Viburnum common bulldenezh description. Buldenezh blooms beautifully and lives long

Kalina Buldenezh (translated from French "snow globe") belongs to the genus of flowering plants Adox. The plant is the most common decorative form of the well-known deciduous shrub - common viburnum or red viburnum (lat. Vibúrnum ópulus). This plant is highly valued by summer residents, as well as landscape designers who are ready to decorate almost any gardens and summer cottages with them. The plant is unpretentious. It does not need complicated care, so it is often used instead of other plantings.

Kalina bulldenezh in the garden

Homeland: temperate climate of Europe and Asia. Kalina Buldenezh is widespread in the European part of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the northern and southeastern regions, in the Caucasus and Crimea, Western and Eastern Siberia, in Kazakhstan, countries Western Europe, Central and Asia Minor, as well as in North Africa.

Flowering: The duration of flowering is 2-3 weeks, from the end of May to the beginning of June.

Light: the viburnum Buldenezh plant belongs to light-loving species, but it is normal for slight shading, that is, it is shade-tolerant.

Temperature: the shrub belongs to frost-resistant species. It is able to withstand temperatures from -35 ° C and below.

Watering: during cold weather or heavy rains, the plant does not need watering. In hot and dry seasons, it is necessary to water the plant several times, since the lack of moisture during this period can lead to a reduction in flowering time. An adult shrub needs watering at least once a year, before flowering.

Top dressing: at least once in 5- summer period. Feed the plant should be in the spring months, after the soil has dried somewhat.

Pruning: Needs pruning.

Transfer: at the end of August.

Reproduction: vegetatively - green cuttings, layering.

Kalina Buldenezh: care

This variety of viburnum, shown in the photo, was obtained by the famous French breeder and botanist Victor Lemoine. The shrub traditionally reaches a height of 2.5 meters, individual trees - 4 meters. Kalina Buldenezh has a wide spreading crown. On the territory of Russia, you can find a 50-year-old viburnum, which has a height of 6 meters, while its crown diameter is 4.5 meters. Inflorescences in the form of a ball consist of flowers without pistils and stamens, that is, this variety of viburnum does not have reproductive organs, which does not allow it to be reproduced by seeds. The flowers of the plant first have a greenish tint, then become snow-white, resembling a snow globe. The flowers turn pink during flowering.

The flowering period is about a month. Large, wide leaves consist of 3 or 5 lobes. Common viburnum bears fruit with bright berries scarlet color, which are collected in an umbrella brush and have useful properties, viburnum Buldenezh does not bear fruit. It is worth noting that some varieties of viburnum have black fruits, which, on the contrary, are very poisonous.

And now let's consider what care is needed for this plant, so that soon you can admire the beautiful shoots of the plant. Exclusively on early stage development plant viburnum Buldenezh needs watering. Adult Bulldenezh, as his description says, is able to provide for himself necessary quantity nutrients and moisture.

At home, caring for the plant that we can see in the photo is very simple. This unpretentious type of viburnum is available for cultivation to every gardener, even a beginner and an amateur. Reviews of the plant can be seen on the video. Its planting and reproduction does not cause difficulties. It should be noted that viburnum Buldenezh and viburnum vulgaris, despite their picky nature, prefer fertile soils, bright light and moist soil. Under these conditions, the unique representative of the flora, shown in the photo, shows all its advantages, develops well, tolerates reproduction and forms.

According to botanists, caring for the viburnum Buldenezh, shown in the photo, primarily consists of watering during dry times and good feeding, at least once every 5 years. As for transplantation, it can be done when necessary, regardless of the time of year or the age of the plant. Some experts believe that feeding a plant, if the soil on which it grows is not fertile enough, should be given attention more often than once every 5 years. So, it is necessary to feed the viburnum Buldenezh before the start of the growing season and before the period of leaf drop. In the spring months, to feed plants per 1 sq. meter is taken a mixture consisting of 50 grams of nitrogen, 30 grams of calcium and 40 grams of phosphorus.

