fig.3
  • Next, according to the plan, we will paint the body of the penguin. Choose the type of paint so that it is not afraid of moisture. We paint the future toy in several layers. Rice. four
  • When the paint coating dries, outline the chest and muzzle with a black marker. Fig.5
  • Paint over the outer part (behind the contours) completely with black paint. Leave only the top - this will be the place of the cap. Rice 5. and 6.
  • In principle, the penguin is almost ready. It remains only to paint the place left under the cap with red paint. You can, as shown in Figure 8, decorate it with black dots.
  • Draw eyes and a beak on the muzzle. This can be done with a thin brush and paints, or you can use colored markers. Rice. 9.
  • Cut a scarf from a small piece of fabric, tie it on a penguin.


Let's try together to make another toy for kindergarten- a crocodile.

Prepare for work:

  • two plastic bottles, 0.5 l;
  • twist plugs from the same container - 4 pcs;
  • sharp knife;
  • stationery scissors;
  • thin cardboard;
  • glue;
  • brushes;
  • waxed paper;
  • paints for drawing;
  • eye buttons.

Manufacturing and assembly instructions:

Cut the bottles first in half, then so that a distance of about 7 cm remains to the neck.

It is necessary to form the edges so that the body of the crocodile is slightly bent during assembly. As shown in the photo.

Glue the covers in place of the legs.

Form dense balls from cardboard - eyes, attach to the body.

Cover the entire body of the alligator with green colored paper.

Cut out eyes, teeth, paws from paraffin paper.

Paint the teeth (white), nostrils (black), eyes (also black) with a brush, or use dark buttons as eyes.


These funny insects are very easy to make.

Option 1

Prepare ahead of time:

  • plastic containers with a capacity of 0.33 l;
  • sharp scissors;
  • acrylic paints;
  • cup 0.5 l;
  • brushes;
  • glue;
  • black electrical tape;
  • wire;
  • stationery knife.

Instructions for execution:

From a plastic cup, cut out the wings of a bee, as shown in the photo.

The bottle does not need to be cut completely. We make only small cuts on the sides, with a clerical knife. These will be the placement of the wings.

Insert the wings into place, glue them.

Next, proceed to painting the bee. There are two ways to paint: paint the body black, then make yellow stripes, or vice versa, make it completely yellow, then draw black stripes. Let's use the first one - paint it dark.

Draw the eyes in white on the lid, and the mouth in red.

Option 2

You can make it in one copy, you can create a whole hive

To create a hive, prepare:

  • plastic bottles according to the number of expected number of bees;
  • yellow enamel or paint;
  • black electrical tape;
  • wash brushes - 4 pcs;
  • for the eyes - beads or buttons;
  • glue gun;
  • synthetic thread;
  • leg-split.

We paint plastic bottles yellow. You can do it a little differently - pour yellow paint inside, twist the bottle so that the paint evenly lies on the entire inner surface.

This method is a little more difficult and longer, but the coloring will turn out to be more effective and with gloss. In addition, it will not wear out, break or deteriorate.

This should be done in several stages to evenly paint the entire surface. Fill the bottle with paint, shake and lay on its side. As soon as the first layer of paint begins to set, twist it to paint the next area and so on until the end.

When the bodies of the bees take on a yellow color, we make transverse strips with black electrical tape.

On the lid we glue eyes, a nose from pre-prepared beads and buttons.

From another plastic containers cut out shapes that look like wings. To them, at the same stage of work, we attach threads. For them, we will then hang the bee to the tree.

To the body of the bee, with the same glue gun, glue the thread with wings.

Color it yellow too. You can, again, use the complex method of painting. Or, in order not to lose a lot of time, just paint on top with a brush.

We will make the roof of the hive from wash brushes. We take them in a pile, tie them with twine.

On the lid of the bottle - this is our roof area, we apply a thick layer of glue. We spread the wash brushes on it so that they are evenly distributed on all sides. If somewhere they are a little unstuck, glue it.

Leave the craft for a while at rest to dry.

Everything is ready and the bees and the hive. It remains only to take it to the kindergarten and hang it on a tree.

In a similar way, you can make many bees, but without a hive and hang each one from a tree. Thus creating a real child Center beekeeping.

