Laying aerated concrete blocks with your own hands - how, without experience, to build reliable walls. How to properly lay aerated concrete blocks

If you know the rules for laying aerated concrete with your own hands, you can build a house or garage from a variety of building materials today without the help of specialists. The secrets of work: starting with the selection of blocks, ending with - the article will be described.

If you follow the rules and know some of the "secrets" of laying aerated concrete blocks, you can easily build such a garage.

The tongue and groove system significantly facilitates the laying of aerated concrete blocks.

List of tools that will be required in the process of laying aerated concrete:

  1. Building level.
  2. Marking cord.
  3. Rubber mallet.
  4. Hacksaw with a large tooth for aerated concrete.
  5. Plane.
  6. Manual or electric wall chaser.
  7. Armature (diameter 8-10 cm).
  8. Narrow brush to remove dust from the strobe.

How to choose the right blocks of aerated concrete

The most important principle for the correct construction of walls from aerated concrete with your own hands is to choose aerated concrete blocks. How warm and durable the structure will be depends largely on their quality. The surest decision would be to purchase blocks only from well-known manufacturers. The "bricks" of aerated concrete, which are made by a semi-handicraft method, do not have absolute geometry. And it is very important for high-quality masonry.

Quite a few important characteristic is the density of the aerated concrete block. In the documents for aerated concrete, it is indicated by the letter "D" and numbers from 300 to 1200. In order for the house to be warm, you need to choose aerated blocks with a brand of at least D500.

Also, an important characteristic of aerated concrete is that it does not absorb moisture, unlike gas silicate blocks. To facilitate the work of builders, many companies began to produce gas blocks with special recesses for carrying.

Also, manufacturers have implemented such an innovation, with which glue can not be applied to the sides of the surface of the "bricks". This is the "thorn-groove" system available for the blocks, which simplifies the joining of two "bricks" in one row. But professional builders still advise applying a little adhesive to them.

How to prepare a cement mortar for masonry

If possible, use a special mortar for laying aerated concrete blocks.

There is a very simple recipe for cement mortar. For this you will need:

  • trough;
  • shovel;
  • hoe;
  • buckets;
  • upland sand;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • soap solution.

Pour 1 shovel of cement into the trough. Then pour 3 shovels of sand into it. Mix everything dry. Fill a bucket with water and add 1 drop of dish soap to cement mixture did not sink to the bottom. Then mixing becomes easier.

Now pour water into the dry sand-cement mixture. You need to add such an amount that the mixture is not too thick or too liquid. Mix the solution very thoroughly with a shovel. It must be of high quality and fit well.

Do-it-yourself masonry principles of the first row of aerated concrete

The first row should be started from the highest angle, and the entire perimeter should be aligned along it.

The first row of aerated concrete blocks is laid on a solution of cement and sand, the proportions of which should be 1: 3. The thickness of the seam between the waterproofing and the block must be at least 2 cm. building level it is possible to verify the correctness of the laying of the first and subsequent gas blocks. And you need to measure all the planes.

After laying in the corners, a marking cord is stretched between them. And already on it all the rest will be exhibited. For a wall whose length is 10 meters or more, another block is placed in the middle of the row. It is he who will not allow the cord to sag.

The laying of the first row of blocks after the foundation is the most crucial moment. The "bricks" must be perfectly joined to each other, otherwise the wall will have a completely non-absolute geometry.

In order for the structure to be strong, the displacement of blocks in adjacent rows should not be less than 8 cm.

To fit the “bricks” to each other, you will need a rubber mallet, which the gas blocks gently tap. After perfect alignment, you can start filling the row. Basically, the length of the wall is not a multiple of the length of the block. For this reason, an additional "brick" is required. To do this, using a hacksaw with a large tooth for aerated concrete, a single block is cut to the required size.

The internal load-bearing walls are made of blocks as thick as the external ones, and they are laid together. A quarter is cut out in the outdoor unit and inserted into it indoor unit, which is coated with an adhesive solution. It is important that the laying of aerated concrete is carried out with dressing of the outer and inner walls.

The size of the offset between two adjacent rows should not be less than 8 cm. Where partitions will be erected in the future, flexible connections are laid in the load-bearing walls. They are fixed in gas blocks with nails. You can also facilitate the work by immuring them in a seam, pressing them into the solution.

