Furniture edge: variety, characteristics and methods of gluing. Types and process of gluing furniture edges on chipboard

Good afternoon, dear readers, Andrey Noak is in touch! Welcome to the site dedicated to wood and its use in home comfort... Everyone has a moment in life when they really want to change something in the interior of their apartment or house. Re-glue wallpaper, repaint ceilings, or even change furniture. However, it is no secret to anyone that such transformations cost money, and sometimes a lot.

This is where I am ready to come to your aid. I am glad to inform you that even when buying furniture you can save your money and time. In addition, you can take an active part in the creation of your future interior. To do this, you have to get acquainted with the technology of edging or otherwise how to glue the edge on the chipboard. I have every right to tell about this, because as a technologist I have produced more than one hundred thousand cubic meters of particle board!

When it comes to high-quality edging of chipboard boards, the question arises, how to glue an edge on a chipboard? In order to answer it, let's deal with such a concept as edging tape.

Factory made furniture boards As a rule, the following types of edging tapes are used: decorative paper tape impregnated with polyester resins, ABS tape, aluminum edging, as well as 3D tapes installed on expensive custom-made furniture.

The width of the edging tape is 38 mm. It is intended for processing the end parts of chipboard parts, and is necessary to preserve the aesthetics of the entire product. In addition, it serves for chipboard protection from moisture ingress, from evaporation of furniture impregnation, as well as to increase the strength and durability of the product.

The edge on the chipboard also has an aesthetic purpose. As mentioned earlier, it is made from different materials... In addition, it happens different texture, quality and has a varied color range... There is a wide range of colors and reproducible textures. The PVC tape adds an elegant look to the furniture. Also, it is important to note that edging chipboard furniture cuts of parts is the cheapest and affordable way to give the furniture elements a finished look.

Edge bonding

The work on gluing the edge on chipboard can be carried out not only in industrial, but also at home... To do this, we need an available material: hair dryer, iron, wet wipes, scissors, sharp knife, a wooden block 35-150mm, with sandpaper glued on its entire surface. We take the most suitable edge with glue applied to it. Bonding is carried out to a previously cleaned, burr-free surface. After that, straighten the edge and press it with a heated iron. Gradually smoothing the surface, press the edge tightly to the ends of the part. Under the influence of temperature, the glue heats up and polymerizes, gluing the parts together.

We make sure that the tape sticks to the tabletop evenly, so that its edges do not go beyond the product. Then we cool the surface, trying to avoid swelling or shifts. After finishing edging, its edges should be even, and without glue residues.

Checking work

Often, facing flaws are revealed after gluing. They look like bubbles, an offset of the edge of the edge relative to the part, and also glue protruding outward. In this case, they need to be eliminated, applying a different approach to each flaw. For example, bubbles can be removed by heating with a hair dryer, followed by smoothing. The offset of the edge is eliminated in the same way. Only instead of perpendicular pressure, longitudinal pressure is used. As for the remnants of glue, then everything is generally simple. In a heated state, it is easily removed from the surface of the butting edge.

Removing excess edging with a sharp object

Video of gluing edges on chipboard

Finally, the ends of the edge should be trimmed with a sharp object and then with an emery bar in order to give the product completeness and aesthetic beauty. And let the beauty and comfort in the house depend on you. Surround yourself with exclusive, solid, and most importantly - useful things... Well, I, in turn, am always happy to help you create beauty and harmony in your home.

Self-adhesive furniture edge - a narrow strip of melamine, PVC, ABS or other material

Furniture edge - useful element both for craftsmen who make furniture with their own hands, and for any owner. With its help you will be able to revive old utensils and protect them from rapid destruction. Perhaps not everyone understands what kind of useful invention we are talking about. Then we will analyze what a furniture edge is, what types of it there are, and what it is generally used for.

Thanks to chipboard edge gains protection against chips, swelling and other deformations,

If you make furniture with your own hands, you are familiar with the need to process the ends. After cutting the slab, this procedure is necessary. It will be especially useful for chipboard, since water and dirt can get into unprotected cuts.

Usage furniture edge- this is an obligatory stage in the production of furniture

In this case, the product will deteriorate faster. It is for the processing of cuts that the furniture edge is used.

Postforming and Softforming are very quality ways edge trimming of chipboard ends, which are made on special machines

This product represents finishing material, a narrow strip of melamine or other materials designed to be attached to the ends of furniture. Its main functions are protective and decorative. It hides the places where the chipboard layer is visible from the inside. It is known that this is a wood-based material, and it has several aesthetic appearance... In this case, the furniture edge is simply salvation.

