What documents are needed for employment? How to get a job without work experience

I recently got a call from a friend I haven't talked to for a long time. We chatted for a long time, discussing what happened in each other's lives in recent years. I continued to work in the same large petrochemical holding, though in a different direction. She said goodbye to her small business associated with the fashion industry and is no longer working at the moment. We both have adult children who are in their thirties and we spent most of our conversation discussing their problems. And a friend asked to help find a job for her son in the company in which I worked.

In the minds of most people, there is a strong opinion that you can get a job in large and successful companies only “by acquaintance”. I did not dissuade her that the world had changed and simply asked to reset Andrey's resume. That was the name of her 32 year old son.

Very soon, a resume “fell” in the mail. Graduate of the Gubkin University of Oil and Gas. Postgraduate studies there successful strategy retirement from military service). Work as a junior researcher in some research center at the same institute. Of the acquired skills: the study of cores, laboratory study of the structures of oil-bearing soils and something else of the same kind.

I read and understand, taking into account our standards and requirements, the option is impassable. Even the president of his nephew's company with such a set of knowledge and skills could not accept.

I would like to explain a little what today it is like hiring an employee in a large company. The specificity of most of these companies is that any process, whether it is a business trip, receiving visitors, holding a meeting or hiring a new employee, is all clearly spelled out. Accordingly, all steps related to the recruitment of an employee are regulated. Who and how carries out the primary selection and interview.

I must say that it is at this primary level that the compliance of the candidate's competencies (that is, those that he reflected in his resume) with the required competencies of the position is checked. Any vacancy has a set of competencies, such as experience in a particular area, skills, personal abilities, etc. At the same time, not only the skills and abilities themselves are prescribed, but also the criteria by which they can be measured. Personnel selecting job candidates undergo special training courses, including those on personality psychology. Sometimes the company tests candidates-applicants. Usually online. The simplest tests are verbal and numerical.

Here is a profile of a real candidate for the position of a specialist in the analytical department of one of the companies (without explanatory comments):

After testing or assessing competencies, the candidate's resume goes to the Security Service for verification. There they check whether the candidate had any activities prohibited by law in the past, or maybe he is a shareholder of some CJSC that conducts commercial activity close to the activities of the employing enterprise and a conflict of interest may arise. They have their own specifics.

Then one or two more interviews already with managers above the level up to the vice president and you can finally be accepted. It takes 1-2 months for everything.

I write about this in such detail so that the false impression is not created that if “by acquaintance”, then this process can be bypassed. It involves too many people and systems.

That's why, if you dream of working in a large successful company, then you should not rely on dating. The only advantage of such an "acquaintance" is the knowledge of the very fact of the organization's need for an employee, and this can be the very "happy occasion". As for the rest, it's better to rely on yourself.

Think and try to answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What skills do you have, what are your strengths?
  • what achievements are you proud of? Maybe it's the organization of a sports olympiad at a university or support for an orphanage near your dacha, or something else?
  • What is the criterion for achieving results for you?
  • What do you understand by the word "initiative"? is it the first to express your idea, opinion or is it something else?
  • How do you imagine the position you are applying for?
  • What can you specifically give to the company you want to work for?

Perhaps these questions and / or will help you switch your focus of attention inward and understand what you need to be interested in the company in which you dream of working.

But what to do with the request of a friend? Don't deprive her of hope. I decide to interview him. I'll take a look at him and maybe I'll suggest something useful to this guy.

About what came of it, I will write in the article)))

Where and how to look for a job? How to get hired quickly Good work no education or experience? How to find a job to your liking?

We will tell you what steps you need to take in order to solve the issue of employment for yourself in a short time.

Even difficult times economic crisis- no reason to give up. And in difficult times, it is quite possible to find a job, you just need to know where and how to look.

This article will be useful both for people who have little work experience behind them, and for experienced professionals in their field. Everyone will find many useful and actionable advice to find your dream job.

So, let's begin!

1. How to find a good job and where to start looking

According to the Ministry of Labor, unemployment growth was recorded over the past month (January 2016) in most subjects of the Federation. The Ministry of Economic Development predicts an increase in the number of unemployed by 400-450 thousand people this year.

This number can be safely added to those 3.9 million people who are already registered as unemployed citizens.

However, polls personnel services they also inspire some optimism: a quarter of all companies plan to increase their staff this year, although they are going to hire only the most energetic and competent employees. How to find a job in such a situation? Where to look for work in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities?

Where do you even start looking?

The first thing you will have to learn for yourself is that you will have to look for a job on your own - no one will do it for you. Although you shouldn't rely too much on the help of friends and relatives, telling them that you are looking for a job is your first task. Do not overestimate the help of employment agencies either: they are certainly useful, but they have their own interests and not every one of them fulfills its functions by 100%.