Flowers viburnum bulldenezh

In the autumn months, plant care consists in one square meter make a mixture consisting of 20 grams of phosphorus and 15 grams of potassium. Fertilizers should be scattered over the soil, then dug up, watered and mulched with mowed hay, grass, straw, bark, sawdust. The process itself can be viewed on numerous videos on the Internet. Also, in order to maintain optimal conditions for the growth of viburnum during mulching, decomposed compost can be used.

Planting a plant and propagating it will not be difficult for a gardener. To do this, a small shoot of viburnum must be separated from the base of the shrub and kept in water until the roots form. Then the stalk can be planted immediately in open ground. Planting will succeed and the stalk will take root if it is carried out in the spring and autumn months. Also, planting viburnum will be successful if dug out landing pit lay out organic fertilizer mixed with ash. According to experts, planting also requires mulching the surface of the earth with peat. Planting ends with abundant watering.

Features of pruning the plant shown in the photo. Pruning viburnum Buldenezh shown in the photo, as a rule, is used to rejuvenate the bush. In this case, the plant is completely cut out and soon young shoots appear. For achievement abundant flowering, as shown in the photo, such care is used as thinning. It is noteworthy that from a modest bush you can easily get a delightful tree. To do this, carefully remove the shoots at the bottom of the shrub, leaving the trunk. You can familiarize yourself with this process by watching the video.

Possible difficulties

When growing this horticultural crop on your own suburban area you may have some difficulty. Some diseases represent a certain danger when growing this type of viburnum, which is shown in the photo. They should be taken into account when taking care of the shrub, especially immediately after the planting has taken place. Bulldenezh and other varieties of viburnum can get sick because of insect pests that ruthlessly destroy the leaves and wonderful flowers of viburnum. Often, these types of pests include leaf beetles, viburnum bark beetle, comma-shaped scale insects and aphids. They are fighting with them, caring for them, even before the flowering of the plant, which we can see in the photo, using special chemical solutions and drugs:

  • organophosphorus compound chlorophos at a concentration of 0.2%;
  • insecticidal preparation "Karbofos" - 0.1%;
  • biological product "Fitoverm";
  • organophosphorus preparation "Aktellik";
  • "Decis".

Kalina buldenezh for the garden

Another disease that can harm Buldenezh and adversely affect other varieties of viburnum is powdery mildew. Those who take care of the plant must take this into account. The causative agent of this disease is a fungus that infects mainly young parts of plants, damaging green shoots, emerging leaves, petioles and only formed berries. The disease progresses during dry and hot weather. It is at this time that even a slightly wilted plant becomes susceptible. The foliage of an infected shrub looks like it is covered with lime. In just 2 weeks after the first signs of infection appear, powdery mildew is able to cover every young leaf of a plant, petioles and shoot tips.

Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease by taking care of it than to treat it. Yes, for prevention. powdery mildew infusions such as garlic, onion and tobacco are used. These folk, but proven means achieved effective prevention diseases. If the disease could not be avoided, and even proper preventive care did not help, then the plants at the end of flowering should be treated with an infusion prepared from ash: 3 kg of ash is infused in 10 liters of water. Also for these purposes, a solution of soda ash and soap is used: for 10 liters of water, 50 grams of soda and laundry soap grated on a coarse grater are taken. The procedure for treating diseased viburnum Buldenezh must be repeated up to 3 times, observing a weekly interval between them.

Decorative viburnum becomes a real chic decoration garden plot. beautiful plant irreplaceable in landscape design. It looks great in any photo. Buldenezh and some other varieties of viburnum will look very impressive against the background of trees such as linden, spruce, maple and mountain ash. On the plots of amateur gardeners, viburnum ordinary, bulldenezh and Canadian most often flaunt. In conditions of sufficient space, it is customary to plant shrubs in small groups, consisting of 3-5 bushes. Kalina is able to decorate any garden and plot, giving it an atmosphere of tenderness and home comfort.

Kalina Buldenezh in French - Snowball. A lush, white inflorescence 7-15 centimeters in diameter will decorate any yard. The balls do not have a bright smell, but you can enjoy their view for up to 30 days.

