How to choose linoleum - expert advice. How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment? Linoleum in the living room which is better

To do right choice linoleum for an apartment, you need to determine the criteria that he must meet in a particular room. To do this, define:

  • the maximum load on the floor (traffic, use of furniture on wheels, walking in shoes with heels, etc.);
  • specific conditions ( high humidity, temperature drops, etc.);
  • room design.

A festive and elegant look can be created with finishing material light pastel colors.

Juicy colors (green, orange, etc.) will fill the atmosphere of fun and cheerfulness.

How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment - useful tips from professionals

  • If linoleum has a pungent and strong smell, then cheap and low-quality raw materials were used in the production. High quality coverage(natural and artificial) must be odorless.
  • You have the right to demand from the seller a certificate of compliance of this coating with technical, fire and sanitary standards.
  • Buy linoleum from a specialty store that stores materials in a heated room.
  • Choose a covering that is wide enough to fit seamlessly. So it will have a more presentable appearance and will not cause hassle with styling.
  • If you buy different pieces, make sure they are from the same batch and match in shade.
  • Check the quality of the unfolded coating. If there are bumps or waves on the surface, they will not smooth out.
  • Exfoliated upper layer, burrs on the edges or poorly printed patterns indicate a defect.
  • Choose a coating with additional special properties (sound insulation, antistatic properties, etc.) only if necessary. Do not overpay for them if their availability is not important.
  • In the store, pay attention to the weight of the material. The heavier it is, the higher its density and longer service life.
  • You cannot fold linoleum by bending it. Roll the front sides inward.

If you find a defect in the covering of the house, do not despair. According to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” (Article 18), you have the right to:

  • price drop;
  • replacement for a product of a similar brand (model) or another brand, with compensation in the price difference;
  • return poor quality product and return the funds in full.

Modern linoleum perfectly imitates color and texture various materials(tile, stone, parquet). However, some housewives note that linoleum with a rough texture requires more thorough cleaning.

In places with a high degree of pollution, it is advised to lay linoleum in dark shades or with an abstract pattern. You should abandon the light floor in the kitchen and in the hallway.

Many people note that laying linoleum does not require special skills. This allows you to make the installation yourself.

Which linoleum company to choose for an apartment?

As for the question of which company is better to lay in the apartment, here preference should be given to proven trade marks... They have been supplying their products to the market for more than one year. The quality of their products has already been studied and evaluated by consumers.

Tarkett is one of the leading Russian firms whose product quality meets international standards. From foreign manufacturers, consumers prefer

Reading 6 min. Posted on 09.10.2018

Linoleum refers to budget flooring with a long service life. Moreover, today you can choose almost any color. All this makes linoleum really popular.

In order for such a coating to last as long as possible and please the eye, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude towards its acquisition.


Today, there are several varieties of linoleum on sale. They have advantages and disadvantages, as well as certain peculiarities of use. This must be taken into account when buying.

Natural linoleum

For its manufacture, linseed oil, a mixture of cork and wood flour, special limestone powder, pine resin and dyes of natural origin are used.

Jute fabric acts as a basis. Since this type of linoleum is environmentally friendly, it can be used in apartments where asthmatics, allergy sufferers and children live.


  • abrasion resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • preservation of color and structure over time;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • incombustibility;
  • easy care;
  • wide range of colors.


  • fragility, due to which cracks can form when bending;
  • not recommended for use in rooms with increased level humidity;
  • high price.

PVC linoleum

The basis of such a floor covering is a woven or non-woven basis with thermal insulation properties... It should be noted that today even domestic products are created taking into account the latest European technologies.


  • the presence of dielectric properties;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • not susceptible to decay;
  • a large selection of shades and patterns;
  • ease of styling.


  • sensitivity to high temperatures;
  • instability to alkalis and various chemical solvents;
  • decrease in elasticity with a drop in temperature.