After the first row of gas blocks is completely produced, you need to wait a couple of hours, which are necessary for setting the sand-cement mortar. Subsequent rows of aerated concrete fall on.

Detailed scheme reinforcement of aerated concrete masonry.

Each row of "bricks" must be "rubbed" with a special planer - this is necessary so that each subsequent row lies more evenly. This method also applies to the side surfaces. With it, you can further facilitate the plastering of walls.

After grinding from gas blocks, it is imperative to remove the resulting dust. It is not necessary to throw away this dust, as well as the one that remains from sawing blocks. It will be needed later, when filling technological holes, such as grooves that are needed to carry blocks. To fill them, dust is mixed with masonry mortar.

The key to a solid building is the laying of aerated concrete with reinforcement.
One of important points proper styling with your own hands - this is the reinforcement of the masonry.
Reinforcement is done in every third or fourth row.

With the help of a wall chaser, 2 channels 4 cm wide are made in the laid “bricks” (the distance should not be less than 5-6 cm from the edge of the aerated concrete block), from which dust is removed. 1-2 bars of reinforcement are laid in them, then they are filled with an adhesive mixture or a cement-sand mortar. It is not necessary to wait time after reinforcement.

The mortar for laying aerated concrete building blocks used in the construction of a house has many features. Regardless of which mortar will be used to build walls from aerated concrete blocks - cement-sand or adhesive - the laying of the first row should be carried out in a ratio of 1: 3, that is, 1 part of cement and 3 parts of sifted sand.

It is necessary to gradually add water to the dry mix with such a solution that the mortar under the aerated concrete “does not flow”, otherwise it will “float” under the weight of the block, which will make fixing the aerated concrete impossible.

Tools and materials

To prepare a mixture for aerated concrete, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sand;
  • Cement;
  • Water;
  • Concrete mixer or trough;
  • A pair of shovels;
  • Drill with a nozzle or mixer;
  • Trowel.

Masonry features

Model of aerated concrete building.

The mixture for the device of concrete building materials must be thoroughly mixed. It is most advisable to use a concrete mixer for this, since a very large volume of mortar will need to be prepared for masonry, and manual preparation will take a lot of time and effort. The principle of mixing is as follows: first, a bucket of water is poured into the concrete mixer, after which 1 bucket of cement and 3 buckets of sand are poured. While mixing the mixture under aerated concrete, you need to gradually add water, bringing the solution to the desired consistency. In the process of building concrete blocks, it is necessary to maintain a uniform consistency of the mixture through periodic stirring.

The mortar for laying concrete building blocks is applied to the surface of the base (horizontal joint) and the butt joint using a comb or trowel (trowel). Most developers prefer to use a trowel.

When erecting subsequent rows, aerated concrete manufacturers advise using a special one that is applied with a thickness of about 3 mm. The use of such glue for aerated concrete increases the culture and aesthetics of construction, however, for people who do not have the appropriate skills, laying aerated concrete blocks on such a mixture can cause certain difficulties.

To put aerated concrete on a cement-sand mixture, a concrete mixer is needed. In addition, you need to allocate a person to prepare the mortar. When using an adhesive solution for aerated concrete, you only need a drill with a nozzle to prepare it. The bag of glue needs to be kneaded for a few minutes, after which the person can also start laying concrete building blocks. When constructing concrete building blocks on an adhesive mortar with a wall height of more than 2.5 m, it will be necessary to lay one row more than when using a cement-sand mortar. Therefore, decide for yourself what is better to save on: on blocks, on masonry material or on the heat of the house.

Solution preparation

Table of cement consumption per cube of mortar.

First, a little water is poured into the concrete mixer, after which the remaining components are added and the remaining amount of water is added. All components are mixed for about 2 minutes. , mixed under aerated concrete, should be used within 2 hours from the moment of preparation. Moistened elements do not absorb water from the mixture, therefore it is recommended to wet the surface of the previously laid masonry when resuming construction works after the break. When applying a mixture for a gas block with a trowel, it is not necessary to press it into the slots of hollow concrete blocks, so as not to reduce the heat-insulating characteristics of the wall. If it is necessary to take a long break during the construction of walls, it is necessary to cover the last row of masonry with roofing felt or film and load them with bricks or boards. As a result, the structure will be protected from precipitation, which is very important if the walls are built from porous and moisture-intensive materials, for example, ceramic or aerated concrete blocks. Cement-lime mixtures for a gas block are prepared from Portland cement grade 400 (class 32.5), sand and hydrated lime.