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Variety Description

Buldenezh - perennial plant which is popular throughout Russia. This ornamental shrub of the honeysuckle family does not produce berries, therefore it has a second name - sterile viburnum. The plant grows from 3.5 meters and above. It blooms from the end of May until the last days of June, and then pleases with its large, carved leaves. In autumn, the foliage turns crimson.

Kalina loves moist soil and partial shade, but the variety is resistant to drought.

Planting seedlings

When planting seedlings of viburnum Buldenezh, it must be taken into account that in the open sun the flowers will dry faster, and in constant shade the plant will bloom later. Also, when growing, you need to pay attention to the soil, it must be quite fertile.

Disembarkation dates

It is better to plant viburnum in the spring, it is not recommended to do this in the fall - unexpected frosts and heavy rain will destroy young plant. You need to plant in dry warm weather.

Selection of a place on the site

The plant prefers to grow in moist, loose soil - in the lowlands of the site, near water bodies. Kalina has a spreading crown, so you need to grow it where it will not interfere.

Planting technique viburnum Buldenezh

The procedure for planting seedlings:

  1. Dig a hole large enough for the root system of the cutting.
  2. Add nutrient minerals, fertilizers to the pit.
  3. Add mixed sand charcoal, peat.
  4. Pour the hole so that the earth is wet, but there is no puddle.
  5. Trim the roots so they will grow faster.
  6. Plant a seedling and cover it with earth so that it stands stably.
  7. Tie up and water.

viburnum care

You need to take care of viburnum Buldenezh by performing the following activities:

  • watering:
  • pruning;
  • fertilizer application;
  • treatment for diseases and pests.

Watering and mulching

The soil must not be allowed to dry out, it must always be moist. In hot weather, you need to especially take care of moisturizing - water 2-3 buckets 1-2 times a week.

After the completion of flowering viburnum Buldenezh still needs watering, if it is limited, the plant will dehydrate and will not tolerate winter period.

It is important to add mulch to the root soil. Dig up the ground around the bush once a year, updating the layers of mulch.

Pruning and pinching a bush

The rounded shape of the bush can be achieved by cutting the plant twice a year - in spring and summer. Inflorescences grow only on the shoots of the second year of life. To enjoy flowers every summer, you need to take this feature into account when pruning branches. The first flowers are cut off, as initially they are small and frail. In subsequent years, you can cut the bush after flowering, forming a crown. Cut the shoots should be at the base, strengthening the trunk. For a multi-stem, you can leave no more than 4 shoots.

In the spring, weak and diseased branches are pruned, dry ones are removed. In autumn, the bushes do not touch, they need strength to survive the cold.

Pinching the plant adjusts the desired height. It is necessary to pinch young shoots so that 4-5 buds remain, this will make the bush lush.


In order to have lush snow globes, it is necessary to apply the following fertilizers to the soil every spring:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • peat;
  • compost.

Fertilizers must be applied according to the instructions, busting with top dressing will have a bad effect on the flowering of viburnum.

Preparing for the winter

For the winter, the plants are mulched so that the roots do not freeze.

In autumn, it is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering:

  • loosen the earth;
  • apply fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh is a plant that is not pollinated; vegetative methods are used to propagate it.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by branches is done in the spring, before the viburnum begins to bloom actively. In this way, the plant can be restored by creating a new bush from the branch.


  1. Dig a shallow, long hole in the area.
  2. Fertilize, add humus to form young plants.
  3. They choose to escape.
  4. Lay horizontally in a hole, fixing the plant with wire.
  5. Cover with earth and water abundantly.

You can transplant a young shoot to a new place in 2-3 years, when it grows like a mother bush.

The clarity of the method is shown in the video from the Khabarovsk Gardeners Club.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings are best done in the summer. At this time of the year, the plant will not experience much stress, as in the spring at the beginning of flowering. And the cuttings themselves will be more viable than autumn ones.