First, ask yourself a few important questions:

  • What kind of job do you want to find?
  • What schedule will suit you?
  • What salary do you expect?
  • Will you be able to work away from home and what would be your daily travel time allowance?
  • Will work change the quality of your life for the better?

Once you have prioritized, you can begin to take action. If you are clear about what you want, you will be less likely to get a job that you want to leave in the first week.

And it’s also worth immediately identifying unpromising areas - places where, firstly, they don’t wait for you, and secondly, even if they do, they will offer you the minimum wage.

A couple of years ago, the most unpromising in terms of career were considered: science, utilities, culture, sports, security. Today, according to experts, the recession threatens banking and tourism. This will significantly increase female unemployment.

According to forecasts, a decrease in the number of mortgage loans issued could reduce construction, which will cause an increase in unemployment among men.

The male part of the population has nothing to "catch" in the automotive industry either (at some factories there are already only 1 shift left, and salaries have fallen by 20%). The staff in the field of auto sales will be reduced, however, some increase in vacancies in the auto repair business is expected.

The stagnation in the catering sector will drive thousands of waiters and cooks out onto the street. Unemployment will rise among makeup artists, stylists, beauticians, hotel industry workers. Among office workers expected reduction of lawyers and economists due to overproduction over the past 2-3 years.

All other areas are relatively promising.

2. Where to quickly find a job or part-time job

Exist quick ways job search for students and people with no experience. We have collected in this section practical advice, which will help temporarily find a job for those who need a quick income, but do not have professional skills.

Student with no experience

There are thousands of offers on the Internet for graduates and university students. You should not be particularly happy with the number of offers: not all vacancies promise really stable income. Students are usually offered low-paid and labor-intensive activities:

  • promoter;
  • courier;
  • waiter;
  • Sales Manager;
  • animator;
  • guard (watchman).

Some types of work involve exclusively seasonal employment, which is just in hand for students during the summer holidays. With the advent of the worldwide web, job searches have become much easier and more efficient. Now it has become easier for a student without work experience to find a vacancy. We have already written, this article discusses, among other things, options for earning money through the Internet for young people.

Few people continue to use print publications (although it is too early to discount newspapers and magazines devoted to vacancies): just go to the resource and get acquainted with the offers that are already sorted into categories and sections. You can even create a detailed resume and post it on job search portals, perhaps employers will choose your candidacy.

Without education

Work without education involves approximately the same vacancies as in the case of student part-time jobs - couriers, security guards, waiters, loaders, workers in supermarket trading floors. Do not count on the special generosity of employers and do not rush to respond to the first offer that comes across.

To get started, study all the vacancies that you liked, make a list of the offers you are interested in, arranging them in order of personal attractiveness.

Weigh all the pros and cons and do not be afraid to say “no” to the employer if the vacancy has ceased to interest you for some reason (far from home, night shifts and other nuances). Do not be afraid if you are offered pre-training. So you will gain experience and skills that can be useful in the future.

Even as an intern, you can be persistent and quickly get a better position in the same company. We have already published an article about part-time jobs on our website, we recommend that you read it.

In crisis

The difficult economic situation is changing our lives. Above, we have already cited statistics on unemployment and layoffs in certain areas. At the moment, there is a clear violation of the balance of supply and demand in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, and other cities of the Russian Federation.

How to find a job in a crisis? There is only one option - to be active in the search for vacancies: post resumes not on one Headhanter website, but at least on 3-5 portals. Employers' budgets for finding employees are also limited, and searching through recruitment agencies is mostly paid for by employers.

The right approach to the job search business is half or even a large part of success.

It is not so important whether you have experience and knowledge, whether you graduated from a university or only 9 grades of school, the main factor is self-confidence, awareness, desire to develop and improve. Our tips will also help you find a good job - read them carefully and be sure to use them in practice.

Tip 1. Be persistent and methodical - do you want to LOOK for a job or FIND one?

Persistence, methodicalness, a systematic approach and theoretical training are the leading success factors. Decide what you really want - search job or find her?

“I am looking for a job” is a good psychological shield against claims from family members and relatives. Do not forget that looking for a job is only necessary in order to find it, improve the quality of life and change financial status.

Important: looking for a job is also a kind of work! It should be approached as seriously and responsibly as any work. Once you've written your resume, don't forget to update it and post it on multiple sites. Send it to all employers who are at least theoretically interesting to you. It doesn't matter if you seem pushy - companies tend to appreciate persistent and energetic employees.

illustrative example

One of our acquaintances named Victor has been looking for work for about a year and a half, but has not yet found a place.

Searching for vacancies has become his kind of daily ritual. He regularly browsed job search websites, wrote out phone numbers and company data, and often called potential employers. Sometimes I even went to interviews.

Even if he was quite satisfied with the salary and other factors, he still found some point on which this job did not suit him.

