Planting beans in open ground: terms and rules for growing. Asparagus beans: cultivation and care in the open field

- This is a very common vegetable for planting. It is tasty and very useful. A variety of dishes are prepared from it. Distinctive feature beans are high in protein. Of course, the protein beans cannot be compared in quality with the same component that we get from meat, but, nevertheless, it contains the amino acids necessary for the body. Beans have an original taste, a pleasant dense texture and are suitable for eating only in processed form, but all vitamins and nutrients are preserved in it.

sowing beans

Most often beans plant seeds directly in open ground. However, there are some peculiarities. If you want to get a good rich harvest, you should follow a few rules for preparing and planting. beans.

First, sowing is carried out at a strictly defined time. If we take into account the central zone of Russia with its climate, then planting beans with seeds in open ground is carried out no earlier than mid-May. If you plant beans earlier, then the yield decreases due to the fact that the sprouts can be stuck in late cold weather. Late planting also drastically reduces the yield of the crop, as well as the quality of the resulting crop.

Soil preparation

Bean loves sunlight and warm, which is why it should be planted in open areas protected from drafts and wind. The earth needs to be dug up and carefully loosened with a rake to remove large lumps. Beans do not like dense viscous soil. If the soil is exactly like this in your area, it is worth adding sand to it and digging with it already. One bucket is enough for 2 square meters of beds.

Before planting beans, be sure to fertilize the soil. For this, ash, compost or manure is suitable, but not fresh, but necessarily rotted.

The last stage is the disinfection of the beds before planting the beans. Dissolve a little potassium permanganate in warm water and spill the dug up and fertilized soil abundantly. All these procedures are performed three days before you are going to plant the beans.

How to properly prepare the seeds?

There is no need to germinate seeds, but, nevertheless, their careful preparation will increase the percentage of germination. Pour hot water into the container and let it cool down to about 70°C. If the water boils, then room temperature it will reach the desired value in 2-3 minutes.

Soak bean seeds in hot water for no more than 10 minutes. If the processing time is longer, then your seeds will simply boil. And during this time they just swell. After that, carry out the disinfection procedure in warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate.

Landing Rules

Usually, a not too large bed is prepared for beans. At a distance of about 30 centimeters, you need to draw furrows, deepening about 5 centimeters into the ground. Before placing the seeds there, pour them with water at room temperature. You can put some fertilizer. Beans should be planted one grain at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. Top fill the furrows with earth.

Good effect on the growth and development of plants sawdust, sprinkled on top of the bed. They create thermal insulation layer, and still do not allow moisture to quickly evaporate from the garden. Thus, a favorable microclimate is created for the seeds. From above sawdust is additionally covered with a film, which is removed after seed germination. However, an impromptu greenhouse should be ventilated in sunny, dry weather.

Subject to all these planting rules, beans will delight you with friendly shoots, uniform growth, and then a rich harvest.

Beans can easily replace meat dishes on the table, scientists say. It contains a lot of vegetable, so necessary for the body, protein and many other undoubtedly useful compounds.

Many gardeners have already planted large areas of their plot with beans. However, it hasn't been very popular recently. Consider the topic - planting beans with seeds in open ground.

Planting beans with seeds

There are string beans and bush beans. The first is planted mainly along fences or stable trellises are built. The second type does not require special adaptations and grows on a regular bed.

About growing beans

Beans are a help. This is a green manure plant that helps to enrich the soil layer with useful substances after it dies. In this process, the earth is enriched with nitrogen compounds, after which any plants can be planted, everything is developing very actively.

What kind of soil do beans need

Do not plant beans in clay soils, soil that is too wet or overloaded with nitrogen. Choose sunny places where the free wind does not walk.

The soil should be fertile, light, permeable, with deep groundwater. The pH of the soil is 6–7 units.