Synthetic linoleum

There are three types of such flooring:

  • Commercial - intended for office space... It is quite durable and durable. The service life is approximately 20 years.
  • Semi-commercial - can be used in apartments and offices. The service life ranges from 7 to 20 years.
  • Household is quite thin and cheap. Used in residential areas. The service life is maximum 5 years.

Glyphthal linoleum

Created by applying alkyd resin to a special fabric base.

Excellent heat and sound insulation properties, the disadvantage is the fragility and complexity of styling.

Colloxylin linoleum

The basis of such a floor covering is nitrocellulose.

The advantages of this type are considered elasticity, incombustibility and moisture resistance. Disadvantages include tendency to shrinkage and sensitivity to temperature extremes.

Relin linoleum

Such linoleum consists of two layers: crushed rubber with bitumen and a mixture of pigment, rubber and a special filler.

The advantage of relin linoleum is considered to be increased moisture resistance and elasticity. The disadvantages include the presence of harmful volatile substances in the coating, which is why such material is not recommended to be laid in residential premises.

Marking and thickness

To find out how to choose linoleum for an apartment, you need to understand the labeling. The first digit has the following meanings:

  • 1 - rooms with low traffic;
  • 2 - apartments;
  • 3 - offices;
  • 4 - various production facilities.

The second number in the marking is the estimated load. One is considered the lowest and four is considered the highest. Accordingly, 23 or 24 class is suitable for the hallway, and 21 for the bedroom.

You also need to pay attention to the protective layer, namely its thickness. This indicator should be at least 0.25 mm.

If the linoleum will fit on a perfectly flat surface, then you can take a thin material. Otherwise, a greater thickness will be required.

Linoleum for an apartment

For living quarters most often they buy natural or synthetic material. To choose the most suitable option, it is worth considering in which room it will be used.


This room is different high level patency. Therefore, it is better to choose a coating with a minimum thickness of 3 mm. The protective layer of the material must be at least 0.25 mm.

If you choose maximum thickness then attractive appearance linoleum will remain unchanged for a very long time.

For the hallway, a semi-commercial variety is usually chosen. Experts recommend taking only PVC cover... It is distinguished by its increased strength and resistance to decay.


Some apartment owners prefer not to rack their brains over the question of how to choose linoleum for the kitchen.

They immediately buy a semi-commercial covering, which is intended for rooms with medium and high traffic. Household linoleum, which is based on foamed polyvinyl chloride, is also suitable for this purpose.

Natural flooring is often chosen for the kitchen. Its main advantage is a long service life, as well as preservation of the main characteristics and original appearance. This coating can be washed with various detergents... All kitchen dirt can be removed very easily.

Living room

The traffic in this room is average. Accordingly, linoleum with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm is suitable. The thickness of the special protective layer must be at least 0.15 mm.

As a rule, in the living room there is a high probability of various mechanical damage, therefore it is advisable to use inexpensive material based on polyester.

White linoleum for the living room is not considered the best option. This color can be safely used only in the absence of pets and small children.


If children live in the apartment, the choice of linoleum should be taken very responsibly.

Since babies often crawl on the floor, natural materials should be purchased. In this case, the thickness of the coating should be at least 3 mm, because in the children's room the probability of various damage to linoleum is very high.

The protective layer must have a foam backing and a minimum thickness of 0.25 mm.


Those who do not know how to choose linoleum for the bedroom often buy thick material by mistake.

In fact, a coating with a thickness of about 1.5 mm will be quite enough, because there is a low level of cross-country ability. The base of the bedroom cover can be polyester or foam. The thickness of the protective layer should be 0.15–0.2 mm.

If the budget allows, you should pay attention to natural materials. Firstly, it is more durable, and secondly, it has antimicrobial properties.

Many consumers are interested in how to choose linoleum High Quality... This is not difficult to do if you take into account certain nuances.

First you need to decide what kind of room you need the material for. Based on this, a list of required characteristics is created. In order for linoleum to fit into the interior, you need to carefully approach the choice of shade and pattern.

