Paint a laminated cabinet. How to paint a chipboard cabinet white

How to repaint a dark cabinet in white or another light shade is of interest to many. At home, this is not so difficult to do. The main thing to do is to prepare a piece of furniture to be repainted. How to do it correctly with your own hands, it is proposed to get acquainted below.

Before starting work, you must:

  • Buy the right tools and materials for removing the old coating (see) and applying a new one.
  • Choose a place for the painting process to protect the person from harmful effects the smell of paint and its drying on the subject. The room should be well ventilated, small insects should not be present here, otherwise, sticking to a freshly painted plane, they will spoil the whole process.
  • Human security measures need to be taken. Purchase:
  1. protective glasses;
  2. gloves;
  3. respirator or gauze bandage on the face. She will protect from bad smell paints and chemical elements, from dust that appears when removing the existing coating and further cleaning the surface.
  • The painted cabinet will be fully operational within 24 hours after repainting.

To remove the old coating you will need:

  • Warm water with detergent diluted in it, which will allow you to clean and degrease surfaces well.
  • Soft brush to remove dust after sanding furniture.
  • A primer that allows you to level the surfaces of the cabinet.
  • Putty to help repair deep cracks, scratches and chips.
  • Different types of screwdrivers to disassemble the product, if necessary.
  • Rubber spatula, which is needed for applying a primer and putty.
  • Hair dryer or special chemicals to remove the old varnish.
  • Tray for paint.
  • Lacquer glossy or matt, protecting and giving shine to the painted surface.
  • Quality roller for painting large surfaces.
  • A set of brushes for painting corners and small parts.
  • Film or masking tape to protect unpainted surfaces:
  1. mirrors;
  2. glass.

Tip: The primer should be selected with a shade that will match the color of the paint. When purchasing brushes, you need to make sure that the villi will not crumble when painting the cabinet.

How to choose the right paint

Paint for a wooden cabinet should be furniture, water-based, which includes:

  • Acrylic compositions. Their features:
  1. lack of toxicity;
  2. they pass air well, which allows the wood to "breathe", which means it protects furniture from mold and fungus;
  3. practically no smell.
  • Alkyd paints based on an organic solvent. The price of the compositions is the same as acrylic. They are good for use in damp areas such as bathrooms.
  • Suitable nitro paints and oil paints , but in the presence of a separate room for painting. They are:
  1. dry longer than acrylic;
  2. have too strong a smell.

Tip: When purchasing paint, you should immediately pick up a primer for it. Manufacturers also produce primer for their paint, which significantly improves the adhesion of the coating to the surface.

What shade can you repaint the cabinet in White color? To properly resolve this issue, it is better to use probes and observe them for several days.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • Lighting, to choose a shade.
  • Natural light changes throughout the day.
  • When you turn on the light, the color also changes.
  • Different shades of color look different.
  • Matte paints, absorbing light, create a soft image.
  • Glossy colors reflect light well, which makes white very bright.

White colors are:

  • Warm. Halftones of yellow, red or orange are added to white.
  • Cold. In this case, green or blue halftones are added to the white color.

Tip: If white has a magenta undertone, it will eventually look like pink. When choosing shades, you should consider the lighting and the entire interior of the room.

How to paint a wardrobe white

The step-by-step instruction for repainting the cabinet is as follows:

  • The piece of furniture is washed using a detergent that is diluted in water.
  • While the cabinet dries, the product is disassembled into parts:
  1. drawers are pulled out;
  2. the doors are removed;
  3. handles are unscrewed.
  • The planes are cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. This will help remove old paint and even out small bumps on the surface.
  • A layer of primer is applied.
  • When present on the surface deep scratches or chips, they are sealed with putty.
  • Another layer of primer is applied on top.
  • All surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt with a soft dry brush or vacuum cleaner.

Tip: Do not wipe the dust with a damp cloth, in this case, the dirt will clog the pores and cracks on the surface.

  • Places that are not to be painted are closed with adhesive tape or film.
  • Floors and nearby objects are protected, especially if the painting process is carried out from a spray can.
  • The first layer of coating is applied to the finally dried product.
  • After drying, apply next layer paints.
  • Two or three layers are enough for the cabinet to become white.
  • After all layers of paint have dried, a layer of varnish is applied: glossy or matte. This will protect the item from wear and tear, and the product will receive a special charm.

Features of painting a polished cabinet

How to paint a polished or lacquered cabinet (see)? By the same technology as any other. The only difference is the application of paint on the old cracked varnish or polish.

They can be removed in several ways:

  • Mechanical, as in the photo. This is the most affordable and cheapest way, but also the longest and most laborious. Old varnish or polish is removed with sandpaper or scraped. During the process, it is imperative to protect your eyes so that dust and small pieces do not get into them.

  • Chemical. This is a rather expensive method, using special chemical substances, which are applied to old surface and then washed off with water. It can be:
  1. powder;
  2. gel;
  3. foam.

When removing old varnish in this way, protection of the skin and mucous membranes is necessary.

  • Thermal. The applied coating is removed using a building hair dryer. After heating the surface with a spatula, the polish or varnish is scraped off. This method is dangerous using high temperature, which can lead to ignition.

Advice: thermally not all types of coverage are cleaned. When heated upper layer may not be removed, and the surface will simply char.

To remove varnish you will need to purchase:

  • Paint.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Spatula, brushes, roller.
  • Pickling solution.
  • Primer.
  • Washing powder.
  • Composition for wood processing.

