Features of spring spraying of trees in the garden

blue vitriol- a common tool in the fight against mold, fungi and wood decay. Its popularity is due, first of all, to its availability: you can buy it at any hardware store.

In this regard, many are interested in the question - how to properly process wood with copper sulphate?

Most often, the solution is used in everyday life, they process trees, leaves in the garden in the country.

The main cause of wood decay lies in its origin.

Wood is a natural material that can breathe, release juices, thereby increasing its moisture content.

Even after treating the wood with paint, varnish or any other coating, it will not be possible to avoid the internal process of decay. Therefore, very often they resort to wood processing with copper sulphate.

Copper sulfate, in addition to its availability, has other positive characteristics.

This product is not a flammable, volatile substance. Being absorbed, the substance will not harm a person, but it is necessary to work with it with gloves.

Another feature of copper sulfate is that it is able to corrode metals.

Therefore, when processing wood, you need to check that there are no nails, clips or any other metal objects in it.

Also, this information must be taken into account when diluting the solution, respectively, the bucket should not be iron.

So, the conservation of wood occurs with the help of a solution of copper sulfate, and it can also be used to treat diseased trees.

How this is done, in what ways - about everything in more detail.

Wood processing methods

by the most in a simple way treatment of wood with copper sulfate is its surface treatment.

The first method - applying the solution

This method consists in applying the solution to the surface of the wood. It is really simple, but not durable either.

This treatment is used against mold, fungus, that is, already affected wood. Moreover, wooden crafts and must be well dried. Otherwise, the solution will wash out at a faster rate.

The solution can be prepared as follows: 10 g of copper sulfate is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Due to its water component, the antiseptic (vitriol) does not have the ability to penetrate deep into the wood - a maximum of a few millimeters.

In this case, it is better to use warm water, and the antiseptic itself is sifted through a sieve (in dry form), dissolved in a small amount of water, only after that it is poured into a prepared container with the required volume of water.

Over time, the wood dries out, moisture forms, respectively, the solution is washed out, the appearance of rot and fungus is inevitable. But I must say that the harm to microorganisms is still inflicted.

The second method is soaking wood

The second method of processing is that the wood is soaked in a solution.

For this, a twenty percent solution of copper sulfate is diluted, a large container is filled with it, in which the wood is located.

This method is not convenient for processing boards intended for construction, it is convenient for soaking poles that are planned to be dug into the ground. In such cases, the consumption of the solution will be acceptable.

Soaking takes place within two days, after which the pillars are dried in a natural way under a canopy, located with the processed place up. Drying should take at least one month.

The third method is for a fresh tree

If you have to process freshly cut wood, then you can use the third method.

Why fresh wood? Because this method allows copper sulphate to be mixed with tree sap in order to get rid of pests.

What does it consist of: a freshly cut tree is laid on the ground, sawn in half, but not completely. A wedge is inserted into the resulting gap, with which it is necessary to increase the gap.

A lead tube is inserted into this slot at one end, and at the other end into a solution of copper sulphate. In this case, the antiseptic should be on a hill.

If necessary, the gap can be sealed with resin so that the solution goes directly inside. Thus, the juice is mixed with the solution within 3-5 days. Then the wood is dried.

Industrial processing

How is wood impregnated with vitriol in industry? The wood is well dried and placed in an airtight container.

Under a pressure of 10 atmospheres, the wood is impregnated with a solution for half an hour and then dried.

Using this method at home is simply unacceptable, but for construction, the material treated in this way will be well protected from pests and mold.

Application in horticulture

A solution of copper sulfate is actively used by gardeners. This antiseptic allows you to get rid of not only rot, but also all pests.

Also this remedy makes it possible to heal already damaged trees and restore copper deficiency.

Processing trees in the garden, most often, is done by spraying.

In general, it must be said that in horticulture this antiseptic is used not only against pests and fungus, but also as a fertilizer, for whitewashing tree trunks, against scab and lichen, and, of course, for prevention.

