Decorative purple beans. Decorative curly beans, planting and care

Beans are a plant of the legume family that grows both as a bush and as a climbing vine. The homeland of this culture is South and Central America. There she has been known since ancient times. Beans were known back in Ancient rome where it was used as food and cosmetic product... She also became an ingredient in a decorative powder that smoothed wrinkles well and had a softening effect. One of the components of Cleopatra's unique face mask was precisely the beans. In Europe, however, these beans appeared relatively late, namely, in the 15th century.

Culture characteristics

It was brought from overseas by Dutch and Spanish sailors. After a few decades, beans spread throughout Russia. Then beans were popularly called French beans. Initially, it was used for decorative purposes: it was used to decorate gardens, verandas and flower beds. The beans of this plant began to be used as a food product only after 3 centuries.

Soon varieties of tender beans were developed, the beans of which could be eaten with the pods. They had small seeds and a rather thick shell. Nowadays, such beans are grown in almost all countries. It is appreciated as a significant dietary product with unique properties.

More than fifty types of beans are known in the world. Moreover, all varieties can be divided into:

  • bush,
  • curly.

You can also classify a plant depending on the structure of the bean. In this case, the culture is divided into:

  • sugar,
  • semi-sugar
  • shell beans.

In addition, the pods of the sugar species may or may not have visible sinewy fibers at the side seams. Fiber-free varieties are considered more preferred. Beans grow in the form of a liana and therefore, as they grow, they can twine around supports. The plant gives a better yield on moderately moist and medium loams. On the other hand, beans are not very fond of heavy soils, in which groundwater is located high. As for fruiting, the fruits appear only from July to September. Ripening depends a lot on the variety of beans. It is noteworthy that up to five harvests can be taken in one season. In this case, the crop is usually harvested during the period during which the pods are still juicy, and the fruits are not ripe a little.

As for the calorie content, 100 grams of beans contain approximately 25 calories. For this reason, it is beneficial for people who want to lose weight. Green beans rich vitamins A, B, C, E, carotene, folic acid. In addition, beans contain iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, chromium, etc. In addition, beans contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugars. Thanks to the beneficial properties of this plant, the body receives everything it needs to fight free radicals, as well as elements that help maintain healthier hair and skin.

By the way, some nutritionists believe that beans should be a must-have item on the menu of any person, especially after 40 years. But this does not mean that it should not be included in the diet until this age. Speaking about the value of beans, it should be noted that it is useful for women because it strengthens the breasts. Eating these beans twice a week is enough. If you cook them deliciously, be sure that everyone at home will like them.

Green beans have many useful properties... In particular, it improves the functioning of the digestive system, relieves rheumatism and bronchitis. It helps with skin diseases. Also, largely due to the sulfur content, it is very valuable for various infectious diseases intestines.

In addition to their culinary properties, some types of beans, they are called decorative, are an excellent material for landscape design... On the Internet, upon request for a photo of decorative beans, you can find hundreds of amazing photos depicting this amazing plant... Purple decorative beans look especially mesmerizing. Next, we will tell you more about the features of growing this crop.

Ornamental beans

Decorative curly beans are one of the brightest representatives of the legume family. Most often this name is applied to fiery or Turkish beans. This annual plant is a liana, the length of which can reach up to 4 m. Ornamental beans quite unpretentious and gets along well even in shaded places, although it is initially considered a light-loving plant.

The liana of ornamental bean has wide green leaves and beautiful flowers, mostly white and bright red, however, there are also combined varieties.

South America is considered the birthplace of this plant, as well as its cultivated species. On our continent, ornamental beans have become widespread since the 15th century. Like cultivated beans, decorative beans also have their own beans - large and rough. They should not be eaten. Moreover, experts believe that unripe fruits can be hazardous to health.

Like many legumes, ornamental beans are capable of storing nitrogen in the surrounding soil. This is due to the nodule bacteria, which are able to fix this element in the air. This property makes the plant not only decorative decoration garden, but also extremely useful. The soil enriched with nitrogen allows you to obtain good harvests tomatoes, potatoes and other cultivated plants. At the same time, a lower incidence of diseases of crops growing next to ornamental beans and late blight was recorded.

Favorable "cohabitation" of ornamental beans with cultivated plants in terms of pest control. So, it was noticed that the number Colorado potato beetle on potatoes planted next to this crop, it decreases significantly. This makes it unnecessary to apply chemical agents fight against such a pest.