Creating bee crafts is an interesting activity, the work is not difficult. If the child himself makes it, under your strict guidance, it can be a good souvenir for grandparents. Such a craft will look very impressive against the backdrop of abundant foliage of a tree.


Simple in execution and very interesting model of crafts.

Option 1

Let's prepare the materials:

  • plastic containers (a few pieces will be enough);
  • paper, not smaller than A4;
  • stationery scissors;
  • silver nail polish Brown color;
  • sequins;
  • gel red pen;
  • rhinestones;
  • butterfly in a stencil.

Let's start making the insect:

First, let's prepare the bottles for work: wash, preferably with soap, release it from the label, dry it.

On a blank sheet of paper, scan or transfer the figure of a butterfly through carbon paper. For this we need a stencil. You will find it at the end of this subsection.

With a gel pen, you need to circle the contours of the insect on the plastic surface and cut it out.

We got a figure with wings curved down.

Turn it over, we need them to look up.

We take the gel pen again and draw all the lines, as shown on the stencil.

Paint over the middle (trunk) and antennae with silver nail polish. Let's draw the contours of the wings in the same tone.

Now with varnish you need to draw all the rulers, including the smallest ones, which were previously drawn with a gel pen.

Before the edges we put small dots (blotches).

Against the background of the silver drawing of the wings, we also put dots, only in brown.

We decorate the body of the butterfly with rhinestones. To do this, with any nail polish, put droplets and plant a pebble on top.

The butterfly is ready, for everything about everything, it took us a little time and material, which, for sure, will be found at home on the farm and with mom.

Similarly to the previous butterfly, we make another one, only this time it is plain and without pebbles.

We got two plastic butterflies, painted in the same tone.

If you stick a magnet to them, they will serve good decoration on the refrigerator or any other metal surface.

Option 2

Let's look at another implementation. We will paint it not with nail polish, but with stained glass paints. In the first version, we drew a butterfly on plastic, cut it out, and only then proceeded to coloring. Here the technology is different. We will draw an insect on the bottle, and we will paint it on it.

Let's prepare everything that is useful in the work:

  • stencil drawing paper:
  • plastic containers;
  • stained glass paints;
  • wire or thick fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • beads (several pieces of small size);
  • awl.

Step-by-step instructions for execution:

We transfer the butterfly from the stencil to the paper.

Redraw the insect on plastic. You can do it this way. We cut the bottle, adjust the drawing from the inside so that we can clearly see it from above. With a gel pen we transfer the contours to the plastic.

When we finish drawing, we can start coloring. Recall that we paint without cutting out the insect, the paint falls on the bottle, along the contours. After painting, leave the workpiece to dry. After it dries well, cut it out. Give the desired shape with your fingers.

We form the body. To do this, take the wire or fishing line that we have prepared, string a few beads on it. You can take the same color, or you can make it multi-colored, it's as your heart desires.

A butterfly, or not one, if you have made several of them, are ready. They can decorate indoor flowerpots, hook onto curtains by attaching a pin from below, it is better to glue.

If the insect is made by a child's hand, then it will be a pleasant surprise and a gift for March 8 for mom, teacher or grandmother.

Stencils for making butterflies


Waste material has a lot of opportunities and ways to extend its life. Moreover, in every family there is at least something. Here you don’t need to buy or invent anything special, much less spend money on them. Let's try to make a hedgehog from the same waste material as used plastic containers.

For work we will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • pine cones, about a dozen, as long as they are the same size;
  • two white caps, from the same bottles;
  • glue (you can use "Moment" or, if there is mounting foam);
  • colored plasticine.

Hedgehog creation technique:

First, we bring the container into the proper form: wash it, clean it from the label, wipe it and dry it.

On the prepared container, glue the cone directly on top with glue or foam (you can also use a glue gun if there is such an item on the farm). We start from the center, this will be the back of the hedgehog. We glue each cone as a separate element, after making sure that the previous one is firmly held.

If at least one of them falls, and the neighboring ones hold on tightly, then it will be difficult to “put” it in place. Take this into account and don't rush.

When all the cones - the needles of our hedgehog, are planted in their places, we will begin to form the muzzle. To do this, glue the bottle cap with black plasticine.

