Furniture edges: overview, types, features of pasting. Edge for chipboard made of PVC, malamine, acrylic and aluminum - which is better

Good afternoon, dear readers, Andrey Noak is in touch! Welcome to the site dedicated to wood and its use in home comfort. Everyone has a moment in life when they really want to change something in the interior of their apartment or house. Re-paste the wallpaper, repaint the ceilings, or even change the furniture. However, it is no secret to anyone that such transformations cost money, and sometimes a lot.

This is where I am ready to help you. I am glad to inform you that even when buying furniture, you can save your money and time. In addition, you can take an active part in the creation of your future interior. To do this, you have to get acquainted with the technology of edging or in another way with how to glue the edge on the chipboard. I have every right to tell about this, because as a technologist I have produced more than one hundred thousand cubic meters of chipboard!

When it comes to high-quality chipboard edging, the question arises, how to glue the edge on chipboard? In order to answer it, let's deal with such a concept as an edge tape.

By factory production furniture panels As a rule, the following types of edge tapes are used: decorative paper tape impregnated with polyester resins, ABS tape, aluminum edges, as well as 3D tapes installed on expensive furniture supplied to order.

Edge tape 38 mm wide. It is intended for processing the end parts of chipboard parts, and is necessary to maintain the aesthetics of the entire product. In addition, it serves to chipboard protection from moisture ingress, from evaporation of furniture impregnation, as well as to increase the strength and durability of the product.

The edge on the chipboard also has an aesthetic purpose. As mentioned earlier, it is made from different materials. In addition, she happens different texture, quality and has a diverse color scheme. There is a wide range of colors and reproducible textures. The PVC tape adds an elegant look to the furniture. Also, it is important to note that chipboard edging of furniture parts is the cheapest and affordable way give the furniture elements a finished look.

Edge bonding

The work on gluing the edge on chipboard can be carried out not only in industrial, but also at home. To do this, we need the material at hand: hair dryer, iron, wet wipes, scissors, sharp knife, wooden block 35-150mm, with sandpaper pasted over its entire surface. We take the most suitable edge with glue applied to it. Bonding is carried out on a pre-cleaned, burr-free surface. After that, we straighten the edge and press it with a heated iron. Gradually smoothing the surface, firmly press the edge to the ends of the part. Under the influence of temperature, the glue heats up and polymerizes, sticking the parts together.

We make sure that the tape is glued to the countertop evenly so that its edges do not extend beyond the product. After we cool the surface, trying to avoid swelling or shifts. After edging is completed, its edges should be even, and without glue residue.

Checking work

Often, facing flaws are detected after gluing. They look like bubbles, offset of the edge of the edge relative to the part, as well as glue that has come out. In this case, they must be eliminated, applying a different approach to each flaw. For example, bubbles can be eliminated by heating with a hair dryer, followed by ironing. Edge displacement is eliminated in the same way. Only instead of perpendicular pressure, longitudinal pressure is applied. As for the remnants of glue, then everything is generally simple. In a heated state, it is easily removed from the surface of the facing edge.

Removal of excess edging material with a sharp object

Video of gluing the edge on the chipboard

In conclusion, the ends of the edge should be trimmed with a sharp object and then with an emery bar in order to give the product completeness and aesthetic beauty. And let the beauty and comfort in the house depend on you. Surround yourself with exclusive, good, and most importantly - useful things. Well, I, in turn, am always happy to help you create beauty and harmony in the house.

Beautiful, well-crafted furniture always has a visually finished, solid look. Professional designer he always thinks through all the little things, down to the shape of the legs, the types of fasteners and the refinement of the ends. Homemade cabinets, tables, cabinets and other joinery made of chipboard are no exception. To bring the manufactured items “to mind”, such an interesting detail as an edge for the ends is simply necessary.

