Mandarin at home. Disembarking bones in the ground. Step-by-step grafting process

Conduct the grafting of the mandarin grown from the bone, at home is easy. The main thing is to observe sanitary and agrotechnical rules so that the plant does not ill. Grafted tangerines abundantly and long bloom, bring sweet and large fruits.

When you put the mandarin correctly

Vaccination is needed by mandarin marked from the bone. If you bought a fastening tree in a specialized store, the procedure will not need.

Gardeners who have long grown bone citrus, know when and how to instill Mandarin at home so that it is actively fruitful. Optimal months to carry out the procedure:

  • march;
  • april;
  • august.

You can instill Mandarin in March, April, May and August

In the spring plant wakes up, the active movement of juices begins inside the shoots, in August, the plant is as strong as possible and strong. In these months, Mandarin will successfully postpone the vaccination.

In the autumn and winter, the plant is at rest. Vaccination in this period will not work, you can harm the tree.

Main ways of vaccination

As a camp, it is necessary to use a cutlery with 2-3 kidneys from the fruiting tree of mandarin. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at once on 2-3 seedlings, because not all of the core are successful.

The grafting procedure is carried out at the grown mandarin seedlings. The thickness of the congestion should be 5-7 mm. Usually use two-year trees.

The grafting of mandarin at home is carried out in the following ways:

  • in splitting (the easiest way, suitable for novice gardeners);
  • behind Corra;
  • eyes (eyelidation).

So that the procedure has passed successfully, all manipulations should be carried out quickly and clearly. It is important to do smooth and neat cuts, ensure that the bark of cutting cuts and wood tightly in touch with each other. Before carrying out agrotechnical work, the hands and all tools need to be washed with soap.

Before making mandarin, you must prepare a sharp knife, insulating tape and garden Var. For cooking, Vara is taken in the ratio of 4: 2: 1 rosin, beeswax And animal fat (pork or beef). Components boil 30 minutes, give the mixture to cool, and then knead in a homogeneous mass.

Vaccination in splitting

Any newcomer will be able to vaccinate the mandarin in the split. It is necessary to comply with the sequence of actions:

  1. Cut the branch to break, split the pencils to a depth of 5 cm.
  2. Make a 3-4 cm long cutout cut on a cutlength 2, a wedge should form.
  3. Insert the wedge into the cut (split) on the breakdown so that the sections firmly fit together with one of the sides.
  4. Cut the place of vaccinations insulating ribbonThe kidney must stay free.

Vacing for Corre.

Install the mandarin for the bark so that it fertures is easy. It is necessary to cut the branch to the branch, make a suction of a cortex with a length of 3 cm on it. The edges of the cortex to move and put inside the lead with a slash cut so that the cambiums of the cuby and the bondage in contact.

2-3 cuttings can be vaccinated on thick branches, at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. The attached to the lead must be closed with a tape. After the procedure, the tree is also placed in a greenhouse and periodically ventilate it.


Vaccination of mandarin by eyes, or eyelidation - the most effective method. Works are carried out in this order:

  1. The bottom of the bond (10-12 cm from the soil surface) wipe the wet gauze to remove the layer of earth dust.
  2. From the cutting of the creek, gently cut the eyes - a plot of bark with a kidney.
  3. On the crust of the disinfected knife to make an incision of the cortex in the form of the letter T with vertical stripe 1 cm, and horizontal - 2.5 cm.
  4. Move the wood on the knife with the blade insert, insert the eyes inside, press the crust.
  5. Slices to lubricate the corner, closed the ribbon so that the kidney remains open.
  6. Place a seedling in a greenhouse for two weeks and ventilated every day.

If the vaccination succeeds, then after 10 days the grafted eye will become yellow. The isolate can be loosen, and after a week it is completely removed. When the kidney germinates, the trunk of the mandarin must be shortened by a skeleton section at a distance of 6-9 cm from the lead.

If the eye did not fit, it will begin to black or rot. It is necessary to remove the plant from the greenhouse, unwinding the tape, remove the cortex, to process the crust of the garden garden.