The boss is a woman, the office is not in a prestigious area, there is no cooler in the workplace. In other words, Victor simply did not want to get a job, but wanted to look for it and create the appearance of activity.

With this approach, the chances of improving your life are certainly minimal.

Tip 2. What is better to choose - a highly paid job or a job you like?

The ideal, of course, is to have a high-paying job that you enjoy. But in practice, a highly profitable place is not always to your liking.

The question posed in the title of this paragraph, each decides individually.

Psychologists insist that it is better to do what you like, even if this business does not bring high income right away.

  • Firstly, any work involves the development of professional skills. Perhaps at the moment the salary is not too high, but by improving your skills and level, you can always count on an increase in income.
  • Secondly, going to work that you do not like, like hard labor, experiencing negative emotions, is unhealthy.

The immune system is directly dependent on our psycho-emotional state: it has been proven that people who are engaged in an unloved business and perceive work as a “necessary evil” are more likely to get infectious and chronic diseases.

A person spends a significant part of his life at work. Do you want to be constantly depressed, complain about life, sleep poorly and count the minutes until the end of the working day? We are sure not.

So, make a choice in favor of the vacancy that you personally will like, and not your husband (wife, mother-in-law, dad, mom).

Tip 3: Use as many different job search options as possible

Diversify your search as much as possible. The more job search methods you use, the higher the chance of success. In the next section of the article, we will take a closer look at them, pointing out the advantages (and possible disadvantages) of each of them.

There are certain rules for writing a resume that should be followed if you want to impress the employer as a prepared, purposeful and serious person. A resume is the first thing an employer bases his conclusions on when considering a specific candidate for an applicant.

The resume should be:

  • Concise and containing only relevant and important information. The employer usually does not have time to read your detailed and detailed essays, so the information should be placed as concisely, effectively, and correctly as possible. Don't describe your life path in the column "about myself", starting from kindergarten. This should contain information useful to the employer, emphasizing your professional strengths or indicating your ability to work in a team.
  • Written without errors and logical inconsistencies. Even if you are hired as a turner at a factory, you must show yourself to be a competent and responsible person: fortunately, at present, it is not difficult to check the text for errors. The ability to present information in a logical and structured way is a quality that is valued in any position.
  • Smartly designed. Each column in this document is assigned a specific place. If you write about professional and personal qualities in one section or if you are careless in the design of your resume, HR specialists are unlikely to bombard you with interview invitations.

The resume must include: personal and contact details, wishes for future work, experience, professional skills, education, awards and diplomas of a professional nature.

Fraudsters - in this case, companies that either want you to work for free or hope to get your money. Online scams are especially common. Distinguishing honest employers from scammers is not easy: scammers know how to inspire confidence and impress.

The most correct rule

If someone wants you to transfer a certain amount of money to an account (down payment, loyalty check, payment teaching aids or materials), you are likely to be bred.

Tip 7. Prayer for work is your extra helper

Prayer-appeal to the Orthodox Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky helps believers find a good job.

This saint and miracle worker, who lived at the beginning of our era, helps those in need to gain confidence, independence, and find their life's work.

They pray to Saint Spyridon during life's troubles, financial difficulties, in the absence of work.

4. Effective ways to find a job - TOP 7 popular options

Here we present effective ways job search. With the help of them you will be able to cover the maximum number of vacancies and offers.

1) Personal contacts: relatives, friends, social networks

Statistics show that in small companies, 40% of employees get a job through acquaintances through friends, relatives or through social networks. By simply posting a job search message in your Facebook or VKontakte status, you will significantly increase your chances of finding a job through close or distant acquaintances.

Notify your surroundings that you are looking for a vacancy and word of mouth will become your assistants in this matter.

2) Professional communities

Professional communities are both a new and well-known phenomenon to mankind. This is the name of a group of people who are employed in a certain field of activity and regularly exchange experience and contacts among themselves, jointly develop the most effective methods solving professional problems.

Often, representatives of such communities also exchange information about vacancies, vacancies and other information useful to a job seeker.

3) Newspapers free ads

Printed publications - already somewhat outdated, but still operating method job search. The main category of people who use free classified newspapers are older people who are conservative and do not trust modern technologies. Some companies that publish job listings in newspapers duplicate them on Internet sites.

4) Online Job Search Sites

The most relevant way today. There are dozens of sites on the Internet that daily update lists of hundreds of vacancies in all possible areas of work. Proper use of online portals will allow you to find a job quickly and for free.