What is an edge for chipboard

The edge is a special tape made from various materials, which is glued or cut into the ends of laminated chipboard parts. Its main purpose is to protect the edges, decorate and give a spectacular look. finished product. Significantly facilitates and speeds up the production process, at the same time it is a cheaper analogue of such production stages as:

  • Postforming- wrapping a sheet of laminate or resin paper around the end. In this case, the edge of the product is given a rounded shape, then a polymer coating is applied. It is used for countertops, furniture parts for bathrooms and kitchens, moldings. Provides full protection from the damaging effects of moisture on chipboard.
  • Softforming- similar to the previous one, but is used for products of complex shapes. Ensures the safety and tightness of furniture ends.

Edge types

There are 4 types of end tape - melamine, PVC, metal and acrylic. They differ in their characteristics, the raw materials used, the decorative surface and the methods of attachment to the base.

Melamine edge

It is made from thick paper, which is impregnated with a thermosetting polymer resin - melamine. After drying, the semi-finished product is glued onto a papyrus substrate. On some types, an industrial adhesive mass is also applied to speed up the fastening process. It has a standard thickness of 0.2 to 0.4 mm, a smooth or embossed decorative surface, more than 140 shades and decors, including those for various types of wood.

Melamine tape is attached to the edge of the chipboard in two ways. The first of them - with the help of an iron (suitable for trimming with an adhesive base). As auxiliary tools will come in handy:

  • construction knife, drill or ESHM with a felt nozzle for trimming;
  • rubber spatula or solvent 646 to remove excess adhesive;
  • a tube of instant glue (Bizon, Moment) for gluing lagging areas;
  • a press, a wooden block with felt, a spatula or a small roller for rolling wallpaper;
  • stops for fixing the part;
  • fine-grained sandpaper ("zero").

The part is fixed on the U-shaped stops, a melamine edge is applied and smoothed with an iron heated to approximately 180 °. Next, you should press the still hot edging with a press, a bar with felt or a roller for rolling wallpaper.

The correct temperature must be selected empirically, that is, set the iron regulator to the maximum level and test it for small area ribbons. If the edging material begins to “wrinkle”, folds, then it is necessary to reduce the heat.

Excess edging is carefully cut off with a knife or a drill with a felt nozzle at low speeds. Adhesive droplets can be easily removed with a solvent. At the end, be sure to go over the edges with fine-grained sandpaper at an angle of 45 ° to even out the edges. Watch the video for details of the process:

The second method of fastening is with a heat gun (can be replaced with a hairdryer) and a glue stick. Apply the mass evenly on the end face of the part and trimming, carefully connect, roll or press with a press. Remove the glue that has come out with a solvent, cut off the excess and process it with sandpaper. To even out the just glued edge, you can heat it up again and move it a little.

This method is considered more reliable, since the rough, uneven surface of the chipboard is better impregnated with glue, which improves the adhesion of the edge to the base.

If there are small chips or defects on the end of the chipboard, they can be removed with an acrylic universal putty, and after drying, carefully sand with fine-grained sandpaper. Glue a construction bandage on top to avoid cracking the putty mass, and you can fasten the edge.

PVC edge

It is made from several types of thermoplastics, including ABC and PP. This type of end edges is highly resistant to water, household chemicals, mechanical and thermal stress. The standard thickness is 0.4–10 mm, the width varies between 1–10 cm.

decorative surface There are 2 types: smooth (glossy or semi-matte) or embossed (wood or shagreen leather). The choice of colors and designs is incredibly huge - about 5000 variations, including neon patterns and fluorescent shades.

The difference between conventional PVC and ABC is that the latter has increased stiffness, impact resistance and heat resistance. This allows the use of high-temperature adhesives for parts with complex shapes.

Several types of PVC edges are available:

  1. Kant mortise T-shaped (with a spike) , is fixed in the groove cut by the cutter. It is very difficult to do such work on your own, since you need a perfectly even cut of the same depth. Cope with such a task under the force of milling machines;
  2. Kant laid on without girth - glued to the edge of the chipboard with a building hair dryer and glue. However, care must be taken, otherwise burns can be earned;
  3. Kant laid on with girthU-shaped - fastened similarly to the previous one, thanks to the shape it wraps around the edge of the product and perfectly masks minor defects (irregularities, chips);
  4. Kant consignment note with girth U-shaped - has rigid clamps, so it does not need gluing. It is enough to pre-heat with a hairdryer, and when the plastic edge softens, bend the “antennae” a little and attach the part tightly to the end. Can be adjusted with a rubber mallet.