If there is depleted soil on the site, plant it with beans, like an excellent green manure, it will solve the problem, and on next year everything can be planted here vegetable crops. Usually beds for beans are prepared in the fall. Digging up the earth on the bayonet of a shovel.

soil fertilization

For 1 square meter contribute:

  • compost or humus (4 kg each);
  • dolomite flour (2 tablespoons each);
  • ammonium nitrate and double superphosphate (1 tablespoon each);
  • potassium soda or potassium chloride (half a tablespoon).

Another option: half a bucket of compost or humus, superphosphate (30 g each) and wood ash per 1 sq. m. for 20 g.

When to plant beans

Already in May, you can plant beans in the ground. The soil should warm up at a depth of 10 centimeters, at least 12-15 degrees. At this time, the main spring frosts and chestnuts will begin to bloom (folk sign).

First, seeds of upright varieties are laid in the ground, and after a week and bush beans. Legumes are sown every 10 days from mid-May to early July.

To protect beans and peas from the cold wind, they can be seated around apple trees.

Do not forget that before planting, the seed material must be sorted out and soaked in the evening, and in the morning bathe the change in a useful solution for about five minutes (in 5 liters of water - 1 g boric acid). So, the beans will be protected from diseases and harmful insects.

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What crops are beans planted after?

Beans will grow well after:

  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant.

The second year should not be planted where legumes (lentils, peanuts, soybeans, beans, peas, beans) grew. Return the culture to this place after 3-4 years. Onions, carrots and beets, cucumbers and tomatoes coexist well with our heroine.

Planting beans in open ground

How to plant beans in open ground with seeds to get good harvest? Follow the rules here.

  1. Curly varieties - seeds are buried in the hole in 5-6 pieces. Distance 25–30 cm. Width between rows 0.50 cm.
  2. Bush varieties - close up to a depth of 5-6 cm. The interval between the bushes is 20-25 cm. Between the rows - a width of 40 cm.
  3. When shoots appear, 2 strong seedlings are left. The rest are transplanted.
  4. When you finish planting, spill the beds with water and compact with a rake ( reverse side). If there are fears of night frosts, crops are covered with foil.

Basic care

Loosening and weeding. It is necessary to loosen even the very first shoots. Only, of course, be careful not to touch root system and not uproot the plants. Waterlogged soil is not for her.

With the tendency of the earth to shrink and not let water through, we loosen even more often, since the water must seep and go deeper. We combine weeding with loosening, we remove weeds in order to give freedom to cultivated plants.

For the first time, loosen the ground when the seedlings are 7 cm high. The second time after 2 weeks with hilling. And the third time the bushes are loosened before the rows of beans begin to close. And immediately you need to spud.

Watering. Watering beans requires constant, especially when the fruits are formed. But everything should be in moderation, do not forget that the culture does not like waterlogging. The best option, it's rain water. After heavy rainfall with a thunderstorm, plants grow very much, as there is a lot of nitrogen in the air, which they absorb.

Plants are watered as needed before bud formation, for example, once a week. Spare no water, and at the same time pay attention to the weather and the condition of the ground. It should be moderately moist.

After the formation of 4-5 leaves, watering should be stopped. At the beginning of flowering, resume again, and gradually increase the frequency of watering under the bushes.

Use rain water or settled in barrels. Be sure to loosen the soil shallowly.

Top dressing. After a month, after the first shoots of the crop, it is necessary to feed one of the complex fertilizers. It could be fermented bird droppings.

When the first true leaf appears, we prepare feeding in the form of superphosphate per 1 sq. m - 30–40 g.

After another three weeks, we carry out a second top dressing for a good formation of pods. Ash will fit better than ever. After all, it contains everything that beans need at this stage:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus.

During the budding period, it is necessary to add potassium salt per 1 sq.m. - 10–15 g. When the beans begin to ripen, it is advisable to pamper the plants wood ash.

Do not apply nitrogen fertilizers, the beans will be able to get it on their own. And their surplus will be reflected in the violent growth of green mass, and the harvest will be more than modest.

