Rules for growing basil outdoors and in a greenhouse. Basil - growing a spicy flavoring plant from A to Z How to plant basil at home

If you set out to plant basil in a pot, and it is winter outside the window, you need to think about backlight... In this case, you can start sowing spices at any time of the year.

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How and when to sow basil?

First you need to determine the sunniest place in the apartment. It can be a window sill on which the sun shines for more than three hours a day. Drafts, on the contrary, should be at a minimum.

The choice of soil must be taken very seriously. Basil loves light soil and nitrogen fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use the land from the dacha and universal fertilizers for vegetables.

You should choose a container for planting taking into account the fact that the plant grows quite well. If you are not planning a transplant, you should plant the basil immediately in bulky containers (flower ones are also suitable) or in pots.

The last choice must be made in favor of some sort of this spice. For home cultivation, varieties such as Clove Aroma, Dwarf, Marquis, Basilisk and Troll are ideal.

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So, all the preparations have been made, it's time to get down to answering the question:

How to grow basil yourself?

There are several ways to breed this crop: seeds, shoots and seedlings.

Basil takes root excellently. You can see this with fresh growing basil from the store. The upper or middle parts of the stem must be placed in water, in a week you will receive good roots, after two - you will be able to land them in the ground.

Basil grown from seeds lives longer, although it begins to give leaves later. Seeds are sown individually into the ground to a depth of no more than one centimeter in boxes with a step of 8-11 cm, or in liter pots, if no transplant is planned. Thereafter cover the planting containers with a film, keeping the microclimate inside, and placed on a battery or windowsill with an air temperature of 25-27 degrees.

In about a week shoots will appear, and then you can begin to loosen the soil: shallowly, but quite often (once every two to three days). Loosening is necessary for any plant grown indoors to enrich the soil with oxygen. The air temperature can be reduced to 22-25 degrees. Remove the film.

If a transplant is necessary, this should be done when the sprouts reach a mark of 4-5 cm.

To increase the number of leaves and give the plant a neat bush shape, the sixth leaf (top) must be pinched off.

When did the plant grow?

The first "harvest" in the form of juicy spicy leaves you will receive in 50-55 days. When collecting leaves, do not forget to periodically cut off the tops of the plants so that the bushes do not stretch, as well as the buds, if the basil leaves are more important to you than its flowers. It is not necessary to pluck the plant at the root, always leave a few lower leaves to resume the yield.

Special attention should be paid to watering the basil. On the windowsill in winter, this should be done every morning. In hot weather, you need to moisten the soil twice a day, being careful not to get on the leaves. Attention: in no case do not flood the plant, it likes moderately moist soil.

This culture, along with other plants, is prone to some diseases... Most often, it has fusarium and gray mold. This happens due to excessive watering and general dampness in the room. To prevent an epidemic, diseased stems must be uprooted, reduced watering and, if possible, dry the air.

Basil has an amazing aroma and is used as a condiment. Growing basil from seeds in a city apartment will provide a family healthy herbs for the whole year. The value of the leaves lies in the content essential oils and vitamins PP, B1, B2, C.

It is an annual plant with a straight, branched stem, densely covered with leaves and a superficial root. Leaves differ in color (light green to purple), corrugated, carved, flat in structure. Flowering occurs in late July - early August, when the leaves accumulate enough essential oils possessing pleasant aroma... Read about:!

Basil varieties

There are varieties of basil seeds suitable for growing in pots and containers:

Basil is chosen depending on taste preferences. Most early dates ripening in the varieties "Clove", "Lemon", "Dwarf".

To grow basil from seeds on a windowsill in an apartment or house, they acquire undersized species.

When to plant basil seeds

To obtain good harvest, you need to know when to plant seeds for growing in an apartment. This plant loves warmth and sunlight, with a lack of them, the leaves will be thinned and weak.

The best time to plant seeds in pots is late February, early March. The plant will have time to form and the period of active growth will fall on a long daylight hours. If disembarking at a different time, he will not have enough sunlight.