Process technology:

  • Preparatory work is underway:
  1. the doors are removed;
  2. shelves are removed;
  3. hooks, loops, handles are unscrewed;
  4. fasteners are removed.
  • Dismantled parts are cleaned. To remove paint removed elements immersed in pickling solution.
  • All parts are well rinsed and dried.
  • with washing powder all internal and external surfaces of the cabinet are washed.
  • The old coating is removed: the top layer of the coating is heated with a building dryer on small area.
  • The old varnish is carefully removed with a spatula. In this case, you should try not to damage the surface of the cabinet, which will worsen its appearance and add extra work.
  • The surface is polished grinder or sandpaper glued to the bar.
  • The surface is processed in a circular motion until it becomes rough and dull.
  • The exposed tree structure is treated with protective agents: fungicides and insecticides.
  • If chips and deep scratches are found, they should be covered with carpentry putty (see), which are well cleaned after repair.
  • A wood primer is applied.
  • After drying, fine-grained sandpaper polishes all surfaces of the product.
  • Polished furniture is painted with alkyd paint:
  1. recessed planes;
  2. the upper inner part of the wall;
  3. sidewalls;
  • The outer surfaces of the cabinet are painted with a roller. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps and smudges.
  • If necessary, a second coat of paint is applied.
  • On a table set beforehand plastic wrap, shelves are painted, drawers, doors.

It is very nice to transform the furniture to your taste. Do not be afraid to paint the old cabinet in any color. And how best to do it will show the video in this article.

It often happens that there is furniture and it is not damaged, just tired. With wooden furniture It's obvious that it can be repainted. And if it is chipboard, lacquered furniture or MDF? Here, of course, there are nuances. Today I’ll tell you, using my own experience, how to repaint a chipboard cabinet. Furniture made of MDF and lacquered is painted in the same way.

This article is a continuation of the post about updating the room with your own hands. In the first part, I showed you how to redecorating on my own and with no experience. In particular, I managed to recolor the usual vinyl wallpapers. You can read about it.

background: There will be several repaint objects.

  1. Huge corner cupboard This was our first family furniture purchase. Now I wouldn’t buy such chipboard for anything))). Although the cabinet is, of course, very practical, in fact it replaces a small dressing room. But ... he is 15 years old, he is absolutely outdated in appearance, and since this cabinet cannot be antiques, old age does not benefit him. And most importantly, I'm so tired that I don't want to look at him.
  2. Dresser. The chest of drawers is veneered and has already been redone once (about this), but the change in textiles and the color of the walls made it not really fit into the interior. I would also like to make friends with the closet.
  3. Mirror, homemade, with a frame made of bamboo. Expensive as a memory. This is the first thing my husband and I did together. It was from him that my apartment needlework began. It has also been repainted and is also not friendly with the current interior, so I will change the color.

According to my preliminary calculations, the cost of these alterations will be somewhere around 4,000 rubles. Agree, this is negligible compared to buying new furniture.

What I needed:
  1. The brush is soft with artificial bristles. 2-3 pieces.
  2. Small fur roller 10-15 cm. 2-3 pieces. You can take one nozzle pen and three replaceable rollers.
  3. Roller tray. Also small, should fit the size of the roller.
  4. Masking tape.
  5. Aerosol acrylic paint (black).
  6. Primer adhesive OTEX Akva (Tikkurila). 1 bank. This primer is water based and therefore odorless. It is used for difficult surfaces on which the paint does not fall and does not hold. It is she who must firmly bind chipboard and paint.
  7. Acrylic paint or enamel. 2 banks. I chose ESCARO (acrylic paint for furniture, made in Estonia). At first I wanted HELMI (Tikkurila), but I had to go far for it. Alkyd enamel may also be suitable, but it smells on a solvent, and painting is not a quick process. In general, any not the cheapest, high-quality acrylic paint. On my Estonian it was directly written "for furniture". I liked it, I can safely recommend it.
  8. New furniture handles. I ordered on Aliexpress for 80 rubles. thing.
  9. Sandpaper (sandpaper), with a grain of 320. Ie. very small. 3-4 sheets.
  10. Rags.
  11. Degreaser. Convenient with a spray nozzle. You can, of course, walk with ordinary white spirit, but the smell is deadly. The degreaser smells much less. The remains can also come in handy: it will perfectly remove the labels, wash the mirror or glass, which no longer takes anything and the stains stubbornly remain))).
  12. Polyethylene to protect the floor and the painting area.
  13. Screwdriver Set.

Work order:


Stage 1.

I removed unnecessary things from the closet, didn’t clean everything up (I somehow wanted to move more or less freely in the apartment), I just pushed them deeper and covered them with polyethylene.
She opened the handles. She took the doors off their hinges.

At first I wanted to paint like this without removing the door, then I realized that it would be inconvenient. So I took a chance ... and took it off. It turned out not difficult. True, the worries about how to put them back on were present until the last moment. As a result, I also screwed it myself, I didn’t have the patience to wait for my husband))).
She pulled out the built-in lamps and wrapped them in limbo masking tape.
With the same adhesive tape, I protected the walls on the sides from the closet, the floor, the mirrors on the doors.
Prepared workplace. I decided to paint ... on the bed)))! Closed it carefully with polyethylene. And I have never regretted this choice. The bed was large and high, everything fit, there was no need to bend over and crawl on all fours. She prepared approximately equal stacks of books, wrapped them in cling film. They are needed as substrates in order to lift the doors and paint as if on weight, the painted edges will not come into contact with a flat surface.

Stage 2.

Sanded all surfaces to be painted. It is necessary to skin lightly, without fanaticism, with the finest sandpaper. Light circular motions. Purpose: to create a roughness without removing the laminated layer. If there are dents and scratches, then at this stage they must be puttied. After sanding, thoroughly wipe all surfaces with a degreaser. It will remove dirt, grease marks, everything that can break the adhesion of the primer and paint.

Stage 3.

Primer. Hard-to-reach places were passed with a brush, the rest - with a roller. A thick layer is absolutely not needed, the primer must be covered without streaks and a thin layer. Uneven coloring is not terrible, but there should be no gaps. I did not prime the rattan inserts, the paint lays well on them anyway.

Stage 4.

This is the main part - the work of paint. You need to paint in two layers. The roller must be rolled back on the tray to remove excess paint. More thin coats are better than one with streaks. Difficult places were painted over with a brush. Inner part I decided not to paint the cabinet, but since it was necessary to "marry" it with the outside, I painted over the outer ends of the shelves and the fronts of the drawers.

It is easy to paint them - just roll them with a roller, it is more difficult with a brush not to go beyond the edges. Wipe off any blemishes immediately with a rag. Each layer was dried, as the manufacturer recommends, the acrylic dries to the touch in an hour and, in principle, you can carefully turn over and paint the door on the other side.