Caring for a grafted tree

Village tangerine needs to ensure the correct care so that it be abundantly fruited after 2-3 years. The tree should grow in a warm, uniformly illuminated room with air humidity more than 50%.

Proper care for graft tangerine includes the following:

  1. Watering. In summer, the plant is watered 2-3 times a week, in winter - 1 time per week. Using only the resistant or filtered water. For the prevention of diseases every 2 months, the plant is watered with a weak solution of mangalls.
  2. Spraying. In summer, Mandarin is sprayed with water from the spray every 2 days, in winter - every 2 weeks.
  3. Podrel. Specialized organic fertilizers for citrus trees are brought in spring and summer, 2-3 times a month.
  4. Transfer. Young plants (up to 4 years old) transplanted every year, adults every 2 years. The transplant is carried out in spring.
  5. Trimming. Unnecessary and damaged branches are cut to the mandarin better fruit. Periodically shorten the trunk. Pruning is also carried out to form a beautiful crown.

In winter, plants need to provide peace. Otherwise, you should not wait a lot of fruits from it. In addition to reducing the intensity of irrigation and feeding, indoors reduce the temperature to 15 ° C.

It would seem to grow exotic fruits Always not easy. But modern flowers know that the main thing is to know the basic agrotechnical techniques. Everything else is the skills acquired during the cultivation of certain plants. The same thing is worth saying about room tangerine. You can grow it with ordinary bones. But in order to homemade tree Quick began to develop, you will need to master a rather important technique. This is the grafting of mandarin at home.

Room Mandarin is a good fruit plant. But wait until the sprouts will not only be processed from the bones, but also fixed, it will be achieved optimal for the fruit of sizes, you will have long. Approximately 6-8 years tangerine tree without vaccination will begin to be fruit. Why wait if this process can be accelerated? To do this, it is necessary to master the technique of the vaccination of the plant. With a competent approach to this procedure, the tree will begin to produce fruits after 2-4 years after disembarking.

In order for the grafting of the tangerine tree to be effective, it is necessary to proceed to it not earlier April - May. During this period, the plant comes to life, and the slotting is activated. What is interesting, the bark at this time is easily separated from the wood, and this will greatly facilitate the process. Mandarin, grafted in spring, will grow much faster.

What do you need

How to instill mandarin at home? To begin with, it is necessary to carefully prepare for this process: get acquainted useful tools, for example. So that the vaccination has passed well and without any care, you will need to apply the eyepiece knife, the branch (that is, a branch with an already developed and well-fruiting plant) and a dive (a seeding that was obtained by cultivating the mandarin of seeds), garden Var, and also Insulating tape. Consider another one important moment: It is not recommended to conduct vaccination if you home Plant Not yet two years old.

Step-by-step instruction

Instilling mandarine must certainly and experienced flowerflowers Perfectly understand it. But the lesson you have to have quite painstaking, so the result will be the higher, the deeper you intend to key rules. First of all, on the sapling, mark the height (6-7 cm from the soil). Then you need to carefully clean it from any contamination. When the seedlock is prepared, there are no dirt and dust on it, you can proceed to direct vaccination.

First, make a small incision, which in the form will resemble the letter T. Try not to hurt the wood so as not to damage the plant itself. After the incision is made, slightly push the knife with a knife on the bark so that a small hole is formed inside. Place and place the dotting. After that, cover it tightly, lubricate a rude garden with a rich garden and then wrap everything from above the insulating tape. When all the stages of the mandarin grafting are implemented, you can only expect results and continue to care for a room plant.

How to understand whether to instill

Determine if there was a vaccination homemade Mandarin Perfect, you can already after 2-3 weeks. In the event that you have noticed that the cuttings have been blackened or dryly, it means that the procedure was not successful. Consider your own possible mistakes And then try again. If the stalk turns yellow, it good sign. It is recommended to somewhat weaken the bandage, and after some time it will be possible to remove it. Watch over the cutlets a little more to control the process of its development. Making everything you need competently, you will soon appreciate the long-awaited result, and the grown room mandarin from the bone will bring their fruits much earlier.

Mandarin from the bone can be raised at home, and the plant will be quite prolific, thanks to the vaccination you implemented. For this you need to follow basic rules And ensure full-fledged care after the grafted seedliness.