The use of glue for laying blocks

Glue block laying table

If you were lucky enough to purchase concrete sections with correct edges, laying rows above the first can be done using an adhesive mixture for a gas block. Such a mixture, in comparison with the traditional cement-sand mortar, makes it possible to reduce costs, significantly increase the speed of erection of the structure and not worsen the thermal insulation qualities of gas silicate blocks. The article contains general recommendations kneading and applying adhesive mixtures for laying building concrete blocks. More accurate information is indicated on the packaging of the building material. In case of large deviations in the geometric dimensions of the blocks used, the use of such mixtures is not recommended. When preparing an adhesive solution for laying aerated concrete building blocks, it is necessary to add to the adhesive clean water at the rate of about 7-8 liters of water per bag of glue (25 kg). Thorough mixing should be carried out at low speed using a stirrer, which is mounted on a drill. After 5-10 minutes, the procedure should be repeated. The resulting mixture for the gas block should be quite plastic and not spread when applied with a notched trowel. If the adhesive solution has thickened, it can be kneaded again. Ready solution must be used for a maximum of 3 hours.

Before proceeding with construction, the sections must be cleaned of dust, which is formed as a result of grinding concrete sections to level the masonry. In the hot season - to ensure better adhesion - before applying the adhesive mixture for the gas block, the materials must be moistened with water. Glue can be used only at positive air temperature. At sub-zero temperatures, it is necessary to use additives.

Cement-sand mortar

Most developers still prefer to use cement-sand mortar for masonry walls. The arrangement of aerated concrete blocks for such a solution slightly increases heat loss in the future due to the presence of the so-called. "cold bridges", however, leads, albeit to an insignificant, cheaper construction. The strength of the structure when using cement or adhesive mixtures remains the same. In the case of using cement-sand mortar blocks for the device, it is necessary to perform subsequent wall insulation. When using an adhesive solution, insulation can be omitted.

Mix additives

Component ratio table.

If construction work related to the installation of aerated concrete blocks is carried out in the summer, then the question of adding various additives to the cement-sand mortar will not arise. However, even at a temperature of -1 ° C, pouring concrete and laying blocks can cause a lot of problems, namely: it will give the impression that the composition has begun to “seize”, while in fact it simply freezes, because there is water inside it ( this is typical for both cement-sand and adhesive mixtures). In the spring, the following happens: the water thaws, and the composition “softens”, as a result of which the wall begins to “lead”, and the lintels will crumble. The article does not provide recommendations on the use of any specific additives - there are currently quite a few types of them. When choosing a particular additive, attention should be paid to various complex formulations with the simultaneous content of electrolytes and surfactants in them, which makes it possible to obtain the effect of plasticizing properties with a simultaneous decrease in water demand and a high rate of hardening of the mixture. At present, not special substances are sometimes added as additives, but washing powder or dishwashing detergent, which help the mortar to be more ductile and not crack as it dries. It will also allow the mixture to acquire more aesthetic appearance. However, there may be a loss in strength and density.

If you do not have an urgent need to speed up construction, it is better to wait for warm weather. This is the most the right way to build a reliable and "clean" house without all sorts of chemical additives.

IN modern construction several important trends can be singled out separately, one of which is a significant simplification and acceleration of the construction of a building while maintaining standard strength characteristics. New material developments meet these requirements in the best possible way - blocks based on porous concrete high class strength. One of the most popular varieties is aerated concrete, the methods of application of which are described in this article.

Aerated concrete wall masonry is a fairly profitable solution for private and low-rise construction. This material has a number of advantages that ensure its constant demand. Let's take a look at some of the most important aspects.

Advantages of aerated concrete

Important! Separately, we note such an important advantage as the cost of laying walls made of aerated concrete, which is much lower than the installation of other piece material due to acceptable pricing policy manufacturers. When compared with standard brick, the difference is up to 40%.

Cons of laying walls made of aerated concrete

How to choose the right blocks?

The thermal insulation characteristics of the building and its strength largely depend on the quality of the selected blocks. In order not to miss when buying and not to choose bad aerated concrete, follow these recommendations:

  1. Make a purchase only from well-established manufacturers.
  2. The optimal density of the material is with the D500 indicator.
  3. Upon receipt of the blocks, be sure to check the quality of the geometric shape.