Stage 5

Picked up a closet. Screwed on the doors and handles. Removed the masking tape and cleaned everything up. At first I planned to keep the doors open for two days, I was afraid that they would get stuck. Nothing like that - you can immediately close.


Pulled out the boxes. Cover the surface to be painted with masking tape. Since the chest of drawers was already painted, I didn’t prime it, I just lightly sanded it and went through the degreaser. She painted faster, became insolent and did not wait for the allotted time to apply the second layer. The first dried out (about an hour) and immediately the second. In the end, everything is fine.
I didn’t buy new pens, I repainted the existing pens with black spray acrylic paint.


The mirror was covered with white acrylic paint, which I had available, and lightly patinated (aged) with a dry brush using silver paint.

Important! Acrylic paints dry quite quickly "to the touch", but they polymerize for at least a month, with a primer the process can take even longer. The painted product can be used almost immediately (and it is better to wait 2 days after all) and even wiped with a damp cloth. But within a month, the coating remains very vulnerable, it must be handled with care, do not scratch or rub with effort. If shelves or horizontal surfaces are painted, then it is better not to immediately put things on them that can "stick", wait until the paint "gets up". Although I immediately put everything I needed on the chest of drawers, nothing stuck).

Well ... the work is laborious, but the result pleased me. Painting in the end looks no worse than the factory, brush marks are not visible. Holds up well too. I did not try to scratch, I use the furniture as usual. I usually don't scratch it. Although in a month I will experiment. The room has been refurbished.) Alas, the photos after compression leave much to be desired, in fact the colors are brighter and cleaner, but this is not so important.

If you also want to redo the furniture and have questions, write - I will answer. And if such an alteration seems difficult to someone, I assure you that it is not so, labor-intensive - yes, but it is quite doable without any experience. You can simply start with internal inconspicuous parts, or with small furniture, a chair, for example. Alteration took three days. At the same time, I managed to cook and ... suffer from bronchitis + I still have a slightly lame leg after the plaster cast. "Disabled painter" was able to paint, so you can))).

In every home there is furniture that is of paramount importance in the interior of the room. Wherever she stands, no matter what she is - a closet, a chair, a table, a soft corner, she stands in front of everyone. In addition to the main purpose, the furniture should have a pleasant appearance, and it can serve as a decoration for the room.

Metamorphosis in white is a great way to extend the life of old interior items.

Unfortunately, it does not happen that a favorite piece of furniture remains for a long time as if it was brought from a store. After time, any thing loses its former attractiveness, grows old. It is necessary to regularly repair and reconstruct the furniture. A chipboard cabinet has turned into junk, this cannot be an excuse to take it to a landfill. It can be easily updated, you just need to paint it. At good care old furniture will last for many, many years, because it is much stronger than modern.

Yes, and the budget will not suffer, since the expenses will be negligible if you were buying a new cabinet.

Anyone who decides to paint furniture on their own, probably thought about how to do it right. Interior items made of chipboard absorb moisture to a lesser extent than wooden ones. It takes a long time for them to dry.

Chipboard will require less primer than wood.

So how do you paint the closet? What paint to apply? Best Option will use water-based alkyd or acrylic paint. It has many advantages - it has a juicy shade, no smell, which is of great importance when you work indoors, it is easily diluted with water. It is easy enough to wash off to correct inaccuracies during painting. Working with her is a pleasure. Once the paint dries, it will become stronger. Keep this in mind when you apply layers. Also suitable regular paint on wood or aerosol.

There is a wide variety of acrylic paints with a metallic or mother-of-pearl effect.

To thoroughly paint, use varnishes. They will give the furniture the effect of antiquity. She will look great. The plane needs to be painted in several layers, first let each layer dry. This is not their only property.

Varnishes help to fix the color and protect against minor defects.

You can paint the wardrobe different colors, for example, a light base and multi-colored details. For desired color in white paint add tone. When decorating a children's room, use all the fiction. Having decided what shade you need, apply paint on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furniture, so you will understand what color the paint will need, what its brightness will be.

Each manufacturer produces an appropriate primer for their paint, and it is better to use this particular primer.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you start painting, you need to stock up necessary materials: adhesive tape construction; napkins or rags or sponges; sandpaper of various grits to remove the previous layer of paint; degreaser; primer; putty (automotive is quite suitable); thinner or white spirit - will remove residues old paint; glue; dye; varnish; gloves, for painting it is better to take rubber.

Materials and tools for work.

Of the tools you will need: stationery and carpentry knives; building hair dryer to dry the painted surface; flat brush - it’s better not to save on brushes, buy high-quality ones so that the villi do not remain on the surface; roller; putty knife; screwdrivers; a hammer; nails; drill.

From the furniture you need to remove the fittings, remove the shelves, remove the doors. Then get to work.

Close up the cracks

The appearance of cracks on pieces of furniture made of chipboard, as a rule, contributes to the ingress of moisture, they are also formed due to exposure to heat or frequent opening and closing of doors, without holding them, slamming the doors. You can remove this defect yourself without resorting to outside help.

To work, you will need a syringe with a needle, clamps, PVA glue.

We fill the syringe with PVA glue, put on the needle. We fill the entire gap of the crack with glue. We attach a clamp to the plane from the side where the crack appeared, and tighten it. Excess glue is removed with a napkin. We leave for a day or two. After the time has passed, we continue the restoration work.

You can get rid of cracks with putty.

We apply the mixture on the plane with a spatula in two layers. The first layer is distributed equally evenly on the surface. We are waiting for it to dry, apply a second layer of putty, also let it dry.

Create a rough surface

Remove before painting old layer paints. We will do it with sandpaper, after wiping the surface with a rag or sponge. Sand in circular motions. First, clean with coarse sandpaper. We carry out the work carefully, removing the old coating cleanly. Be careful not to rub off the veneer layer.

After the procedure, remove the dust with a flat brush, the dust will not be completely removed from the rag and may clog into the surface or cracks. This may affect the paintwork.

We clean again, but with fine-grained sandpaper. We remove dust in the same way. Upon completion of this stage of restoration, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the premises.