Ornamental beans: planting and care

Ornamental beans are planted by sowing seeds directly into open ground. The soil by the time of planting the crop should be well warmed up. As a rule, ornamental beans are planted in the middle or even at the end of May, since at this time the probability of frost is reduced to zero.

Before planting, the seeds of decorative beans are soaked in water for no more than a day. In this case, the liquid should be slightly warmer. room temperature... Experts advise adding some growth stimulants to the water. Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm, while making holes located at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other. The hole is filled with water and 2-3 beans are planted in it.

Sometimes ornamental beans are grown through seedlings. However, this method is not very popular, because this plant does not tolerate transplanting well. For growing seedlings, bean seeds are planted in a greenhouse in mid-April. A separate pot is provided for each bush. It is better to use special peat cups for this, in which the seedlings can be planted directly into the soil, thereby not injuring the plant. If there are no such cups, then the culture is transplanted together with a lump of earth. The temperature in the greenhouse for growing seedlings should not be lower than + 18⁰C ... + 22⁰C. You do not need to pinch the shoots. If the seedlings will be in the pots for more than a month, they need to be given additional support. To this end, it is necessary to carefully stick a small wooden rod next to the sprout, for which an old pencil is quite suitable.

Caring for an ornamental crop variety

If frost occurs, decorative beans must be insulated by covering plastic wrap or non-woven fabric... This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the crops. Alternatively, you can build a small temporary greenhouse. To do this, take steel wire 2 mm in diameter, cut into pieces of 0.5-0.7 m (depending on the height of the plant) and make a semicircle out of them. At a distance of 0.4-0.5 m from each other, insert the wire into the ground, making the frame of the greenhouse. For strength, connect all half rings with wire. Then cover the frame with transparent film and fix it at the bottom with stones, or dig in with earth.

The unpretentiousness of ornamental beans does not mean that they can be grown anywhere. The plant prefers rich soils with a lightweight structure. In addition, it loves moisture very much, therefore, during hot and dry periods, it must be watered abundantly. From fertilizer, ornamental beans prefer organic mixtures, with the exception of fresh manure.

If there are no organic fertilizers, you can use complex mixtures that contain superphosphate. It is better to mulch the soil around the beans so that moisture is better retained. This can be done using any bulk material other than manure. Better to use straw or sawdust.

Ornamental beans - climbing plant, with which you can make wonderful garden compositions. It can be planted around the gazebo, and then, due to its wide leaves, it will create a shadow, and its beautiful flowersgreat mood... Beautiful decorative arches, cones, awnings are obtained from this plant. When the plant fades, it loses some of its former appearance however, the bean pods that form at the flowering site give the vines a special charm.

Decorative bean varieties

The most popular varieties of decorative beans in our latitudes are:

  1. Mammoth is a variety with large white flowers.
  2. Bicolor - a variety that combines white and red colors.
  3. French - decorative red beans with bright colors.

A composition of various varieties of decorative beans can look quite original. For example, if there is a round gazebo in the yard, you can divide it into three sectors and plant a mammoth in turn, then a two-color and French. Then you get a wonderful transition from white to red. Drive pegs around the gazebo near the holes with the planted seeds and pull thick fishing line or twine up to the roof of the structure so that the vine of the plant can reach it. During the flowering of beans, your gazebo will turn into a fabulous palace.

The curly lilac of the legume family is dolichos, or hyacinth (Egyptian) beans, or lobia. Dolichos purple - curly with beautiful delicate lilac flowers. At any garden composition it attracts admiring glances, bestows light shading, being planted at and decorates with itself garden arches and .

Only adherence to all stages of cultivation will help to grow a strong and beautiful vine, which will delight the owners and decorate the garden until the very frost. Let's look at how to properly sow dolichos seeds, how to care for a plant, and at what time to plant it on permanent place.

Introducing unusual beans

In hot and southern countries dolichos grows year-round, according to its characteristics, it is in our climate life cycle from germination to flowering and gradual drying out in one summer season.
There are many varieties of dolichos, but any of them grows up to three meters in length over the summer. The plant has a herbaceous stem and triple rounded leaves with a pointed tip, the color of the leaves varies from dark lilac to Green colour... But it is the varieties with burgundy or purple leaves that are especially decorative. Long inflorescences consist of medium-sized, delicate lilac flowers that look like little moths.