Most popular job sites:

  • Job.ru- a popular portal for job seekers and employers. A very simple interface of the site will allow you to easily and simply wait for employers to call you. Registration and preparation of a resume on the site will take no more than 20 minutes.
  • headhunter(hh.ru) - this convenient, functional and up-to-date site works in every city, has hundreds of thousands of vacancies in the list (depending, of course, on the population) and several million resumes from applicants from all over Russia;
  • Indeed(ru.indeed.com) is an equally popular portal designed for an audience of applicants of all ages and specialties. Its convenience is that it collects data on a given vacancy from various Internet portals. The developers also made a convenient mobile application.
  • Avito(avito.ru) is an all-Russian site for free ads, where, among others, there are job search sections in the city of your residence: “vacancies” and “service offers”;
  • "Yandex Work"(worka.yandex.ru). Special job search service from Yandex - the most popular search engine in Runet.
  • worka.ru- profile well-known site.

These are just the most popular sites, there are many of them on the net. It is also worth paying attention to your local city portals. Very often they also publish announcements of local employers.

It is better to view vacancies from Monday, tracking new offers every morning. The possible "disadvantages" of this method include a large number of applicants for one proposal.

5) Monitoring of vacancies on company websites and targeted distribution of resumes

If you are a specialist in any profession or dream of working in a particular company, make your search more targeted: you can monitor vacancies on the resources of companies you are interested in and send your own resume to their personnel departments.

A completely reliable and productive method of finding a job, especially if you have something to interest the employer. Competition between employers in the market is very high: they also try not to miss valuable employees.

6) Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies work through recruiters: you leave them your resume, they are looking for an employer. Be careful - not all recruitment agencies are “clean hands” - among them there are often scammers or just firms that do not perform their work up to the mark.

7) Own website

Another modern and relevant method of finding a job. True, your own website will help if you have something to offer the employer - your high qualifications, confirmed by examples of work performed (portfolio), your abilities for certain activities.

Having your own website is especially useful in finding remote work as a designer, copywriter, marketing and advertising specialist.

Efficiency Comparison Table various methods job search:

Search method Expenses Coverage of the audience of employers Search time
1 Relatives, friends, acquaintances Is free Small Typically 3 days to a month
2 Professional communities Is free small, targeted A few months
3 Newspapers Ad cost Big Not limited
4 Internet sites Is free Almost all vacancies in the city Not limited
5 Own website Website creation cost Limited Not limited
7 Monitoring of vacancies on company websites Is free limited, targeted Not limited
8 Recruiting agency Free / or part of the first salary Big Few weeks

5. How to get a job - 7 popular areas of employment

Many people want to get a prestigious job. In this section, we have reviewed the most popular areas of elite employment.

To the police

New personnel will always be in demand by law enforcement agencies: the work is hard, dangerous, but, of course, necessary. There are almost no delays in the salary of the police, in addition, the employees themselves have an impressive list of benefits and privileges provided by law. But not everyone is hired by the police.

Almost a prerequisite is military service, impeccable health, good physical shape. Does it matter emotional stability, which is checked for primary stage selection of candidates through testing.

Young people of any gender 18-35 years old are taken to serve in the ranks of the police. Candidates' educational requirements depend on the position they are applying for. Profile education, of course, will not be superfluous if there are thoughts about career growth.

in the FSB

FSB officers can theoretically become citizens of the Russian Federation who, by their professional, physical, personal qualities, as well as by age and education, can perform official duties. Beyond the List binding documents candidates are required to pass:

  1. Psychophysical testing for resistance to stress.
  2. Tests for the use of drugs and psychoactive substances.
  3. Physical condition check.
  4. Medical examination.

In addition, all future employees of the Security Service must pass the registration of access to State Secrets.

To Gazprom

Gazprom is the most profitable and stable company in the country, an influential player not only in Russia, but also in the global economic market. Getting a job at Gazprom is the dream of many of our compatriots. It is believed that it is impossible to get a job in this company without personal connections, but this is just a stereotype.

You can start looking for a job at Gazprom from the websites of these companies, which regularly publish job listings. If, moreover, you good specialist profile direction, certified graduate prestigious university, then it is quite possible that the doors of the company will be hospitably open before you.

To the bank

This direction has always been of interest to people who dream of a career, stable earnings and high profits. Experts predict some decline in this direction in the coming years: most likely, ordinary workers will be laid off - line managers, cashiers, and so on.

There are no strict education requirements for consultants and tellers (front-office workers). As a rule, students of economic and law universities, people with managerial experience, come to banks.

In banks, there are a lot of starting positions for which people can be hired without experience. In 1-2 years, many young people manage to grow vertically or horizontally in terms of career. True, it is not necessary to count on very large salaries for employees without experience. However, a year or two can be tolerated for the sake of a future career.

Rotational method

Builders, drivers, bulldozer drivers, tractor drivers and representatives of other specialties, whose skills are required in the harsh conditions of the Far North and the Arctic, work on a rotational basis.

The essence of the shift method is simple: a team goes to work for 1-3 months and performs its duties on the job - living in temporary housing at construction sites, mining or processing of minerals.