This is necessary so that in the future dirt does not get on the surface to be painted.

Remove grease and dirt

Chipboard furniture must be cleaned of dirt and grease before painting. For this procedure, fat-dissolving agents are used.

Wash with a sponge or soft cloth, rinse, let dry, wipe with a cloth.

Primer - the main character

The primer is an important part in the process of furniture restoration, with its help you will paint the cabinet with high quality. She will also help fast drying paint, because it does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the surface. positive moment is that after priming, the color saturation of the paint will remain the same as when painting.

If you chose to color acrylic paint, then the primer must be taken on an acrylic basis.

Coloring will be very good quality, because the elements of materials for painting are perfectly combined with each other. Before priming, it is important to read the instruction manual, find out how long the primer should dry, since only a dry surface needs to be painted.

Apply it with a roller in a very thin layer, leave for the time indicated in the memo.

The technology of applying paint and varnish on furniture

After the above preparations, we proceed directly to painting. There must be several layers, so the structure of the plane will not be visible. First, paint a tone lighter than the selected color.

The paint needs to be diluted with water from time to time, otherwise it may thicken.

Then we work with the main color, moving the brush in one direction, so the paint lays down evenly.

The number of layers is determined visually, to achieve the desired effect.

If you're painting in multiple colors, use painter's tape around the edges to keep the colors from mixing. It takes a certain time for the furniture to dry completely - about 2-3 days. After we cover the surface with a transparent varnish, this will protect it from external influences.

When the work is completed, we collect the elements of the cabinet.

Applying paint or varnish is necessary not only for beauty, but also to prevent the release of hazardous substances, in particular, formaldehyde. If there are children at home and it is of great importance to you that Decoration Materials were odorless, apply acrylic varnishes water based.

After painting, your furniture will not only change appearance, it will become a highlight of the interior.

Another acceptable option is NC varnish. Dries instantly, dusty coating is not noticeable on it. It is better to apply it in two layers. If the furniture already has a certain coating, it would be ideal to use PF-283 oil varnish.

The lining will become strong and sound, will last a very long time.

If you want the coating to be tinted, use a tinted alkyd varnish, especially since the color palette is quite diverse. To add gloss, use yacht varnish, the furniture will look just perfect.

Good for protection as well decorative finishes surfaces made of wood is yacht lacquer.

Of course, the preparation of furniture for painting takes a lot of time. If you ignore them, the desired effect may not be, and the coating applied to the furniture will quickly fall off. Everything must be done according to the rules. Updating outdated furniture is not difficult, as it may seem.

A little imagination and patience, and a luxurious piece of furniture will appear in the house.

How to artistically paint a closet and make a gradation of colors

Painting is widespread at the present time. People want their apartment or house to be unique, without monotony. And many furniture manufacturers are trying to release products specifically without any embellishment, so that everyone can decorate on their own. Many people approach this process in different ways - they use original style or decorated with copies of famous paintings.

You can give uniqueness to absolutely any furniture, whether it be a chest of drawers, bedside table, wardrobe, table, chair, armchair, change the appearance of the room so that no one recognizes old furniture in the new interior.

Artistic painting is an exciting thing, the furniture will play in a new way. If you love and know how to draw, it will not be difficult to make a real work of art out of an ordinary closet, using all your imagination. For creative work it is worth using acrylic paints. The image must be applied to the base. The main thing is that the theme of the drawing is in complete harmony with the interior. Flora and various patterns will look unique. Furniture painted with craquelure looks very unusual.

Cracks will give the piece of furniture a very old look.

If the closet has many drawers, better fit gradation. You are transitioning between shades of the same color, or you can use different colors. For example, you make a phased transition from green to yellow, or from lilac to pink or blue. In order for the transition to be without sharp boundaries, a colored pigment should be added to the paint each time. You can draw a rainbow or whatever you like.

Particularly original gradation will look in the children's room.

Now there are many ways of alternating colors, all of them deserve sufficient attention. You can use any of them you like. Don't be afraid, create! You just have to want, and everything will work out.

VIDEO: We give new life to an old closet.

Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo ideas:

Affordable shelving and cabinets laminated chipboard and MDF were conceived as items that can be easily replaced with analogues of a different size, shape and color. But now home craftsmen can easily repaint such furniture.

- and share their experience in the open spaces of repair forums. We've rounded up the most common color refresh tips, thoroughly tested them, and now we're ready to pass on to you: paint boldly, you'll be fine!

1. Remove grease and dirt

3. Primer - the main character

Important: at this stage of work, carefully seal all the unremoved fittings with masking tape!

4. Seal cracks

6. Lacquer finish

If you have repainted wardrobe fronts or kitchen cabinet- that is, furniture parts that are subject to a lot of wear - it makes sense to cover the painted surface with a water-based varnish. It will protect the paint from external influences, scratches and abrasion. True, there is a danger that the varnish will turn yellow over the years - but you already know how to repaint your furniture again!

Any person sooner or later has an irresistible desire to change something in the ordinary interior of his house or apartment. Often the usual rearrangement of furniture does not bring satisfaction and does not achieve the desired effect. In such cases, a radical change in the appearance of interior items helps out by painting them. Given the fact that most modern furnishings are made from inexpensive and commonly available materials, today we will learn how to paint MDF furniture at home without the help of specialists.

What can be useful for painting MDF furniture?

The fact is that changing the color of the entire piece of furniture or its individual parts allows you to transform and completely change not only their appearance, but also all the rooms as a whole, give it some new feature, zest. I am also glad that the painting of MDF furniture does not require the performer to possess any special skills and the availability of complex factory equipment. It is enough to prepare the necessary tools and buy suitable paints and varnishes.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

To radically change appearance your favorite furniture, make sure that you have all the necessary tools and materials in the required quantity at hand before starting work.

To finish furniture elements from MDF, you will need:

  • Depending on your idea, one or more cans of paint of the desired colors.
  • Wood putty, which is used for sealing joints and partial repairs.
  • Container for dilution of paint.
  • Masking tape of the desired width.
  • Flat brush.
  • Roller with a long fine pile.
  • Gloves to protect hands.
  • A respirator to protect the respiratory tract from toxic secretions of paint.
  • Protective glasses.