Prepare the stem like this:

  1. Cut shoots 6-9 centimeters with 4 young buds.
  2. The lower leaves are removed from the branch.
  3. The top cut should be straight and pass under the kidney.
  4. The lower one is oblique, and passes over the kidney.

A twig is planted in a greenhouse with fertilized soil to a depth of 2-5 centimeters. The soil should be regularly moistened. By the end of summer it forms root system, which means that the stalk is ready for transplanting into open ground.

Breeding by cuttings

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush

The division procedure is simple:

  1. Choose a young, strong shoot.
  2. Carefully separated from the main trunk.
  3. Dig up.

Before planting, keep the shoot in well-moistened and fertilized soil. Before disembarking, you need to spray it with an antistress - epinon or zircon.

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum flowers and its leaves are susceptible to certain diseases, the plant can become infected from ornamental bushes next door or away vegetable crops growing on the site:

  1. Powdery mildew. It affects leaves and shoots with a white coating. Powdery mildew helps - Bordeaux mixture, foundationol, ash tincture (3 kg per 10 liters).
  2. Rust. An orange coating appears on the leaves and bark, as if they were scorched. The disease is treated with drugs containing sulfur - polyram, strobe, Bordeaux mixture. Rust actively develops during the rainy season and during the period of cooling, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance.

In order to prevent diseases, spring and autumn processing Viburnum Buldenezh.

The most common pests of viburnum are:

  • scab;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

To spray was not in vain, you need to do this only in dry, calm weather. In the midst of the heat, it is better not to process. In addition, in order to avoid plant burns, prophylaxis should be carried out in the evening or early morning.

  • soap solution;
  • chlorophos;
  • karbofos;
  • actor;
  • agravertin.

It is necessary to use preparations for the treatment of viburnum from diseases and pests in accordance with the instructions that go to them.

Buldenezh - bush flowering plant from the honeysuckle family. It is an ornamental variety of common viburnum, and is used to decorate flower beds. "Chinese snowball" is found in parks, squares, cottages, territories of country or private houses.

To grow bulldenezh on his own land plot, the hostess will need to know: the features of choosing and preparing the area for planting, the basics of caring for shrubs, their reproduction options, methods of feeding and pest control. This article will help you figure it all out.

Variety Description

The average height of the "Chinese snowball" is 2-4 m. It is planted in flowerbeds both in one bush and in small groups. During the flowering period (late spring - early summer), decorative viburnum is covered with large spherical inflorescences. At first they have a greenish tint, and then they become snow-white. Feature this decorative variety- lack of smell in flowers.

In early summer, the shrub is completely covered with inflorescences.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh

The ideal place for planting is partial shade with moist soil. Of course, you can plant bulldenezh in the shade or in the sun, but in the first case, its flowers will be completely weak and small, and in the second - burnt, with a short flowering period. The choice of location must be considered high level responsibility, as the shrub is planted for a long time.

Important! Special attention you need to give watering, as bulldenezh loves moisture.

The most suitable time for planting viburnum is autumn or spring. Weather This period contributes to the active adaptation of the plant to new habitat conditions and rapid rooting in the soil.

Buldenezh feels good in partial shade

shrub planting

Before you start planting a seedling in open ground, you will need:

  1. Dig a hole (its diameter should not be less than 60-70 cm, and the depth - 50-60 cm).
  2. Put pieces of broken brick or large gravel on the bottom.
  3. Cover the previous layer with sand (layer - 10-15 cm).
  4. Fill the pit with prepared soil (4 buckets of compost are mixed with 2-3 cups of wood ash and a glass of nitrophoska).
  5. Then the viburnum is immersed in a pit with soil (3-5 cm below its root collar), watered abundantly with water, covered with a layer of humus or sawdust.

young bush

Caring for decorative viburnum

In order for viburnum to please with its violent flowering for more than one year, she will need to provide:

  • abundant systematic watering, preferably rainwater;
  • pruning dry branches;
  • top dressing;
  • pest control.

Fertilizers and top dressings

Buldenezh, like any other plant, needs fertilizer. For these purposes, you can use:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • special fertilizers that can be purchased in stores.