Garter. If you planted curly beans, install wooden supports (1.5 m). Stretch them (horizontally) with a rope or wire. Direct curly shoots to these stretch marks.

An interesting way to grow beans in nests. Just do not thin out the ascended seedlings, let them grow in a thick bush, and drive in a stake along which the stems will curl. The "Indian wigwam" made of 3-4 supports and tied at the top will also look beautiful.

On metal, plastic stakes, the beans will not curl.

Bean pests

Planting beans in open ground with seeds, as with other crops, can encounter problems in the form of diseases and pests.

The homeland of beans is considered South America, however, it has been grown for many millennia in India and China. This culture was used in cooking, cosmetology, as ornamental plant for decorating rooms, and traditional medicine for the treatment of patients with diabetes and tuberculosis. The plant is unpretentious, and gives good shoots. We encourage you to learn more about when andhow to plant beans outdoors to get a bountiful harvest.

We offer you to learn how to plant beans in open ground

How to plant beans in open ground with seeds?

For planting beans, choose a sunny plot of land. The soil should be loose and fertilized with compost, manure, wood ash. It does not hurt to add a small amount of sand to the soil to improve the drainage qualities of the soil. It is not recommended to place the plant in the area where others have grown before. legumes e.g. peas, lentils, peanuts.

Beans are planted in open ground at a time when the soil warms up and there are no frosts at night. In terms of timing, it is recommended to plant beans no earlier than the end of May, and in the southern regions of Russia - the end of April, in the northern part of the country - in the second half of June. Many vegetable growers plant beans and at the same time.

For planting, beds dug up with sand and fertilizers are prepared in advance. Some growers plant beans in a checkerboard pattern, others in furrows. In any case, the recommended distance between the bushes is about 20 cm, the planting depth is about 5 cm. No more than 3 beans should be lowered into one hole, after germination, weak plants can be removed.

Beans are planted in open ground during the period when the soil warms up and there are no frosts at night.

How to plant beans in open ground for seedlings?

Some gardeners prefer to plant beans in open ground with seedlings, and this is justified. For example, this method of cultivation is practiced to improve the germination of beans, to accelerate growth under adverse conditions. weather conditions and long spring frosts.

Before planting legumes for seedlings or in open ground, beans should be soaked for 10-15 minutes in hot water so that the seeds swell well.

For growing seedlings, containers with fertilized, sandy soil are prepared. Approximately a month before planting plants in open ground, 3-5 beans are placed in each container. The soil is regularly watered, and the containers are placed in a sunny place. Seedlings should be planted together with the ground, so as not to damage the root system.

Beans are an excellent vegetable crop that enjoys well-deserved respect among gardeners due to its useful qualities, ease of planting and cultivation. In addition, with proper care, beans give beautiful harvest. Today we will talk about how to properly grow asparagus beans in open ground(photos are attached).

Description of popular varieties and existing varieties

Asparagus or as it is sometimes called green beans- climbing perennial / annual plant with feather-like leaves. Flower development occurs in the axils. The fruits are bivalve beans, with large beans inside, between which there is a spongy partition. Beans contain a large amount of protein and useful trace elements.

Beans are a plant that does not require a lot of light. 12 hours a day is enough to get a rich harvest as a result. A big plus of the culture is that it is capable of self-pollination, which means that you can safely grow several varieties on the site at once. And speaking of varieties. Asparagus beans can be classified according to several criteria:

  1. In terms of ripening: early ripening (2 months), medium early (2.5 months), medium (2.5-3 months), mid-ripening (up to one hundred days) and late (maturing period exceeds 100 days).
  2. In the form of a terrestrial plant: climbing, bushy.
  3. According to taste characteristics and scope of use: shelling, sugar and semi-sugar.