For example, when a young escape began to grow from the graft kidney, the trunk is recommended to cut the painter. Scroll certainly lubricate the garden harder. If you wish, the escape can be tied up so that the krona is further formed competently. Follow the main recommendations for the cultivation of mandarins, and the vaccination will be effective. The main advantage of this procedure lies in the fact that you can collect ripe fruits much earlier than if it cost without vaccinating room mandarin. Take care of your home tangerines, vaccinate according to the rules.

This is absolutely unpretentious plant Three years grows out of seeds in a pretty tree, but it starts fruit only in 7-8 years. Of course, if you buy a ready-made seedling, get the fruit rather. To accelerate the fruiting mandarin can also be instilled.

It easily tolerates both cool and too hot content in the apartment in the central heating period. All he needs is a lot of light, abundant watering, periodic feeding. Mandarin does not like drafts and a strong wind. With a lack of light, the leaves resets. The same thing happens when drought (or excessive watering). In the summer you can keep a room mandarin on open air. Room Mandarium Requires cool wintering, in winter It is advisable to provide it with a temperature of + 16 ° C. After wintering, the tree goes into growth, produces flowers and tie fruits.

Forming trimming

To form the crown of the desired shape and stimulating fruiting, you need to make forming trimming.

As the tangerine tree grows it, losing compactness and attractiveness, so trimming it is required regular. It is carried out on a young plant by the method of the segmentation - the central barrel is pumped at an altitude of about 30 cm from the soil. In an adult tree pruning is done sharp knife or a secateur. The central escape is removed. With him Croon will not have such decorative View. And new non-fair shoots will be formed on it. But the most important thing is, this escape is usually not fruitful, since the floral buds are not formed on it.

Side branches leave only the strongest, growing symmetrically, in the amount of 3-4 pieces. They are plugged or cut by 10-15 cm. The second order branches appear on them, which also require trimming. Crucified and third-order branches. But the fourth, growing horizontally to the sides, give flowers and fruits. Also remove all the extra thickening branches, which grow vertically up or inside.

In addition to trimming, a young tangerine tree requires an annual transplant to a new nutritious ground and a pot bigger size. The transplant is done after the rest period. Adult plants transplant less often, every 2-3 years, as they grow.

Mandarin is better than other citrus sitresses to the vaccines. You can literally learn from vaccinating all sorts of citrus exotes - it is only better to grow from these experiments.

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Citrus grown in the apartment has long been not news for anyone. Most often grown at home lemon. So that he brought fruit every year, it must be cut it periodically and remove old branches. But if it is inhabited to cut the tree, it will weaken and will not bring fruits.


The shoot of zero order by the end of its aging cut at an altitude of 15-20 cm, leaving 4 developed kidneys, of which, in the future, 3-4 major escapes should be formed. Zero called vertical escape. When first-order shoots (basic) reaches the length of 20-30 cm, they are plugged. To do this, you need to postpone the tip of the sprout.

When the second order shoots, cut them for a length of 20-25 cm. Subsequent sprouts cut into 5 cm shorter than previous ones. About the fourth order of shoots ends the formation of the crown. As a rule, from the fourth order shoots, the tree begins to be fruit.

To a tree lemonand did not bother with old and unnecessary branches, spend the trimmer regularly. Strong shoots need to shorten, and old and growing crowns - delete. Vertically growing shoots that are not fruiting (fat shoots), or delete, or cut up to 20-25 cm so that they start to make the fruits.

Old trees regularly rejuvenate. To do this, briefly cut weakened branches to cause the growth of new shoots. Gradually cutting and feeding the old tree, you will extend his fruiting.

Cut lemon In the spring, in March, even before he starts to shoot shoots. A little to proper the crown can be in winter, after removing the fruits from the tree. If you want in next year Improve fruiting lemonand it is best to make autumn-winter trimming. To lemon I brought the fruits every year, together with the trimming and piece of shoots, you need to remove part of the flowers. From their surplus, the tree is depleted, the number of wounds is reduced, from which the fruits will be in the future. The more empty beams you remove, the more it will remain on the tree of useful Zazezy.