Important! A primer may be required to create a protective layer, but if you intend to paint a laminated surface, then you will not need it. It is advisable to prepare a piece of sandpaper to clean the end surfaces and putty.

What paint is best for furniture?

Before you start working, you need to figure out how to paint MDF furniture at home. First you need to decide in advance what result you want to achieve. Depending on this, it is recommended to choose the appropriate coating. Paints and varnishes used for decorating furniture are conventionally divided into two types:

  • Transparent.
  • Opaque.

Important! Opaque compositions, due to the presence of special pigments in them, are used to create a protective layer and enhance the natural shade of wood.

Opaque materials include:

  • Drying oil.
  • Azure.

Such coatings are much more expensive than pigment paints, in particular due to the fact that they are used to work with the most expensive furniture made from expensive wood. If you will paint ordinary MDF furniture, then you can use the usual products based on latex, acrylic or polyurethane.

Important! If the furniture you want to update is quite old and has minor scratches, then it is best to paint it with oil-based or water-based compounds. Interior items coated with water-based paint look incredibly beautiful and last a very long time.

Universal options:

  • Great demand in recent times alkyd mixtures are used, due to the fact that they are easy to apply, they dry quickly and last longer than water and oil paints.
  • Polyurethane formulations are no less actively used, but it should be noted that during operation they emit substances harmful to health. Therefore, you need to constantly ventilate the room.

How to prepare for surface painting?

Studying general information, many are interested in whether it is possible to paint MDF furniture without prior preparation. In principle, yes, but experts say that it is better not to neglect this moment. It is necessary to prepare furniture for painting carefully so that in the future there will be no problems with it due to mechanical stress and temperature changes.

The surface preparation process includes the following steps:

  1. First, the products are processed with sandpaper to create a rough surface. If there are large scratches, cracks, they should be filled with putty on wood, then sanded again to eliminate bumps and drops. The main purpose of this treatment is to eliminate smoothness, which adversely affects adhesion.
  2. Then a primer is applied to the treated areas, which will provide them with additional adhesion and reduce the overall paint consumption. In addition, the primer allows you to create a barrier between the natural substances of the wood and the paint to prevent poor adhesion of the layers.

Features of painting MDF surfaces

We have already covered several important stages of work. It remains only to understand how to repaint MDF furniture with your own hands. This process is incredibly simple, but, nevertheless, it has certain features:

  1. Surfaces should only be painted in one direction. There may be several layers of paint, preferably two.
  2. The last layer is recommended to be applied along the canvas to be painted.
  3. The second coat should not be applied until the first is completely dry.
  4. All surfaces must be completely dry, without greasy spots and traces.
  5. Avoid covering furniture with more than two coats of paint.

So we found out the answer to the question of whether it is possible to repaint MDF furniture in a different color. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary equipment and materials necessary for work, carefully prepare all surfaces, and strictly adhere to the above recommendations during painting.

Are you rearranging furniture from room to room and worrying about color mismatch? Do you want to make the living room brighter, but it's a pity to throw away the furniture? Cabinets and chairs can be repainted - we'll show you how

Inexpensive racks and cabinets made of laminated chipboard and MDF were conceived as items that can be easily replaced with analogues of a different size, shape and color. But now home craftsmen can easily repaint such furniture - and share their experience in the open spaces of repair forums. We've rounded up the most common color refresh tips, thoroughly tested them, and now we're ready to pass on to you: paint boldly, you'll be fine!

1. Remove grease and dirt

From the surface of laminated furniture, you need to wash off all dirt and degrease it. Use grease-dissolving detergents, rinse and wipe the laminate flooring thoroughly, and dry it with a tissue.

Many of the home craftsmen recommend disassembling the furniture. But here it all depends on the complexity of painting - if there are a lot of drawers and platbands in a rack or cabinet, then, of course, it is better to disassemble. If the shape of the furniture is very simple, and you want to paint, for example, only the facades, you can leave the cabinet "as is".

2. Create a rough surface

The coating on modern chipboard and MDF is made of PVC, and therefore, like any plastic, it is poorly wetted even with water, not to mention paint. For better adhesion (adhesion of the paint layer to the laminate layer), it is necessary to treat the surface with the thinnest emery cloth (“zero”). It is best to work in a respirator - the dust from the laminate layer is very harmful.

3. Primer - the main character

To ensure that the paint lays evenly, without rolling, and does not bubble in the near future, be sure to prime the surface of the furniture. Look for a primer that sticks to everything - even glass and tiles: almost all manufacturers of modern paints and varnishes already produce such primers (usually they are based on polyurethane). The cost of such a primer is quite high, but you should not save on it - its quality may be even more important than the quality of the paint.

Motorists share a secret: you can use a primer for bumpers from a can. A respirator wouldn't hurt either. In any case, the primer layer must be dried. And it's good if you allocate at least 12 hours for this.

Important: at this stage of work, carefully seal all the unremoved fittings with masking tape!

4. Seal cracks

The item is optional, but many of those who have successfully repainted chipboard furniture regret that they did not use putty before painting. It is recommended to fill dents and scratches in two ways: either using latex putty, or using compounds based on epoxy resin(there are even tips for using gelcoat).

In any case, after puttying, it is necessary to prime and dry the surfaces again.

5. Paint: what to choose and how to apply

Alkyd enamels and polyurethane paints are suitable for repainting over PVC film - it is best to buy a special paint material marked "for furniture", so as not to disturb the overall ecology of the apartment. Epoxy enamels usually give a good result, but they take too long to dry and retain a smell. There are many reports of home repainting of MDF and chipboard with acrylic latex compounds - provided that a special primer is used (sometimes even two coats).

For painting work, masters recommend a velor, not a foam roller small size- it will paint the surface evenly, neatly, without extra air bubbles. If you decide to paint your shelves or fronts in two coats, let the first coat dry completely.

Treat corners and hard-to-reach nooks and crannies with a bevelled brush.

Professional approach - painting with an airbrush with a paint consumption of 60 to 200 grams per square meter. The nozzle diameter and pressure will have to be calculated independently, taking into account the type of paint.