  • Before buying, be sure to sniff the coating. A pungent smell indicates the presence of harmful substances in the composition. Quality material does not smell at all. In addition, it does not have a greasy sheen, and the drawing itself looks very distinct.
  • The width of the canvas should correspond to the dimensions of the room. Despite this, the material should be taken with a margin, because sometimes you have to adjust the pattern or cut the panel at the joints. It is also worth considering all thresholds, protrusions and niches for batteries.
  • The coating must comply with safety standards. The material that has passed the examination has a specific marking. In addition, the seller must provide an appropriate certificate.

It is necessary to check the quality of the panels only when rolled out. This will help determine if there are bumps, waves, or film peeling. If these defects are found, the coating is considered defective. You shouldn't buy it.

  • When choosing linoleum, you need to think in advance whether it will be possible to bring the entire roll into the room. It is also worth deciding on the method of transportation.
  • To keep linoleum longer initial appearance, you should purchase a cover with a protective layer.
  • The sheets must not be folded in half. It is also forbidden to stick adhesive tape on the top layer, because a trace will remain from it on the surface. If, during the purchase, the roll is turned upside down, then it must be additionally wrapped protective film.

Linoleum has always enjoyed well-deserved popularity among people with an average income: the cost of this coating is not as high as carpet or parquet, the service life is sufficient, and at the same time you can easily find linoleum of any structure and color. The coating is strong and durable, and therefore suitable for almost all apartments.

However, there are many important little things to consider when buying linoleum. How to choose linoleum for an apartment? For this, certain conditions must be observed.

  1. Linoleum always requires a little more than the area of ​​the room. In this case, the width of the canvas should coincide with the width of the room itself - the joint of two canvases in the middle of the room looks ugly.
  2. Inspect linoleum for defects: if it has irregularities, bumps or delamination on the coating, then the linoleum is defective.
  3. If in different rooms you are going to lay the same linoleum, then purchase it immediately with one canvas.
  4. There must be a reel inside a roll of polyurethane linoleum.
  5. A roll of linoleum is folded upside down. Also, linoleum cannot be folded or folded in half.
  6. You shouldn't buy linoleum without a thick top coat.
  7. Samples of the coating should be looked at where you decided to lay it. It is almost impossible to choose the right shade in the store.
  8. Do not buy linoleum from two different lots. The coating is always slightly different in color.
  9. A pungent odor indicates that linoleum contains harmful additives.
  10. High-quality linoleum complies with safety standards, is labeled and has a hygienic certificate.

Linoleum selection criteria

To determine the choice of linoleum for your apartment, check out the basic criteria for purchasing this coating:

  • Linoleum must match its purpose.
  • Linoleum must withstand the load according to the number of residents and the permeability of the place.
  • Linoleum must be antistatic, moisture resistant, have good thermal insulation, absorb noise and have antibacterial properties.
  • Linoleum should be in harmony with overall design apartments.

Considering all these criteria, you can easily choose linoleum for your apartment.

Types and properties of linoleum

Today the buyer can choose from a huge variety of natural and synthetic linoleums. We offer you to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of linoleum.

1. Natural linoleum

Natural linoleum is made from cork or wood flour, pine resin, linseed oil, limestone and natural dyes, and its base consists of jute fabric. Since this linoleum is made from natural materials, such a covering can be laid in the room for children and people suffering from allergic and respiratory diseases.

Natural linoleum - perfect solution for apartment

Pros of natural linoleum:

  • it is resistant to wear and tear;
  • it is an environmentally friendly material;
  • it does not fade in the sun,
  • it does not change its color and structure over time;
  • possesses bactericidal properties;
  • does not support combustion at all;
  • easy to care for;
  • has a variety of colors.

Cons of natural linoleum:

  • fragile enough;
  • in rooms with high humidity it is undesirable to use it;
  • it is quite expensive.

2.PVC linoleum (polyvinyl chloride)

PVC linoleum has a fabric or non-woven thermal insulation base. The coating can be either single-layer or multi-layer. The price of PVC linoleum is affordable for almost everyone.