If you leave too long branches, it will lead to the formation of fruit kidneys. And before the fourth order, the tree will not be able to bring the fruits. But very short trimming is undesirable - new very strong shoots appear.

Helpful advice

Do not get carried away the strongly trimming lemon, as it loosens the tree.

Mandarin is evergreen wood plant About one meter tall with dark green leaves. Mandarin Motherland out South-East Asia From the rut family. For growing citrus houses need to choose dwarf varieties. The varieties of Japanese rank tangerines are ideal. The plant begins in spring, and fruits appear by autumn. One wood It can bring from 50 to 80 fruits. Typically, tangerines spread vaccinations to any citrus wood - Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit.

You will need

  • - Mandarin cutlets;
  • - cellophane film;
  • - wool;
  • - Garden Var.


Take a plant, which is 2-3 years old and cut down the selected variety. Sweep the plant is better at the end of summer. For two or three days before, it should be abundantly pouring. Now make a cross incision on a tree trunk (a thickness of one centimeter), and then a small longitudinal cut (two or three centimeters thick). A little "swinging" the place of the cut.

Take the branches of the lead, cut the kidneys with them and insert them to the fast movement in the place of the outbreak, slightly push down from top to bottom. The place of vaccination should be tightly tied with a ribbon of polychlorvinyl, start tidying from the bottom so that there is not water there. Apply Var from above. Through two or three weeks, the cut's petiole should be yellowed and falling, but if it remains, it means that it is necessary to start all over again.

A month later top Single must be cut. First, 10 centimeters above the place of vaccination, and after the "peephole" will dry and starts to germinate, it is necessary to cut off once again - one spike above the lead. Now you can shoot a dressing. In the same way, you can make vaccination on the branches of the crown of an old tree.

To increase the cutting of the cutter, wrap the wood wet cotton and on top wood Nearby plastic bagTo create an increased favorable microclimate. In order not to drown the lead, it will be necessary to regularly remove the shoots running from the stock.

In nature, the tangerine tree is quite tall and reaches 4 meters. However, exist little grades Mandarin, Satsuma or Unshiu, who are successfully grown in room conditions.

Mandarin reproduction

A couple of days before the transplant must stop the feet of the plants. Fertilizers should not be used for a couple of weeks after a transplant to give the tree to calmly settle in a new place.

After the plant is transplanted, it must be slightly pouring, so that the soil can settle and lie down. After half an hour, the plant is inspected, if necessary, add a little more land into the pot.

Mandarin is an evergreen tree, in room conditions grows up to 0.5-1.5 meters. Grown as decorative and fruit plant. For proper care Gives a good harvest of delicious useful fruits.


Mandarin has shiny dark green leaves, blooms long and abundantly, it looks decorative. Flowers are small white, very fragrant, self-polished. In room flower growing, the dwarf varieties of the mandarins of the Vay group are common, but you can grow from the bone of the fetus purchased in the store. In this case, fruits will have to wait long. Accelerate this process will help the vaccination. In the spring, when the growth is activated, take the kidney from a fruitful plant, make a T-shaped incision on the stem of the stock and insert the kidney into it, take the tape at that time until it takes. The grafted plant begins to be fruit on the second or third year, the fruits ripen at the end of the year. The crown must be formed, pinch the tops of the twigs.

Young plant Replanted annually, adult, 6-8-year-old Mandarin - every two or three years. Do it better in early spring, Before the start of flowering. When transplanting take flower pot larger than the previous one, to put small pebbles on the bottom, pieces of plastic, charcoal - a tree for good growth needs drainage. Fill the dishes on 1/3 soil consisting of sand, turf, leaf land, humus in the ratio of 1: 1: 2: 1. The soil must be well moistened, sailing to fill all empties. Remove the tree carefully together with the land of the earth, put in new potFill out the volume of the remaining soil without blocking the root neck. The transplanted plant bypass by a solution of manganese or growth stimulant and put on the illuminated place.