Shelling (grain) beans

Shelling (grain) beans cultivated for eating only grains, since the outer shell is hard enough that it cannot be used as food. Such beans are best grown only in a warm climate, since in the middle lane it simply will not ripen, and in this form it will simply be inedible. To the most popular varieties grain beans include:

  • Ballad. This mid-season variety not afraid of drought and contains a large amount of protein. It has green pods and light yellow grains with purple splashes.
  • Ruby. This variety is also mid-season. It has narrow pods containing burgundy beans. It has excellent taste characteristics.
  • Chocolate girl. This is a mid-late bean, the bush reaches a meter height. Pods - long, yellow.

Asparagus (sugar) beans usually used as food almost entirely, that is, together with the pods, since they do not contain a special permanent layer, as in the shelling. This variety is the most delicious. She also possesses interesting property: removal of excess fluid from the body. The most popular varieties of green beans include:

  • Oil King. Early maturing variety yielding a rich harvest. Has pods with a delicate taste.
  • Hell Rem. Variety with climbing bushes and pale pink beans with a delicate mushroom flavor.
  • Crane. It has a fairly compact size bushes, on which fiber-free pods ripen, which are distinguished by a delicate taste.

Asparagus (sugar) beans

Planting a plant in open ground

Since asparagus beans are a rather heat-loving plant, the site should be sown with seeds in late spring (not earlier than May), when the weather becomes consistently warm and the air warms up to at least 10 degrees plus.

Beans "love" fertile, easily permeable soil with deep groundwater. It is undesirable to use areas with clayey, too wet or saturated soil for growing asparagus (since asparagus itself is able to produce it).

The site for planting beans must be prepared in the fall: dig with the addition of 4 kg of humus, a couple of tablespoons dolomite flour, a spoonful of saltpeter and superphosphate and (preferably) potassium chloride for each square meter of the plot.

In the spring, a couple of days before sowing the seeds, the earth must be re-dug and walked on it with a rake to slightly “fluff”. If the soil is viscous, then sand can be added: about 5 kg per meter of sown area. Be sure to disinfect the soil with weak potassium permanganate.

Growing beans outdoors

Before planting, asparagus bean seeds must be sorted out and discarded with any defects. Fill them up enough hot water and leave for fifteen minutes. They will have time to absorb moisture and swell slightly - then shoots will appear much faster. After soaking, the seeds must be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect young seedlings from pests.

Bean seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 6 cm in holes, the distance between which is about 20 cm (this applies to bush varieties). The distance between rows should be no more than half a meter. The distance between the seeds of climbing varieties should be somewhat wider - about 30 cm. 5-6 beans are placed in each hole. After planting the seeds, the sown area must be moistened and slightly compacted.

Advice. When the first shoots appear, only the most “strong” seedlings (2-3 pieces) should be left in the holes, the rest should be removed.

Caring for asparagus beans

Caring for asparagus beans includes a number of standard measures that every gardener is familiar with: watering, fertilizing, hilling, top dressing. Let's consider each process in more detail.

Propagation of a plant in open ground

In order for the propagation of asparagus beans in the open field to occur quickly and efficiently, seedlings must be constantly monitored. Until the first buds appear, bean seedlings need to be watered regularly: plentifully, but infrequently (no more than 1 time per week). The soil must not be dry.

When the plants have the first few leaves, watering should be completely stopped. When the beans begin to bloom, watering resumes again and its frequency increases by 2 times.

Advice. For watering beans, it is better to use either rainwater or settled water.

It is better to start loosening the soil after the sprouts reach a height of 6-7 cm. The second time loosening (simultaneously with hilling) is carried out a couple of weeks after the first. The last time the soil is loosened before the bean bushes begin to close.

In order for the development of beans to occur quickly and efficiently, it needs a little help in this. So, for curly beans, special vertical supports (1.5 m) are made. Either rope or wire is placed on top of them. Bean shoots are sent along it.

Fertilizer and top dressing

When the bean shoots have the first leaves, you can start feeding in the form of superphosphate in the amount of 30-40 g per square meter. And when the first buds appear, add potassium salt to the soil - about 10 g per the same area unit. During the period of fruit ripening, the soil should be fed with fertilizer in the form of a solution of wood ash.