Metal or aluminum edge

It is an aluminum finishing profile with a rich set of characteristics. Reliably protects chipboard ends against shock, moisture, mechanical stress, temperature fluctuations. Thickness - 1-2 mm, width from 1.6 to 10 cm, some manufacturers have an artificial thickening for built-in furniture.

The decorative surface, as a rule, is subjected to 3 types of processing:

  1. Shot blasting or colorless anodizing. The result is a solid silver shade with a mirror or carved surface;
  2. Standard anodizing, giving a rich choice of shades from semi-matte aged gold to black surface with gloss. This transformation allows grouting small scratches and extends the service life of the material by 1.5 times;
  3. PVC film coating imitating the structure and many shades of natural wood.

Like the plastic edge, the aluminum edge is available in several variations:

  • Kant mortise T-shaped with P-orF - girth - cuts into the groove, securely held due to the special design. Protects the ends and the wrong side of the chipboard product, hides minor defects. It is applied to kitchen and office furniture;
  • Kant laid on without girth - inexpensive, glued with a special composition, however, many manufacturers are already withdrawing it from the range, since it does not prevent chips on the product;
  • Kant laid on with girth C- or H-shaped - fastened with small self-tapping screws, the kit includes corners, connectors, plugs and slotted strips.

The advantage of such an edge is that it goes well with glass, plastic and wood products.

Acrylic or 3d edging

A colorful end tape in over 200 rich and pastel shades. It is produced using a special technology: a decorative finish is applied to the substrate, covered with a layer of transparent acrylic polymer on top, due to which an effective three-dimensional pattern is created.

The advantage of acrylic is that it is quite hard and durable, does not fade, and if necessary, it is easy to polish it with ordinary GOI paste. Thickness - 2 mm, standard width - up to 10 cm. Can be glued even at home.

Decors correspond to such interior styles as techno, avant-garde, modern, minimalism. Not suitable for kitchen facades and countertops, as it can withstand temperatures up to +90°.

It is produced in the form of a patch tape without a girth, less often with a U-shaped girth. It does not require additional heating, it is enough to use special glues (Homa Colloid, Acryfix or Plexiglas glue) and a press.

Finally, we note that the main enemies of chipboard are moisture, mold, and fungi. In order for the furniture to serve for more than one year, it is imperative to choose furniture with ends treated with an edge tape, or carry out protection yourself. The cost of money and time will pay off with a long and good service of joinery.

Chipboard, edging, a very important finishing step chipboard ends. First, it's safety. With a high-quality edge sticker, formaldehyde is not emitted, which is part of the adhesive used in the production of chipboard. You can also play with contrast. chipboard colors and ends. For example: the body of the cabinet is made of maple chipboard, and the edge is wenge. But it is not always possible to combine, sometimes you need to select chrome in the color of the material. We offer edge work High Quality. On our equipment, you can glue the edge from 0.4mm to 3mm. On a plate from 10mm to 50mm.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) furniture edgeand technology of its gluing

There are a lot of companies that produce furniture, but not all of them take a responsible approach to its manufacture, trying to give it an expensive look with the help of cheaper materials. Therefore, to choose quality product or make good furniture independently, you need to delve a little into this process, which, in short, includes cutting the sheet, making filler holes in blanks for fasteners and accessories, as well as facing all edges. The last stage is very important, because the appearance of the furniture and the durability of its ends will depend on what material the edge banding is made of and whether the gluing technology is followed. There are many types of facing tapes (PVC furniture edge, melamine edge, ABS plastic edges, others) and, without knowing their characteristics, it is sometimes very difficult to make a choice.