An inflorescence is formed at the base of the liana leaf blade. Shades of flower color depend on the type of plant, they are two-colored, pink and snow-white, bluish-crimson or dark purple. The pods, in which the grain is formed and poured, also look very picturesque. Purple pods look fantastic against a background of green or burgundy foliage.

When the flowering period ends, as the flowers fall from the inflorescence, bean pods are formed in their place. purple, very catchy and unusual in color. It is difficult to pass by such a bright plant without noticing.
Ripe seeds of dolichos are also interesting, in the form of a small, slightly curved black, brown or orange with padded white piping at the edges. The size of such a bean usually does not exceed 1-2 cm. The pod, in which there are grains, of a compressed, flattened shape, at the end of the testis, a sharp, slightly curved nose is clearly visible.

The length of the pod ranges from 10 to 13 cm. Whole bundles of purple pods, gradually replacing the long inflorescences of the liana, in combination with lush greenery, adorn gardens and

Dolichos continues to bloom until late autumn: on the lower part of the plant, pods ripen, burst, releasing ripe seeds, leaves begin to turn yellow, and at a height of three meters, a sheaf of lush greenery is decorated with a mass of newly blossoming lilac flowers.

Important! Like other members of the nodule family, the roots of the dolichos have nitrogen-containing bacteria. The plant has the ability to accumulate and retain nitrogen in the soil; it can be sown specifically to enrich and fertilize the land.

Seed preparation before planting

Hyacinth beans or curly lilacs are quite easy to grow from seeds, the main thing for the growth of a vine is the period when you need to plant a seed. But the process of growing from seeds of purple dolichos in the southern regions, the middle lane or in the north of the country is significantly different. But in any case, seeds are desirable. Legume seeds have a fairly strong upper grain shell.
One of the advantages of legumes is the long germination period of seeds. Bean beans can grow under appropriate conditions (heat, moisture) and 5-7 years after ripening and harvesting. The main condition for maintaining seed germination is storage in a dry place with a suitable temperature. The seeds can be stored, but storage at temperatures above 25 ° C has a bad effect on the reproductive qualities of dolichos grains.

For germination of a long-stored seed of a vine, mechanical damage, scratching () or other violation of the upper seed coat is necessary. Such seeds germinate within 5-7 days, the main requirement for sprouting is warmth and watering.

Did you know? In countries South America everywhere you can see houses or trees entwined with ten-meter« in trains» dolichos. Thanks to the almost eternal summer, the plant blooms non-stop, grows large brightgreen leaves and entwines more and more areas.

Growing seedlings

In the south, creeper seeds are sown in early April in prepared, loose and moist, sufficiently heated open ground. But even in the south of Krasnodar or in the Crimea, this liana remains an annual plant; at temperatures below zero, the plant dies.

In more northern regions, the cultivation of dolichos from seeds should be started long before the time of planting a young plant in the ground. Decorative vine grow seedling method.

It is not difficult to determine when to plant a seed in the ground on. To do this, they simply count 55 days in the opposite direction from the estimated date of disembarkation of a young creeper on the street.

For the northern regions, planting of plants that do not tolerate even short-term drops in temperature below zero, planting in unprotected soil is carried out in the last days of May or the first decade of June.

In order to grow good, healthy hyacinth beans - we prepare the soil for sowing seeds.
You can mix the soil mixture yourself from the following components:

  • 1 part clean river sand;
  • 1 part chopped;
  • 1 part of peat crumb, ground to a fine fraction;
  • 1 part of black soil.
This composition is thoroughly mixed in large capacity... Before you start sowing seeds, it is advisable to heat-treat this soil mixture. high temperatures can be done at home in the oven. The soil is poured onto a baking sheet of the oven and heated at a temperature of 220-250 ° C for 20-30 minutes. This will disinfect the soil and protect the tender from other fungal diseases.

The treated soil mixture is poured into seedling cups or special pallets, lightly watered. Wait for excess liquid to drain from the seedling container into the pallet. After that, 1-2 curly lilac beans are planted in each glass. The seeds are planted one centimeter deep. The cups with the planted seeds are lightly watered again, then covered with plastic wrap and placed in a dark and warm place.
If the seeds are fresh or perennial, but scarified, then being on germination at a temperature of 25-27 ° C, the first shoots may appear on the fifth or sixth day. Pecking sprouts is very important point, it must not be missed. If the seedling container with a sprout that has hatched is not put on the window in time, where there is plenty of daylight, then such a plant will thin out (drain), be weak and susceptible to disease, and may even die.