Theoretically, any person of the required specialty, ready to work in harsh conditions, can be hired as a shift worker.


People seeking to find work on a rotational basis can run into a "scam" - firms that collect supposedly "entry fees" from "future employees" for registration.

To avoid this, work only with those companies that have representative offices.


To get a job abroad (we are not talking about China and Mongolia, but about Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia), you need to look for a position either through recruitment agency or on foreign websites.

The chance to work abroad is high for representatives of popular technical specialties - programmers, engineers, designers, IT specialists. Good options are offered to financiers, top managers.

Naturally, without knowing the language, it is almost impossible to get a normal job in another country. Competition in the job market in Western Europe is very high. In addition to local applicants, people from the eastern part of Europe, Turkey and Asian countries seek to find work there.

You can get a job in the Russian Federation in an international company, and then look for opportunities to transfer to a foreign office. If you put in the maximum effort and effort, it will be quite feasible task for an ambitious and purposeful person.

to the civil service

Far from the worst employment option (especially in a crisis). There is almost always a competition for the vacancies of civil servants: they choose the best possible candidate.

The recruitment process is a step-by-step process - first, all your documents and data are reviewed, then a face-to-face or written test for special training is carried out.

Work experience in a specialty (for example, in a bank, if you get a job in the financial part) will be a good help. You can find out about vacancies in the service of the state apparatus on the websites of the authorities of the city or region.

6. How to find a remote job online

Working on the Web is a great option for those who do not want to work according to a schedule and “for an uncle”. Today, on the Internet, you can find jobs in all humanitarian and technical specialties. Linguists, philologists, teachers, designers, lawyers, medical workers, programmers. We have already discussed in detail in one of the previous articles.

To receive income, you only need constant access to the Web, a bank account or an electronic wallet. Plus the desire to learn and grow. You can find remote work on the World Wide Web on special sites like FL.ru and Workzilla.

Internet business - a relatively new direction, which is becoming more and more relevant. On the Web, you can open your own business (an online store, a legal portal, a school), or you can simply do what you like remotely.

If you are a journalist or philologist, write texts to fill network resources with content. If you are a university teacher, prepare applicants via Skype or help with theses. Any talent can find an application: your skills and abilities can be converted into a cash equivalent.

The Internet has many advantages:

  1. You can work without special education. You can get specialized knowledge here, for example, by studying feature articles, e-learning courses and Youtube videos.
  2. Income is not limited to salary. You set your own bar.
  3. Ability to manage your time. By working remotely, you yourself ration your working day, choose weekends and control the duration of your vacation.
  4. Lots of opportunities for personal growth. Being your own boss, you can carry out the most daring and risky projects.

Of course, it is necessary to grow to a stable level of income - not all at once. And with experience, you will definitely understand how to act more efficiently and competently. You can start right away by opening your own website and promoting it. We have already told you how to create your own website.

With initial investments in marketing and optimization, in a year you can turn your project into a profitable business that brings a stable income.

7. How to look for a job in Moscow

Finding a job in Moscow is certainly not an easy task, especially during the economic downturn. You can count on official vacancies only if you have Moscow registration. Informal employment is a common but risky option. If there is no employment contract, you are in the full power of the employer.

Moving and finding a place in the capital is a challenge for energetic and ambitious people. If you have abilities, knowledge, skills and a suitable education, you can find many options for self-realization in the capital.

Be prepared in advance for a change in the rhythm of life, other prices and a different level of salaries. If you are planning to live in rented apartment, calculate the level of income in advance to cover the cost of rent and still eat normally.

At the end of the article, watch a short educational video on job search:

8. Conclusion

So, now you know a lot more about how to find a job. We hope that our recommendations will help you find a way to earn money that suits you completely in terms of money and in terms of self-realization. We wish you to find a highly paid hobby, then you will not have to work in the standard sense.

Approach your employment seriously, because, according to statistics, more than half of a person's life is spent at work.

We wish you success.

Tohow to get a job with the police? Increasingly, young people are interested in this issue, who consider the work of a policeman to be prestigious and promising. But beforehow to get a job in the policeyou need to assess your chances of getting a position.

What are the positions in the police

First of all, you need to understand that the Russian police is a whole complex state structures responsible for maintaining law and order in the country. This means that not only district police officers, investigators and operatives are in demand in the police, but also specialists in such peaceful professions as accountants, personnel officers, etc. The list of professions that are required by the police is comparable to the requests of any other state structure.

In addition, pedagogical education can be useful for placement in units for working with minors. Thus, if a citizen has a desire to serve in the ranks of the police, it is feasible not only for lawyers, but also for representatives of other professions.

How to get into the police? In order to become a candidate for a position, you must contact the Human Resources Department of that structural unit in which a citizen wants to serve, submit a package of documents, pass tests and examinations.