Feed bulldenezh during flowering

Gardeners also recommend using a fermented herbal infusion for gravy under the root, as well as a liquid mixture of chicken manure and water (1:10), which needs to be infused a little. The period of making various top dressings is the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

Options and methods of reproduction

Since decorative viburnum is completely sterile (inflorescences do not have stamens and pistils), gardeners use vegetative ways her reproduction. Among them are:

  • reproduction by branches;
  • propagation by cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

Bulldenezh seedlings

Reproduction by branches. A fairly simple and easy way to propagate decorative viburnum is to sprinkle branches. In the process of work you will need:

  1. Dig shallow long grooves (up to 10 cm deep).
  2. Bend the one-year bends to the ground level, place them in the prepared grooves.
  3. Fix them in the recesses with metal hooks.
  4. Gently sprinkle with earth (compost), pour abundantly with rainwater.
  5. Rooted shoots are transplanted into special containers for further germination.

Important! In order for roots to appear faster on the branches, they need to be constantly watered.

Cuttings. This method is used during pruning bushes in the summer. Young shoots with several buds are suitable for reproduction. Propagation technology by cuttings:

  • carefully cut young shoots;
  • put them in a stimulating solution for 8-10 hours (for example, Kornevin, it will speed up the process of root formation);
  • prepare beds for planting (water, fertilize);

Bulldenezh cuttings

  • processed cuttings are immersed in the soil by 2-2.5 cm;
  • cover with a film or a cap from a plastic bottle (this is how the greenhouse effect is formed).

Pests of viburnum bulldenezh

The main enemies of viburnum bulldenezh are aphids and leaf beetles. In order to prevent the complete "eating" of foliage and inflorescences by these pests, they must be fought. Lots of options - special blends, which can be found in the store (fitoverm, actelik), or home-made substances.

Aphid control

This pest affects not only foliage, but also flowers. To combat it, you can use special ready-made substances - INTA-VIR or Iskra. They are bred according to the instructions, the bush is treated twice (the interval between them is 10-12 days).
Another option is a soapy solution ( laundry soap diluted in water to obtain a sufficiently concentrated mixture). Apply it to the entire bush with a sprayer. After processing, it cannot be washed off.

At the same time, many summer residents dream of planting a viburnum on their site. However, those who have not encountered this plant do not know how it can be propagated? When should you cut? How to care?

Let's talk about this in more detail.

About the plant

Kalina Buldenezh belongs to the category flowering bushes from the honeysuckle family. This variety of viburnum is considered ornamental plant, which is used when decorating flower beds by owners land plots. It can be formed both as a bush and as a small tree.


Reproduction of Kalina Buldenezh can be carried out by such options as:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • taps.

Consider each type of reproduction separately.

from seed

The reproduction of this variety of viburnum has several key nuances. They consist in planted seeds after 7 months of stratification begin to germinate no earlier than August: initially, the root and the so-called hypocotyl knee begin to grow, while the embryonic kidney itself remains at rest.

Just on next year manifestations of cotyledons begin with a vein. For this reason, it must be remembered that in the winter period of the first year after sowing the seeds, this piece of land must be covered with leaves or peat, thereby preventing the soil where the seeds are located from freezing.

In order to accelerate the germination of seeds as much as possible, stratification is performed in several stages, namely:

  • initially, the seeds are kept at a temperature in the range of 18-20 ° C;
  • after that, the seeds are exposed to a slight frost of 3-5 degrees. In this temperature regime, they go through their dormant state.

If we talk about the period itself, then in warm conditions the seeds keep no more than 3 months, with a small minus - no more than 4 months.

When planting seeds, it is necessary to remember that the sowing rate is considered to be in the range of 8-12 grams, while the germination percentage is up to 88%.

In the event that the seeds are planted in the fall, the seeds germinate only a year later - not earlier. In the first few years, growth is slow, this must be taken into account and not expected that viburnum will grow in the first year.

Kalina Buldenezh begins to please the eye only after 4 years, when it comes to seed reproduction.