There are rules for spraying trees:

  1. If it is necessary to treat a tree or disinfect, then a strong solution is used, that is, 100 grams of vitriol is taken per 1 liter of water;
  2. For spraying against pests, other proportions are used. Processing is done twice a year. In the spring, during the period of inception, a one percent solution is used. In autumn, when the leaves have already fallen, you can use a five percent solution. Why exactly? Because getting chemical on the leaves, you can burn them, respectively, destroy the plant;
  3. Once in the summer, you can treat the trees to treat pests by adding lime to the mixture, and treat the trunks with a ready-made solution. For 10 liters of water, 300 grams of vitriol and 400 grams of lime are diluted;
  4. Against various diseases grapes, bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis, are treated by spraying with a five percent solution twice a year: in spring and autumn. In order not to burn the leaves, you should not make a stronger concentration.

Preservation of trees can be done in any other way, without the use of copper sulphate. But this method is considered a classic, time-tested.

Use of vitriol as a fertilizer

Iron vitriol, in addition to the properties of an antiseptic, is used as a fertilizer for plants.

If the leaves of plants begin to turn yellow, then the flowers lose their color and attractiveness, the shoots begin to fall off, then it is simply necessary to feed the trees.

Iron vitriol has available "soluble" iron, which saturates the leaves and the whole plant with useful elements.

fruit fruit trees are especially deficient in iron.

Therefore, if a gardener finds an old iron object in his area, then he is in no hurry to throw it away - he puts it next to or buries it near the tree trunk.

But this method is ineffective, since the iron object for the tree remains inaccessible.

As a fertilizer, prepare the following solution: 5-10 grams of copper sulfate should be diluted in 10 liters of water. The water must be soft.

This method is used when foliar top dressing potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes.

Precautionary measures

Since the antiseptic is a strong chemical, after spraying it is necessary to wash your hands, rinse your mouth and wash your face.

The remedy will not cause colossal harm, but it is better to beware of unnecessary troubles.

If, however, harm was caused by the substance, then this can be understood by such signs as:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • itching, rashes, redness on the skin.

Follow safety rules at work

But in order to be poisoned by this substance, you need to spend a sufficiently long amount of time in contact with it.

Therefore, for the treatment of wood with copper sulphate, the following protection of the human body will be required:

  1. it is necessary to work in rubber gloves;
  2. with the planned long-term spraying (spraying), it is necessary to use a respirator (gas mask);
  3. should be made full protection skin clothing from contact with the substance;
  4. if processing is carried out indoors, then it should be well ventilated; if on the street, then it is worth spraying the trees downwind. No harm will be done to human respiratory organs.

We hope this information was helpful!

Copper sulphate is widely used in everyday life and industry. Without his participation do not pass chemical reactions, and in Lately it became fashionable to engage in cognitive chemistry, in which beautiful crystals are grown from blue vitriol. Not without its use and agricultural technology.

Why is this substance so popular and how to use it correctly at home? This will have to be dealt with, because ignorance of the proportions for concentrates and solutions can lead to irreversible consequences, for example, the complete death of the crop over the season.

How to manage in agricultural technology without the use of such a solution as copper sulphate? Thanks to its successful application, it is possible to carry out prevention and prevent a number of diseases that affect garden and horticultural crops. Therefore, novice gardeners are interested in how to dilute copper sulfate. Did you ask? Study!

Basic connection information

Copper sulfate is known in narrow circles as divalent copper sulfate pentahydrate. Outwardly, it looks like a blue (blue) crystallized powder with hygroscopic properties. How the product sold on the market looks like, see the photo below.

The substance is actively used in agriculture. Packed in 50-100 gram bags or bottles. Toxic, belongs to the 3rd hazard class. It strongly poisons the body when ingested or on the mucous membranes. With careless handling, only 30-45 milliliters of a solution (5%) may be enough for a fatal outcome. Here it is important to know how to dilute copper sulfate so that its concentration is safe not only for the contact person, but also for the crops that are supposed to be processed.

Interesting! The peculiarity of the substance is that it can get inside human body and through skin, with reverse absorption of sweat. Therefore, it is recommended to work only in closed clothes, supplementing the suit with a protective mask, gloves made of rubber and special goggles.

When working with blue vitriol, do not forget about protective clothing and safety precautions. You may be used to hearing this name and working with this unsafe product, but careless handling can lead to undesirable consequences.