When growing basil year-round on a windowsill, you need to install fluorescent lamps and turn them on for 4-5 hours in the evening, and on a rainy day, the light should be on for 10-12 hours.

Growing basil from seeds

Consider how to grow basil on a windowsill at home. When you have decided on a plant variety, prepare containers and soil for planting it.

Small pots or plastic cups are suitable for planting seeds. A layer of expanded clay drainage is laid at the bottom. You need fertile soil with organic fertilizers. You can buy it ready-made or prepare it yourself.

The sequence of actions when planting basil seeds:

  1. The seeds are kept for 2 weeks in a warm place.
  2. Before planting, they are soaked for a day in warm water, then kept in a weak solution of manganese for 2 hours.
  3. Moisten the soil and plant several seeds in one container to a depth of 10 mm. Excess, weaker shoots are removed after germination.
  4. If planting is carried out in large containers, the distance between the seeds should be more than 5 cm. The seedlings are covered plastic wrap which provides a greenhouse effect. To prevent the soil from growing moldy, raise it every day for 10 minutes.

While maintaining the temperature regime within 22-28 degrees, the first shoots will appear in 1-2 weeks. After that, remove the film and place the containers in a bright, warm place, protected from drafts. When 3-4 leaves appear on the stem, it must be transplanted so that there is a liter of soil per stem.

Caring for the basil in the apartment

We need regular watering and spraying of the leaves. To saturate the soil with oxygen in pots with formed plants, it is carefully loosened every 10-14 days.

They are fed with mineral or once every 30 days from the moment the branches grow on the sides of the stem.
When the bushes grow of sufficient size, they begin to break off the outer leaves, this promotes better growth and postpones the flowering time.

Fresh, dried, frozen leaves are used for cooking.

Bloom must not be allowed. When color appears, the leaves become bitter and unusable.

Growing basil from seeds on a windowsill in an apartment or country house does not give owners much difficulty. Subject to the rules described in this article, the plant all year round will delight the owners.

Growing basil on a windowsill - video

Among the spicy greenery which in Lately increasingly began to be used by our housewives, Basil stands out in particular. Fortunately, you do not need to buy it in the store, since the basil herb can grow well in our gardens, and we will now share the secrets of its cultivation.

Acquaintance with basil: a description of the plant

Few know exactly where basil grows, so hot Italian coasts are often attributed to it. But this plant feels great in our latitudes. Basil is a small annual plant that can grow 20-60 cm high. A large number of leaves are often formed on one stem, which are valuable for culinary specialists.

Basil or regan (also known as "rayhon plant") has a lot of varieties that differ from each other in the color of the leaves. They can be light green, dark green, or purple.

This plant is very useful for human body because it contains carotene(protein with a high sulfur content), essential oils and the most important thing - large amounts of vitamin C. All these substances contribute to the formation of very spicy aroma leaves that made basil popular among culinary specialists.

Seed sowing basil

To the question, "How to plant basil in the garden?", There are two answers at once: seeds can be sown in pots for seedlings, or directly into open ground. The first method allows you not only to get fragrant greens, but also to have time to collect seeds from the bushes, which are in next year can be sown again. If you sow seeds directly in a garden or flower bed, then such a plant, although it will bring you a lot of greenery, you will hardly have time to collect its seeds before the onset of cold weather. For this reason it is more rational to consider seed sowing for seedlings.

When basil is sown: planting process

Regan grass is sown about two months before planting seedlings in open ground, that is, in late March - early April. This time will be quite enough for the plants to fully develop. For sowing seeds, boxes are prepared, into which they fall asleep in equal parts:

  • humus;
  • peat soil;
  • garden land.

In addition, it is important to fertilize the soil mixture for sowing basil, for which a top dressing is prepared from potassium sulfate, urea, potassium chloride and superphosphate, which will need half a teaspoon for 5 liters of pre-separated water. It is only necessary to sprinkle the soil with such a solution. After that, wait until the soil warms up to room temperature, and sow the seeds, sprinkling them on top with another layer of earth. The germination box is covered with foil or glass and placed in a warm and well-lit place.