The PVC edge for furniture is rightfully considered to be a better, more durable protection of the end face of the part.

The second function is protective. In addition to protecting the furniture itself, it helps to avoid injuries and drags on clothes. The sawn-off edges of the chipboard slab are sharp and often damage clothes, they can also get hurt. They are especially unsafe for the kitchen and children's room. Therefore, processing the edges is a must. And the furniture edge is best suited for this purpose.

The difference between PVC coating 0.4 and 2 mm

Popular types of furniture edges

There are several types of edging. Basically, they vary depending on the composition, thickness and appearance.

Melamine edging with glue - the most budgetary, but not the highest quality look

ABS edge - durable and reliable thermal plastic, easy to use

PVC edge is very popular for facing the ends of laminated chipboard

So, we present the most popular types.

View Description
Melamine Most common for home use. This is a melamine tape on back side which is applied with a layer of glue, activated by heating. It is inexpensive, but does not differ in quality either; it is afraid of moisture, and its service life is short, even with respect.
PVC Most the best option in terms of price and quality ratio. Used in most modern products... Represents PVC tape in 2, or 0.4mm. The thicker one is used for processing the outer sides, and the thinner one is used for cuts on the back of the product. Processing with this type is carried out only in production, since this requires a special machine.
ABS plastic Also a good option, similar to the previous one, only has a more environmentally friendly composition. It is extremely rare on sale. Used in the manufacture of furniture in a factory.
V modern production rarely used, but found on sale. This is a more reliable option than the previous ones. The T-profile has a stronger base and greater thickness. Manufactured primarily from laminated chipboard... It has spike connection... The profile has spikes that fit into the grooves on the furniture (pre-drilled).
Cover profile C 18 It has been used for a long time. Still popular in furniture making, both in production and at home. Represents an inflexible chipboard tape, which is put on the cut part of the board and fastened liquid nails... Quite easy to use, therefore it is common in self-production furniture. The downside is its location. The edge protrudes a few millimeters beyond the furniture, thereby increasing its size, and thus dirt is clogged under the ledge.

Cut-in T-profile - inserted into the milled groove in the end of the chipboard

Overhead U-profile C18 is a good option, you can use it for chipboard at home

Veneer is not the most popular material for edging; special skills are required to work with it

At home, melamine edging is most commonly used. It is easy to use and is available in a wide range on the construction market.

3D acrylic edging (PMMA-3D)

The most popular in Russia PVC edge Rehau has wide choose colors

We apply the edge with our own hands

It is quite possible to get such an edge at home.

It is possible to process cuts with a PVC edge exclusively in production. This procedure is not difficult to order when purchasing stoves, or as a separate service. But if you only need to mend old furniture, or there is simply no desire to go to production, you can process the cuts in this way at home.

We glue the edge with our own hands at home

To do this, you need to purchase a melamine edging. Also prepare:

  • building hair dryer or old iron
  • sandpaper;
  • clerical or construction knife;
  • rag;
  • a stand with the function of fixing parts (a vise or someone's help will do).

Edging tools and materials

We will stock up on more dexterity, and we can proceed to work.

Work 30-40 centimeters in size gradually. This way there will be less damage and errors.

Thus, you can process small products, it is better to entrust larger ones to a professional.

Advantages and disadvantages of home processing

In self-processing, there are always both advantages and disadvantages. Usually, positive aspects more. In this case, the undoubted advantage is the speed and cost of work. You don’t have to wait until the product comes from production, you don’t need to place an order and pick it up. Naturally, having done the work yourself, you only pay for the edge.

The downside is the limited choice, since you can independently apply only a melamine edge, overlay or cut-in profile (which are quite rare).

Treating a small surface with melamine edging is fairly straightforward and best done at home. But a large product requiring PVC edgebanding is best left to professionals.

Video: Types of chipboard end edges

In the furniture industry, edging materials are used for finishing the end parts of parts.