For the eyes, you will need white covers prepared by us. On them, in the center, we glue circles from the same black plasticine - these will be the pupils of the hedgehog.

Glue the eyes to the muzzle of the animal.

Now let's embellish our craft a little. What is a real hedgehog without stocks. We will make mushrooms, leaves, fruits with berries from plasticine. Then carefully lay it on his back.

You can create a baby for the company of an adult hedgehog by molding him with their plasticine. And since its dimensions will not make it possible to experiment with pine cones, the needles on the body can be made from sunflower seeds.


An interesting craft that you can do with your son for kindergarten. This way you will teach him how to use different waste material as a material for creating toys and other necessary things.

Prepare for work:

  • a small plastic bottle, you can use baby yogurt;
  • one tailor's pin;
  • 3 tubes for juice;
  • scissors;
  • one ping pong ball
  • stapler.

Step by step work:

First, make a hole in the lid so that the tube can freely enter there.

Cut the bottle so that the upper (with a thickening) part remains intact.

Take the remaining 2 tubes, cut them to the length of the intended propeller blades.

Cross them and pin them in the middle with a pin. Insert the tail of the helicopter into the cork of the bottle. Make skids from the two remaining parts of the tubes, connect with a strip cut from the unnecessary part of the bottle with a stapler.

Attach the main part of the helicopter with skids with a stapler too. Insert a ping pong ball into the hole.

The helicopter is ready. A minimum of time was spent on it, and the child will have a lot of pleasure from a toy created by his own hands.


Matryoshka is probably the only toy that more than one generation has grown up with. In addition, it is considered a symbol of Russia. Many foreign tourists, coming to our state, buy them as souvenirs. Is it possible to create such a complex figure with your own hands, and even from waste plastic? Yes, you can, let it not be as functional as modern ones in toy stores, but it will be personal and, for sure, the most beloved.

In creating such crafts, not only plastic food containers are suitable, we will consider this a little later. The toys that you see in the photo below are made only from the tops of the flasks. So they will be more stable. So that the edges are not too sharp, they can be processed with electrical tape.

In this photo, the top part is inserted into the bottom, the middle one is generally removed. This nesting doll has a more respectable appearance, looks more natural and believable. Painted with acrylic paints. Children will not succeed in doing the same, but there are many stickers and patterns of a similar image on the Internet. As a last resort, they have a lot of options to learn and draw nesting dolls on such a layout.

The following photo and the model itself can be attributed to multifunctional. Here is a nesting doll in its own design and a pencil case for storing pencils and pens. As you can see, it is not made from a food bottle, and their containers are from shampoo or cream.

Approximate drawings and schemes for creating nesting dolls from plastic containers in kindergartens and at home.

Bottle cut diagram

Almost every person who has his own garden or vegetable garden wants his backyard to look original. Summer residents who prefer to travel outside the city in the summer love to relax in comfort. If there is a free minute, they try to create interesting things, the ideas of which they learn on the Internet, from friends or in specialized literature. Useful products will subsequently decorate land making the owners happy. Especially popular today is garden decoration from plastic bottles which is made by hand. It's always nice to do something original on your own to surprise your friends and neighbors later. Work on the creation of unique products requires imagination and creativity, and it takes not much effort and time, and the result exceeds all expectations.

Required materials and accessories

To create an original craft, you do not need large expenses and special material. You can use old plastic, using it to decorate the garden with flowers or other figurines that will update your backyard or summer cottage. Such a landscaping solution will bring a lot of pleasure and help to gain experience. landscape design territory. In addition, such creativity will make it possible to realize original ideas that were not possible before.

To create a decoration for the garden with your own hands, you need to get scissors, bottles, paints and other additional materials depending on what the figure will be executed from. As bottles, not only containers from drinks are suitable, but also plastic packaging from dairy products, automotive cosmetics, detergents. This material is resistant to adverse natural phenomena and easy to process. Plastic containers are various colors, so you can easily find any compositional solution. For example, on a personal plot, you can create a flower bed where they will grow different plants and there are animals. And also - to build a decorative fence and lay out a path. Let's proceed to the first stage.