Important! Excessive moistening of the ground with basil seedlings can lead to the development of black leg disease. To get rid of it, the plant should be treated with a solution made from half a teaspoon. copper sulfate and 1 liter of settled water.

How to care for seedlings?

Rayhon plant loves moisture and sunlight, therefore, as soon as the first shoots begin to appear from the ground, the container with them should be placed on a well-lit windowsill. Gatherings usually appear within a week. In this case, the box with them must constantly be in a room with the same temperature, and as the soil dries out, it will also need watering. Make sure that the plants are not waterlogged. In addition, the box will need to be constantly rotated to prevent the plants from growing lopsided.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Many housewives grow basil in pots, so when the seedlings grow, they simply plant them in separate pots and put them on the windowsill. However, if it gets warmer every day outside and summer is approaching, it is more rational to plant it in the garden, thanks to which the plant will grow more lush and aromatic. We will consider below how to plant basil in open ground.

Did you know? Basil is a great medicine that not only promotes good development immunity, but also strengthens the heart, lungs and kidneys. For medicinal purposesenoughadd dailybasil to your favorite dishes.

What kind of soil should be used for planting basil?

Basil is a lover of nutritious soil. If you plant it on the sand, the stems in the plant will be thin and it will not be able to grow up normally. Therefore, before planting basil seedlings, the garden bed is generously fertilized with compost and peat (compost can be replaced with humus). Please note: basil loves warm soil, so you should not delay with its transplant to the garden.

How to plant seedlings correctly?

First of all, it is worth addressing the question, "When to plant basil?". Seedling planting times may vary depending on your region of residence, but in general this should be done from the beginning of June until the end of the month. It is not worth pulling longer, since the plant can poorly tolerate the July heat and early pre-autumn cold snaps.

Plants are planted in shallow holes, into which there is no longer any need to apply additional fertilizers. It is important to place them at a distance of 17-20 cm from each other in the same row. But between the rows it is worth skipping about 30 cm. Thanks to this scheme, all plants will have enough space for growth, they will be well ventilated, and will not lack sunlight.

After planting and compaction, the soil should also be watered a little. During the first two weeks of growth, it is important to cover the seedlings with foil overnight so that the basil can take root well and does not suffer from fluctuations in average daily temperatures.

Important! When sowing basil seeds directly into open ground, this procedure should be done only at the beginning of summer, after removing all weeds from the garden. Until the plants break through the soil, it should be watered well, and if the rabasil becomes too thick, it should be weeded out.

Basil care: features of growing an aromatic plant

it spice plant loves attention to himself, but he is ready to thank for him with good growth and generous development of leaves. In addition to periodically removing weeds and loosening the soil, basil also needs regular watering and several dressings.

Watering and soil care

The frequency of watering basil beds depends on weather conditions, therefore, if you come to the garden and notice that the ground is dry, it is better to water the plants. However, you should not do this so often that the soil does not have time to dry out. This can lead to root rot.

Before each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil a little, so that more air flows to the roots, and moisture seeps out more quickly. It is imperative to remove weeds, since they will not only steal nutrients from the soil, but also having a larger root system can greatly interfere with the growth of basil bushes.

Important! Since basil is very fond of heat, then it should be watered with warm, previously settled water. The same water should be used for fertilization.

When do you need to feed a plant and how to do it?

What is a real fragrant regan from your own garden can only be learned if you provide the plant necessary care... In particular, it is worth feeding monthly: if you planted seedlings in early June, then two additional fertilizing will be required - one in early July, and the second in early August.

For a good growth of green mass on a plant, it is important to feed it with nitrogen fertilizers. For this purpose, use the usual nitrophosphate, from which a solution is prepared in the following proportions - 2 tablespoons of the substance are given for 12 liters of water. This fertilizer should be added to all the basil bushes, spending about 3-4 liters of liquid per 1m² garden.

