About me personal qualities. Writing a resume: what qualities of an employee will interest the employer? Additional information in the resume

You can interest the employer if you write your resume correctly. To do this, you need to know the basic rules for writing it and the nuances of filling out individual columns. In this article, as well as on home page, you will find ready-made examples See the About Me section of your resume for how to best fill out this section.

It is not worth focusing too much on this point. You can enter information into it that should interest the employer and arrange it.

For example, an accountant can enter the following information:

  • there are publications in the editions "Home Accounting", "Accounting";
  • the possibility of business trips;
  • married, one child;
  • I renew my subscription to specialized accounting journals every year to always be aware of changes;
  • I can work with all MS Office programs.

A prospective sales manager can try to get the recruiter interested in the following way:

  • I easily find contact with people of different ages and professions;
  • there is a driver's license and a personal car;
  • the possibility of business trips, including for a long period;
  • I am fond of studying German language, trained for 2 months in Germany;
  • confident user of MS Office programs, I can handle office equipment.

For a driver applicant, the “about me” column may look like this:

  • married, two children;
  • driving experience over 15 years;
  • ready to work on irregular hours;
  • have experience in driving passenger buses.

A salesperson candidate for the sports department may write:

  • I am fond of snowboarding, roller skating, skateboarding, cycling;
  • I organize hiking trips on weekends;
  • I am a candidate for master or master of sports;
  • took part in testing sports equipment.

Many candidates push the recruiter away by continuing to describe their merits in the “about myself” column. For example, it would be an error to write that you are:

  • responsible, scrupulous, proactive;
  • sociable, attentive, conscientious;
  • creative, talented, resourceful.

It will be enough if you list all your merits in the column "personal qualities".

In addition, keep in mind that knowledge of the computer can be tested even during the interview. The same applies to information regarding knowledge of foreign languages.

When thinking about what to write about me on your resume, remember that this column should include data that is not included in other sections. A universal scheme can be assembled from the following options:

  • married, two schoolchildren;
  • ready for business trips for a period not exceeding 5 days;
  • ready for long business trips;
  • have a driver's license and a private car;
  • ready for business trips to other countries (a valid passport is available);
  • the possibility of moving to another city;
  • I work with MS Office programs;
  • I am a member of the association of dentists (accountants, PR technologists, IT specialists);
  • I am fond of reading professional literature, subscribed to specialized periodicals;
  • I am fluent in English (oral and written), IELTS exam passed for 8 points;
  • I study German (French, Spanish) in specialized courses;
  • ready to work after hours and, if necessary, on weekends.

From the above structures, you can assemble an example of a resume graph that is right for you. Of course, the employer will first of all look at skills and experience, but willingness to travel or possession foreign language might give you some extra points.

When writing a resume, it is very important to pay attention to all the points in the questionnaire. Indeed, after meeting you, with your experience, education, the potential employer pays Special attention business qualities of the candidate and a story about yourself. After all, it is through them that you are a good, interesting candidate. And you can advertise, present yourself from the most advantageous side in the section of the resume "story about yourself".

This article provides detailed information on what and how to tell about yourself on a resume; what exactly to write in the column "about me", as well as samples and examples of filling out a resume.

Do I need to write anything at all?

The section of the story about yourself, as a rule, is indicated at the very end of the resume and at first glance it may seem that the above professional quality and experience quite describe you as a worker. However, it is not. For example, if the items “ general information"," Experience "and" Education "imply the indication of specific information, then the item" about me "allows you to add to the resume those data that you consider necessary to indicate additionally and which are not included in the main sections. Tell about yourself on your resume by specifying your strengths and summarizing the main achievements.

Basic rules on how to make a short and beautiful description of yourself on a resume

  • Indicate no more than 5 items.
  • The information provided should be, in one way or another, useful to the employer.
  • Restraint and professionalism.
  • Honesty.

Let's take a closer look at what should be written in the resume in the column "about me" based on the samples provided.

Sales Manager candidates may indicate the following:

  • I know how to find an approach to people different ages and professions;
  • The presence of a driver's license and a / m;
  • Possibility of business trips;
  • I am fond of studying foreign languages;
  • Confident user of PC and office equipment.