DIY garden decoration - flowerbed

To create a flower bed, you will need paints and containers of different sizes. Approximately the upper third of the plastic bottle is cut off, and the lower one is painted with paints. The resulting bowls are filled with earth and placed with the trimmed part down according to a predetermined pattern. For a brighter composition, it is better to alternate containers different size. Thus, an unusual border will turn out. geometric shape(rhombus, square, circle, oval, rectangle, etc.). You can create unexpected outlines: a fungus, a drop, a heart, a fish. It is recommended to plant low plants inside the flower bed so that the fence does not get lost among them. Or you can place in the flower bed the decoration we created for the garden with your own hands - a chamomile or a palm tree.

Flower pots

Flower pots from improvised means look unusual. First, the neck of the bottle is cut off. Then horizontal cuts are made, in the form of terry or petals, to the middle of the container. The petals turn away on the sides, and you can start painting the bottle itself. A hole is drilled in the lower part in order to put a handful of drainage or expanded clay into the container, after which the earth is poured into it and planted different flowers. Do-it-yourself garden decoration from plastic bottles is ready.

Such pots can be hung on large tree branches or on trunks. If desired, you can build a summer "green wall" decorated with created pots. To do this, you need a metal grate or a picket fence made in the form of a grate. The flower bed is ready, now you can proceed directly to the plants themselves. Let's proceed to the second stage.

flower in the garden

To household plot decorate with artificial flowers, you need to prepare scissors, wire, a bell and a plastic bottle. A neck is cut off from the container, the edges of which are cut into petals - they must be bent. A wire will serve as a handle, it is attached to the lid. For this handle, the flower is hung on a tree, and in order for it to become musical, a bell clings to it. Such a decoration for the garden, created with your own hands, will transform the site.

Create a camomile

Another flower you can create with your own hands for your garden - chamomile. Subsequently, this craft can be used as a separate flower or planter. It will take only one bottle, preferably white. If there is no such container, you can use any one, having previously painted it in the desired color.

To make this garden decoration with your own hands, you should get white paint, a nail, scissors, a bottle and a cork. First, a flower is drawn on the container with a felt-tip pen. Since the bottom will serve as a flower pot, it must be left deep. It should be remembered that the height of the bottle should be such that it is enough for the petals and the stem. Before cutting, a hole is made in the container with a hot nail - in the center of the flower. Then a flower is cut out along the contour with scissors. To create petals, the upper part of the bottle is cut along the “shoulders”, and the second part with the cork is cut in the form of “noodles”. The middle of the chamomile is inserted into the neck from the inside. For contrast, it is better to use a cork of a bright color from another bottle. Such a planter can be used as a tray for a pot with a live flower, or you can simply decorate a flower bed. Here is such a wonderful decoration for the garden with your own hands from improvised materials you can make to the delight of the household. Some summer residents create a whole clearing of daisies.

Palm tree in the garden

Tropical atmosphere on the backyard will bring created with his own hands woody plant- palm. To make it, you need brown and green bottles, iron bars and a drill. First of all, you should start making a trunk for a palm tree from brown containers. To do this, the bottom of the bottle is cut off, then (to create a texture) its edges are cut with teeth, which must be bent to give the trunk the shape of a palm tree. Then a hole is drilled in each blank in order to place a metal rod. Next, the green bottle is cut into two halves - to make leaves. On some blanks, a neck with a lid should be left. After the blanks are all completed, the assembly of the palm tree begins. The details of the trunk are strung on the rod, the last piece is put on with a neck, in which holes were previously made. This is where the leaves come in. Any adult can make such a decoration of a garden, a summer house with their own hands. Now you can start creating figurines that will become the pride of your garden.

Garden decoration - bee

In order to make some animal or bird out of bottles, it is necessary to prepare a small mound on the ground, corresponding to the size of the future creation. Figures with a diameter of 1-2 meters look great. The poured hill is poured with water and lined around the perimeter with tiles, tiles or large stones. Then the figures are arranged.