The use of commercial copper sulphate in horticulture

Copper sulfate has been used by man since ancient times. Today it is widely used in horticulture. Often on the forums, summer residents ask how to dilute copper sulfate. Its use is due to objective reasons:

  1. By following the recommendations for the use of the substance, you can not worry about the toxicity of the solution. With the right consistency, it does not have a cumulative effect, does not have a detrimental effect on plants, and its use is not accompanied by long-term side effects.
  2. The composition is characterized by biocidal and fungicidal action.
  3. This is an effective remedy against mold and its various forms.
  4. Copper sulfate does not provoke resistance, does not cause addiction and resistance to harmful forms: bacteria, fungi, pests, mold.
  5. It perfectly copes with the task of fertilizing the soil, as it contains copper ions Cu (II), which are so necessary for living plant forms to produce a number of essential phytohormones.
  6. It is inexpensive when compared with synthetic additives of a similar purpose.

Solutions and their concentration

So, in what proportions and how to dilute copper sulfate in order to process plants efficiently and not harm garden crops.

Depending on seasonality and goals, processing is carried out using various kinds of solutions and liquids. In any of the existing cases, agricultural crops use 1 of 3 concentrations of copper sulfate:

  1. "Burning" solution 3-5%. Proportion: 30-50 grams of copper sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Rarely used for treatment when absolutely necessary to decontaminate an area or take measures to combat mold in building structure. After processing by "burning", such land is decommissioned for at least a year, until the concentration of the solution in the soil disappears.
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic essence - 0.5-1% solution obtained by mixing 5-10 grams of powder with 10 liters of water. It is used to fight fungal infections and prevent anthracnose, clasterosporiasis, coccomycosis, etc. Suitable for spraying and processing garden trees for the purpose of disinfecting wounds on trunks and branches.
  3. 3 in 1: top dressing + fertilizer + prevention. For such purposes, a medium concentrated solution is used - 0.2-0.3% (2-3 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water) solution. It is used if copper starvation is observed in plants, recognizable by such signs: leaf chlorosis, twisting of shoot ends, increased tillering without the formation of productive shoots, and also for the purpose of prevention.

When using a weakly concentrated and medium concentration solution for peaceful purposes, you can prepare a stock solution (10%) with a margin. Keep this liquid tightly closed. plastic container by placing in a dark cool place. Water is added to the concentrate as needed. You already know how to breed copper sulfate for cultivating land, plants and agricultural buildings. Familiarize yourself with the technology of processing objects if necessary.

Features of the use of copper sulfate

In the spring, it is customary to carry out treatment for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. To do this, use the following solutions of copper sulfate:

  • 0.5% for watering the soil at the rate of 3.5-4 liters per 1 m 2, provided that the average daily temperature exceeds +5 ° C. It is used against Fusarium root crops, white and gray rot of tomatoes, black cabbage legs. By the way, this is the generally accepted way of how to dilute blue vitriol for a tomato.
  • Before the buds open, they are treated against the diseases listed above by spraying with a 1% solution.
  • In order to disinfect the root system of seedlings, they are dipped for 2-3 minutes in a 1% solution of copper sulfate, after which they are washed with plenty of water.
  • Late blight can be prevented by spraying potato tubers immediately before planting with a 0.2% solution of copper sulphate.
  • Early germination can be achieved by soaking the seeds in a warm solution (0.2%): cucumbers - 8-10 hours, others - 20-24 hours.
  • If you suspect "hereditary" (if the option of acquiring healthy planting material is no longer available) diseases, tomato and pumpkin seeds are treated. Component composition: copper sulphate - 1 g, boric acid- 2 g, potassium permanganate - 10 g, water - 10 liters. During processing, the seeds are soaked and left for 15 minutes in a liquid at room temperature. After that, they are taken out, not forgetting to rinse under water.

In the summer, copper sulphate is used against mold. How to dilute the powder for different types processing, read on.

Processing horticultural crops in summer

In the hot season, it is preferable to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Spraying: fruit trees and shrubs are treated with a solution with a 0.5-1% concentration of copper sulfate, if there are clear signs of the disease (picture below).
  2. Watering: unscheduled tomatoes and potatoes are fertilized in order to prevent copper starvation and late blight damage, using a 0.2% solution at the rate of watering 2-3 liters per 1 m 2. Re-treatment is carried out after 14-28 days if necessary.
  3. Treatment of wounds of fruit trees - 1% solution, shrubs - 0.5%.