Important! When you follow all these simple rules, laying aerated concrete walls with your own hands will be very quick and easy.


To complete the entire amount of work without delay, take care in advance of preparing all the necessary tools:

Which solution to choose?

To perform the laying of walls made of aerated concrete, the video instruction of which is offered below, it is permissible to use two types of solutions:

Pros and cons of glue

Glue for aerated concrete is offered by manufacturers mainly in the form of dry building mix based on white cement. Standard cooking proportions are as follows:

  • 10 kg of dry mix;
  • 21-23 liters of water.

Important! The layer thickness when using special glue is 1-3 mm.


Advantages and disadvantages of cement mortar

The classic version of such a mixture is in the following proportion:

  • 4 parts of dry fine sand;
  • 1 part quality cement.

Important! The obtained density of the solution determines the required thickness of the mixture layer when connecting aerated concrete blocks. The standard indicator corresponds to 0.5 - 1 cm. At the same time, the consumption of the dry mixture is approximately 18 kg / m2. Depending on the timing of the construction and the seasonality of the work, it is permissible to use some plasticizer additives to accelerate the setting or increase the frost resistance of the solution.

Aerated concrete wall masonry - prices

Before making the final decision to build the walls of the house with my own hands, check out the price lists for similar services of several companies. On average, the cost of installation is 1200-1600 rubles / m3.

Important! Given the fact that even with the construction of a 1-storey building, the area of ​​​​the walls will be quite significant, the savings are obvious. Taking into account the fact that this type of construction is particularly simple, the only right decision in the presence of free time is personal participation in the process of building walls.

Mounting technology

Before you start building the walls of your own house, create a monolithic foundation with the following parameters:

The most crucial moment is the creation of the first row. The subsequent speed of laying the rest of the material depends on how correctly you do this work.

Install aerated concrete blocks as follows:

  • Use a level to determine the highest angle.
  • Prepare a cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 4:1.

Important! The first row is always laid on this type of mixture, regardless of the chosen basic technology.

  • Apply a layer of 10 mm.
  • Moisten the bottom surface of the material.

Important! Such a procedure is necessary to preserve moisture in the solution, and to exclude its transfer to the gas block due to its porous structure. Otherwise cement mortar will lose its strength.

Important! Use for this purpose a stretched construction cord and a level.

Important! Ease of installation is ensured by the presence of special grooves, which make it possible to conveniently grip the part when it is moved.

  • Pre-treat all vertical surfaces of aerated concrete blocks with glue.

Important! In principle, the tenon-groove construction principle makes it possible to dispense with additional fastening material. But to increase the reliability of your own home, you should not ignore the procedure for additional processing with an adhesive solution. Watch a video example of laying the first row of gas blocks.

Important! When using cement mortar, it will be more convenient to use a familiar trowel. When laying on a special adhesive for aerated concrete the best solution- it is a ladle that allows you to quickly apply a strip of the desired thickness up to 2 meters long.

Important! This procedure is required to properly distribute the increased load on side surfaces openings.

Important! Compliance with this rule will help protect the walls from destruction when exposed to constant adverse factors. Watch the video instruction for the design of the second and all subsequent rows of aerated concrete.


Regardless of which method of fastening gas blocks you prefer, be sure to follow all the indicated simple rules in the process of building walls at home. In this case, you will not have to worry about the need for restoration work for a long time or doubt the strength and reliability of your home.


Today, the laying of aerated concrete blocks is one of the most demanded types of work in the construction industry. Aerated concrete is fake diamond, one of the types of cellular concrete. This material is considered one of the types of stone foam, on the surface of which pores with a diameter of 1-3 mm are evenly distributed.

The composition of aerated concrete blocks includes: cement, lime, quartz sand, gypsum stone, aluminum powder and water.

Aerated concrete contains quartz sand, cement, special additives (gas formers), sometimes gypsum and lime are added. All components are mixed, water is added to them, then the resulting solution is sent under the press. Aerated concrete blocks are formed under a special press. Such materials are used in construction for the construction of cottages, low-rise and high-rise buildings, as well as for partitions, load-bearing and non-bearing walls.