To create a bee, you need yellow and black paint, two plastic bottles and scissors. Creating a bee begins with painting one bottle yellow. Then black stripes are drawn on it. The second bottle is needed to create the wings. The container is cut, and then wings are cut out of it, which are glued to the first bottle, previously painted yellow. Next, a thread is tied to the bee - and the figure can be hung on a tree or bush. If you wish, you can create many figures, and then you get a bee swarm - unusual decoration garden with your own hands. We proceed to the third stage.

Animal figurines

To create a ladybug, you will need black and red containers and one white container (for decorating the eyes). Bottles are placed tightly together upside down, forming the body of an insect. Similarly, starfish and crab are made. If desired, you can decorate the backyard with simple, free-standing figures. It is quite simple to make an elephant, a pig or a cat.

So, a 5-liter bottle is taken, it will act as the body of the animal. Limbs are made from 0.5 liter containers. Then the ears are cut out. The main thing to remember is that for animals that have small ears, it is necessary to cut triangles from small bottles. Elephant ears are made of plastic, leather or cut from 10-liter bottles. Then the animals are painted. They draw a muzzle and add some touches: a piglet - a piglet and a tail from the bottom of a small container; for a cat - a long tail made of any material that can be found at home; elephant - a trunk (you can use an old hose from a vacuum cleaner). Apart from plastic bottles, you can use disposable tableware as an improvised tool. Agree, such a decoration for the garden, made with your own hands, will delight friends and neighbors.

After the plants and figures are created, you can begin to perform decorative fence, which will protect your wonderful front garden. We proceed to the fourth stage.

We build a decorative fence

To create it, you need sand, water and a plastic container. First you need to remove all labels from the bottles. Then water is poured there and sand is poured. After that, the bottles are buried in the ground in the form of a fence. To make it look unusual, you can paint the container or use colored filler. This is how a simple plastic bottle can turn into a real DIY garden decoration. In fact, your front garden is ready: there is a flower bed, interesting figures, an unusual fence. It remains to complete the fifth stage - to make a path from the garden to your house.

Making a garden path

The easiest way is to lay a border of bottles along the beaten paths in the garden or vegetable garden. To do this, the containers are not completely buried upside down. If desired, the border is made of the same or different levels. To create a decoration for a garden and a garden with your own hands from bottles in the form of a multi-level border, you need to lay out bottles of different sizes in three rows: two-liter, then - liter and half-liter. For a colorful composition, it is better to paint each row in a different color.

The main desire

In this simple way, you can create a decoration for the garden with your own hands. After all, this is a great opportunity to bring your creative ideas to life using only improvised materials. In addition, such crafts can not only perform a decorative function, but also be useful in the household. In fact, there are a lot of ideas on this topic. The main thing is to show imagination and creative talent. And in order for the created decoration for the garden from plastic bottles to serve for a long time, it is better to use

The more we treat our site with great trepidation, the more we strive to go there not only for work, but also for recreation. When we decorate garden plot with his own hands, he becomes even dearer and more attractive. You can do this with the help of original figures made from the simplest and most available materials such as plastic bottles. Indeed, plastic is easily cut, modeled, painted and retains its shape for a long time. The main thing is to show imagination and devote some time to work. The following are possible options figurines suitable for any garden plot.


Making a palm tree from plastic bottles is a fascinating and uncomplicated process. Therefore, a large number of summer residents decorate with this exotic plant your area. If you want to join their ranks, stock up on a lot of plastic containers of different sizes (best from 1.5 to 2.5 liters) in brown and green shades.


The wings consist of two parts: the upper one is assembled from small feathers cut from the bottoms; the lower one is more difficult to make. First you need to cut out the middle part of the bottle, cut into two parts, and then each of them into rectangles of the same size.

  • The bottle is cut with scissors according to the marks made, while the neck remains in the upper part - it is necessary to secure the swan's neck in the hole.
  • The frame of the neck is made from a hose with wire. It is pushed into the neck and given the desired shape.
  • Feathers are cut from a small plastic bottle. To do this, the bottom and neck are cut off, and feathers of any desired shape are made from the remaining cylinder. The edges of the feathers are best cut a little in the form of a fringe, and on the outside, warm each feather with a candle.
  • Feathers are collected in two pieces and fixed with wire.
  • For the neck, it is best to use small bottles without a bottom, which are threaded upside down on the hose. They will need at least 15-20 pieces.
  • In the place where the hose ends, you need to make 2 holes in the bottle and the hose itself. Pull the wire through the holes and fasten it.
  • The beak itself is best made from a large cap (usually bottles with chemicals). The cap must be cut into 2 parts so that a shape resembling the letter "M" is obtained. The finished beak should be painted.