Mandarine is demanding of light and warmth, the best place For him - the southern window. In winter, the lack of light is oppressed by the plant, you need an additional backlight. Favorable temperature for flowering +18 degrees, but also 30-degree heat is not terrible. To ensure peace, contain a tree in the winter at +10 +12 degrees. The indispensable condition of good growth is regular watering and spraying, the plant drought is badly tolerated, flowers and leaves may fall. In the summer, take it out on the street, balcony, make tangerine shower. Watering water from under the tap uplift. In winter, do not allow soil moisure, it will lead to reinforcement of the roots.

Normal development and fruiting is impossible without mineral and organic feeding. Use liquid complex fertilizers for room colors containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. From March to September, fertilize Mandarin Weekly. In the cold season, the feeders are not needed.


  • Website about plants

Mandarine is demanding of heat, lighting and humidity. In order to get its fruits, a bright scattered light is needed. If Mandarin grows at home, it is best to place a tree near the Eastern, Northern or Western window. In the spring or summer, in the hottest clock for mandarin, you need to create shading.

You will need

  • Cherry and leaf land, sand, humus cow manure, clay, combined mineral fertilizers for citrus organic fertilizer, pulverizer, fluorescent lamp, wide water tank

Without properly made vaccinations, enjoy juicy and sweet tangerines, grown independently, with time, most likely will be impossible. This procedure allows you to slightly accelerate the appearance of fruits and significantly improve their taste properties and appearance. The task is not particularly complex - having a finished instruction, even an amateur gardener will quite cope with it.

When you put the mandarin correctly

It is not recommended to do this if the tree is not yet fruitful due to their youth - there will be no results. The first tangerines appear usually 7 years after landing. The optimal month for the vaccination is the middle or the end of the spring, the time of active infection, although you can safely spend everything in summer. You should not do this more often than two times a year.

There are two ways - grafting in split, which is more suitable for beginners, and eye (eyelidation). In the first case, a solution is a slightly larger, therefore, before making mandarin at home, it is recommended to prepare 2 cuttings. This gives more chances for the successful outcome of the procedure. A year, in the spring, the twig is less removed. For eyepling, suitable as sleeping and active kidney. Both techniques suggest the use of the lead at rest.

What will take: a list of all necessary to the smallest

Since on tangerine the bark is a bit thinner than on garden treesThe vaccination knife with a sharp blade will be required. Also should prepare:

  • sterile gauze or bandage for the strapping of the processed place;
  • small polyethylene bag;
  • boiled water;
  • elastic adhesive tape;
  • garden var for processing a cut place on a tree.

Before the grafting of the mandarin will be carried out at home, you need to not forget about the dotting, the diameter of the trunk of which should be at least 7 mm. It will take a fresh trigger of the fruitless mandarin, lemon or orange, but the native twig is still more and faster, and it should be fresh, not older than 2 years.

Detailed step-by-step instructions - how to act

Here are all the steps that you have to do for the eyepiece:

  1. Measure 7 cm from the ground on the trunk. At this height, we wipe the bark from dirt and dust. Then carefully cut off all the spikes and plates if they are.
  2. On the desired section of the tree, do an incision in the shape of the letter "T" with dimensions of 1x2 cm and the knife tip cautiously take the bark to the side.
  3. To properly instill a tangerine tree, in the resulting recess slowly insert in advance cut with a harvested sprig of eyes with a layer of wood. It must be kept for a cherry sheet, which in the end should be covered with the bark. By the way, it is desirable that the kidney is from the middle part of the branch.
  4. Lubricate the place of the garden with a garden cooking, cooked from the melted beef and ram fat, wax and rosin. The proportions should be approximately the same for it.
  5. Refine the processed segment of gauze or bandage, and then plunder it with a ribbon. It is important that after all the petioles with the leaves remained intact.

If you do not want to mess with the smear, use the cellophane bag. Before dressing it on a stalk, drip into a bit of boiled or distilled water. The scene should also be covered with a package. This way to instill on your own tangerine tree is faster, but less effective - the peephole is leaving a little longer. But so it will be possible to look at how it takes it to confuse, and if something is not done, calmly repeat the procedure.

At the end of all the works, it is necessary to place the plant under the film or a large plastic bag, they will serve as a greenhouse.