It seems that all this can be done easily, but despite the simplicity of the process, there are certain limitations that can interfere with the work of the police.

Is it possible for a girl to get a job in the police (requirements for candidates)

Before you get a job in the police, you need to check whether you meet the requirements that apply to people trying to find a job in this structure. Of course, the list of requirements for an investigator and an accountant will differ, but there are also a number of mandatory compliance points.

So, citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, can become police officers, which means both girls and young people who are fit for health reasons to serve and who pass the age limit established by law. Citizens not younger than 18, but not older than 35 are allowed to enter the service in the internal affairs bodies. An exception is the case when a citizen who previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs begins the service - then the age bar rises to 50 years.

The educational requirements of candidates are presented in accordance with the level of the position for which they are applying. For some positions, a complete secondary or professional education, but for senior and senior commanding staff, a higher profile education is required. Qualification requirements for candidates are listed in articles 14 and 17 federal law dated November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ.

You should not think about how to get a job in the police, those candidates who have their own business, those who are not ready to work with state secrets, or who have convicted relatives. In the presence of a personal conviction or repeated bringing to administrative responsibility, the path to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also closed.

What documents are needed to get a job in the police

To apply for a job with the police, you must submit the following set of documents:

  • statement;
  • questionnaire;
  • autobiography (see: How to write an autobiography (example of writing)? Sample);
  • education documents;
  • military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • information about income and property;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN (see .: How and where can I issue and receive a TIN certificate for an individual?);
  • employment record (if any).

This is by no means an exhaustive list of documents: depending on the position for which a citizen is applying, it can increase, reaching up to 20 items. However, documents are not all that is required for a device in the police.

What tests need to be passed

What do you need to get a job in the police, in addition to documents? The future employee will need to undergo a medical examination to confirm his fitness for service. Medical examination includes examination by a number of specialists and passing standard set analyses.

Since not only physical, but also emotional stability is being tested, it will be necessary to undergo psychological testing. Only after completing all the tests, passing a medical examination and in the absence of inadmissible facts in the biography, a citizen can be accepted for an internship.

After successfully completing an internship, which lasts from 3 to 6 months, an employee can be accepted for the appropriate position and certified, followed by the assignment of a special title.

This question is asked not only by students after graduation, but also by those who have not worked in their specialty.

Requirements for candidates

Everyone knows that cadres decide everything, and first of all, employers. These people try to pick the most the best employees. After all, the success of the enterprise depends on them and their actions. For this reason, when you see an advertisement for an employee, the requirements for the candidate are very serious: higher education, knowledge of English language and, of course, work experience. But where to get it? Not everyone was lucky enough to work in their specialty, especially if a person has just completed his education. Nevertheless, you can please the employer without it. Read on - how.

Compiling a resume

This document, which is mandatory when looking for a job, will represent you when selecting an employee for a particular vacancy.

A resume must be written correctly, especially if you are interested in how to get a job without work experience. Basic information is your name, address, marital status, education (you need to specify the specialty), citizenship. But, in addition, in the resume you need to mention your additional skills. If you are interested in work without experience for students, then be sure to describe everything that you know and can do. For example, possession computer programs. As well as the presence of a driver's license, a car and the ability to use it at work.

Languages ​​and their level of proficiency are very important. If you are on sufficient level you know the language, but because of the lack of practice, you are embarrassed to point it out, it is very in vain! But lying, if you don’t actually own it, is not worth it.

What to write in the "work experience" section, if there is none?

As without work experience - that's what most students who have completed their studies are interested in. This question cannot be ignored in a resume. Well, we will not bypass it, but will answer it with dignity.

After all, you probably had an internship, so write about it. If you have a positive reference from the place of internship, you can attach it to your resume. This will serve you well. Many students work part-time during their studies, and most often not in the specialty received at a higher educational institution: promoters, bartenders, waiters. We advise you to include this experience in your resume. After all, it means that you are already familiar with labor discipline, you know how to communicate with customers. Let such activity not be related to a real “serious” profession, but the fact that you are interested in earning money already speaks in your favor.

Is it possible to write that there is experience if it is not?

Let's say you understand that a manager without work experience will interest the employer much less than with experience. Let's say you have a familiar employee of some enterprise. And if you provide his contacts, he will be able to confirm that you worked for him and have proven yourself well.

So why not write that you have experience in this company in the specialty you need? In fact, it is theoretically possible to do so. But even the simplest positions like a waiter or a store clerk provide some skills and knowledge, and what can we say if, for example, you lie that you were a sales manager or an accountant? Lies will be revealed on your very first day at work. Believe me, it's better to admit that you have no experience and show your desire to work than to tell three boxes about your abilities and then be caught lying.