In conclusion, the most favorite plants should be planted in the finished swan.

Making swans from plastic bottles is a process that requires care and accuracy. But its result is a very cute and practical craft.

Christmas trees

Of course, almost every garden has living trees, but this does not mean at all that there is not a little place for a beautiful “artificial” Christmas tree. It can even be decorated during the celebration of the New Year in the country.

In advance, it is necessary to prepare plastic bottles of different sizes - 2; 1.5 and 1-liter. For a Christmas tree about 1.2 meters high, you will need at least 35-40 green bottles, washed and dried. For manufacturing, you will also need scissors, a candle, a pin.

Manufacturing process:

  • Cut off the bottom of each bottle, and cut the side walls into strips about 1.5 cm wide and round off their ends. Coniferous twigs will look even more interesting if they are melted a little with a candle with the same pitch (about 2 cm).
  • To build a tree trunk - for this it is best to strengthen an iron rod in the ground.
  • Attach twigs to the base: simply string 2-liter bottles upside down on the trunk, then 1.5-liter bottles, and 1-liter bottles on top.
  • If containers of the same volume are used, then after assembling their branches, you can simply cut them so that the tree turns into a conical shape. The lower branches must be straightened, and the upper ones can be left in their original position.

That's all, the Christmas tree from the plastic bottle is ready.


In 2015, it is simply impossible not to decorate your summer cottage with the symbol of the coming year - a sheep. It will surely bring good luck to the whole family. The creation of such a figure is a rather large-scale event, but the result is impressive.
For work you will need:

  • Plastic bottles: for legs - 4 pcs. 1.5 l and 4 pcs. 2 l; for the body - 7 pcs. 2 l; for the head - 3 pcs. 1 liter; for a fur coat - about 20 pieces of 2 liters each (it is important that their bottoms are curly).
  • Wire - best of all copper.
  • Spray paint (white and gold).

Sheep from plastic bottles is performed in the following sequence:

  • The necks are cut off from two 2-liter bottles, and their bases are inserted into each other. Long, but narrow ears are attached to them with the help of a wire.
  • 2-liter bottles are connected as a torso and neck. First, the base is made, and then other bottles are attached to it with the help of wire or adhesive tape.
  • The head is attached to the neck.
  • The lower part of the legs is made from 1.5-liter bottles, and the upper part is made from 2-liter bottles. The legs are tightly fixed to the body with wire so that the sheep does not hang on them.
  • Figured bottoms from 2-liter bottles are cut off and connected to each other with wire. Thus, a sheep's coat is obtained, which covers the body. It is fixed on the stomach.
  • The easiest way to make eyes is from corks.
  • The finished sheep can be spray-painted white first, and then a little gold paint is sprayed on top of it.

Such a sheep will look just great in summer, surrounded by greenery and flowers.


A plastic bottle penguin craft is a cute and funny creature that can be used to decorate both your home and garden. This figurine is quite simple to make, so your children can become full-fledged assistants in this process.
To make penguins you will need:

  • 2 plastic bottles of 2 liters;
  • yellow, black and white flowers, as well as a brush for them;
  • pompon;
  • braid;
  • glue (well, if you have a hot glue gun).

Manufacturing process:

  • The bottles are cut across into 2 equal parts.
  • The lower parts are used. They need to be inserted into each other. The halves can be fixed with glue, but even without it, the parts are held together quite firmly. The bottom of one bottle serves as the head, the bottom of the other - the paws of the penguin.
  • Next, you need to decorate the figure of the penguin - first in the base white color, and then with black paint to depict the characteristic penguin toe. The hat can be made in any color (in our example it is blue). To revive the penguin, he needs to draw eyes and a nose.

Sometimes what we immediately throw in the bin can be turned into a real masterpiece. For example, many needlewomen make very practical and beautiful devices, as well as decorative elements, from empty plastic bottles. The manufacturing process of such products is quite simple, and the materials are available to everyone.