Recommendations for the treatment of garden and other cultivated plants for medicinal purposes

It is important to know not only how to breed copper sulfate for spraying, but also that the use of such a treatment method is unacceptable during the flowering period of plants.

Autumn processing is mainly preventive. Spend it after dropping the leaves. Copper sulfate is generally indispensable for such purposes.

How to properly dissolve copper sulfate in water?

Let's start with the fact that it is strictly forbidden to manipulate blue vitriol in living quarters. This substance interacts well with water and dissolves easily. However, when room temperature due to impurities in the composition of sulfites ready solution it turns cloudy, and the precipitate falls out only after 30-60 days.

Copper sulfate dissolution technology

Copper crystals are dissolved in boiling water (from 50 o C). Experts say that it is undesirable to use a special chemical set consisting of thin-walled dishes.

The solution has a strong electrolytic property, therefore, if the vessel is damaged, a serious accident may occur.

It is better to dissolve vitriol in a water bath, and store the finished cooled liquid in PET or glass containers for up to 12-18 months from the date of manufacture, placing the container in a dark place.

Now you know how to breed blue vitriol for trees and other crops.

How to prepare Bordeaux liquid?

The acidity index of copper sulfate is considered to be a significant disadvantage of the solution. Its concentration can be reduced by adding 200-500 milliliters of boiling water to the working concentrated solution, after dissolving 3-5 grams in this volume of water laundry soap. Such an additive will provide better adhesion of the solution to the leaf plates and help the solution stay on the surface of the plant longer.

If you know how to dilute copper sulfate for processing tomatoes and other horticultural crops, then preparing Bordeaux liquid is more effective remedy, you will not find it difficult.

Bordeaux liquid is a joint solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. It is prepared in two proportions:

  • strong (3%): blue vitriol - 300 g, lime - 400 g, water - 10 l;
  • sparing (1%): blue vitriol - 100 g, lime - 100 g, water - 10 l.

A concentrated solution is used for autumn prevention, sometimes for early spring treatments of shoots, sparing - during the growing season of trees.

The only difference between Bordeaux liquid, which can hardly be considered an advantage, is incompatibility with any other ingredients, in particular, with soap and common preparations. And its substitute based on soda ash, Burgundy liquid, is not famous for its effectiveness.


If you need to prepare a modified or weakly concentrated solution, you will have to dilute copper sulfate. The use of both concentrated solutions and gentle liquids requires caution not only in relation to the crops being processed, but also personal safety.

What is needed for a reaction to take place?

To prepare Bordeaux liquid, the required volume of water is divided in equal proportion into 2 vessels, in which the components of the liquid are dissolved separately. A blue solution of copper sulfate, gently stirring, is poured into a white, lime milk concentrate. ready mix leave to brew for 3-4 hours. After the time has elapsed, it is filtered and poured into the sprayer. A freshly prepared solution is used within a day, otherwise it will lose its properties.

Now you know how to breed copper sulfate.

The use of copper sulfate in horticulture as a fertilizer, pest and disease control agent has already become the norm, and even despite its insecurity, the use of copper sulphate remains predominant when choosing a remedy for reliable protection horticultural and horticultural crops growing on suburban area. Choose only the best remedy for plant protection and remember that caution never hurts.

Soluble powder of blue-blue crystals, active ingredient: copper sulfate, 980 g/kg. It is used against fungal diseases of fruit trees and berries, as well as vegetables and flowers. The period of protective action is about 30 days.

Mechanism of action: copper ions react with lipoprotein and enzyme complexes of a fungal or bacterial cell, causing irreversible changes in the protoplasm, causing nonspecific denaturation of proteins.

The use of copper sulfate

This fungicide is used in the garden and at home, as well as at home, to protect plants from a number of diseases:

  • alternariosis
  • ascochitosis
  • moniliosis
  • scab
  • mildew grapes
  • spotting
  • (septoria)
  • downy mildew
  • rust
  • and etc.

In addition, when spraying against diseases, copper sulfate is a simultaneous foliar top dressing. Copper deficiency, as a rule, manifests itself in plants growing on acidic sandy and peaty soils.