They are of the following types:

  • Melamine edgebanding is the cheapest type of furniture edgebanding. It is a paper base impregnated with melamine resin and varnished on top. Such an edge is glued using a special hot melt glue;
  • PVC edge - the edge is made of polyvinyl chloride. It is more durable than melamine edging. It is glued to the ends of furniture parts using the same hot melt glue;

  • ABC edging is another type of tape edging made from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. This material is even stronger than the first two edges. This edge does not fade in the sun, is abrasion resistant, has a wide range of colors;

  • The U-shaped edging is also an edging material, but it already differs from those previously listed in the way it is attached to the ends of the furniture. Thanks to its shape, it is pulled onto the ends, clamping it from both sides with its walls, and with its main, wide part, it covers the butt. It is used for framing the ends of rounded shapes, because this material is very flexible. He has very high level wear resistance;

  • T-shaped edging - has a shape slightly different from the U-shaped edging, but is made of the same material (plastic) and has all the same properties. It differs only in the method of attachment to the ends - for it, it is necessary to make a shallow, narrow groove in the end part of the part in the middle, in which it is placed with a special fastening edge, and the main strip closes the end at the same time;

  • Aluminum edging - also designed to cover the ends of furniture. It is one of the most durable edging materials, it is not afraid of moisture and high temperatures.

  • Acrylic edge is relatively the new kind edging material, made of polymethyl methacrylate. It is a transparent film on interior which can be drawn. After fixing such an edge at the end, the pattern appears through the film in a 3D effect. This edge is very suitable for decorative finishing furniture for a children's room and kitchen. She, too, like most of the edging material listed here, is wear-resistant and is not afraid of moisture.

All these edges and edges are designed not only to improve the decorative properties of furniture and its aesthetic appearance, but also to extend the life of the furniture, protecting it from mechanical stress and negative impact environment(high temperatures, high humidity).

After cutting the chipboard into furniture parts, a special edge must be glued to the ends of the products. It will protect parts from dust, moisture, aggressive detergents and cleaning agents, and will also give the product a finished aesthetic look.

The TORNADO edgebander of the Austrian company PAUL OTT GmbH allows high-quality processing of laminated chipboard ends. Correctly glued edge determines appearance future furniture.

Furniture production "CHAIKA" uses a furniture edge manufactured by the German company REHAU. The standard collection of REHAU RAUKANTEX edge decors is selected and optimally matches the collection of leading manufacturers of laminated chipboard and plastics.

Types of furniture edge

MELAMINE EDGE- made on the basis of paper impregnated with melamine resins. Thickness 0.3 - 0.4 mm. Thin enough and fragile material unable to protect furniture intended for active use during humid environment, for example in the kitchen or in the bathroom. When using melamine, one must be prepared for the fact that the slightest roughness of the chipboard ends can be seen through the edge. It is most often used for finishing the ends of furniture parts that are not visible from the outside. Popular due to its low cost.

PVC EDGE- made of polyvinyl chloride, one of the most common plastics. Thickness 0.4 and 2 mm. Possesses increased wear resistance, durability, resistance to mechanical damage and aggressive chemicals... Absolutely harmless. Not flammable. Reliably protects the ends of furniture parts from moisture, dust, mechanical chips. It is widely used among furniture makers when creating high-quality beautiful furniture.

ABS EDGE- made of acryl butadiene styrene. Thickness 1 mm. It has increased shock and wear resistance, resistance to all kinds of chemical solvents, high and low temperatures, durability and plasticity. Due to its excellent environmental performance, it can be used for the manufacture of children's furniture and in medical institutions. Unlike PVC, ABC edgebands can have a glossy and high glossy surface. The edging is available in solid colors only.

The edge in the furniture industry is necessary to protect the end edges of the product from chips, cracks and other damage, and it also protects against moisture and formaldehyde vapors.

You will learn about the types of edges, as well as the methods of gluing them and how to glue the edge with an iron and a hairdryer from this article.

Types of edges - why are they needed

  1. The most common type is melamine edging with glue on paper backing ... It is used for finishing the interior of furniture. Affordable, inexpensive, but not the most quality option... Does not tolerate moisture, wears out quickly. Easy to stick at home with a simple iron.
  2. T-shaped flexible profile - is a T-shaped bar, it is inserted into the slot in the side of the chipboard or MDF. It is convenient to replace the damaged element in the future without disassembling the furniture. You will need a milling machine for installation.
  3. PVC edging - reliably protects the ends of the furniture from damage, is durable, resistant to moisture. To glue the PVC piping, you will need an edging machine, so using this type of edge at home is difficult.
  4. ABS plastic is an eco-friendly chlorine-free option. Prized for its resistance to high temperatures and physical damage.

All options can be divided into two subspecies - edges without glue and with glue.