Face-to-face interview

Your resume will say a lot about you, but you will reveal much more about yourself during the interview. without work experience, passing the interview? these tips:

  1. Be confident, but not overconfident. A calm smile, a firm voice will show that you may be worried, but you are able to pull yourself together in stressful situation, which is the interview. Look directly into the interviewer's eyes - gently, not hard.
  2. Answer the questions you are asked honestly. You should not lie, as a shifty glance will tell about this better than any lie detector.
  3. For interviews, dress modestly. If you are a woman, then it is better not to put on makeup at all than to make a catchy “war paint”. Don't wear a lot of jewelry.
  4. If the subject of your research is work after graduation, then the employer may ask you some specialized questions to probe your knowledge. For example, if you studied at the Faculty of Economics, then you may be asked what is profitability, profit or gross domestic product. If you answer “I don’t remember” with a bewildered smile, then this, of course, will not be in your favor.

Imagine that they don't know anything about you. Your clothes, appearance, behavior will say much more than your words. A person who is tastefully dressed, but not brightly dressed, honest, direct and confident enough in himself and his abilities will create a positive impression.

What to do if it is impossible to get a job without work experience?

It is unfortunate, but still there is a possibility that you will not be hired for the desired vacancy only for the reason that you do not have experience. No problem! You can get a job at the same company, but in a completely different position.

For example, an assistant without work experience is needed almost everywhere. As well as the secretary-referent, office manager. Having gained such experience as corporate culture, having met with the management team, in a year or two you can easily move to the desired position, if you want, of course. Just do not keep your desire to yourself, communicate the need for career advancement bosses.

Where can you get a job after high school?

Do you think that you can work only after receiving an average or higher education? Not necessary! In fact, work after graduation is very diverse. And you can find something as an additional or main income. What can recent students do?

1. Seller or sales assistant. You can trade or encourage a customer to buy a product.

2. Participation in promotions. in stores, and other sales-activating promotions.

3. Courier, food delivery man.

Work without experience for women

Some girls get pregnant while studying at a university, and therefore, after receiving a diploma, they immediately go on maternity leave. Therefore, when they decide to start building a career, the employer looks at the young specialist with at least distrust.

But this is no reason to lay down your hands and not even try to find a place for yourself! Get tips on how to fill out a resume and pass an interview. Also, think about whether you want to work in your specialty, or maybe you are interested in something else? An accountant and a financier are much more boring than, for example, a consultant in a store with women's clothing or cosmetics. Such work without experience is sometimes more suitable for women, it spends less nerves, and brings as much money as, for example, the position of a bank employee. In addition, there is always a demand for pedicure and manicure masters, hairdressers, sports instructors. After graduating from not very expensive courses, you will receive a second diploma and will be able to immediately earn money.

Such activities are not very difficult, on the contrary, you can earn money in a pleasant way for you in a good environment without performing complex operations.

Watch without work experience: where to get a job

If you want not only to receive money for your work, but also to live for your own pleasure, you fit job shift method. What is special about such a chart? You do not need to be at the workplace five days a week for eight hours. You will work according to a special schedule approved by management. For example, it can be work according to the scheme one day after three, a month of work - a month of rest, as well as another system.

A watch without work experience is quite possible for you if you do not disdain physical labor. So, for example, there is always a demand for various and auxiliary workers, loaders, security guards, packers. What do loaders and security guards do, of course. But what are the duties of ancillary workers? It requires stamina and at least minimal physical fitness. Shift work is best paid in the north of Russia, but you can get a job in your hometown.

And finally

Just because you don't have work experience doesn't mean you won't be able to get a job. You have several options:

  1. Try to interview for the position you want, even if the job requirements state that work experience is required. If you make a favorable impression on the employer, you will not be refused and will be taught everything in the process of activity.
  2. It happens that a favorable impression is not enough. Try to get a job at the same company for a job where experience is not required. After working a little, you will get acquainted with the internal routine and culture, become familiar with the leadership. There is a high probability that after some time you will be transferred to the desired position.
  3. If you are stubbornly not hired anywhere without experience, think about whether you want to change your specialization? Working as an accountant or banker is much more boring than advising store customers, doing fitness training, doing hair or nail extensions. Get a second specialty and immediately get down to business that will bring you money.
  4. If you want to not only earn income, but at the same time have a lot of free time, shift work is suitable for you. This means that it is not traditional, in the form of a five-day week, but another, for example, a month of work - a month of rest. You can get good money. And to get a job as a packer, handyman or security guard, experience is not required.

Work is the main source of income for many people. In especially successful cases, it is also a favorite thing of a lifetime. But in order to receive the coveted workplace, it is necessary to comply with a number of formalities, in particular, to collect Required documents for getting a job.