In this article, we will see how you can make original crafts from plastic bottles for the garden with your own hands. Having shown imagination, you can not only decorate your site, but also make useful gadgets and even furniture.

You can even use bottle caps for decoration. You can easily turn them into mosaics for walls and other surfaces.

Benefits of plastic bottle products

Such an activity can not only be beneficial, but also develop into an exciting hobby. Depending on your imagination, you can make small items or giant structures, such as fences and buildings.

With effort, you can make such structures from this material:

The main thing is that the material is very affordable and is available in every home. And although plastic is considered not the strongest material, if the elements are fastened correctly, the structure will turn out not only beautiful, but also resistant to different weather conditions.

The only obstacle may seem to be the collection of material of the desired shape and color. In this case, you can involve neighbors and relatives in the collection. Everyone has unnecessary bottles that they can easily give away. Some collect bottles in parks or near roads on their way to their dacha, thereby clearing the area. As a result, "two birds with one stone" were killed: the material for the future flower bed was collected, and a good deed was done.

Important! Since it is quite difficult to dispose of plastic, using it in this way can not only benefit your site, but also the environment.

Working with plastic is very easy. To make crafts, you do not need any expensive tools and professional skills. Anyone can learn how to work with bottles. Even children will not be difficult to master this technique.

To create a craft you will need the following:

  1. Product illustration for sample.
  2. Bottles and others the right materials and tools.
  3. Step-by-step instruction.

From bottles you can make interesting country buildings and fixtures. But since the bottles are short-lived, it is better to start work closer to the season so that the building does not lose its neat appearance. You can also make a beautiful playground for your children. The kids will love this process. They can do simple tasks together with their parents. At this time, parents can explain to the kids that in this way they not only bring beauty to the yard, but also take care of the environment.

Flowerbeds from plastic bottles

A beautiful and well-groomed flower bed is great decoration garden. It can be built from plastic bottles with your own hands. Such a fence will help moisture not to spread outside the flower bed after rains, and will also give it a neater look. How such a flower bed might look can be clearly seen in the photo. You can also come up with your own options.

Note! In the same way, you can protect the beds.

To do this, you need to collect a large number of bottles of the same size and shape. Bottles can be both colored and transparent, but colored ones look more impressive, of course. You can alternate them or make a single-color flower bed. Sand is poured into the container, covered with lids and, according to a well-thought-out scheme, laid out in a flower bed. So that they do not fall, you will have to dig the bottles a little with soil. If desired, you can paint all the bottles in one or more colors.

Advice! To make it more convenient, you can paint the bottles before you start forming a flower bed.

Transparent plastic bottles need more painting. If yours are brown or dark green, then you can leave them as they are.

Decorative crafts for the garden from plastic bottles

Having shown imagination, you can create additional landscaping in the garden, which will always bloom and also not rot. For example, your site can replenish one or more palm trees from bottles and metal rods. It is enough to stick a rod of the desired size into the ground. Then cut off the bottom of the bottles and, cutting, bend the edges. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle. Then it remains to plant our bottoms on a rod to get a palm stalk.

But the leaves are made from several bottles, connected together and cut into thin strips. The design is connected and a beautiful green palm tree is obtained in the summer cottage.

This is how you can make a corner using simple bottles. look visual video, from which you will learn a few more details.

In addition, flowers, butterflies, petals, etc. can be formed from them. Here, for example, is one of the options to decorate the lawn. To implement it, you will need:

  • candle;
  • glue Master and PVA glue;
  • an awl, knife or scissors and a thick thread;
  • acrylic paint;
  • wire;
  • plastic bottles of different colors.
  • beads and beads for decoration.

Cut off the neck from the bottle, with a margin of 5-7 cm. Cut it lengthwise, forming 6 petals (cut not completely). Give them a rounded shape. To do this, take a candle, set it on fire and singe each petal. It will melt a little and become soft. First, draw a candle at the edges, and then at the base. Bend out, giving shape.

The stem can be made from wire. Stamen - thinner wire, some of them can be strung with beads. It remains to put everything together using glue, wire and an awl. At the end, it remains to decorate the product. It will turn out such a chic flower that will definitely become a decoration for a summer cottage or garden.