Or, for example, when compiling a resume for the position of an accountant in the column "about me", you can specify the following information:

Availability of publications in the "accounting" edition;

  • Marital status, presence of children;
  • Possibility of business trips;
  • Annual subscription to prof. magazines;
  • Ability to work in all MS Office programs.

A candidate for the position of a driver in the column about me on his resume may indicate, for example, the following points:

  • Family status;
  • Driving experience;
  • Readiness for irregular working hours;
  • Experience in driving passenger buses.

Major mistakes of job seekers

The most common mistake many candidates make is to continue talking about their merits in the "About me" column. It is not necessary to indicate such information as: sociable, responsible, proactive, etc. This information should be indicated in the column personal qualities. Try to be short and succinct.

Also remember that knowledge of languages ​​and the ability to work in various programs is very often tested during interviews. Therefore, indicate only true facts About Me.

Universal constructor

For your convenience, we present universal samples of what you can write in the column about me when writing a resume. Choose the options that best suit you:

  • Marital status (married, single, having children and their age).
  • Willingness or impossibility of business trips. Indicate the time frame. It is also worth indicating the presence of a passport.
  • Car and driver's license. Specify a category.
  • Possibility of moving to another city or country.
  • Knowledge of MS Office programs. Degree of ownership.
  • Membership in any professional organization.
  • Creation of professional literature, participation in development, publication, etc.
  • Knowledge of languages. Degree of ownership.
  • Readiness for irregular working hours.

Advice, using these samples, do not forget that you can specify any important information about you. The main thing is that the content of the section corresponds to the title.

What to write about yourself in a resume: examples. Additional information about yourself in the resume is short and beautiful: writing example, sample

If you need to make a good impression on a future employer, then you will certainly need a properly designed and written resume as a document that is a short and complete analogue of a presentation about you, your skills and achievements. The article will help you to tell about yourself briefly and beautifully. Thanks to the detailed description, you will create an example of a resume yourself.

What is a resume and what it is eaten with

As stated above, must be described brief information about yourself in your resume. Examples of any similar document contain an average of 2 pages. Preferably no more and no less. Any deviation from the norm will not make a good impression. If there is an unreasonable amount of information, then the employer may think that you have poor subordinate skills: narcissism prevails. If too little, then you get the impression that you are hiding any information about the previous place of work, for example, leaving with a scandal, therefore, there is an immunity to criticism from the outside.

There is a summary of two versions: electronic and printed. The electronic contains only an autobiography (and possibly a portfolio). Printed is a collection of the following documents, filed in a folder in this order:

Resume (in a separate file);

A copy of the certificate of education (all pages of the diploma);

Copies of passport data with a photo and place of issue of the document (first page);

Scan permanent place residence from the passport;

If necessary - an insert with a scan of temporary registration (issued by a non-management company);

TIN (individual taxpayer number);

SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account is also called a pension insurance certificate or simply a pension certificate);

A copy of the military ID or registration card;

Copies of written feedback from superiors from previous jobs.

This is all additional information about yourself. In the summary, the example is described as complete, nothing else needs to be added.

Regarding the penultimate point: all organizations are required to report on persons who have not completed military service. If work is needed, and you have not yet had time to serve, it is necessary during the interview to mention the available deferral from the draft.

Depending on the proposed position, you may need to add information about the existing passport to the list, sanitary book, admission to the workplace. Examples of completed projects may also need to be added here if the work was skill-dependent.

The printed version is provided to the responsible official or to the HR department with the possibility of completing an additional questionnaire on the spot.

Why your resume needs to be properly formatted

Since the presentation of the material is concise, each word is analyzed, so you should double-check the work for errors.

Humor will play a bad joke: one inappropriate phrase - and your resume will end up in the trash can, and you will continue to wait for a call with an interview offer. Not the most The best way report information about yourself in the resume (we will analyze another example a little later). If you want to make a good impression, then it is better to save this manner of communication until a personal meeting.

An important point is the visual design of the main information. If everything is filled out correctly, without errors and in a supportive manner, but written in a different font, without alignment and so on, then no one will understand.