Other uses for copper sulphate:

  • as an antiseptic against mold and rot on wooden structures
  • for soil disinfection

If this fungicide was actively used in the spring and summer, then it is better not to use it before winter, so as not to oversaturate the soil with copper ions.

Consumption rates

As a rule, a 1% solution is used with a consumption rate of about 10 liters per 100 m2. To prepare the working fluid, dissolve 100 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water or 10 g per 1 liter of water.

General rules for breeding copper sulfate:

  • Apple, pear, quince: against scab, phyllosticosis and other blotches, moniliosis, drying out 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water, the first spraying in early spring before bud break, at a consumption of 2-5 liters per tree. Can be repeated 2 weeks before harvesting apples and pears.
  • Apricot, peach, plum, sweet cherry, cherry: from clasterosporosis, coccomycosis and other spots, moniliosis, leaf curl, dilute 50-75 g per 10 liters of water, the first spraying in early spring before bud break, at a consumption of 2-3 liters per tree .
  • Gooseberries, currants: from anthracnose, septoria and other blotches, dilute 50-75 g per 10 liters of water, the first spraying in early spring before bud break, at a consumption of 1.5 liters for a medium-sized bush.
  • Spraying potato tubers against late blight before planting: 2 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. More convenient to fold planting material into a vegetable net and dip into the prepared solution.
  • Indoor flowers - watering from a complex of diseases - dilute a teaspoon (without a slide) into 2 liters of water to get a sky-blue solution, pour under the root or spray the leaves.

From spots on vegetables, for example, with ascochitosis of cucumbers, plants can be sprayed with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate and urea: for 10 liters of water, 5 g of vitriol and 10 g of urea, repeat twice a week.

To disinfect the earth open ground and in greenhouses from diseases a week before planting seedlings or sowing seeds, water the soil with a 3% solution of copper sulfate (30 grams per liter of water). Such treatment will also protect potatoes from phytophthora.

To treat the root system before planting, dilute 100 g of the drug in 10 liters of water, soak root system(bulbs or tubers) for 3 minutes. Then remove from the solution and rinse thoroughly in running water. Bulbs or fleshy tuberous roots, then air dry before planting.

How to dilute copper sulfate

The required volume of powder, for example, 100 g of copper sulfate, diluted in a small amount of water (500-700 ml), poured into a plastic bucket and heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees (better dissolution), add water while stirring to bring the volume of the working solution up to 10 l. Do not use metal utensils! Strain the prepared solution through a filter, for example, through nylon tights, before pouring it into the sprayer.

Processing with copper sulphate of tomatoes from phytophthora

Tomatoes are plants sensitive to errors in processing with copper-containing preparations. In order not to burn the leaves, but to defeat late blight, a very weak concentration is enough, only 0.2% solution. Prepare a copper-soap emulsion: grate 200 g of laundry soap and dilute in a small amount hot water; separately in glass jar dilute 20 g of copper sulfate, use a wooden stick to stir, pour the fungicide into the soapy solution in a thin stream, stirring constantly and bring the solution to 10 liters of water.

With this solution, you need to spray the tomatoes on the leaf, the scheme is as follows:

  • spray seedlings for the first time, a week after planting in a greenhouse or open ground
  • further, depending on the weather, if the summer is dry, there is little rain, then do not spray until the August cold snap, do preventive treatments with phytosporin, if the summer is damp and cool, treat every 10-12 days.

Spraying is carried out in calm weather, trying to moisten reverse side leaves

When can you eat fruits and vegetables after spraying with copper sulfate

Most vegetables can be eaten 14-15 days after spraying, with the exception of:

  • gourds (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons, melons) - they can be sprayed 5 days before harvesting
  • tomatoes can be sprayed against late blight and other diseases 7-8 days before picking tomatoes

Important: wash all fruits thoroughly running water repeatedly - copper is not absorbed by the plant and does not penetrate into the fruits, it remains on top of the shell of the fruit and is dangerous only if the fruits are soft-skinned, such as peaches, or the fruits are cracked.

Fruits and berries that cannot be washed well before eating - these are raspberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches, grapes, some varieties of currants (with soft berries) - you can spray with copper preparations at least 1.5 months before the crop ripens: one treatment before flowering, and the second on the ovary.