When a couple of dolichos sprouts appear in each glass, everything will already be in a well-lit place (windowsill, nursery cabinet). Further care for young sprouts it is simple - as the soil dries up in seedling cups, the plants are watered, once a week the soil is slightly loosened with a wooden stick or an ordinary table fork.

With normal growth and development of plants, 2 weeks after the sprout emerged from the ground, the first two true leaves will appear on the seedlings. After that, the florist from two plants growing in a glass, choose one, the strongest and healthiest in appearance. The second, spare plant is removed.

Important! Removing an extra seedling, in no case should you roughly pull it out of the ground. With the help of the sprout, carefully cut (pinch) right at the ground. Such a careful removal of an unnecessary sprout will not break root system neighboring plant.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

Growing lobio will not seem too difficult even for a novice gardener. You just need to follow a simple algorithm for growing this unusual and very elegant plant, and in gratitude your flower garden or garden will sparkle with new bright colors.

Optimal timing

Curly lilacs (hyacinth beans) are planted in open and unprotected ground in late May or early June. Planting is possible with the onset of stable heat, without fears that night frosts will return. Bean care at the beginning of the growing season consists of heating and watering. If you are not sure that the lobio sissy can be determined for permanent residence, and the dates of disembarkation are already beginning to rush, then we recommend purchasing. In case of weather surprises, this film will save curly lilacs from fatal cold snaps.

Seat selection

Lobio reacts negatively to growth in or partial shade. In order for the plant to feel good, you need to choose open sunny places for sowing or planting seedlings. If you want to decorate the wall of a building with curly lilacs and want to get the maximum decorative effect- plant at the eastern wall. It is in the east that the plant will grow the most powerful stem and large leaves and inflorescences.


When planting vines, it must be borne in mind that, as it grows, the plant will also gain volume:

  • bushes of hyacinth beans are planted from each other at a distance of 45-50 cm;
  • if the planting does not take place in the garden, but on a vegetable bed, then the beans can be planted in a two-row pattern;
  • the second row of plantations is planted in a checkerboard pattern with respect to the first planted row;
  • the row spacing of one bed is left up to one meter;
  • if you plan to plant several such beds, then a path of 70-80 cm is left between the two-row beds.
Planted beds can be used to avoid exhausting weeding and prevent moisture from evaporating. Freshly cut grass, hay, cloth or paper are suitable as.

Important! For mulching the beds, in no case should you use sawdust that is purchased in industries working with chipboards. They contain phenols, varnishes and furniture glue residues!

Careful care

Further care for the planted hyacinth beans (lobio) consists in covering the plants with polyethylene in case of unexpected drops in temperature, in timely watering, in the treatment from or other leaf-sucking insects.

Once every 10 days, the beds or flower beds where the liana is planted are weeded to clean the soil from. Two weeks after planting, young vines need to be covered with soil to a height of 20 -25 cm. This will allow the plant to build up additional root mass, which will have a positive effect on its development and growth.


All legumes in dry soils or soils with poor watering slow down or even stop their growth. Do not allow the root layers of the dolichos to dry out. If the gardener is unable to provide regular vines, then steps must be taken to retain moisture. For example, lay mulch at the foot of the plants. For mulching, you can use old, unnecessary remnants of roll wallpaper. The paper prevents the evaporation of water from the soil, allows water to pass through during irrigation and delays, or even completely prevents growth.
For not laborious and long-term watering, gardeners use it. A bottle, previously filled with water, is placed on a barrel under each liana. For subsequent watering, slightly loosen the closed cap on the bottle. Adjust the opening of the lid until water is supplied to the plant drop by drop. There is enough water in the bottle for seven days of irrigation, while the moisture will not spread, wet the upper layers of the soil. gradually moisturizes the soil near the vine to the deep subsoil layers, which means that water flows to the roots.


As soon as all the vines are spud, you need to install a reliable one near each plant. Curly lilacs are called so because this plant, while developing, tends upward. To do this, hyacinth beans have special tendrils with which plants cling to a support, plants growing nearby, recesses in the walls of houses or openings of a netting mesh.