The advantages of PVC linoleum:

  • has low thermal conductivity;
  • has pronounced dielectric properties;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • not subject to decay;
  • has a wide palette of patterns and shades;
  • easy to install.

Disadvantages of PVC linoleum:

  • sensitive to high temperatures;
  • not resistant to chemical solvents, alkalis and fats;
  • since its elasticity decreases at low temperatures, it may crack.

3. Alkyd linoleum (glyphthalic)

This linoleum is made by applying an alkyd resin to a fabric base.

The advantages of alkyd linoleum:

  • increased heat and sound insulation qualities.

Alkyd linoleum in the apartment

Disadvantages of alkyd linoleum:

  • fragility and complexity of styling,
  • tendency to break and crack.

Before laying, alkyd linoleum must be kept in a warm room to avoid deformation.

4. Colloxylin linoleum

The basis for this linoleum is nitrocellulose. It usually has no base.

Benefits of colloxylin linoleum:

  • moisture resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • fire safety;
  • decorative shine.

Disadvantages of colloxylin linoleum:

  • it tends to shrink;
  • sensitive to temperature changes.

Colloxylin linoleum - sensitive to temperature changes

5. Linoleum-relin

This is a two-layer linoleum. The backing layer consists of crushed rubber and bitumen, while the face layer is made by mixing rubber, pigment and filler.

The advantages of linoleum-relin:

  • elastic;
  • does not slip;
  • moisture resistant.

Disadvantages of linoleum-relin:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • contains harmful substances therefore not suitable for living rooms.

The choice of linoleum depending on the marking

Linoleum is labeled for indoor use.

The first number means passability:

  • rooms with minimum traffic - 1;
  • living room - 2;
  • office - 3;
  • industrial premises - 4.

The second number indicates the expected load:

  • the lowest is 1;
  • low - 2;
  • medium - 3
  • high - 4.

Table: graphic marking of linoleum

Thus, in the bedroom or office, linoleum of class 21 is required. In the kitchen or in the hallway, you can lay linoleum 23 and 24, and even better - 31-33 classes.

Linoleum class designation sign

In addition, you can choose linoleum, evaluating the quality of the surface on which the linoleum will be laid. The smoother the surface, the thinner linoleum can be laid.

Choosing the color of your linoleum

Linoleum attracts buyers with a limitless palette of designs and colors. Modern natural linoleum has a bright and juicy colors that does not fade even over time. Synthetic linoleum very faithfully imitates stone, wood and ceramic tiles... Linoleum is very popular today, imitating expensive parquet and parquet board.

The choice always depends on the personal taste of the person. Fancy decors in unusual colors are offered to extraordinary people. Those who like to experiment will be delighted with the original geometric and abstract designs.

Linoleum drawings

Here are a few rules to help you choose the best color for your linoleum.

  • When choosing a color combination for the floor, furniture and walls, it is advisable to select everything either in cold or in warm colors... It is also necessary to combine contrasting colors very carefully.
  • The illumination of the room is of great importance. For example, dark linoleum under oak parquet flooring does not fit a small room with dim lighting.
  • The traditional solution for the kitchen, hallway and corridor is linoleum under ceramic tiles.
  • V small apartment it is necessary to visually expand the area. For this, a small contrasting pattern of linoleum is ideal.
  • The colors of linoleum should fit into general style premises.

We hope that the tips for choosing linoleum will help you make the right purchase.

Linoleum is the most popular floor covering among the population with an average living standard. Firstly, the price is not as high as that of parquet or carpet, and secondly, the service life is normal. And today's manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, choose any! But it turns out that although this material is well known to consumers, there are many nuances that must be considered when buying. Therefore, this article is devoted to the question of which linoleum to choose, because the house has different rooms with its own operational features.

What to look at before buying?