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In every house there is furniture , which is of paramount importance in the interior of the room. Wherever she stands, no matter what she is - a closet, a chair, a table, a soft corner, she stands in front of everyone. In addition to the main purpose of furniture should be a pleasant sight, and it can serve as a decoration of the room.

Metamorphosis in white is a great way to extend the life of old interior items.

Unfortunately, it does not happen that a favorite subject furniture for a long time remained as if it had been brought from the store. After time, any thing loses its former attractiveness, grows old. Needs regular maintenance and refurbishment furniture . A chipboard cabinet has turned into junk, this cannot be an excuse to take it to a landfill. It can be easily updated, you just need to paint it. With good care, the old furniture will last for many, many years, because it is much stronger than modern.

Yes, and the budget will not suffer, since the expenses will be negligible if you were buying a new cabinet.

The one who decided to paint furniture on my own, probably wondered how to do it right. Interior items made of chipboard absorb moisture to a lesser extent than wooden ones. It takes a long time for them to dry.

Chipboard will require less primer than wood.

So how do you paint your closet? ? What paint to apply? The best option would be to use a water-based alkyd or acrylic paint. It has many advantages - it has a juicy shade, no smell, which is of great importance when you work indoors, it is easily diluted with water. It is easy enough to wash off to correct inaccuracies during painting. Working with her is a pleasure. Once the paint dries, it will become stronger. Keep this in mind when you apply layers. Ordinary paint on wood or aerosol is also suitable.

There is a wide variety of acrylic paints with a metallic or mother-of-pearl effect.

To thoroughly paint, use varnishes. They will give the furniture the effect of antiquity. She will look great. The plane needs to be painted in several layers, first let each layer dry. This is not their only property.

Varnishes help to fix the color and protect against minor defects.

You can paint the cabinet in different colors, such as a light base and multi-colored details. For the desired color, add a tone to the white paint. When decorating a children's room, use all the fiction. Having decided what shade you need, apply paint to a small area furniture , so you will understand what color paint will be needed, what will be its brightness.

Each manufacturer produces an appropriate primer for their paint, and it is better to use this particular primer.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you start painting, you need to stock up on the necessary materials: construction tape; napkins or rags or sponges; sandpaper different grits to remove the previous layer of paint; degreaser; primer; putty (automotive is quite suitable); solvent or white spirit - will remove the remnants of the old paint; glue; dye; varnish; gloves, for painting it is better to take rubber.

Materials and tools for work.

Of the tools you will need: stationery and carpentry knives; building hair dryer to dry the painted surface; flat brush - it’s better not to save on brushes, buy high-quality ones so that the villi do not remain on the surface; roller; putty knife; screwdrivers; a hammer; nails; drill.

From the furniture you need to remove the fittings, remove the shelves, remove the doors. Then get to work.

Close up the cracks

The appearance of cracks on objects furniture from chipboard, as a rule, moisture ingress contributes, they are also formed due to exposure to heat or frequent opening and closing of doors, without sticking to them, slamming doors. You can remove this defect yourself without resorting to outside help.

To work, you will need a syringe with a needle, clamps, PVA glue.

We fill the syringe with PVA glue, put on the needle. We fill the entire gap of the crack with glue. We attach a clamp to the plane from the side where the crack appeared, and tighten it. Excess glue is removed with a napkin. We leave for a day or two. After the time has passed, we continue the restoration work.

You can get rid of cracks with putty.

We apply the mixture on the plane with a spatula in two layers. The first layer is distributed equally evenly on the surface. We are waiting for it to dry, apply a second layer of putty, also let it dry.

Create a rough surface

Before painting, it is necessary to remove the old layer of paint. We will do it with sandpaper after wiping the surface with a cloth or sponge. Sand in circular motions. First we clean sandpaper coarse grain. We carry out the work carefully, removing the old coating . Be careful not to rub off the veneer layer.

After the procedure, remove the dust with a flat brush, the dust will not be completely removed from the rag and may clog into the surface or cracks. This may affect the paintwork.

We are cleaning again, but already sandpaper fine granularity. We remove dust in the same way. Upon completion of this stage of restoration, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the premises.

This is necessary so that in the future dirt does not get on the surface to be painted.

Remove grease and dirt

Chipboard furniture must be cleaned of dirt and grease before painting. For this procedure, fat-dissolving agents are used.

Wash with a sponge or soft cloth, rinse, let dry, wipe with a cloth.

Primer - the main character

The primer is an important part in the process of furniture restoration, with its help you will paint the cabinet with high quality. Also, it will contribute to the rapid drying of the paint, because it does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the surface. A positive point is that after priming, the color saturation of the paint will remain the same as when painting.

If you chose acrylic paint for painting, then you need to take an acrylic-based primer.

Coloring will be of very good quality, because the elements of materials for painting are perfectly combined with each other. Before priming, it is important to read the instruction manual, find out how long the primer should dry, since only a dry surface needs to be painted.

Apply it with a roller in a very thin layer, leave for the time indicated in the memo.

The technology of applying paint and varnish on furniture

After the above preparations, we proceed directly to painting.There must be several layers, so the structure of the plane will not be visible. First, paint a tone lighter than the selected color.

The paint needs to be diluted with water from time to time, otherwise it may thicken.

Then we work with the main color, moving the brush in one direction, so the paint lays down evenly.

The number of layers is determined visually, to achieve the desired effect.

If you're painting in multiple colors, use painter's tape around the edges to keep the colors from mixing. It takes a certain time for the furniture to dry completely - about 2-3 days. After we cover the surface with a transparent varnish, this will protect it from external influences.

When the work is completed, we collect the elements of the cabinet.

Applying paint or varnish is necessary not only for beauty, but also to prevent the release of hazardous substances, in particular, formaldehyde. If there are children at home and it is of great importance for you that the finishing materials are odorless, use water-based acrylic varnishes.

After painting, your furniture will not only change its appearance, it will become a highlight of the interior.

Another acceptable option is NC varnish. Dries instantly, dusty coating is not noticeable on it. It is better to apply it in two layers. If the furniture already has a certain coating , it would be ideal to apply oil varnish PF-283.