The easiest way to create a resume is in Microsoft Word any version. Page margins are used following sizes: left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm each. The font is not small, but not large (10, 12, 14 to choose from). The future filing of the document can be located either in the upper left corner, or along the left side (which is more practical).

A large 2-column table is created. In the left column, we begin to fill in the lines: full name. and year of birth, position, income level, home phone, mobile phone, e-mail. WITH right side merge the cells and insert your photo.

Then we leave 1 line empty. Let's take a look at what to write about yourself in your resume. Let's consider an example in detail. We write the heading "Personal information", under it we indicate the city and place of residence (the nearest metro station), education with a specialty, marital status(indicating the presence or absence of children).

The next section will be titled “Work Experience” and will have two columns. In the first column we indicate the position, the name of the organization, the period of work and job duties... We filled in 1 place of the previous job - we repeat the process again until we list all those related to the vacant position.

According to the same principle, all refresher courses and others are described: the name of the course, the date of completion, the duration (if a couple of days, then we do not indicate), the place of completion.

Skills: computer skills, foreign languages. The description is not limited to this. What else to write about yourself in your resume? An example of what not to specify will also be provided below.

We make the entire table invisible.

No extra material needs to be added. The whole load is carried by additional information about yourself. In summary, an example of using sections is given.

The photo on the resume should be business-like and strict. Men in jackets and ties, women in suits with their hair pulled back. The place can be any (cafe, restaurant, street), but in no case against the background of a carpet.

This is a column about yourself in a resume - an example of how a person cannot rationally correlate his skills with the expected level of earnings. Experienced people need to build on the salary at their previous job with a small margin. When you get used to it, look for another organization with a higher salary and demand a raise (put it before the fact).

Students do not have to expect good pay early in their careers. There is no point in demanding a decent pay, the opportunities are not the same. Save up on a third-party roughing specialty, find a vacancy in education for a minimal fee. Get comfortable, then move on. There should be no more questions about what to write about yourself in your resume. An example is presented above.

This column describes the knowledge of general and special programs.

It is strictly not recommended to indicate the level of proficiency in foreign languages ​​above the actual level, since it will not be difficult to check it.

This section indicates, as a rule, standard set: communication skills, responsibility, learning. Common sense dictates that it doesn't hurt to write something great additionally about yourself on your resume. The example should look colorful, but correct. Instead, you can indicate what you have achieved and what you are proud of: in the previous place of work, you managed to quickly find mutual language with all employees, during the hospital, a superior colleague took responsibility for his work, set himself the goal of reading for last summer 30 books and reached it. You don't have to show yourself to be someone you are not. However, it is possible to demonstrate your attitude towards life, tasks, aspirations and work.

Having no experience in a new field behind your back, in your resume you will be able to compensate for the lack of information and characterize yourself as an interesting candidate for a vacancy.

Feedback from employers on the design of the resume

Let's use the survey results for clarity. According to one resource, there is a list of words that a candidate for a position should never use about themselves on a resume. Examples: best in their field, active (energetic, entrepreneurial), thinking outside the box, fast learner, executive, leadership thinking, responsible, result-oriented, team player, sociable, hardworking, strategist, dynamic, motivated, perfectionist. Admit it, you too have used them many times.

Now about the words that are eager to hear so that the candidate speaks about himself in the resume. Examples: Achieved, Improved, Taught, Managed, Created, Decided, Initiated, Influenced, Gain (and Bust), Ideas, Coped (Overcome), Started with Enthusiasm, Income (Profit), Within Budget, Won. Practice on a piece of paper. For each word on the list, add five of your words. Use this in your resume and interview as arguments.

And finally - a list of the main mistakes that should not be made when writing a resume. Examples: mistakes due to illiteracy, an incompletely completed resume, template phrases in the resume, in the field of the desired position, an indication of "any", a response to a vacancy with a different name, general phrases (without specifics), exclamation marks, copying someone else's information.

How to defend your resume. An example of writing about myself, a sample and much more

So you've sent your resume to e-mail, you have been invited for an interview. This is not a reason to relax. At the appointed time, you must arrive in the appropriate form with necessary documents(take with you another copy of your resume just in case) and prove yourself.