What is attractive aerated concrete

Aerated concrete blocks in the history of construction appeared about 100 years ago, and yet they are a serious competitor to bricks in the construction market. This is due to the demand for aerated concrete. There are a number of positive signs why aerated concrete is preferred to other building materials:

  1. Aerated concrete has high thermal insulation properties. Due to the pores formed on the surface of aerated concrete, accumulates warm air. It is for this reason that aerated concrete has excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. High vapor permeability. Mold, various fungi that are harmful to human health, etc. do not appear on the walls of aerated concrete.
  3. Excellent frost resistance. If an aerated concrete building is being built in places where there is frequent variable climate change, then this does not worsen positive properties aerated concrete. The frost resistance of this material is 100 cycles.
  4. Porosity. This is an excellent thermal insulator for any room.
  5. High sound insulation. In modern rooms, increased sound insulation is often required. This is achieved with the help of heavy frame elements or additional application soundproof materials. Using aerated concrete, you can not think about extra costs for soundproofing.
  6. Durability. Under normal weather conditions aerated concrete can stand up to 150 years.
  7. Environmentally friendly product. Despite the fact that this artificial material It is made from natural materials. In operation, aerated concrete will harm humans and the environment.
  8. Fire resistance. Aerated concrete refers to fireproof building materials. Thanks to the experiments, it became known that aerated concrete can withstand temperatures exceeding 400ºС. Moreover, at elevated temperatures, the strength characteristics of aerated concrete increase by almost 87%.
  9. Convenient to use. Considering that aerated concrete looks very massive, this is enough lightweight material. It is easy to process, it can easily be broken, sawed off the necessary part, etc. This stone has precise geometric characteristics. It is quite smooth and does not require additional processing.
  10. Low price. Despite all their positive traits, the price of aerated concrete is relatively lower than other building materials.
  11. Due to its mass, it can be used in complex structural elements.
  12. Aerated concrete is considered an energy-saving building material. Due to the fact that the thermal conductivity of this building material is several times less than that of other materials, this helps to save on electricity.

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Types of aerated concrete

There are two main types of this unique building material:

  1. . It is formed in the sphere of natural hardening.
  2. . It has the properties of stone and wood. It is very solid and light. It has high energy-saving and thermal insulation properties. It is formed under special conditions that allow the material to harden at elevated pressure and high temperature. Its production is carried out in special autoclave ovens.

Aerated concrete is often used for the construction of low-rise buildings, as well as for the construction bearing walls. It can also be used for the construction of high-rise buildings, but as a filler for reinforced concrete wall frames.

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In order to do it right, you will need tools such as:

  1. A trowel with a toothed profile. It helps to apply the adhesive of the required thickness.
  2. In order to align, you will need a special planer.
  3. Saw with teeth. Necessary for the preparation of additional blocks. This saw must have high hardness.
  4. Level. It is necessary to monitor the evenness of the laid row.
  5. Grater.
  6. Marking angle.
  7. Soft brush.
  8. Level.
  9. Plumb.
  10. Master OK.
  11. Rubber mallet.
  12. Drill with a nozzle. It is necessary for mixing glue in small volumes.

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Step-by-step instructions for building a house from aerated concrete

The technology of laying aerated concrete is no different from laying bricks or cinder blocks. The only difference is what material is used to hold the blocks together. After the pre-made foundation has dried, you can start laying aerated concrete. Laying of aerated concrete is carried out at a temperature of 5-25ºС. If the temperature is higher than indicated, then it is necessary to constantly moisten the surface of the blocks. If lower, then special adhesive additives are used.

Everyone knows that the first laid out row should be even and neat. The evenness of the whole house depends on this. First you need to check the quality of the aerated concrete block and clean it from dust, snow and dirt. Then you need to lay the waterproofing layer. As a waterproofing roofing material is perfect. It is necessary to monitor the evenness of the concrete surface. This will require the use of a level or level. Uneven blocks must be leveled with a planer. The laying of the gas block begins from the corners of the building and continues along the entire perimeter.

In order to correctly lay out the first row, it is necessary to pull the thread along which the aerated concrete blocks. The laid out blocks must be checked with a level - horizontal and vertical slope. The evenness of the walls in the room depends on the horizontal slope.

In order to lay out the second row, it is necessary that the base of the first row dry well. The second row must start from the corner. Laying of aerated concrete must be done in a checkerboard pattern.