What is a PVC furniture edge and its benefits

AT recent times PVC + edge is used for furniture made of laminated chipboard, which has practically replaced the obsolete melamine tape from everyday use. Despite the fact that its price is relatively high, many experts recommend using this particular material. And there is an explanation for this.

Unlike melamine, which is made from decorative paper, PVC edge is made from more than modern material- polyvinyl chloride. His invention literally revolutionized many industries, including furniture. Thanks to the property of this substance, the PVC edge + for furniture has acquired such advantages as:

  • elasticity (makes it possible to frame parts with a small radius);
  • durability and wear resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • excellent protection against chips;
  • resistance to aggressive household and chemical substances;
  • fire resistance;
  • able to completely merge with the surface where it is glued.

By the way, PVC edge, buy (Moscow is in the first place in its acquisition), which is now possible even in online stores, is considered one of the most popular building materials, because both large self-respecting furniture manufacturers and small workshops use PVC facing tape. Among other things, its convenience lies in the fact that these products are available in various widths and thicknesses, with and without girth, C-shaped and T-shaped.

How to glue PVC edge

As noted above, PVC edge (Moscow has the highest cost for this material) has a higher price than other analogues of this material. But, despite this, thanks to its durability, it fully justifies itself. Therefore, perhaps the only drawback is that the high-quality application of PVC edge without special equipment is a very complicated process. So let's take a closer look

Process PVC edgingat home

Large furniture factories edge banding is carried out on special automated hood-type equipment, the cost of which is quite high (from several tens of thousands of euros). Not all small furniture factories can afford to purchase expensive machines, so the way out in this situation is to purchase manual machines. Their cost is several times lower (from 500 to 2 thousand euros). But even this price is too unaffordable for many medium-sized manufacturers. Therefore, many will be interested in how PVC edges are processed + how to stick PVC edges if there is no equipment and is it possible to do this at home?

In order to qualitatively apply PVC facing tape to the surface at home, you will need skill, special glue and a hair dryer. This process includes more than one step:

  • First, having previously cut the chipboard sheets of the desired size, glue is applied to the ends of the blanks.
  • After that, the PVC edge is superimposed on the glued ends of the blanks, while making sure that the tape lies flat, without protruding beyond their edges.
  • Next, the facing edge is pressed firmly and held for some time, so that the glue has time to grab both surfaces.
  • If there are radius parts, then the glue is applied directly to the PVC edge itself, and not to the ends of the blanks.

Be sure to remember that when edging in the room there should be no drafts. PVC edge processing should be carried out milling machine, since it will not be possible to carefully cut it with an ordinary construction knife. If you take the matter seriously, then in this way you can ennoble, or old furniture with damaged ends, or make it yourself.

Since the manufactured PVC edge products have a wide range of colors, it will not be difficult to make stylish and beautiful furniture. Of course, if possible, it is better to order edge framing from us!

Today, furniture edges serve as protection for the end parts of cabinet products. It is offered by most manufacturers, and is also divided into several types. Depending on the purpose of the furniture, a certain type is used, which qualitatively protects the edges from damage. In order to know which edging to give preference to when choosing products, it is necessary to study their variety, scope, as well as sizes.

Regardless of what type of edge is used, it is designed to protect the end parts of the product. Such a device is especially necessary in the production inexpensive furniture from chipboard or chipboard. Since the composition of these materials contains harmful formaldehydes, which over time can evaporate their substances into the atmosphere. Edging materials allow you to close the raw edges, preventing the spread of fumes.

Another undoubted plus of such a detail is the protection of wood materials from moisture ingress. As you know, penetrating into the pores of wood, water has a detrimental effect on it. If solid wood furniture is considered more resistant to moisture, then chipboard definitely needs an edge for furniture.