Most main point- you need to come to the interview not agitated, but calm and good mood... There is no need to hang around your neck, beg or promise what you cannot do for the sake of the position. Before interviewing, you need to get rid of your outerwear and have a pen ready. Sit in a comfortable position after starting. Do not cross your arms over your chest, do not turn your head away from the interlocutor. When talking, you need to smile as often as possible. The easier your answers to the questions are, the better.

Depending on the vacancy and the number of people in the office, the interview will vary. One person: Asks superficial questions, later tricky ones. Two people: one asks questions and puts in uncomfortable situations, the second, a psychologist, analyzes behavior, reactions, etc. (the position of a manager in the standard program implies stress tests). Broadcast from an office with management from another city: not the most pleasant type of interview due to the fact that communication problems may arise, it is more difficult to arouse sympathy in a large number of people, and a psychologist (or a local boss) is sitting on the side or behind.

When answering questions, in no case should you shift your blame onto others, regardless of who is to blame. You can come up with different answers, but preferably concise and precise. Formulate your answer so that no counter questions arise.

One of the questions will be asked something like this: "What do you want to achieve in this position?" The answer should be thought out in advance.

Let's talk about other features of a resume. An example of writing about yourself, a sample of filling has already been disassembled. Consider a student applying for a job with no work experience (questions about diploma and skills). You have given a reason to ask questions by writing something extra about yourself on your resume. Examples of responses will be as follows:

At times he was lazy, at times he worked part-time and did not fit into the point norm.

This is the most balanced answer to the question of how to describe yourself on a resume. An example is good, because you openly admit your mistakes and indicate that you have an idea of ​​the work. V this option it is necessary to superficially tell what kind of position it was, what it gave you or that it has nothing to do with the vacancy.

Why do you have so many triplets in your diploma?

I didn't see the point in chasing grades.

Lack of motivation is a good solution, but be prepared for the counter question.

Why do you have so many triplets in your diploma?

I did not find a common language with the teachers. Here they filled up, they disliked me there because ... (missed classes, too smart, etc.)

Shifting the blame will not produce good impression to the employer.

Why do you have so many triplets in your diploma?

I went only to those classes that I liked.

From this we can conclude that it will not work to force a person to work against his will.

Why do you have so many triplets in your diploma?

There is a saying: it is better to have a blue diploma and a red face than a red diploma and ...

The joke turned out to be inappropriate, a problem with the assignment of a large amount of work was identified.

From the examples, we can conclude that it is better to sometimes accept the blame or respond, but briefly.

Now you are familiar with the basics of creating a resume, you know how to fill out what should be specified and what should not. Once again, let's briefly go over the main points:

We create a document in Word;

We expose the fields in the new document;

We fill in the contact information;

We fill in personal information;

We fill in the work experience;

We indicate courses, skills;

We indicate additional information;

Making the table invisible;

We double-check for errors;

We print 2 copies;

We make copies of the required documents in duplicate;

We file them in separate folders.

The complete resume is ready. Going through the interview preparation plan again:

We re-read the resume and try to sort out all the possible questions about it;

Preparing clothes for going out and a handle;

We clean shoes with a napkin;

We come for an interview and take off our outerwear;

We go into the office and sit down (we control our legs and arms, we do not turn our heads away from the interlocutor);

In this article, we've rounded up the top tips for writing the perfect resume.

Photos, contacts, place of residence

A photo on a resume will always be a plus, even if the position does not involve communication with people. A photo will make your resume personalized, making it easier to spot and harder to miss or remove. But choosing a portrait for a resume must be critical: a bad photo can ruin everything. Professional portrait photography, business and neutral, works best.

In the "Contacts" section, pay attention to the name mailbox- it must correspond to the professional status. The address [email protected] will emphasize a non-business approach to work. But [email protected]- already better.

Some job seekers indicate their home address in their resume down to a specific apartment. It is enough to indicate the city or the nearest metro, for example: "Mytishchi" or "the village of Mansurovo in the Kursk region."

Desired position and salary

It is not necessary to include your desired salary on your resume, but any employer will be happy if you do. Universal advice in such a situation: write an amount 15-20% more than what you are earning now. This will make it possible to bargain without prejudice to their own interests. For more information on how to determine the desired income, we talked about.