Average cost of a profile for one running meter:

  • PVC 0.4 mm thick - about 25 rubles,
  • PVC 2 mm thick - about 40 rubles,
  • Melamine material for chipboard - about 25 rubles.

In our country, products from the Rehau company are actively used, which offers a large selection color solutions, as well as different belt widths from 15 to 45 mm.

To simplify the work, you can use various specialized furniture programs that calculate how much materials are required for gluing the edges.

PVC edge - how to glue step by step at home

For work you will need:

  • iron or hair dryer,
  • and of course buy a PVC edge with glue
  • hard roller,
  • newspaper or paper sheet

The material is heated to make the glue sticky. Heating is performed with an iron in the "Synthetics" mode.

  • The profile is applied to the end in such a way that it overlaps the end of the section.
  • Next, the iron is again heated through the newspaper. Since the glue dissolves quickly, the process is quite active, and it is convenient to move the iron along the PVC edge.
  • The edge itself must be carefully pressed and ironed until it adheres along its entire length.
  1. Bonding with a hot air gun... Instead of an iron, you can use a building hair dryer. The PVC edge is heated from the glue side and when the composition becomes sticky, the material is applied to the end of the desired area, clamped and gently smoothed.
  2. Bonding with Moment glue... This method is suitable if there is no adhesive layer on the edge. The quality of the end is checked manually, sawdust, debris, dust are removed until the surface is clean. Then glue is applied to both the material and the end and wait until it sets. After that, apply and press. Using a roller, the section is rolled so that the glue sets faster.


How to remove excess material

If it was not possible to carefully glue the edge the first time, the procedure will have to be repeated. To do this, glue is again applied to the site and the profile is clamped using a roller or manually.

As usual PVC width the edges are taken with a margin, you need to carefully remove the excess around the edges. To do this, use an ordinary clerical knife or file. It is taken with both hands and pressed on the protruding fragment. As a result, the excess parts are broken off and an edge is left that coincides in width with the section.

Completion of work

After everything is stuck, it remains to process the irregularities with sandpaper.

How to glue an edge on a chipboard - description

Melamine edging is the best option for home use when old furniture needs to be refurbished with minimal cost... If the furniture is expensive, it is better to turn to professionals who use other more expensive and high quality material.

Consider how to glue the edge on a chipboard worktop at home.


For work, you will need the following materials:

  • skin,
  • sharpened jamb knife,
  • wallpaper roller,
  • melamine edging,
  • construction hair dryer or iron.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. select the operating mode of the iron so that it does not get too hot and does not burn the chipboard and at the same time ensure proper melting of the glue,
  2. sand the edges of the chipboard for gluing, eliminate irregularities,
  3. measure the profile,
  4. heat it up with an iron and press it tightly against the area with a roller (if there is no glue layer, you will need to apply glue to the edge yourself, for example, Moment glue),
  5. cut off the hanging edges of the edge with a knife.

It is necessary to trim at an angle along the edge, slightly wringing the material. Then it will remain to process the edges with a sandpaper so that there are no burrs and irregularities left.

If the cut of the edge and the chipboard itself are slightly different, a stain will help to correct the difference.

In the case when the part has a complex shape, and the edge of the surface is characterized by a complex relief, it is not always possible to glue the material evenly the first time. In such a situation, it is worth contacting professionals so as not to spoil the product.

Types of edge glue

What glue to choose for the edge

Furniture professionals actively use hot melt adhesives for edgebanding... They are convenient in the event that the production will be put on stream, and it is required both high quality result and fast speed.

Hot melt adhesives are thermoplastics, which means they become very elastic when heated and harden quickly when cooled. Responsible for these properties is the ethylene-vinyl acetate polymer included in the adhesive. The disadvantage of using is the need to use special equipment, namely the appropriate machines or manual guns for applying glue to parts and heating it.

  1. V living conditions often use PVC glue, which adheres well paper materials to different surfaces... Homogeneous without lumps light color the mass adheres well to surfaces, but is afraid of moisture. It does not require the use of additional equipment, therefore it is convenient for use by non-professional craftsmen.
  2. Fit universal adhesives Moment and 88-Lux, which will reliably glue the material to the chipboard and PVC surfaces. After 3-4 hours, the product can be used. Adhesives are inexpensive, safe, and affordable.
  3. From professional furniture glue for the edging, it is worth mentioning the products from Kleiberit. The company offers hot-melt adhesives for cladding, for soft-forming material (in case the surface is embossed), as well as for cladding.