Independent production of furniture parts implies the mandatory use of edging. If this is not done, then during operation, the unclosed edges of the product will be subject to rapid wear. Possible reasons- accidental touching of the edge, scratching with a sharp object, careless closing of the doors. That is why the processing of chipboard with edging material is so important in the production of furniture. To consolidate the information provided, it is necessary to highlight a number of functions that the edge performs - a special tape made from various raw materials for processing furniture edges:

  1. Beautiful appearance of the ends of the products. When shopping in a store, the buyer, first of all, looks at the aesthetic design. It is unlikely that he will want to install a sliding wardrobe, where the internal shelves look unfinished, and their edges differ in color and structure from the facades;
  2. Protection against mechanical damage. Edging materials are designed to protect fragile chipboard from moisture ingress, delamination. Chips and burrs resulting from impact can cause snags on clothing and scratches on the skin. The laminated surface of furniture can crack even when it comes into contact with a hard object. If the edges of the parts are sealed with edging, the degree of damage and the chances of losing the attractiveness of the models are minimal;
  3. Protection of human health. As already mentioned, the edge plays an important role in maintaining the health of the household. The more time furniture is used, the higher the risks of formaldehyde resin release from chipboard.

When choosing products for the home, you should pay attention to these subtleties. They will help maintain the attractiveness of the furniture and extend the life of its safe operation.


AT modern production furniture manufacturers offer several edging options at once. This is convenient in order to increase or decrease the cost of custom-made furniture. In addition, when making products on your own, the question arises of what type of furniture edge to choose. In order not to get confused, it is necessary to understand in detail the features of each, highlighting their pros and cons.

Name Description Advantages disadvantages
Melamine Sold in reels, attached only with glue. The edging tape is single-layer and double-layer, made on the basis of paper. A large selection of colors, the material easily repeats the shape of the furniture, no additional equipment is required for work - everything can be glued on its own. Melamine furniture edge has an affordable cost. Lack of protection against moisture ingress, has a weak level of protection against mechanical damage.
PVC Made from polyvinyl chloride. It is offered in two thicknesses that are used for different pieces of furniture. The cost of the material is slightly higher than the melamine counterpart. The edge will provide protection against acids, alkalis and humidity. The range is represented by a rich color variety. PVC edge has a high level of protection against mechanical damage, and is also considered durable. Another undoubted plus is the incombustibility of raw materials. The film is too rigid, which will not allow you to properly process the bends of the product. In addition, it can only be fixed with a special machine. Self mount excluded.
ABS Production material - acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene. This type considered the most resistant to all types of damage. The most durable edge ever. It does not contain chlorine, which is safe for human health. The ABS edging has a fade-resistant surface. It is soft and easy to cut, and does not emit toxic substances. No significant disadvantages were found for this type of edge. The only thing that can stop you from choosing - high price, because of which the price of furniture will rise. However, this disadvantage is compensated by durability.
U-shaped from the overlay profile The use of U-shaped furniture edges finds its application on products that are constantly exposed to moisture. The special shape more reliably protects against mechanical damage to the ends. The material can be fixed independently with glue. Additionally, it allows you to hide existing defects in the edges of furniture. Prevents any objects from sliding off the shelves or table. Such a frame is considered bulky and does not always look appropriate on furniture.

Based on the information provided, it can be concluded that the most optimal for home use ABS furniture edge is considered - it reliably protects the edges of products, preventing damage.




To make the edging on the countertop or cabinet look natural and attractive, it is best to have this process done by professionals. Before choosing ready-made furniture or handing over products of your own production for edging, you must not only decide on the type of edging, but also decide which size will be most suitable.

For every type internal filling it is necessary to use an edge of different thickness. So, for visible ends it is better to use a more reliable option.

Furniture edges presented in the following sizes:

  1. Paper or melamine edge - thickness options for such a device are 0.2 or 0.4 cm. Manufacturers do not see the point in making it thicker, otherwise it will look ugly on furniture. Self-adhesive furniture edge deserves special attention. Such devices are sold per meter, as well as in reels of 200 m. Width - 26 mm;
  2. PVC - product thickness 0.4, 1 and 2 mm. Slim options manufacturers often equip the front ends, and thick shelves and drawers. The standard width is 26.5 mm, and reels are produced in 150, 200 and 300 m;
  3. ABS - the width of such an edge is from 19 to 22 mm. The thickness can be 0.4, 1, 2 and 3 mm. For reliability, it is recommended to process the edges with the strongest edging of 3 mm;
  4. Overhead U-shaped profile - available in widths of 16 or 18 mm for chipboard materials, thickness from 3 mm and above.