Tip! At least once every two days, check the lead, which speeds up the process of healing "wounds" on the trunk and appearance of leaves.

In the case of ochelation, they are followed as follows:

  1. The trunk that will be vaccinated, wipe well with a sponge.
  2. Having retreated 5 cm from the beginning of the stock, the horizontal incision is made on its crust not 1.5 cm.
  3. At the bottom of the cutlets make an incision of the same size as in a dot.
  4. The bark of the trunk carefully bent over himself and insert the cuttings for her so that they come into contact.

What to do next

About a month later, the tangerine tree can be freed from the strapping, by this time the twigs must already be fighting. If a cellophane bag was chosen, it is allowed to leave it for a year before the start of the depotation in the cable. It was at this time that the first leaves appear at the cuttings.

Further, you need to wait more days 25 and cut off the cutting to the trail from the knife to be 2-3 cm above the escape on the cutting tree. Then it should be used to use the garden var to process the end. You can clean the adhesive tape after germinating new kidneys on the cable.

Tip! To form the right crown of the tree, you need to fix the young escape on a wooden support.

To admire blossom if everything was done strictly according to the instructions, it will be possible already 2-3 years later, but not very long, because the maritime is required to trim. This is due to the fact that while the tangerine tree has not yet faster and formed for such loads. It will only be stronger than 2-3 years of life.

This plant is a popular indoor culture, but not all lovers of bright orange citrus are decided to plant it exotic treebecause they do not know how to grow rather whimsical mandarin. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to grow it and, subject to all the rules of landing and leaving, a tree is already 3-4 years old will begin to bring a good harvest.

Mandarin reproduction

There are several basic ways of reproduction of mandarin at home: seeds, vaccination, cuttings, grains. The easiest and most common way is to plant seeds. However, in this case, fruiting will come only on 6-7 years of tree life. For the landing take large seeds of ripened fruits, washed in warm water and give a little to dry. Then placed in a glass with water room temperature and cleaned in a warm place, for example, on sunny side windowsill. After some time, the seeds swell and will turn. After that, you can land them into the ground.

How to plant mandarin and what soil mixture To do this choose? For landing take a small pot with a diameter of 5-7 cm. On the day they make a layer of drainage from small stones or shards. From above, the soil mixture consisting in equal parts made of leaf and turf, a small amount of overwhelmed manure and river sand. You can use the finished soil mixture for citrus stems sold in the store. Seeds are placed in the soil at a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm and sprinkle the ground slightly, then watered. Pot covers film or glass jarThus, the greenhouse builds and put it on the window on the south side. Happy 30 min. The greenhouse should be opened so that moisture does not accumulate. The first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. After 5 sheets are formed on the shootings, you can carry out their transplant to larger containers.

Vaccination: how to instill mandarin (with video)

Accelerate the beginning of fruiting will help the vaccination of mandarin by the eyepiece (eye). This will require a young church with a barrel diameter of at least 6 mm and a stalk with a 1-2-year-old branch of a fruiting citrus, taken immediately before vaccination. The best time for this work is April - May, that is, a period of sludge. You can perform this procedure in August.

Before you instill mandarin prepare a lead and diving with ridiculous wood. We win the plant for which the vaccination is done. It can be a lemon sowed, orange or grapefruit.

The cruise is a stalk or "peephole", which is vaccinated. Prickly remove spikes and leaves, leaving only petioles located near the kidneys.

The eyepiece (vaccination on the "peephole") is performed as follows. A wet cloth is cleaned with a bunch of dust from dust, at a distance of 7 cm from the ground, a T-shaped incision of the bark of the bark is carefully made, trying not to hurt wood. The length of the horizontal end is 1 cm, vertical - 2-2.5 cm. The edges of the cortex are flex with a knife, insert "peephole" into the incision, holding it for a sheet of leaf, located next to the kidney. At a distance of about 1.5 cm from the kidneys on the cortex make two horizontal serifs, after which the korah barks are cut off between these sneakers. With a cut "Eye", you should capture one bark, and cut the area under the kidney with a part of the wood (with a shield).