Harvesting: How to Harvest Greens?

It is important to stock up on basil for the whole year, as this spice goes well with both vegetable and meat dishes. It is ideal to store it only in a dried state, since basil loses some of its beneficial properties after freezing.

Basil is a plant that is ideal for growing at home. The culture grows at any time of the year and is not whimsical. Therefore, even a beginner will cope with its cultivation. In our article, we want to talk about how to grow basil on a windowsill.

What is Basil?

Basil is an indispensable spice used by people for a long time. The plant is rich in essential oils, therefore, in addition to cooking, it is also used in natural cosmetics. IN good conditions it grows in greenhouses, in vegetable gardens, so you shouldn't even doubt whether it is possible to grow basil on a windowsill.

The culture originated from India. Presumably the name of the plant goes back to the Greek basileus , which in translation means king or king. There are two different versions regarding the origin of the culture. According to one of them, the basil was found near the place where Queen Helen once discovered the True Cross. According to another version, the plant was used to treat people of royal families.

Basil has long been used for religious rituals in Orthodoxy (in the Balkans and in Greece) and Hinduism. Ayurveda values ​​culture not only for cosmetic, but also medicinal properties... There are many varieties of basil. In cooking, scented varieties are often used. They all differ not only in appearance, but also by smell and taste.

Which variety should you prefer?

Basil attracts not only as a culinary additive, but also as medicinal plant... At home, it can be used as an interior decoration. Recently, the popularity of the plant has increased more and more. Therefore, when thinking about how to grow basil on a windowsill, you should decide which variety you prefer to see on your balcony. We have already said that the plant is unpretentious. However, it should be understood that not every variety is suitable for growing at home. The most acceptable options may be the following types: spoon-shaped, Yerevan, Baku, marquis, clove aroma. These varieties are small-leaved, and therefore easier to cultivate at home. Large-leaved plants need a fairly large amount of trace elements that must be introduced into the ground. Only experienced gardeners... Therefore, novice housewives should pay attention to small-leaved varieties.

When a gardener already has experience in caring for more simple types, and understands how to grow basil on a windowsill, you can move on to other varieties.

Cultivation methods

How to grow basil on a windowsill? There are three ways:

  1. An adult plant can be transplanted from the soil into a pot. This is what summer residents do, who in the summer grow crops on household plots... Young bushes that have not yet bloomed can be transplanted into a pot together with an earthen clod. However, the growing season of the plant is short, so it will soon bloom. And then you will have to cut off the shoots to plant young plants.
  2. Growing a plant from cuttings. For this tops of the head or side shoots cut off and put in water. This is necessary in order for them to put down the roots. Then the basil is transplanted into a pot, the first greens can be cut off in two to three weeks. Such bushes can last you about three to four months, after which you need to renew the plant again.
  3. Growing basil from seeds is the longest way. It will take a long time to get good greens. If you need more quick result then it is better to use the second method.

Optimal time to grow basil

How to grow basil on a windowsill in winter? Basil can be grown in principle at any time of the year, including in winter. However, it should be understood that the plant belongs to light-loving and heat-loving crops, and therefore in cold periods more effort will be required for maintenance.

Some housewives wrap up basil pots in polyethylene in winter to protect them from drafts and increase temperature regime... In addition, from October to March, in our climate, the basil does not have enough sunlight, so the plants will have to be illuminated. This will help increase daylight hours. artificially... To simplify the care of the plant, many housewives prefer to sow seeds in February, then the main period of active growth of the crop will be just a period with a sufficient length of daylight hours. And in the summer, basil will feel great on the window in the apartment.

How to grow basil from seeds on a windowsill?

Before you start planting, you need to prepare the ground. You can take good soil from suburban area, but you can purchase a ready-made substrate. A little peat can be added to the soil from the garden to lighten it.

Sometimes basil is planted in a mixture of peat and humus (humus can be replaced with coconut fiber) in a 2: 1 ratio. Before sowing, the seeds should be held for a couple of hours in a solution of raspberry-colored potassium permanganate.