The lining will become strong and sound, will last a very long time.

Want to cover if it was tinted, use tinted alkyd varnish, especially since the color palette is quite diverse. To add gloss, use yacht varnish, the furniture will look just perfect.

Yacht lacquer is a good means for protection, as well as decorative finishing of wooden surfaces.

Of course, the preparation of furniture for painting takes a lot of time. If you ignore them, the proper effect may not be, but coating applied to furniture will quickly fall off. Everything must be done according to the rules. Updating outdated furniture is not difficult, as it may seem.

A little imagination and patience, and a luxurious piece of furniture will appear in the house.

How to artistically paint a closet and make a gradation of colors

Painting is widespread at the present time. People want their apartment or house to be unique, without monotony. And many furniture manufacturers are trying to release products specifically without any embellishment, so that everyone can decorate on their own. Many approach this process in different ways - using the original style or decorating with copies of famous paintings.

You can give uniqueness to absolutely any furniture, whether it be a chest of drawers, bedside table, wardrobe, table, chair, armchair, change the appearance of the room so that no one recognizes old furniture in the new interior.

Artistic painting is an exciting thing, the furniture will play in a new way. If you love and know how to draw, it will not be difficult to make a real work of art out of an ordinary closet, using all your imagination.For creative work it is worth using acrylic paints. The image must be applied to the base. The main thing is that the theme of the drawing is in complete harmony with the interior. Flora and various patterns will look unique. Furniture painted with craquelure looks very unusual.

Cracks will give the piece of furniture a very old look.

If the cabinet has a lot of drawers, gradation is better. You are transitioning between shades of the same color, or you can use different colors. For example, you make a phased transition from green to yellow, or from lilac to pink or blue. In order for the transition to be without sharp boundaries, a colored pigment should be added to the paint each time. You can draw a rainbow or whatever you like.

Particularly original gradation will look in the children's room.

Now there are many ways of alternating colors, all of them deserve sufficient attention. You can use any of them you like. Don't be afraid, create! You just have to want, and everything will work out.

VIDEO: We give new life to an old closet.

Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo ideas:

Each room in our house has furniture, which is its main element. Tables, chairs, sofas, sideboards and cabinets are always in sight, therefore, in addition to the main function, their appearance should serve as an interior decoration. And since wear and tear occurs over time and the furniture loses its attractiveness, the furniture must be updated. How to update furniture depends on the level of wear and damage. You can simply re-paint, or you can completely change the facades of cabinet furniture and reupholster sofas.

Painting a cabinet is the easiest way to update your furniture and change the look of your interior to make it more inviting. The old closet will be able to find new life after repainting, but only if it is made of strong and high-quality material.

An old and shabby wardrobe may well find a new life. Therefore, it should not be thrown away immediately. After all, usually old furniture is of better quality, made of natural wood which makes it more reliable and durable.

When preparing a cabinet for painting, first of all, all removable parts are removed from it - handles, hinges, doors, drawers. One frame should remain.

Painting should be done in a well ventilated area or outdoors.

You need to stock up on such tools and materials:

  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • a flat brush or spray gun, which is used when painting a car;
  • rags and sponge;
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • drill.

From the surface of the cabinet you need to remove dust, dirt, remnants of layers old paint, varnish and minor defects up to the wood itself, which will allow the new layer to lie evenly and smoothly.

The cleaned surface is treated with coarse-grained sandpaper in sweeping circular motions. It is important to ensure that a thin layer of veneer is not worn off during processing, otherwise holes will have to be repaired.

Having processed the surface with sandpaper, it is swept from dust with a wide and flat brush. You can not use a rag for this purpose, as it will only partially sweep away the dust, and partially clog the rest of the dust back into the wood.

Those places where the coarse-grained sandpaper did not reach are processed with fine-grained sandpaper, and then again sweep the treated surface with a brush.

When the stripping is completely completed, the room where the cabinet to be processed is located must be thoroughly washed, freed from dust and dirt that could ruin the new coating.

When choosing a paint, it is best to give preference to acrylic, which is almost odorless, easily diluted with water and mixed to obtain the desired color. It is also well washed off, which makes it possible to correct flaws when painting. When the paint dries, the water evaporates from it and the paint becomes stronger, which must be taken into account when applying layers.

The wardrobe does not have to be monochromatic. It can be dyed in two colors. For example, take one paint of neutral beige colour and the other brighter. If it is not possible to choose the desired paint, then you can purchase white acrylic paint and add color to it until the desired shade is obtained. When choosing a suitable shade, you can try it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cabinet to determine the required saturation.


Acrylic primer is best suited for priming the surface of the cabinet before painting, as its components combine very well with the composition of acrylic paint.

It is easy to apply acrylic primer, but it is still recommended to read the instructions for use of this material before starting work. It is important to adhere to the drying time of the soil and calculate the area of ​​the treated surface.

The primer is applied with a roller (faster) in a thin layer and left until it dries completely.

How to paint a cabinet - with a roller or a brush - is a personal matter for each master. But from a practical point of view, a brush is best suited for this work. With its help, the paint is applied in an even, neat layer, evenly distributed over the surface. In addition, with the help of a brush it is convenient to paint over hard-to-reach places and small details. AT hardware store in the assortment there are any rollers and brushes for working with acrylic paints. The important point is correct selection roller or brush. They must be of good quality, otherwise there may be lint on the surface to be painted, falling out of a poor quality brush.

For certain areas of the cabinet you need to use brushes different sizes. For example, for corners and other hard-to-reach places use a narrow brush, as a wide one will not reach there.

When painting in several stages, brushes and rollers must be placed in water for the period of drying of each layer, not allowing to dry, washed in time to keep them in working order. If this is not done, they will quickly fail and you will have to buy new ones.

The painting of the cabinet is carried out in a well-ventilated and dust-free room or on the street, having prepared all materials and tools for this.

The first layer is applied to the surface with paint over light tone than the chosen main tone. The paint should be liquid, and if it thickens or dries, it should be diluted with water.