Oval cut with a kidney is covered by the edges of the bark of the bark, providing close contact and quick accomplishment. The place of vaccinations are wrapped with a tape so that only the kidney and sheets of leaf remain free, then they are covered with polyethylene to create a mini-greenhouse. If, after a while, the petiole turns through, it means that the vaccination passed unsuccessfully. About the adulted kidney testifies the yellowed or fallen stiff. With successful vaccination, the isolate is weakened, and later removed at all.

When the sprout comes from the kidney, it is possible to start more often to air the grafted plant. When the escape will grow out of the kidneys, the barrel of the flow is cut by the maternity block slightly above the base of the escape. Scroll is treated with garden booth.

So that young escape stretch up, it is tied to a set of a stick.

For details on how to instill mandarin will tell the video below:

Care: how to care for tangerine

Behind the graft tangerine should be carried out daily and very careful care. This is necessary for young citrus to quickly gain strength and developed. The main condition for its full development is bright coverage throughout the year. In the warm season, the tree is recommended to endure on fresh air. With a strong heat and the sun creating shading. Provide protection against wind and drafts. Watering should be abundant and regular. On hot days it is necessary to spray the crown of water temperature. It is useful to periodically wipe the citrus leaves with a wet cloth or cotton swab moistened in water.

When growing this culture, it is important to know how to care for tangerine in winter, because during this period the plant enters the state of peace and is gaining strength for future flowering and fruiting. Wintering plant should at a temperature of 12-14 ° C. In cool conditions, flowering kidneys are laid on ridiculous kidneys. For wintering, a balcony, loggia or winter Garden. With a lack of light, artificial illumination is used to the mandarin light day lasted at least 12 hours. The amount of irrigation is reduced to 1 - 2 times a week. Follow the drying of the earth coma. The soil must be moderately wet, but not overurbed. The excess of moisture will negatively affect the state of the roots and the tree as a whole.

In the absence of cool wintering, Mandarin lives no more than 4 years, gradually weakens and dies. People period lasts from November to February.

Landing: How to plant and transplant Mandarin

How to transplant Mandarin correctly, you should know every gardener growing this culture, since the root citrus system is very sensitive, and the careless transplant is fraught with the death of the plant. The transplant of young mandarin that has not reached 3-4 years of age, is held annually. This work must be performed in the spring when the process of active growth of the plant begins. The tree is transplanted into a larger pot, 3-5 cm in diameter more than the previous one. When transplanting use the transshipment method, trying to preserve the old earthlings as much as possible, so as not to damage root system. Rinse the roots except for their defeat in no case.

Fertilizers for Mandarin

Many nutrients are required by a citrus during its growth and fruiting, so the tree is ridiculous in the vegetation season (from March to October) 2-3 times a month, for this use organic and mineral fertilizers for mandarin. You can combine the spraying of the crown with extra -orn subordinate. Such a procedure is enough to spend 1 time per month. It is useful to apply fertilizers containing copper, manganese, iron, boron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen. It should be borne in mind that this culture needs a large amount of nitrogen.

Also 1 time per month citrus watered with mortar iron Camp. This procedure will serve as chlorosis prevention.

During the rest of the feeding, you do not need to make. In addition, it is impossible to feed a strongly shrinking plant, since the cause of the leisurefall does not always consist in insufficient nutrition of the mandarin, and the excess fertilizer in the soil can aggravate the situation and lead to the root system's root and the destruction of the tree.

The most apparent sign of excess fertilizer is the formation of a dry border along the edges of the leaves.

In some cases, the plant reacts negatively to new fertilizers. In this case, the soil is washed large quantity Waters, after which, in the subsequent month only extraxnealing feeders are used.

Growing Mandarin

With the cultivation of the mandarin, an important role is removed. In the first year of the tree of the tree form his "skeleton". When the side branches grow up, they choose the largest, the rest are removed.

Trimming more adult mandarin is necessary to accelerate the start of fruiting and giving the crown compact, beautiful form. Best time For this purpose - the beginning of February, that is, the end of the rest period. The tree pinch the top shoots so that the bush began to branch, remove the weak and thickening branches. In summer, too long and greasy shoots are shortened.