You can make as many of them as you like, "planting" in the right place. Due to the variety of colors of plastic bottles, the products will be colorful. Also you can make bells, ladybugs etc.

Making animals from plastic bottles

Often the garden or patio is decorated with figurines of gnomes or other mythical creatures. But why not dream up and make your garden beautiful, filled with bottle animals. Look at the photo below, how simple, but at the same time, this composition looks beautiful.

Swans have always been a symbol of love and purity. Such a lake with birds for the garden would be appropriate. Moreover, it is not difficult to make it. Here is the instruction of the lake from plastic bottles step by step:

  1. Stock up on 40 (fewer, more) blue plastic bottles.
  2. Using a shovel, dig them in with their neck down, as shown in the figure (the shape and dimensions of the lake can be any).
  3. From 10-15 bottles you need to make a swan. Paint them with water-based paint in advance.
  4. In the same way, stick into the ground and connect with white tape. So you need to make two swans.
  5. Make a head out of cardboard, decorating it on both sides.

Note! If you work even harder, you can build such a large lake for the garden.

Another popular option is a bottled pig or cow. Not only will the animals decorate the garden, you can also use them as pots.

Just need to cut off the top of the 6L bottle, paint it in pink color, cut out the ears from the cut off piece and draw the eyes and snout of the piglet. In the same way, a cow is made from a bottle.

Below are photos of a few more examples that you can do yourself. With such animals, your garden will be original, beautiful and fun.

Garden furniture from plastic bottles

It is furniture that is often not enough for garden owners in the country. No matter how strange it may sound, but you can make from bottles garden furniture. Surprised? Then let's see how we can implement this idea.

Doing work in the garden, you will be tired. In order to relax for a moment and enjoy the beauty, you will need to sit down. Can be made from plastic bottles comfortable chairs and a sofa on which to relax will be a pleasure. In the photo you can see how the idea with the sofa is implemented.

Making chairs or an ottoman is also not difficult. It is enough to make a cube, which is shown in the diagram below, and sheathe it with foam rubber and fabric. You can also construct two such cubes and lay a board between them. Get a simple bench.

And so that spending time in the garden brings even more joy, plastic containers are made coffee table. So, you will have a complete place to relax.

Pots for plants from plastic bottles

Buying simple pots is not always profitable. Especially if you have a whole greenhouse of flowers and plants. Yes, and they look simple, without any features. But it is much cheaper to make pots and vases with your own hands. Moreover, this does not require a lot of time, effort and money. As for the decorative side, you can create a miracle in a garden bed.

Some take plastic bottles, cut out the upper part of them, put the bottle on its side, paint it, cover it with soil and plant plants. Even seedlings will feel great in these homemade plastic pots.

Others, on the contrary, do hanging pots with flowers and hang them in front of the door. This is quite a colorful decorative item to complement your home. It is enough to cut off the top of the plastic container, paint it, make two holes and plant the plant. Hang the craft in a convenient place.

Or you can make another variation, which is shown below. See how easy everything is done. But to pass by such beauty is simply impossible.

There are still options for creating ordinary plastic pots that stand on a windowsill or table. The technology is the same as in the previous versions, only there is no need to hang crafts. Agree, planting a plant in such a pot is much more pleasant than in a regular container.

There is no limit to your imagination, so do not start from templates, but create your own works of art from plastic bottles for the garden.

Bird feeders from plastic bottles

Do you love our little brothers and take care of them? Then you will be pleased to hear that you can make a feeder for squirrels, birds and other animals from plastic containers. If wooden crafts could scare you, then the structure plastic feeders does not require much time, effort and skills from you.

You can make a large feeder from a 5 liter container or a small one from a regular 1.5 liter bottle. It is even possible to make several of these "diners" so that more birds can eat there. Naturally, birds are not aesthetes who will disdain a feeder if it is ugly. But you can still decorate it, as the craft will become an ornament and decorative element your garden. What’s more, it won’t take you much time.

Advice! You can decorate the feeder with your child or completely entrust him with this task. So, the child will learn to care for animals, and also strengthen their relationship with you.