Check your expectations against the average salary in the market: look at vacancies, at statistics for the region and professional field... A salary that is overpriced by 40% or more will definitely scare off a recruiter. You can find out the average salary in the market for your city and your professional region in the HeadHunter Index.

An exception is a resume for a managerial position, which for young specialist rather, an exception to the rule. Executive salaries are calculated differently from company to company, and specific expectations can get in the way of getting a great offer.


This section should be approached with special care.

  1. The experience should look whole, that is, without long career breaks. If there were breaks, then they should have an explanation: maternity leave, freelancing, and so on.
  2. The experience should look stable: if you change jobs more than once a year, the employer will be alerted. Changes in positions within the same company are usually indicated in one block.
  3. If you are a young specialist with experience, pay attention to the last three years of work: employers are primarily interested in this. You can tell very briefly about the initial stages of your career and about what happened during your studies at the university.
  4. If the company is unknown on the market, please indicate its type of business. Not just LLC "Horns and Hooves", but "The Black Sea branch of the Arbatovsk office for the preparation of horns and hooves." The activities of the company can be briefly described in the block of responsibilities.
  5. In the headlines, write the generally accepted job titles in the market. The same goes for the title of the resume. Often, applicants copy the last position into it, which is wrong: the name should reflect the essence of the work, and not a record in the labor. This will help employers find your resume faster.
  6. Never copy the list of responsibilities from job descriptions... Highlight the most important and write it down in understandable language, without clericalism. Five basic tasks will suffice.
  7. In addition to your job responsibilities, be sure to include your specific achievements and performance results.

Avoid general phrases like “was the hardest working employee in the department” - this is an opinion that cannot be verified, therefore it is not interesting for the employer.

Sometimes job seekers describe work in a particular company as if they were writing a chapter from their own biography: “Here I started my career from lower positions, diligently seeking a promotion” or “With a cursory acquaintance, you might think that the job was easy for me, but in fact it was exactly vice versa". These examples are the standard of how not to describe experience. The resume worked if the employer sorted out the experience in a few seconds and realized that this candidate was worth a closer look. You can show your enthusiasm with a cover letter.


All educational courses indicated in the resume must be related to professional activity... It is better to miss something than to add dubious certificates, for example, about massage courses, if this knowledge is not needed in the work.

O thorny path upstairs it is always better to tell at the interview. Therefore, you can skip studying at a technical school or vocational school if you have a diploma of higher education in the same area.

key skills

Many job seekers completely ignore this section, but in vain: often this is where the recruiter looks after getting acquainted with the experience and education of the candidate. Key skills are specific knowledge and skills that relate directly to work processes. For lawyers it can be "Arbitration Courts" and "Corporate Law", for a logistics manager - "Working with customs authorities" and "Incoterms", for a financier - "Statistical Analysis" and "Budgeting" and so on.

When filling out this section, the system of the site will prompt the name of a particular skill, offering the shortest and unified option - if possible, choose it.

Avoid the obvious: you don't have to write that you know Windows, Internet Explorer, and use email.

About me

Very often, applicants confuse skills with personality traits and indicate something like "Responsibility" or "Punctuality" in the key skills section. We advise you to write about these qualities in the "About me" section and avoid platitudes. Instead of "Responsibility" and "Punctuality" write "I am conscientious about completing tasks" and "I always meet the promised deadlines." This will not change the essence, but the wording will attract more attention.

In some cases, you can indicate personal qualities that are not directly related to the profession - it can be good physical shape or athletic achievements ("CCM in cross-country skiing"). This also applies to representatives of not the most obvious professions: for example, physical fitness is often important for sales managers, since they often have to travel to meetings and on business trips.

All the same applies to advances in the intellectual field. If you are a city chess champion or won a programming olympiad, this is interesting. If you are just fond of reading, then no. Only add what can be proven and what will help you get the desired position.

Success in your job search!

What does an employer want to know about a potential employee in addition to his education, experience and professional skills? Usually, this is an attitude towards work, towards other people (employees and clients), as well as career goals.

Personal qualities for a resume should be presented with a short but succinct description of their advantages. It is logical to add negative qualities for a resume only if the employer requires them.