Advice. Nitrogen should not be added to the soil, since the beans themselves produce it. If the nitrogen content in the soil is excessive, then the harvest will be quite modest, but there will be plenty of greenery.

We fight diseases and pests

Most often, beans suffer from such diseases: false powdery mildew, bacteriosis and anthracnose. To actively prevent the spread of these diseases is quite simple: you just need to implement proper care, destroy infected plants, add limestone to acidic soil, do not forget to disinfect the seeds before sowing. To protect beans from fungal and viral damage, copper preparations should be used.

bean anthracnose

In addition to all of the above, the plant can be eaten by slugs, the appearance of which can be prevented by removing weeds in a timely manner and regularly moistening the soil. If they still appear, you just need to remove them.

Advice. Harvest of beans directly depends on the quality of its pollination. Pollinators can help with this. You can lure them with sugar syrup, which should sometimes be sprayed on a flowering plant.

The combination of asparagus beans with other plants

The plant reproduces well in the ground with such predecessors as: representatives of the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant), cabbage. But with predecessors from the legume family, the combination is unlikely (including beans).

Good "neighbors" for beans will be such vegetable crops as onions, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, etc.

Harvesting of asparagus beans can begin as early as 14 days after the first flowers appear on the plant (if you want to enjoy the delicate taste of young pods). Otherwise, you can harvest when the pods are dry and the fruits are fully ripe.

So our article has come to an end. We examined in detail the process of growing asparagus beans and caring for them in the open field. We wish you a good harvest!

How to plant asparagus beans: video

Growing asparagus beans: photo

For beginner summer residents, their hands rarely reach the beans. Nevertheless, it is quite reasonable to "swing" at this rather popular culture, in which the content of especially valuable vegetable protein is simply to the maximum, and various nutrients are stored for the future. It is noteworthy that its calorie content is one and a half to two times higher than that of other vegetables. Beans are certainly used both in conservation and freezing. And the number of fans of the first and second courses with her participation can be frankly envied. In addition, it will not require any wild energy costs, and the family will have enough harvest for the eyes. You will learn how to properly plant beans in open ground in spring, how to effectively care for and store from this article.

Types and varieties of beans

By appearance and the shape of a bean bush happens:

Also, beans can be divided into the following groups depending on the purpose of cultivation:

Video: types and varieties of beans

How to plant beans in open ground or greenhouse

Seed preparation before planting: processing

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the beans in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour. This treatment will significantly increase immunity and germination.

To speed up the process of seed germination, the beans should be held a little in one of the popular growth stimulants, for example, in Epin or Zircon.

Many experienced gardeners It is advised to simply soak the beans in plain water overnight. Just do not leave them in the water for longer than 12-15 hours, otherwise they may simply “choke”.

Landing dates

Beans are a heat-loving crop, so they should be planted in open ground along with cucumbers when the air temperature warms up to + 8-10 degrees, and the threat of return frosts has passed. In this way, optimal time sowing beans - May-June, depending on the characteristics of your climate. AT middle lane(Moscow region) a little earlier - in the second half of May, in Siberia and the Urals - closer to June. If you plant beans in a greenhouse, then you should do it earlier, starting from April.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

If you wish, it is much easier to refer to the lunar calendar for specific dates.

Yes, in 2019 auspicious days for planting beans in open ground or a greenhouse are:

  • in April - 6-13, 15-17, 29, 30;
  • in May - 6-10, 12-17;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 11-13.

In fact, it’s not so scary if you plant beans on other dates, the main thing is not to plant them on days that are unfavorable according to the lunar calendar, and this is in 2019:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents."

Soil preparation and beds

Beans love fertile and loose soil; they will not grow on heavy soil. Since it moisture-loving plant, it needs water-intensive soil. In no case do not plant beans in acidic soil; only slightly alkaline soil is suitable for it. Thus, loamy and sandy loamy soil is suitable for cultivation.