It is necessary to comfortably arrange climbing vines so that they can grow up unhindered and show themselves in all their glory.
Here are several options for such supports for creepers:

  • the trunk of a dry tree growing nearby;
  • metal mesh-chain-link with wide cells;
  • wooden pegs, three meters high;
  • stationary high (as for);
  • beautiful wooden lattice portable pyramid supports.

Top dressing

A month after planting seedlings on the street, the plant needs feeding. Any flower or vegetable is suitable for feeding.

You can use natural organic fertilizing:

Option number 1

Fill half of the 10 liter bucket. Fill the contents of the bucket with water to the top. Mix thoroughly. Place the bucket in a sunny place for subsequent fermentation and cover with a lid. After a week, the concentrated fertilizer is ready.
To fertilize plants at the root: add 0.5 liters of concentrate to 10 liters of water. Stir. The fertilizer is ready for use. The diluted solution must be used immediately, since when long-term storage the most important component will disappear from it -.

Option number 2

A large container is filled up to half from the garden. Gardening is very good for green fertilizer, but any will do. Next, the barrel is poured to the brim with water and the covered one is left to ferment for two weeks. Periodically, the contents of the container are stirred with a wooden pole, since the solution must be enriched with oxygen.

The finished solution is also concentrated. Before watering, top dressing must be diluted: add three parts of water to the fourth part of the present green concentrate.

When and how it blooms

Dolichos bloom begins in mid-summer and continues until the first frost. The flower inflorescence of the liana blooms for up to one month, each individual flower of the inflorescence lives from one to three days. Elegant lobio inflorescences can be cut for bouquets; in a vase, such a cut retains freshness for 5 to 7 days. In one inflorescence, there are up to 50 flowers, which have a pleasant, not pungent aroma.

At the word beans, a person intuitively presents in front of him a legume culture, which has been used for food for a long time. But it turns out that there is a type of beans that can also be used for decorative purposes, such a plant is popular and well known to almost all gardeners and flower growers. The ornamental climbing plant beans can also be eaten, except for the purple bean variety.

Among flower lovers, curly beans are often used on their summer cottages precisely for decorative purposes, since it is easy to plant, and the plant is unpretentious in care. Therefore, novice florists often decorate their gardens and plots with such a plant. In addition, beans have many other virtues that have made them so popular.

Advantages of ornamental beans

All over the world there are a huge number of different varieties of curly beans, of which the most popular can be distinguished.

Planting ornamental beans

Like most plants, it can be planted with seeds directly in open ground or first for seedlings. Any method is good in its own way, so which one to choose is everyone's business. With any method used, planting will give good results if you observe some of the nuances.

Planting seedlings

In order for the seedlings to grow and get stronger before planting in open ground, experts advise sowing ornamental beans at the end of March. But before you start sowing, you need to prepare the containers in advance, it is best to use peat pots, which can be bought at any specialized store. You do not need to germinate the beans beforehand., therefore, non-germinated seeds are placed in pots to a depth of no more than 1.5 centimeters. You need to put one seed in each pot. Next, you need to moisten the soil and leave it alone until germination. For maximum comfort, the seedlings should be kept in a room with a temperature of +18 to +22 ⁰ C.

When the plant reaches 10 centimeters in height, it will be necessary to make a support for it. It is necessary to transplant seedlings into open ground to a permanent place before inflorescences begin to form on it. And also for better adaptation, seedlings are planted along with the land in which they grew.

Landing in open ground

It is necessary to plant curly beans with seeds in open ground when the threat of night frosts passes. The main guideline for novice florists is planting cucumbers, which, like beans, are afraid of frost. Therefore, sowing must be done in the first half of May, when the soil warms up to the required temperature (from +12 to +14 ⁰ C). The landing site is chosen so that it is well warmed up by the sun. And also experts advise planting beans in the area where potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage were grown before. Seeds for planting will need to be prepared in advance; for this, the beans are poured with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) and left to stand for 20 minutes.

At the end of the period, the seeds are planted in the ground, 3 beans in each hole to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. The distance between the pits should be about 30 centimeters. Simultaneously with landing, you also need to immediately install a support with a height of at least 3 meters. It is better to use as a support wooden structures since the beans don't curl around plastic and iron.


Although curly beans are unpretentious to care for, they still require timely watering, weeding and fertilization. Besides young plant fears low temperatures, therefore, if necessary, young animals will need to be covered with a film. Optimum temperature, at which the plant will grow normally, is considered to be +18 ⁰ C. If this figure is lower, then insulation is required.