Before processing furniture, do not forget to measure the thickness of the material - for chipboard this figure is 16 mm, for countertops it will be 32 mm. Do not forget that the main enemies of chipboard are fungus, mold and bacteria, so high-quality edging is considered a mandatory step.

PVC dimensions

Melamine edge dimensions

Criterias of choice

The edge in furniture significantly improves the appearance of cabinets, drawers, tables, as well as any other cabinet furniture. Today it is available in various colors, and it is not difficult to choose an option for the shade of furniture. To make the selection process easier and the result to please the family for many years, pay attention to the following selection criteria:

  1. Material - speaking of material, edging can be divided into paper, plastic and rubber. The pros and cons of each have been described above. When choosing, you should pay attention to its compatibility with the material for the production of the furniture itself;
  2. Width - popular sizes vary between 22 and 38 mm, so before edging the product, it is worth choosing the optimal width - it should completely hide the edges of the product;
  3. Thickness - today manufacturers use an edge from 0.2 mm thick. It is necessary to take into account the purpose and storage conditions of furniture in order to select the required thickness parameter;
  4. The presence of an adhesive layer. This criterion is important for people who want to independently fix the edge on the product. If the device does not have an adhesive layer, then it will not work to make the edging with your own hands;
  5. Mounting type - distinguish between rigid, overhead and mortise edges. Choose one of the options depending on the purpose. Also, the mortise type is divided into T-shaped and U-shaped;
  6. Surface type - edge coating can be glossy, matte, embossed or embossed. Consider this criterion to improve performance appearance furniture.

Having studied all the indicators of furniture edges, you can safely go for a new set of furniture. Please note when purchasing Special attention on the quality of processing edges and end parts. It is worth additionally asking the seller about the method of fixing the edge. By purchasing furniture products with a durable edge, you can ensure them a long service life.

In the furniture industry, edge materials are used to finish the end parts of parts.

They are of the following types:

  • Melamine edging is the cheapest type of furniture edge finish. She represents herself paper base impregnated with melamine resin and varnished on top. Such an edge is glued with a special hot-melt adhesive;
  • PVC edge - the edge is made of polyvinylchloride. It is more durable than melamine edging. It is glued to the ends of furniture parts also using the same hot-melt adhesive;

  • ABC edge is another type of tape edge made from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. This material is even stronger than the first two edges. This edge does not fade in the sun, is resistant to abrasion, has a large range of colors;

  • U-shaped edging is also an edging material, but it already differs from the previously listed ones in terms of the method of attachment to the ends of the furniture. Due to its shape, it is pulled over the ends, clamping it on both sides with its walls, and covers the end with the main, wide part. It is used to frame the ends of rounded shapes, because this material is very flexible. He has very high level wear resistance;

  • T-shaped edge - has a shape slightly different from the U-shaped edge, but is made of the same material (plastic) and has all the same properties. It differs only in the method of attachment to the ends - for it it is necessary to make a shallow, narrow groove in the end part of the part in the middle, into which it is placed with a special fastening edge, and the main bar closes the end;

  • Aluminum edging - also designed to cover the ends of furniture. This is one of the most durable edging materials, is not afraid of exposure to moisture and high temperatures.

  • Acrylic edging is relative the new kind edging material, made of polymethyl methacrylate. It is a transparent film inner part which you can draw. After fixing such an edge on the end face, the pattern appears through the film in a 3D effect. This edge is very suitable for decorative finishes furniture for children's room and kitchen. She, too, like most of the edging material listed here, is wear-resistant and is not afraid of moisture.

All these edges and edges are intended not only to improve the decorative properties of the furniture and its aesthetic appearance but also to extend the life of the furniture, protecting it from mechanical stress and negative impact environment(high temperatures, high humidity).