The surface may have a different result depending on the number of coats of paint applied. If you apply only one thin layer, then the structure of the tree will appear through it, which corresponds to the Provence style. To do this, the paint is diluted to a liquid state.

To achieve a thicker layer, the paint must be applied several times. Each subsequent layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. Smears are applied strictly in one direction.

When the light shade is completely dry, proceed to painting. dark color. The borders of the areas to be painted are sealed with masking tape so that when painting with a dark color, you do not accidentally touch the edges of a light surface. Then you can start painting in the same way as in the previous step.

A few days later, when the cabinet is completely dry, a clear matt varnish is applied to protect the painted surface from damage. The varnish is applied using a foam sponge by blotting the treated surface. Lacquer can also be applied in several layers. After it dries, all previously removed parts are attached to the cabinet, drawers are inserted and doors are hung.

How to artistically paint a closet and make a gradation of colors

Decorate old wardrobe It is possible not only with the help of simple painting, but also with painting. If you can draw, this is one of the chances to put your talent into practice and show your imagination.

To create a picture, it is best to use acrylic paint. The drawing is applied to the base. Its theme should match the surrounding interior. Flowers and patterns, or their combination with butterflies, look the most original. You can also use the craquelure method, which creates the effect of antiquity.

For a cabinet with a large number of drawers, you can apply color gradation. The transition of shades can be performed within the same color, or between several. For example, this is how a gradual transition from blue to lilac color. To make the transition smooth, you need to gradually add to the paint large quantity colored pigment, then you get a beautiful transition from light shade to the very dark.

Gradation in the form of a rainbow is appropriate and will look bright in a children's room.

There are many ways of gradation, and all of them are quite interesting. In addition, you can combine different styles and don't be afraid to experiment.

Today the furniture stores are full inexpensive furniture from alternative materials to wood. Unfortunately, it does not always meet the growing demands of consumers. Then you have to rely on the resourcefulness and imagination of the owners of such furniture, which can change the appearance beyond recognition. inexpensive wardrobe not only with the help of additional accessories, but also by painting the cabinet made of chipboard in a different color, which can visually make the furniture expensive and stylish.

To realize the planned work, first of all, it is necessary to stock up on the necessary tools and materials. For example, to paint a cabinet made of chipboard, you need to know that this material does not absorb paint well and requires additional processing, which leads to additional time and material costs.

To paint a chipboard cabinet you will need:

  • paint of the desired color;
  • roller or brush for applying a layer of paint;
  • packing;
  • sandpaper;
  • hair dryer for drying the painted surface.

Having all the listed materials and tools, you can be sure of the quick and high-quality work.

First of all, you need to disassemble the cabinet to the smallest details, each of which will need to be painted so that they do not stand out from the general background. Before starting work, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what kind of result you want to get so that the appearance of the painted cabinet does not become a complete unpleasant surprise. Its color should harmoniously fit into the interior of the room and become its decoration. Only in this case, the work done will have a positive result.

If the surface of the cabinet has been previously painted, then the old paint must be removed with sandpaper, which, moreover, will make the surface even and smooth, which will facilitate easy and quick application of paint.

For painting a cabinet made of chipboard, it is better to use alkyd enamel. Its color can be anything, not necessarily classic brown. A bright unusual color can bring a touch of originality to the interior, going beyond the ordinary. The selected paint must have the necessary properties and viscosity, which will ensure an even and uniform application of the layer. Experimenting with the color of the paint applied to the main elements of the cabinet will become original design decision. Appeal to professional designers stand big money while you can do it yourself necessary work following all the rules and recommendations outlined in this article. A competent approach will help you achieve your goals, and if the experiment fails, you can always correct the situation by repainting the cabinet in a different color.

Having bought kitchen set, we have been enjoying the new fashion shopping. But over the years, she loses her attractiveness, grows old, becomes dull and unfashionable. There is an irresistible desire to change something in the environment, to upgrade or buy a new one.

No need to immediately throw away old furniture and buy new, spending a lot of money on it. After all, it is much easier to transform the appearance of existing cabinets by changing their doors and, thus, transforming and updating their appearance.

You can quite successfully repaint the cabinets with your own hands, and in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from the factory ones. It is important to carefully sand the surface of the cabinets that will be repainted, remove dust and remnants of old paint and varnish from them.

Before starting work, you need to choose the desired color of paint. In addition, the choice is influenced practical properties material: the paint must be wear-resistant, that is, not be afraid of the influence of moisture and detergents.

To make kitchen cabinets look bright and cheerful, you need to choose a glossy paint. You need to paint carefully so that streaks and brush strokes are not visible.

Alkyd gloss paint will satisfy these requirements. It is diluted with organic solvents and applied with a special paint sponge.

Before painting the kitchen cabinet, the doors are removed from the hinges, cleaned of dirt with soda or other detergents, and then carefully sanded with coarse-grained sandpaper, gradually moving to fine-grained sandpaper. The cleaned and sanded surface should have a uniform matte color. For best result you can use a special grinder.

The polished surface is wiped with a damp cloth and an alkyd primer is applied with a roller.

After the primer has dried, the first thin layer of paint is applied using a roller or brush. The next, main layer of paint is already applied with a special paint pad. The paint is distributed over the surface immediately with longitudinal and then transverse strokes. You can’t press on the pad, you need to draw enough paint for one stroke so that it is enough to distribute it from one edge to the other.

Smears should be made quickly, easily and without pressure, then there will be no marks or smears on the doors. The edges of the doors and their reverse side must also be painted. When the outer side dries, put clean white paper on the table, put the door on it with the painted side and paint inside following the same rules.

If you need to apply another layer of paint, then it must be applied with a new paint pad, or use the old one, after washing it immediately in a solvent, and then in any detergent.

When the doors are painted and dry, new handles are mounted on them, a huge selection of which can be found in any hardware store that matches the color and matches the interior of the kitchen.

To make the design of the kitchen original and fashionable, glass shelves can be installed inside the cabinets and lighting can be installed. You can also install lighting under the wall cabinets for additional illumination of the work surface.

Thus, old furniture, transformed beyond recognition into fashionable and original, thanks to your imagination and hard work, will serve you for more than one year.