While talking about how to grow basil on a windowsill in an apartment, it is worth remembering that you need to pick up pots for plants for planting. There are two options here. You can sow seeds in small containers (200 g), and then transplant the plants into larger pots. But in general, you can use large drawers right away, this will save you a lot of hassle. Expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the vessels as drainage. Seeds are sown in moist soil to a depth of no more than one centimeter at a distance of 7-10 centimeters from each other. After that, the pots should be tightened with cling film and do not remove it until shoots appear. Further, in order to quickly grow basil at home on the windowsill, you should create optimal conditions. At a temperature of + 22-28 degrees, the first shoots will appear in five to eight days.

Care of young seedlings

As soon as young shoots appear, it is immediately necessary to rearrange the pots in a well-lit and warm place. Plants need to be watered regularly. You need to do this once a day, on the hottest summer days you can moisten the soil in the morning and in the evening with water at room temperature. Basil can be sprinkled with water from time to time, especially in summer.

To understand how to grow basil in a pot on a windowsill, you need to know that the subtropics are the birthplace of the plant. That is why culture needs an abundance of warmth and light. In order for the plant to develop well and grow quickly on the windowsill, the air temperature should be at least +20 degrees, but better than +25 degrees, and the sun should shine for at least 4 hours a day.

Basil is very afraid of drafts. Adult bushes can loosen the soil once every three days. If the soil in pots is not very fertile, then periodically (no more than once a month) it should be fertilized. Any universal fertilizer based on gummates or organic compost is suitable as a top dressing.

The first leaves can be torn off from the plant in 1.5 months. In the future, cutting off the greens, you need to leave at least three leaves on the stems. This is necessary so that new branches begin to form in the sinuses. When the basil grows up, you can pinch the top of it, then the bush will grow in breadth.

How to grow basil at home on a windowsill in winter?

If you decide to sow seeds in winter, then you will need more careful care to grow good plant... On the one hand, the culture needs good watering, and on the other hand, excessive waterlogging can lead to diseases. Therefore, you need to be careful with water.

Most comfortable temperature for basil is + 20-25 degrees. In winter, the daylight hours for a plant are not long enough for normal development, so it must be additionally highlighted. For this in evening time you can turn on the lamp for 3-4 hours. Basil does not tolerate well temperature drops and drafts.

Given these points, the culture can be grown at home in the winter cold.

Diseases to which the plant is susceptible

Basil, like many other crops, is susceptible to various diseases. Of course, indoor plants are less sick than outdoor plants, but still it is worth protecting yourself. The most common diseases that affect basil are fusarium and gray mold. To prevent your bushes from being struck by such ailments, you need to avoid overflow, since excessive moisture provokes an ailment. If the plant is still unwell, then it is necessary to remove the affected stems in a timely manner so that they do not infect healthy shoots.

How to harvest correctly?

In order for the plant to grow well and continue to develop in the future, you need to be able to harvest correctly. You should never pinch off basil at the very root, this can harm the plant. In order to increase the life of the plant, it is necessary to remove the peduncles as soon as they appear. Basil should not be pinched off at the root, it can ruin the whole plant. In general, you can remove the leaves, but you should leave 4-5 leaves, in the future new branches will begin to appear from their sinuses.

In order to less injure the bushes, it is better not to pinch off the foliage, but to cut it off with scissors. Greens are easily removed by them, and the stems are not injured.

Knowing all the intricacies of the process, it is pretty easy to grow basil at home on a windowsill. Therefore, each hostess can try her hand.

Instructions for growing basil seedlings on a windowsill.

Basil purple is an excellent spicy herb that is used in cooking meat dishes as well as salads. Spicy bunches are not cheap, so if you want to start growing such a crop, then you need to grow good seeds. And also to properly care for plants. In this article, we will explain in detail how to grow basil from seeds.

When and how to plant purple basil for seedlings?