Watering is very important for ornamental beans, especially during dry seasons. Feature of plant watering is that you need to water carefully from a watering can in the middle of the garden so that water does not fall on the inflorescences. It is better to use water warm, settled and without chlorine.

Timely feeding of the plant is also important and will only benefit. It is best to use organic compounds as a top dressing for beans. Fresh manure cannot be used. Experienced gardeners often fertilize in advance the place where the beans will be planted. Mulching with hay, sawdust or straw is especially effective. But you also need to remember that when using complex fertilizers, which contain superphosphate, you need to make sure that not a single drop of the substance gets on the leaves and flowers of the plant, since when it gets on the foliage, the plant can get burned, which in some cases will be difficult fix it somehow.

Of course, any gardener wants to decorate his plot with flowers that would have an attractive appearance and didn't require much maintenance. In this case, decorative beans come to the rescue - a plant that successfully combines both of these qualities. In addition to the garden, it can also be grown at home.

Description of ornamental beans

Ornamental beans are an annual climbing plant in the legume family. It is a powerful liana with dense foliage, strewn with flowers, which later turn into pods. The beans are variegated and quite large in size. Ornamental beans have been used as a horticultural crop for over six centuries.

Flowers can be different shades depending on the variety. For example, beans of the Mammoth variety have white flowers, French - red, Dolichos - bright pink.

Dolichos ornamental bean flowers look like hyacinths

The word "beans" comes from the Latin word "phaseolus", which means " sailboat". The beans have earned their name because their flowers resemble a ship under sail.

Ornamental fiery red beans are one of the popular varieties beans in Russia

Planting methods for decorative beans

You can grow beans in your area in two ways: by direct sowing into the ground and through seedlings.

Planting by direct seeding into the ground

It is worth noting that this method is more preferable, since ornamental beans do not tolerate transplanting well. If you live in a warm region, then you can sow beans from mid-April, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm reaches 11-15 ° C, while residents middle lane Russia will have to wait until mid-May.

Video: how to make a support for beans

Planting ornamental beans for seedlings

Sowing beans for seedlings is usually carried out at the end of March.

Growing ornamental beans outdoors

To provide decorative beans necessary development, you need to properly prepare the site and follow the recommendations for caring for the plant.

Site preparation

A place for planting ornamental beans must be prepared in the fall. To do this, dig up the area you have chosen (note that, firstly, it should be located in the sun, since ornamental beans are a thermophilic culture, and secondly, be well ventilated to prevent the spread of diseases), and then fertilize it:

  1. Potash fertilizers. The most popular types: potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium. A sufficient amount of potassium in the soil will provide better adaptation to temperature changes, tolerance to lack of moisture, and accelerate metabolic processes. The dosage is 0.15 kg per 10 m 2.
  2. Superphosphate fertilizers. There are several types: monophosphate, granular, ammoniated. Essential for strengthening the root system, slowing down the aging of the plant, nourishing well. The dosage is 0.25-0.3 kg per 10 m 2.
  3. If necessary, carry out liming of the selected area (5–14 kg of lime per 10 m 2).
  4. After these procedures, fertilize the site with humus (4 kg per 1 m 2).

Do not forget to re-dig the site in the spring and add organic fertilizers (manure, humus) and mineral mixtures, for example, the same superphosphates, to the soil. Avoid nitrogen fertilizers. Since beans are legumes, then she herself is able to release into the soil enough nitrogen. An excess of this component will lead to the growth of the green mass to the detriment of the flowers.

The best predecessors for ornamental beans are wheat and barley. After them, a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients remains in the soil, which are necessary for the full growth of the plant.

Rules for caring for ornamental beans

To provide ornamental beans with abundant flowering and protect them from disease, you need to follow several rules:

  1. If possible, try to remove dried leaves and flowers.
  2. Feed your plant regularly with mineral fertilizers (superphosphates) and organic matter. Manure works well, but it shouldn't be fresh.
  3. Provide the beans with a constant, slightly moist soil. Try to water between the rows, keeping moisture out of the plants, to avoid fungal diseases.
  4. Mulch the soil after watering to prevent crusting. Straw, sawdust, wood shavings are well suited for mulch.
  5. For more abundant flowering and the prevention of diseases, use growth regulators (Zircon - prolongs flowering and helps to endure adverse conditions, Kresacin - enriches with vitamins). The drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Diseases of ornamental beans

Like all crops, ornamental beans are also susceptible to various diseases. The most common are anthracosis and bacteriosis.