Advice! Fertilize the soil with humus before planting, such top dressing will have a very positive effect on the future crop.

It is desirable to plant beans in a sunny place near the fence so that the plantings are protected from the wind and there are no drafts. The curly variety can be planted directly on the net, then you do not even need additional supports for its garter.

Interesting! Beans are a green manure plant, so they are often planted in the garden to enrich the soil with nitrogen, in other words, to improve the soil.

It is promising to plant beans in the place where onions, cucumbers, cabbage or potatoes used to grow. It is worth thinking about planting it as a compactor for the same cucumbers, potatoes and late cabbage. It is clear that in this case it should be placed along the edges of the mounting grooves or between them. The advantage of the situation is that such a close joint arrangement not only does not reduce the yield of the main predominant crop, but also gives a significant yield. In addition, which is also important, it enriches the soil with nitrogen.

By the way! You can also grow beans in a greenhouse, then you will get an earlier and more abundant harvest.

If you decide to plant beans in a greenhouse, then you should place it at the end so that during the day (at noon) it will shade, for example, tomatoes or cucumbers.

Video: growing beans in a greenhouse

Support for curly beans

If you want to properly grow beans on a support or trellis, be sure to watch the following videos:

Direct landing

Tips and instructions for planting beans outdoors or in a greenhouse:

Video: how easy it is to plant beans in the country

Video: planting curly beans

In general, planting asparagus beans in open ground is not particularly different, with the exception of a couple of small nuances.

Outdoor bean care

The basis of care when growing beans includes regular watering, loosening and weeding between rows, and in the case of curly beans, its garter to supports or trellises in the greenhouse.

The first entries appear, as a rule, in 1-3 weeks. Already during this period, the weakest shoots should be removed. And as soon as the bush reaches a height of 10 cm, it should be well heaped up to give the plant great stability.

Advice! When curly beans will reach about 2 meters in height, to stimulate the ovaries, if desired, you can pinch the top.

Beans are best fed with potash and phosphorus fertilizers, although this plant is so unpretentious that it should be fed only in the rarest cases. For example, in dry and hot summer days it is good to shed the bushes with a solution of ash.

However, if yellow leaves begin to appear on the plant, then this is a signal of potassium starvation. It is necessary to fertilize with potassium sulfate or chloride as soon as possible at the rate of 20-25 g per 1 sq.m.

In general, there are no unambiguous solutions, and if you strongly doubt the fertility of the soil, then do not refuse top dressing, especially during the growing season. It is advisable to carry out the first top dressing with urea (10-15 g) during the blooming of the first true leaf, and the second - during the budding period - the beginning of flowering with the help of superphosphate (20-25 g) and potassium chloride (20-25 g).

On a note! Fertilizers at the first top dressing are applied literally 4-6 cm from a row of plants, at the second - within a radius of 8-10 cm.

Interestingly, beans are one of those rare crops that are not susceptible to either diseases or pests. The only pests you can see on it are slugs, which are very easy to prevent if you regularly weed the beds.

Harvesting and storing beans

Beans are removed selectively as they ripen. Bush, unlike climbing, yields faster. Grain should be collected in a timely manner. If you are late, then fibers will begin to form in the fruits. Harvest time depends on the particular variety. As a rule, the first crops can be harvested in August-September.

It is advisable to remove the bean pods by carefully cutting with scissors, and not jerking your hands.

The remains of the peel can be used as fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers, after crushing them and simply sprinkling the soil around the vegetables.

For seeds, a few pods are left on the plant. They are removed when they harden and become golden light brown.

If you want to save any beans (including asparagus), then you can pre-dry them and store them at home, or freeze them in the freezer (you don’t even need to soak them before cooking).

Video: tips for growing and harvesting beans

So grow beans on your own suburban area quite simple: the main thing is to plant it correctly, tie it up in time and water it regularly. Then you will definitely get a good harvest.

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