It is worth writing about yourself honestly. The deception will be revealed during the interview and will be a very serious disadvantage for the applicant. It is better not to write anything than to ascribe to yourself non-existent dignities.

What qualities are better not to indicate

It directly depends on the desired position. It is better for the manager and the head of the trade organization to select the appropriate business qualities for the resume. Creativity or love for children is inappropriate in this case.

Sociability should not be indicated for specialties that require concentration and perseverance. And they, in turn, should not be mentioned to people of creative professions: designers and artists.

It is worth writing about attractive appearance and athletic training only if they are required for a future profession.

How to avoid templates

Recruiters are annoyed by typical and hackneyed "responsibilities" with "punctuality". The applicant is automatically included in the list of identical applicants. In addition, the gaze does not linger on banal phrases. The time that a recruiter spends on viewing does not exceed half a minute.

How do you get his attention? Just reveal the meaning of the word as an explanation, or replace it altogether. As an example: the expression “I perform my duties in good faith” is better than the standard “responsibility”. "Communication skills" can be described in more detail if special courses and business trainings have been taken.

From the point of view of psychology, it is more useful to do without the "not" particle. As an example: "non-conflict" - benevolent, peaceful, calm.

Describe your personal strengths in a resume more effectively, but concisely describe your personal strengths, examples of more effective disclosure personality traits are given later in the article.

It happens that the employer also requires a list of disadvantages. What kind negative qualities person for a resume is suitable, determined by the intended position.

An example of writing

Below are the most commonly used personal qualities for a resume, the lists of which we have summarized in tables.

Strengths of character and personal qualities of a person for a resume:

Resume strengths

Synonymous expressions (which can be added or used in place of traits)


I work conscientiously


I always complete tasks on time


I easily find common language with people

I always find an individual approach to the client

I try to find an approach to every child (student)


Needs no rephrasing

Always polite and calm in any conflict situation


I seek and embody original solutions even for everyday tasks


I am constantly engaged in self-improvement, I improve my qualifications in courses and trainings, I am ready for further training


Able to work productively, focusing on ultimate goals


I keep my composure under all circumstances


Most often, you can leave it like this





Negative personality traits and sides of character, presented as virtues:

Being creative about yourself helps you find new job, even if the requirements for the vacancy are indicated in formalized terms. What if this is the first test for real interest?

It must be remembered that it is impossible to compile a universal list of characteristics for all companies. It is better to prepare several resume options and be ready to give reasons for what was written during the interview.

It’s worth saying honestly right away: a resume is not the main condition when applying for a job. An extra-class professional will be hired even if he writes this document on an ordinary napkin. In other situations, a lot depends on the quality of the resume.

Job seekers make a ton of mistakes when writing their resume. Most of them arise when filling out the "About me" column. This section does not have a clear structure and format, but certain rules must be followed.

The essence of the column "About me"

As mentioned above, there is no clear single structure in the graph that requires you to tell about yourself. Therefore, in this case, you can show a certain imagination. It is much more important for technical specialists to indicate their own and experience - for them the value of the presented part of the document is not so significant. But some areas require a certain amount of creativity. These include:

  1. Advertising agencies.
  2. Photo studios.
  3. Modeling agencies.
  4. Art galleries.

A non-standard view of the world is also welcomed by a number of other companies. When writing the column "About me", it is advisable to take into account the specifics of the company and the team working there. This will help recruiters understand how well the new employee can fit into an already well-coordinated and stable team.

Important: as an example, you can talk about your achievements not related to work, but highlighting important ones. A simple example: a financial analyst with a chess grade. This will show the job applicant's employer as a person with a strategic mindset, capable of detailed analysis of the situation.

"About me" in resume - examples

For certain difficulties, you can use ready-made options taken from the Internet. By the way, you can also find there and. Naturally, all information must be adapted to your specific situation. It is not recommended to write exclusively according to the template.

Example for the driver

There is a bus driving experience. Without bad habits... I can easily endure work in an emergency mode. I quickly find a common language with people of different social levels.