Anthracnose - fungal disease, develops most rapidly in damp cold weather. With anthracnose, the plant becomes covered with brownish spots, then the pulp of the leaf turns yellow and dies off. Pods are also affected. To protect your plant from this disease, follow these rules:

  1. For sowing, choose strong, healthy beans without signs of disease (brown or brown spots), soak them in potassium permanganate.
  2. If one of the plants shows signs of anthracnose, then try to cut out the affected areas, since the disease is contagious.
  3. Spray beans with 1% Bordeaux liquid as a treatment.

Anthracnose develops rapidly in wet, cold weather

Bacteriosis is a disease caused by different kinds bacteria. The most obvious sign is that yellow spots appear on the leaves, which then turn brown in the center. The onset and development of the disease depends on the initial presence of bacteria in the beans. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to warm up the seeds with hot air (60 0 С) for 1.5 hours. Unfavorable conditions can accelerate the course of the disease. As a treatment, experts recommend the introduction of mineral mixtures into the soil (they increase resistance to disease) and spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Please note that beans can only be re-planted in the affected area after 3-4 years.

Bean leaves affected by bacteriosis become covered with yellow spots

Growing ornamental beans at home

If you don't have a garden, you can also grow decorative beans at home - for example, on the balcony. In this case, you can sow the seeds directly into the soil. To grow ornamental beans at home, you will need a pot with a volume of at least 3 liters and a support. When the shoots are 20-25 cm tall, pinch the growing point if you want your plant to be bushy.

To prevent the beans from suffering from excess UV light, provide them with a faint shade. Water as needed, as the beans are harmed by both excess and lack of moisture. Top dressing - complex mineral fertilizers, for example, diammofoska (a mixture of potash and phosphate fertilizers, dosage - 3 g / l 1 time in 10 days). The best varieties for indoor growing: Violetta, Crimson ringing, French, Golden nectar.

Ornamental beans are often used to decorate balconies.

The basic rules for caring for ornamental beans are simple. By doing them, you can easily achieve good results in growing this wonderful plant - both in the garden and at home.

Ornamental beans belong to the legume family. The name comes from the Latin - phaseolus, which means "sailing ship". Appearance flower really looks like a boat under sail. As cultivated plant ornamental beans have been around since the fifteenth century.

Fire beans are an annual climbing plant. It comes from South America, therefore it belongs to the thermophilic crops. Vine stems grow up to three to four meters in length. Plant flowers small size, bright red, pink or white.

Planting and leaving

On the roots of ornamental beans, there are nodule nitrogen-fixing bacteria that enrich the soil with nitrogen. Unlike vegetable beans, ornamental beans are less demanding on growing conditions. The soil for the vine must be chosen rich and loose. Beans - moisture-loving plant, therefore regular watering is required. From organic fertilizers, fresh manure cannot be used, only rotted. In the absence of organic matter, mineral complex fertilizers can be used.

Ornamental beans are propagated by seeds, which are large in size and pinkish in color. The distance between the holes should be at least 40 cm. 2-3 seeds are sown into each hole at the end of May.

In the northern regions, where return frosts are possible, ornamental beans are best grown in seedlings. The plant does not tolerate transplanting, so the seeds must be sown in pots with a removable bottom. In this case, when transplanted to a permanent place, the roots of the vines will not suffer. Better yet, use peat pots... Sowing is carried out from early April to mid-May. Plants are planted in open ground in June, when the threat of frost has passed.

After planting in the ground, the plant quickly braids the provided support. Due to this property of decorative beans, it is good to plant them along the gazebo, fences, awnings and other compositions.

Ornamental beans have an important advantage - the ability to grow in partial shade. In such a liana not only grows, but also blooms and yields a harvest. Beans are considered inedible.

Ornamental beans get along well with most plants. If potatoes are planted next to the beans and, they will be less affected by late blight and the Colorado potato beetle.

Diseases of ornamental beans

The plant is prone to anthracnose, white and root rot, mosaic, powdery mildew... For the prevention of diseases, plantings should not be thickened. It is also necessary to remove the weak and diseased parts of the beans in time, to weed in a timely manner and to treat the plant from insect pests.