Seeds are sown directly into pots, in the event that it is necessary to obtain seeds for the next sowing. If spicy herbs are enough for you, and you do not plan to sow basil next year, then you can sow directly into the ground at the end of May. But in this way you will not be able to get high-quality, well-ripened seeds. If you want to sow next year own seeds, we recommend that you sow in the first days of April. Seedlings are grown directly in wooden boxes or plastic containers.


  • With regard to planting, it is carried out in grooves, half a centimeter deep. The distance between the rows should be approximately 5 cm, and each seed is inserted into the groove at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Please note that after the appearance of one or two paired leaves, it is necessary to dive the plants.
  • That is, transfer them to peat pots. To do this, choose peat pots 5 by 5 cm in size. After diving, the plants are watered abundantly. And a week later they are fed with mineral fertilizers. Please note that after the sprouts appear, you need to turn on the backlight and illuminate the plants with fluorescent lamps around the clock for 6 and 7 days.
  • After a week, you can reduce the lighting to 16 hours a day. This is necessary in order for the plants to develop well and their root system strengthened. If you don't, you will end up with a slightly aromatic seasoning and the roots of the plant will be weak.

How to prepare seeds, soil for planting purple basil seedlings?

Sowing seeds is carried out in prepared soil. It must be prepared from the same amount of turf, peat and garden soil. After that, the soil is treated with a nutrient solution, which is composed of urea, nitrate, and nitrogen fertilizers.

Before sowing seeds, you must first dress them. That is, soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 3 hours. This will allow you to subsequently avoid some infectious diseases as well as viruses.

Many gardeners pay attention to the fact that basil seeds contain an essential oil that prolongs the germination period of the crop. Therefore, if you want the sprouts to appear as early as possible, you need to rinse them for one to two hours under a warm running water... This is necessary in order to thoroughly wash off the oil. It is recommended to perform the manipulation, after wrapping the seeds in gauze.

How many days does basil sprout after sowing?

When proper care and maintaining a constant temperature, the first shoots appear 10-15 days after planting.

When and how to dive purple basil seedlings?

A dive is carried out when 1-2 paired leaves have appeared. It is necessary, together with a lump of soil, to transfer the sprout to peat pot.

How to grow purple basil seedlings on a windowsill: lighting, temperature, watering frequency

Growing basil on a windowsill is a great way to provide yourself with delicious and nutritious herbs for preparing a variety of salads and meat dishes. In addition, the composition of greens contains many essential oils, phytoncides, and vitamins that have a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair. To plant the basil, you must perform the following manipulations.


  • Take fertile land, it is best to purchase from a specialty store. Ideal option will become peat soil. Moisten it and add weak solutions of mineral fertilizers. Make rows half a centimeter deep, 3 cm apart. Plant seeds and sprinkle with earth.
  • Next, you need to gently spray the planting site with water from the sprayer. Do not wash out the seeds. After that, cover the top of the pot with foil or glass and put it in a warm place.
  • In about a week or 10 days, you will receive the first sprouts. As soon as they hatch, you will need to remove their foil to expose the plants for additional lighting. It will be best done with additional lighting with fluorescent lamps. Daylight hours should be 12 hours. Basil is fed once a month with complex organic and mineral substances.
  • Regarding watering, you should not flood the plant too much, because you can infect it with a black leg ailment. Watering is carried out when upper layer the earth will dry out a little. It is carried out with settled warm water. In addition, after diving, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 17 degrees for a week.

How to feed basil seedlings on the windowsill?

Basil needs to be fertilized regularly. If you are growing seedlings on a windowsill, then you need to initially fertilize the ground before planting the seeds. After that, feeding is carried out a week after the dive, and then a month later. It is best to choose combined fertilizers as top dressing: humates, gum. Based organic fertilizers with mineral additives.

How to plant basil seedlings in open ground, can they be buried?