Copper sulfate from root rot, black leg, fusarium

To save cucumbers, zucchini or pumpkins from root rot (symptoms: wilting of bushes in hot weather, yellowing of leaves, dying off of ovaries, stopping the growth of greens), you can prepare this solution: 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate, 1 teaspoon of zinc sulfate, 1 tbsp. . a spoonful of simple superphosphate per 10 liters of water. Pour cucumber bushes with a freshly prepared solution at the rate of 5 liters of liquid per 1 sq. m of land.

Watering from the black leg and Fusarium of vegetables and flowers: dilute 5 g of the drug in 10 liters of water.

How to process wooden structures with copper sulfate

Copper sulphate is an excellent antiseptic, it can process any wooden structures at their summer cottage - walls of greenhouses and greenhouses, walls and structures of cellars, sheds, arbors, wooden decking, fences. Apply solution better spraying, small surfaces with a brush or sponge (work with gloves). Let dry and repeat the treatment two more times. The coating needs to be renewed after 3-4 months.

In some cases, for longer protection time, clay can be added to the solution to make a creamy mass, coat the bearing pillars at the fence, porch with it country house, or support beams in greenhouses.

You need to know that deeply ingrained mold can no longer be removed and destroyed with copper sulphate, it is better not to use such material, since the boards lose their strength, and mold from them can move to neighboring ones, in such cases it is worth using preservative indelible antiseptics.

Copper sulphate as a fertilizer

Copper sulfate is applied only on soils that are poor in this element, for example, chernozems contain copper in enough, a little less, but not fundamentally it on sod-podzolic and gray forest, but peat-bog and in some places sandy and sandy loam contain little copper, so every 5-6 years in early spring or in the fall, copper sulphate can be applied: consumption of 1 g per 1 sq.m.

For foliar feeding of vegetative plants with signs of copper deficiency (appears primarily on young leaves), the dosage is 1-2 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Copper sulfate compatibility

The drug is incompatible in general solutions with organophosphate insecticides and other drugs that decompose in an alkaline environment.


Copper sulphate has a hazard class 3 for humans (may cause serious irritation of the mucous membrane upon contact with a preparation or solution) and a hazard class 3 for bees (the border protection zone for bees is 4-5 km). The drug has low toxicity for bees, however, it is better to isolate the bees for the period of crop treatment and for the next 5-20 hours. Not phytotoxic if dosage is not exceeded.

Security measures

Processing should be done using gloves and goggles, avoid smoking, drinking, eating while working. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse with water large quantity water, when it enters digestive tract, vomiting usually occurs immediately, you can not take any funds, immediately call an ambulance.

The main enemy of the gardener is scab - fungal disease that affects fruit trees. This disease can destroy everything: branches, leaves, inflorescences, shoots and, of course, the fruits of pears and apples. As a rule, scab comes to the garden as an uninvited guest in the cold spring, when the leaves and flowers do not have enough heat and sun to fully bloom. For this fungus, this is the most favorable environment. When a tree blooms, if it is infected, the ovaries will no longer be able to form, the leaves gradually become stained and, as a result, the leaves, which are not able to eat from the sun, grow old and fall off. If the scab has struck a pear, then we should expect that the bark will begin to peel off and crack, and the fruits usually turn black, change shape and split.

How to deal with this disease and save the garden from death? Copper sulfate comes to the aid of the gardener - a fungicide that is intended for spraying fruit, ornamental, berry plantations, shrubs and other plants. The drug is able to stop tree diseases such as scab, anthracnose, etc. Copper sulfate can be used both as a preventive measure and for disinfection of various damages in fruit trees. The active substance of this drug is copper sulfate, 980 g / kg. Available in powder form. What can we achieve by spraying trees with copper sulphate?

Copper sulfate has two purposes:

  • Serves as a fertilizer to replenish the soil with the missing copper. Especially the drug is recommended on peaty soil, where there is practically no copper.
  • It is used for preventive purposes against various diseases, pests and insects.