We put the next rows in half a side.

In order to get strong walls, it is necessary to reinforce aerated concrete blocks every five blocks using welded mesh. In addition, it is necessary to reinforce the first row of the foundation, window and doorways.

It is very important to remember about the joints of aerated concrete blocks with erecting walls.

Every 3-4 blocks, it is necessary to drill a hole into which the reinforcement is driven in. Such reinforcement will help create a single whole room.

If the ceiling height is more than 3 m, then additional reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks is necessary.

Aerated concrete is a building material that is created synthetically. It is made by mixing certain components, then processed at high temperatures. The advantages of this material are low weight, strength, high thermal insulation and ease of production. Therefore, do-it-yourself laying of aerated concrete blocks is often done. Step-by-step instruction involves strict adherence to all norms so that the walls are erected correctly.

Tools Used

First of all, you need to prepare special tools for laying aerated concrete. Yes, you will need:

  • Carriage equipped with a dispenser, necessary for uniform application of the solution between the blocks;
  • Mallets in the form of a rubber mallet, which allows you to knock out installed products;
  • Saw, which will be required to cut the blocks to fit them to the required size;
  • Sanding board to eliminate existing defects on the surface;
  • Corner, which will be attached to the stacked elements;
  • Planer, also used to level the surface of products;
  • Wall chaser for creating grooves in blocks;
  • A cord that is used as a guideline as well as a level.

Additionally, it is required to prepare a container where the masonry mortar will be mixed.

Necessary materials

There are two types of mortars used for fixing aerated concrete blocks. These are cement, as well as adhesive mixture. In this case, the first row should always be laid only on cement mortar. It is worth considering each of the types separately.

To work with such material, standard tools for working with aerated concrete are used. In order to prepare a mixture with a uniform texture, mixing is recommended to be carried out with special low-speed equipment. In proportions, it turns out that for 5 kg of dry glue it is required to take 1 liter of water. To do this, water is first poured into the container, and then glue is gradually poured, which they immediately begin to beat. After that, the solution is left to brew for 10 minutes and mixed again. Only now the adhesive mixture is considered ready for use, and in its consistency it should look like thick sour cream.

After drying, and, accordingly, hardening, the solution can no longer be used after re-dilution with water.

Cement-sand mixture

These types of mortars are also used for laying blocks. Their main feature is considered to be ease of manufacture, as well as the reliability of the fastening they create. In this case, similar tools are used for laying aerated concrete blocks, as when working with an adhesive solution. The cooking recipe may vary based on the need for characteristics. So, for some purposes, plastic mixtures are made by additionally adding clay, as a result of which the solution does not crumble and fits more neatly. Despite the composition, such options are quite economical, which allows them to compete with adhesive mixtures.

Preparatory work

The preparation process before erecting walls of aerated concrete consists of several stages.


First, a container of the required size is prepared, as well as an industrial mixer. To prepare the adhesive solution, a dry composition and plain water are used. The whipping process continues until the mixture being prepared has a uniform consistency. After that, no more than 20 minutes are allotted for its use, otherwise it freezes and, accordingly, loses its properties. Therefore, it is recommended to make small portions in order to manage to produce them in a short period of time.

When carrying out construction work in conditions low temperatures, a special frost-resistant type of mixture must be used. So, components that reduce the degree of freezing are added to its composition. As a result, the solution retains its properties even at low temperatures.


Before you start laying, you need to markup. It is made along the axes of the surfaces of the structure under construction. To do this, lay out products on the line and adjust their size to one clear horizontal line. Adjustment is carried out by using the above-mentioned tools for aerated concrete in the form of a saw or a conventional hacksaw for processing. It is important that all products are cut evenly. When dressing is carried out, strobes are pre-made in the materials in which the reinforcement will be laid.

Masonry step by step instructions

It is worth considering in more detail how to build buildings from aerated concrete blocks. It is important to note that each stage of the construction of a structure from such a material has its own characteristics.

Regardless of which type of mortar will be used for the main part of the walls, in order to equip the first row, it is required to use only cement-sand. The reason for this is the need:

  • Align the horizontal level;
  • Make reinforcement between the base on which the waterproofing layer is laid, as well as the first row;
  • Reduce the effect of uneven foundations.