To understand in detail how to choose linoleum for your home, you should know the main criteria for a rational purchase:

  • compliance with the purpose - the nursery is a room, or a bedroom, a kitchen;
  • characteristics - the degree of wear resistance, noise absorption, antistaticity, moisture resistance, antibacterial properties;
  • whether linoleum will be able to withstand the load, taking into account the number of people living and the rate of permeability;
  • whether harmony is created in the interior - linoleum can be monochromatic, with abstract drawings, with imitation different textures: wood, tiles, stone.

If you take into account all of the above criteria, the buyer will not get lost in the modern variety, because he will know exactly how to choose linoleum for an apartment, as well as for a private house.

What kind of linoleum is there?

Perhaps, linoleum can be called the most democratic floor covering. The arguments for confirming these words are significant, because the material fits in schools, offices, and, of course, in a house / apartment. Therefore, it is clear why the market offers various types of linoleum: how to choose the best one? The question is not difficult, you just need to understand the problem and then everything will become clear.

- made from wood flour, pine resin, limestone powder, natural dyes, and the basis is jute fabric. Due to the fact that this material is made from purely natural components, it is perfect for a child's room, rooms where asthmatics and allergy sufferers live. Therefore, if the question of which linoleum to choose for an apartment is being decided, this is an excellent option - an environmentally friendly material that does not harm health, as well as resistant to abrasion, does not fade in the sun, and has bactericidal properties.

PVC linoleum is made either on fabric base, or on non-woven thermal insulation. Domestic manufacturers use European technologies, so everyone can afford such linoleum, because the price of the products is affordable.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • wide palette of patterns, shades;
  • pronounced dielectric characteristics;
  • ease of installation.

There are also certain disadvantages, we are talking about sensitivity to high temperature, instability to chemicals... So, if the temperature in the room drops sharply, then elasticity is lost and PVC linoleum can crack.

In addition, the considered flooring can be alkyd, colloxin, and linoleum-relin is also common.

Classification and marking of coatings

In order to accurately answer the question of how to choose the right linoleum, you need to understand the marking that corresponds to the purpose of the room. As for the first digit of this very marking, it varies from one to four:

  • 1 - for rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 - residential rooms;
  • 3 - offices;
  • 4 - production facilities.

And the second number indicates the expected load, which means that the unit, respectively, is the lowest, the four is the most high load... For example, a class 21 coating is perfect for an office and a bedroom, for the kitchen and hallway it is advisable to buy class 23-24 linoleum.

To cover the topic in more detail, you need to give a few more examples. Take the hallway, for example. Of course, the entrance hall, the corridor - rooms with a very high degree patency. This means that the most the best option- linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Important: it is advisable to pay special attention to the thickness of the protective layer, it must be at least 0.25 mm.

Also, before buying, you need to evaluate the quality of the surface on which this flooring will be laid in the future. The smoother the surface, the thinner the linoleum can be and vice versa. The perfect solution for the hallway - household linoleum with a foamed base. Or could it be dear semi-commercial linoleum characterized by increased durability.

How to choose good linoleum? This multifaceted question worries many consumers. So that the purchase in the future does not become a reason for disappointments associated with low quality, you should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • trust your own sense of smell: the presence of a pungent odor clearly indicates that the coating contains harmful additives. High-quality linoleum, both synthetic and natural, does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the drawing must be clear;
  • compliance with safety standards - good linoleum undergoes a special examination, is labeled, and the seller must also present a hygiene certificate;
  • the quality must be checked in a rolled form: for the absence of bumps, areas with a peeled film. These indicators indicate a marriage, such a coating cannot be bought, because the existing irregularities cannot be smoothed;
  • it is advisable to give preference to material with a special protective film - such linoleum is easy to clean, retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • all linoleum must be from the same batch - even when the articles are the same, color differences are possible.

The question of choice is not so difficult, if you know all the subtleties and nuances. All of the above tips will help buyers make the right choice, the purchase will not bring any grief in the future, that is, during operation.

Thanks to the huge assortment, it is not difficult to choose linoleum for an apartment or house. It is still quite popular, despite the large number of other floor coverings. Buyers are attracted by interesting design with a variety of colors, the characteristics of the material are springiness, softness and sufficient strength, low cost and ease of installation. Consider how to choose linoleum in quality and color, how to choose the right one for the kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallway and other premises.