This method can be used at the moment when the plant is directly pruned in the summer season. For the breeding process itself, only young shoots that have few buds can be used.

The process itself is as follows:

  1. Young shoots must be cut as carefully as possible in order to minimize damage to them.
  2. After the cut, it is mandatory to immerse them in a stimulating solution for at least 8 hours. For example, the Kornevin solution is perfect.
  3. After that, the soil itself should be prepared, where the cuttings will be planted - they are loosened and watered in advance.

Landing in the ground is as follows:

  1. Cuttings must be lowered into the ground to a depth of 2.56 centimeters.
  2. After planting, the cuttings are covered with cut plastic bottles to create a greenhouse effect.

When propagated in this way, the first shoots can be obtained the next year.

Reproduction with taps

This type of reproduction is very simple and does not require any effort. The breeding algorithm for this option is as follows:

Now you all know how to propagate this type of plant.


The very landing of Kalina Buldenezh is as follows:


By itself, viburnum Buldenezh is not a whimsical plant, however, it requires a little care.

Adult viburnum requires regular watering and fertilizing with fertilizer. If we are talking about a growing plant, regular pruning from obsolete or withered branches is mandatory.

It must be remembered that in the first few years the plant is not recommended to be cut so as not to cause harm.

As you can see, planting and caring for viburnum Buldenezh does not require any skills and abilities and is quite feasible even for a beginner.


Pruning of the plant must be carried out only in the summer. It is necessary to pay attention to the middle of the plant, since it is in this area that the young growth is formed, on which the plant spends most of its energy.

In order to subsequently be able to get a multi-stemmed bush, the viburnum is cut to the very stump.

The pruning process itself is carried out from June to August, when the “snow balls” have already fallen off.

An expert talks about care

To obtain layering, in the spring, annual coppice shoots of viburnum are bent to the ground and radially laid out in shallow grooves, but the top of the shoot remains on the surface. The spread out shoots are pinned with 2-3 hooks and sprinkled with loose earth or humus. For better root formation, the bark above the backfill is pulled with wire or cut. By autumn, roots develop on each horizontal cutting, and young plants are formed from the buds, which are cut off with a pruner and transplanted to a permanent place.

In spring or autumn, a young viburnum bush is dug up, then it is neatly divided into 2 - 3 parts, so that each plant has at least 2 - 3 kidney renewal. This is how viburnum is propagated dividing the bush.

For breeding seed way large viburnum seeds are separated from the pulp before sowing. Then they are washed in water and dried in a ventilated room. Viburnum seeds can be sown in autumn. At autumn sowing freshly harvested seeds in the ground shoots of viburnum appear only after a year. To accelerate their germination, pre-sowing treatment is recommended. - cold stratification. To do this, the seeds of viburnum ordinary and viburnum Sargent are placed in wet sand and kept at a temperature of +4 + 5 0 C for 5 - 6 months. For viburnum Bureinsky enough 3-4 months of stratification.

You can carry out warm-cold stratification of viburnum seeds. To do this, the seeds immediately after harvesting the fruits (in September-October) are placed in boxes with wet sand and stored at a temperature of + 20 + 28 ° C for 2 months, and then transferred until spring to a colder room with a temperature regime of 0 to + 5°C. When sowing, the seeds are deepened into the substrate by 3-4 cm. In the spring, friendly shoots appear, and the seedlings dive into the garden. Seed germination in viburnum lasts up to 2 years.

Pests and diseases of viburnum

Viburnum vulgaris suffers greatly from viburnum leaf beetle, which is capable of damaging the leaves so much that only the veins remain from them. In May - In June, the larva eats away plant tissue, and the adult leaf beetle lays eggs under the bark. Even flowers and fruits are damaged by this pest. From - for this not only deteriorate sharply decorative qualities shrubs, but the yield is also reduced. To protect the viburnum from the leaf beetle, the bushes should be treated with an infusion or decoction of plants with a strong odor (garlic, bitter pepper, yarrow, wormwood, nightshade, etc.).