It is important to start the process of laying walls with the arrangement of the corners of the structure. After that, a cord is pulled between them, based on which the laying of blocks is carried out further along all the walls.

From how correctly the first row will be laid, the evenness of the construction of the entire wall is determined. In subsequent rows, it becomes more difficult to correct the horizontal level.

The procedure for laying the second and all subsequent rows is simpler. To do this, glue is applied to the surface of the previous rows, as well as to the end part of the adjacent product. Using a notched trowel, the adhesive is evenly distributed over the surface and the block itself is laid. After that, it is leveled and pressed with a rubber mallet to the end surface. Each subsequent row is laid in increments of at least 20 cm to the previous one, and an indent of half a block is considered ideal. Installation of 2 and subsequent rows also occurs with the laying of products in the corners and pulling the rope to create a level. In the process of building walls, it is important not to forget about the need to leave openings for future doors, as well as windows.

Every fourth row must be reinforced to give stability to the structure.

Door and window openings

An important stage in the construction of walls made of aerated concrete is the installation of lintels in door and window openings. It's easy to make them. For this purpose, the foundation is first made, and the beams will be laid on it. It must be very strong so that the blocks that will lie on top do not lead to its deformation. Such a base is mounted on the opening blocks, after which tray blocks are laid on top, which are glued together. A reinforcing frame is made inside them, which is then poured with concrete mortar. It must be more durable than is used for masonry.


The first stage of reinforcement is carried out between the waterproofing layer, as well as the first row. The need for it is due to the distribution of the load exerted on the foundation or ground floor. In addition, this significantly improves the bearing capacity of the lower rows. For reinforcement, a masonry mesh is used, in which the thickness of the rods varies within 3-4 mm, and the size of each cell is 5x5 cm.

In addition, every fourth row is required to be reinforced. In these cases, use a metal or fiberglass reinforcement. For their installation, 2 strobes are made in the previous row, they are filled with glue by 50% and reinforcement is laid. Further, all these slots are completely filled with masonry mortar so that it is flush with the blocks.

Where there is a gap in the reinforcement, it is important to overlap it. In addition, it is required to avoid breaks in the reinforcement at the corners. To do this, in such places it is required to bend it so that it goes onto another wall by at least 30 cm. This will strengthen corner connections and make them more reliable. The strongest reinforcement is obtained when using steel reinforcement options, which hold the entire structure well in the desired position.

The last row

Special attention should be paid to laying the last top row, which precedes the installation of the roof. The fact is that the mass of the future roof structure, for which natural materials in the form of slate or tile, exerts a serious load on the wall. Because of this, when it is installed directly on aerated concrete blocks, their further deformation, as well as damage, is possible. To exclude this, it is recommended to create a reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building. This design will allow:

  • Eliminate point loads on walls;
  • Evenly distribute the force over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls;

  • Make the surface of the masonry even on a horizontal level.

The size of the reinforcement in such situations is determined by the mass of the future roof.

All of the above steps can be done without any problems on your own. However, in the absence of skills in working with building materials, as well as tools for laying aerated concrete with your own hands, it is recommended to entrust the laying of at least the first row to professionals. This will avoid the most serious problems, which are the hardest to fix. Also, to simplify the process of building a building from such a material, it is worth:

  • Use blocks that have clear and uniform dimensions;
  • Conduct glue mixing using electronic tools. This will reduce the likelihood of the presence of lumps and a heterogeneous consistency in it;
  • Place blocks on each subsequent row according to a clearly chosen pattern. Start doing this from the corners, and then lay out each wall according to the level;
  • It is worth reinforcing not only external walls, but also joints with internal;
  • Using a planer, grind the blocks in order to achieve their maximum compaction.

Common Mistakes

There are common mistakes that are made when building walls of aerated concrete:

  • Neglecting the creation of a waterproofing layer between the foundation, as well as the first row;
  • Implementation of masonry without shifting subsequent rows;
  • Lack of reinforcement in the arrangement of partitions;
  • Use for styling in winter period non-frost-resistant types of solution;
  • Ignoring the strengthening of window or door openings. This requires using steel corners or reinforced concrete jumpers;
  • The seams between the blocks are poorly or unevenly filled.

For styling aerated concrete walls serious experience is not required, it is important to adhere to the laying technology, as well as strictly observe the horizontal level. This will achieve high rates of strength, as well as thermal insulation.