Linoleum selection options

When choosing a floor covering, consider the following parameters.

  1. Is linoleum suitable for the room?
  2. The number of residents, the permeability of the place and the load on the floor.
  3. Does the coating have the necessary properties: thermal insulation, sound absorption, moisture resistance, antistatic, antibacterial properties?
  4. Does linoleum fit into the design of the apartment? It can be with an abstract pattern, plain or with imitation of various textures: fabric, wood, stone, tiles, etc.

What type of linoleum to choose?

There are many varieties of linoleum on the market made from synthetic and natural materials.

There are the following types of this floor covering:

  • natural;
  • colloxylin;
  • rubber;
  • glyphthalic;
  • polyvinyl chloride.

Natural linoleum

For the manufacture of natural linoleum use:

  • pine resin;
  • cork flour;
  • wood flour;
  • limestone powder;
  • linseed oil;
  • natural dyes;
  • jute fabric.

Linoleum made from natural materials is great for living quarters. It will appeal to people with asthma or allergies and is a great option. for children's room.

Benefits of natural linoleum

  • Abrasion resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Does not shed from the sun.
  • Does not change color and structure over time.
  • Has bactericidal properties.
  • Does not support combustion.
  • It is easy to look after him.
  • A wide range of different colors - with a solid or marble pattern.


  • Relative fragility - when bending linoleum, cracks may appear, you cannot throw it during transportation and laying.
  • It is undesirable to apply the coating in a room with high humidity - a bathroom, toilet.
  • Quite a high price.

Polyvinyl chloride linoleum is made on a woven or non-woven thermal insulation base. This coating can be both multi-layer and single-layer.

Pros of PVC linoleum

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Dielectric properties.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Does not rot.
  • A wide range of shades, patterns and designs.
  • Simplicity of styling.


  • Sensitivity to high temperatures.
  • Not resistant to alkalis, greases and chemical solvents.
  • With a decrease in temperature, the elasticity of linoleum decreases sharply, it can crack.

Synthetic linoleum is:

  1. semi-commercial;
  2. commercial;
  3. household.

Linoleum for home (household) cheaper, thinner and not very durable, service life no more than 3-5 years.

Commercial linoleum (for work and office premises) possesses the highest wear resistance, it is the thickest and most durable, it can serve for more than twenty years.

Semi-commercial linoleum used in houses and apartments with high traffic or in commercial premises with low traffic. He serves for 7-20 years.

There are a huge number different types linoleum PVC: antistatic, noise-absorbing, electrically conductive.

Alkyd (glyphthalic) linoleum

The coating is done by applying an alkyd resin to a fabric base. Its advantages include good heat and sound insulation properties.

The disadvantages include fragility and, as a result, the complexity of laying, as well as a tendency to the appearance of kinks and cracks. Before laying the linoleum, it is imperative to hold it in warm room, otherwise it can deform - its width will increase, and its length will decrease.

This type of linoleum is made from nitrocellulose. Usually it is released without a base.


  • Elasticity.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Decorative shine.
  • Fire safety.


  • Shrinkage tendency.
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes.

This linoleum is two-layer. Its lining is made of crushed rubber with bitumen. The face (top) layer consists of a mixture of rubber, filler and pigment.


  • High moisture resistance.
  • Elasticity.


In its composition, linoleum contains substances harmful to humans, therefore it is not advised to lay it in residential premises.

How to choose linoleum for different rooms

Linoleum is classified and labeled in accordance with the purpose of the premises.
The first number ranges from 1 to 4:

  • 1 - rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 - industrial premises;
  • 3 - office rooms;
  • 4 - Living spaces.

The second number indicates the expected load:

  • 1 - the lowest;
  • 4 is the highest.

For example, a 21 class coating is suitable for a bedroom and an office. In the kitchen or in the hallway for a family of 4-5 people, material from 23-24 or 31-33 grades is suitable.