Document types

The admission of an employee to the state begins with the submission of his documents. They, in turn, are divided into two categories: basic and required by necessity. The first ones include:

  • The passport or any other proof of identity.
  • Employment history. If the employee is employed part-time or for the first time, then it is not required. For the first, a work document is considered to be a book that is located at the main place of work, for the second, it must be issued in the personnel department. If for some reason the future employee cannot provide a work permit (lost, spoiled, etc.), the employer, upon his written application, is obliged to create a new document.
  • Certificate of compulsory pension insurance. If the employee gets a job for the first time, then the HR department is engaged in its registration.
  • Military ID. Only for persons liable for military service and those who are subject to conscription into the army.
  • Diploma. Possibly a document special education qualifications, if required by the intended position.

Optional Documents

Documents for getting a job are not always official. Sometimes an employer may require you to additional information in the form of optional paper evidence such as:

  • Registration. Few people know that according to the law they cannot demand it. However, due to recent circumstances (frequent migrations of the population), many employers consider this item as mandatory.
  • Salary information. Here, at your discretion, you have the right not to bring.
  • Characteristic for a device to work with previous place or letter of recommendation from a former manager. Despite the fact that the document belongs to non-basic papers, it is still worth bringing it, as this will add a positive rating to your piggy bank.
  • TIN. When applying for a job, a taxpayer document should not be required, but most likely you will be asked about it. Be prepared for the fact that it also needs to be issued. This is done at the nearest tax office at the place of residence (registration or registration).
  • Medical health certificate. There are a number of professions that require you to pass tests when applying for a job, and sometimes undergo a full medical examination. Such a certificate must be presented, for example, to employees employed in the food industry, in the transport sector, as well as people working with food (seller, cook) or in children's institutions (educator, teacher).
  • In addition, the employer may require a necessary medical examination if it employs an employee under the age of 18. Such a medical commission when applying for a job is paid by the host, that is, the company.

Stages of getting to work

Documents for employment are only the first step in the process of registering a new employee. The whole journey goes through several stages. Let's dwell on them in more detail.


First, you are given a sample application for a device to work, which you fill out. Sometimes you write from yourself, but prescribed form. Then the document gets on the table to the head, he prescribes the salary in it, puts the date, signature. After that, your application, along with the rest of the documents, is submitted to the HR department.

There are internal documents for employment - these are corporate rules, local regulations on working hours, on labor protection and remuneration, on bonuses, on vacations, and others. The future employee should be familiarized with them BEFORE hiring, and be sure to sign. It is not worth neglecting this procedure, so as not to encounter violations in the future that entail serious consequences, up to criminal liability. More precisely, if you do not familiarize the future employee with safety standards, for example, then in the event of an accident, the management can be punished to the fullest extent of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor contract

The next stage (one of the most important) - signing Here I would like to dwell in more detail.

It is necessary to conclude within three working days, delaying this process is unacceptable and contrary to the law. If you commenced your duties prior to signing important document, then the issue is considered resolved automatically (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The contract must contain all information about the employee and the employer, about the place and working conditions, it also fixes the mode of working time and rest, the amount of salary, including allowances, bonuses, etc., guarantees and compensations if a person is involved in hazardous production, the date of conclusion of the contract must be indicated. The labor document is signed in two copies. One remains with the employer, the second - with the employee (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Important Points

Each labor contract includes a line about a probationary period, it is not provided for all citizens, so you should pay attention to this Special attention so as not to break the law.

It says that for minors, for pregnant women and mothers with children under the age of one and a half years. Basic information can be found in the submitted documents, but a certificate stating that a woman is in a position, she should bring herself.

Important! If at the time of the conclusion of the contract, she did not confirm this fact with documents, then probation considered legal. Also, the test period is not set for graduates of state universities who completed it without more than a year ago, have never worked anywhere before and get a job directly in their specialty.

And a couple more fundamental nuances: the probationary period in the contract is indicated precisely at the time of its conclusion, it will be impossible to make any further amendments. It is not possible to extend the trial phase, but it is possible to complete it earlier. Also size wages for this period should not be lower than the income established in the staffing table.

In accordance with Article 64 of the Labor Code, an unreasonable refusal is excluded. The employer is obliged to state in writing the reason for his refusal.

Getting a job: forms

Having concluded an employment contract, the next step is the personnel department draws up an order for employment. It is compiled according to a unified form (T-1), adopted by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Acquaintance with him is carried out within three days and must be signed. Next, an entry is made in work book, which the employee of the personnel department leaves at work. He makes copies of all other documents, puts them in a personal file for storage, and returns the originals to the owner.

According to the law, it must be recorded within five working days from the start of employment.

And the final stage of getting a job is to issue a personal card for a new employee. It is also recorded according to the sample established by the State Statistics Committee (T-2), which is very convenient and does not cause difficulties.

It is possible that over time, documents for applying for a job will require completely different ones. Since labor legislation does not stand still, the laws are supplemented and improved every year, the requirements for participants labor process also undergo various changes. And who knows what we should expect in a year or two? Not yet known.