Copper sulphate can be used by gardeners as a stand-alone spray, or in combination with lime to form a Bordeaux mixture. If you decide to fertilize your fruit plantations, vitriol (copper sulfate) is applied once for 5-6 years. The drug is thoroughly crushed and mixed well with the ground. When the mixture is ready, it can be used. Spraying is usually carried out in early spring or autumn.

As a preventive measure, copper sulphate is used in combination with Bordeaux mortar with lime. In this combination, vitriol acts as a poison that is completely harmless to apple trees, pears and other plants, since lime neutralizes the acid, thereby protecting the leaves from burns during spraying. Such a mixture of preparations - copper sulfate and lime - perfectly copes with the scab, completely destroying its spores, protecting the leaves and fruits of the trees.

However, gardeners and gardeners should take into account that the scab, which has penetrated and affected the tissues of leaves and fruits, can no longer be exterminated by spraying with copper sulfate. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the calendar dates and treat the garden in early spring to prevent this disease.

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The main condition for the excellent fruiting of apple trees and other fruit trees is the timely and correct implementation preventive measures to protect plants from pathogens and pests. Most often, copper sulphate is used for these purposes. From this article, you will learn how to process apple trees in the spring so that they do not get sick during the season.

The most important action that any gardener must take in his garden is spraying fruit trees (apple trees, cherries, plums, etc.) chemicals or folk remedies. Why is this being done?

If use effective means and spraying correctly, you can save the garden from the most common diseases and pests. The use of copper sulfate allows you to effectively protect plantings from scab, moniliosis and various kinds spotting.

When to process

The most important spring processing of apple trees. The first time you need to spray the trees before the buds open. To do this, the overgrown moss is removed from the trunk and preventive pruning is carried out. When treating trees with solutions (for example, copper sulphate), it is necessary to give Special attention cuts and damage. They are the gates for the penetration of pathogenic microflora and pests into the apple tree. Subsequent spring treatments performed within the following timeframes:

  • the second spraying is carried out after the appearance of the kidneys. You need to have time to spray before the development of the leaves;
  • the third spraying is carried out after the appearance of foliage;
  • the fourth time the planting is processed during the formation of buds. This spraying can be divided into two stages. Approximately 2-3 weeks should elapse between surgeries.

Every time it is recommended to use various means for processing trees. For example, iron or copper sulfate is taken at the first spraying. In subsequent times, other chemicals should be used.

In summer, you can additionally process the garden in the case when the first symptoms of the development of the disease or the appearance of insects were noticed. During this period, such manipulations are performed only if necessary.

How to make a solution

The most commonly used tool for processing apple trees in any season of the year is copper sulfate. They are sprayed with any fruit crops: trees and shrubs. However, in order for the procedure to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to properly prepare the solution. In this case, depending on the type of disease and plant, a solution of different concentrations is prepared.

Copper sulphate (salt copper sulfate) - powder of blue or blue color. For spraying apple, quince and pear trees, 100 g of this substance must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. To disinfect the roots of seedlings, the plants are lowered into such a solution for 3 minutes. If the soil around the fruit plantations is being disinfected, then 5 g of the blue substance should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. To improve the solubility of the powder, it should be poured into water gradually.

Before proceeding with the preparation of the solution, you need to make sure that the drug has not expired. Trees are treated only with freshly prepared solution. It is not recommended to use a previously prepared solution.

Instructions for use

copper, like inkstone, has instructions for use. It is mandatory to familiarize yourself with it before using the preparation for spraying plants.

When working with this substance, the following rules should be observed, given in the instructions for it:

  • obligatory observance of precautionary measures when working with the substance;
  • use the spray solution in the evening or in the morning;
  • the weather on the day of treatment should be calm and dry;
  • temperature range of application - + 5–30 degrees;
  • the remaining solution must not be poured into a well or pond, since copper sulfate is a toxic and poisonous substance;
  • treated trees should be sprayed evenly.

Precautionary measures

Using copper sulphate as a means for processing apple trees and other fruit crops remember the following precautions:

  • processing is carried out only in protective gloves and glasses. A respirator must be worn on the face;
  • children and animals are removed from the site;
  • during spraying, you can not eat, smoke and drink;
  • after work, hands and face are well washed with soap.

Video "Processing an apple tree with copper sulphate"

From this video you will learn how to properly process apple trees with copper sulphate.