Linoleum in the hallway, corridor, kitchen

These rooms have a fairly large traffic, it is recommended to lay here 3mm linoleum.

You can use polyvinyl chloride household linoleum, but the best way- semi-commercial. In terms of texture and color, ceramic tiles are a traditional solution for these premises.

To the living room

The living room has a moderate permeability, for her linoleum thickness 1.5 mm- the most optimal option.

The likelihood of mechanical damage is small, so here you can lay PVC linoleum or inexpensive household polyester.

Linoleum in the bedroom

The bedroom is a room with low traffic, it needs thinner linoleum - from 1.2 to 1.5 mm.

For the bedroom, the most optimal is household polyester linoleum or a foam-based covering made of polyvinyl chloride.

To the children's room

The children's room has an average degree of permeability, but a high proportion of the likelihood of mechanical damage.

In the nursery, you can lay household linoleum made of foamed polyvinyl chloride, or better semi-commercial, having a protective top layer not less than 0.25 mm.

Linoleum on the balcony

Linoleum does not tolerate temperature extremes and sunlight. Any kind of it will quickly deteriorate when applied on the veranda, in garden gazebo, in an unheated loggia or on a balcony.

How to choose the decor and colors of linoleum

Linoleum has a huge assortment of colors and designs. During production, it is given a juicy bright colours that won't fade over time. Synthetic linoleum has good decorative possibilities... It very faithfully imitates ceramic tiles, wood or stone.

V recent times a material that imitates a parquet board or parquet is in great demand. Linoleum can perfectly reproduce cherry, beech, oak, as well as exotic species - rosewood, zebrano, bamboo.

Flooring reproduces texture and pattern natural wood... Linoleum with imitation of solid wood boards and mosaics on wood is in good demand. Unusual and daring people are suitable for unusual colors and fancy decors.

Those who like to experiment will be able to pick up abstract and original geometric patterns. Very spectacular linoleum with imitation of stone - marble or granite.

You can find coatings that can reproduce artificially aged materials - shabby stone or wood with traces of time.

When choosing linoleum for your home, you should adhere to the following tips.

  1. Trust your sense of smell - the pungent smell of linoleum indicates its low quality... It may contain additives that are unhealthy. Natural or synthetic material good quality practically does not smell.
  2. High-quality linoleum does not have a greasy sheen, his drawing should look natural and be distinct. The coating must have at least five layers.
  3. The width of the linoleum sheet should be the same as the size of the room. Coverage must be taken with a margin so that you can adjust the pattern and cut the canvas at the joints. When calculating, be sure to take into account the presence of thresholds, niches under the batteries and other protrusions in the room.
  4. Advise buy linoleum not on the market, but in a heated room... In addition, it is more convenient to check its quality in a store.
  5. Be sure to check compliance of the coating with safety standards... Linoleum, which has passed a special examination, must have the appropriate marking. The seller must have a hygiene certificate.
  6. You need to check the quality of linoleum in a rolled form... So you can see bumps and waves on the surface or areas with a peeling top film. These indicators indicate a marriage. Such a coating cannot be purchased, since the existing irregularities will not be smoothed out in any way.
  7. When buying the same linoleum for several rooms, it is better to buy it in one piece. But first calculate whether it will be possible to bring a long roll into the room and whether it can be transported along stairs and narrow openings.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to fold the canvas in half.... We do not recommend sticking the tape to the front surface, as there is a sticky mark that is difficult to remove. It is necessary to fold linoleum with the front side inward. If it is folded right side out, then it must be wrapped in a protective film.
  9. Choosing linoleum, give preference to the coating with a special protective layer... Such a coating is well washed and retains a wonderful appearance for a long time.
  10. If possible, look at samples of linoleum in the room in which it will be laid. This will help to more accurately select the appropriate color for the interior.
  11. You need to purchase linoleum in one batch... Different batches often differ in color, even when their SKUs are the same.

Video: how to choose linoleum