It is necessary to transfer basil seedlings to open ground at the end of May, at the beginning of June, when the threat of night frosts has passed. You don't have to dig up the plants completely. It is necessary to immediately transfer the peat pot to the ground and lightly sprinkle it with earth. After that, watering is carried out. In addition, if there are ovaries and flowers of a plant, in the case of growing for yourself, in no case should you pinch the top. You cannot remove flowers, because in the end you will not get seeds.

Diseases of purple basil seedlings

Despite all precautions, basil, like any culture, is prone to a variety of diseases.

List of diseases:

  • Blackleg... Arises from development a certain kind fungus and is provoked by frequent watering, as well as poor loosening of the earth. Initially, a dark speck appears on the stem, which grows and squeezes the flow of all nutrients in the leaves of the plant.
  • Fusarium. This is also one of the types of fungus that occurs due to poor ventilation and in thickened plantings, as well as when high humidity and high temperature.
  • Gray rot. One of the reasons for the appearance is the presence of spores in the soil, frequent watering and the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil.

The main measure to combat all these diseases is prevention. It is necessary to soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. And keep the purchased soil in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 120 degrees.

If, nevertheless, you notice that something is wrong with the plant, it withers or forms dark spots, you can treat it with a mild solution onion peel... In addition, in greenhouse conditions, it is recommended to dust the leaves of the plant with ash. The procedure is performed once a week. A prerequisite is the constant loosening of the soil, as well as regular watering and airing of the plant. It is necessary that moisture does not stagnate in any case, and the soil does not crust over from above.

Why basil seedlings stretch and fall: reasons

When basil is grown, it can stretch out and fall a lot. This is due to improper care of the plant. That is why it is recommended to lower the temperature to 16 degrees after diving the plants, and reduce the lighting to 16-12 hours a day.

Reasons for pulling seedlings:

  • Heat
  • Frequent watering
  • Blackleg
  • Excessive amount of mineral fertilizers
  • Excessive thickening of the planting

If this does happen, there are several solutions. You need to spray the plant with a product like the Athlete. It will help stop cell division for a while. Therefore, the plant will grow normally later. Also, another way to combat pulling is to lower the temperature. You need to lower the temperature to 16 degrees, and also reduce the daylight hours to 10 hours. The procedure takes about a week.

How to grow basil on a windowsill in winter in a pot, in an apartment: conditions


  • Sow the seeds using the snail method. For more information on the stages of planting, see the video.
  • It is necessary to watch over watering. The ideal option would be to water 1-2 times a week, as the top layer of the earth dries up. It is necessary to pinch the plants after 6-7 pairs of leaves appear. Is removed top part... If you grow basil to get greens, you must also be sure to pinch off the top with inflorescences, because it pulls a lot of nutrients on itself, and you will get fewer juicy and nutritious leaves.
  • In general, basil is a rather demanding culture and it is necessary to properly care for it. After the appearance of the first shoots, it is necessary to supplement the illumination of the plants for a week throughout the day. A week later, when the sprouts stretch out, it is necessary to reduce the lighting to 16-17 hours a day.
  • After a week, set the usual daylight hours to 12 hours. If the sun rises late enough and sets early, you can add light to the plants in the evening. With regard to fertilization, the first application of fertilizers is carried out a week after the dive of the plants. Complex fertilizers are used.

VIDEO: Growing basil in snails

How to properly collect basil on a windowsill in an apartment?

  • Harvesting basil is essential. It is not necessary to completely cut the plant. If you are not going to sell it or completely cut off the entire planting, if you need to pluck a few leaves for cooking, choose the side old leaves for this.
  • At the same time, make sure that there are at least four side leaves that are on one stem. Because if you cut them off constantly, the plant will stretch upward, and not in width.
  • In addition, the tip should also be pinched regularly. This is done when there are six to seven full lateral leaves. The upper part, two leaves, as well as flowers are pinched off. If you do not need seeds, but only need a crop, this pinching will help the bushes grow wide.

Growing a plant is easy enough. This is especially true for sowing. But this culture requires careful, constant care. Thickening of plantings is not allowed, and regular loosening of the soil is also necessary.

VIDEO: Growing basil on a windowsill