Example for a salesperson in a sports store

Without bad habbits. From time to time I work out in the gym. I have the 3rd adult category in 1 km running. In my free time I organize small hikes. I understand sports nutrition and equipment (mainly for athletics).

Example for a sales manager

Ready for long business trips. Favorite hobby- study of in English... I quickly build contacts with new people and try to constantly broaden my horizons. With basic office programs for you.

Example for a finisher

Without bad habbits. I try to do my job quickly and efficiently. From time to time I participate in competitions for blue-collar occupations. I am interested in new trends in interior design. There is an experience of doing welding works, but did not pass for the discharge.

Example for the foreman

Prior to becoming a foreman, he managed to work as a finisher, installer and roofer. I easily find a language with a large team. Some time ago, I was engaged in budgeting, mainly used the "Grand Estimate" program. Without bad habbits. I'm not ready for business trips.

Summing up

There are a lot of nuances to consider when writing a resume. For a young specialist, there are simply no minor trifles. Even the style of the story is important. All information about the applicant must be as truthful as possible.

When writing positive or many make a lot of mistakes. First of all, they relate to the use of standard hackneyed phrases. This is not recommended. For example, the same word “resistant to stress” can be replaced by “tactful” or “balanced”.

In this article I will show you how to write a resume correctly in 2018 on specific examples... Resume templates can be downloaded in Word and easily edited.

Hello dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

As you already understood from the title, today we will talk about getting a job, namely competent resume writing. There is a lot of literature on this subject on the Internet, but I did not find a clear and understandable instruction. Therefore, I offer my instructions, drawn up according to an accessible and simple algorithm.

Be sure to read the article to the end - in the final they are waiting for you to download!

1. What is a resume and what is it for?

If you still do not quite understand what a resume is, I suggest defining it:

Summary- it brief self-presentation in writing of your professional skills, achievements and personal qualities that you plan to successfully implement at your future job in order to receive compensation for them (for example, in the form of money or other type of compensation)

In the past, I myself had to write a resume when applying for a job. Indeed, without this, no employer will even know about you and your professional skills.

I remember when I sat down to write my resume for the first time, it took me a lot of time to competently draw up and arrange it according to all standards. And since I like to understand everything thoroughly, I studied the question of its correct spelling very deeply. To do this, I talked with professional HR specialists and studied a large number of articles on the topic.

Now I know how to write a resume correctly and will gladly share it with you.

I share with you samples of my resumes, which I myself wrote for myself:

(you can download them completely free)

Thanks to the fact that I could write professional resume I have never experienced any difficulty in getting a job. Therefore my knowledge is reinforced practical experience and are not dry academic theory.

So what's the secret to writing a good resume? Read about it below.

2. How to write a resume correctly - 10 easy steps

Before moving on to the steps, I want you to remember 3 main rules for successful resume writing:

Rule # 1. Write the truth, but not the whole

Emphasize your strengths and don't mention your weaknesses too much. You will be asked about them at an interview, be prepared for this.

Rule # 2. Maintain a clear structure

The resume is written on 1-2 sheets, no more. Therefore, try to briefly and succinctly state in it all necessary information, even if there is a lot of it.

Take care of the neat formatting of the resume text and its structured presentation. Since no one is pleased to read gibberish.

Rule # 3. Be optimistic and cheerful

Positive people attract success. In your case, a new job.

So, now let's move on to the structure of writing a resume.

Step 1. Title of the resume

Here you must write the word "Summary" and indicate who it was written for.

All this is written on one line.

For instance: Resume of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Then your potential employer will immediately understand who owns the resume. For example, you have previously called a company of interest to you in order to find out if they still have this vacancy open. You were given a positive answer and offered to send your resume.

At the end of the first step, your resume will look like this:

Step 2. The purpose of the resume

It must be remembered that your resume must have a purpose. Correctly formulate it as follows (phrase):

The purpose of the resume is to apply for the position of an accountant

Since at this moment you are called that - an applicant, that is, a person, job seeker potentially claiming it.

At the end of the second step, your resume will look like this:

Step 3. Applicant and his data

At this point, you must write the following:

  • date of birth;
  • the address;
  • contact number;
  • e-mail;
  • marital status.

At the end of step three, your resume should look like this:

Step 4. Education

If you have several entities, write them in order.

For instance:

Moskovsky State University, 2005-2010,

Speciality: accountant (bachelor)

Moscow State University, 2007-2013,

Speciality: translator and interpreter in the field of professional communication (bachelor's degree)

On the this stage Your resume should look like this:

Step 5. Work experience

Please note that the column "work experience" is written in the resume starting from the very last place of your work, if it is not the only one, and begins with the period spent in this position.

For instance:

Position: chief accountant's assistant;

Position: accountant

So we have already written half of the resume, it should look like this:

Step 6. Job responsibilities

This item in the resume is not always required if the vacancy for which you are applying is quite widespread, and you held a similar position at a previous place of work.

Sometimes this item can be included in the previous one by writing your job responsibilities immediately after the position.

Step 7. Achievements in previous jobs

The item "Achievements" is one of the most important in the resume! It is much more important than education and even work experience.

Your potential employer wants to know what exactly he will pay you for wages... Therefore, it is very important to mention when writing a resume about all significant achievements in previous locations work. At the same time, please note that it is correct to write words that are so-called "markers" for employees personnel services reviewing your resume.

For example, it is correct to write:

  • increased sales volumes by 30 percent in 6 months;
  • developed and implemented new technology into production;
  • cut equipment maintenance costs by 40%.

Wrong to write:

  • worked on increasing sales;
  • took part in a project to create a new technology;
  • reduced equipment costs.

As you can see, it is also important to write specific numbers, as they very clearly reflect the essence of your achievements.

Your resume now looks something like this:

Step 8. Additional information

Here you need to describe your strengths, professional knowledge and skills that will directly help you to better and better perform the tasks assigned to you at your new place of work.

Usually they write the following here:

  1. Computer skills and special programs. This is relevant for office workers and employees whose direct work is related to the PC. For example, for designers, accountants, programmers, office managers.
  2. Knowledge of foreign languages. If your future job involves reading, translating or communicating in a foreign language and you know it to a certain extent, be sure to write about it. For example: English spoken.
  3. Car and driving skills. If your work involves business trips and you often have to drive a car, for example, working as a sales representative, then you should indicate the presence of your car, as well as the category of driver's license and experience.

Thus, in additional information along with the knowledge of a computer and a foreign language, write: have a personal car, category B, 5 years of experience.

Step 9. Personal qualities

There is no need to describe too many qualities here, especially if they do not apply to your future work. You can be a kind and sympathetic person, loving children and respecting your friends, but a potential employer will not be interested in reading about your “cordiality” and a rich inner world.

For example, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, it would be good to write here: composure, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, mathematical mindset, ability to analyze.

If you are applying for more creative profession, say, a designer or creator, then here you should indicate: a developed creative imagination, a sense of style, an unconventional view of the problem, healthy perfectionism.

It will be great if you mention your full name at the end of your resume. and the positions of your previous managers, as well as indicate their contact numbers so that your potential employer or his representative could verify your professionalism, having received feedback about you from your previous direct managers.

Even if your potential employer will not call your former managers, the very fact of having contacts for recommendations will significantly increase his trust in you.

At the very end of the resume, you must indicate at what time you are ready to start work, here you can also indicate the desired level of remuneration.

The final look of your resume:

Congratulations! Your resume is 100% ready!

To find the job of your dreams, you need to post your resume on Internet portals. A very convenient and simple site for finding a job is JOB.RU. Here you can very quickly and today receive the first call from the employer.

Finally, I will give a few resume samples that you can slightly tweak and immediately use to send to your potential employer.

3. 2018 Resume Samples for All Occasions - 50 Ready-Made Resumes!

Friends, I have a great gift for you - 50 ready-made resumes for the most common professions! All resume samples are very competently and professionally compiled by me personally and you can download them in Word for free. It is very convenient, now you do not need to search for them on the Internet on different sites, since everything is in one place.

Use it to your health! :)

And also you can use online service Simpledoc to. This service allows you to immediately send your resume to the employer or print it on a printer.

Ready-made resume samples for download (.doc):

TOP 3 most downloaded resumes:

List of ready-made resumes for download:

  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 47 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 46 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 295 Kb)